1999 |
Articles of particular note and substance
indicated by check mark: |
December 29, 1999 -
lights mystery - New Zealand Press (New
Zealand) |
December 26, 1999
- Local eyewitness
joins scientific call to reopen national UFO review:
years after Project Blue Book, is it time to look again? -
Billy Cox, Florida Today |
ü |
December 3, 1999 -
Cylinder UFO Spends One Hour Over Shanghai - ABC News |
December 3, 1999 -
Spectre of UFOs and falling planes haunted Frantic '50s - Dan Raley,
Seattle Post-Intelligencer |
November 24, 1999 -
contact would ignite media frenzy: Scientists' plan for trying to manage the
event: Confirm, verify, tell the world -
Todd Halvorson, Florida Today |
November 21, 1999
review: Invasion of alien matters
- David Williams,
Seattle Times |
November 13, 1999 -
The Secret U-Files: Everyone loves to visit Ontario - even UFOs
- Scott Simmie, Toronto Star
(Canada) |
November 12, 1999 -
Special Report" UFO's in Indiana
- Vicki Duncan, WRTV-TV
(Indianapolis, IN) |
November 11, 1999 -
Washington state near top in UFO sightings: It's one of the best places to
see alien objects, according to reports - Sean L. McCarthy,
Detroit News |
November 7, 1999 -
Fishermen & Video Of Sighting - Agence
France Presse (France) |
November 7, 1999 -
The Tex Files: Lubbock Lights - Richard Ray, KDWF-TV (Dallas-Fort Worth) |
November 3, 1999 -
Captured and hypnotized by aliens! - Joel Achenbach, Salon Magazine |
October 29, 1999 -
watch skies for UFOs - MSNBC |
October 29, 1999 -
Sheriff recalls UFO encounter in 1966 / He suspects craft somehow linked to
dog's death
- Mark Bowes, Richmond
Times-Dispatch |
October 24, 2000 -
Blue Book chief says, `We're probably not alone' - William Coleman, Jr.,
Florida Today |
ü |
October 23, 1999 - Looking beyond little green men
and SETI's cult
Billy Cox, Florida Today |
ü |
October 21, 1999 -
Alien's My Valley? Farmer claims he saw UFO - Mirror (UK) |
October 17, 1999
- Special
Report: Contact: Many
have no doubt aliens are out there: Books, movies, TV, Internet make the idea of life
beyond Earth plausible to millions - Billy Cox, Florida Today |
ü |
October 17, 1999
- Special
Report: Contact Alien
contact would ignite media frenzy: Scientists' plan for trying to manage the event:
Confirm, verify, tell the world - Todd Halvorson, Florida Today |
ü |
October 17, 1999
- Special
Report: Contact Finding
other life wouldn't shake most most faiths: Many religions open to idea that God created
other intelligent species - Todd Halvorson, Florida Today |
ü |
October 15, 1999 -
Celebrities Have Close
Encounters, Too - Robert Scott Martin, Space.com |
October 14, 1999 -
Crop circles
become more frequent, complex - Mary MacArthur, Western Producer |
October 14, 1999 -
Cooper/Woods MAJESTIC Leak Grows Into Paper Flood - Robert Scott Martin, Space.com |
ü |
October 12, 1999 -
recounts UFO sighting - Calgary Herald (Canada) |
11 1999 -
Down in
the valley - Kenny MacIver, Times of London (UK) |
October 8, 1999 -
curious about high-tech conclave on extraterrestrials: Source: NASA agent probes Silicon
Valley meeting with UFO theorist - Matt Beer, San Francisco Examiner |
7, 1999 -
Skepticism is
not alien to UFO expert giving program in Ann Arbor - Suzanne Chessler, Detroit
News |
October 5, 1999 -
Valley meets the X-Files: Execs curious about possible link between UFOs, technology - Matt Beer, San Francisco Examiner |
ü |
October 4, 1999 -
Enthusiasts bring UFOs down to earth: They seek logical explanations for
those lights in the sky. They don't always succeed - Ralph Vigoda, Philadelphia Inquirer |
October 4, 1999 -
Alien Encounter:
A business consultant starts a political action committee to lobby Congress
to reveal any government information about the existence of
extraterrestrials - Andrew DeMillo, Las Vegas Review-Journal |
September 30, 1999 -
Firmage Still Searching for UFO Answers - Robert Scott Martin,
Space.com |
September 30, 1999 -
Marcel's Last Words on Roswell Crash - Robert Scott Martin, Space.com |
ü |
28, 1999 -
Whitley Strieber
Rallies UFO Faithful, Rails Against 'Denial' - Robert Scott Martin, Space.com |
ü |
September 25, 1999 -
enthusiasts open national meet - Robert Kolarik, San Antonio
Express-News |
24, 1999 -
Director of UFO group to
retire - Robert Kolarik, San Antonio Express-News |
September 24, 1999 -
debate falls from the skies: A strange light seen over Oregon is classified
as space junk,
but UFO trackers believe otherwise - Beth Quinn, Oregonian |
September 23, 1999 -
UFO Researchers Descend on San Antonio - Space.com |
23, 1999 -
Heather Harder launches
presidential campaign - Rich James, Post-Tribune |
September 23, 1999 -
Whitley Strieber - Space.com |
September 15, 1999 -
UFO baffles aviation experts: An airline pilot said the UFO looked like a
jet fighter
(UK) |
September 10, 1999 -
Gordon Cooper: No Mercury UFO -
Robert Scott Martin, Space.com |
ü |
September 10, 1999 -
UFO 'Invasion' Outcry Spreads to Virginia - Robert Scott Martin,
Space.com |
September 10, 1999 -
Encounter culture: Beachside California town is gaining a reputation as UFO
central, but some don't quite see the light - Paul Pringle, Dallas
Morning News |
September 6, 1999 -
Abductee Spellbinds Earthlings: More than 1,000 attend expo in San Mateo
- Jonathan Curiel, San Francisco Chronicle |
September 6, 1999 -
Pushing the outer limits
- Dennis Roberts, Modesto Bee |
September 6, 1999 -
Ex-military man from the valley tells of training for alien contact
- Dennis Roberts, Modesto Bee |
September 1, 1999 -
CAUS Sues Washington Over UFOs
- Robert Scott Martin, Space.com |
25, 1999 -
would set declassify task anew - Deb Riechmann, Associated Press |
23, 1999 -
Real Estate Mogul Reaches for
the Stars: Patron of UFO research plans hotel in outer space - Neal Templin, The
Wall Street Journal |
22, 1999 -
to sue for release of 'real X-Files' - James Langton, Electronic
Telegraph (UK) |
August 22, 1999 -
Truth about real "X-Files" is out there
- James Langton, Edmonton Journal (Canada) |
August 18, 1999 -
CIA Said to Rue Its Long-term UFO
Cover-Up - Robert Scott Martin, Space.com |
ü |
August 18, 1999 -
Report Reveals Rifts At CIA - Michael Smith, Daily Telegraph
(UK) |
ü |
August 17, 1999 -
Lobbyist Heads for the Corridors of Power - Neil Irwin, Christian Science Monitor |
ü |
17, 1999 -
hunter breaks record - Dr. David Whitehouse, BBC (UK) |
August 16, 1999 -
Wilhelm Reich's Contact With Space - Robert Scott Martin, Space.com |
August 14, 1999 - Professor Predicts First
Contact With ET Soon -
Urges Preparations - Louise Surette,
The Ottawa Citizen (Canada) |
July 30, 1999 -
Probed in space: Alien medical-exam waiting
rooms don't even have magazines
- Mary Roach, Salon |
July 29, 1999 -
Missouri and D.C. Connection with UFOs - St. Louis Post Dispatch |
July 28, 1999 -
Answers actively
sought in bizarre cattle mutilations.
Patterns are being found but not explanations - Lezlee E. Whiting,
Salt Lake City Deseret
News |
July 26, 1999 -
UFO Issues Lobbying Group Opens In Washington - Space.com |
26, 1999 -
Web Sightings - Space.com |
July 26, 1999 -
Putting out the welcome mat for aliens - Bill Schadewald,
Houston Business Journal |
22, 1999 -
UFO Researcher Says Arnold Saw Pelicans, Not UFOs - Michelle Rosen,
Space.com |
18, 1999 -
Web Sightings - Michele Rosen, Space.com |
July 12, 1999 -
Life, liberty and the pursuit of
aliens: At an annual conference, UFO believers argue for acceptance from the academy -
Jon Bower, Salon Magazine |
ü |
10, 1999 -
Professor listens
hard for extraterrestrial life - Michelle Locke, Orange County Register |
July 9, 1999 -
Something (Probably) Is Out
There: Space: Most everybody thinks they're wacky, but next millennium might prove the
prescience of the MUFONeers.- James P. Pinkerton, Los Angeles Times |
July 6, 1999 -
For devout,
truth about space aliens is close to home Speakers recount being abducted
- Julia Duin, Washington Times |
ü |
July 6, 1999 -
Disorder May Explain Alien Abduction Stories Brain-body 'disconnect' can
cause terror
- Nicholas D. Kristof, New York
Times |
July 3, 1999 -
Aliens Aren't a Foreign Concept - Richard Leiby,
Washington Post |
ü |
July 1, 1999 -
Do aliens
exist? - Munazza Siddiqui, Dawn (Pakistan) |
June 16-22 -
Stand-Up Conspiracist: UFOS, JFK, and Richard Belzer
- Jason Vest,
Village Voice |
ü |
June 15, 1999 -
Roswell to Gulf Breeze, UFOs 'R Us
- Jennifer Barrs, Tampa Tribune |
June 9, 1999 -
Investigating Recent Cow Deaths - Brendan Smith, Albuquerque
Journal |
June 3, 1999 -
Congress, NSA butt heads
over Echelon - Daniel Verton, Federal Computer Week |
June 2, 1998 -
Comic's book not lighthearted work
- Catherine Alexander, CNN |
May 27, 1999 -
Are Crop Circles a Hoax? - BBC
(UK) |
May 25, 1999 -
UFO Sightings In The Famous 'Surrey Corridor' In British Columbia: Strange
Lights Reported Over White Rock - Tom Zytaruk,
Surrey Now
(UK) |
May 22, 1999 -
Cracking the crop circle mystery
- Julian Champkin, London Evening
Standard (UK) |
19, 1999 -
billionaire funds crop circle research - BBC (UK) |
ü |
May 1, 1999 -
May Want to Call Contra Costa: Aliens Take Stage at Monthly Luncheon - Jon King, San
Francisco Chronicle |
April 27, 1999 -
UFO mystery as pilots see red
- Ed Harris, London Evening Standard
(UK) |
April 21, 1999 -
sighting reported
- Bill Zwecker,
Chicago Sun-Times |
April 20, 1999 -
Professor is first academic chair of E.T. hunt - Evelyn Nieves,
Salt Lake City Deseret News |
April 19, 1999 -
Contact - Review
- Stuttaford, National Review |
April 17, 1999 -
Questioning the quest for contact A meeting of
the minds: Search for E.T. despite the odds - Alan Boyle, MSNBC |
April 12, 1999 -
Truth is Way Out There - Theta Pavis, Wired |
April 9, 1999 -
town a getaway for extraterrestrials? - Ricardo Sandoval,
Seattle Times |
April 7, 1999 -
The Alienist:
Artist Brings UFO Abduction Home to New York - Austin Bunn, Village Voice |
April 6, 1999 -
Not alone
in the universe?
- Hindu (India) |
March 31, 1999 -
Sightings in the Sky Peak Interest in the Thumb
- Stacy Langley, Marlette Leader |
March 31, 1999 -
The CEO From Cyberspace: Joe Firmage, A Master
of the Universe at 28, Wants to Defy Gravity and Visit the Far Corners Of
His Realm
- Joel Achenbach, Washington Post |
ü |
March 17, 1999 -
Michigan at the Millennium: Crowds turn out to
chase UFOs near Milan
- Viaian M. Balche, Detroit News |
March 17, 1999 -
Silicon Valley CEO turns UFO evangelist
- Sam Witt and Sean Durkin, Computer World/CNN |
ü |
March 14, 1999 -
sought on '97 reports of UFO in Arizona: Military says lights were flares
dropped by planes - Dallas Morning News |
March 4, 1999 -
Swissair-UFO - Stephen Thorne, CBC News (Canada) |
March 2, 1999 -
UFO conference in Turkey asserts that world is
being visited by intelligent beings from other planets
- Yasemin Dobra-Manco, Turkish Daily
News |
March 1999 -
Nonsense - Mark Goldblatt,
Reason Magazine |
February 22, 1999 -
encounter session: Glendale resident appears on "The Roseanne Show" today to
about UFO abductions - Rodney Tanaka, Los Angeles Times |
February 17, 1999 -
'Aliens' riddled with questions - John Martin,
New York Times |
February 17, 1999 -
UFOs, or a Light Show? Science Battles Wishful Thinking - James Orberg, ABC News Online |
February 7, 1999 -
Local group has experience with the
unusual - Pete Bishop, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review |
February 7, 1999 -
hunter at MoD 'kidnapped by aliens'
- Mark Macaskill, Sunday Times of
London (UK) |
February 7, 1999 -
The Tex Files: Roswell Carswell Photos - Richad Ray, KDFW-TV |
February 1, 1999 -
From IPOs To UFOs: Joe Firmage was a Silicon
Valley whiz kid with a golden touch on the Web. Then he met an alien
- Michael Krantz, Time |
January 27, 1999
Mind-Body Problem
- Greg Sandow,
Village Voice |
January 22, 1999 -
Carters Close
Encounter : When a President Says Hes Seen a UFO, You Really Have to Wonder if the
Truth Is Out There - Buck Wolf, ABC News |
January 18, 1999 -
Support for Net Pioneer's UFO Theory - Jon Swartz, San
Francisco Chronicle |
January 16, 1999 - The business of America is
business - Billy Cox, Florida
Today |
January 16, 1999 - When
fortunes go to flights of fancy -
Alan Boyle, MSNBC |
January 13, 1999 -
Sci/Tech: Don't call us...Would the government tell us if they knew? -
BBC (UK) |
January 12, 1999 -
UFOs claim Web CEO's scalp
- John Lettice, The Register |
January 13, 1999 -
Silicon Valley CEO continues alien quest despite
skeptics - CNN |
January 9, 1999 -
CEO Quits Job Over UFO Views: Advances in technology a gift of aliens,
Silicon Valley pioneer believes - Jon Schwartz, San Francisco
Chronicle |
January 9, 1999 -
lectures spout some alien ideas - Tom Maurstad, Dallas Morning
News |
January 9, 1999 -
X-File? Computer pioneer quits to chase UFOs - Andrew Quinn, Reuters |
ü |