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ZGR   M Maccabee, Bruce and Walters, Edward. 1997. UFOs Are Real: Here’s the Proof. New York: Avon Books.
SRS     Maccabee, Bruce. 1979. Photometric Properties of an Unidentified Bright Object Seen Off the Coast of New Zealand. Applied Optics 18(15): 2527-28.
SRS     Maccabee, Bruce. 1980. Photometric Properties of an Unidentified Bright Object Seen Off the Coast of New Zealand--Author's Reply to Comments. Applied Optics 19: 1745.
ZRC     Maccabee, Bruce. 1983. The Wrath of Philip Klass. Fate 36(1): 68-74.
S     Maccabee, Bruce. 1984. The Muroc Discs. Fate 37(9): 79-82.
ZGR     Maccabee, Bruce. 1984. UFOs--Still Unexplained. Fate Pt. I 37(2): 72-79; Pt. II 37(3): 68-75.
ACPP     Maccabee, Bruce. 1985. Foreword in T. Bloecher, A. Clamar, and B. Hopkins, Final Report on the Psychological Testing of UFO Abductees (pp. i-ii). Mount Ranier, MD: Fund for UFO Research
GS     Maccabee, Bruce. 1985. UFO Landings Near Kirkland AFB: Or, Welcome to the c. William Moore Publications.
GS     Maccabee, Bruce. 1986. Still in Default. In Walter H. Andrus, Jr. and Richard H. Hall, eds. MUFON 1986 UFO Symposium Proceedings, 130-160. Seguin, TX: Mutual UFO Network.
GS     Maccabee, Bruce. 1986. What the Admiral Knew. International UFO Reporter (November/December).
S     Maccabee, Bruce. 1987. Analysis of the Images of a Cluster of Periodically Flashing Lights Filmed Off the Coast of New Zealand. Journal of Scientific Exploration 1(2): 149-190.
GS     Maccabee, Bruce. 1987. Documents and Supporting Information Related to Crashed Flying Saucers and Operation MJ Twelve. Mt. Ranier, MD: Fund for UFO Research.
S     Maccabee, Bruce. 1987. The Fantastic Flight of JAL 1628. International UFO Reporter 12(2): 4-23.
S     Maccabee, Bruce. 1988. The McMinnville Photos. In Mimi Hynek, ed. The Spectrum of UFO Research: The Proceedings of the Second CUFOS Conference, Held September 25-27, 1981, in Chicago, Illinois, 13-57. Chicago: J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies.
GS     Maccabee, Bruce. 1991. Hiding the Hardware. International UFO Reporter (September/October): 4
GS     Maccabee, Bruce. 1991. Historical Introduction to Project Blue Book Special Report #14. CUFOS.
S     Maccabee, Bruce. 1993. Analysis and Discussion of the May 18, 1992, UFO Sighting in Gulf Breeze, Florida. Journal of Scientific Exploration 7(3): 241-257.
SRS     Maccabee, Bruce. 1994. Strong Magnetic Field Detected Following a Sighting of an Unidentified Flying Object. Journal of Scientific Exploration 8(3): 347-365.
S     Maccabee, Bruce. 1995. The Arnold Phenomenon: Part I, II, and III. International UFO Reporter (January/February), (May/June).
ZGR     Maccabee, Bruce. ed. 1982. Flying Saucers Don’t Exist--or Do they? Prescott, AZ: William L. Moore Publications and Research.
ZGR     Maccabee, Bruce, Larry Koss an Richard Hall. eds. Could UFOs be Real (The UFO Library). Capstone Press.
ACPP     Mack, John E. 1992. Helping Abductees. International UFO Reporter 17(4): 10-15, 20.
AC     Mack, John E. 1992. Other Realities: The Alien Abduction Phenomenon. Noetic Sciences Review 23 (Autumn).
AC     Mack, John E. 1992. The Abduction Phenomenon: A Preliminary Report. Private publication of The department of Psychiatry, Cambridge Hospital. (June).
ZPS     Mack, John E. 1992. The Politics of Ontology. In Center Review, A Publication of the Center for Psychology and Social Change 6(2).
ACRPAS     Mack, John E. 1993. Nonordinary States of Consciousness and the Accessing of Feelings. In Human Feeling: Explorations in Affect Development and Meaning, edited by Steven L. Ablon, Daniel Brown, Edward J. Khantzian, and John E. Mack, 357-71. Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press.
AC   M Mack, John E. 1994. Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens. New York: Scribner’s.
AC     Mack, John E. 1994. Alien Reckoning. Washington Post (17 April).
ZGR     Mack, John E. 1994. Psychotherapy and Society: Power, Powerlessness, and Empowerment in Psychotherapy. Psychiatry 57: 179-199.
ACPP     Mack, John E. 1995. Why the Abduction Phenomenon Cannot Be Explained Psychiatrically. In Alien Discussions: Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference, ed. Andrea Pritchard, David E. Pritchard, John E. Mack, Pam Kasey, and Claudia Yapp, Cambridge: North Cambridge Press.
AC     Mack, John. E. 1992. Foreword. In David M. Jacobs, Secret Life: Firsthand Accounts of UFO Abductions, 9-13. New York: Simon & Schuster.
S     MacLeod, Ray. 1967. Could Be Some Thing Concrete in Shag Harbor UFO--RCAF. Halifax (Nova Scotia) Mail Chronicle-Herald (7 October).
CC     Macnish, John. 1993. Cropcircle Apocalypse: Personal Investigation into the Crop Circle Phenomenon. Ludlow, England: Circlevision.
ZRS     MacVey, John W. 1977. Interstellar Travel: Past Present and Future. New York: Stein and Day.
ZGR     Maher, B. A. 1974. Delusional Thinking and Perceptual Disorder. Journal of Individual Psychology 30: 98-113.
ZGR     Maher, B. A. 1988. Anomalous Experience and Delusional Thinking: The Logic of Explanations. In Delusional Beliefs, ed. T. F. Oltmanns and B. A. Maher, 15-33. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
SRS     Maillot, Eric and Scornaux, Jacques. 1997. Trans-en-Provence: When Science and Belief Go Hand in Hand. In Hilary Evans and Dennis Stacy, eds. UFOs 1947-1997: From Arnold to the Abductees: Fifty Years of Flying Saucers, 150-159. London: John Brown Publishing.
RPF     Maizel, S., Knobler, H., and Herbstein, R. 1990. Folie a Trois Among Two Soviet-Jewish Immigrant Families to Israel. British Journal of Psychiatry 157: 290-292.
ACRPTL     Makarec, K. and Persinger, M. A. 1990. Electroencephalographic Validation of a Temporal Lobe Signs Inventory in a Normal Population. Journal of Research in Personality 24: 332-337.
EARS     Malin, M. C. 1996. The Face on Mars (unpublished). Online version can be found at http://barsoom.mss.com/education/facepage/face.html
S     Mallan, Lloyd. 1968. Ithaca’s Terrifying Flying Saucer Epidemic! Science and Mechanics (July).
S     Mallan, Loyd. 1969. The Condon Report: Fact or Fiction? Science and Mechanics 40(5 May): 38-40, 86, 88, 90.
ZRS     Mallove, Eugene F. and Matloff, Gregory L. 1989. The Starflight Handbook: A Pioneer’s Guide to Interstellar Travel. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
ZRP     Manak, Allan J. 1994. Ice Falls and Angel Hair: A Chronological Catalog of Ice Falls and Angel Hair Anomalies. Cleveland, OH: United Aerial Phenomena Agency.
ZGR     Maney, Charles A. and Hall, Richard H. 1961. The Challenge of Unidentified Flying Objets. Washington, DC: The Authors.
GS     Michael Mannion. 1998. Project Mindshift: - The Reeducation of the American Public Concerning Extraterrestrial Life 1947-Present. New York: M. Evans & Co.
GS     Mantle, Philip. 1996. The Roswell Film Footage. MUFON Symposium Proceedings (July): 87-109.
SRS     Markowitz, W. 1967. The Physics and Metaphysics of Unidentified Flying Objects. Science Vol. 157.
ZGR     Markus, H. R. and Kitayama, S. 1991. Culture and the Self: Implications for Cognition, Emotion, and Motivation. Psychological Review 98: 224-253.
AHM     Marrs, Jim. 1979. Conference on Cattle Mutilations Gives No Answers. Fort Worth star-Telegram (26 April): 1-B.
GS   M Marrs, Jim. 1997. Alien Agenda: Investigating the Extraterrestrial Presence Among Us. New York: HarperCollins.
AC     Martin, J. J. 1993. The Astounding UFO Experience in Puerto Rico. Paper presented at the MUFON 1993 International UFO Symposium, 2-4 July, in Richmond, VA.
ACRPCS     Martin, J., Anderson, J., Romans, S., Mullen, P., and O’Shea, M. 1993. Asking About Child Sexual Abuse: Methodological Implications of a Two Stage Survey. Child Abuse & Neglect 17: 383-392.
AC     Martin, Michael. 2006. Alien Abductions. Edge Books.
CC     Martin, Richard. 1988. Strange Sightings at Silbury Hill. Kindred Spirit 1(5): 26-27.
ZEH     Maruyama, Magoroh and Harkins, Arthur. 1975. Cultures Beyond the Earth. New York: Vintage.
ACRPG     Massad, C. M., Hubbard, M. and D. Newtson. 1979. Selective Perception of Events. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 154: 513-32.
AC     Matheson, Terry. 1998. Alien Abductions: Creating a Modern Phenomenon. Prometheus Books.
ZGR     Mavrakis, D. and Bocquet, J. 1983. Psychoses et Objets Volants non Identifies. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 28: 199-201.
GS     McAndrew, James. 1995. Synopsis of Balloon Research Findings. In The Roswell Report: Fact Versus Fiction in the New Mexico Desert.. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
ZSC   M McAndrew, James. 1995. Synopsis of Balloon Research Findings. In The Roswell Report: Fact Versus Fiction in the New Mexico Desert. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
ZSC   M McAndrew, James. 1997. The Roswell Report: Case Closed. Government Printing Office.
GS   M McAndrew, James. 1997. The Roswell Report: Case Closed. Government Printing Office.
ZRS     McCall, G. J. H. 1973. Meteorites and Their Origins. New York: Wiley & Sons.
ZGR     McCampbell, James. 1976. Ufology. Millbrae, CA: Celestial Arts.
ZGR     McCampbell, James. 1987. The Effects of UFOs Upon People. In Hilary Evans with John Spencer, eds. UFOs 1947-1987: The 40-Year Search for an Explanation, 200-210. London: Fortean Times.
ZGR     McCampbell, James. 1994. Hard Data from UFO Reports. In The Science and Politics of UFO Research.  Saint Paul, MN: Science Museum of Minnesota.
ACRPDM     McCann, J. T. 1991. Convergent and Discriminant Validity for the MCMI-II and MMPI Personality Disorder Scales. Psychological Assessment 3(1): 9-18.
ZPS     McCarthy, Paul. 1975. Politicking and Paradigm Shifting: James E. McDonald and the UFO Case Study, Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaii.
ZSC     McClellan, Mike. 1975. The Flying Saucer Crash of 1948 is a Hoax. Official UFO (October): 36-37, 60, 62-64.
ACRPH     McConkey, K. M. 1992. The Effects of Hypnotic Procedures on Remembering: The Experimental Findings and Their Implications for Forensic Hypnosis. In Contemporary Hypnosis Research, ed. E. Fromm and M. R. Nash, 405-429. New York: The Guilford Press.
ACRPH     McConkey, K. M., Barnier, A. J. and Sheehan, P. W. In press. Hypnosis and Pseudomemory: Understanding the Findings and Their Implications. In Truth in Memory, ed. S. J. Lynn and N. P. Spanos. New York: Guilford.
EA   M McDaniel, Stanley V. 1993. The McDaniel Report: On the Failure of Executive, Congressional and Scientific Responsibility in Investigating Possible Evidence of Artificial Structure on Mars. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books.
EA     McDaniel, Stanley V. 1998. Image Enhancement: What it is and How it Works. In The Case for the Face: Scientists Examine the Evidence for Alien Artifacts on Mars, eds. Stanley V. McDaniel and Monica Rix Paxson. Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press.
EA     McDaniel, Stanley V. 1998. Tests "the Face" Might Have Failed. In The Case for the Face: Scientists Examine the Evidence for Alien Artifacts on Mars, eds. Stanley V. McDaniel and Monica Rix Paxson. Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press.
EA     McDaniel, Stanley V. and Crater, Horace W. 1998. The Mounds of Mars: ET Artifacts or Elegant Geology. In The Case for the Face: Scientists Examine the Evidence for Alien Artifacts on Mars, eds. Stanley V. McDaniel and Monica Rix Paxson. Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press.
EA   M McDaniel, Stanley V. and Paxson, Monica Rix, eds. 1998. The Case for the Face: Scientists Examine the Evidence for Alien Artifacts on Mars. Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press
EA     McDaniel, Stanley V. Cydonian Mound Geometry. 1998. In The Case for the Face: Scientists Examine the Evidence for Alien Artifacts on Mars, eds. Stanley V. McDaniel and Monica Rix Paxson. Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press.
GS     McDonald, Bill. 1993. Comparing Descriptions, An Illustrated Roswell. UFO 8(3): 31-36.
ZGR     McDonald, James E. 1966. The Problem of Unidentified Flying Objects. Tucson, AZ: The Author.
S     McDonald, James E. 1967. UFOs: Extraterrestrial Probes?. Aeronautics and Astronautics. 5(August): 19-20.
S     McDonald, James E. 1967. Clarification of the 1966 Guam UFO-Radar Problem. Tucson, AZ: The Author.
ZGR     McDonald, James E. 1967. Statement on International Scientific Aspects of the Problem of the Unidentified Flying Objects. Tucson, AZ: The Author.
ZRC     McDonald, James E. 1967. UFOs: Greatest Scientific Problem of Our Times? Tucson, AZ: The Author.
ZGR     McDonald, James E. 1968. Are UFOs Extraterrestrial Surveillance Craft? Tucson, AZ: The Author.
GS     McDonald, James E. 1968. Does Congress Have a Responsibility to Investigate the UFO Problem? Tucson, AZ: The Author.
ZGR     McDonald, James E. 1968. Science, Technology, and UFOs. Tucson, AZ: The Author.
S     McDonald, James E. 1968. Statement on UFOs from the 1968 Congressional UFO Symposium. Available from UFORI, P. O. Box 958, Houlton, ME 04730-0958.
ZGR     McDonald, James E. 1968. UFO Investigations: Past, Present and Future. Tucson, AZ: The Author.
ZGR     McDonald, James E. 1968. UFOs--An International Scientific Problem. Tucson, AZ: The Author.
ZGR     McDonald, James E. 1968. UFOs: Atmospheric or Extraterrestrial? Tucson, AZ: The Author.
ZGR     McDonald, James E. 1969. A Dissenting View of the Condon Report. Tucson, AZ: The Author.
ZRC     McDonald, James E. 1969. A Very Creditable Effort? Tucson, AZ: The Author.
ZGR     McDonald, James E. 1969. An Annotated List of UFO References. Tucson, AZ: The Author.
ZRC     McDonald, James E. 1969. Science in Default: 22 Years of Inadequate UFO Investigations from the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 134th Meeting, December 27.
GS     McDonald, James E. 1969. The Condon Report. Icarus 11(3): 443-447.
S     McDonald, James E. 1969. The Dissenting View. Engineering Opportunities (April): 33.
ZRC     McDonald, James E. 1969. UFOs--Unsolved: A Scientific Challenge. Tucson, AZ: The Author.
GS     McDonald, James E. 1969. What You Won’t Read in the Condon Report: An Inside Look at the UFO Problem. Tucson, AZ: The Author.
SRS     McDonald, James E. 1970. Meteorological Factors in Unidentified Radar Returns. Paper Presented at the 14th Radar Meteorology Conference, Tucson, Arizona, Nov. 17-20, 1970. Boston: American Meteorological Society, 456-463.
S     McDonald, James E. 1970. The 1957 Gulf Coast RB-47 Incident. Flying Saucer Review 16(3): 2-6.
S     McDonald, James E. 1971. UFO Encounter I - Air Force Observations of an Unidentified Flying Object in the South-Central U.S., July 17, 1957. Aeronautics and Astronautics. (July): 66-70.
S     McDonald, James E. 1971. UFO Encounter I: Sample Case Selected by the Subcommittee of the AIAA. Astronautics and Aeronautics 9(7): 66-70.
ZRC     McDonald, James E. 1972. Science in Default: 22 Years of Inadequate UFO Investigations. In Carl Sagan and Thornton Page, eds. UFOs--A Scientific Debate, 52-122. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
ZEH     McDonough, Thomas R. 1987. The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. New York: Wiley & Sons.
EARS     McGill, G. E. 1989. The Martian Crustal Dichotomy. In Lunar and Planetary Institute Technical Report pp. 98-104.
GS     McGovern, James. 1964. Crossbow and Overcast. New York: William Morrow and Company.
CC     McGuire, Donna and Adler, Eric. 1990. More Puzzling Circles Found in Fields. Kansas City Star (21 September).
ZEH     McKay, Christopher P. 1993. Did Mars Once Have Martians? Astronomy (September): 28, 33.
EA     McKay, D. S., Gibson, E. K., Thomas-Kerpta, K. L., Vali, H. Romanek, C. S., Clement, S. J., Chillier, X. D. F., Meachling, C. R. and Zare, R. N. 1996. Search for Past Life on Mars: Possible Relic Biogenic Activity in Martian Meteorite ALH84001. Science 273(August 16).
ZRP     McKenna, Terence. New Maps of Hyperspace. In The Archaic Revival: Speculations on Psychedelic Mushrooms, the Amazon, Virtual Reality, UFOs, Evolution, Shamanism, the Rebirth of the Goddess, and ... San Francisco: HarperCollins.
ACRPG     McKenna, Terence. 1982. (Audio-Cassette) New and Old Maps of Hyperspace. Big Sur, California: Dolphin Tapes.
ACRPG     McKenna, Terence. 1987. Oversoul Takes Shape in an Archetypal UFO. California UFO 2(2): 7.
ZPS     McKenna, Terence. 1992. The Archaic Revival: Speculations on Psychedelic Mushrooms, the Amazon, Virtual Reality, UFOs, Evolution, Shamanism, the Rebirth of the Goddess, and .... San Francisco: HarperCollins.
GS     McKenzie, Hal. 1993. Only Politics Can Loosen Knot of UFO Cover-up. UFO 8(4).
AC     McLean, Ken and Tipton, Doug. eds. 1982. Proceedings: Rocky Mountain Conference on UFO Investigation (Third UFO Contactee Conference). Laramie, WY: School of Extended Studies.
GS     McMoneagle, Joseph. 1993. Mind Trek: Exploring Consciousness, Time and Space Through Remote Viewing. Norfolk, VA: Hampton Roads Publishing Company.
ZRP     McMoneagle, Joseph. 1993. Mind Trek: Exploring Consciousness, Time and Space Through Remote Viewing. Norfolk, VA: Hampton Roads Publishing Company.
ACRPPS     McNally, R. J., Kaspi, S. P., Riemann, B. C., and Zeitlin, S. B. 1990. Selective Processing of Threat Cues in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 99(4): 398-402.
GS     McRae, Ronald M. 1984. Mind Wars: The True Story of Government Research into the Military Potential of Psychic Weapons. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
ZSC     Mead, Margaret. 1974. UFOs--Visitors from Outer Space? Redbook (September).
CC     Meaden, George Terence. 1989. A Note on Observed Frequencies of Occurrence of Circles in British Cornfields. Fortean Times 53(Winter): 52-53.
CC     Meaden, George Terence. 1989. The Circles Effect and its Mystery. Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire: Artetech.
CC     Meaden, George Terence. 1991. The Goddess of the Stones: The Language of the Megaliths. UK: Souvenir Press.
CC     Meaden, George Terence. 1993. Stonehenge: The Secret of the Solstice. Souvenir Press.
CC     Meaden, George Terence. ed. 1990. Circles From the Sky. UK: Souvenir Press.
ZGR     Meadows, D. H., Meadows, D. L., and Randers, J. 1992. Beyond The Limits: Confronting Global Collapse, Envisioning A Sustainable Future. Post Mills, Vt.: Chelsea Green Publishing Company.
ACRPFM     Means, B. and Loftus, E. F. 1991. When Personal History Repeats Itself: Decomposing Memories for Recurring Events. Applied Cognitive Psychology 5: 297-318.
S     Mebane, Alexander D. The 1957 Saucer Wave in the United States. In Aimé Michel Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, 233-285. New York: Criterion Books.
ACPP     Melton, J. Gordon. 1994. Religious Reflection on UFO Stories: Contactee to Abductee. In Alien Discussions: Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference, ed. Andrea Pritchard, David E. Pritchard, John E. Mack, Pam Kasey, and Claudia Yapp, Cambridge: North Cambridge Press.
ACPP     Melton, J. Gordon. 1995. The Contactees: A Survey. In James R. Lewis, ed. The Gods Have Landed: New Religions from Other Worlds, 1-13. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
ZGR     Menger, Howard. 1959. From Outer Space to You. New York: Pyramid Books.
ZSC     Menzel, Donald H. 1952. The Truth About Flying Saucers. Look (17 June): 35-39.
ZSC     Menzel, Donald H. 1953. Flying Saucers. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
ZSC     Menzel, Donald H. 1972. UFO’s--The Modern Myth. In UFO’s--A Scientific Debate. ed. Carl Sagan and Thornton Page, 123-147. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
ZSC     Menzel, Donald H. and Boyd, Lyle G. 1963. The World of Flying Saucers: A Scientific Examination of a Major Myth of the Space Age.. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
ZSC   M Menzel, Donald H. and Taves, Ernest H. 1977. The UFO Enigma: The Definitive Explanation of the UFO Phenomenon. U. Garden City, NY: Prometheus Books.
ZGR     Mesnard, Joel. 1977. UFO Over Sea Causes Surge of Tidal Waves. Flying Saucer Review 22(6): 4-5, iv.
AC     Mesnard, Joel. 1994. The French Abduction File. MUFON UFO Journal 309(January): 3-12.
ZGR     Messner, E. 1986. Covert Complex Partial Seizures in Psychotherapy. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 56(2): 323-326.
ZGR     Metzger, L. J., Orr, S. P., Lasko, N. B., Gurvits, T. V., and Pitman, R. K. A Pilot Study of Reaction Times and ERPs to Traumatic Words in PTSD. In
S     Michaels, J. B. 1995. UFO Encounters: The True Story Behind the Brookhaven and Carp Incidents. Longmeadow Press.
ZGR     Michaels, Susan. 1996. Sightings: Beyond Imagination Lies the Truth. New York: Simon and Schuster.
S     Michaels, Susan. 1997. Sightings: UFOs. New York: Fireside.
S     Michalak, Stephen. 1967. My Encounter With the UFO. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: Osnova Publications.
AC     Michel, Aimé and Bowen, Charles. 1968. A Visit to Valensole. Flying Saucer Review 14(1): 6-12.
ZGR     Michel, Aimé. 1958. Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery. Paris: S. G.. Phillips.
AC     Michel, Aimé. 1966. The Valensole Affair. Flying Saucer Review 11(6): 7-9.
AC     Michel, Aimé. 1966. Valensole--Further Details. Flying Saucer Review 12(3): 24.
ZGR     Michel, Aimé. 1967. The Truth about Flying Saucers. New York: Pyramid.
ZEH     Michel, Aimé. 1969. In Defense of the E.T.H. Flying Saucer Review 15(6): 25.
GS     Michel, Aimé. 1969. The Strange Case of Dr. ‘X’. In Charles Bowen, ed. UFO Percipients: Flying Saucer Review Special No. 3 (September): 3-16. London: Flying Saucer Review.
GS     Michel, Aimé. 1971. The Strange Case of Dr. ‘X’--Part 2. Flying Saucer Review 17(6): 3-9.
CC     Michell, John. 1989. Quarrels and Calamities of the Cereologists. Fortean Times 53 (Winter): 42-48.
CC     Michell, John. 1989. The Alien Corn. The Spectator (August 12): 21.
CC     Migliore, Vince. 1991. Crop Circle "Evolution". UFO 6(5): 18.
ZRC     Miles, M. 1994. Aliens Land at Harvard! The Boston Globe (24 April): B15, B17.
GS     Miley, Michael. 1996. Remote Viewing and Alien Targets: Room with a (Alien) View. UFO 11(3): 40.
GS     Miller, Jay. 1993. Lockheed’s Skunk Works: The First Fifty Years. Arlington, TX: Aerofax, Inc.
AC     Miller, John G. 1994. Medical Procedural Differences—Alien vs. Human; Envelope Epidemiology; The Realization Event--An Important Historical Feature. In Alien Discussions: Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference, ed. Andrea Pritchard, David E. Pritchard, John E. Mack, Pam Kasey, and Claudia Yapp, Cambridge: North Cambridge Press.
AC     Miller, John G. and Neal, R. 1995. Lack of Proof for Missing Fetus Syndrome. In Alien Discussions: Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference, ed. Andrea Pritchard, David E. Pritchard, John E. Mack, Pam Kasey, and Claudia Yapp, Cambridge: North Cambridge Press.
ACRPH     Miller, M. E. and Bowers, K. 1993. Hypnotic Analgesia: Dissociated Experience or Dissociated Control? Journal of Abnormal Psychology 102(1): 29-38.
ZRC     Miller, Max B. 1962. Review of Coral E. Lorenzen’s The Great Flying Saucer Hoax. Fate 15(10): 97-99.
S     Miller, R. DeWitt. 1947. 3 Explanations Given for Those Flying Disks. San Francisco News (8 July).
ZEH     Miller, Ron and Swords, Michael D. 1987. ETI and the Third Option: an Exchange. International UFO Reporter 12(4): 20-24.
ZSC     Milligan, Linda Jean. 1988. The UFO Debate: A Study of a Contemporary Legend, Ph.D. Thesis. Ohio State University.
RPF     Milner, G. and Hayes, G. 1990. Pseudocyesis Associated with Folie a Deux. British Journal of Psychiatry 156: 438-440.
ACRPH     Mingay, D. J. 1987. The Effect of Hypnosis on Eyewitness Memory: Reconciling Forensic Claims and Research Findings. Applied Psychology 36: 163-183.
AC     Missler, Chuck and Eastman, Mark. 1997. Alien Encounters. Harvest House.
ZRP   M Mitchell, Edgar and Williams, Dwight. 1996. The Way of the Explorer: An Apollo Astronaut’s Journey Through the Material and Mystical Worlds. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons.
ZEH     Montgomery, Ruth. 1979. Strangers Among Us. New York: Ballantine.
ZEH     Montgomery, Ruth. 1985. Aliens Among Us. New York: Ballantine.
ZSC     Moore, Charles B. 1995. The New York University Balloon Flights During Early June 1947. Charles B. Moore.
GS     Moore, Charles B., R. Tod, M. Rodeghier and Kevin Randle. 1995. Project Mogul and the Roswell Crash. International UFO Reporter 20(2): 7-9.
EA     Moore, Harry. 1998. Artificial Linear Features at Cydonia. In The Case for the Face: Scientists Examine the Evidence for Alien Artifacts on Mars, eds. Stanley V. McDaniel and Monica Rix Paxson. Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press.
ACRPH     Moore, R. K. 1964. Susceptibility to Hypnosis and Susceptibility to Social Influence. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 68: 282-294.
GS     Moore, William L. 1985. Crashed Saucer: Evidence in Search of Proof from the 1985 MUFON Conference.
S     Moore, William L. 1985. The Adamski Photos: Models or Scout Ships from Venus? Focus 1(8): 1, 3-4.
GS     Moore, William L. 1989. UFOs and the U.S. Government. Focus Pt. I 4, 4-5-6(30 June): 1-18, Pt. II 4,7-8-9(30 September): 1-3.
      Moore, William L. 1990. UFOs and the Grand Deception: What’s Going On? Focus 5,1-2-3(31 March): 10-16.
GS     Moore, William L. 1993. Those Mysterious Men in Black. Far Out (Winter): 27-29.
GS     Moore, William L. and Shandera, Jamie H. 1991. The MJ-12 Documents: An Analytical Report. Burbank, CA: Fair Witness Project.
S     Moore, William L. ed. 1983. The Mystery of the Green Fireballs. Prescott, AZ: William L. Moore Publications and Research.
GS     Moore, William L. ed. 1983. The Mystery of the Green Fireballs: A Short Addendum or How the Air Force Conveniently Misinterpreted a Scientist’s Opinion in Order to Pass the Buck. Burbank, CA: William L. Moore Publications and Research.
AC     Moore, William L. ed. Research Working File on George Adamski. Burbank, CA: The Author.
GS     Moore, William L. ed. Selected Documents from the Files of the U.S. Army Intelligence (1947-1955). Prescott, AZ: William L. Moore Publications and Research.
GS   M Morehouse, David. 1996. Psychic Warrior: Inside the CIA’s Stargate Program: The True Story of a Soldier’s Espionage and Awakening. New York: St. Martin’s Press
SRS     Morgan, David L., Jr. 1967. Evaluating Extreme Movements of UFO's and Postulating an Explanation of Effects of Forces on Their Maneuverability from the ASME Design Engineering Conference, New York City, May 15-19, session 10.
ZRS     Morrison, Philip, John Billingham and John Wolfe, eds. 1977. The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. NASA
ZEH     Morrow, Lance. 1996. Is There Life in Outer Space? Time (5 February).
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ACPP     Mundy, J. A Psychological Study of Subjects Who Report Contact with Intelligent Alien Beings. Journal of UFO Studies 135-136.
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