September 26, 2006 = 02:00pm
UFO sightings in South Australia have taken off, with dozens = of=20 people reporting close encounters to the Australian Cosmic Connection=20 hotline.
ACC director Kevin Robb said extraterrestrial encounters in the state = were=20 =93going crazy=94, with Waitpinga, Semaphore, Kangaroo Island and the = Adelaide Hills=20 the top places to spot ET activity.
=93Sightings are coming in all the time, from north to south to east = to west,=94=20 Mr Robb said.
=93There seems to be a glut of it at the moment.=94
Silver discs, strange flashing lights and cigar-shaped orange craft = are among=20 the sightings reported to the 24-hour hotline.
Hundreds of people are expected to discuss the phenomenon at a UFO = evening=20 tomorrow night at the Marion Sports and Recreation Centre. Registration = begins=20 at 6.30pm.
UK author and UFO expert Timothy Good will be the guest speaker, and = will=20 launch his book Need to Know: UFOs, the military and intelligence.
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