1) There has never been five committed members. The goal was five as stated in all release. At this time there are three signed to participate.
2) Congresswoman Kilpatrick had a distinguished seven term career in the House including chairperson of the Black Caucus.
3) Your comments on the Taylor matter are incorrect on three counts. You know little to nothing about this complicated case.
4) Which critics, doubts by whom.
The Examiner is part of the new "direct journalism" where anyone can write whatever they want and publish without benefit of editor or fact checker. This concept has great potential and is not without merit. But it has a darkside. It permits incompetent, muckraking hacks such as yourself to play pretend journalist and demean and damage the efforts of others. Don't quit your day job.
2) Congresswoman Kilpatrick had a distinguished seven term career in the House including chairperson of the Black Caucus.
3) Your comments on the Taylor matter are incorrect on three counts. You know little to nothing about this complicated case.
4) Which critics, doubts by whom.
The Examiner is part of the new "direct journalism" where anyone can write whatever they want and publish without benefit of editor or fact checker. This concept has great potential and is not without merit. But it has a darkside. It permits incompetent, muckraking hacks such as yourself to play pretend journalist and demean and damage the efforts of others. Don't quit your day job.