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ACRPFM | False Memory Foundation. The False Memory Syndrome Phenomenon No. FMS Foundation. | |||
ACRPFM | False Memory Syndrome Foundation. 1994. A Proposal to Finance Preparation of Model Legislation Titled: Mental Health Consumer Protection Act. | |||
S | Farish, Lucius and Clark, Jerome. 1974. The "Ghost Rockets" of 1946. Sagas UFO Report 2(1): 24-27, 62-64. | |||
S | Faruk, Erol A. 1987. The Delphos Landing: New Evidence from the Laboratory. International UFO Reporter 12(1): 21-25. | |||
S | Faruk, Erol A. 1989. The Delphos Case: Soil Analysis and Appraisal of a CE-2 Report. Journal of UFO Studies 1: 41-65. | |||
S | Faruk, Erol A. 1991. Further Comment on the Delphos Data. Journal of UFO Studies 3: 134-137. | |||
AC | Fawcett, Bill. 1997. Making Contact: A Serious Handbook for Locating and Communicating with Extraterrestrials. New York: William Morrow. | |||
GS | Fawcett, Lawrence and Greenwood, Barry J. 1992. UFO Cover-up. New York: Barnes & Noble. | |||
GS | M | Fawcett, Lawrence and Greenwood, Barry, J. 1984. Clear Intent: The Government Cover-up of the UFO experience. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. | ||
GS | M | Fawcett, Lawrence and Greenwood, Barry. 1993. The UFO Coverup: What the Government Won't Say. New York: Simon and Schuster. | ||
ZEH | Feinberg, Gerald and Shapiro, Robert. 1980. Life Beyond Earth. Morrow. | |||
ZGR | Festinger, L. 1957. A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. | |||
ZGR | Festinger, L. 1964. Conflict, Decision, and Dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. | |||
ZSC | Festinger, L., Riecken, H. S. and Schachter, S. 1956. When Prophecy Fails: A Social and Psychological Study of a Modern Group that Predicted the Destruction of the World. New York: Harper & Row. | |||
EA | Fiebag, Johannes. 1990. Analysis of Tectonic Directional Pattern (Richtungsmuster) on Mars: No Indication of Artificial Structures in the Southern Cydonia Region. Astronautik Heft 1: 9-13. | |||
S | Finch, Bernard. 1965. The Langenhoe Incident. Flying Saucer Review November/December. | |||
ACRPDM | Fine, C. G. 1988. Thoughts on the Cognitive Perceptual Substrates of Multiple Personality Disorder. Dissociation 1(4): 5-10. | |||
ACRPCS | Finkelhor, D. 1979. Sexually Victimized Children. New York: Free Press. | |||
ZGR | Finney, Ben R. and Jones, Eric M. 1985. Interstellar Migration and the Human Experience. Berkeley: University of California Press. | |||
AC | Fiore, Edith. 1989. Encounters: A Psychologist Reveals Case Studies of Abductions by Extraterrestrials. New York: Doubleday. | |||
CC | Fischer, Jeff. 1991. Crop Circle at Milan, Illinois. MUFON UFO Journal (July): 5-7. | |||
AC | Fish, Marjorie E. 1974. Journey into the Hill Star Map. In Walter H. Andrus, Jr. ed. MUFON 1974 UFO Symposium Proceedings, 69-80. Quincy, IL: Mutual UFO Network. | |||
S | Fitch, C. W. 1963. The Olden Moore Story. Saucer News 10(2): 10-14. | |||
AC | Fitzgerald, Randall. 1997. Cosmic Test Tube: Complete Book of Extraterrestrial Contact, Theories and Evidence. Moon Lake Media. | |||
ZSC | Flaherty, Robert Pearson. 1990. Flying Saucers and the New Angelology: Mythic Projection of the Cold War and the Convergence of Opposites, Ph.D. Thesis. UCLA | |||
ZGR | Flammonde, Paris. 1971. The Age of Flying Saucers: Notes on a Projected History of Unidentified Flying Objects. New York: Hawthorn Books. | |||
ZGR | Flammonde, Paris. 1976. UFO Exist! New York: Ballantine Books. | |||
EA | Fleming, Lan. 1998. Why NASA Needs Cydonia. In The Case for the Face: Scientists Examine the Evidence for Alien Artifacts on Mars, eds. Stanley V. McDaniel and Monica Rix Paxson. Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press. | |||
ACRPG | Flournoy, Theodore. 1963. From India to the Planet Mars: A Study of a Case of Somnambulism with Glossolalia. New Hyde Park, NY: University Books. | |||
ZGR | Fogarty, Quentin. 1980. A Skyful of UFOs. Fate 33(12): 38-47. | |||
ZGR | Fogarty, Quentin. 1982. The N.Z. Film: A Reply to the Debunkers. Flying Saucer Review 26(2): 16-19. | |||
S | Fontes, Olavo T. 1960. The UAO Sightings at the Island of Trindade. The A.P.R.O. Bulletin Pt. I (January): 5-9; Pt. II (March): 5-8; Pt. III (May): 4-8. | |||
EARS | Forget, F. and Pierrehumbert, Raymond. 1997. Warming Early Mars with Carbon Dioxide Clouds that Scatter Infrared Radiation. Science 278(November 14): 5341. | |||
CC | Forman, Craig. 1989. Mysterious Circles in British Fields Spook the Populace. Wall Street Journal (28 August): A1. | |||
EA | Foster, G. V. 1972. Non-human Artifacts in the Solar System. Spaceflight 14(December): 447-453. | |||
ZEH | M | Fowler, Raymond E. 1974. UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors: A UFO Investigator Reports on the Facts, Fables and Fantasies of the Flying Saucer Conspiracy. New York: Bantam Books. | ||
GS | Fowler, Raymond E. 1976. What about Crashed UFOs? Official UFO April: 55-57. | |||
ZGR | Fowler, Raymond E. 1981. Casebook of a UFO Investigator: A Personal Memoir. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. | |||
ZGR | Fowler, Raymond E. 1981. MUFON Field Investigator's Manual. | |||
AC | M | Fowler, Raymond E. 1990. The Watchers: The Secret Design Behind UFO Abductions. New York: Bantam Books. | ||
AC | M | Fowler, Raymond E. 1993. The Allagash Abductions: Undeniable Evidence of Alien Intervention. Tigard, OR: Wild Flower Press. | ||
ZRP | Fowler, Raymond E. 1995. The Watchers II: Exploring UFOs and the Near Death Experience. Tigard, OR: Wild Flower Press. | |||
AC | M | Fowler, Raymond. E. and Andreasson, Betty. 1979. The Andreasson Affair. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. | ||
AC | Fowler, Raymond. E. and Andreasson, Betty. 1982. The Andreasson Affair, Phase Two: The Continuing Investigation of a Woman's Abduction by Alien Beings. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. | |||
ACRPG | Fox, P. 1979. Social and Cultural Factors Influencing Beliefs about UFOs in UFO Phenomena and the Behavioral Scientist, ed. Jeff Haines, pp. 20-42. Metuchen: Scarecrow Press. | |||
ZEH | Fradin, Dennis Brindell. 1997. Searching for Alien Life: Is Anyone Out There? Twenty First Century Books. | |||
ACRPDM | Frankel, F. H. 1993. Adult Reconstruction of Childhood Events in the Multiple Personality Literature. American Journal of Psychiatry 150(6):954-58. | |||
ZRS | Freitas, Robert A. 1983. The Search for Extraterrestrial Artifacts (SETA). Journal of the British Interplanetary Society 36: 501. | |||
ZGR | Frey, D. 1986. Recent Research on Selective Exposure to Information. In Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, ed. L. Berkowitz, 19:41-80. New York: Academic. | |||
S | Friedman, Stanton T. 1968. Flying Saucers are Real, Aeronautics and Astronautics. (February): 16. | |||
S | Friedman, Stanton T. 1971. More on UFO's. Physics Today (January): 97. | |||
S | Friedman, Stanton T. 1971. UFO Reports Available, Aeronautics and Astronautics (April): 4. | |||
ZGR | Friedman, Stanton T. 1973. Ufology and the Search for ET Intelligent Life. In Walter H. Andrus, Jr. and N. Joseph Gurney, eds. MUFON Symposium 1973, 40-61. Quincy, IL: Midwest UFO Network. | |||
ZRS | Friedman, Stanton T. 1974. Flying Saucers & Physics. MUFON. | |||
ZRS | Friedman, Stanton T. 1980. Flying Saucer Technology in the 1980 International UFO Conference Proceedings. | |||
ZRS | Friedman, Stanton T. 1980. Flying Saucers Energetics in the 1980 International UFO Conference Proceedings. | |||
ZRS | Friedman, Stanton T. 1980. UFO Propulsion Systems in the 1980 International UFO Conference Proceedings. | |||
ZSC | Friedman, Stanton T. 1985. Flying Saucers, Noisy Negativists and Truth. In Walter H. Andrus, Jr. and Dennis W. Stacy, eds. MUFON 1985 UFO Symposium Proceedings, 97-112. Seguin, TX: Mutual UFO Network. | |||
GS | Friedman, Stanton T. 1988. The Secret Life of Donald H. Menzel. International UFO Reporter 13(1): 20-24. | |||
GS | Friedman, Stanton T. 1989. Who Believes in UFOs?. International UFO Reporter 14(1): 6-10. | |||
GS | Friedman, Stanton T. 1991. Update on Crashed Saucers in New Mexico from the 1991 MUFON Conference. | |||
GS | Friedman, Stanton T. 1991. Final Report on Operation Majestic 12. | |||
GS | Friedman, Stanton T. 1991. The Case for UFOs as Alien Spacecraft and the Government UFO Cover-up in UFOs and the Alien Presence: Six Viewpoints, ed. Michael Lindemann, p. 45. Santa Barbara, CA: The 2020 Group. | |||
GS | Friedman, Stanton T. 1991. The MJ-12 Debunking Fiasco. In The Roswell Report, ed. George M. Eberhart, 112-118. Chicago: Hynek Center for UFO Studies. | |||
ZGR | Friedman, Stanton T. 1992. Crashed Saucers, Majestic 12 and the Debunkers from the 1992 MUFON Conference. | |||
GS | Friedman, Stanton T. 1992. Yes, There Was A Saucer Crash in the Plains in 1947. In The Plains of San Agustin Controversy, July 1947. ed. George M. Eberhart, 2-4. Washington, DC: Fund for UFO Research. | |||
GS | Friedman, Stanton T. 1994. Operation Majestic 12? YES! | |||
ZRC | Friedman, Stanton T. 1996. Sagan the Debunker. Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada: The Author. | |||
GS | M | Friedman, Stanton T. 1996. Top Secret/MAJIC. New York: Marlowe & Company. | ||
GS | Friedman, Stanton T. and Berliner, Don. 1992. Crash at Corona: The U.S. Military Retrieval Cover-up of a UFO. New York: Paragon House. | |||
GS | Friend, Robert J. 1994. Comments and Responses: E.T. and the Air Force Journal of UFO Studies 5: 123-125. | |||
ACRPDM | Frischholz, E. J., Braun, B. G., Sachs, R. G., Schwartz, D. R., Lewis, J., Shaeffer, D., Westergaard, C., and Pasquotto, J. 1991. Construct Validity of the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES): I. The Relationship Between the DES and Other Self-report Measures of DES. Dissociation 4(4): 185-188. | |||
S | Fry, Daniel W. 1954. The White Sands Incident. Los Angeles: New Age Publishing. | |||
AC | Fry, Daniel W. 1992. The White Sands Incident Including an Extraterrestrial Statement. Horus House Press. | |||
ACRPH | Fuhrman, N. L., Zingaro, J. C., and Kokenes, B. 1990. A Preliminary Comparative Study of Drawings Produced Under Hypnosis and in a Simulated State by Both MPD and Non-MPD Adults. Dissociation 3(2): 107-112. | |||
ACRPSP | Fukuda, K., Inamatsu, N., Kuriowa, M., and Miyasita, A. 1991. Personality of Healthy Young Adults with Sleep Paralysis. Perceptual and Motor Skills 73: 955-962. | |||
ACRPSP | Fukuda, K., Miyasita, A., Inugami, M., and Ishihara, K. 1987. High Prevalence of Isolated Sleep Paralysis: Kanashibari Phenomenon in Japan. Sleep 10(3): 279-286. | |||
ZGR | Fuller, Curtis G. 1950. The Flying Saucers--Fact or Fiction? Flying (July): 16-17, 59-61. | |||
ZGR | M | Fuller, Curtis G. ed. 1980. Proceedings of the First International UFO Congress. New York: Warner Books. | ||
AC | Fuller, John G. 1966. Aboard a Flying Saucer. Look Pt. I (4 October): 44-48, 53-56; Pt. II 18 (October): 111-121. | |||
S | Fuller, John G. 1966. Incident at Exeter. New York: G. P. Putnams Sons. | |||
AC | M | Fuller, John G. 1966. The Interrupted Journey. New York: Dial Press. | ||
ZRC | Fuller, John G. 1968. Flying Saucer Fiasco. Look (14 May): 58, 60, 62-64. | |||
ZGR | Fuller, John G. 1969. Aliens in the Sky: The New Battle of the Scientists. New York: Berkley Books. | |||
CC | Fuller, Paul. 1988. A Sample Survey of the Incidence of Geometrically-Shaped Crop Damge. BUFORA/TORRO. | |||
CC | Fuller, Paul. 1988. Mystery Circles: Myth in the Making. International UFO Reporter (May/June): 4-8. | |||
CC | Fuller, Paul. 1991. A Crop Circle Revolution? UFO Times (July): 25-28. | |||
CC | Fuller, Paul. 1994. John Macnish at the British UFO Research Association, 4th December 1993. The Crop Watcher 21(Spring): 12, 14. | |||
ACRP | Fund for UFO Research. 1985. Final Report on Psychological Testing of UFO Abductees. Fund for UFO research. |
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