Partial Archive of Mainstream Print Media Coverage
Dealing with Extraterrestrial-Related Phenomena and Exopolitics


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This archive is limited to reportage in the mainstream media only -  no tabloids or paranormal publications. Also not included are articles from "direct media" such as the Examiner, he Canadian, OpEd News, American Chronicle, etc. of which there are thousands. The archive is representative of English language coverage since 1947. Some important foreign language coverage is included given the effectiveness of Google translation software. In most instances links are to the full article at the source. Some links are to previews of archived articles and require purchase for the full text. The balance are linked to text copies. It is a representative sampling.  The total mainstream coverage, all countries, since 1947 can only be guessed, but likely exceeds thirty thousand articles. These article links are gathered from multiple sources. Note: the number of articles being generated on the ET issue is now so large, PRG focuses on archiving a sampling of the better story threads.


























(641) (873)


















(1126) (480) (185) (169) (131) (103) (134) (58) (66) (117) (87) (58) (171)

Archived articles to date: 15,010


Note: you can word search each year's listings: "New York Times" "Australia" "UK" "Roswell" etc.


Articles of particular note and substance indicated by check mark:




December 15, 1997 - Martians smarter than the average American? - Associated Press


December 14, 1997 - Unknown UFO site remains so - Linda Watanabe McFerrin, San Francisco Examiner


December 8, 1997 - UFO researchers meet in Brasilia - United Press International


December 8, 1997 - Dispatches - Stephen Cviich, BBC (UK)


December 8, 1997 - Sci/Tech: Close encounters of an extra-terrestial kind -  BBC (UK)


December 7, 1997 - Old spirals could be sign of alien visits - Jay Ingram, Globe and Mail (UK)


December 1, 1997 - Alien contradiction is focus of new book: The mysterious Area 51 -- is it an alien hotbed or amusing hooey? -- is the subject of author David Darlington's 'The Dreamland Chronicles' - Anne Hosier, Las Vegas Sun


November 24, 1997 - Agency Alien Experts Wanted - Shaun Zeller, Government Executive Magazine


November 23, 1997 - Bill Wanted UFO Probe: Hubbell Book - Debra Orin, New York Post


November 19, 1997 - Chile to investigate reported UFO sightings - BBC (UK)


November 1, 1997 - The Secret UFO CIA Files - Steve Wilson, Popular Mechanics


October 31, 1997 - First Annual Long Island UFO Conference - Hicksville Illustrated News


October 23, 1997 - Alien topic - Frank A. Aukofer, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel


October 19, 1997 - Some lobbyists are stuck in the hall - Davide Segal, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel


September 28, 1997 - Men in Black are here - UFO expert - London Sunday Mirror (UK)


September/October 1997 - Dispatch from Dreamland - UFO obsessions - Jill Neimark, Psychology Today


August 28, 1997 - Abductees and Sympathy - Nate Hendley, Toronto Eye Weekly


August 24, 1997 - CIA and Aliens: is It The X-Files or Keystone Kops? - Anders Hove, MIT Tech


Washington Post

August 8, 1997 - The Summer of UFOs - Washington Post


August 3, 1997 - Coverup of spy planes led to stories of UFO sightings, CIA study says - William Broad, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel


July 30, 1997 - U.F.O. Believers and Debunkers Thrive on the Web - Patrick J. Lyons, New York Times


July 30, 1997 - Alien culture: I wanted to believe. I really did  - Jamie DePolo, Detroit Metro Times


July 28, 1997 - Alien Agenda: Investigating the Extraterrestrial Presence among Us - Review - Andrew Stuttaford, National Review


July 17, 1997 - The Public Trust, Aliens and Feds - Government Executive Magazine



July 7, 1997 - Media Descends, Cynically, on UFO Gathering - Jason Silverman, Wired


July 7, 1997 - UFO Summit: Experts squabble, fans jeer - Jack Boulware, Salon


July 5, 1997 - Flying saucer spotting - William Hartston, London Independent (UK)


Washington Post

July 5, 1997 - Roswell's Desert Swarm - Joel Achenbach, Washington Post


July 3, 1997 - Landing: UFO watchers descend on town for anniversary - Mark Leibovich, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel


July 1, 1997 - Roswell Plus 50 - Steve Wilson, Popular Mechanics


July 1, 1997 - UFO faithful land in Roswell for anniversary fest - Reuters


July 1, 1997 - The Roswell files:  Roswell UFO encounters - Peter Fish, Sunset Magazine


June 30, 1997 - U.F.O. Believers and Debunkers Thrive on the Web - Patrick J. Lyons, New York Times


June 29, 1997 - Alien Notions - Jakcin Loohauis, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel


June 29, 1997 - Of course Air Force is covering up - Tom Teepen, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel


June 26, 1997 - The Great UFO Cover-up: It's not what you think. Scottsdale resident Mitch Stanley knows what the March 13 "UFO" was. But will anyone listen? - Tony Ortega, Phoenix New Times


June 25, 1997 - The truth is out there. Or is it?  Skeptics doubt Roswell report - Julia Duin, Washington Times


June 25, 1997 - Roswell aliens just dummies, report says - Michael Hedges, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel


Washington Post

June 25, 1997 - Alien Autopsy: The Air Force Issues a Post-Mortem on the "Roswell Incident." Cased Closed? - Richard Leiby, Washington Post


June 24, 1997 - We're Not Alone - Maureen Dowd, New York Times


June 24, 1997 - Case Closed? - PBS


June 23, 1997 - Roswell or Bust: A Town Discovers Mania Crashing from Heaven and Become the Capital of America's Alien Nation - Time


June 23, 1997 - Did Aliens Really Land? An Examination of Events in 1947 Shows Something Did Happen. But the Resulting Stories Got Out of Hand and Out of This World - Leon Jaroff, Time


June 18, 1997 - Report on Roswell 'UFO crash' due soon - CNN


June 17, 1997 - The Public Trust, Aliens and Feds  - Government Executive Magazine


June 14, 1997 - Flying Saucer Buffs to Mark Half Century of Hazy History - Amy Harmon, New York Times


June 3, 1997 - The alien half-century - Michael Harrington, Spectator


June 4, 1997 - The Senator and the UFOs - Louis Jacobson, Government Executive Magazine


May 10, 1997 - X-Files is Opened Into Phoenix "UFO": BarWood asks staff to investigate lights - Susie Steckner and Chris Fiscus, Arizona Republic


April 9, 1997 - DoD: We Don't Do UFOs - Linda D. Kozaryn, Government Executive Magazine


April 19, 1997 - Don't believe in aliens? Visit San Francisco's UFO 'Museum' - CNN


March 30, 1997 - Tales from the dark side of flying saucer research - Keay Davidson, San Francisco Examiner


March 27, 1997 - Apocalyptic visions tied to comets past - Dick Wilson, CNN


Washington Post

March 19, 1997 - The Outer Limits - Joel Achenbach, Washington Post



February 28, 1997 - FOIAville: Good things take time - Billy Cox, Florida Today


January 20, 1997 - Governor jumps aboard to investigate UFO sighting - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel


January 16, 1997 - How to sight a flying saucer - Rosana Queenstreet, London Independent (UK)


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