1996-1947 |
Articles of particular note and substance
indicated by check mark: |
December 31, 1996 -
UFOlogists Ask: Was Truman in Roswell? - Albuquerque Journal |
November 19, 1996 -
Soccer chief who saw UFO is under the moon - Nigel Bnyan, Independent
(UK) |
October 26, 1996 -
Loving the alien
- Edward Williams, London Independent (UK) |
October 23, 1996 -
N.M., very willing to be keeper of UFO kitsch Incident in 1947 has become
tantalizing to tourists - Julia Duin, Washington Times |
October 23, 1996 -
Nevada Millionaire Buys 'UFO Ranch' in Utah
- Las Vegas Sun |
26, 1996 -
Author: UFO Admission Will Heal 'fracture' -
Anthony DellaFlora, Albuquerque
Journal |
February 18, 1996 -
UFO or Not,
Crash Site's Become a Starship Enterprise - Sue Anne Pressley,
Washington Post |
26, 1996 -
King Live with Guests James Oberg and Don Ecker - CNN |
3, 1996 -
Now I'm a believer
- Emma Brooker, London Independent (UK) |
14, 1996 -
They're coming to take you away!
- Sunday Mirror, (UK) |
April 8, 1996 -
Rockefeller Greets Aliens! A Rich
Guy's U.F.O. Dream - New York Observer |
ü |
April 5, 1996 -
Are you feeling alienated? You are not alone - Tom Sharpe,
Albuquerque Journal |
January 22, 1996 -
Are aliens among us? The search for space
creatures on Earth - story of the alleged crash of a UFO near Roswell, NM,
in 1947 - Current Events |
December 22, 1995 -
Tourists From a Very Long Way Off
- Joel Achenbach, Washington Post |
December 1995 -
The secret invasion: does it add up? - reports
of multiple abductions by unidentified flying objects - Patrick Huyghe, OMNI Magazine |
ü |
December 1995 -
The Omni open book field investigator's guide -
equipment for unidentified flying object investigations - part 3
- Dennis Stacy, OMNI Magazine |
ü |
October 11, 1995 -
Alien visions give rise to earthly clamour
- Louise Jury, London Independent (UK) |
September 11, 1995 -
Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind: Alien
Abduction, UFOs, and the Conference at MIT
- Andrew Stuttaford, National Review |
ü |
September 11, 1995 -
Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens. - book
reviews - Andrew Stuttaford,
National Review |
ü |
September 3, 1995 -
Waiting for the Aliens: Group Often Discredits Sightings
- Jim Lynch, Spokane Spokesman
Review |
1995 -
White House alien policy
- Deborah Lutterbeck, Common Cause Magazine |
1995 -
OMNI Magazine Interview with Glen Denis - Karl T. Pflock, Omni
Magazine |
ü |
1995 -
Star witness: the mortician of Roswell breaks
his code of silence - Glenn Dennis, a key witness in the alleged 1947 crash
of a UFO near Roswell, NM -
Carl T. Pflock, Omni
Magazine |
ü |
1995 -
A UFO foundation: working together to find
answers - cooperation between scientists and UFO enthusiasts
- Gregory Benford, Omni
Magazine |
1995 -
The truth about Roswell - alleged crash of a UFO near Roswell,
NM, on Jun 25, 1947 - Dave Sobel, OMNI Magazine |
ü |
August 29, 1995 -
Reporter's Notebook; Night Under the
Stars for the Clintons - Todd S. Purdum,
New York Times |
ü |
August 26, 1995 -
Alien Fixation - David Aaronovitch, London Independent (UK)
August 24, 1995 -
Billionaire Urges Clinton: Probe UFO
Mystery - New York Daily News |
ü |
August 1, 1995 -
group plans second trip to study reported sighting
- Lori Elmore-Moon, Cleburne
Times-Review |
29, 1995 -
Schiff: Roswell UFO A Balloon: GAO: All But Two Documents Destroyed -
Richard Parker, Albuquerque Journal |
19, 1995 -
Congressman Schiff Probing 'Alien Autopsy': Film Allegedly Of Roswell Crash
- Richard Parker, Albuquerque Journal |
10, 1995 -
Close encounter - two UFO museums in Roswell, New Mexico - National
Review |
June 25, 1995 -
ready for the non-believers, Cleburne man says he video taped a UFO
- Lori Elmore-Moon, Cleburne
Times-Review |
19, 1995 -
What were those lights in the Phoenix sky?: Researchers still sorting out
hundreds of witness accounts - CNN |
9, 1995 -
Ufology -
William Hartston, London Independent (UK) |
June 5, 1995 -
UFO mania:
Sky's the limit - Thomas Disch, Washington Post |
3, 1995 -
UFO prof could find himself alienated
- David Osborne, London Independent (UK) |
30, 1995 -
Nevada's UFO Heaven: Prying Eyes Look in on Secret Air Base -
Washington Post |
17, 1995 -
Close encounters of an intimate kind : Peking
Days - Teresa Poole, London
Independent (UK) |
15, 1995 -
Weird Science:
Catering to Viewers' Growing Appetite for the Paranormal, New
TV Shows Obliterate the Line Between Fact and Fiction
- Leon Jaroff, Time |
9, 1995 -
UFO Abduction Tales Not Quite So Alien - Karl Vick, Washington Post |
4, 1995 -
They Walk Among Us - Art Levine, Miami New Times |
May 4, 1995 -
Harvard Investigates a Professor Who Wrote of Space Aliens
- William H.
Honan, New York Times |
ü |
April 1995 -
UFO crime lab - using crime investigation
techniques for UFO abductions - Omni's Project Open Book
- Patrick Huyghe, OMNI Magazine |
April 1995 -
Alien implant or - human underwear? - Omni's
Project Open Book - Patrick Huyghe,
OMNI Magazine |
March 30, 1995 -
Earthlings Demand Answers: UFO Rally Rips Roswell 'cover-Up' - Dana
Calvo, Albuquerque Journal |
March 1995 -
The Omni open book field investigator's guide - UFO investigating - part one
- Todd Zechel, OMNI Magazine |
ü |
February 1995 -
UFO update - marriages troubled by alien
abductions - Anita Baskin, OMNI
Magazine |
February 1995 -
Anatomy of an abduction - by extraterrestrials
- A. J. S. Rayl, OMNI Magazine |
ü |
15, 1995 -
Frank Edwards Convinces Mary UFOs
Do Exist - Mary Woods, Cincinnati Post |
January 1995 -
UFO update: in their new instruction manual,
firefighters are briefed on the art and science of UFOs
- A. J. S. Rayl, OMNI Magazine |
December 1994 -
UFO update: a decade-old UFO sighting continues
to spark controversy and concern in Russia
- James Orberg, OMNI Magazine |
December 1994 -
Richard Hoagland - space scientist - Interview
- Steve Nadis, OMNI Magazine |
November 1994 -
UFO update: are UFO researchers using hypnosis
to manufacture memories in abductees? - Paul McCarthy, Paul McCarthy, OMNI
Magazine |
November 1994 -
ET: A Practitioner's Close Encounter - John H. Sime, American Funeral
Director |
ü |
October 1994 -
Time out: a call for accountability by the U.S. government - the alleged UFO
crash at Roswell, NM, in 1947 - A. J. S. Rayl,
OMNI Magazine |
ü |
October 1994 -
Visions of Cosmopolis - belief in UFOs - Anthony Mansueto,
OMNI Magazine |
September 1994 - Cosmic conspiracy: six decades of government UFO
cover-ups - part 6 - Dennis
Stacy, OMNI Magazine |
ü |
1994 -
Cosmic conspiracy: six decades of government UFO coverups - unidentified
flying objects - Part 4 - OMNI Magazine |
ü |
1994 -
UFO update: a Harvard psychiatrist says alien
encounters, while traumatic, may be our gateway to God - Anita Baskin, OMNI Magazine |
ü |
1994 -
Cosmic conspiracy: six decades of government UFO
cover-ups - part 3 - Dennis Stacy,
OMNI Magazine |
ü |
29, 1994 -
Close Encounters of a Dubious Kind - Carl Sagan, Washington Post |
16, 1994 -
Something Unusual is Going On - Time |
1994 -
UFO update: the rise, fall, and afterlife of
Erich von Daniken's theory of extraterrestrial gods
- Patrick Huyghe, OMNI Magazine |
1994 -
Cosmic conspiracy: six decades of government UFO
cover-ups - part 2 - Dennis Stacy,
OMNI Magazine |
ü |
April 25, 1994 -
The Man From Outer Space: Harvard psychiatrist John Mack
claims that tales of UFO abductions are real. But experts and former
patients say his research is shoddy.
- Time |
April 1994 -
Cosmic conspiracy: six decades of government UFO
cover-ups - part 1 -
Dennis Stacy, OMNI Magazine |
ü |
April 1994 -
Inside the military UFO underground; three
insiders describe a military underground awash in UFOs
- A. J. S. Rayl, OMNI Magazine |
ü |
April 1994 -
Announcing Project Open Book: Omni's inquiry
into the UFO phenomenon - Keith
Ferrell, OMNI Magazine |
ü |
April 1994 -
The Omni open book field investigator's guide:
part two - Dennis Stacy,
OMNI Magazine |
March/April 1994 -
The Harvard professor & the UFOs - alien
abductions - Jill Neimark,
Psychology Today |
January 14, 1994 -
GAO Turns
to Alien Turf in Probe: Bodies of Space voyages Said to Have
Disappeared in 1947 - William Claiborne, Washington Post |
January 1994 -
UFO update - convention at Village Gate nightclub in
Manhattan, New York, New York - Anita Baskin, OMNI Magazine |
November 29, 1993 -
It Came from Outer Space - Jeanne McDowell, Time |
November 21, 1993 -
For U.F.O. Fans, Question Is Not 'If?' but 'How Was the Trip?'
- Douglas Martin, New York Times |
November 13, 1993 -
UFO sighters: a down-to-Earth crowd -
characteristics of people who report UFOs and other paranormal events
- Science News |
November 6, 1993 -
UFO spotters get a clean bill of health
- Helen Gavaghan, New Scientists |
November 1993 -
UFO update - victims resist abductions by
extraterrestrials - Paul
McCarthy, OMNI Magazine |
October 1993 -
UFO update - UFO research collaboration between
Russia and the U.S - Sherry
Baker, OMNI Magazine |
September 1993 -
UFO update - alleged crash of a UFO in western
Pennsylvania on Dec 9, 1965 - James
Oberg, OMNI Magazine |
August 1993 -
Saucer scouts - group that hunts for UFOs near Las Vegas,
Nevada - A. J. S. Rayl,
OMNI Magazine |
March 13, 1993 -
Just a
down-to-earth guy: Travis Walton, sticking his extraterrestrial tale
- Peter Gilstrap, Washington Post |
March 12, 1993 -
Fire in the Sky - Chris Hicks, Deseret News (Salt Lake City) |
March 3, 1993 -
Where's Walton? Is Arizona's Best-Known UFO
Abductee Bound for Hollywood Stardom?
- Dewey Webb, Phoenix New Times |
February 8, 1993 -
Among UFO
Believers, The Sky's the Limit - Peter Gilstrap, Washington Post |
February 1993 -
Secret conference at MIT - Massachusetts
Institute of Technology - James
Oberg, OMNI Magazine |
ü |
January 1993 - UFO update: alien body cover
- Trent Stephens, OMNI Magazine |
December 1992 -
Close encounters of the fifth kind -
communicating with UFOs - Paul
McCarthy, OMNI Magazine |
November 1992 -
Israel: land of milk, honey, and UFOs
- W. E. Gutman, OMNI Magazine |
October 28, 1992 -
Campus Journal; Taking U.F.O.'s for
Credit, and for Real - Michael Decourcy Hinds,
New York Times |
September 1992 -
Secret Life -
- Anita Baskin, OMNI Magazine |
ü |
1992 -
Russia's alien ideals - UFO landing - Patrick Huyghe, OMNI Magazine |
1992 -
UFOs in Washington - The Fund for UFO Research - Paul McCarthy, OMNI Magazine |
ü |
April 1992 -
High-rise UFO abductions
- Anita Baskin, OMNI Magazine |
March 12, 1992 -
UFO Tales
from a Prof at Temple - Seriously
- Philadelphia Inquirer |
September 23, 1991 -
It Happens in the Best Circles: A pair of
British artists claim they are the hoaxers behind those mystifying and
intriguing crop patterns - Leon
Jaroff, Time |
September 23, 1990 -
The Aliens
of Landed? - Curt Suplee, Washington Post |
October 11, 1989 -
E. T., Phone
Tass - David Remnic, Washington Post |
October 10, 1989 -
Back in the
UFO: Tass Reports Sightings of Alien Giants - David Remnic,
Washington Post |
April 1989 -
Invasion of the mind snatchers: UFO abductions - why are the tales so
consistent and the abductees so convinced of their truth that even
polygraphs don't trip them up? - Elizabeth Bird,
Psychology Today |
December 2, 1988 -
Investigator, Author Donald E. Keyhoe, 91 Dies - Washington Post |
ü |
June 29, 1987 -
Secrets in
the Saucers - Phil McCombs, Washington Post |
June 25, 1987 -
Unidentified Flying Objections - Richard Cohen, Washington Post |
January 5, 1987 -
Guide to UFOs - Bernard Schoenburg, Washington Post |
January 31, 1986 -
Passion - sightings of unidentified flying objects
- National Review |
August 25, 1984 -
Strange Sights Brighten The Night Skies Upstate - Schmalz,
Jeffrey, New York Times |
March 1, 1984 -
Flying saucers: are they us?
- Daniel A. White, Saturday Evening Post |
January 19, 1979 -
What were those mysterious craft? - Ward Sinclair and Art Harris,
Washington Post |
November 20, 1978 -
Pesky UFO's: Those glowing, humming objects may
really be insects - Time |
3, 1978 -
Crash - Time |
April 24, 1978 -
Dabbling in Exotheology - Time |
January 30, 1978 -
Encounter Therapy - Time |
December 12, 1977 -
Attacking the New Nonsense - Time |
November 7, 1977 -
The Aliens Are Coming!: Jaws' creator moves
dazzlingly from the deep to deep space
- Time |
August 2, 1976 -
Worlds in Collusion - R. Z. Sheppard, Time |
November 3, 1975 -
The UFO Clans Gather
- Time |
November 4, 1973 -
Incident named after pilot - Mansfield News Journal |
20, 1973 -
Jackie Gleason says he's seen UFOs twice
- National Enquirer |
28, 1971 -
Saucer Diehards
- Time |
December 26, 1969 -
Closing the Blue Book
- Time |
December 18, 1969 -
Force closes study of UFO's -
New York Times |
ü |
January 17, 1969 -
Saucers' End - Time |
August 4, 1967 -
A Fresh Look at Flying Saucers
- Time |
15, 1967 -
McDonald Asks U.N. to Begin Study of UFO's
- John Riddick, Tucson Daily Citizen |
December 17, 1966 -
Flying Saucers Real? - J. Allen Hynek, Saturday Evening Post |
December 6, 1966 -
Minot Control Center 'Saucer' Cited As
One Indication Of Outer Space Visitors - Minot Daily News |
ü |
November 18, 1966 -
Testament for Believers - Time |
October 10, 1966 -
and Science: UFOs for Real? - Newsweek |
October 9, 1966 -
Chased a Flyiing Saucer, Now His Life is Shattered - John De Groot,
Cleveland Plain Dealer |
September 2, 1966 -
Heavenly Bogeys
- Time |
April 18, 1966 -
Deputies Chase, Lose Brilliant UFO - Douglas Bloomfield, Cleveland
Plain Dealer |
April 1, 1966 -
Fatuus Season
- Time |
March 25, 1966 -
Air Force to Explain "Saucers"
- Time |
February 15, 1965 -
Edwards Convinces Mary UFOs Do Exist - Mary Wood, Cincinnati
Post |
September 30, 1964 -
The "Flying Saucer Man" leaves Delhi
- New Delhi Statesman (India) |
November 26, 1962 -
Says Beings From Outer Space Have Visited Earth - Stars and
Stripes |
ü |
February 27, 1960 -
AIR FORGE ORDER ON 'SAUCERS' CITED; Pamphlet by the Inspector General Called
Objects a 'Serious Business' - New York Times |
ü |
August 11, 1958 -
Dr. Jung and the Saucers - Time |
November 18, 1957 -
Dinner Time
- Time |
September 9, 1957 -
Cups or Saucers? - Time |
November 7, 1955 -
Saucer Blue Book - Time |
22, 1955 -
Those "Little Men" On Flying Saucers? Real, Says
Kilgallen - Dorothey Kilgallen,
International News Service |
October 25, 1954 -
Visitors from outer space may be mapping earth
- Ronald Batchelor, Daily Gleaner (Kingston, Jamaica) |
October 25, 1954 -
Martians over France - Time |
31, 1954 -
Saucer Project - Time |
December 18, 1953 -
Saucer-Like Object Seen Over Sweden -
Oshkosh Daily Northwestern |
October 27, 1952 -
Flying-Saucer Men - Time |
September 8, 1952 -
The Wind Is Up in Kansas -
Time |
August 18, 1952 -
The Theology of Saucers - Time |
August 11, 1952 -
Something in the Air - Time |
August 14, 1952 -
Blips on the
Scopes - Time |
July 29, 1952 -
Pilots Ordered to Shoot Down "Saucers"
in Range -
Charleston Gazette |
June 17, 1952 -
The Truth About Flying Saucers - Donald H. Menzel,
Look Magazine |
June 9, 1952 -
Those Flying Saucers -
Time |
April 11, 1952 -
Balloon Project Men See Strange Aerial
Objects - New York Times |
ü |
April 11, 1952 -
The Saucers are Back - New
York Times |
ü |
April 7, 1952 -
Have We Visitors from Space?
- H. B. Darrach Jr. and
Robert Ginna, Life Magazine |
ü |
February 26, 1951 -
'Saucers' May Be Experiments By Likely Foe, Scientist Says - Washington Post |
ü |
February 26, 1951 -
Belated Explanation - Time |
April 17, 1950 -
The Saucer-Eyed Dragons - Time |
9, 1949 -
Things that go whiz - Time |
May 7, 1949 -
Flying Saucers Incidents Remain Unsolved, AF Reports
- Air Force Times |
January 18, 1948 -
Americana - Time |
14, 1947 -
The Somethings - Time |
July 9, 1947 -
Near Bomb Test Site Is Just a Weather Balloon; Warrant Officer Solves a
Puzzle That Baffled His Superiors; 'Flying Saucer' Tales Pour in From Round
the World - Murray Schumach, New York Times |
ü |
July 8, 1947 -
Find 'Flying Saucer': General Believes It is a Radar Weather Target -
Los Angeles Herald-Express |
ü |
July 8, 1947 -
Lands on Ranch In N.M.: Is Held by Army - Seattle Daily Times |
ü |
July 8, 1947 -
Says Flying Disc Discovered - Marysville/Yuba City Appeal Democrat |
ü |
July 8, 1947 -
Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Roswell Region: No Details of Flying Disk
Are Revealed, Roswell Hardware Man and Wife Report Disk Seen -
Roswell Daily Record |
ü |
July 7, 1947 -
Flying Saucers - Daily Telegraph (Australia) |
July 7, 1947 -
'Saucers' Seen Here But Reports Debunked -
Berkshire County Eagle |
July 7, 1947 -
Europe Greets 'Flying Saucers' Stories With Levity, Unbelief - Ed
Creagh, Kingsport News |
January 15, 1945 -
Foo-Fighter - Time |
March 9, 1942 -
Duds - Time |