B = Link to Author Bio M = Major Reference
EARS | 18a | Related Science | ||
Category | B |
M |
Where possible book |
EARS | Brandenburg, John E. 1995. Possible Parent Body for the Carbonaceous Chondrites: Mars. American Geophysical Union Conference, Baltimore MD. June: 52A-54. | |||
EARS | Brandenburg, John E. 1997. Mars as the Parent Body of the Carbonaceous Chondrites and Implications for Mars Biological and Climactic History. Proceedings of the SPIE 3111(July): 69-80. | |||
EARS | Brandenburg, John E. and DiPietro, Vince. 1995. Did the Lyot Impact End the Liquid Water Era on Mars? American Geophysical Union Conference, Baltimore MD June: P52A-3. | |||
EARS | Burges, Eric. 1990. Return to the Red Planet. New York: Columbia University Press. | |||
EARS | Caidin, M., Barbree, J. and Wright, S. 1997. Destination Mars: In Art, Myth and Science. New York: Penguin Studio. | |||
EARS | Carlotto, Mark J. and Stein, M. C. 1990. A Method for Searching for Artificial Objects on Planetary Surfaces. Journal of the British Interplanetary Society 43(5). | |||
EARS | Carr, Michael H. 1981. The Surface of Mars. New Haven: Yale University Press. | |||
EARS | Carroll, Michael. 1998. Braking for Mars. Popular Science. February: 62-63. | |||
EARS | Cattermole, Peter. 1992. Mars: The Story of the Red Planet. New York: Chapman and Hall. | |||
EARS | Daker, V. R., Strom, R. G., Gulick, V. C., Dargel, J. S., Komatsu, G. and Kale, V. S. 1991. Ancient Oceans, Ice Sheets and the Hydrological Cycle on Mars. Nature 352(August 15). | |||
EARS | DiGregorio, Barry and Levin, Gil. 1997. Mars: The Living Planet. New York: W. W. Norton. | |||
EARS | Forget, F. and Pierrehumbert, Raymond. 1997. Warming Early Mars with Carbon Dioxide Clouds that Scatter Infrared Radiation. Science 278(November 14): 5341. | |||
EARS | Goldsmith, Donald. 1997. The Hunt for Life on Mars. E. P. Dutton. | |||
EARS | Greeley, R. and Iverson, J. D. 1985. Wind as a Geological Process on earth, Mars, Venus, and Titan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. | |||
EARS | Harp, Elmer, Jr. 1983. Threshold Indicators of Culture in Air Photo Archaeology: A Case Study in the Arctic. In Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics, J. D. Foley and A. Van Dam, eds. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. | |||
EARS | Hartmann, William K. 1998. Red Planet Rendezvous. Astronomy March: 50-53. | |||
EARS | Hoover, Richard B. 1997. Meteorites, Microfossils and Exobiology. In Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering. 3111(July): 115-136. | |||
EARS | Hoover, Richard. ed. 1997. Instruments, Methods and Missions for the Investigation of Extraterrestrial Microorganisms. In Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering. 3111(July). | |||
EARS | Horn, B. K. P. 1977. Understanding Image Intensities. Artificial Intelligence 8: 201-231. | |||
EARS | Legon, John A. R. 1988. A Ground Plan at Giza. Discussions in Egyptology 10 pp. 33-39. | |||
EARS | Legon, John A. R. 1989. The Giza Ground Plan and Sphinx. Discussions in Egyptology 14 pp. 53-60. | |||
EARS | Levin, G. 1997. The Viking Labeled Release Experiment and Life on Mars. In Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering. 3111(July):146-161. | |||
EARS | McGill, G. E. 1989. The Martian Crustal Dichotomy. In Lunar and Planetary Institute Technical Report pp. 98-104. | |||
EARS | Murray, B., Malin, M. and Greeley, R. 1981. Earthlike Planets: Surfaces of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon and Mars. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman. | |||
EARS | OLeary, Brian. 1987. Mars 1999: Exclusive Preview of the U.S.-Soviet Manned Mission. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books . | |||
EARS | Parker, T. J., Gorsline, D. S., Saunder, R. S., Pieri, D. C. and Schneeberger, D. M. 1993. Coastal Geomorphology of the Martian Northern Plains. J. Gephys. Res. 82(E6): 11,061-11,078. | |||
EARS | Peli, T. and Lim, J. 1982. Adaptive Filtering for Image Enhancement. Optical Engineering 12(1). | |||
EARS | Pentland, A. 1988. The Transform Method for Shape-from-Shading. MIT Media Lab Vision Sciences Tech. Report 106(July 15). | |||
EARS | Pittendrigh, Colin et. al., ed. 1965. Biology and the Exploration of Mars: Report of a Study Held under the Auspices of the Space Science Board, National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, 1964-1965. In Chapter entitled Remote Detection of Terrestrial Life. | |||
EARS | Rieder, R., Economou, T. Wanke, H., Turkevich, A., Crisp, J., Bruckner, J., Dreibus, G. and McSween Jr., H. Y. 1997. The chemical Composition of Martian Soil and Rocks Returned by the Mobile Alpha Proton X-ray Spectrometer: Preliminary results from the X-ray Mode. Science 278: 1771-1774. | |||
EARS | Sagan, Carl and Wallace, D. 1971. A Search for Life on Earth at 100 Meter Resolution. Icarus. 15: 515-554. | |||
EARS | Schreiber, W. 1978. Image Processing for Quality Improvement. Proceedings IEEE 66(12). | |||
EARS | Schultz, P. H. and Lutz, A. B. 1988. Polar Wandering on Mars. Icarus 73: 91-141. | |||
EARS | Stein, M. C. 1987. Fractal Image Models and Object Detection. Society of Photooptical Instrumentation Engineers 845: 293-300. | |||
EARS | Tom, V. 1985. Adaptive Filter Techniques for Digital Image Enhancement. Proceedings SPIE Vol. 528. | |||
EARS | Van Flandern, Tom. 1993. Dark Matter, Missing Planets and New Comets. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books. | |||
EARS | Vogt, Evon Z. ed. 1974. Aerial Photography in Anthropological Field Research. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. | |||
EARS | von Buttlar, Baron Johannes. 1996. Terraforming. Munich: Heyne Verlag. | |||
EARS | von Buttlar, Baron Johannes. 1997. Leben auf dem Mars (Life on Mars). Munich: Herbig Verlag, | |||
EARS | Wang, D., Vagnucci, A. and Li, C. 1983. Digital Image Enhancement: A Survey. Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing 24: 363-381. | |||
EARS | Wilson, D. R. 1982. Air Photo Interpretation for Archaeologists. New York: St. Martins Press. | |||
EARS | Zubrin, Robert and Wagner, Richard. 1996. The Case for Mars: The Plan to Settle the Red Planet. New York: Free Press. |
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