Partial Archive of Mainstream Print Media Coverage
Dealing with Extraterrestrial-Related Phenomena and Exopolitics


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This archive is limited to reportage in the mainstream media only -  no tabloids or paranormal publications. Also not included are articles from "direct media" such as the Examiner, he Canadian, OpEd News, American Chronicle, etc. of which there are thousands. The archive is representative of English language coverage since 1947. Some important foreign language coverage is included given the effectiveness of Google translation software. In most instances links are to the full article at the source. Some links are to previews of archived articles and require purchase for the full text. The balance are linked to text copies. It is a representative sampling.  The total mainstream coverage, all countries, since 1947 can only be guessed, but likely exceeds thirty thousand articles. These article links are gathered from multiple sources. Note: the number of articles being generated on the ET issue is now so large, PRG focuses on archiving a sampling of the better story threads.




























(641) (873)


















(1126) (480) (185) (169) (131) (103) (134) (58) (66) (117) (87) (58) (171)

Archived articles to date: 15,345


Note: you can word search each year's listings: "New York Times" "Australia" "UK" "Roswell" etc.


Articles of particular note and substance indicated by check mark:



Re: [Clinton/ET Connection]  General articles referring to the Clinton/ET/Rockefeller Initiative connection.



Re: [PRG Political Initiative]  Articles relating to Paradigm Research Group's Congressional Hearing/Political Initiative launched on November 5, 2014.



Re: [CIA Files Release]  Simultaneous with the premiere of the X-Files revival, the CIA made some interesting postings to its website.



Re: [Dr. Edgar Mitchell Passes]  While several hundred articles were published on the death of Dr. Mitchell, only those few that mentioned his Disclosure advocacy are listed.



Re: [Podesta Emails]  Wikileaks released John Podesta files referring to the Clinton/ET connection.



Re: [Clintons' Choice] Articles relating to a potential decision by the Clintons to come forward and trigger Disclosure under President Obama


December 30, 2016 - UFOs, Disclosure and Plan B - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


December 30, 2016 - ROSWELL UFO: New sighting fuels belief remote town is MECCA for aliens - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


December 29, 2016 - Are aliens hidden in ancient religious artwork? Bizarre theory claims that signs of early visits from ET can be found in old paintings - Daily Mail (UK)




December 23, 2016 - Bizarre triangle UFO mystery continues after yet MORE sightings of 'alien ships'- Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


December 23, 2016 - BLOGSUFOs of Christmas Past - Cheryll Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


December 22, 2016 - Alien Invasion: Vatican UFO Disclosure, Are They Hiding Something? - Dante Noe Raquel I, ITech Post


[Clintons' Choice] [PRG Political Initiative] December 22, 2016 - Hillary Clinton’s Biggest Secret—Revealed! - Eric Pfieffer, Good Magazine




December 21, 2016 - Ben Mezrich: ‘Why I believe in UFOs, and you should too’ - Emily Sweeney, Boston Globe




December 20, 2016 - Are mysterious triangle UFOs REAL? Sightings of huge silent TR-3B craft keep happening - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


December 17, 2016 - Government COMPLICIT with alien conspiracies to hide military exercises, shock claims - Margi Murphy, Daily Star (UK)


December 17, 2016 - WATCH: Mystery blacked-out military helicopter chases after UFO along British coast - Oli Smith, Daily Express (UK)


December 16, 2016 - Mysterious black helicopter appears to chase UFO in scenes straight out of the X-Files - Rachel Bishop, Daily Mirror (UK)


December 14, 2016 - Llanelli author looks to get people thinking with new UFO book - LLanelli Star, South Wales Evening Post (UK)


December 13, 2016 - 'ABDUCTED BY ALIENS IN ROSWELL': Bizarre claims from residents of world's UFO mecca - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


December 12, 2016 - UFO news: Aliens gifted US Air Force advanced flying machines? Check out VIDEO that says so - Bihu Ray, International Business Times


December 10, 2016 - UFO New: Three Reasons Why FIB Declaring Majestic 12 Documents 'Bogus' is Irresponsible - Bill Turner, Inquisitr


December 8, 2016 - Alien News 2016: Britain’s Roswell Witness Speaks For First Time in 36 Years - Daniel Acosta, Aussie Network News (Australia)


December 8, 2016 - Roswell UFO RETURNS: Couple terrified after object swoops over car in dead of night - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


December 7, 2016 - 'It seemed to be watching us': Retired US officer reveals for the first time what he saw during reported UFO sighting at Rendlesham Forest - Matt Hunter, Daily Mail (UK)


December 7, 2016 - UFO Rendlesham sighting: Ex-US officer speaks 36 years after being told to 'keep quiet' by govt - R. Siva Kuman, Headlines and Global News


December 7, 2016 - RENDLESHAM MYSTERY: UFO key witness speaks for FIRST TIME and says object WAS alien - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


December 7, 2016 - New Rendlesham UFO Corroboration: ‘Not from this World,’ Former USAF Security Police Officer Says of Mysterious Sighting - Norman Byrd, Inquisitr


December 7, 2016 - ‘Britain’s Roswell’: UFO witness breaks 36 year silence on infamous alien sighting - Harry Kemble, Daily Star (UK)


December 7, 2016 - 'It was not from this world': Witness to 'Britain's Roswell' UFO incident breaks 36-year silence - Fox News


December 6, 2016 - 'IT WAS NOT FROM THIS WORLD' Witness to ‘Britain’s Roswell’ UFO incident at Rendlesham Forest breaks 36 year silence - Jon Dillon, Sun (UK)


December 6, 2016 - Retired Air Force officer claims he saw infamous UFO sighting - Sophia Rosenbaum, New York Post


December 6, 2016 - The FBI Debunked These UFO Documents in the Most Childish Way Possible - Eric Grundhauser, Slate Magazine


December 4, 2016 - Minot’s age of UFOs -  Kim Fundingsland, Minot Daily News


December 3, 2016 - Conspiracy Theorists Claim Government UFO Cover-Up as Terrified Witness Films Chase in Canada - Norman Byrd, Inquisitr


December 3, 2016 - North Wales X Files: MoD contacted by MP over UFO 'buzzing' near RAF Valley Anglesey - Steve Bagnall, North Wales Daily Post (UK)


December 2, 2016 - EXCLUSIVE: Multiple flying saucers were 'seen over Roswell' BEFORE infamous 'UFO crash' - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


December 2, 2016 - Will Hillary Clinton Be the Mother of Disclosure? - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


November 29, 2016 - Hundreds spot ‘fleet of UFOs’ hovering over Turkey as #ufoattack trends on Twitter - Simon Green, Daily Star (UK)


November 28, 2016 - 36 years ago today: British policeman Godfrey was ‘abducted by aliens’ - Ary News (Pakistan)


November 28, 2016 - British policeman was 'ABDUCTED by aliens after UFO stalked him' 36 years ago TODAY - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


November 28, 2016 - UFO Attack: Turkey Experiences Mass Sighting as Twitter Covers up Incident - Simon Alverez, Inqujisitr


[Clintons' Choice] November 25, 2016 - Alien disclosure from White House likely to happen this year says lobbyist - Lawrene John, Top Examiner


[Clintons' Choice] November 24, 2016 - Shocking Confession: White House to Reveal Truth About Aliens This Year? - Alixandra Caole Vila, Nature World News


[Clintons' Choice] November 24, 2016 - Obama poised to reveal that 'Intelligent Aliens visit Earth' - R. Siva Kumar, Headlines and Global News


November 23, 2016 - UFO sighting: Was a UFO seen taking off from North Carolina's Ayden District Park? [VIDEO] - Napur Jha, International Business Times


November 23, 2016 - UFO convention lands in Florida - WJXT-TV (Jacksonville, FL)


November 21, 2016 - US Air Force veteran's UFO video sent to NASA for analysis after supersonic object filmed- Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


[Clintons' Choice] November 20, 2016 - Disclosure of Aliens Must Happen Before Donald Trump is Sworn in as President, Says UFO Lobbyist - Caroline Diana, Inquisitr


[Clintons' Choice] November 20, 2016 - U.S Lobbyist: Obama Will Admit Aliens Exist Before He Leaves Office - Jack Murphy, Neon Nettle


[Clintons' Choice] November 20, 2016 - UFOs exist, visit Earth' to be disclosed by Obama-Clinton before Trump is sworn in: Advocacy group - R. Siva Kumar, Headlines and Global News


[Clintons' Choice] November 19, 2016 - UFO Disclosure: Obama and Clinton to Reveal Aliens and UFOs Exist Before Trump Enters White House, Advocacy Group Claims - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


[Clintons' Choice] November 18, 2016 - HISTORIC NEWS? 'US government planning to reveal aliens exist before Obama leaves office' - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


November 17, 2016 - Alien News 2016: Ex-Government Diplomat Confirms Aliens Are Real - Donald Acosta, Aussie News Network (Australia)


November 16, 2016 - Existence of aliens CONFIRMED during crucial UFO summit by ex-government official - George Mills, Star (UK)


November 16, 2016 - Ex-government diplomat sensationally confirms 'aliens and UFOs are REAL during summit - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


November 16, 2016 - UFO Disclosure: ‘Aliens And UFOs Are Real,’ Former Chinese Government Official Confirms [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


November 15, 2016 - 'Aliens exist', confirms former govt official - R. Siva Kumar, Headlines and Global News


[Clintons' Choice] November 14, 2016 - Alien News: Hillary Clinton, John Podesta To Convince Barack Obama To Reveal Aliens, UFO Secrets?, Nathaniel Artosilla, Morning News USA


[Clintons' Choice] November 14, 2016 - Hillary Clinton to Convince Obama to Disclose Info on Aliens to Public? - Donald Acosta, Aussie News Network (Australia)


[Clintons' Choice] November 14, 2016 - UFO News: Barack Obama To Admit Aliens Exist Before Leaving White House - Nathaniel Artosilla, Morning News USA


[Clintons' Choice] November 11, 2016 - Will truth over alien UFOs stay buried now Hillary Clinton failed to make the White House? - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


[Clintons' Choice] November 11, 2016 - Will Hillary Clinton's Loss to Donald Trump Burry the Truth Behind Alien UFOs? - Monica Antonio, Nature World News


November 11, 2016 - WATCH: Huge numbers of UFOs flying through the sky filmed by British holidaymaker - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


November 11, 2016 - The First UFO Sighting Report In America: Puritans See A Giant Flaming Flying Pig? - Norman Byrd, Inquisitr


November 11, 2016 - BLOGSA 1929 Alien Abduction - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


November 11, 2016 - Aliens 'HAVE visited Earth... and there IS a global cover up' - shock verdict - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


November 10, 2016 - ‘I don’t recall’ Admiral Wilson - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


November 9, 2016 - ROSWELL UFO: 'Alien grey photo smuggled out by serviceman' after 1947 flying saucer crash- Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


[Clintons' Choice] November 8, 2016 - Will aliens and UFOs be Hillary Clinton's legacy or Donald Trump's? - Kimberly M. Aquilna, Metro


November 8, 2016 - Pilots were not encouraged to discuss UFOs with media - Sabir Hussain, New Indian Express (India)


November 8, 2016 - FLEET of UFOs has investigators convinced aliens are visiting Earth- Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


November 7, 2016 - Governments hide UFO data, claims conspiracy theorist Malcolm Robinson - Guneet Bhatia, Headlines and Global News


November 7, 2016 - The 37th Parallel makes strong case for UFOs - Jon Swartz, USA Today


November 4, 2016 - The Disclosure President - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


November 4, 2016 - Britain's Own Area 51 Revealed? UFO Investigator Calls Out Government Over 300 Case Files in One Town in Scotland - Norman Byrd, Inquisitr


November 4, 2016 - Are governments hiding UFO data? Conspiracy theorist says the Ministry of Defence 'doesn't tell you the half of it' - Daily Mail (UK)


November 3, 2016 - 'Government knows a lot more than you think' UK's Area 51 files REVEALED - Margi Murphy, Daily Star (UK)


November 3, 2016 - UK X FILES The British government ‘knows more about UFOs than it’s letting on and has own Area 51 - Guy Birchall, Sun (UK)


November 2, 2016 - Attempts by government agents to hide the UFO phenomenon - Sabir Hussain, New Indian Express (India)


November 1, 2016 - Bloke recounts ‘disturbing’ alien abduction story that ‘passed lie detector tests' - Daily Star (UK)


October 31, 2016 - UFO expert has alien encounter at the launch of blockbuster movie - Hastings and Leonard Observer (UK)


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 31, 2016 - John Podesta Took Part in UFO Documentary - Solange Rayner, Newsmax


[Podesta Emails] [PRG Political Initiative] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 31, 2016 - Clinton Campaign Chief John Podesta's Interest In UFOs is Out of This World - Corky Siemaszko, NBC News


October 31, 2016 - 5 Times We Thought We'd Made Contact With Other Life Forms - Sarah Norris, Huffington Post (Australia)


[Podesta Emails] October 31, 2016 - OFF THEIR ROCKERS? Blink 182 star Tom DeLonge poses with Hillary Clinton’s campaign boss John Podesta in a photo which is sure to send UFO believers into a frenzy - Jon Dillon, Sun (UK)


October 30, 2016 - UFO expert: Interesting part is that people see them - Hamilton Spectator (Canada)


October 30, 2016 - UFO researcher: Evidence is ample man ‘not at the top of the heap’ - Gary Herron, Rio Rancho Observer


October 30, 2016 - 'Canada's UFO guy' long fascinated by mysterious lights in the sky - CBC News (Canada)


October 30, 2016 - UFO News: Mysterious Flying Object Controlled By Tall Whites Spotted? - Nathaniel Artosilla, Morning News USA


October 29, 2016 - Spooky footage shows DOZENS of UFOs light up night sky before mysteriously vanishing - Ajay Nair, Sunday Express (UK)


October 29, 2016 - Mass UFO Sighting over Arizona Sparks Phoenix Lights Rumors – Expert Says Mysterious 'Craft’ May have been of Extraterrestrial Origin [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


October 29, 2016 - Alien Abduction Conference Held In Greensboro - Maddie Gardner, WFMY-TV (Greensboro, NC)


October 29, 2016 - ‘UFO’ spotted over Vienna, frightened onlookers call police (PHOTOS, VIDEO) - RT


October 28, 2016 - PROOF OF ALIENS? Staggering pictures of UFOs seen in Vienna go viral - Vickie Oliphant, Sunday Express (UK)


October 28, 2016 - WikiLeaks Documents Reveal United Nations Interest In UFOs - Lee Speigel, Huffington Post


October 28, 2016 - UFO News 2016: Donald Trump More Likely To Reveal Top Area 51 Secrets Than Hillary Clinton? - Nathaniel Artosilla, Morning News USA


October 27, 2016 - They fell from the sky: Witnesses in disbelief as flaming UFOs fall to earth - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


October 27 , 2016 - UFO Sighting ‘Confirmed’ By US Homeland Security Video: ‘Leaked’ Footage Shows Object Morphing Into Two UFOs - Norman Byrd, Inquisitr


October 26, 2016 - Could Donald Trump reveal aliens exist if he makes it to the White House? - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


[Podesta Emails] [PRG Political Initiative] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 26, 2016 - The Untold Story of How John Podesta Answered My Question About UFOs - A. J. Vicens, Mother Jones


October 26, 2016 - Reports of strange lights in East Valley - David Baker, KTVK-TV (Phoenix, AZ)


October 26, 2016 - 'Leaked' security footage shows UFO flying over ocean before 'splitting in two' - Kara O'Neill, Daily Mirror (UK)


October 26, 2016 - When Menzel's studies were dismissed by Stephen Hawkins - Sabir Hussain, New Indian Express (India)


October 25, 2016 - "From the president's plane": Spain declassified files on UFO sightings - RT


October 25, 2016 - UFOs have visited us since the beginning of time: Ex-NASA scientist - R. Shiva Kumar, Headlines and Global News


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  October 25, 2016 - Whitehouse to soon Announce Aliens' Existence on Earth; US. Experts, Scientists Sharew Evidence- Caroline Diana, Inquisitr


October 24, 2016 - PROOF OF ALIENS? Real-life X-Files outlining dozens of UFO sightings to be revealed - Zoie O'Brien, Daily Express (UK)


October 24, 2016 - UFO sighting: US Security footage leaked, showing 'confirmed' UFO splitting over ocean - R. Siva Kumar, Headlines and Global News


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 24, 2016 - Tom DeLonge UFO Revelations: Former Blink-182 Frontman To Spill The Bean? - Nathaniel Artosilla, Morning News USA


October 23, 2016 - UFO In Charlotte, NC? Video Shows Strange Cluster Of Lights Above Downtown [Video] - Darien Cavanaugh, Inquisir


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 22, 2016 - Tom DeLonge on Podesta Emails: 'Wikileaks Messed Some Important Stuff Up' - Daniel Kreps, Rolling Stone


October 22, 2016 - 'Charlotte UFO sighting video' goes viral - WNCN-TV (Charlotte, NC)


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 22, 2016 - 'We are nervous about this': Team Clinton weigh email server jokes in #Podesta15 release - RT


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 22, 2016 - Is World About to be Told Aliens Exist? UFO pop star says 'big things are coming' - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 22, 2016 - IAN KIRKWOOD: NASA astronaut's push to shift Obama towards UFO disclosure - Newcastle Herald (Australia)


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 22, 2016 - John Podesta and astronaut Edgar Mitchell discussed the 'government's knowledge of extraterrestrial life' in new WikiLeaks emails - Daily Mail (UK)


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 21, 2016 - Podesta urged to involve Obama in extraterrestrial disclosure meeting, emails reveal - Mirage News (Australia)


October 20, 2016 - 'It could be a UFO' Bizarre photo shows car-sized object lit up in the sky - Daily Express (UK)


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 20, 2016 - Vatican Knows About Aliens, Emails Warn Of WW3 In Space - Budhaditya Bhattacharjee, Morning News USA


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 20, 2016 - A portrait of John Podesta, based entirely on his hacked emails - Dan Zak, Washington Post


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 20, 2016 - Podesta urged to involve Obama in extraterrestrial disclosure meeting, emails reveal - RT


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 19, 2016 - Wikileaks reveals email exchange between Apollo astronaut, feds on alien life - John-Henry Perera, Houston Chronicle


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 19, 2016 - 'UFO cover-up' REVEALED: Astronaut begged White House for release of secret alien files - Henry Holloway Daily Star (UK)


October 19, 2016 - Finale: Fox News, Chris Wallace and the ‘fair and balanced’ debate - Jennifer Harper, Washington Times


October 18, 2016 - EXCLUSIVE: New mass sighting of UFO over infamous alien town ROSWELL being probed - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


October 18, 2016 - Outrage as MoD censor ’British UFO X-Files’ sparking alien cover-up theories - Alex Hickson, Daily Star (UK)


[Podesta Emails] [PRG Political Initiative] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 18, 2016 - Hillary Clinton Is Ready And Willing To Talk About UFOs On Television - Lee Speigel, Huffington Post



Note: scores of additional articles on the Podesta Wikileaks files are not shown. 


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 18, 2016 - John Podesta Targetted For Area 51, UFO And Alien Technology Cover-up? - Budhaditya Bhattacharjee, Morning News USA


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 17, 2016 - Wikileaks: 6th man to walk on Moon said 'Pope knows aliens exist and want to help humans but a space war is imminent' - R Siva Kumar,  Headlines and Global News


October 17, 2016 - A FLEET of UFOs was caught on camera against last night’s freakish Blood Moon - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 17, 2016 - Wikileaks: Apollo Astronaut Contacted Podesta About UFOs And Aliens - Andrew Follett, Daily Caller


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 16, 2016 - Leaked Podesta emails encourage UFO buffs seeking declassification in a Clinton administration - Ben Wolfgang, Washington Times


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 16, 2016 - WikiLeaks: John Podesta Emailed Astronauts, Musicians About UFOs - Cathy Burke, Newsmax


October 16, 2016 - Follow the Evidence: UFO Conference - Gary Herron, Rio Rancho Observer


October 15, 2016 - 2016 Presidential Debate: Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump To Discuss UFO Conspiracy? - Nathaniel Artosilla, Morning News USA


October 14, 2016 - The Fire Watch Tower UFO Event - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 13, 2016 - 'UFO cover-up' could take centre stage at third and final US Presidential debate - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 13, 2016 - WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton ‘Very Disappointed’ Jimmy Kimmel Didn’t Ask About UFOs - Daniel Nussbaum, Breitbart


[Podesta Emails]  [Clinton/ET Connection] October 13, 2016 - Podesta files: Top 10 revelations from leaked Clinton campaign emails - RT  [#10]


[Podesta Emails]  [Clinton/ET Connection] October 13, 2016 - Blink-182 Wikileaks: Read Tom DeLonge's Emails to Clinton Campaign Chair John Podesta - Philip Trapp, Inquisitr


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October12, 2016 - Read Tom DeLonge's Leaked Email to Hillary Clinton Campaign About UFOs - Jon Blistein, Rolling Stone


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 12, 2016 - Blink-182 singer held secret talks with Clinton team about Roswell UFO - Daivd Trayner, Daily Star (UK)



[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 12, 2016 - Tom DeLonge Emailed Top Clinton Advisor With UFO Advice -


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 12, 2016 - Blink 182's Tom DeLonge hints at UFO project with Clinton chair John Podesta - Maeve McDermott, USA Today


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 12, 2016 - WIKILEAKS EMAILS: Clinton told of 'Roswell whistleblower' and where 'UFO wreckage stored' - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 11, 2016 - Why was former Blink-182 singer Tom DeLonge emailing Hillary Clinton's campaign about UFOs? - Telegraph (UK)


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 11, 2016 - Tom DeLonge of Blink 182 talked UFOs with Hillary Clinton campaign in leaked emails - Nicole Bitette, New York Daily News


October 11, 2016 - Hacked: Astronaut warned Clinton chairman against 'war in space' - Rudy Takala, Washington Examiner


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 11, 2016 - Blink-182's Tom DeLonge discussed UFOs with Hillary Clinton's campaign manager in leaked emails - Daily Mail (UK)


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 11, 2016 - Why Was the Guy From Blink-182 Emailing Hillary's Campaign Manager About UFOs? - Jack Holmes, Esquire Magazine


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 11, 2016 - Clinton WikiLeaks include UFO-related messages from blink-182's Tom DeLonge - George Varga, San Diego Union-Tribune


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 11, 2016 - Are Aliens Real? What Hillary Clinton's WikiLeaks Emails Reveal About Aliens And UFOs - Alex Garofalo, International Business Times


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 11, 2016 - WikiLeaks: Emails show that Clinton knew where Roswell UFO wreckage was stored - R. Siva Kumar, Headllines and Global News


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 11, 2016 - The truth is, he’s out there: Blink 182 lead singer Tom DeLonge really wants to tell the Hillary Clinton about UFOs - Matthew Rozxa, Salon


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 11, 2016 - WikiLeaks Reveals Podesta's Obsession with Aliens... Space Aliens! - Neil W. McCabe, Breitbart


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 11, 2016 - So, WikiLeaks Has Unearthed Tom DeLonge's Emails About Aliens to Hillary Clinton's Team - VICE


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 11, 2016 - Hillary Clinton campaign manager consulted Blink-182’s Tom Delonge about contact with aliens, leaked emails show - Andrew Griffin, Independent (UK)


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 11, 2016 - Leaked Emails Reveal Former Astronaut Wanted To Meet With Obama Official About Alien Life - Lee Spiegel, Huffington Post

[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 11, 2016 - Former Blink 182 Guitarist Tom DeLonge Emailed Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager About Aliens - Alex Heigl, People Magazine


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 11, 2016 - WikiLeaks reveals Tom DeLonge's UFO emails with Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman - Alistair McGeorge, Mirror (UK)


October 10, 2016 - EXCLUSIVE: Alien cover-up claim - UK's top-secret UFO X-Files release delayed by a YEAR - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)



[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 10, 2016 - Former Blink-182 singer emailed Clinton camp on UFOs - Mark Hensch, The Hill


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 10, 2016 - Wikileaks: Did Hillary Clinton meet NASA astronaut to talk secretly about Alien life? - Headlines and Global News


October 10, 2016 - How Many UFO Sightings Are There? - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes



[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 10, 2016 - WIKILEAKS: John Podesta Probably Broke Up Blink-182 Over UFOs - Emily Zanotti, Heat Street


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 10, 2016 - Revealed: Hillary Clinton had secret meetings with NASA astronaut to discuss ALIENS - Jeff Parsons, Daily Mirror (UK)


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 10, 2016 - REVEALED: Hillary Clinton had secret meetings with NASA astronaut about SPACE WARS - Tom Evans, Daily Star (UK)



October 10, 2016 - The truth is (not) out there: how the Australian government stopped investigating UFOs - Tom McIlroy, Sydney Morning Herald (Aiustralia)


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 10, 2016 - Leaked Clinton Campaign Emails Include Correspondence About UFOs From Tom DeLonge - Collin Robinson, Epoch Times


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 10, 2016 - Space war, Vatican knowledge of extraterrestrials revealed in Podesta emails - RT



[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 10, 2016 - WikiLeaks Reveals UFO Messages in Clinton Campaign Emails - Byron Tau, Wall Street Journal



October 9, 2016 - MUFON investigator Norm Gagnon seeks evidence of UFO’s - Anthony C. Hayers, Baltimore Post-Examiner


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 9, 2016 - Wikileaks: Hillary Had Secret Meetings With Astronaut About Aliens - Jack Murphy, Neon Nettle


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 9, 2016 - Leaked Clinton Emails Talk about Aliens while NASA Tells Conspiracy Theorists to Take a Hike - Coburn Palmer, Inquisitr


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 8, 2016 - Pope has 'PROOF' of ALIEN LIFE: Sensational claim by legendary astronaut in leaked email - Tom Parfitt, Daily Express (UK)


[Podesta Emails] [Clinton/ET Connection] October 8, 2016 - Hillary Clinton leaked e-mails reveal shocking discussions on SPACE WARS, UFOs and ETs - Suz Elvey, Daily Express (UK)


October 8, 2016 - The Great British cover-up: New conspiracy claims over UK's biggest UFO incident - Patrick Knox & Jonny Dillo, Daily Star (UK)


October 7, 2016 - Bizarre footage shows people leaving their cars on the motorway to film UFO swooping over cars - Kristie McCrum, Daily Mirror (UK)


October 6, 2016 - Stunning footage of 'UFO orb spotted at space station' baffles viewers - Nicole Stinson, Daily Star (UK)


October 6, 2016 - MoD 'covered up UFO files', army chief sensationally claims - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


October 4, 2016 - UFO 'caught destroying chemtrail with alien tech' in shock video - Nicole Stinson, Daily Star (UK)



October 2, 2016 - Story of Shag Harbour UFO examined by folklorist - Bruce Burke, CBC News (Canada)


October 1, 2016 - NASA once Again in Cuts Live Feed as Blue UFO Approaches ISS in Orbit — ‘They Don't Want You to See this ET Evidence"  Conspiracy Theorists Claim [Video]- Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


October 1, 2016 - Inside Australia's UFO society: Alien abductions, telepathy, encounters and sightings - New Zealand Herald (New Zealand)


September 30, 2016 - UFO sightings: Three flashbacks of alien encounters in Lowcountry - R. Siva Kumar, Headlines and Glob al News


September 30, 2016 - JINKY'S LIFE ON MARS Celtic wing legend Jimmy Johnstone’s obsession with E.T. revealed in TV film - Lynn Kernan, Sun (UK)


September 30, 2016 - Opinions: If we’re not alone, how will we know? - Michael D. Lemonick, Washington Post


September 29, 2016 - Mass Sighting Of Black Triangle UFO Over Swindon, U.K., Sparks Speculation That Pentagon Is Testing Reverse-Engineered Black Project Craft [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


September 29, 2016 - Disc-shaped UFO 'caught on NASA cameras' floating over Earth adding fuel to new alien conspiracy theories - Kristie McCrum, Daily Mirror (UK)


September 29, 2016 - Shag Harbour UFO Symposium lands Oct. 1, includes visit to 1967 crash site - Carla Allen & Tina Comeau, Shelburne County Coastguard


September 29, 2016 - UFO sightings: NASA camera captures disc-shaped object floating in sky - R. Siva Kumar, Headlines and Glob al News


September 29, 2016 - To the Archives! Lowcountry has a weird history with UFOs - Caitlyn Bird, Charleston Post Courier


September 29, 2016 - Bristol could be UFO hotspot - with 10 chilling reports of sightings in the past year - David Clensy, Bristol Post (UK)


September 29, 2016 - We Asked Alien Experts Who They'd Want as President if UFOs Landed - Mike Pearl, Vice


September 27, 2016 - WATCH: Were mystery lights in town's sky a UFO? - Amber Hicks, Swindon Advertiser (UK)


September 27, 2016 - Has UFO been spotted above Bristol? Thermal-imaging camera spots mystery flying saucer - Rebecca Perring, Daily Express (UK)


September 27, 2016 - UFO filmed by police helicopter creates Twitter speculation - Mark Molloy, Telegraph (UK)



September , 2016 -


September 26, 2016 - Black hot UFO invisible to human eye filmed by stunned police helicopter pilot over Bristol - Kristie McCrum, Daily Mirror (UK)


September 26, 2016 - Proof of Alien UFOS? Police Helicopter Pilot Films ‘Hot and Invisible’ Flying Saucer Craft Over Bristol Channel [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


September 26, 2016 - VIDEO - Explain this: UFO invisible to the naked eye recorded on police helicopter - Irish Independent (Ireland)


September 26, 2016 - Is Newton Abbot a hotspot for UFO activity? - Torquay Herald Express (UK)


September 26, 2016 - BLOGS A Winter’s UFO Formation - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


September 26, 2016 - 'Invisible' UFO over UK revealed by police thermal cameras in shock footage - Michael Havis, Daily Star (UK)


September 25, 2016 - Saucer stories: Close Encounters of the First Kind - Sabir Hussain, Deccan Chronicle (India)


September 24, 2016 - UFO sightings: Long Island seems to be a favourite hotspot for aliens - R. Siva Kumar, Headlines and Global News


September 23, 2016 - Mystery White Orb UFO Leads Black Helicopters in High Speed Chase over Fountain, Colorado - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


September 23, 2016 - Aliens killing thousands of cattle to create human-alien hybrids? - R. Siva Kumar, Headlines and Global News


September 23, 2016 - ‘Aliens are among us’, claims UFO expert on 20th anniversary of infamous Fife incident - Michael Alexander, The Courier (UK)


September 22, 2016 - The rise and fall of the UFO - Barbara Kiser, Nature [PRG: This is a particularly bad article, but not surprising coming from Nature.]


September 22, 2016 - ‘Alien UFO Invasion Fleet’ Sparks Panic In West Devon, England — ETs Aren’t Taking Over, It’s The Army, Police Calm Fears [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


September 22, 2016 - Britain’s most notorious UFO case happened at a US airbase and it’s still a complete mystery - Claudia Romeo and Joe Daunt, Business Insider


September 22, 2016 - JEFF EDELSTEIN; Dr. UFO has brought an alien invasion to Hamilton - Jeff Edelstein Trenton Trentonian


September 21, 2016 - UFO Sightings 2016: Cylindrical, completely lit up and glowing UFO spotted in New York; Watch Now [Video] - Dipannita, Headlines and Global News


September 21, 2016 - Is this incredible unseen video PROOF that aliens HAVE visited Britain? - Sean Martin, Daily Express (UK)


September 20, 2016 - Proof of aliens? Tourists flock to American hotspot to communicate with martians - Laura Mitchell, Daily Star (UK)


September 20, 2016 - WATCH: People left stunned after UFO spotted hovering over DEVON - Sean Martin, Daily Express (UK)


September 19, 2016 - UFO claims backed up by second sighting - Jamie Milligan, Courier (UK)


September 18, 2016 - SHOCK CLAIM: Aliens massacring 1000s of cows and using ORGANS to make human-alien hybrids - Douglas Patient, Daily Star (UK)


September 18, 2016 - WATCH: Mysterious UK drone footage captures 23 crop circles - Douglas Patient, Daily Star (UK)


September 17, 2016 - Alien UFO Spacecraft ‘Exchanged Plasma’ Over Washington D.C. And Hovered For More Than Two Hours - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


September 17, 2016 - National Archives’ SA director Nick Gleghorn to deliver talk on ‘real-life’ documentation of UFOs - Nathan Davies, Melbourne Herald Sun (Australia)


September 17, 2016 - Russia's secret UFO files: Soviet Union waged Cold War conflict with aliens - Henry Holloway, Daily Star (UK)


September 16, 2016 - Book claims UFO hunter stumbles upon 'vast conspiracy' - AOL News


September 16, 2016 - UFO News 2016: Mysterious Flying Object Seen In A Village In France - Nathaniel Artosilla, Morning News USA


September 15, 2016 - Another UFO spotted in the skies above Huddersfield... - Lauren Ballinger, Huddersfield Daily Examiner (UK)


September 14, 2016 - UFO ‘Exe-Files’: A Helicopter Chases Two Triangle-Shaped UFOs Over The River Exe - Norman Byrd, Inquisitr


September 14, 2016 - Man snaps disc-shaped object that flies, splits into three and then joins again - R. Siva Kumar, Headlines and Global News


September 14, 2016 - UFO SIGHTING: 'Real life Star Wars spaceship' snapped HIDING in the clouds - Rebecca Perring, Sunday Express (UK)


September 14, 2016 - Is this a UFO seen flying through clouds? Mysterious dark shape appears over Peru - Gareth Davies, Daily Mail (UK)


September 14, 2016 - Bizarre 'UFOs' caught shining over forest by dog walker moments before fully charged camera mysteriously dies - Antony Schipani and Rachel Bishop, Daily Mirror (UK)


September 14, 2016 - Off duty cops claim to have filmed a UFO in the skies above England - Lauren Fruen, Sun (UK)


September 14, 2016 - The various classifications of an UFO by a famous astronomer - Sabir Hussain, New Indian Express (India)


September 14, 2016 - Debate rages over Exmouth UFO as more residents share their sightings - Exeter Express and Echo (UK)


September 13, 2016 - A shift in the weather - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune [PRG: He'll be back.]


September 13, 2016 - Man claims he saw two UFOs being chased by helicopter above Exmouth last night - Exeter Express and Echo (UK)


September 13, 2016 - UFO-hunting unit of UK, has Pentagon’s interest hooked, reveals reports - Dipinnita, Headlines and Global News


September 13, 2016 - The Presidential X-Files: How Jimmy Carter Filed a UFO-Sighting Report in 1973 - Sal Bono - KFMB-TV (San Diego)


September 12, 2016 - VIDEO: Crop circle enthusiast spends months photographing patterns as they appear - Aberdeen Press and Journal (UK)


September 12, 2016 - Ben Mezrich on new book about a real-life alien hunter - CBS News


September 12, 2016 - Pentagon now running UK military’s UFO-hunting unit – reports - RT


September 11, 2016 - MoD experts still hunting UFOs from secret HQ in heart of LONDON - Daily Star (UK)


September 11, 2016 - Saucer Stories: Proof of UFO - Roswell crash clinches it - Sabir Hussain, Decca Chronicle (India)


September 11, 2016 - REVEALED: UFO hunters’ secret US-funded HQ... in the heart of London's Soho - MARCO Giannangeli and Jasper Reid, Daily Express (UK)


September 12, 2016 - Do you believe in UFOs? Holmfirth hosts International UFO Truth Conference - Louise Cooper, Huddersfield Daily Examiner, (UK)


September 9, 2016 - UFO Truth Conference 2016 at Holmfirth Picturedrome: tickets, parking, transport and everything else - Lauren Huddersfield Daily Examiner, (UK)


September 9, 2016 - EXPOSED: Prince Philip’s UFO ‘fascination’ revealed - David Trayner, Daily Star (UK)


September 9, 2016 - Ben Mezrich’s new book out there - Gayle Fee, Boston Herald


September 8, 2016 - UFO Sightings And Cattle Mutilations Prove That Aliens Are Already HERE: Author - Siva Kumar, Headlines & Global News


September 7, 2016 - RENDLESHAM 'COVER UP': Former cop wants truth 'once and for all' over UK's Roswell - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


September 7, 2016 - Cattle mutilations, Roswell and a UFO sighting at an RAF base means 'aliens are already HERE' - Ben Mezrigh, Daily Mirror (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection] September 7, 2016 - Rockefeller's pursuit and our continuous denial of the other species - Sabir Hussain, New Indian Express (India)


September 6, 2016 - Best UFO Photo in the World Taken at Arenal, Costa Rica 45 Yrs Ago - Costa Rica Star (Costa Rica)


September 6, 2016 - Roswell UFO And Alien Corpses Were Stored Inside Top-Secret Hangar 18 At Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Whistleblowers Claim [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


September 6, 2016 - NASA Confirm The Release Of The Most Clear UFO Footage Ever - Jack Murphy, Neon Nettle


September 5, 2016 - The man who chases aliens on ‘America’s paranormal highway’ - Melkorka Licea, New York Post


September 5, 2016 - The shocking truth behind the 10,000 animal mutilations in America’s heartland - Ben Mezrigh, New York Post


September 5, 2016 - Why the 37th parallel is the weirdest part of America - Melkorka Licea,


September 4, 2016 - UF-WOAH Meet the dedicated alien investigator who has spent his life chasing extraterrestrials along America’s ‘paranormal highway’ - George Harrison, Sun (UK)


September 2, 2016 - London 7/7 cop ‘revealing truth behind’ Britain’s biggest UFO incident - Rachel O'Donoghue, Daily Star (UK)


September 2, 2016 - BLOGS Mutual UFO Network Symposium 2016: An Eye-Opening Experience - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


September 2, 2016 - Experiencers Speak in Portland - Daymond Steer, Conway Daily Sun


September 1, 2016 - THE BRITISH ROSWELL Retired cop calls on government to reveal ‘truth’ on infamous Rendlesham Forest UFO incident - Lauren Fruen, Sun (UK)


August 30, 2016 - Aliens Are (Maybe) Finally Knocking. The Pentagon's Plan Is Underwhelming. - A. J. Vicens, Mother Jones


August 30, 2016 - Role of seti and the massive cover-up propaganda - Sabir Hussain, New Indian Express


August 28, 2016 - 45 Years Ago, a UFO Sighting In Costa Rica Impressed The World - Rico, Q Costa Rica


[Clinton/ET Connection]  [PRG Political Initiative]  August 28, 2016 - Real-life X-Files REVEALED: US government 'poised to lift lid on UFO secrets' - Rachel O'Donoghue, Daily Star (UK)


August 28, 2016 - Scientists, true believers gather for annual UFO symposium - Caitlan Deneen, Orlando Sentinel


August 26, 2016 - Did Rowan Blanchard Instagram a UFO? Girl Meets World actress claims to have spotted alien craft in the sky over New York City - Stacy Libertore, Daily Mail (UK)


August 25, 2016 - Canadians: Aliens are out there, somewhere. - Marc Montgomery, Radio Canada International (Canada)


August 24, 2016 - Four in five Canadians believe in aliens: Angus Reid poll - Nicole Mortilarro, Global News (Canada)


August 24, 2016 - Canadians want to believe, poll shows 4 out of 5 say aliens are real - Emma McIntosh, Calgary Herald (Canada)


August 24, 2016 - ALIENS COST ME MY BOYFRIEND AND KIDS, claims 'abductee taken after car stopped by UFO' - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection]  [PRG Political Initiative]  August 24, 2016 - UFO Disclosure Imminent? DC Insider Says President That Offers Proof Of Aliens ‘Bigger Deal’ Than Jesus Christ - Norman Byrd, Inquisitr


August 23, 2016 - 'I can't believe it' Bizarre UFO sighting John Lennon had in New York 42 years ago TODAY - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


August 23, 2016 - 'Definitely not a helicopter' John Lennon spotted UFO while living in New York - Margi Murphy, Daily Star (UK)


August 23, 2016 - Is this proof that UFOs have really been to Gloucestershire? - Jordan Bhatt, Gloucester Citizen (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection]  [PRG Political Initiative] August 23, 2016 - UFO News: Barack Obama To Admit Aliens Exist Before Leaving White House - Nathaniel Artosilla, Morning News USA


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative] August 22, 2016 - La possibile veritŕ sugli UFO di Obama: per Bassett 'piů profonda della venuta di Cristo' - Massimo Fenris (Italy)


August 22, 2016 - Retired doctor tries to educate people on existence of alien life - Al Knauber, Montana Standard


August 22, 2016 - Analysis of Central New York UFO Sightings - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


August 21, 2016 - Bizarre UFO Abduction; Woman Claims 18 Alien Fetus Abortions after being Impregnated by Gray and Reptilian Aliens Who Abducted Her [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


[Clinton/ET Connection]  [PRG Political Initiative]  August 21, 2016 - President Barack Obama 'could reveal aliens EXIST' before stepping down - Rory Mckeown, Daily Star (UK)


August 20, 2016 - Did UFO Over Auckland, New Zealand, Explode? Or Was There An Attempt To Shoot It Down? - Norman Byrd, Inquisitr


August 20, 2016 - North Wales X Files: Were two UFOs sighted on the same day in 2001? - Steve Bagnall, North Wales Daily Post (UK)


August 20, 2016 - Incredible story of how a disc-shaped UFO “escorted” a police car for almost two hours - Philip Mantle and Pitor Cielebias, Daily Mirror (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection]  [PRG Political Initiative]  August 20, 2016 - 'IT'S COMING' The UFO truth legacy more profound than Christ which Obama may trigger - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


August 19, 2016 - Military and Intelligence Officers Discuss Government’s Secret Knowledge of Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life & UFOs - Digital Journal


August 19, 2016 - Area 51 Revelation : Ex-Soldier Reveals Experiments Involving Mass Alien Abduction - Sahash Khanal, Inquisitr


August 18, 2016 - Mystery over fleet of Boeing 737s seen flying in and out of secretive Area 51 base in Nevada - Stephen Jones, Daily Mirror (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection]  [PRG Political Initiative]  August 18, 2016 - Barack Obama On A Five-Month Countdown To Vacate The White House - Plutarc Sicat, Inquisitr


August 17, 2016 - Did UFOs abduct 1,500 sheep from a field in Lincolnshire? - CarolineW_Le, Lincolnshire Echo (UK)


August 17, 2016 - REAL COLD WAR: Crazy claim of undersea battle between Russia and aliens emerges - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


August 17, 2016 - How UFO disclosure can ensure energy independence - Sabir Hussain, New Indian Express


August 17, 2016 - The mystery unmarked passenger jets used to fly 'men in black' into 'alien base' Area 51 - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


August 17, 2016 - PLANE SUSPICIOUS Area 51 mystery as huge unmarked passenger planes are spotted flying from Las Vegas airport to the top secret military base sparking conspiracy theories - Danny Collins, Sun (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection]  [PRG Political Initiative]  August 17, 2016 - UFO, Alien Disclosure 2016: Obama could Leave Legacy more Profound than Jesus Christ by Bringing Truth to the World, Advocate Says [VIDEO] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


August 17, 2016 - Pictured: The mysterious passenger jets that fly from Las Vegas to America's most secret military base... Area 51 - Ted Thornhill, Daily Mail (UK)


August 16, 2016 - Alien abductions at Area 51 army base: Ex-soldier reveals secrets from inside joined HQ - Henry Holloway, Daily Star (UK)


August 16, 2016 - Huge crop circle appears in field - Adam Pilon, Salisbury Journal (UK)


August 16, 2016 - No sign of man as detailed crop circle appears in Dorset - Daily Mail (UK)


August 16, 2016 - Was this crop circle created by a bong company? - Harry Tamplin, Metro (UK)


August , 2016 - This crop circle appeared overnight in a wheat field in Wiltshire – but why does it look like the logo of an American company that makes equipment for smoking DRUGS? - Rory Tingle, Daily Mail (UK)


August 15, 2016 - NASA accused of alien cover-up after changing ISS coverage - but the conspiracy theorists get it wrong - Jeff Parsons, Daily Mirror (UK)


August 15, 2016 - Proof aliens examine the moon? Dark 'UFO disc' filmed flying over lunar surface - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


August 15, 2016 - Secret army of UFOs is plotting war against us from under the SEA, new book claims - Philip Mantle and Paul Stonehill, Daily Mirror (UK)


August 15, 2016 - Proof 'top-secret US Air Force TR-3B' exists? Mysterious spy plane 'was flown over London' - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


August 14, 2016 - Aliens and UFOs topics of out-of-this-world Sacramento expo - Ellen Garrison, Sacramento Bee


August 14, 2016 - Priests, politicians, managers: the club of the powerful who believe in the existence of UFOs - Libero Quotidiano (Italy)


August 13, 2016 - UFO sightings 2016: NASA hiding UFO evidence of alien existence? - Victor Wachanga, Yibada


August 13, 2016 - Amazing crop circle appears at Ansty Farm Shop - Blackmore Vale Magazine (UK)


August 13, 2016 - UFO Researcher: Top-Secret Alien Plan To Take Over Earth Nears Completion As Alien-Human Hybrids Infiltrate And Integrate Into Human Society [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


August 12, 2016 - Blurred lines, continued … - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


[Clinton/ET Connection]  August 10 2016 - Hillary Clinton’s affinity for conspiracy theories - Chance Seales, KXAN-TV (Austin, TX)


August 10, 2016 - Another crash ‘n’ burn - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


August 9, 2016 - UFO Rape? Alien Abductee Details Probing Horror Aboard Spacecraft - Norman Byrd, Inquisitr


August 9, 2016 - Why haven’t we found the aliens yet? An Astronomer Explains… - Helena Cavell, BBC (UK)


August 9, 2016 - Alien Abduction Confirmed? Woman Reveals Experience With Extraterrestrials, UFO - Nebleena Sarkar, Morning News USA




August 8, 2016 - 'It felt like rape' - Woman claims she was 'aggressively probed' after being abducted by aliens - Kara O'Neill, Daily Mirror (UK)


August 8, 2016 - VIDEO: Mysterious crop circle appears in field near White Horse - Robin Murray, Wiltshire Times (UK)


August 7, 2016 - Blink-182’s Tom DeLonge: Alien Sex? Former Guitarist’s Bizarre Thoughts - Philip Trapp, Inquisitr



Note: The St. Louis sighting generated scores of articles


August 6, 2016 - Strange flashing lights over St Louis Gateway Arch filmed by cleaner taking a break leave everyone baffled - Rhian Lubin, Daily Mirror (UK)


August 6, 2016 - Aliens on the mind: Roswell and the UFO phenomenon - Samuel Gilbert, Aljazeera


August 6, 2016 - NASA Cover Up? ISS Live Stream Shut Down For Good After UFO Sightings? - Nebleena Sarkar, Morning News USA


August 6, 2016 - NASA abruptly cuts ISS footage showing secret “golden” UFO circling Earth - Guneet Bhatia, Yibada


August 5, 2016 - UFOs Are Real, Says Official Project Condign Report: Mysterious Objects Are Able To Hover, Land, Take-Off, Accelerate, And Vanish - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


August 5, 2016 - NASA Release FULL Apollo Mission Transcripts Revealing Aliens & UFO's - Jacky Murphy, Neon Nettle




August 4, 2016 - THE WARMINSTER THING: Has UK's biggest mass UFO sighting case finally been solved? - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


August 4, 2016 - Photographing Britain’s Most Notorious UFO Sighting in a Suffolk Forest - Tom Seymour, British Journal of Photography (UK)


August 4, 2016 - NASA ALIEN 'COVER UP': Claims after space agency switches of ISS live feed FOR GOOD - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


August 3, 2016 - OFFICIAL: ’They hover, land, accelerate and vanish’ MoD report PROVES UFOs exist - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


August 2, 2016 - CHURCHILL'S X-FILES: Bulldog PM ordered UFO inquiry but 'covered up results' - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


August 1, 2016 - Winston Churchill UFO Files: Did Prime Minister Cover Up An RAF Report Of ‘Metallic UFO’? - Norman Byrd, Inquisitr


July 31, 2016 - ‘Believe me, UFOs are for real’ - Deccan Chronicle (India)


July 31, 2016 - Fleet Of Tall White Alien UFO Spacecraft Filmed Landing At Nellis AFB Under The Cover Of Darkness And Stormy Weather [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


July 30, 2016 - Winston Churchill’s X-Files: Top secret UFO probe revealed - David Trayner, Daily Star (UK)


July 29, 2016 - Alien Invasion Underway? Another Mysterious UFO Spotted Releasing Orb-Shaped ‘Landing Pods’ Over Shelburne Bay In Vermont - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


July 29, 2016 - Western Finger Lakes UFO/UAP Sightings Report - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes




July 28, 2016 - Clinton aide still mum on UFOs - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


July 26, 2016 - WATCH: Second glowing UFO with three rear lights seen as new evidence emerges - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


July 26, 2016 - Plenty of room in the big tent - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


July 26, 2016 - Witness claims he was hounded by 'Men in Black' after seeing UFOs fly at hyper speed - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


July 25, 2016 - Scientific crop circle research held back by links to UFO conspiracies - Peta Doherty, ABC (Australia)


July 22, 2016 - WATCH: Bizarre glowing purple UFO with three rear lights probed by investigators - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


July 22, 2016 - Western New York UFO/UAP Sightings Report - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


[Clinton/ET Connection]  [PRG Political Initiative]  July 21, 2016 - Former Gov’t Officials Discuss Unidentified Aerial Phenomena at Disclosure Hearing - Tara McIsaac, Epoch Times


July 20, 2016 - Mystery black aircraft spotted hovering over Scotland for 15 minutes in startling footage - Kara O'Neill, Daily Mirror (UK)


July 17, 2016 - GOVERNMENT CHIEF'S DEATH BED CONFESSION: 'I was shown inside alien UFO at Area 51' - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)




July 16, 2016 - EXCLUSIVE: Former British Army soldier makes sensational claim he was abducted by aliens - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection]  [PRG Political Initiative]  July 16, 2016 - What secret will Hillary reveal? - Come Carpentier, Sunday Guardian Live (India)


July 15, 2016 - Tennessee V-Shaped UFO Sighting Reported Near Memphis Airport, Latest In String Of Sightings In State [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


July 14, 2016 - Former UK Defense Official Discusses Real-Life X-Files - Tara McIsaac, Epoch Times


July 14, 2016 - Did cameras on the International Space Station see a UFO? - Fox News


July 13, 2016 - WATCH: UFO spotted entering Earth’s atmosphere…until NASA mysteriously cuts live feed - David Trayner, Daily Star (UK)


July 13, 2016 - NASA shuts down live International Space Station feed as 'mysterious UFO enters Earth's atmosphere' - Elle Griffiths, Daily Mirror (UK)


July 13, 2016 - Mysterious UFO is pictured near Space Station – then NASA feed cuts out - Rob Waugh, Metro (UK)


July 13, 2016 - Even eye witness accounts can be misleading - Sabir Hussain, New Indian Express


July 13, 2016 - SENSATIONAL CLAIM: US Air Force whistleblower says 'I saw structures on dark side of moon' - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


July 13, 2016 - Police officer sighted tall white aliens inspecting crop circles in Whiltshire, England, UFO hunters claim [video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


July 13, 2016 - Hillary Clinton’s Role in Investigating Unidentified Aerial Phenomena - Tara McIsaac, Epoch Times


July 13, 2016 - Bracing for more reruns - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


July 12, 2016 - SHOCKING CLAIM: Policeman saw TALL WHITE ALIENS walking through crop circle - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


July 11, 2016 - The Good, Bad and Ugly of Disclosure - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


July 10, 2016 - Bookies have slashed the odds on a world leader revealing the truth about aliens before the end of 2016 - Nicholas Reilly, Metro (UK)


July 9, 2016 - North Wales X-Files: Was this a UFO hovering above Caernarfon Castle? - Steve Bagnall, North Wales Daily Post (UK)


July 9, 2016 - Mysterious 'disc-shaped' black object filmed flying over medieval fortress sparks UFO probe - Steve Bagnall, Irish Mirror (Ireland)


[Clinton/ET Connection]  [PRG Political Initiative]  July 9, 2016 - 'Obama Will Make Full UFO And Alien Disclosure In 2016’: Bookmakers Slash The Odds As Expectations Rise [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


July 9, 2016 - Four-Year-Old Girl Abducted By Four Gray Aliens As She Slept In Her Bed In Standish, Michigan - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


July 8, 2016 - WATCH: UFO blasts through jet’s vapour trail as it shoots up into the sky - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


July 8, 2016 - How mystery disappearance of pilot in Bass Strait almost 40 years ago is still unsolved - and his bizarre 'encounter with a UFO' in the moments before he went missing - Ashleigh Davis, Daily Mail (UK)


July 8, 2016 - Area 51 Insider Acknowledges ‘Black Projects,’ Talks Conspiracy Theories Concerning Top Secret Military Base - Norman Byrd, Inquisitr


July 8, 2016 - ALIEN ABDUCTION: 'I was taken by four ET greys as I slept in my bed' - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection]  [PRG Political Initiative]  July 8, 2016 - World leader 'to confirm aliens are visiting Earth by end of this year - Jonathon Dillon, Daily Mirror (UK)


July 8, 2016 - Hillary, the 'E.T. Candidate' Revisited - Jennifer Harper, Washington Times


July 7, 2016 - SHOCK CLAIM: NASA ‘whistleblower’ alleges space agency doctored UFOs out of moon images' - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


July 6, 2016 - Frederick Valentich disappearance: How UFO helped inspire The Kettering Incident - Carol Raabus, ABC (Australia)


July 6, 2016 - I-Team: New film claims UFOs monitored nuclear weapons - George Knapp and Matt Adams, KLAS-TV (Las Vegas)


July 6, 2016 - AREA 51 EXCLUSIVE: Insider confirms 'black projects' underway in top secret military base - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


July 6, 2016 - WPAFB retiree writes book highlighting alien possibilities - Whitney Vickers, Fairborn Daily Herald


July 6, 2016 - CIA works overtime to cover up local UFO news - Sabir Hussain, New Indian Express


July 5, 2016 - Why are people starting to believe in UFOs again? - Joseph P. Laycock, The Conversation


July 4, 2016 - Zimbabwe UFO Mass Sighting Contactee Speaks Publicly For The First Time [Video] - Patricia Ramirez, Inquisitr


July 3, 2016 - IT'S WORLD UFO DAY: 'Aliens have visited Earth' is the verdict - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


July 3, 2016 - ‘Unearthly’ Shape-Shifting UFO Filmed Over Cincinnati, Ohio Outmaneuvered Military Helicopters Tracking It [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


July 2, 2016 - Look up: Remembering Phoenix Lights on World UFO Day - Taylor Kinnerup, KTAR-TV (Phoenix, AZ)


July 2, 2016 - World UFO Day: There’s life out there but it will not be what you think - David Barnett, Independent (UK)


July 2, 2016 - I’m there in spirit - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


July 2, 2016 - World UFO Day Is Saturday June 2, Believers Urge Governments To Declassify Space Alien Documents - Coburn Palmer, Inquisitr


July 2, 2016 - Is there alien life out there? 10 celebrities who have seen UFOs - Danny Dyer, Telegraph (UK)


July 1, 2016 - Canadians look to the sky - Allan Maki, Globe and Mail (Canada)


July 1, 2016 - Fourth of July UFOs in New York - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


July 1, 2016 - Weird Shape-Shifting Cigar UFO Sighted Over Rochester, Pennsylvania - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


July 1, 2016 - 'Alien cover up': Nearly 2,000 UFOs tracked by radar system but details suppressed - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


July 1, 2016 - New Mexico Town Still Celebrates Legendary UFO Crash Tale, 69 Years On - Lee Speigel, Huffington Post


July 1, 2016 - Security guard films mysterious UFOs appearing to react to glowing orbs in night sky - George Mills, Daily Star (UK)


July 1, 2016 - Conclusive proof UFO crashed to Earth? Leaked memo on debris from 'outer space vehicle' - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


June 30, 2016 - Two Mysterious UFOs With Lights Filmed in Broad Daylight Over Seattle Spark A Debate [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


June 30, 2016 - Alien hunter ‘blown away’ by footage of UFOs flying around volcanoes - Clara Strunck, Daily Star (UK)


June 30, 2016 - Mysterious Sphere UFOs Hovering Above Clouds In Triangle Formation Filmed Over East Los Angeles [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


June 30, 2016 - Alien specialist challenges government over secret files in shocking UFO enquiry - Clara Strunck, Daily Star (UK)


June 29, 2016 - Secret NORAD UFO Files: U.S.-Canadian Air Force Intercepts 75 UFOs Every Year, Documents Reveal [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


June 29, 2016 - 'SO CHARGE ME': Alien investigator dares US Government as he releases 'UFO Wikileaks' - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


June 29, 2016 - Everything Is Out There At The Alien Cosmic Expo - Aidan Johnston, VICE


June 29, 2016 - UFOs worried about the explosives we play with - Sabir Hussain, New Indian Express


June 28, 2016 - The Yorkshire Wolds UFOs - the truth is out there for Paul Sinclair - Will Ramsey, Hull Daily Mail (UK)


June 28, 2016 - NASA chief’s shock admission: Charles Bowden speaks on aliens and Area 51 - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


June 28, 2016 - One in three Britons believes in aliens - Matt Allan, Lancashire Evening Post (UK)


June 27, 2016 - Alien abduction more like an 'ambulance call' - Vincent Bell, Brantford Expositor (Canada)


June 27, 2016 - These People UFO So Much Harder Than You - Laura Malonee, Wired


June 26, 2016 - Event to take a look at ‘Roswell Incident’ - Albuquerque Journal


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  June 26, 2016 - Alien Conspiracy Theorists Hope Clinton Will Open X-Files - Halimah Abdullah and Alex Lazar, NBC News


June 26, 2016 - Alien expo: Brantford conference attracts UFO conspiracy true believers - Jon Wells, Hamilton Spectator (Canada)


June 26, 2016 - A look at some of famous UFO conspiracy theories ahead of World UFO Day - Economic Times


June 25, 2016 - UFO inquiry event described as 'cosmic Watergate' by organizers - Chris Seto, CBC (Canada)


June 25, 2016 - Roswell UFO Memo: $10,000 Reward Offered To Decipher ‘Ramey Memo’ Believed To Be ‘Smoking Gun’ Evidence - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


June 24, 2016 - World UFO Day: 10 baffling UFO sightings around the world - Trusha Navalkar - Indian Express (India)


June 22, 2016 - A powerful US cabal pulls strings over UFO issues - Sabir Hussain, New Indian Express


June 22, 2016 - ROSWELL BREAKTHROUGH: Woman claims she handled 'unbreakable wreckage from UFO crash' - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)



Note: there were scores of articles about Tom Delonge's decision to focus on UFO research.


June 22, 2016 - Tom DeLonge denies ‘quitting’ Blink 182 to search for aliens but is ‘working with’ the government - Jennifer Ruby, Evening Standard (UK)


June 22, 2016 - Tom DeLonge insists he’s still in Blink 182, only investigating UFOs part-time - Jack Shepherd, Independent (UK)


June 22, 2016 - Tom DeLonge says he quit Blink-182 to work with ‘people in the government’ and ‘search for UFOs’ - Matt Bobkin, National Post (Canada)


June 21, 2016 - Tom DeLonge Says He Quit Blink-182 to Investigate Aliens - Ryan Parker, Hollywood Reporter


June 21, 2016 - Tom DeLonge Says He Left BLINK-182 to Investigate Aliens - Lindsay McCane, Inquisitr


June 21, 2016 - Tom DeLonge reveals that he quit Blink-182 to focus on UFO research - Rupert Hawksley, Telegraph (UK)


June 21, 2016 - Tom DeLonge quit Blink 182 to hunt down alien life: 'It's a national security issue' - Emma Kelly, Daily Star (UK)


June 20, 2016 - Smells like rain - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


June 19, 2016 - UFO researchers seek gov't 'truths' - Jim Bender, Winnipeg Sun (Canada)


June 15, 2016 - Even US President's advisor can't make headway - Sabir Hussain, New Indian Express


June 15, 2016 - UFO BREAKTHROUGH: UK X-files due out in weeks could prove aliens DID visit Rendlesham - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


June 14, 2016 - Canadian Air Force Pilots Capture Pictures Of Mysterious Alien Craft During Flight - Megha Kedia, Science World Report


June 12, 2016 - Why alien abductions are down dramatically - Linda Rodriquez McRobbie, Boston Globe


June 10, 2016 - It won’t be news ’til someone explodes - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


June 9, 2016 - How will Clinton’s pledge to open AREA 51 and UFO files change the election? - Mark Holmberg, WTVR-TV (Richmond, VA)


June 7, 2016 - "Stop all'embargo sugli UFO, grazie ad Obama e al Papa" - Sabrina Pieragostini, Panorama (Italy)


June 7, 2016 - Hillary Clinton still talks about aliens, and that's a good thing - Timonthy Lavin, The Age (Australia)


June 7, 2016 - Hillary Clinton Campaign Chair John Podesta: UFO Files Open to Public in Clinton Presidency - Norman Byrd, Inquisitr


June 7, 2016 - Glowing diamond-shaped UFO seen from plane is eerily similar to infamous 1980 sighting - Kelly-Ann Mills, Daily Mirror (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  June 6, 2016 - Scientific evidences that ET is engaging mankind - Sabir Hussain, New Indian Express


June 6, 2006 - Clinton's Still Talking About Aliens. Good. - Timothy Lavin, Bloomberg View


June 6, 2016 - Clinton still talks about aliens, and that's good - Timothy Lavin, Chicago Tribune


June 6, 2016 - 'ALIENS WATCHED ME': Boxing legend Muhammad Ali 'saw' several UFOs including mothership - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


June 5 2016 - UFOs and other weird stuff surrounding the Brexit - Bridget Brenton, Christian Today


June 4, 2016 - Were 'Roswell files' destroyed? Clinton stonewalled over missing UFO top secret documents - Jon Austin, Sunday Express (UK)


June 4, 2016 - ‘Utah UFO Fest’ hosts Travis Walton from ‘Fire in the Sky,’ seeks additional funds - Paul Dail, St. George News


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  June 4, 2016 - Will Cameron reveal truth about aliens? Rare footage shows UK PM vow to open UFO files - Jon Austin, Sunday Express (UK)


June 4, 2016 - Family "abducted by aliens" in Stanford in the Vale feature in new book The Veiled Vale by Mike White - Pete Hughes, Witney Gazette (UK)


June 3, 2016 - Where Did All the UFO Sightings Go? - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


June 3, 2016 - Hillary Clinton's Campaign Chairman Can't Stop Talking about Aliens - Abigail Tracy, Vanity Fair


June 2, 2016 - Winnipegger details Canada's most famous UFO sightings - Doug Lunney, Winnipeg Sun (Canada)


June 2, 2016 - Is Turkey hiding alien encounters? - Mehmet Cetingulec, Al-Monitor


June 2, 2016 - Exploring the unexplained in Eureka - Seth Eli Barlow, Arkansas Times


June 2, 2016 - Hillary Clinton's campaign chair thinks the U.S. should open its files on UFOs - Arik Hesseldahl, Recode


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  June 2, 2016 - David Cameron's vow to be 'open and honest' about aliens and UFOs sparks hope truth will out - Jonathon Dillon, Daily Mirror (UK)


June 2, 2016 - Clinton campaign head says he filed FOIA request for UFO documents - Kate Conger, Tech Crunch


June 2, 2016 - David Cameron’s vow to be ‘open and honest’ about aliens and UFOs sparks hope truth will out - Mirage News (Australia)


June 1, 2016 - The truth of UFOs was hushed-up decades ago - Sabir Hussain, New Indian Express (India)


July 1, 2016 -  - India Today (India)


June 1, 2016 - Waiting for the Times again - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


May 31, 2016 - Pulsating Orb UFO that Dropped Landing Pods over Fairbanks Alaska may also have Sent Message in Alien Morse Code UFO Hunters Say [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


May 31, 2016 - Vintage clip of UFOs and crop circles shows we have been fascinated with aliens for years - Clara Strunck, Daily Star (UK)


May 30, 2016 - Aliens Work With Human Scientists At Area 51, According To Whistleblower Who Claimed He Helped To Reverse-Engineer Alien Technology [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


May 27, 2016 - Another Sighting Of ‘Black Triangle UFO’ In Illinois Amid Rumors Pentagon Conducting Flight Tests Of Alien Tech Stealth Aircraft - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquuisitr


May 27, 2016 - BLOGS What Are Your Thoughts About Alien Visitors? - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  May 27, 2016 - President Obama May Declassify Trove of UFO Secrets When He Leaves Office, Report Says - Jack Phillips, Epoch Times


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  May 27, 2016 - The UFO truth is out there — if Clinton is elected President - Maija Polsley, New York Daily News


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  May 27, 2016 - Out There: Obama May Release Tons of UFO Secrets Before Leaving Office - Sputnik News


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  May 26, 2016 - Barack Obama To Reveal UFO, Alien Information Kept Secret For 20 Years? - Michael Finn, Science World Report


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  May 26, 2016 - White House evades UFO question as Barack Obama 'moves close to X-Files revelation' - Jonathon Dillon, Daily Mirror (UK)


May 26, 2016 - Mysterious Orb UFO Fleet Filmed over Belarus, Proof of Extraterrestrial Visitation, UFO Hunters Claim [video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  May 25, 2016 - Barack Obama Set To Reveal Truth About UFO's Before He Leaves Office - Jack Murphy, Neon Nettle


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  May 25, 2016 - Obama plans to reveal massive cache of UFO secrets before leaving office: report - Sarah K. Burris, Raw Story


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  May 25, 2016 - Barack Obama 'will reveal alien and UFO details held by the US before he leaves office' - Kristie McCrum, Daily Mirror, (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  May 25, 2016 - Barack Obama 'will reveal alien and UFO details held by the US before he leaves office' - Kristie McCrum,


May 24, 2016 - REN

DLESHAM UFO: Aliens that 'visited' RAF base were 'after nuclear weapons', says ex cop - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


May 23, 2016 - Extraterrestrials in Arizona: The Five Most Infamous Alien Encounters in the State - Shania Hogan, Phoenix New Times


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  May 22, 2016 - Lobbyist VS: 'Witte Huis gaat nog dit jaar bekendmaken dat aliens de aarde bezochten' - Blik op Nieuws (Germany)


May 22, 2016 - Can open science and secrecy coexist? - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  May 20, 2016 - EXCLUSIVE: Barack Obama 'on brink of revealing intelligent aliens visit Earth' - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  May 20, 2016 - White House dodges 'alien question' amid demands for answers over Clinton's UFO campaign - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  May 20, 2016 - Obama ‘On The Brink’ Of Alien And UFO Disclosure — President Could Make Announcement Before End Of His Term, Says Stephen Bassett - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


May 20, 2016 - Will 'President Hillary Clinton' open the nation's UFO files? - Clarence Page, Bowling Green Daily News


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  May 20, 2016 - Transparency and Disclosure - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


May 20, 2016 - Opinion: Hillary Clinton offers out-of-this-world possibility - Anthony Stanford, Chicago Tribune Beacon News


May 19, 2016 - Clinton won't get UFO truth because US Presidents ARE kept 'in the dark', says insider - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


May 18, 2016 - Scholes UFO expert claims RAF Bentwaters encounter was aliens searching for nuclear weapons - Susie Beever, Huddersfield Daily Examiner


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  May 18, 2016 - From Bill’s “Who’s Your Daddy?” to Hillary’s What’s Your Addy? - Judi McLeod, Canada Free Press (Canada)


May 17, 2016 - UFO Sighting at the White House - Jennifer Harper, Washington Times


May 17, 2016 - ‘Open-minded’ Northwest is fertile ground for buzz about UFOs - Erik Lacitis, Bellingham Herald


May 17, 2016 - Scientists Captured Raw Footage Of UFO At Hessdalen Observatory [Video] - JohnThomas Didymus, Inquisitr


May 17, 2016 - Column: Will the next president open the X-Files? - Clarence Page, Chicago Tribune


May 16, 2016 - White House won’t comment on UFOs - Oliver Knox, Yahoo News


May 16, 2016 - Hillary hails a flying saucer to the White House - Wesley Pruden, Washington Times


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  May 16, 2016 - From Bill’s “Who’s Your Daddy?” to Hillary’s What’s Your Addy? - Judi McLeod, Canada Free Press (Canada)


May 16, 2016 - Ex-cop claims aliens in famed British UFO encounter were 'interested in secret stash of nuclear weapons' - Jon Dillon, Daily Mirror (UK)


May 16, 2016 - UFOs: ‘Open-minded’ Northwest is fertile ground for cosmic buzz - Erik Lacitis, Seattle Times


May 16, 2016 - Hillary Clinton’s UFO buffs and other obscure voting blocs - Dante Ramos, Boston Globe


May 16, 2016 - Does this video capture a UFO splitting into THREE? Incredible footage shows flying gold light hovering over Alaska - Victoria Finan, Daily Mail (UK)


May 16, 2016 - White House spokesman asked if aliens exist - Jordan Fabian, The Hill


May 16, 2016 - The truth about UFOs is out there - Kevin Connor, Toronto Sun (Canada)


May 15, 2016 - Hillary Clinton's UFO investigation plans unlikely to achieve liftoff, experts say - Adam Gabatt, Guardian (UK)


May 15, 2016 - Mysterious Glowing Orb UFO Drops Multiple ‘Pods’ Over Fairbanks, Alaska, Re-Ignites Stealth Alien Invasion Rumors [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


May 14, 2016 - The Moon-Walking, Alien-Hunting, Psychic Astronaut Who Got Sued By NASA - Alex Pasternack, Vice


May 14, 2016 - Can we get a pulse? - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


May 14, 2016 - Clinton to open the mysterious files - and UFO buffs rejoice - Matts Larsen, Expressen (Sweden)


May 14, 2016 - Spectacular UFO footage of exploding glowing orb even has sceptics baffled - Ross Logan, Daily Express (UK)


May 14, 2016 - 'This will make the history books' Internet meltdown over genuine UFO footage - Michael Havis, Daily Star (UK)


May 14, 2016 - Dulce Underground Alien-Government Base, The Largest Reptilian And Grey Base In The World, Is The ‘Real Area 51,’ According To UFO Conspiracy - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


May 14, 2016 - Hillary Clinton Gives U.F.O Enthusiasts Hope, About To Reveal 'Most Controversial Secret' Of U.S. Government - Johnson Denise, Science World Report


May 14, 2016 - American presidents and their weird relationships with UFO conspiracy theories - Miriam Kramer, MashableUK (UK)


May 13, 2016 - Why We Keep Dreaming of Little Green Men - George Johnson, New York Times


May 13, 2016 - Aliens Among Us: Is there anything to UFOs? Clinton says she'll tell us - Texarkana Gazette


May 13, 2016 - Hillary and the X-Files constituency - Sacramento Bee


May 13, 2016 - UFO Sightings in the Keystone State - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse New Times


May 13, 2016 - The Truth Is Out There: Do Area 51 Files Hold Secrets of UFOs? - Taylor Kubota, Live Science


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  May 13, 2016 - Why Is Hillary Clinton Making Strange Comments About Aliens? - Ryan Jacobs, Pacific Standard Magazine


May 13, 2016 - Hillary Clinton is ‘Interested’ in UFOs; will Investigate the X-Files when President - Arthur Dominic Villasanta, China Topix


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  May 13, 2016 - US election campaign: UFOs and Aliens - Clinton hopes for help from above - Veit Medick, Der Spiegel (Germany)


May 12, 2016 - Alien info at Area 51? UFO watchers name Hillary 'ET candidate' over plans to release secret files - Nivedita Dash, India Today


May 12, 2016 - Area 51 secret project insider reveals TRUTH of 'UFO cover up' Clinton aims to expose - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


May 12, 2016 - EXCLUSIVE: UK's top-secret UFO X-Files to be released by MoD within DAYS - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  May 12, 2016 - Derfor vil UFO-fanatikere ha Clinton som president - Thomas Paust, NETTAVISEN (Norway)


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  May 12, 2016 - Hillary Clinton and UFOs: The political press gets serious about the ‘ET candidate’ - Jennifer Harper, Washington Times


May 12, 2016 - Nasa space stream shows 'UFO leave Earth and meet up with second craft' - Kelly-Ann Mills, Daily Mirror (UK)


May 12, 2016 - Could a President Hillary Reveal UFO Secrets? - Benjamin Radford, Discovery News


May 12, 2016 - Race to the White House - Hillary Clinton: The Truth is Out There - Boer Deng and Rhys Blakely, The Times (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  May 11, 2016 - With vows to open files, Clinton pulls in UFO vote - Amy Chozick, Boston Globe


[PRG Political Initiative]  May 11, 2016 - Webpages\Hillary garante voto de fanáticos por ETs ao prometer abrir arquivos - Jornal O Globo.html - Amy Chozick, O Globo (Brazil)


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  May 11, 2016 - Clinton gives UFO buffs hope she will open the X-Files - Amy Chozick, Charlotte Observer


May 11, 2016 - Hillary Clinton Adds to the History of UFOs in Presidential Politics - Graham Vyse, InsiderSources


May 11, 2016 - Why UFO Enthusiasts Love Clinton - Arden Dier, Newser


May 11, 2016 - What Hillary Clinton Says About Aliens Is Totally Misguided - Nadia Drake, National Geographic


May 11, 2016 - White House: No plans to release Area 51 information - Brianny Guruciullo, Politico


May 11, 2016 - R.I.P. 201600540 - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


May 11, 2016 - Free Beer & Hot Wings: Clinton is UFO buffs' candidate - WZZM-TV (Grand Rapids, MI)


May 11, 2016 - Hillary Clinton and the Vast Intergalactic Conspiracy - Jenna Lifhits, Weekly Standard


May 11, 2016 - Obama to keep secrets about Area 51 but Clinton promises to release info - Fox News latino


May 11, 2016 - If Elected President, Hillary Says She’ll Reveal the Truth About UFOs - Scott Meslow, GQ


May 11, 2016 - Hillary Clinton could become America's first 'ET president' after pledge to open files on possible UFOs - Robert Tait, Telegraph (UK)


May 11, 2016 - Clinton pledges to release government info on Area 51 - Erick Duvall, UPI


May 11, 2016 - Obama not planning to release Area 51 files - Jordan Fabian, The Hill


May 11, 2016 - Clinton Spokesman Has to Address FBI investigation, UFOs in MSNBC Interview - Chandler Gill, Washington Free Beacon


May 10, 2016 - Otherworldly fun - Tania Sousson, Albuquerque Journal


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  May 10, 2016 - Clinton, the first ‘E.T. candidate,’ has UFO enthusiasts enthralled - Amy Chozick, Seattle Times


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  May 10, 2016 - Hillary Clinton, the First ‘E.T. Candidate,’ Has U.F.O. Fans in Thrall - Amy Chozick, New York Times


May 9, 2016 - NYT: Hillary the First 'E.T. Candidate' - Jason Devaney, Newsmax


May 9, 2016 - Is There a UFO Cover-up? A Government Insider Speaks Out - Leslie Kean, Huffington Post


May 9, 2016 - The UFO Enthusiasts - Charlotte Allen, Weekly Standard


May 6, 2016 - I-Team: Tom Delonge looks to lift veil of UFO secrecy - George Knapp, Matt Adams, KLAS-TV (Las Vegas, NV)


May 6, 2016 - I-Team: Rocker turns UFO expert - George Knapp, Matt Adams, KLAS-TV (Las Vegas, NV)


May 6, 2016 - BLOGS A Housekeeper’s UFO Story - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


May 6, 2016 - RENDLESHAM UFO: Startling new evidence 'could solve Britain's Roswell once and for all' - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


May 5, 2016 - And the meek shall inherit the Earth - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


May 5, 2016 - WATCH: Claims invisibility cloak error unmasked this 'massive' UFO - Peter Walker, Daily Star (UK)


May 4, 2016 - REAL-LIFE STAR WARS? US Army chief admits soldiers will soon battle 'little green men' - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


May 4, 2016 - What is the mysterious giant black ‘cube’ spotted near the sun? Alien hunters claim images accidentally reveal Nasa plot to hide orbiting UFOs - Stacy Libertore, Daily Mail (UK)


May 4, 2016 - Truth over Roswell FINALLY revealed? First ever UFO public inquiry 'could have answers' - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


April 30, 2016 - The Trump spin’s gonna rock - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


April 29, 2016 - U.S. Military Prepping For Alien Invasion? Army Chief Warns Cadets, ‘Prepare For Little Green Men’ And ‘Hybrid Armies’ [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


April 29, 2016 - BLOGS Why Do UFO Research? - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


April 29, 2016 - Looking for answers on UFOs, aliens - Benazir Wehelie CNN


April 28, 2016 - On looking inward - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


April 28, 2016 - Tom DeLonge ‘working with’ highest levels of government on new UFO works, says he isn’t ‘consumed’ by Blink-182 departure in bizarre Rolling Stone interview - Nicholas Parco, New York Daily News


April 28, 2016 - Mystery 'triangle UFO' seen on BOTH sides of US in seperate sightings just 24 hours apart - Jon Austin Daily Express (UK)


April 27, 2016 - Inside Tom DeLonge's UFO Obsession, Blink-182 Turmoil - Patrick Doyle, Rolling Stone


April 26, 2016 - What is that thing?! Phoenix Sky Harbor employee reports UFO sighting - Todd Scholls, KTAR-TV (Phoenix, AZ)


April 25, 2016 - Hillary Clinton May Declassify Government UFO Secrets - Marlena Fitzpatrick Garcia, Alternet


April 25, 2016 - On This Day in 1966: Gov. Haydon Burns Claims Encounter with UFO - Gary Levine, Naples Herald


April 24, 2016 - Valerie recalls the night she was 'abducted' by aliens - Torquay Herald Express


April 24, 2016 - Valerie Recalls Some 20 Years Ago When She Was ‘Abducted By Aliens’ - Erin Fitzgerald, Inquisitr


April 24, 2016 - 'Giant beam of light' appears to shoot from Earth on International Space Station video feed - Jonathan Sharman, Daily Mirror (UK)


April 23, 2016 - UFO Abduction: Hilarious Images Show Aliens Abducting A Cow Over Montana [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


April 23, 2016 - NASA Denies Intentionally Shutting Down Live ISS Feed After ‘Horseshoe-Shaped’ UFO Appeared Near ISS: UFO Hunters Accuse Agency Of Lying - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitry


April 22, 2016 - Why you should learn Spanish  - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


April 22, 2016 - BLOGS What Exactly are UFOs? - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


April 22, 2016 - Hillary and UFO's, As Seen On TV! - Chris Crankshaw, Examiner


April 22, 2016 - Giant alien castle found on moon by UFO 'experts' in this footage - but can you see it? - Kelly-Ann Mills, Daily Mirror (UK)


April 22, 2016 - Hillary Clinton admits she Won't be able to fulfill UFO promise if there is a "huge national security thing" Involved [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


April 22, 2016 - Hillary Clinton tells 'alien abductee' national security could block UFO truth bid - Jon Austin, Sunday Express (UK)


April 21, 2016 - UFOs, crop circles and strange happenings: The south east's old X Files - Kate Hill, ABC (Australia)


April 21, 2016 - Clinton Continues Advocating for UFO Answers - WTAM (Cleveland, OH)


April 20, 2016 - Hillary Clinton Is Making Big Promises To UFO Believers - Lee Speigel, Huffington Post


April 20, 2016 - 4 Out of This World UFO Sightings Caught on Camera - Brian Corsetti, KIVI-TV (Nampa, ID)


April 20, 2016 - Is This Evidence Of Top-Secret Pentagon ‘Star Wars’ Program? UFO Hunter Claims To Have Captured Moment Energy Beam Was Fired From Ground-Based Weapon At UFO In Space [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


April 20, 2016 - Some ideas about digging  - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


April 20, 2016 - EXCLUSIVE: How 'bizarre UFOs' hounding the International Space Station got here - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


April 19, 2016 - Tom DeLonge's New Sekret Machines Project Takes a Serious Look at UFOs - Nicholas Pell, LA Weekly


April 19, 2016 - Massive horseshoe-shaped UFO buzzes the Space Station - then NASA feed cuts out - Rob Waugh, Metro (UK)


April 19, 2016 - Oregon UFO gathering asks: Have you seen the (Phoenix) Lights? - Catharine Hamm, Los Angeles Times


April 18, 2016 - Hillary Clinton: ‘I Believe in Spirits’ - Charlie Spierling, Breitbart


April 17, 2016 - Two UFOs spotted in sky over Sutton Coldfield on same night - Ben Hurst, Birmingham Mail (UK)


April 17, 2016 - Assistance is here for those who’ve had a UFO experience - Gemma Westacott, Sunshine Coast Daily (Australia)


April 17, 2016 - WATCH: Black alien ‘flying saucer’ captured in eerie footage - Patrick Knox, Daily Star (UK)


April 16, 2016 - Maybe it’s the Indians … - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


April 15, 2016 - UFO Ohio? Black ‘flying saucer’ captured in eerie footage (VIDEO) - RT


April 15, 2016 - Radar operators say UFO travelled 120 miles in 8 SECONDS in Britain's famed close encounter - Jonathon Dillon, Daily Mirror (UK)


April 15, 2016 - Eerie footage shows UFO in the skies near historic Machu Picchu - Jon Dean, Daily Mirror (UK)


April 15, 2016 - MUFON UFO Expert Presents ‘Proof’ Of Underwater UFO Base And ‘USOs’ Off Southern California Coast [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


April 14, 2016 - EXCLUSIVE: 'Plain proof' - 'UFOs' snapped over London are the 'real deal' - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


April 14, 2016 - 2015 was a big year for Canadian UFO sightings, report says - Fox News


April 13, 2016 - Clawson UFO hunter: ‘Something anomalous is going on' - Liz Carneige, Daily Tribune


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  April 13, 2016 - Did former White House chief just say aliens exist and US Government is covering it up? - Jon Austin, Sunday Express (UK)


April 13, 2016 - We Asked Experts Why Canada Had So Many UFO Sightings Last Year - Patrick Lejteny, VICE


April 13, 2016 - 75th anniversary of alleged UFO crash in Cape Girardeau - Amber Ruch, KMOV-TV (St. Louis, MO)


April 12, 2016 - 75th anniversary of alleged UFO crash in Cape Girardeau - Katy Brosseau, KFVS-TV (Cape Girardeau, MO)


April 12, 2016 - Quebec leads Canada in UFO sightings, annual survey says; reports peaked in 2012 - National Post (Canada)


April 12, 2016 - Edmonton fourth in UFO sightings among Canadian cities - Emma Graney, Edmonton Sun (Canada)


April 12, 2016 - Canadian survey reports increased UFO sightings in 2015 - Daniel Uria, UPI


April 12, 2016 - Toronto area had 78 UFO sightings last year, survey finds - Oliver Sachgau, Toronto Star (Canada)


April 12, 2016 - UFOs fly away from Calgary, says 2015 survey of mysterious glowing objects - Shawn Logan, Calgary Herald (Canada)


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  April 12, 2016 - Former White House chief's 'strong signal' US Government is covering up proof of aliens - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection] April 12, 2016 - Here’s How Hillary Clinton Is Hoping To Win The UFO Vote - Lee Speigel, Huffington Post


April 11, 2016 - Annual survey says Quebec leads the country in sightings of UFOs - Kelowna Daily Courier (Canada)


[Clinton/ET Connection] April 11, 2016 - Will Hillary Clinton find proof of UFOs? | Paranormal Corner - Kelly Roncace,


April 11, 2016 - Manitoba sees increase in number of UFO reports in 2015, survey says - CBC News (Canada)


April 11, 2016 - Quebec led country in UFO sightings last year, annual survey finds - Toronto Star (Canada)


[Clinton/ET Connection] April 10, 2016 - Hillary Clinton's Campaign Chair is Obsessed with UFOS - Peter Van Buren,


[Clinton/ET Connection] April 10, 2016 - John Podesta To CNN: ‘The American People Can Handle The Truth About UFOs’ - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


[Clinton/ET Connection] April 10, 2016 - Hillary Clinton to release papers on possible base for extraterrestrial research if she wins White House, campaign head says - Andre Mitchel, Christian Today


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  April 9, 2016 - An ice bath for HRC’s transparency - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


[Clinton/ET Connection] April 9, 2016 - John Podesta on Hillary Clinton opening UFO files: 'Americans can handle truth' - Roz Zurko, Examiner


[Clinton/ET Connection] April 9, 2016 - John Podesta: Hillary will uncover the truth of aliens, Area 51, Podesta claims - Evelyn Bennel, Examiner


[Clinton/ET Connection] April 9, 2016 - Hillary Clinton Chases UFO Believer Vote, ‘The American People Can Handle The Truth’ About Aliens - Coburn Palmer, Inquisitr


[Clinton/ET Connection] April 9, 2016 - Clinton campaign chair: 'Hillary will tell America the truth about UFOs' - Rebekah Worsham, Examiner


April 8, 2016 - Airline Pilot Sighted ‘One-Mile-Wide’ UFO Near Nephi, Utah: Control Tower Communication Heard By Ham Radio Operator - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


[Clinton/ET Connection] April 8, 2016 - Hillary Clinton will declassify information on UFOs, campaign chair promises - The Week


[Clinton/ET Connection] April 8, 2016 - The long, strange history of John Podesta’s space alien obsession - Phillip Bump, Washington Post


[Clinton/ET Connection] April 8, 2016  - Clinton campaign chairman: Americans 'can handle the truth' about UFOs - Heife Przybyla, USA Today


[Clinton/ET Connection] April 8, 2016 - John Podesta: Hillary Will Get to Bottom of UFOs and Alien Beings - Bill Hoffman, Newsmax


[Clinton/ET Connection] April 8, 2016 - Feud of the Week: Hillary's camp vs. those who are hiding the truth about UFOs - Michael Toeset, Peoria Journal Star


[Clinton/ET Connection] April 8, 2016 - Clinton campaign chair says America can handle truth about aliens - WDAM-TV (Moselle, MS)


[Clinton/ET Connection] April 8, 2016 - Hillary Clinton Campaign: Americans Can Handle the Truth - Patricia Ramirez, Inquisitr


[Clinton/ET Connection] April 8, 2016 - Campaign Chairman Says Clinton Will Declassify 'UFO Files' - Michael Hawthorne, Newser


[Clinton/ET Connection] April 8, 2016 - Hillary Clinton's Campaign Manager: Aliens, Man - Jack Moor, GQ Magazine


April 8, 2016 - Alien Hunter Spots ‘Star Wars-Type UFO’ In NASA’s Live Feed - Nitya Rajan, Huffington Post


[Clinton/ET Connection] April 8, 2016 - Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman is woke af about UFOs - Rafi Swartz, Fusion


[Clinton/ET Connection] April 8, 2016 - Hillary Clinton's Campaign Chairman Is Obsessed With UFOs, Which Are Real - Anna Merlan, Jezebel


[Clinton/ET Connection] April 8, 2016 - Clinton Campaign on Aliens and Area 51: "The American People Can Handle the Truth" - Ashley Feinberg, Gawker


April 8, 2016 - BLOGS The 1957 UFO Surge - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


[Clinton/ET Connection] April 7, 2016 - Clinton campaign chair: 'The American people can handle the truth' on UFOs - Eli Watkins, CNN


[Clinton/ET Connection] April 7, 2016 - UFO hunter spots mysterious object flanking the ISS: Glowing craft makes a brief appearance before vanishing during Nasa's live feed - Daily Mail, (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection] April 7, 2016 - Clinton campaign chair promises: US will declassify records on UFOs if she’s elected - Arturo Garcia, Raw Story


April 7, 2016 - 'There was a metal object above the earth': 'Millennium Falcon-like' UFO spotted in live NASA feed - Yahoo News


April 7, 2016 - NASA Can’t Deny This Huge ‘Alien UFO Spacecraft’ On ISS Live Feed — Evidence Of On-going Top-Secret Talks With Extraterrestrial Races: UFO Hunters [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


April 7, 2016 - 'Millennium Falcon-type UFO' spotted in NASA's live International Space Station feed - Mathey du Salvo, Daily Mirror (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  April 6, 2016 - Would Hillary Clinton be an advocate for UFO transparency? - Rex W. Huppke, Chicago Tribune


April 5, 2016 - Witnesses stunned after separate 'UFOs' sighted flying over Plymouth - Alex Wood, Plymouth Herald (UK)


April 5, 2016 - Mysterious Alien UFO Spacecraft Spotted Near Empire State Building May Have Been Visiting Earth For Tourism: UFO Researchers [Photo] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


April 4, 2016 - Ex-USAF serviceman films 'gem-shaped' UFOs flying in formation through night sky - Gemma Mullin, Daily Mirror (UK)


April 4, 2016 - A 19th-Century New York City UFO Sighting - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


April 3, 2016 - Mystery Rectangular UFO Cruise Ship Sailed Over Cumming in Georgia, Blocking Out the Starts: MUFON - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


April 3, 2016 - Former USAF Mechanic Films UFOs Flying In Formation Over West Carrollton, Ohio [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


April 2, 2016 - On science and mortality - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


April 1, 2016 - Grey Aliens Allegedly Abducted Virginia Woman: MUFON - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


March 31, 2016 - VC couple sees 6 flying objects: UFO’s? - Valley Road Runner


March 31, 2016 - Little Green Men: A Look at the Official Soviet X-Files Investigation - Matthew Bodner, Moscow Times (Russia)


March 31, 2016 - Opening night of Sonoma's film festival brings the glitz to town - David Templeton, Sonoma Index-Tribune


March 30, 2016 - Friends in powerful places? UFO hunters claim they have a video of an alien craft flying over Vladimir Putin's home - Stacy Liberatore, Daily Mail (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  March 29, 2016 - Alas, another punchline - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


March 29, 2016 - Grey Aliens Signed Treaty with Eisenhower in 1954, After U.S. Government Rejected Overtures from Nordic or Pleiadian Aliens Say Conspiracy Theorists - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative] March 29, 2016 - What will be revealed if Hillary Clinton lifts lid on US Air Force's notorious Area 51? - Tom Parry, Daily Mirror (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  March 29, 2016 - US election 2016: Clinton pledges to declassify 'UFO files' - The Week (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  March 28, 2016 - Hillary Clinton confirms she WILL release secret UFO files if she's elected US president - Jonathon Dillon, Daily Mirror (UK)


March 28, 2016 - They Walk Among Us - Nancy Cohen-Koan, Huffington Post


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  March 28, 2016 - Hillary Clinton To Expose Area 51 And Release UFO Files If Elected U.S. President - Essel Pratt, Inquisitr


March 27, 2016 - Eerie footage captures floating bright UFO in sky above Las Vegas before appearing to 'land' - Elle Griffiths, Daily Mirror (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection] March 26, 2016 - Hillary Clinton Talks UFO’s, Marijuana With Jimmy Kimmel - WFOR-TV (Miami, FL)


March 26, 2016 - A conference with a twist: Alien abductions, UFOs and all things 'weird' are very much on the agenda - Katie Butler, Manchester Evening News


[Clinton/ET Connection] March 26, 2016 - Odds on ALIEN DISCOVERY slashed as Clinton says she will declassify SECRET Area 51 files - Oli Smith, Daily Express (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  March 25, 2016 - Hillary Clinton Is Serious About UFOs - A.J. Vicens, Mother Jones


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  March 25, 2016 - Hillary On Area 51 Secrets: ‘I Think We Ought To Share It With The Public’ [VIDEO] - Jamie Weinstein, Daily Caller


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  March 25, 2016 - Who's the Most UFO-Friendly Presidential Candidate? - Rhett Jones, Gawker


[Clinton/ET Connection] March 26, 2016 - Bookies slash odds of alien life after Hillary Clinton hints she'll declassify UFO files - Tom Evans, Daily Star (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection] March 25, 2016 - Hillary Clinton: ‘I’ll Make UFO Files Public’ - Lee Speigel, Huffington Post


[Clinton/ET Connection] March 25, 2016 - Bring Area 51’s UFO secrets into the open, Clinton tells Kimmel - Keith Rogers, Las Vegas Review-Journal


March 25, 2016 - They do it for their own good - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


[Clinton/ET Connection] March 25, 2016 - Watch Hillary Clinton Talk Weed, UFOs, Debating Trump on 'Kimmel' - Ryan Reed, Rolling Stone


[Clinton/ET Connection] March 25, 2016 - Hillary Pledges to Dig Into UFO Files - Daniel Halper, Weekly Standard


[Clinton/ET Connection] March 25, 2016 - Hillary Clinton Talks Debating Trump, Supreme Court and Marijuana on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live!' - Ryan Bort, Newsweek


[Clinton/ET Connection] March 25, 2016 - Hillary, it’s time to ditch the lame Area 51 jokes - New York Post


[Clinton/ET Connection] March 25, 2016 - Clinton: ‘I Think We Ought to Share’ Secret Government Files on Area 51 With the Public - Kaitlyn Schallhorn, The Blaze


March 25, 2016 - Triangular UFO seen hovering above Vladimir Putin's home city in eerie footage - Ross Logan, Daily Mirror (UK)


March 25, 2016 - UFOs in Western and Northern NY - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


March 24, 2016 - Mysterious Bright Orb UFO Lands at Base of Mountain in Las Vegas — Aliens May have Landed, UFO Hunters Say (Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


March 24, 2016 - Sonoma UFO forum is out of this world - David Templeton, Sonoma Index-Tribune


March 23, 2016 - Shining a light on UFO sightings - Dustin Waters, Charleston City Paper


March 22, 2016 - My time as a UFO investigator for the government - Nick Pope, BBC (UK)


March 22, 2016 - Expo to screen alien abduction doc - Heather Ibbotson, Brantford Expositor


March 22, 2016 - Bizarre picture which UFO hunters say NASA has been unable to explain for 15 YEARS - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


March 22, 2016 - UFO Sighting: Did you spot the mysterious object in Dalton? - Andrew Hirst, Huddersfield Daily Examiner (UK)


March 22, 2016 - Alien Hunters Want NASA To Explain This ‘Formation Of UFOs’ - Nitya Rajan, Huffington Post UK (UK)


March 21, 2016 - UFO or swamp gas? MI’s “close encounter” 50 years later - Kevin Lavery, WKAR-TV (Michigan State University)


March 20, 2016 - Extraterrestrial Abduction Day: Four unexplained cases that have left the experts searching for answers - John Shammas, Daily Mirror (UK)


March 19, 2016 - A few minutes with ... a man who believes aliens visited Michigan - Jim Schaefer, WZZM-TV (Grand Rapids, MI)


March 20, 2016 - Supernatural Staffordshire: Recovery driver says UFO caused car to break down - Stoke and Statfordshire Sentinel


March 20, 2016 - A few minutes with ... a man who believes aliens visited Michigan - Jim Schaefer, Detroit Free Press


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  March 18, 2016 - UFO Sightings and Politics - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse New Times


March 18, 2016 - Man records 'definite spacecraft making the noise of 1,000 Hoovers' in sky over Scotland - Kara O'Neill, Daily Mirror (UK)


March 18, 2016 - Jane Dyer: Who knew Gloucestershire was such a UFO hot-spot? - Gloucestershire Echo (UK)


March 17, 2016 - 50th anniversary of Michigan UFO sightings - Aaron Dimic - WWMT-TV (Kalamazoo, MI)


March 15, 2016 - Does this footage show objects travelling to Earth through a portal to another dimension? - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


March 15, 2016 - Is mysterious UFO seen in Apollo moon mission photo a super secret US 'Black Manta' spacecraft? - Daily Mirror (UK)


March 15, 2016 - UFO hunters see 'spy plane' in Apollo 12 image - Mike Mofitt, San Francisco Chronicle


March 15, 2016 - Does this footage show a secret US spacecraft? UFO hunters claim to have found proof of 'Black Manta' after spotting three lights in Apollo 12 moon landing image - Jake Bolden, Daily Mail (UK)


March 15, 2016 - Boffins claim mysterious UFO seen in Apollo mission could be secret US spacecraft - Tom Evans, Daily Star (UK)


March 15, 2016 - Bizarre Cattle Mutilations Plague Arizona Ranch - Patricia Ramirez, Inquisitr


March 12, 2016 - Merseyside revealed as a 'UFO hotspot' - Max Margan, Liverpool Echo (UK)


March 13, 2016 - New technology sheds new light on Phoenix Lights phenomenon - KSAZ-TV (Phoenix, AZ)


March 11, 2016 - BLOGS New York’s Top UFO Seasons: Summer and Fall - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


March 11, 2016 - Fish in a barrel again - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


March 11, 2016 - UFOs Light Up The Scottish Sky - Lee Speigel, Huffington Post


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  March 10, 2016 - Bassett: Obama Will Be The UFO ‘Disclosure President’ - Fox News Radio


March 10, 2016 - The truth is out there - UFO sightings over Hamilton - Julie Gilbert, Daily Record (Scotland)


March 9, 2016 - Is there a massive underwater UFO base in Guantanamo Bay? Conspiracy theorists claim Marine saw secret craft 'virtually every night' - Stacy Libertore, Daily Mail (UK)


March 9, 2016 - Will Hillary Clinton declassify UFO info? - Angela Hill, Contra Costa Times


March 9, 2016 - 'Undeniable alien spacecraft' spotted in night sky by motorist's dashcam - Kara O'Neill, Daily Mirror (UK)


March 9, 2016 - Is this triangle in the sky a UFO floating above West Virginia? Man spots unusual object hovering over a highway - Lydia Willgress, Daily Mail (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  March 9, 2016 - Who STOPPED Bill and Hillary Clinton from revealing truth about aliens and UFOs to globe? - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


March 9, 2016 - WATCH: ‘Undeniable alien spacecraft’ spotted in night sky - Tom Evans, Daily Star (UK)


March 8, 2016 - EXCLUSIVE: MoD Scientist is latest whistleblower after bizarre 'encounter with THIS UFO' - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


March 8, 2016 - DoD Whistleblower Scientist Reports Baffling ‘Blue Plasma’ UFO Sighting — MUFON Rates Witness ‘Extremely Credible’ [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


March 8, 2016 - Man tries to contact aliens... then bizarrely this 'awesome FLYING SAUCER appeared' - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  March 8, 2016 - What REALLY happened when Hillary and Bill Clinton tried to open UFO truths 21 years ago? - Jon Austin, Daily Mail (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  March 7, 2016 - Hillary Clinton's campaign manager 'convinces her to release secret UFO files' if elected - Jon Dillon, Daily Mirror (UK)


March 7, 2016 - Hillary Clinton Promises to Release Classified UFO Documents if She Becomes President - Emma Sarran Webster, Teen Vogue


March 6, 2016 - Is this the best UFO picture ever taken? - Toby Meyjes, Metro (UK)


March 6, 2016 - COW MUTILATIONS: Local rancher struggles with cow mutilations - Emery Cowan, Arizona Daily Sun


March 6, 2016 - Is this the best UFO picture ever taken? Pensioner captures picture of a ‘Close Encounters’ style UFO hovering over his home for several minutes - Anthony Joseph, Daily Mail (UK)


March 6, 2016 - Pensioner photographs UFO after hearing noise ‘like a thousand hoovers’ - Daily Express (UK)


March 5, 2016 - Watch moment cigar-shaped UFO scares flock of birds into the sky as it whizzes over house - Daily Mirror (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  March 4, 2016 - This Is What It's Like to Be the Only Man in Washington Lobbying for UFOs - A. J. Vicens, Mother Jones


March 4, 2016 - Pushing for a game change - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


March 4, 2016 - 'Gagged' ex-MoD cop who 'saw UFO at Greenham Common' BREAKS nearly 30-year silence - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


March 4, 2016 - Mysterious UFO flying over London filmed by man after it repeatedly appeared above his house - Maryse Farag, Sun (UK)


March 4, 2016 - Clinton Campaign Chairman: ‘The American People Can Handle the Truth’ About UFOs - Claire Landsbaum, New York Magazine


March 4, 2016 - Hillary Clinton promises to 'get to the bottom of UFO mystery' if elected, and 'maybe send a task force' to alleged alien prison Area 51 - James Wilkinson, Daily Mail (UK)


March 4, 2016 - Hillary Clinton's Campaign Manager Says 'Legitimate Questions' About UFOs Should Be Answered - Vice


March 3, 2016 - John Podesta: I've Convinced Hillary Clinton To Declassify UFO Files - Lee Speigel, Huffington Post


March 3, 2016 - Hillary Clinton AGAIN vows to find out what White House knows about aliens and UFOs - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


March 3, 2016 - Hillary Clinton aide vows to release top secret UFO X-Files which could PROVE existence of aliens - Jasper Hamill, Daily Mirror (UK)


March 3, 2016 - Clinton would consider declassifying government documents related to UFOs - Scott Bixby, Guardian (UK)


March 3, 2016 - UFO Disclosure: Hillary Clinton Aide John Podesta Says Hillary Will ‘Get To The Bottom’ Of The UFO Question Because ‘Americans Can Handle The Truth’ - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


March 2, 2016 - 30 Incredible Photos Of Crop Circles - Weather Channel


March 2, 2016 - Clinton Campaign Manager Says Release All the Documents! (About UFOs) - A. J. Vicens, Mother Jones


March 1, 2016 - I-Team: Clinton aide seeks UFO files - KLAS-TV (Nevada)


March 1, 2016 - Remembering Edgar Mitchell: UFO/ET Disclosure Advocate - Bill Wickersham, Columbia Daily Tribune


February 29, 2016 - SHOCK UFO CLAIMS: Dozens of UK sightings in North East ‘prove ALIENS exist’ - Charlie Peat, Daily Express (UK)


[CIA Files Release]  February 29, 2016 - The CIA says: “Take a peek inside our X-files." - Suzanne Stratford, WJW-TV (Cleveland, OH)


February 29, 2016 - Film presents what if story on The Phoenix Lights - Troy Haden, KSAZ-TV (Phoenix, AZ)


February 29, 2016 - 19 years later and The Phoenix Lights mystery goes on - Linda Williams, WOFL-TV (Orlando,FL)


February 28, 2016 - UFO sightings in North of England are 'proof of extraterrestrial life' - Dan O'Donoghue, Daily Mirror (UK)


February 28, 2016 - More stories on UFOs seen in the Hinckley skies - Colin Saunders, Hinckley Times


February 27, 2016 - Faculty member publishes book on history of extraterrestrial theories - Missy Vernier, Central Michigan Life


February 27, 2016 - Guam's skies have a history of UFOs - Cameron Miculka, Pacific Daily News


February 27, 2016 - North East UFO sightings proof of extraterrestrial life an expert has claimed - Dan O'Donoghue, San Francisco Chronicle


February 27, 2016 - Aliens visiting earth? Retired US naval officer claims seeing 'evidence' of UFO sightings - Kabita Maharana, International Business Times


February 26, 2016 - ‘It was the size of a football field’: Two police brothers spot giant UFO above London - Alana Moorhead, Sun


February 26, 2016 - A Webb of confusion - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


February 26, 2016 - The Experiencers: Not Your Dad’s Alien Abductees - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


February 26, 2016 - The Essex Files? A pair of police officer brothers spot 'UFOs' hovering in the sky while on their way to work - Alex Matthews, Daily Mail (UK)


February 26, 2016 - UFO 'caught on camera' flying in the skies above London by stunned policemen - Harvey Day, Daily Mirror (UK)


February 26, 2016 - EXCLUSIVE: Navy whistleblower 'saw proof of aliens and UFOs on Earth' - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


February 26, 2016 - Navy officer saw 'proof of aliens and UFOs' in government files and claims people have been killed to keep them quiet - Alison Maloney, Sun (UK)


February 26, 2016 - Top secret UFO documents 'prove Britain's biggest alien sighting was real' claims US naval officer - Ruth Halkon, Daily Mirror (UK)


February 25, 2016 - UFOs And Aliens 'Have Visted Earth' Former US Naval Officer Claims - Nitya Rajan, Huffington Post (UK)


February 25, 2016 - U.S. Navy Whistleblower Claims Proof Of Aliens And UFOs, Saw Thousands Of Photos Of Aliens And UFOs At Naval Base - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


February 25, 2016 - See 10 Mysterious ‘UFO Sighting’ Photos From History - Lily Rothman & Liz Ronk, Time


February 25, 2016 - UPTEGROVE: Springfield resident describes UFO sighting - Christian County Headliner News


February 25, 2016 - EXCLUSIVE: Have UFO cases that rocked the globe finally been solved? - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


February 24, 2016 - REVEALED: Britain's capital for alien UFO sightings - Robin Cottle, Daily Star (UK


February 23, 2016 - See 'inside Area 51 after pilot flies drone over top secret airbase where alien craft were stored' - Jonathon Dillon, Daily Mirror (UK)


February 23, 2016 - Coventry's UFO sightings: Glowing rockets, circular objects and bright lights all spotted last year - David Ottewell, Coventry Telegraph (UK)


February 22, 2016 - 'Experiencer' sharing alien abduction story - Brant News (Canada)


February 22, 2016 - The real life X Files: CIA release former top secret documents about 'alien UFOs landing on earth' - Hayley Richardson, Sun (UK)


February 22, 2016 - 10 tips for investigating flying saucers - Katie Leone, WXIX-TV (Cincinnati, OH)


February 22, 2016 - Alien UFO Expeditionary Fleet May Have Arrived In Our Solar System — Giant Structure Spotted Approaching Jupiter’s Moon Europa, According To UFO Hunters [Photos] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


February 22, 2016 - 100 reported UFO sightings in Minnesota every year, local group says - Maury Glover, KMSP-TV (Minneapolis, MN)


February 22, 2016 - Bigger than Roswell? Top secret CIA files unearth hidden UFO sightings - Michael Havis, Daily Star (UK)


February 21, 2016 - 25 UFO sightings logged in Wales since January 2015 - South Wales Evening Post (UK)


February 21, 2016 - 6 Stars Who Say They've Encountered Aliens - Evann Gastaldo, Newser


February 21, 2016 - The X-Files: Century-old Melbourne UFO report similar to case used by Fox Mulder found in archives - Simon Leo Brown, ABC (Australia)


February 20, 2016 - You won't believe the number of UFO incidents logged in Northern Ireland since January 2014 - David Ottewell, Belfast Live


February 20, 2016 - Manchester's UFO sightings: Exploding sheep, almighty bangs and bright orbs all spotted last year - David Ottewell, Manchester Evening News (UK)


February 20, 2016 - UFO spotted over Newton Abbot - Zoe Stevens, Torquay Herald Express (UK)


February 19, 2016 - UK X-Files: Top-secret UFO docs which could 'prove aliens exist' may be released in DAYS - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


February 19, 2016 - Stealth Alien Invasion Of Earth Under Way, UFO Hunters Raise Alarm Following Multiple Reports Of UFOs Dropping ‘Pods’ Across The Country [Videos] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


February 19, 2016 - The Lost Cities of UFO Reports - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


February 19, 2016 - Phoenix Lights: 7 things you should know about largest reported UFO sighting in the world - Kari Van Horn - KNXV-TV (Phoenix, AZ)


February 19, 2016 - Do aliens exist? UK to disclose secret UFO files in March this year - Zee News (India)


February 18, 2016 - What UFOs Mean for Why People Don't Trust Science - Julie Beck, Atlantic


February 17, 2016 - UFO sighting over UK captured in incredible new photos - Michael Havis, Daily Star (UK)


February 17, 2016 - '...and for other purposes' - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


February 17, 2016 - UFOs, mutilated cows and Oregon: What's the link? (photos) - Joseph Rose, Oregonian


February 16, 2016 - Obama 'alien contact' quip fuels rumours 2016 WILL be the year of UFO disclosure - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


February 16, 2016 - Argentine alien festival soars at UFO sighting site hotspot - Paul Byrne, Washington Post


February 16, 2016 - Whistleblower about to 'lift lid on 1000s of UFO files' is GENUINE, says ex-MoD man - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


February 15, 2016 - Florida men recall UFO close encounter 50 years ago - Patrick Nolan, WFTX-TV (Cape Coral, FL)


February 12, 2016 - Did aliens cause this volcano to erupt? Bizarre video sparks UFO rumours among sky-watchers - Ross Logan, Daily Mirror (UK)


February 12, 2016 - 'It is incredible' Has this mother just taken a picture of a UFO in the sky? - Daily Express (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  February 12, 2016 - No comment from the Dome - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


February 12, 2016 - REVEALED: Secret US plan to use fear of alien invasion in sinister PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


February 12, 2016 - Bristol struck by second alien encounter as UFO is spotted soaring in the skies - Margi Murphy, Daily Star (UK)


February 12, 2016 - Conwy teenagers saw "a flying saucer" while out jogging - North Wales Daily Post (UK)


February 12, 2016 - Is this a UFO? Stunned mum snaps 'flying saucer' hovering in sky above Bristol - Koray Erol, Daily Mirror (UK)


February 12, 2016 - UFO Sightings: Orange County vs. Suffolk County - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


February 12, 2016 - Mysterious Bright Orb UFO Drops Alien ‘Landing Pod’ Over Spokane Valley In Washington [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


February 12, 2016 - CIA cover up: Spooks secrecy over UFO sightings to prevent 'mass hysteria' exposed - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


February 11, 2016 - UFO Hunters Claim Proof Of NASA Cover-Up: 70-Meter UFO Orbiting Near-Earth Asteroid Is Proof Of Alien UFO Presence In Our Solar System [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  February 11, 2016 - Lynn Woolsey Doesn’t Find UFO Talk Totally Spacey - Warren Rojas, Roll Call


February 11, 2016 - 'Cone-headed alien abducted me as I walked home from the pub and told me the world will end in 850 years' claims retired Irish carpenter - Corey Charlton, Daily Mail (UK)


February 11, 2016 - Close encounters of the County Limerick kind - Alan Jacques, Limerick Post (UK)


February 11, 2016 - Nanaimo UFO lights up the sky again - CBC News (Canada)


February 11, 2016 - UFO terror as screaming family flees ‘flying saucer’ which 'appeared ABOVE them' - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


February 10, 2016 - Is this a 230ft UFO orbiting an asteroid? Experts claim grainy black and white footage shows alien activity - Lydia Willgress, Daily Mail (UK)


February 10, 2016 - Could NASA be lying to us about huge UFO orbiting asteroid near the Earth? - Ruth Halkon, Daily Mirror (UK)


February 10, 2016 - A UFO coverup? Director of new film is a believer. - David Filipoz, Boston Globe


February 10, 2016 - This Irishman claims he was abducted by ALIENS who told him how world will end - Alan Jacques, Irish Mirror (Ireland)


February 10, 2016 - First contact? Stranded 'alien being' pleads with UFO investigators for help - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


February 9, 2016 - Extraterrestrial Culture Day: The Roswell incident – fact v fiction - Mark Molloy, Independent (UK)


[Dr. Edgar Mitchell Passes]  February 9, 2016 - The Way of the Explorer - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


[Dr. Edgar Mitchell Passes]  February 9, 2016 - Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut who walked on moon, dies at 85 - Todd Leopold, CNN News


[Dr. Edgar Mitchell Passes]  February 7, 2016 - Sixth man to walk on moon dies, aged 85 - David Millward, Independent (Ireland)


February 7, 2016 - 5 of the most chilling British UFO sightings in history revealed - George Harrison, Sun (UK)


[Dr. Edgar Mitchell Passes]  February 6, 2016 - Moonwalker, Outspoken UFO Enthusiast Ed Mitchell Dead At 85 - Jim Clash, Forbes


[Dr. Edgar Mitchell Passes]  February 6, 2016 - Edgar Mitchell, sixth man on the Moon, dies aged 85 - BBC News (UK)


February 6, 2016 - 'UFO' footage shows a cluster of lights hovering over Russian city - Sophie Roberts, Sun (UK)


February 5, 2016 - What to Do If You See A UFO - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


[Dr. Edgar Mitchell Passes]  February 5, 2016 - Edgar D. Mitchell, Sixth Moonwalking Astronaut, Dies at 85 - Richard Goldstein, New York Times


[CIA Files Release]  February 5, 2016 - On the Web: CIA puts the truth out there with its own X-files - Adrian McCoy, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette


February 4, 2016 - UFO footage which sent alien hunters into frenzy 'confirmed' as GENUINE by expert - Sean Martin, Daily Express (UK)


February 4, 2016 - Video showing UFO cluster flying in unison over Russia declared authentic by experts -


February 4, 2016 - Bizarre footage shows a cluster of lights hovering and swooping in yet another unexplained Russian 'UFO' video - Jake Polden Daily Mail (UK)


[CIA Files Release]  February 3, 2016 - Are we alone in this universe? CIA documents reveal the truth - Ismail Sheikh, Express Tribune


[CIA Files Release]  February 3, 2016 - The Truth Is Out There: CIA Publishes UFO Investigation Tips - Elizabeth Howell,


February 3, 2016 - EXCLUSIVE: The truth is out there - in WILTSHIRE? 'UFO' seen hovering near village - Sean Martin, Daily Express (UK)


February 3, 2016 - Watch cluster of UFOs flying in unison over Moscow in video declared AUTHENTIC by experts - Rhian Lubin, Daily Mirror (UK)


February 3, 2016 - Has a UFO been spotted harnessing energy from the sun in Nasa footage? - Sean Martin, Daily Express (UK)


February 3, 2016 - Aliens are among us: Five of the craziest UFO sightings - Daily Star (UK)


[CIA Files Release]  February 3, 2016 - 'Take A Peek Into Our X-Files' - Hundreds Of Documents On Aliens And UFOs Made Public - Malaysian Digest (Malaysia)


February 3, 2016 - Foo Fighters, revisit your namesake - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


February 3, 2016 - Flying saucers: Proof of alien life or a storm in a teacup? - Troy Lennon, Daily Telegraph (Australia)


[CIA Files Release]  January 31, 2016 - Declassified FBI Memo: Flying Saucers Found With 9 Aliens Inside? - Tara McIsaac, Epoch Times


[CIA Files Release]  January 31, 2016 - CIA unbuttoned: Secretive agency invites public to view its 'X Files' on UFOs - Carol Christian, Houston Chronicle


[CIA Files Release]  January 31, 2016 - CIA declassifies hundreds of documents that reference - Javier E. David, CNBC


[CIA Files Release]  January 31, 2016 - CIA posts its own 'X-Files' of UFO reports online - Bonnie Burton, CNet


[CIA Files Release]  January 31, 2016 - The X-Files: CIA releases 10 real X-Files to celebrate show's return - Jack Shepherd, Independent (UK)


[CIA Files Release]  January 31, 2016 - Finally! CIA Releases 'X-Files' Docs, Details 'How To Investigate' UFOs - Lee Speigel, Huffington Post


[CIA Files Release]  January 31, 2016 - THE CIA IS HAVING ‘X-FILES’ FUN WITH UFOS - Jeff Stein, Newsweek


[CIA Files Release]  January 31, 2016 - CIA shares declassified UFO documents, calls them ‘X-Files’ - NBCi4 (Columbus, OH)


[CIA Files Release]  January 31, 2016 - Central Intelligence Agency posts its own 'X-Files' of UFO reports online - Vihaan Nadkarni, Indian Republic (India)


[CIA Files Release]  January 31, 2016 - Real-life 'X-Files'? CIA posts trove of UFO documents - KTTV-TV (Los Angeles)


[CIA Files Release]  January 30, 2016 - THE CIA UNVEILS AN ‘X-FILES’ DUMP OF UFO DOCUMENTS - Paula Majia, Newsweek


January 30, 2016 - Secret Entrance To UFO Base On Nepal Himalayas Blacked-Out On Google Earth — Alien Base Or Government ‘Area 51’ Facility? [Photos] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


January 30, 2016 - Alien hunters claim to spot massive UFO 'sucking energy from the Sun' - Ross Logan, Daily Mirror (UK)


[CIA Files Release]  January 30, 2016 - Real-Life ‘X-Files’: CIA Releases UFO Documents, “The Truth Is Out There” - Manasi Gandhi, Inquisitr


[CIA Files Release]  January 30, 2016 - CIA: Mulder, Scully would love these declassified UFO investigations - Breanna Lyda, WJHL-TV (Johnson City, TX)


January 30, 2016 - UFO Sightings Highlighted By CIA In Documents That Will Wow Believers and Skeptics Alike - Dustin Kemp, Inquisitr


January 29, 2016 - UFO Caused Volcano Eruption In Mexico Claim Conspiracy Theorists - Thomas Tamblyn, Huffington Post (UK)


January 29, 2016 - Footage captures mysterious UFO passing over volcano seconds before it erupts - Allison Maloney, Sun (UK)


January 29, 2016 - BLOGS 15 years of UFO Shapes over NY - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


January 29, 2016 - UFO Sightings 2016: You Saw A UFO, Here's What You Do Next - Andrew Whalen, iDigitalTimes


[CIA Files Release]  January 29, 2016 - The CIA Just Released Its Own (Real) Version of the X-Files - Sarah Rense, Esquire Magazine


January 29, 2016 - Aliens ‘Observing Our Progress’? UFO Near International Space Station Shoots Scanning Beam Of Light Earthward [Video]- Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisirt


[CIA Files Release]  January 29, 2016 - CIA Releases Thousands Of Declassified 'X Files' On Flying Saucers And Aliens! - Anjali Bisaria, India Times


[CIA Files Release]  January 29, 2016 - CIA releases declassified documents on UFOs - Adam Boult, Telegraph (UK)


[CIA Files Release]  January 29, 2016 - Real-life 'X-Files'? CIA posts trove of UFO documents - Fox News


[CIA Files Release]  January 29, 2016 - CIA posts its own ‘X-Files’ in celebration of the show’s return - Keri Blakinger, New York Daily News


[CIA Files Release]  January 30, 2016 - Real-Life ‘X-Files’: CIA Releases UFO Documents, ‘The Truth is Out There’ - Manaxi Gandhi, Inquisitr


[CIA Files Release]  January 30, 2016 - Take a peek into the CIA's 'X-Files' - Amanda Jackson, CNN


[CIA Files Release]  January 29, 2016 - CIA publishes real life ‘X-Files’ - Aimee Ortiz, Boston Globe


[CIA Files Release]  January 29, 2016 - BREAKING: CIA releases top secret X-Files to the public. Do we really want to know the TRUTH about aliens? (PHOTOS) - Marshall Connolly, Catholic Online


[CIA Files Release]  January 29, 2016 - CIA Releases Hundreds of Declassified Documents Detailing Investigations Into Possible Alien Life - KTLA-TV (Los Angeles)


[CIA Files Release]  January 29, 2016 - How to find a flying saucer: CIA reveals how to carry out your own X-Files investigation into unexplained phenomenon - Cheynne McDonald, Daily Mail (UK)


[CIA Files Release]  January 29, 2016 - CIA Posts UFO Documents in Time For 'X-Files' Return - Gabriella Iannetta, NBC Connecticut


[CIA Files Release]  January 29, 2016 - The truth really IS out there: CIA releases thousands of declassified 'X-files' on aliens, flying saucers and other unexplained phenomena - Daily Mail (UK)


[CIA Files Release]  January 28, 2016 - The truth is in here: CIA organizes UFO files for 'The X-Files' reboot - Atlanta Journal Constitution


[CIA Files Release]  January 28, 2016 - UFO files: CIA unveils reports of flying saucers in Sheffield - The Week (UK)


January 28, 2016 - One of world's 'best ever' UFO pictures captured – prompting claims it MUST be fake - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


January 28, 2016 - Passing UFO 'sparked volcano eruption' in footage released by conspiracy theorists - Jon Dean, Daily Mirror (UK)


January 28, 2016 - Did a UFO cause a Mexican volcanic eruption? Conspiracy theorists claim 'transporter craft' spotted overhead - Cheynne McDonald, Daily Mail (UK)


January 27, 2016 - WATCH: UFO 'blast through' danger volcano blast the moment it erupts - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


[CIA Files Release]  January 27, 2016 - CIA Releases 'X-Files' - Greg Richter, Newsmax


[CIA Files Release]  January 27, 2016 - CIA Posts 'X-Files' UFO Documents for Both Believers and Skeptics - Devin Coldewey, NBC News


January 27, 2016 - New Roswell found: Airforce SHOOT DOWN UFO after radar alert - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


[CIA Files Release]  January 27, 2016 - The Real 'X-Files'? CIA Reveals Weirdest UFO Stories - Tia Ghose - Live Science


[CIA Files Release]  January 27, 2016 - CIA Compiles Its Real-Life ‘X-files,’ Including UFO Sighting by German Mayor - Tara MacIsaac, Epoch Times


[CIA Files Release]  January 27, 2016 - The CIA Shared Classified UFO Documents to Celebrate the Return of The X-Files - Dean Essner, Washingtonian


[CIA Files Release]  January 27, 2016 - UFOs over Sheffield: How a 14-year-old boy fooled CIA - Yorkshire Post (UK)


[CIA Files Release]  January 27, 2016 - Top secret UFO files released by CIA - Central Somerset Gazette (UK)


[CIA Files Release]  January 27, 2016 - CIA Post Top Secret UFO "X-Files" Online - Nitya Rajan, Huffington Post (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  [CIA Files Release]  January 27, 2016 - CIA releases secret files of 'flying saucer' UFO sightings - including over Britain - Caroline Mortimer, Independent (UK)


[CIA Files Release]  January 27, 2016 - CIA releases X-files on aliens, flying saucers ‘for Agent Mulder to use’ - RT


[CIA Files Release]  January 27, 2016 - UFO fleet over Sheffield: : CIA release secret files of alien sightings including over Britain - Jacob Magnano, Sun (UK)


[CIA Files Release]  January 26, 2016 - CIA Releases Hundreds Of Secret UFO 'X-Files' - Katherine Derla, Tech Times


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  January 26 2016 - An Alien Hunter’s Guide to the 2016 Election - Daniel Oberhaus, VICE


[PRG Political Initiative]  [CIA Files Release]  January 26, 2016 - CIA reveals that the 'truth is out there' in series of new UFO articles - Jonathan Dillon, Daily Mirror (UK)


[CIA Files Release]  January 26, 2016 - CIA declassifies hundreds of UFO documents - Stuff (New Zealand)


[CIA Files Release]  January 26, 2016 - CIA Now giving Tips On How To Investigate UFO's On Their Twitter Page - Steve McQueen, Neon Nettle


[CIA Files Release]  January 26, 2016 - CIA releases thousands of top secret UFO files – and reveals chilling 'alien' sightings - Rory Mckeown, Daily Star (UK)


[CIA Files Release]  January 26, 2016 - CIA Releases Secret UFO Files - Including Spaceships Over Britain In 1962 - Yahoo News


[CIA Files Release]  January 26, 2016 - World's best ever UFO pictures' go online with CIA former top secret files - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


[CIA Files Release]  January 26, 2016 - CIA Releases Alien Documentation From 1940 — UFOs, UFOs Everywhere! - Anna Culaba, Ryot


[CIA Files Release]  January 26, 2016 - CIA release thousands of top secret UFO files - North Devon Journal (UK)


[CIA Files Release]  January 25, 2016 - CIA releases new UFO ‘X-Files’ – including terrifying flying saucer over Sheffield - Robert Waugh, Metro (UK)


January 25, 2016 - About last night - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


[CIA Files Release]  January 25, 2016 - The real-life X-Files FINALLY revealed: CIA posts former top-secret UFO reports online - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


[CIA Files Release]  January 25, 2016 - The CIA has just released thousands of top secret UFO "X-Files" - C. G. Ben, Cornish Guardian (UK)


[CIA Files Release]  January 25, 2016 - CIA rates top five declassified documents on UFOs - WKBN-TV (Youngstown, OH)


January 25, 2016 - UFO sightings are common in tiny Colorado town - AOL News


January 25, 2016 - CIA DECLASSIFIES UFO DOCUMENTS - Cheryl Chumley, World News Daily


January 25, 2016 - WATCH: Mysterious UFO floating through sky leaves alien investigators puzzled - Jake Burman, Daily Star (UK)


January 25, 2016 - Is this a UFO? Video of mysterious white 'aircraft' spotted in the Netherlands has baffled the internet - Jessica Haworth, Daily Mirror (UK)


January 24, 2016 - UFO sightings are common in tiny Colorado town - Kevin Torres, KDVR-TV (Denver, CO)


January 23, 2016 - UFO Caught On Video Investigating Jet Chemtrails Over El Cajon, California - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


January 23, 2016 - AMAZING 'X-FILE' PHOTOS: Saucer-shaped UFO chased by military aircraft in Bulgaria - Catholic Online


January 23, 2016 - A peek inside Canada's X-Files - Maryam Shah, Toronto Sun (Canada)


January 22, 2016 - Amazing footage shows 'real UFO' accidentally filmed as man records plane in sky - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


January 22, 2016 - World's largest UFO conference coming to Valley - Marc Ybarra, Tucson News Now


January 22, 2016 - Eerie pictures show UFO being chased by 'military aircraft' in X-Files style dogfight - Jon Dean, Daily Express (UK)


January 22, 2016 - BLOGS 15 Years of UFO Sightings in New York: Part 1 - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


January 21, 2016 - Shocking pictures of 'UFO being tailed by two military aircraft emerge' - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


January 21, 2016 - Mystery surrounds footage of two military planes following UFO - Alana Moorhead, Sun (UK)


January 21, 2016 - Bizarre 'saucer-shaped' UFO captured in the sky believed to be 'other worldly' - Kara O'Neill, Daily Mirror (UK)


January 21, 2016 - What IS this bright object flying in the sky? Man claims to have filmed UFO in Florida - Lydia Willgress, Daily Mail (UK)


January 21, 2016 - Video Of 'UFO Chased By Military-Style Jets' Divides Alien Fans - Nitya Rajan, Huffington Post (UK)


January 21, 2016 - What were these military planes chasing? Mystery surrounds images of two fighter jets following a UFO in Bulgaria - Ellie, Zolfagharifard, Daily Mail (UK)


January 21, 2016 - EARTH-SHATTERING FOOTAGE: Diamond-shaped UFO spotted lurking behind clouds - Michael Havis, Daily Star (UK)


January 21, 2016 - We were abducted by aliens the beautiful women who claim ET’s got them pregnant - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


January 20, 2016 - Alien Existence Set for Revelation This Year? - Czarmecin, Latinos Health


January 20, 2016 - Women 'had sex with aliens and gave birth to hybrid babies' - and so might YOU - Stephen Walter, Daily Mirror (UK)


January 20, 2016 - Some ideas about digging - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


January 20, 2016 - Watch diamond-shaped UFO fading in and out of blue sky in eerie footage shot from kitchen window - Sam Adams, Daily Mirror (UK)


January 20, 2016 - Get off our clouds! Man claims to have filmed black diamond-shaped UFO hiding out in skies above his home - Daily Mail (UK)


January 20, 2016 - UFO spotters claim 'bona fide alien craft' spotted in this mobile phone footage - but can you see it? - Kelly-Ann Mills, Daily Mirror (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  January 19, 2016 - 2016 – the year the world will be told the TRUTH about the existence of aliens - Rory McKeown, Daily Star (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 17, 2016 - Hillary Clinton’s UFO story becomes a favorite topic of the global media: Study - Jennifer Harper, Washington Times


January 16, 2016 - Real X-Files: Global top secret UFO files on alien encounters 'have been released - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  Jannuary 16, 2016 - Extraterrestrial Lobbyist Explains Hillary Clinton’s Controversial UFO Statements - Robin Seemangal, New York Observer


January 16, 2016 - Bizarre rectangle UFO snapped near Statue of Liberty - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


January 16, 2016 - Editor's Corner: Cache Valley has its share of UFO stories and videos - Stephen McCollum, Herald Journal


January 16, 2016 - Stormchaser snaps 'flying saucer' as he waits for lightning to strike - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


January 15, 2016 - Reader spots UFOs above Burnett Heads - Crystal Jones, Bundaberg News Mail (Australia)


January 15, 2016 - Politics, UFOs and Disclosure - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


January 14, 2016 - Boomerang UFO Caught On International Space Station Live Video Two Days After Amateur Astronomer Sighted It In Elgin, Illinois - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


January 13, 2016 - UFO sightings: Top 20 States with the highest number of alien reports - Laura Mitchell, Daily Star (UK)


January 13, 2016 - UFO Sighting On Prince Edward Island Among ‘Best UFO Sightings’ In Canadian Maritimes [Video] - Sean Mahoney, Inquisitr


January 12, 2016 - What IS this mysterious object spinning above Kosovan town? Man claims he has filmed UFO hovering high in sky - Lydia Willgress, Daily Mail (UK)


January 12, 2016 - UFO sighting in P.E.I. backed by national group - Launa Chapin, CBC (Canada)


January 12, 2016 - Is this a UFO? Heated debate sparked after mysterious sight caught on camera - Kelly-Ann Mills, Daily Mirror (UK)


January 12, 2016 - Are Alien Races Monitoring Earth For Future Invasion? ‘Fast Walker’ UFO Streaking Past International Space Station Captured On Live Video - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


January 12, 2016 - Good thing it wasn't terrorism - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


January 12, 2016 - Couple film mysterious 'string of pearls' UFO speeding through the night sky - have aliens come to visit us? - Jeff Parsons, Daily Mirror (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 12, 2016 - Hillary Clinton Promises To Release Information On UFOs And Area 51, Claims Aliens May Have Already Visited Earth - Perry Carpenter, Inquisitr


January 11, 2016 - VIEWPOINT: Hillary Clinton and UFOs - Pete Hartinger, Circleville Herald


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 10, 2016 - Hillary Clinton promises to investigate area 51 but her husband has already disclosed what is at secret base - Tara West, Inquisitr


January 10, 2016 - UFO captured on dashcam shows an eerie light speeding through the night sky over Darwin - Aneeta Bhole, Daily Mail (UK)


January 10, 2016 - Harvey, McPherson mutilation cases still under investigation - Amy Bickel, Hutchison News


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 9, 2016 - The Clintons are longing to find UFOs - New York Post


January 8, 2016 - VIDEO: Astro-photographers film ‘super-fast’ UFO hurtling over Darwin - Dani McDonald, NT News (Australian)


January 8, 2016 - A WEEK OF MEDIA STORMS IN THE SUN - Tom Eastman, Conway Daily Sun


January 8, 2016 - BLOGS UFO Sightings and the Holiday Party - Cheryl Costa, Syracuse Newtimes


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 7, 2016 - Hillary Courts UFO Believer Vote - Mike Albo, Good Magazine


January 7, 2016 - Why So Many People Are Reading This Old FBI Memo About UFOs - John Wenz, Popular Mechanics


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 7, 2016 - About time someone finally asked - Billy Cox, Sarasota Herald-Tribune


January 6, 2016 - The Westall ‘UFO’ incident still remains a mystery 50 years after it occurred - Matthew Dunn, (Australia)


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 6, 2016 - Does Hillary Have UFO Fever? - Rod Anderson, Christian Post


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 6, 2016 - Hillary Clinton And The UFO Issue - Greg Boone, Political Lore


January 6, 2016 - Sheriff's Office investigating case of cattle mutilation near Los Alamos - David Minsky, Santa Maria Sun


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 5, 2016 - Hillary Clinton Gives Her Take on Aliens: 'I'm Going to Get to the Bottom Of It' - Naja Rayne, People Magazine


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 5, 2016 - Hillary Clinton pledges to get truth out on aliens - Times Live (South Africa)


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 5, 2016 - Sceptic alert: Hillary Clinton Will Reveal The Truth About Aliens - If She Is Elected President in November - West Australian (Australia)


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  January 5, 2016 - UFO Lobbyist Says Clinton Remarks Make History - Daymond Steer, Conway Daily Sun


January 5, 2016 - Villagers convinced of 'alien visit' after UFO filmed hovering in sky - Kelly-Ann Mills, Daily Mirror (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 5, 2016 - Hillary Clinton says she'll 'get to the bottom' of UFOs, aliens - WFXT-TV (Boston)


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 5, 2016 - Hillary Clinton Says Aliens Could Have Visited Earth, Proposes Area 51 Investigation - Stoyan Zaimov, Christian Post


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 5, 2016 - Hillary Clinton plans to investigate Area 51 if she’s elected - Bret Smith, Red Orbit


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 5, 2016 - Hilary Clinton Publicly Acknowledges The Earth May Have Been Visited - Sam Meeghan, Neon Nettle


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 5, 2016 - Hillary Clinton vows to investigate UFOs - Carol Brown, American Thinker


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 5, 2016 - Hillary Clinton Vows To Get To The Truth About UFOs - RedState


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 5, 2016 - Hillary Clinton knows where the extraterrestrials are being hidden, and it's not Area 51 - Douglas Perry, Oregonian


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 5, 2016 - SHOCK NEWS: US president frontrunner Hilary Clinton believes ALIENS have come to earth - Patrick Knox, Daily Star (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 5, 2016 - Hillary Clinton Promises to Look Into UFOs, Area 51 - Robert C. Welch III, Latin Post


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 5, 2016 - Hillary Clinton vows to get to the bottom of mysteries surrounding UFOs, aliens - AOL News


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 5, 2016 - Sceptic alert: Hillary Clinton Will Reveal The Truth About Aliens - If She Is Elected President in November - Yahoo7 News (Australia)


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 5, 2016 - I want to believe: Hillary Clinton says aliens may have visited Earth - RT


January 5, 2016 - EXCLUSIVE: Soldier breaks 44-year silence over Roswell claiming 500 military men saw UFOs - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - INSIDE HILLARY CLINTON'S STRANGE, BIZARRE UFO LOBBY - Daniel Greenfield, Frontpage Magazine


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Reporter questions Hillary Clinton about UFOs, again - Benjamin Mullin, Poynter


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Clinton promises to look into Area 51, aliens - Sarah Watkins, Washington Examiner


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Report: Hillary Clinton to investigate UFOs, addresses alien visitation - Liz McKernan, KUTV-TV (Salt Lake City, UT)


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Space cadet Hillary pledges Area 51 task force - Douglas Ernst, World News Daily


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - If elected, Hillary Clinton vows to ‘get to the bottom’ of the UFO mystery - Alan Boyle, Geek Wire


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Hillary Clinton says she’ll look into UFOs, Area 51 and alien visitation - Alejandro Rojas, Open Minds


January 4, 2016 - Hillary Promises to 'Get Down to the Bottom' of Area 51, UFOs - Loren Gutentag, Newsmax


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Report: Hillary Clinton to investigate UFOs, addresses alien visitation - Liz McKernan, WLUK-TV (Green Bay, Wisconsin)


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Hillary Clinton pledges to 'get to the bottom of' UFOs - Jake Ellison, Seattle Post Intelligencer


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Hillary Clinton (jokingly) pledges UFO probe - Eli Watkins, CNN


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Hillary Jokes That She’ll Investigate UFOs, Area 51 - Steve Guest, Daily Caller


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - On other aliens, Hillary Clinton vows study of UFOs, probe of Area 51 - Ken Stone, My News LA


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Hillary Clinton Believes We 'May Have Been Visited' By Aliens And Vows To Get To The Bottom Of UFOs - Nitya Rajan, Huffington Post (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Hillary Clinton Vows to ‘Get to the Bottom’ of What’s in Area 51 - Kate Scanlon, The Blaze


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Hillary Clinton says she’ll ‘get to the bottom’ of UFOs, aliens - Kristina Webb, Palm Beach Post


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Hillary Clinton Promises Reporter She'll 'Get To The Bottom' Of UFOs - Sara Jerde, Talking Points Memo


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Hillary Clinton Pledges to "Get to the Bottom" of UFO's and Aliens - Inae Oh, Mother Jones


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Hillary Clinton: We May Have Already Been Visited By Aliens - Patrick Howley, Breitbart News


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Hillary Clinton: Aliens May Have Visited Us - Daily Beast


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Report: Hillary Clinton Says Aliens May Have Visited EarthReport: Hillary Clinton Says Aliens May Have Visited Earth - Morgan Chalfant, Washington Free Beacon


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Hillary Clinton Says Aliens have Probably Visited Us. Vows to Open UFO Files - Emily Zanotti, The American Spectator


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Aliens May Have Visited Earth Already, Hillary Clinton Says - Mike Wall,


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Hillary Clinton: If Elected, I Will Reveal The Real Truth About Aliens - The Federalist


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Hillary Clinton says aliens may have paid us a visit - Chris Matyszczyk, CNet


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative]  January 4, 2016 - Minutes - Rebecca Leber, New Republic


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Clinton: Aliens may have visited us already - Jesse Byrnes, The Hill


[Clinton/ET Connection] [PRG Political Initiative] January 4, 2016 - INSIDE HILLARY CLINTON'S STRANGE, BIZARRE UFO LOBBY - Daniel Greenfield, Frontpage Mag


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Hillary Clinton pledges to create an Area 51 task force, says aliens may have visited us already - Keri Blakinger, New York Daily News


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Aliens may have visited: Shock Hillary Clinton claim as she vows to open 'UFO cover up' - Jennifer Harper, Washington Times


January 4, 2016 - Digging for answers: Cape Girardeau native Paul Smith writes book on alleged UFO sighting of 1941 - Suzanne Thompson, Southeast Missourian


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Hillary Clinton Vows To Investigate UFOs And Area 51 - Lee Speigel, Huffington Post


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Aliens may have visited: Shock Hillary Clinton claim as she vows to open 'UFO cover up' - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Hillary promises to investigate aliens if elected - the ones from space, not Mexico - Robert Laurie, Canada Free Press (Canada)


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 4, 2016 - Hillary Clinton: ‘I will reveal the truth about UFOs when I am President’ - Rob Waugh, Metro (UK)


January 3, 2016 - Mysterious Utah Orb UFOs Streaked Across Sky Like a ‘School Of Fish’ [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 3, 2016 - Hillary Clinton: I will reveal truth about UFOs if I become America's next President - Jonathan Dillon, Daily Record (Scotland)


January 3, 2016 - Glowing UFO Captured On Video Above Mexico’s Volcano Popocatepetl During Christmas Sparks Online Debate [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 3, 2016 - Hillary to open the X-Files - Kelly McLaughlin, Daily Mail (UK)


January 3, 2016 - Cow found killed, mutilated in McPherson County - Ashley Booker, Hutchison News


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 3, 2016 - Hillary Clinton: "I will reveal truth about area 51 and UFOs if I become president" - Jonathan Dillon, Daily Mirror (UK)


[Clinton/ET Connection]  January 3, 2016 - Hillary Clinton: "I will reveal truth about area 51 and UFOs if I become president" - John Thomas Didymus, Inquisitr


January 2, 2016 - Why do little green men go to Liverpool? Merseyside is the UFO capital of Britain as police receive more mysterious calls in the North-West than anywhere else - Hugo Gye, Daily Mail (UK)


January 2, 2016 - Harvey County Sheriff warns of cattle mutilations - KSN-TV (Wichita, KS)


January 2, 2016 - Gold Coast now Queensland’s UFO capital with half of reports from the Glitter Strip - Denis Doherty, Gold Coast Bulletin (Australia)


January 2, 2016 - UFO Hunters Spot ‘Number 58’ Sign On Surface Of Moon And Mars — Proof Of Intelligent Space faring Alien Species? [Video] - Johnthomas Didymus, Inquisitr


January 2, 2016 - Greater Manchester dubbed one of the country's UFO hotspots after uncannily high number of sightings - Pete Bainbridge, Manchester Evening News (UK)


January 1, 2016 - UFO snapped over Dubai by former air force contractor just hours before towering inferno - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


January 1, 2016 - Alien Abduction: Former US radar tracking officer Niara Terela Isley claims - Andy Castillo, Oceanside Post


January 1, 2016 - Crazy darting object tops surge in UFO sightings reported over new year - Jon Austin, Daily Express (UK)


January 1, 2016 - Three UFO sightings over South America leave sceptics and believers locked in debate - Yahoo7 News (Australia)


January 1, 2016 - What’s going on in South America? Two UFO incidents cause panic in different countries - (Australia)


January 1, 2016 - What’s going on in South America? Two UFO incidents cause panic in different countries - Perth Now (Australia)


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