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ZSC | Packard, Pat and Endres, Terry. Riding the Roswell-go-around. A.S.K. UFO Report 2(1): 1-8. | |||
SRS | Page, Thornton. 1969. Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects. American Journal of Physics (October). | |||
ACRPDM | Paley, K. S. 1992. Dream wars: A Case Study of a Woman with Multiple Personality Disorder. Dissociation 5(2): 111-116. | |||
CC | Palgrave-Moore, Patrick. 1991. Crop Circle Classification System. UK: Elvery Dowers Publications. | |||
S | Palmer, Raymond and Arnold, Kenneth. 1952. The Coming of the Saucers. Amherst, MA. | |||
ZEH | Papagiannis, M. 1994. Probability of Extraterrestrial Life on Earth. In Alien Discussions: Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference, ed. Andrea Pritchard, David E. Pritchard, John E. Mack, Pam Kasey, and Claudia Yapp, Cambridge: North Cambridge Press. | |||
ZEH | Papagiannis, M. ed. 1985. The Search for Extraterrestrial Life: Recent Developments. Boston. | |||
ZEH | Parker, Barry. 1998. Alien Life: The Search for Extraterrestrial and Beyond. New York: Plenum Trade. | |||
EARS | Parker, T. J., Gorsline, D. S., Saunder, R. S., Pieri, D. C. and Schneeberger, D. M. 1993. Coastal Geomorphology of the Martian Northern Plains. J. Gephys. Res. 82(E6): 11,061-11,078. | |||
ACPP | Parnell, June O. 1986. Personality Characteristics on the MMPI, 16PF and ACL of Persons Who Claim UFO Experiences. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wyoming, University Microfilms International, order no DA 8623104. | |||
ACPP | Parnell, June O. 1988. Measured Personality Characteristics of Persons Who Claim UFO Experiences. Psychotherapy in Private Practice 6: 159-165. | |||
ACPP | Parnell, June O. 1990. Personality Characteristics of Persons Who Claim UFO Experiences. Journal of UFO Studies 2: 45-58. | |||
ACPP | Parnell, June O. and Sprinkle, R. L. 1990. Personality Characteristics of Persons Who Claim UFO Experiences. Journal of UFO Studies 2: 45-58. | |||
AC | Parnell, June O. ed. 1987. Proceedings: Rocky Mountain Conference on UFO Investigation (Seventh Annual Contactee Conference). Laramie, WY: School of Extended Studies. | |||
AC | Parnell, June O. ed. 1988. Proceedings: Rocky Mountain Conference on UFO Investigation (Eighth Annual Contactee Conference). Laramie, WY: School of Extended Studies. | |||
AC | Parnell, June O. ed. 1989. Proceedings: Rocky Mountain Conference on UFO Investigation (Ninth Annual Contactee Conference). Laramie, WY: School of Extended Studies. | |||
ZGR | Paulhus, D. L. 1989. Socially Desirable Responding: Some New Solutions to Old Problems. In Personality Psychology: Recent Trends and Emerging Directions, ed. D. Buss and N. Cantor, 201-205. New York: Springer-Verlag. | |||
ZSC | Peebles, Curtis. 1991. The Moby Dick Project: Reconnaissance Balloons over Russia. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. | |||
GS | Peebles, Curtis. 1997. Dark Eagles: A History of Top Secret U.S. Aircraft Programs. Presidio Press. | |||
ZSC | Peebles, Curtis. 1995. Watch the Skies! A Chronicle of the Flying Saucer Myth. New York: Berkley Books. | |||
EARS | Peli, T. and Lim, J. 1982. Adaptive Filtering for Image Enhancement. Optical Engineering 12(1). | |||
ACRPCS | Pendergrast, Mark. 1995. Victims of Memory: Incest Accusations and Shattered Lives. Hinesburg, VT: Upper Access. | |||
ACRPCS | Pendergrast, Mark. and Gavigan, Melody. 1996. Victims of Memory: Sex Abuse Accusations and Shattered Lives. Upper Access Books. | |||
EARS | Pentland, A. 1988. The Transform Method for Shape-from-Shading. MIT Media Lab Vision Sciences Tech. Report 106(July 15). | |||
ACRPTL | Persinger, M. A. 1989. Geophysical Variables and Behavior: LV. Predicting the Details of Visitor Experiences and the Personality of Experients: The Temporal Lobe Factor. Perceptual and Motor Skills 68: 55-65. | |||
ACRPTL | Persinger, M. A. 1991. Subjective Pseudocyesis (False Pregnancy) and Elevated Temporal Lobe Signs: An Implication. Perceptual and Motor Skills 72(2): 499-503. | |||
ACRPCS | Persinger, M. A. 1992. Neuropsychological Profiles of Adults Who Report Sudden Remembering of Early Childhood Memories: Implications for Claims of Sex Abuse and Alien Visitation/Abduction Experiences. Perceptual and Motor Skills 75: 259-66. | |||
S | Persinger, M. A. and Derr, J. S. 1993. Geophysical Variables and Behavior: LXXIV. Man-made Fluid Injections into the Crust and Reports of Luminous Phenomena (UFO Reports)--Is the Strain Field an Aseismically Propagating Hydrological Pulse? Perceptual and Motor Skills 77:1059-1065. | |||
ZSC | Persinger, M. A. and Derr, J. S. 1993. Geophysical Variables and Behavior: LXXIV. Man-made Fluid Injections into the Crust and Reports of Luminous Phenomena (UFO Reports)--Is the Strain Field an Aseismically Propagating Hydrological Pulse? Perceptual and Motor Skills 77: 1059-1065. | |||
ACRPTL | Persinger, M. A. and Desano, C. F. 1986. Temporal Lobe Signs: Positive Correlations with Imaginings and Hypnosis and Hypnosis Induction Profiles. Psychological Reports 58: 347-350. | |||
ACRPTL | Persinger, M. A. and Valliant, P. M. 1985. Temporal Lobe Signs and Reports of Subjective Paranormal Experiences in a Normal Population. Perceptual and Motor Skills 69: 903-909. | |||
ACRPTL | Persinger, Michael A. 1989. The Visitor Experience and the Personality: The Temporal Lobe Factor. In Cyberbiological Studies of the Imaginal Component in the UFO Contact Experience ed. D. Stillings. St. Paul: Archaeus Project. | |||
ZSC | Persinger, Michael A. 1990. The Tectonic Strain Theory as an Explanation for UFO Phenomena: A Non-Technical Review of the Research, 1970-1990. Journal of UFO Studies 2: 105-137. | |||
ACRPND | Persinger, Michael A. 1990. Modern Neuroscience and Near-Death Experiences. Journal of Near-Death Studies 7: 233-239. | |||
ACRPG | Persinger, Michael A. and Lafreniere, G. 1977. Space-Time Transients and Unusual Phenomena. Chicago: Nelson-Hall. | |||
ZEH | Peters, Ted. 1994. Exo-Theology: Speculations on Extra-Terrestrial Life. CTNS Bulletin 14(3): 1. | |||
CC | Peterson, Ivars. 1992. Euclidss Crop Circles. Science News 141(5): 77. | |||
ACRPFM | Pezdek, K. 1994. The Illusion of Illusory Memory. Applied Cognitive Psychology 8: 339-350. | |||
ZSC | Pflock, Karl. 1994. Roswell in Perspective. Mt. Rainier, MD: FUFOR. | |||
ZSC | Pflock, Karl. 1994. Roswell, The Air Force, and US. International UFO Reporter (November/December): 3-5, 24. | |||
ZSC | Pflock, Karl. 1995. In Defense of Roswell Reality. MUFON Report (February): 5-7 | |||
ZSC | Pflock, Karl. 1995. Roswell, A Cautionary Tale: Facts and Fantasies, Lessons and Legacies in Walter H. Andrus, Jr. ed. MUFON 1995 International UFO Symposium Proceedings. Seguin, TX: MUFON, 154-168. | |||
S | Phillips, Ted. 1972. Landing Report from Delphos. FSR CASE Histories 9(February): 4-10. | |||
S | Phillips, Ted. 1973. Landing at Columbia, Missouri. Flying Saucer Review 19(6): 18-26. | |||
S | Phillips, Ted. 1975. Landing Traces--Physical Evidence for the UFO. In Walter H. Andrus, Jr. and N. Joseph Gurney, eds. 1972 Midwest UFO Conference, 41-61. Quincy, IL: Midwest UFO Network. | |||
S | Phillips, Ted. 1975. Physical Traces Associated with UFO Sightings: A Preliminary Catalog. Northfield, IL: Center for UFO Studies. | |||
S | Phillips, Ted. 1981. Close Encounters of the Second Kind: Physical Traces. In Walter H. Andrus, Jr. and Dennis W. Stacy, eds. MUFON 1981 UFO Symposium Proceedings, 92-129. Seguin, TX: Mutual UFO Network. | |||
S | Phillips, Ted. 1981. What the UFOs Left Behind. In Curtis G. Fuller, ed. Proceedings of the First International UFO Congress, 67-81. New York: Warner Books. | |||
ZSC | Physics Today. 1969. Condon Study Rebuts UFOs; Critics Offer Own Version. Physics Today 22(3): 67, 71. | |||
S | Physics Today. 1969. Edward Condon: A Physicist Never Afraid of a Fight. Physics Today 22(3): 66-67. | |||
EARS | Pittendrigh, Colin et. al., ed. 1965. Biology and the Exploration of Mars: Report of a Study Held under the Auspices of the Space Science Board, National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, 1964-1965. In Chapter entitled Remote Detection of Terrestrial Life. | |||
ZGR | Pope, Nick. 1996. Open Skies, Closed Minds. New York: Simon and Schuster. | |||
AC | M | Pope, Nick. 1998. The Uninvited: An Expose of the Alien Abduction Phenomenon. Overlook Press. | ||
ACPP | Powers, Susan Marie. 1991. Fantasy Proneness, Amnesia, and the UFO Abduction Phenomenon. Dissociation 4(1): 46-54. | |||
ACPP | Powers, Susan Marie. 1994. Dissociation in Alleged Extraterrestrial Abductees. Dissociation 81: 44-50. | |||
ACRPCS | Powers, Susan Marie. 1994. Thematic Content Analyses of the Reports of UFO Abductees and Close Encounter Witnesses: Indications of Repressed Sexual Abuse. Journal of UFO Studies 5: 35-54. | |||
GS | Powers, William T., MD. 1966. The Landing at Socorro. Flying Saucer Review (October/November). | |||
SRS | Powers, William T., MD. 1967. Analysis of UFO Reports. Science 156(7 April). | |||
S | Powers, William T., MD. 1970. Case for "Real" UFO's Physics Today (June): 4. | |||
EA | Pozos, Randolfo R. The Face on Mars: Evidence for a Lost Civilization? Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books. | |||
ZEH | Pozos, Randolpho R. 1998. Encountering Alien Life: Do We Shake Hands or Just Shake? In The Case for the Face: Scientists Examine the Evidence for Alien Artifacts on Mars, eds. Stanley V. McDaniel and Monica Rix Paxson. Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press. | |||
GS | Pratt, Robert. 1994. Interview with Jesse A. Marcel, Sr., December 8, 1979. In Roswell in Perspective. ed. Karl Pflock, 119-126. Washington, DC: Fund for UFO Research. | |||
ZGR | Pratt, Robert. 1996. UFO Danger Zone: Terror and Death in Brazil--Where Next? Horus House Press. | |||
ZPS | Price-Williams, D. R. 1972. Psychology and Epistemology of UFO Interpretations. In UFOs: A Scientific Debate, ed. Carl Sagan and Thorton Page, 224-231. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. | |||
AC | M | Pritchard, A., D. E., Pritchard, John E. Mack, P. Kasey and C. Yapp. eds. 1994. Alien Discussions: Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference. Cambridge: North Cambridge Press. | ||
AC | Pritchard, D. E. 1992. Physical Analysis of Purported Alien Artifacts. In Experienced Anomalous Trauma: Physical, Psychological and Cultural Dimensions, edited by R. L. Laibow, B. N. Sollad, and J. P. Wilson. New York: Brunner/Mazel. | |||
AC | Pritchard, D. E. 1994. Physical Evidence and Abductions. In Alien Discussions: Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference, ed. Andrea Pritchard, David E. Pritchard, John E. Mack, Pam Kasey, and Claudia Yapp, Cambridge: North Cambridge Press. | |||
ZEH | Pritchard, D. E. 1994. Terrestrial Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. In Alien Discussions: Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference, ed. Andrea Pritchard, David E. Pritchard, John E. Mack, Pam Kasey, and Claudia Yapp, Cambridge: North Cambridge Press. | |||
ZGR | Prytz, John M. 1969. UFO Crashes. Flying Saucers (October): 24-25. | |||
GS | Puthoff, H. E. 1996. CIA-Initiated Remote Viewing Program at Stanford Research Institute. Journal of Scientific Exploration 10(1): 65. |
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