Responses to the

Open Letters to Albert Gore, Jr.
October 15 and January 29, 2007

To  Open Letter
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Contact Al Gore

If you believe Al Gore should take the advice proffered in the October 15 and January 29, 2007 Open Letters, please consider mailing or faxing a polite and thoughtful request that he do so.  Contact Mr. Gore as follows:

Honorable Al Gore

2100 West End Avenue, Suite 620

Nashville, TN  37203

Fax:  615-327-1323

Email:  Not currently available







Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007

Subject: Re; Open Letter to Al Gore, Jr. Redux - 10/15/07


I think this open letter from Stephen Bassett will most likely remain unanswered just like his previous one.  It's a waste of time. GORE has  an environmental and political agenda and not an extraterrestrial  one. Supporting the latter is not a wise thing for him to do now.  It  would undoubtedly cause him more harm than good if he isn't able to  get the UFO data released.  It would most certainly lead to a  political downfall. And he knows this very well. And does he really  have any important information re ufos? He could very well have been  left out of the loop when he was Vice-president for reasons of  plausible deniability. Maybe he didn't have a Need-To-Know.  It can be  as simple as that.  Presidents and Vice-Presidents stay only in power  for several years, so why let them into the whole Secret?  Intelligence agencies, however, go on forever.



Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007
Subject: Re: Open Letter to Al Gore, Jr. Redux - 10/15/07

This is so important that you keep the pressure on Al Gore, because if we ever needed him, we need him now.



Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007


Subject: Re: Open Letter to Al Gore, Jr. Redux - 10/15/07


Anyway....Your open letter to Al Gore hit on the single point about which environmentalists agree:  If there is a solution to global warming, find it.  All those former "tree huggers" are now considered to be "ahead of their time" and they are basking in the world acceptance and acknowledgment of their warnings.  Gore isn't likely to take up your challenge, but his supporters might be.  They've proven themselves to be a steadfast and vocal group.  Now that they've received encouragement from the rest of the world, they might jump on your bandwagon, too.



Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007

From: John
Reply to Al Gore letter

Dear Sir:

Please. What nonsense.  Little aliens are the solution to our problems.   Lets get real.   When I was a teenager I believed in aliens, but now I am big.  Too bad so many people haven't grown up yet.


I have no doubt that this letter will not make it onto your site as it is contradictory to what you are saying.  Quite ironic if it doesn't as the point of your letter is that people hide information to suit their own needs, so if this letter does NOT get posted on your site, I guess you are just like them....




Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 22:07:20
Subject: Re: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07


Great Letter, I especially like its bold and defiant tone. I suspect Gore could emerge as a "dark horse" if the convention is deadlocked, in which case this letter might be addressed to the next President of the United States.



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 21:07:45

Subject: RE: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07



Very well crafted.....very well written!

I submitted an article last year to Starline Unlimited in regards to An Inconvenient Truth.   Your letter certainly puts a whole new twist on the subject!   I'm curious to hear his response.



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 04:38:19

Subject: Re: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07

Stephen...This is "The Right Stuff" for us to get our message across.  I have Al Gore's contact information sitting on my desk, was tremendously impressed with his book and movie, and feel he has "assumed the mantle" of Leadership in his  series of presentations in the US and worldwide.



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 09:25:54
Subject: Re: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07


PRG -- strong work!

I think including links, e.g., a link to a site that goes into detail on the Rockefeller initiative, would have been wise.  I think making it as easy as possible for the reader and as well documented as possible at the same time is key.



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 09:26:10
Subject: Re: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07


Stephen:  Excellent letter and worth the try. Hopefully, at some point one or more of our government leaders who are in the know about the ET reality will come forward.  How will this reach Mr. Gore personally?    Thanks for all your work in this effort.



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 12:27:16
Subject: Re: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07


Steve...this letter is absolutely AWESOME......BUT.....I know you do it with  "tongue in cheek!" ....BECAUSE you and I and all "real" (non-egotistical and arrogant) Homo sapiens know that Al Gore is about "Al Gore" and could care less about the TRUTH than even Hillary Clinton.   The bottom line IS....The Truth Embargo sets the "elite" FREE and the Disclosure (first proposed by Jesus Christ and destroyed by Christianity) sets the "captives" FREE .....It's always been about...."them against us"....BUT....the "elite" are clueless to the TRUTH of Scripture....



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 15:01:09

Subject: Re: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr.

Hello Steve - what a great letter and to add to this, what my research shows there are so many other energy-related things we could do now, if only the people would wake up.



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 08:39:53
Subject: RE: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07


Excellent letter, Steven.  It was the “right thing to do”!



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 08:41:26
Subject: Re: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07


Hi Stephen,   I knew where the letter was going before I opened the email!   Would definitely make for an interesting oscar award night.


Personally I like the idea of tech leading the way -- I really don't think the Kyoto accord -- as its currently written -- will solve the problem. You'll wind up producing less goods in clean US factories, and more goods in dirty factories in developing countries. It caps greenhouse gases in the US causing faster outsourcing to say, China, which doesn't exactly have an EPA overlooking their factories.


The green revolution has already begun in the US and green upstart companies seem to be sprouting up everywhere. That being said, were a free energy device thrown into the mix it would sure help,



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 13:50:13
Subject: RE: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07


Dear Sir,   I support your efforts with all my heart.  I admire you, congratulations.  And I hope you will be successful this year...



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 08:56:46
Subject: Re: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07


Bravo!!  An Inconvenient, and totally timely message.  Well said.  Thank you immensely.



Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 13:56:32
Subject: RE: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07


Albert Gore knows what is his weakness.  He cannot live in the kind of environment he says himself is necessary.  I read some of his book   An Inconvenient Truth, the book about global warming.  Everyone knows what the end of global warming means for the future of mankind – the exposure of the global conspiracy, and therefore its perpetrators.  Al Gore is one of them, and he will never reveal that part to you.  These people will be judged in the afterlife and not in the present, and that is why so many people find it hard to believe.



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 07:04:48

Subject: Re: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07


Don't hold your breath.



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 10:23:19

Subject: Re: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07


Dear Mr. Bassett;     All I have to say is one word - BRAVO!



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 08:32:36

Subject: Re: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07


Stephen:    This is just fantastic!  Call his damned bluff; it's the worst-kept "secret" in history, and now is the time!


However, you have to know that he would be pummeled by the press - and made to look the fool, if he didn't back up what he said by mentioning the personages that you do in your letter to him; also, what's to stop the network from pulling the plug on his speech if he "goes there?" There is a (guessing) 6-second delay in the broadcast as a contingency against the odd curse word, whatever.


I wasn't going to watch the Awards this year ...  but I will tune in now.  It would be the signal moment in history if he does what you suggest.  Now is the time.  You are to be commended, sir.



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 08:33:46
Subject: Re: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07


Hi Steve,   I hope your letter to Gore somehow reaches his attention.



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 10:42:19
Subject: Re: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07


And perhaps Mr. Gore will answer the question that follows, and get to  the bottom of Big Oil motives.



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 11:43:32

Subject: Re: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07


Great letter, Steve!!! - beautifully written in your exceptional and boldly crafted style!!!  Thanks for continuing to keep these extremely dire issues in the political and public forefront.



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 10:23:14
Subject: Re: Fw: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07

Right on Steve! Now I have a vehicle (letter) to announce to my friends and family what I believe in and why this is our future concern. It makes a lot more sense than what they perceive as just a UFO fad!    Good work!



Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 23:58:13
Subject: Fwd: [exopolitics] Exopolitics and the Human Genome Project


Dear Stephen,   You might already be aware of the ongoing controversy concerning the Human Genome ET debate?  In terms of disclosure, it might be interesting to note that a Biological evolutionary admission of the ET presence might be the egress to "opening this can of worms."  Can anyone say Intelligent Design?



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 14:06:16
Subject: Re: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07


Great letter to Gore, Steve!  Thanks.



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 12:15:00
Subject: Re: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07





Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 11:35:41

Subject: Re: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07


I agree with you & the message of this letter. Thank you for sending it to me.



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 13:21:43
Subject: Your open letter to Al Gore


Steve,   Have you ever wondered how bad things have to get before this advanced ET technology is allowed to be used?  Or is it reserved only for use of the elite after they let global warming run its course, trashing our infrastructure along with about five billion people?  Half ass solutions will only continue the fleecing of the people as you are, no doubt,  well aware.  By the way, is Gore a really an elitist outsider?   I have my doubts. Wouldn't you love to "hear" what runs through Mr. Gore's mind when he reads your letter?  Would they be the thoughts of a dedicated insider or a scorned outsider?  Anyway, thanks for your effort in this well written letter.



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 10:58:30
Subject: Paradigm Research Encourages Al Gore to go public
             with ET Tech in front of a  Billion people at the Oscars


Hi,   would free energy machines combat global warming??    WILL AL GORE GO PUBLIC  WITH ET TECH AT THE OSCARS??



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 12:34:08
Subject: Re: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07


RIGHT ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 13:32:29

Subject: Re: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07


Hi Steve,   Thanks for taking the initiative... great letter!



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 16:22:22
Subject: RE: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07

Greetings, Stephen:   I have tears in my eyes upon reading this.  Thank you.



Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 17:16:01

Subject: Re: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07


Stephen,  thank you so much for your thoughtful letter to Mr. Gore.  We applaud your insights as well as your tremendous courage.  We truly are moving closer to the truth we ALL deserve. 



Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2007 16:35:13

Subject: Re: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07


Dear Dr. Bassett,


I have followed the stellar work PRG has done in the on-going attempt to expose the extra terrestrial cover-up. So it was to my dismay and bitter disappointment that I read your "Open Letter to Al Gore".


Over the past decade, Mr. Gore has shown himself, time and again, to be a hypocrite and a charlatan. From his infamous claims to have invented the internet, to his more recent crusade to blame mankind for the apparent current global warming. His so called documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth", is nothing but propaganda. It is filled with distortions and outright lies, and never addresses the other side of the story, supported by just as many scientists and climatologists, that the culprit is our own sun, and therefore there's not a whole lot we can do about it.


Mr. Gore is a publicity seeker, plain and simple, and he will do whatever he sees fit ,to ensure he is constantly in the public spotlight.


My disappointment, therefore, is that PRG would associate itself with someone who has so little credibility with half the population of this great country of ours. Surely you see the potential damage to PRG's hard fought reputation in the world of exopolitics when you try to align the organization with someone who is viewed by many, as a crack-pot. In my view, it's playing directly into the hands of those who would seek to continue the cover-up.


Please reconsider this ill-advised strategy, and maintain your focus on those in the political realm who can benefit PRG the most.



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 22:31:35
Subject: Re: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07

Hi Steve, This is good, I was very impressed with "Inconvenient Truth".     I sure hope you get some response.



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 16:12:33

Subject: AL GORE please convey ALL the Inconvenient Truth at the OSCARS!!!


AL GORE please convey ALL the Inconvenient Truth at the OSCARS!!!


I hope that Al Gore receives the "Best Documentary" OSCAR and takes the opportunity to convey what he left out of his film which is self explanatory in the Open Letter to him below.





Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 14:56:16
Subject: RE: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07


Stephen,   A good letter!     However, since Mr. Gore is a habitué of the Bilderberg Group and Council on Foreign Relations, the odds of his snitching off the Cabal masters approach zero.



Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 00:04:05
Subject: Re: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07

Excellent letter...we shall see.



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 15:12:11
Subject: RE: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07


HURRAY FOR YOU STEVE!!! Your valiant efforts are to be lauded. This is indeed a team effort, but please know that your leadership and unwavering dedication are very much appreciated. 



Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 10:09:39
Subject: your letter


Hi Steve,    EXCELLENT LETTER!!!!  Thank you so much for stepping forward to have the truth revealed...........Please continue to keep us informed.  We are constantly sending good energy to this project and seeing it completed.



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 18:17:11
Subject: Re: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07


Hi,   Well thought out  letter.  May also mention in future letters that if you put UFO into a Google search you get 47 MILLION hits.



Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 13:27:12

Subject: Your Article About ...

Dear Mr. Bassett,   That was a very fine letter to Al Gore.  Indeed, the real inconvenient truth lies somewhere in what Bill Uhouse describes as a "Satellite Government."  I do agree that Mr. Gore should investigate and facilitate the release of the UFO/ET information, at the very least, in order to prompt a responsible outcry to our and the world's energy needs.  However, don't hold your breath, as I'm sure you are well aware of the real control of our Constitutional Government.  I would like to back this assertion by reminding verbatim what Democrat Senator Daniel Inoyue (Hawaii), chairman of the Tower Commission's investigation of Iran/Contra said;


" ...a shadowy government with its own air force, its own navy, its own fund raising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the National Interest, free from all checks and balances and free from the law itself." 



Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 15:04:19

Subject: RE: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07

Steve,   Aside from the fact that we can't put a thermostat on the Sun, I agree with you.  In fact,  if Dick Cheney and Al Gore appeared together and announced for your proposals, the battle would be over.  Gotta have both sides of the brain to get this job done.



Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:39:30 -0800
Subject: Re: Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. - 1/29/07


Thanks, Steve for this articulate letter.  T...... and I will do all we can to support the "field" that will enable him to make history.  May it be so.



Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2007 18:52:00 -0600

Subject: Al Gore Jr.

Steve, This letter to Mr. Gore is great, he has no choice but to follow your advise, you have laid a trap with no escape, he must tell the truth.    I think Mr. Gore Jr. would make a great president.  I have emailed him to encourage him to run.  I think he would be elected. Steve, thank you for all the help you give us little people.   it is a pleasure to read your letters.  I do not know how many others can say this, but in 1982 I saw a UFO.  You can rest assured that it was not some swamp gas,,, it was real.



Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 11:23:10

Subject: Your Article About ... Al Gore

Mr. Bassett,  I admire your courage and perseverance in trying to expose the truth.


Mr. Gore, like ALL politicians, is most likely not going to bite the hand that feeds him. There has been ample information about the UFO cover-up and its relationship to the world's energy situation around for many years. If he was truly interested in finding a solution to his "inconvenient truth", he could have by now. I suspect, though, that he really hasn't drawn the connection.



Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2007 23:07:11

Subject: All Gore response

Dear Stephen Bassett , This is in response to your open letter to Al Gore. I think your efforts are encouraging, especially if you could start a petition from people and present it to Gore just in time.  That would press more to your efforts.



Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2007 11:43:49
Subject: Attn. Stephen Bassett

Halo Mr. Bassett,   thank you for publishing the article on Al Gore and thank God that there are people like you. High time that more and more information of this sort is being published, and hopefully more and more people wake up, because the other side has done a good job in brainwashing. But everything is changeable and with hope an trust it will happen.    Thanks again and good luck on further research.



Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 17:21:31

Subject: Re: PRG Press Release - 2/24/07

PRG:  I am small person in a big world.  Thank you for taking on this big challenge.  The letter Al Gore was right on the money.  I am between power outrage even as I write this.  With technology available to solve our energy problem, I do understand that Disclosure is a moral issue not a political one.   Please know that even some little people HEAR you.



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