Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - Redux
October 15, 2007

The primary point of this second open letter is this:  fear-based motivation for changing collective worldview is not enough.   Something with broader, positive implications is also required.  That something is formal Disclosure of a non-human extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.   Gore knows this and must find the courage to address it.

Stephen Bassett


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Contact  Al Gore

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October 15, 2007

Dear Mr. Gore:

On January 29 of this year PRG published an open letter to you in anticipation of your winning the “Best Documentary” Oscar for An Inconvenient Truth at the 79th Annual Academy Awards.  That letter made two essential points: 1) your political career and areas of specialty as a senator and vice president were such you are aware of and/or have been briefed on some or all of the facts surrounding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race for at least the past sixty years, and 2) propulsion and energy technologies associated with extraterrestrial vehicles obtained by the United States military and under development for decades must be brought out from behind the government imposed truth embargo and placed in the service of addressing the dire warnings you have raised concerning the near- and long-term effects of global warming.

Nine months have passed.   You did not respond to this open letter, and none of the presidential candidates who wish to lead the most powerful nation in the world have dared in forum after forum to address the extraterrestrial/truth embargo issues.   Nevertheless, you have had quite a year culminating with your being awarded the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.   In between you picked up an Emmy.

In your post-Nobel Prize announcement remarks you repeatedly referred to the “consciousness raising” aspect of the global warming challenge.   Your point is valid, but it is worth noting the motivation behind this potential increase in global consciousness would be fear-based in much the same way the threat of international terrorism alters human behavior.   The environmental movement began in similar fashion, arising out of the dire and also controversial warnings from Rachel Carson in her landmark book, Silent Spring.   But even Carson would have been impressed with the behavioral changes your message calls for.

The multiplicity of solutions to the global warming crisis you offer will require an unprecedented modification in collective worldview never before seen in human affairs within any time frame, let alone the one or two decades suggested.   In short, you need all the help you can get - help that includes powerful, non-fear-based components.

With all due respect for global warming’s potency as a change agent, that and nothing else comes close to the formal disclosure of the presence of non-human, intelligent beings for getting the human race’s attention.  It will and properly should be the most profound event in human history.   If you wish for the human race to see itself as a singular species shepherd to its one and only home planet, helping to end the truth embargo will significantly improve that prospect.

But, as stated above, there is a significant bonus to this strategy.    Behind the truth embargo is sequestered extraterrestrial technology which, if brought into the public arena, could completely alter the tipping point equations presently scaring many out of their wits.   In fact, there is no issue impacting the human condition that this technology could not materially affect for the better.

Jimmy Carter knows this, Bill Clinton knows this, George H. W. Bush know this – they will not publicly speak to it.  Will you speak for them?


Stephen Bassett
Executive Director

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344

Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr.
January 29, 2007

The primary point of this open letter is this:  If you choose to speak truth to power, it is not enough to select those truths which are convenient or safe or self-serving.   You must speak the whole truth and nothing but the truth and place your fate in the hands of history.

Stephen Bassett


Return to Paradigm Research Group

Contact  Al Gore

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January 29, 2007

Dear Mr. Gore:

On February 25, 2007 at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood you will stand before a worldwide audience to accept a well deserved Academy Award for “Best Documentary.”    This moment will be a hallmark in a most remarkable political story.  A man comes within a few votes of being President of the United States, puts aside the enormous personal disappointment, shuns a comfortable retirement, subsumes his ego and takes on the grueling work of raising public awareness toward a critical issue “one PowerPoint presentation at a time.”

An Inconvenient Truth about the dangers of global warming has broken through a ridicule curtain of misinformation and propaganda preventing the nations and peoples of the world from properly engaging a challenging reality.  It has remade you a leader to which millions have turned for guidance and solutions which you provided in your documentary.   And therein lies the problem.   The solutions you propose are not commensurate with either the timeframe or the severity of the consequences you predict.   Those frightened by these consequences are frustrated as they consider the degree of cooperation demanded by nations and institutions to address this emergency before it is too late.   They consider the present state of world affairs and lose hope for a positive outcome.

Many of the solutions you present are based upon existing and projected technological innovation.   What if there were technology capable of dramatically advancing and accelerating the solution process, and this technology was being withheld as a government policy?   Would it not be unethical to allow that to continue?

Such technology does exist.  It was derived from the energy and propulsion systems of crashed vehicles of extraterrestrial origin.  It is sequestered in government research facilities where it remains today hostage to a six decade “truth embargo” imposed by the U. S. government on the facts surrounding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the planet Earth and the human race.   It is reserved for weaponry, not for global warming response.

I believe you already know this via contacts made during years of study of national security, arms control and nuclear proliferation issues while in the Senate and from your service as an active and powerful vice president.   If you are not aware of the validity behind this “other inconvenient truth,” ask your good friends Bill and Hillary Clinton or President Clinton’s senior policy advisor, John Podesta.  They watched from the Oval Office while billionaire Laurance Rockefeller worked through the Office of Science and Technology Policy for three years to persuade the Clinton administration to end the truth embargo – the Rockefeller Initiative.   John Podesta would later call for the release of all government documents relevant to the extraterrestrial issue during two press conferences at the National Press Club in October of 2002 and 2003.   Or you could ask Jimmy Carter who approved two studies of extraterrestrial phenomena during the first months of his presidency before both were shut down by the Department of Defense and members of his own administration.

This is not a political issue so much as it is a moral issue.   When you stand at the podium in the Kodak Theater, let the people know there was something missing from your film.   Tell your audience there are powerful solutions, extraterrestrial in origin, to which they have a right to know about and to access.   The auditorium will explode with a response that will astound you – a response that will expand to billions of people who must know the truth about the world in which they live in order to fix it.   It will not be convenient or without risk, but it is the right thing to do.


Stephen Bassett
Executive Director

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344

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