The following information is provided for citizens wishing to express their interest in ending the ongoing truth embargo on the reality of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race to high level government and media contacts. It is not intended for mass contact campaigns, which are no longer needed and counter productive.
An extensive narrative of the Rockefeller Initiative is found
Rockefeller |
In March of 1993 billionaire Laurance Rockefeller
initiated an extraordinary approach to the Clinton administration via
the Office of Science and Technology Policy headed by Dr. John Gibbons.
A memorandum from Mr. Rockefeller's attorney Henry Diamond dated March
29, 1993 conveyed a request to meet with Gibbons "to discuss the
potential availability of government information about unidentified
flying objects and extraterrestrial life." Rockefeller, a friend and
supporter of the Clintons, wanted to meet with the President and inform
him "there is a belief in many quarters that the government has long
held classified information regarding UFOs which has not been released
and that the failure to do so has brought about unnecessary suspicion
and distrust," and that "Many believe that the release of such
information on a basis consistent with national security would be a
significant gesture which would increase confidence in government." Perhaps due to the storm of scandals that plagued the Clinton Administration and the First Lady, the Rockefeller Initiative was not successful and ended in the fall of 1996 as the election drew near. While Bill Clinton would not be the Disclosure President, he, the First Lady and others deserve credit for taking the political risks inherent in such an undertaking. However, once the Initiative ended, the Clinton team made the decision they would never talk about the Initiative again in service to their future personal and political ambitions, and that has been the case for 22 years. Furthermore, the media, under the spell of the institutionalized truth embargo, have not asked a single question of the Clinton team over the same time frame until a query was submitted to Secretary Clinton's campaign by A. J. Vicens of Mother Jones Magazine in March of 2015. The response from Secretary Clinton's spokesperson Nick Merrill was, "Our non-campaign has a strict policy of not commenting on extraterrestrial activity, BUT, the Truth Is Out There." Wrong answer. |
Clinton/ET |
The Clinton/ET connection begins with the Rockefeller Initiative but expands during Secretary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. This aspect of the connection is fully chronicled at PRG's Congressional Hearing/Political Initiative page. Here you will find hundreds of print articles as well as a chronological compilation of statements by members of the Clinton political team. |
Below are twitter handles for hundreds of political media reporters, hosts, editors and producers. There is also a list of the sitting members on the key congressional committees being approached by PRG seeking new hearings for scores of military/agency/political witnesses ready to testify under oath to events and evidence collectively confirming an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. The congressional list will be updated when the new congressional session begins in January of 2017. Further down are a number of relevant graphics with embedded links. |
White House
Correspondents |
ABC News |
CBS News |
Fox News |
Washington Post |
New York Times |
RT |
The Intercept |
Public Broadcasting |
Other Political Media |
Committees Appropriate
to the Congressional Hearing Initiative
Senate |
House |
Members |
Members |
Republicans |
Democrats |
Amash, Justin (MI) |
Aguilar, Pete (CA)
Graphic Attachment Options |
Rockefeller Initiative |
Clinton/ET |
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The Congressional Hearing Initiative is a project of Paradigm Research Group
Copyright 2014 Paradigm Research Group