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B = Link to Author Bio M = Major Reference
Category | B | M | Where possible book
GS | Galganski, R. A. 1995. A Quantitative Evaluation of the Project Mogul Hypothesis. International UFO Reporter 20(2): 3-6, 23. | |||
EA | Gallagher, I. J. 1977. The Case of the Ancient Astronauts. Raintree/Steck -Vaughn. | |||
AC | Gallup, G. H., Jr. and Newport, F. 1991. Belief in Paranormal Phenomena Among Adult Americans. Skeptical Inquirer 15: 137-146. | |||
ZGR | Ganaway, G. K. 1989. Historical Versus Narrative Truth: Clarifying the Role of Exogenous Trauma in the Etiology of MPD and its Variants. Dissociation II(4): 205-20. | |||
ACRPM | Ganaway, G. K. 1992. On the Nature of Memories: Response to "A Reply to Ganaway." Dissociation 5: 121-123. | |||
AC | Gansberg, Judith M. and Gansberg, Alan L. 1980. Direct Encounters: The Personal Histories of UFO Abductees. New York: Walker and Company. | |||
ACRPFM | Gardner, Martin. 1993. The False Memory Syndrome. Skeptical Inquirer 17: 370-375. | |||
ACRPH | Gary, M. and Loftus, E. F. 1994. Pseudomemories Without Hypnosis. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 42: 363-378. | |||
ACRPH | Gary, M., Loftus, E. F., and Brown, S. W. 1994. Memory: A River Runs through It. Consciousness and Cognition 3: 438-451. | |||
ZGR | Gatti, A. 1978. UFO Encounters of the Fourth Kind? New York: Kingston. | |||
ZRC | Geist, W. E. 1987. Group Therapy for the Victims of Space Aliens. New York Times (8 July): B1. | |||
AC | Gelatt, Roland. 1950. Saucer from Venus. Saturday Review of Literature. (23 September) p. 20 | |||
GS | General Accounting Office. 1995. Report to the Honorable Steven H. Schiff House of Representatives: Results of a Search for Records Concerning the 1947 Crash Near Roswell, New Mexico. Washington, DC: General Accounting Office. | |||
AC | Gevaerd, A. J. 1984. The Abduction at Jardim Alvorada: Investigation Under Hypnotic Time Regression. Flying Saucer Review 30(2): 17-25. | |||
ZRC | Gifford, S. 1994. Review of Abduction: Human Encounters With Aliens, by John E. Mack. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 41(4): 1290-98. | |||
ZGR | Gilbert, D. T. 1991. How Mental Systems Believe. American Psychologist 46: 107-119. | |||
ZGR | Gilbert, D. T. 1991. How Mental Systems Believe. American Psychologist 46: 107-119. | |||
SRS | Gillmor, Daniel S., ed. 1969. Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects. New York: Bantam Books. | |||
GS | Gindilis, L. M., Menkov, D. A. and I. G. Petrovskaya. 1979. Observations of Anomalous Atmospheric Phenomena in the USSR: Statistical Analysis. Soviet Academy of Sciences. | |||
ZGR | Girard, Robert. 1989. An Early UFO Scrapbook. Port St. Lucie, FL: Arcturus. | |||
RPF | Glassman, J., Magulac, M., and Darko, D. 1987. Folie a Famille: Shared Paranoid Disorder in a Vietnam Veteran and His Family. American Journal of Psychiatry 144(5):658-660. | |||
ACRPDM | Gleaves, D. H. 1994. Book review: Multiple Personalities, Multiple Disorders: Psychiatric Classification and Media Influence. Dissociation 7(1): 77-78. | |||
ZRC | Gleick, J. 1994. The Doctors Plot. The New Republic, 30 May: 31-35. | |||
ZSC | Goertzel, T. G. 1994. Measuring the Prevalence of False Memories: A New Interpretation of a "UFO Abduction" Survey. Skeptical Inquirer 18: 266-272. | |||
ZGR | Goldberg, Leo. 1977. Donald Howard Menzel. Sky and Telescope 53(4): 244-251. | |||
AC | Goldfader, Lorne. 1993. Canadas Abduction Scene. UFO 8(1). | |||
ZSC | Goldsmith, Donald. 1979. Scientists Confront Velikovsky. W.W. Norton & Company | |||
EA | Goldsmith, Donald. 1979. Scientists Confront Velikovsky. W.W. Norton & Company | |||
ZGR | Goldsmith, Donald. 1980. The Quest for Extraterrestrial Life. Mill Valley, CA: University Science Books. | |||
EA | Goldsmith, Donald. 1986. Nemesis: The Death Star and Other Theories of Mass Extinction. | |||
ZEH | Goldsmith, Donald. 1992. The Search for Life in the Universe. Addison-Wesley Publishing. | |||
EARS | Goldsmith, Donald. 1997. The Hunt for Life on Mars. E. P. Dutton. | |||
ZEH | Goldsmith, Donald. 1997. Worlds Unnumbered: The Search for Extrasolar Planets. University Science Books. | |||
SRS | Golomb S. 1966. The Wheel in the Middle of the Air. Aeronautics and Astronautics: AIAA Sounding Board (August): 16. | |||
ZGR | Good, Timothy. 1983. George Adamski, the Untold Story. CETI. | |||
GS | Good, Timothy. 1988. Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-up. New York: William Morrow. | |||
ZGR | Good, Timothy. 1989. The UFO Report. New York: Avon Books. | |||
GS | Good, Timothy. 1991. Alien Liaison: The Ultimate Secret. London: Century. | |||
GS | Good, Timothy. 1991. The UFO Report 1991. London: Sidgwick and Jackson. | |||
GS | Good, Timothy. 1992. The UFO Report 1992. London: Sidgwick and Jackson. | |||
GS | Good, Timothy. 1993. Alien Contact. New York: William Morrow. | |||
GS | Good, Timothy. 1993. Alien Update. New York: Arrow. | |||
GS | Good, Timothy. 1996. Beyond Top Secret. London: Sidgwick & Jackson. | |||
ZGR | Goodenough, W. H. 1986. Sky World and This World: The Place of Kachaw in Micronesian Cosmology. American Anthropologist 88(3): 551-68. | |||
ZEH | Goodman, Allan E. 1990. Diplomatic and Political Problems Affecting the Formulation and Implementation of an International Protocol for Activities Following the Detection of a Signal for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Acta Astronautica 21: 104. | |||
ZEH | Goran, Morris Herbert. 1978. A Modern Myth. | |||
AC | Gordon, J. S. 1991. The UFO Experience. The Atlantic Monthly (August): 82-92. | |||
AC | Gordon, J. S. 1994, Book review: Abduction: Human Encounters With Aliens. New York Times Book Review 13-14. | |||
S | Gordon, Stan and Cooper, Vicki. The Kecksburg Incident. UFO 6(1): 16-19. | |||
GS | Gordon, Stan. 1987. The Military UFO Retrieval at Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. Pursuit 20(4). | |||
CC | Gordon, Stan. 1989. Daylight Close Encounter. MUFON UFO Journal (July): 18-21. | |||
GS | Gordon, Stan. 1989. Kecksburg Crash Update. MUFON UFO Journal (October). | |||
GS | Gordon, Stan. 1989. Kecksburg Crash Update. MUFON UFO Journal (September). | |||
CC | Goriss, Holly and Russell, Boundy. 1981. Retrospective Investigation of a Possible Trace at Mt. Garnet. UFO Research Australia Newsletter 2(2): 4-6. | |||
ACPP | Gotlib, D. A. First, Do No Harm. Journal of UFO Studies 171-176. | |||
ACRPG | Gotlib, David. 1990. EM Fields Affect Consciousness. Bulletin of Anomalous Experience 1(June-July): 2-3. | |||
ZGR | Gottschall, M. ACUFOS Still Going Strong. Journal of UFO Studies 176-177. | |||
ZGR | Graham, Lee and Regehr, Ron. 1995. One Mans Journey to Verification: Going by the Rules. UFO 10(1): 5. | |||
ZSC | Grazier, Kendrick, Barry Karr and Joe Nickell. 1997. The UFO Invasion: The Roswell Incident, Alien Abductions and Government Cover-ups. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. | |||
ACRPDM | Greaves, G. B. 1989. Observations on the Claim of Iatrogenesis in the Promulgation of MPD: A Discussion. Dissociation 2(2): 99-104. | |||
EARS | Greeley, R. and Iverson, J. D. 1985. Wind as a Geological Process on earth, Mars, Venus, and Titan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. | |||
ZSC | Green, G. 1994. Facilitated Communication: Mental Miracle or Sleight of Hand? Skeptic 2: 68-76. | |||
ZSC | Greenberg, J. 1979. Close Encounters: All in the Mind? Science News 115: 106-107. | |||
ZGR | Greenberg, J. and Musham, C. 1981. Avoiding and Seeking Self-focused Attention. Journal of Research in Personality 15: 191-200. | |||
AC | Greenberg, Martin H. and Helfers, John. 1999. Alien Abductions. Daw Books. | |||
ZGR | Greenwald, A. G. and Banaji, M. R. 1995. Implicit Social Cognition: Attitudes, Self-esteem, and Stereotypes. Psychological Review 102: 4-27. | |||
GS | Greenwell, J. Richard. 1980. UFO Crash/Retrievals: A Critique. MUFON UFO Journal 153(November): 9-10. | |||
GS | Greenwood, Barry. 1988. Notes on Peter Gerstens Meeting with SA Richard Doty, 1/83. Just Cause 16(June): 7. | |||
GS | Greenwood, Barry. 1989. A Majestic Deception. Just Cause 20(September): 1-14. | |||
GS | Greenwood, Barry. 1993. Lost Blue Book Records Surface. MUFON UFO Journal 307(November): 11-12. | |||
S | Greenwood, Barry. 1993. The New England Airship Wave of 1909. Port St. Lucie, FL Arcturus Press. | |||
AC | Greer, Steven M. 1999. Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications. Crossing Point. | |||
S | Greg, Robert P. 1860. A Catalogue of Meteorites and Fireballs from A.D. 2 to A.D. 1860. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 30(1860): 48-120. | |||
ACRPND | Greyson, Bruce. 1983. Increase in Psychic Phenomena Following Near-Death Experiences. Theta 11: 26-29. | |||
AC | Griffin, K. 1994. Around the Network: Aliens. Networker (September/October): 12-14. | |||
ZGR | Grinspoon, L. and Persky, A. D. 1972. Psychiatry and UFO reports. In UFOs: A Scientific Debate, ed. C. Sagan and T. Page, 223-46. New York: Cornell University Press. | |||
ZGR | Grof, Stanislav. 1985. Beyond the Brain: Birth, Death, and Transcendence in Psychotherapy. Albany: State University of New York Press. | |||
ZGR | Grof, Stanislav. 1988. Adventures in Self-discovery. Albany: State University of New York Press. | |||
ZGR | Grof, Stanislav. 1992. The Holotropic Mind: The Three Levels of Human Consciousness and How They Shape Our Lives. San Francisco: HarperCollins. | |||
ZRC | Gross, J. 1994, April 8, 1994. Suit Asks, Does Memory Therapy Heal or Harm? The New York Times A1, B9. | |||
ZGR | Gross, Loren E. 1988. UFOs: A History 1947. Fremont, CA: Loren Gross. | |||
ZGR | Gross, Loren E. UFOs: A History, 8 vols. Port St. Lucie, FL: Arcturus Press. | |||
EA | Grossinger, Richard. 1987. Planetary Mysteries. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books. | |||
ZGR | Grossinger, Richard. 1989. Waiting for the Martian Express : Cosmic Visitors, Earth Warriors, Luminous Dreams. North Atlantic Books. | |||
ZSC | Grossman, Wendy. 1990. Crop Circles Create Rounds of Confusion. Skeptical Inquirer 14: 117-118. | |||
ZGR | Grosso, Michael. 1985. The Final Choice. Walpole, New Hampshire: Stillpoint. | |||
AC | Grosso, Michael. 1988. The Symbolism of UFO Abductions. UFO Universe Fall: 44-45, 62-63. | |||
S | Grosso, Michael. 1989. The Riddle of the Falling Sun at Fatima--Was it a Space Craft? UFO Universe (Winter): 50-52. | |||
ACPP | Grosso, Michael. 1989. UFOs and the Myth of the New Age. In Cyberbiological Studies of the Imaginal Component in the UFO Contact Experience. St. Paul: Archaeus Project. | |||
ACRPDM | Gruenewald, D. 1986. Dissociation: Appearance and Meaning. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 29(2): 116-131. | |||
ZGR | Gudjonsson, G. H. 1984. A New Scale of Interrogative Suggestibility. Personality and Individual Differences 5(3): 303-314. | |||
ZGR | Gudjonsson, G. H. 1991. The Application of Interrogative Suggestibility to Police Interviewing. In Human Suggestibility: Advances in Theory, Research, and Application, ed. J. F. Schumaker, 279-88. New York: Routledge | |||
ACRPFM | Guenther, R. K. and Frey, C. 1990. Recollecting Events Associated with Victimization. Psychological Reports 67(1): 207-217. | |||
SRS | Guerin, Pierre. 1994. A Scientific Analysis of Four Photographs of a Flying Disk Near Lac Chauvet. Journal of Scientific Exploration 8(4): 447-469. | |||
EA | Guest, E. and Butterworth, P.S. 1977. Geological Observations in the Cydonia Region of Mars from Viking. Journal of Geophysical Research 82(28). |
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