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July 8, 2013


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PRG Update - July 8, 2013
World Disclosure Day

World Disclosure Day - July 8
  (endorsee comments)

On July 8,1947 General Roger Ramey held a press event at the 8th Army Air Force Headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas in which he changed the just released story of a recovered crashed disk near Roswell, New Mexico to that of a retrieved Rawin weather balloon. This was the informal beginning of the now 67-year truth embargo regarding the extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. For this reason July 8 was chosen as World Disclosure Day to emphasize the need to reverse that now inappropriate policy.

The concept for a WDD in this context was originally put forward by Steve Beckow and Geoffrey West in August of 2010.   That effort did not catch fire, and PRG recast the concept in July of 2011.   Since 2001, July 2 has been designated as World UFO Day.   This date was chosen as it was a suggested candidate for the Roswell crash event.  However, the era of the UFO is long over, and now we are in the era of Exopolitics - the political engagement of the past, present and future of extraterrestrial related phenomena.   WDD thus completes the historical symmetry with these two dates bracketing the festival celebrated each year in Roswell, NM in early July. 

WDD is not a prediction that Disclosure will happen on July 8.  It is a designated day to draw focus on the issue.  Think Earth Day.  However, on the day the first nation comes forward to finally and formally acknowledge the extraterrestrial presence, that date will then become World Disclosure Day historically recognizing the most profound event in human history. 

Of particular note on the website are the comments from WDD endorsees.  More will be put up soon.

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure

There are four new tracks being laid following the CHD.    An edited version of the 30 hours of testimony is being developed for DVD/Blue-ray disks to be released later this year.  A Citizen Hearing Foundation is being set up to pursue a UN resolution calling for a world conference on the ET evidence and also to fund a second citizen hearing.   A documentary, Truth Embargo, is in production.

Senator Mike Gravel Speaks at IONS

One of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure committee members, Senator Mike Gravel, will speak in Petaluma, CA on July 23 at the Institute for Noetic Sciences founded by Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell.  More info is at the above website.

Commentary - Snowden

From April 29 to May 3 PRG produced a Citizen Hearing on Disclosure where 40 witnesses from ten countries testified for 30 hours over five days before six former members of the U. S. Congress.   The evidence presented supported a truth the U. S. government has refused to acknowledge for over six decades - non-human intelligence from outside the Earth is engaging the human race.  It also made clear the position of the White House and the current President on the ET issue as written in October of 2011 is a complete lie.

The truth embargo along with the prosecution of the Cold War are the engines - one well known, one hidden - that drove the nation toward a national security state now in the latter stages of completion.    The American people gave license to defeat the Soviet Union by any and all means and their government complied.   But the people were denied the reality of the "silent partner" that provided justification to the military/intelligence complex to expand the "secret empire" well past the end of the Cold War.

Each passing year since 1991 the developing national security state has become intolerable to a growing number of citizens and an unprecedented confrontation has begun.   This confrontation will not take place in the streets; there will be no barricades, no storming of the White House.  It will play out in cyberspace.  On one side are the political operatives and national security managers.  On the other side is the most extraordinary generation the world has yet produced - the millennials - or as John Zogby and Joan Kuhl label them - the New Globals.

This generation born since 1980 are transcending national, cultural, racial and religious barriers.  They are extremely computer competent and they have little patience for the old paradigm world view of their parents and grandparents.  They are not going to live in a national security state.  They are not going to participate in a permanent war economy.  They are not going to live under religious persecution. 

Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning, Julian Assange (in spirit), the Anonymous collective and countless others waiting in the wings are millennials.  Their aim is nothing less than bringing the national security state - the secret empire - to its knees.  Don't bet against them.

The American social contract has been shredded by decades of lies, misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda.   Trust in government has collapsed.  There is only one way back - start telling the truth.   And because the road back is a long one, it needs to start with a very big truth.  

That truth can and should be Disclosure - the formal acknowledgement by the world governments of a non-human intelligence from elsewhere engaging the human race.

Commentary - Skepticism and Debunking in the Final Days

As we get closer to Disclosure there will be an inevitable increase in debunking and emotional response.  As the open confirmation of the ET presence draws near it will start to become real for a large number of people not comfortable with that reality.  They are going to lash out from a fear and uncertainty mostly created by their own government.  The truth embargo generated a "truth vacuum" which needed to be filled as nature demands.  The governments of nations were happy to fill that vacuum with lies and disinformation designed to instill fear and confusion.

One way to monitor this public process of assimilation is by reading the comments often accompanying the hundreds of media articles being posted on the web regarding the ET issue.  The worst of these debunking comments are quite indicative of two of the key components required to maintain the truth embargo on the ET reality - ignorance and naivete. People with no knowledge of the evidence who still believe their government would NEVER lie to them about a matter of great importance toss out the same platitudes over and over.   Such people are the national security state's lawful prey. 

The most extreme debunkers are entrenched in an intellectual version of the Stockholm Syndrome where the reality of their world has been taken hostage and they have "joined up."    

It can be stated that one way or another the truth embargo makes fools of us all.  This is not the social contract envisioned by the founders of the United States of America.


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD   20814  202-215-8344


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


June 13, 2013


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PRG Update - June 13, 2013


Robert Bigelow on Disclosure

A significant milestone occurred during the second hour of the March 31, 2013 broadcast of Coast to Coast AM with guest host George  Knapp.   Robert Bigelow is the billionaire founder and CEO of Bigelow Aerospace.  He has significant government contacts and has worked with NASA for many years on various projects centering on the private use of space.  Recently NASA awarded a $17.8 million contract to Bigelow Aerospace to provide a Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM), which is scheduled to arrive at the space station in 2015 for a two-year technology demonstration. 

During the second hour of his interview on Coast to Coast AM Mr. Bigelow repeatedly confirmed the presence of extraterrestrials engaging the human race.  Furthermore, Bigelow stated he supported Disclosure, which he referred to as "Confirmation."    Like many others, Mr. Bigelow confuses Disclosure (capital "D") with disclosure (small "d").  He does not support the revealing of information to the public beyond the basic announcement itself.   Disclosure (capital "D") is just the basic acknowledgement and the primary goal of the ET truth movement.  What follows will be a matter to be resolved between the American people and their government.

As of March 31, 2013 Robert Bigelow became the wealthiest person on Earth to acknowledge the extraterrestrial presence.     Which billionaire will be next?    Spielberg, Lucas, Gates, Branson, Soros? 

Media Notice - The Conspiracy Show w/ Richard Syrett

On June 23 (8 pm to 10 pm PST) PRG executive director Stephen Bassett will appear on The Conspiracy Show out of Toronto, Canada.  Joining Stephen will be Canadian Thomas Clearwater, the executive producer of the Citizen Hearing/Truth Embargo Documentary project.  Thomas and Stephen will discuss a range of issues centering on the Citizen Hearing and Disclosure.

Media Notice - Monthly Live Webcast

A project is under consideration to launch a live monthly webcast - Disclosure Countdown w/ Stephen Bassett.   This would be a fully produced, live webcast with Q&A for a subscription of $10/month or $100/year.   Bassett would continue to do radio/TV interviews - he has done well over a thousand such interviews to date - but the live webcast would provide those with deeper interest in the issues a chance to ask their questions - something usually not possible with program interviews.

The project is not locked in yet, and your feedback is welcome.  

Citizen Hearing Foundation (CHF)

The full Citizen Hearing Foundation website will be up soon and begin raising funds for two immediate projects:  a second citizen hearing and a campaign seeking state sponsors for a U. N. resolution calling for a world conference sponsored by the United Nations to present the evidence supporting an extraterrestrial hypothesis behind the ongoing phenomena.

Citizen Hearing Documentary - Truth Embargo

The documentary attached to the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure has completed 70% of the needed filming and will soon begin the editing phase.   A flash page  website is up.  The full site will be posted in the coming weeks.

Because the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, an unprecedented event, cost more than twice the projected budget, a crowd funding project will be undertaken on the film website to help get the documentary done this year while achieving the highest possible production values.  We hope the supporters of the Disclosure process around the world will want to be part of history in the making.   Keep an eye out for the website and crowd funding announcement along with the film trailer coming soon.

CHD DVD/Blu-ray Box Sets

CHD is moving to create high production value DVD and Blu-ray box sets of the full Citizen Hearing on Disclosure.   A crowd funding effort has been launched at the CHD website to get this work down as soon as possible.  There are two reasons why crowd funding is needed at this time:  1) DVD/Blu-ray production, which has been heavily requested, was not in the initial budget, and 2) the CHD itself ended up costing much more than planned - 120% more.

The issue and the interest in ending the truth embargo are global and support from citizens from all countries will be most welcome and appreciated.   Be part of history.  Support the CHD.



CHD Media Coverage

One of the more remarkable media engagements of the CHD involved the New York Daily News.  The Daily News is very much like many of the London papers.  It is a hybrid between a tabloid and a standard daily.   The Daily News sent reporter Dan Friedman to cover the CHD on day one, and Friedman wrote a particularly egregious hit piece.   The paper got so much grief from its readers and others on the Internet, Friedman was required to write a second article published on day five.    The links to these two articles are listed above.  Read, compare and enjoy.

Also, the New York Times sent a reporter who spent three days at the CHD.  The result was the article listed above.   Some consider this article a breakthrough of sorts.  That remains to be seen, but feel free to show your appreciation to The Gray Lady for this coverage.

Citizen Hearing Webcast

The CHD webcast archives remain open in English and Spanish.   Webcasting is a developing technology.  It is not like television.   With so many types of computers, operating systems and Internet access, the spectrum of user satisfaction is broad.  And then there are the pay portals. 

Many of the user issues were caused by two factors:  1)  subscribers received two emails: one from PayPal with the receipt, which some assumed would have the password and one from CHD with the access password, and 2) often one or both of these emails were diverted to the subscriber's "spam" or "junk" email boxes.    Additional language has been added to the webcast pages alerting subscribers to these issues.


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD   20814  202-215-8344


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


May 24, 2013


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PRG Update - May 24, 2013

Coast to Coast AM w/ George Knapp

PRG executive director Stephen Bassett will discuss the outcomes of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure with George Knapp tonight on Coast to Coast AM at 10 pm PST.

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure (CHD)
(Main site)

By the numbers:  The CHD brought 40 witnesses from 10 countries to the National Press Club in Washington, DC to testify for 30 hours over 5 days before 6 former members of the U. S. Congress.  The price tag was $600,000 provided by a film production deal and not a grant.  There were six strategic goals for the CHD: 1)  undermine the White House OSTP statement of November 4, 2011 regarding the complete absence of evidence for an extraterrestrial presence or the withholding of relevant information by the government; 2) prompt the U. S. Congress to hold its first hearings on the subject since1968; 3) motivate the mainstream political media to begin appropriate investigative coverage of the subject; 4)  inform the executive branch it risks not being the first nation to Disclose an ET presence; 5) increase awareness of the Disclosure movement around the world; and 6) add a UN initiative to the advocacy matrix.

All of these goals were advanced and the stage is set for more truth advocacy, the primary goal of which is nothing less than Disclosure this year.

CHD Media Coverage

Media engagement of the CHD was significantly impacted by the tragic events in Boston.    Nevertheless, there was extensive print and video coverage which is being chronicled on the website.   The live and archived webcasts will help ensure more coverage going forward. 

Citizen Hearing Webcast

The CHD was webcast and archived in English and Spanish.  Additional languages will be archived later this year.  Webcasting is a developing technology.  It is not like television.   With so many types of computers, operating systems and Internet access, the spectrum of user satisfaction is broad.  And then there are the pay portals. 

Many of the user issues were caused by two factors:  1)  subscribers received two emails: one from PayPal with the receipt and one from CHD with the access password, and 2) often one or both of these emails were diverted to the subscriber's "spam" or "junk" email boxes.

Additional language has been added to the webcast pages alerting subscribers to these issues.

Citizen Hearing Foundation
Washington Communique

The CHD Committee met on Thursday, May 2 to discuss an approach to the United Nations.  The result was the May 3, 2013 Washington Communique that states the following: 

Whereas: given the unfolding scientific understanding of the number of potentially life supporting planets within Earth's home galaxy, it would be the height of arrogance to assert that humans are the only sentient beings within that galaxy;


Whereas: given that credible witnesses have brought forth overwhelming scientific evidence documenting the current presence of unidentified and unexplained aerial craft that many believe to reflect an extraterrestrial intelligence;


And Whereas: given the enormous global implications if these craft are, indeed, of extraterrestrial origin, such an issue is a matter for the General Assembly of the United Nations;


Therefore, we the undersigned request the Citizen Hearing Foundation use its offices to organize interested parties and raise the funds necessary to pursue a global campaign to convince one or more nations to propose a resolution within the General Assembly calling for United Nations sponsorship of a world conference addressing the possible evidence for an extraterrestrial presence engaging this planet.

The Citizen Hearing Foundation will begin raising funds immediately to implement this mandate to seek a world conference sponsored by the United Nations.


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


February 5, 2013


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PRG Update - February 5, 2013

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure - Update


The full website for the CHD will go up at midnight on Wednesday, February 7.  While much information will be posted at that time, the site will be in constant development throughout February.  Check in often.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell

Dr. Edgar Mitchell was introduced as the international spokesperson for the CHD at a press conference on January 18 at the Sundance Film Festival.  Expect to see and hear more from Dr. Mitchell over the next two months.   At this time the name of the documentary film to be based around the CHD was also announced - Truth Embargo.  

CHD Live Stream

The entire CHD - all five days - will be live streamed worldwide in at least four languages:  English, French, Spanish and Arabic.   If access into China can be obtained through official channels, the CHD will also be streamed in Chinese.    This will be a very modestly priced subscription based stream.   Check the website for more info later this month.

Political and Celebrity Endorsements

Efforts are underway to obtain endorsements for the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure.   Any assistance PRG supporters can provide in this regard will be most appreciated.    The CHD is a citizen based truth advocacy project.   Congressional hearings are supposed to be a fact finding tool to facilitate the making of good law.   Potential endorsees are not being asked to directly support the extraterrestrial hypothesis (though they are certainly welcome to do so), but rather to support the motto of the CHD.  "If the Congress will not do its job, the people will."    Let the truth come out and let the people decide the policies to deal with that truth.

Disclosure Petition VI - Citizen Hearing

The sixth Disclosure petition will expire on February 8 and currently has 812 signatures.   There was little chance of reaching the 25,000 signature response threshold (now raised to 100,000 signatures), but that wasn't the petition's goal.   The petition once again placed the ET truth advocacy issue on the White House website for 30 days and let the Obama administration know the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure is coming.  Mission accomplished.   

If you are of a mind, drop in and sign the petition and see if we can clear the 1,000 mark before it expires. 

ET Disclosure Event - Live Webstream
February 7, 2013   -   7:00-9:30 pm EST

The Honourable Paul T. Hellyer, Former Canadian Minister of Defense will deliver the keynote address at a Toronto ET Disclosure media event on Thursday, February 7th, 2013 at 7 pm EST. This event is sponsored by a consortium of Toronto based UFO/ET disclosure advocates under the direction of Mr. Chris Russak. The aim of this special international media event is to preview and promote the upcoming Citizen Hearing on Disclosure due to take place in April 29- May 3, 2013 in Washington, DC produced by Paradigm Research Groupby.

  • The Toronto based ET Disclosure event will be an advanced preview for the press and citizens of North America of testimony by over 30 witnesses that will be assembled by Paradigm Research Group concerning the extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. This testimony will be given at the National Press Club from April 29 to May 3.

  • The Toronto ET Disclosure event will be broadcast live over the Internet for a small fee, with proceeds going to assist PRG in producing the April Citizen Hearing.

  • Those who register for the event stream can post questions for the guests on the Facebook site or email them to

  • The webstream event registration can be accessed via a link found on the event Facebook page.

  • The event Facebook Page is at:

  • Please pre-register for the event as to avoid any delay on February 7th when the stream goes live.

  • Here is a direct link to the Toronto ET Disclosure Live Webstream Viewer and registration page: Toronto ET Disclosure Stream Page


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


December 28, 2012


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PRG Update - December 28, 2012

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure - Update

The full web site for the Citizen Hearing is expected to be launched on or about January 16, 2013.   As of this update sixteen witnesses have committed to testify at the Citizen Hearing.  PRG expects to have commitments from twenty-five witnesses by the time of the site launch.  Approximately forty witnesses are expected to testify at the April/May event.    The documentary based on the Citizen Hearing will start pre-production in late March of 2013 with a distribution target for late fall of 2013.

PRG executive director Stephen Bassett will be attending the Sundance Film Festival (January 17-27) along with the documentary producer and director.  Meetings are being arranged with activists within the entertainment industry regarding endorsement of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure.   If any supporters of PRG plan to be at Sundance, get in touch so we can meet up at the Film Festival.

PRG is also in the process of getting commitments from five former members of the United States Congress to sit in committee at the Citizen Hearing.  The goal is two Republicans, two Democrats and one strong centrist/independent - most likely two women and three men.  The longest serving member will chair.    The personal views of committee candidates regarding ET related issues is NOT a factor.   The most important criteria are an open mind and past committee assignments while serving in Congress - intelligence, space, science and technology, armed services, etc. are desirable.

PRG supporters are welcome to participate in this process.  If you have a personal relationship with a former member of Congress whom you think a possible candidate, please contact PRG.  Thanks.

Disclosure Petition VI - the Citizen Hearing

In early January PRG will submit the sixth Disclosure Petition to the "We the People" petition project on the White House web site.  A notice will go out as soon as it is posted.  The petition will also focus attention on the Citizen Hearing and will be worded as follows:

WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Require representatives from the Office of Science & Technology Policy attend the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure in April.

Disclosure Petition VI - the Citizen Hearing


On 9/22/11 PRG petitioned the President to formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. The White House response on 11/4/11 from the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) stated, "The U.S. government has no evidence any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race.  In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye."

The OSTP should be required to send representatives to the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, April 29-May 3, at the National Press Club when evidence the OSTP claims does not exist will be presented to the world's press.

Million Fax on Washington

This project has been redirected toward the White House and the Office of Science and Technology with an emphasis on the Citizen Hearing.   Repeated polling data has shown the vast majority of American citizens know the White House response to Disclosure Petition I  is not true.  The purpose of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure is to present to the world's press the evidence the White House says does not exist and trigger a media engagement that ends the truth embargo in the summer of 2013.   You can help by sending an email, fax and/or letter to the White House's Office of Science and Technology Policy asking for the OSTP to send representatives to the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure to see and hear the evidence the White House says does not exist.

World Disclosure Day - July 8

PRG will be promoting the idea of July 8, 2013 as a target date for a Disclosure announcement by one or more countries.  It's as good a day as any and closes a circle begun 66 years ago.  See below:

Exopolitics World Network / United States Network /

There are currently 29 websites in the EWN and 11 websites in the EUSN.  There are also approximately 50 exopolitics Facebook pages for various countries, regions and U. S. states.  PRG requests that all of these venues focus on and promote the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure.   It is also suggested the EWN country sites put the idea in play that their nation consider a move to formally Disclose in 2013.   In that regard, why not suggest World Disclosure Day - July 8?   WWD 2013 is nine weeks after the Citizen Hearing during which time the media will be in a heightened state of awareness.  If the General Ramey wreckage display on July 8, 1947 marks the informal beginning of the truth embargo, July 8, 2013 marks its 66th anniversary.  That's long enough. 

PRG Web Server Hack Follow-up

On or about December 10 the ftp server login for PRG's websites was breached and an iframe malware was loaded targeting a site in Russia.  At the same time the server of PRG's tech advisor and long time supporter also had an ftp login breach with the same iframe malware targeting a site in Russia.

PRG was lucky in that the Chrome browser malware catcher (thank you Chrome) flagged PRG's index page and the malware was quickly removed and the ftp login changed before any damage could be done.  PRG's tech advisor was not so fortunate and all of his web sites were erased from his server.  There were backups, of course, and they have been rebuilt and the ftp login changed.  All is back to normal.

For the following reasons PRG considers this hack, which came two weeks after the announcement of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, to be a targeted strike aimed specifically at PRG's advocacy work:

1)  PRG's server account in Missouri had never been breached since it was created sixteen years ago.   None of the other six hundred accounts on the server were touched.
2)  PRG's tech advisor server account in another state had never been breached.  None of the hundreds of other accounts on the tech advisor's server were touched.
3)  PRG is not aware this particular iframe malware struck elsewhere at that time.
4)  The odds that two servers connected to PRG received isolated hacks on the same day by the same malware by coincidence are extremely low.

That said, it is highly unlikely PRG will ever know who hacked its server or why.   Nor is it possible to prove any connection to the launch of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure.  Would PRG be surprised to learn this was government interference?  Not at all.  In fact, it was expected and PRG waits to see if the other shoe drops.

However, if it was government interference, it is notable the hack was modest with no serious damage done.  PRG would interpret this as a message its activities are under enhanced scrutiny and to be cautious as to how it conducts its affairs going forward, particularly the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure.

No problem.  PRG fully intends to be cautious with the Citizen Hearing.  At no time has PRG solicited any member of the military or government agencies to violate their national security oaths or non-disclosure agreements.  Such a decision would and should only be made by the witness without prompting from any advocacy organization.  PRG has always believed and still believes the truth embargo can be ended without breaking the law.

As a rule any disruption of PRG's advocacy work will be reported as a matter for the public record.   This is not done to intimidate opponents of Disclosure or to posture, but rather to simply keep the public informed of the very complex process underway leading to the inevitable end of the truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


November 28, 2012


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PRG Update - November 28, 2012

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure
National Press Club - April 29 - May 3

Between now and the end of the year the components of the Citizen Hearing will be assembled.  During that time promotional efforts will focus on raising awareness of the project within the ET research/activist community and the most interested public.    International promotion of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure will begin in early January at which time the full website will be launched. 

The Citizen Hearing will be conducted over five days.  It will consist of 30 hours of testimony from approximately forty witnesses testifying in groups of three and four regarding events and evidence relevant to extraterrestrial related phenomena.   Each witness will deliver prepared remarks to be followed by questions from the hearing committee made up of five former members of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate.

The setting for and conduct of the Citizen Hearing will match that of a formal Senate hearing to the extent possible.  The Hart Senate Hearing Room will be the model.  In addition to a press section, there will be room for a public audience of approximately 300.

The entire Citizen Hearing, 40 hours, will be live streamed over the Internet. 

Simultaneous translations for the live and Internet audience will be available in Spanish, Portuguese, French and Russian as needed.

The last Congressional hearing addressing the ET subject occurred in 1968.  The motto for the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure is, "If Congress will not do its job, the people will."

Citizen Hearing Hotel - The Washington Plaza

The base hotel for the Citizen Hearing will be the Washington Plaza.  Hotel rates in Washington, DC have increased dramatically, especially for May, and are scarce.  The group code "Citizen Hearing" should be active this week for the Washington Plaza phone and Internet reservations.   Anyone wishing to stay at the event hotel should consider booking very early.    PRG will attempt to identify other nearby hotels with the lowest rates and post them on the CH website.   It is also possible to achieve lower rates by looking for hotels further out from Washington center but near the Metro lines.

Citizen Hearing Conference

Each evening between 7 pm and 11 pm speakers will present three 55 minute lectures on relevant subjects.  These lectures will be presented in the hearing room with an audience capacity of approximately 350.  This is a separate event that will also be live streamed to the Internet.  More conference details will be posted on the CH website in January.

Citizen Hearing Interviews (Bassett)

Nov 29 - Coast to Coast AM w/ George Noory - 10 pm PST
Dec - First Contact Radio w/ Josh Poet
Dec 2 - Conspiracy Show w/ Richard Syrett - 8:30 pm PST
Dec 23 - The Jackal's Head w/ Angel Espino - 7 pm PST

Conferences (Bassett)

Dec 7-9, 2012 - IV World UFO Forum - Iguassu Falls, Brazil
Feb 8-10, 2013 - Conscious Life Expo - Los Angeles, CA

Paradigm Research Group Status

The 2010 X-Conference was held in May six months after the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the beginning of the worst recession in the United States since the 1930's.  The conference lost a great deal of money which threw PRG into severe financial straits.   PRG is pleased to announce that all outstanding balances due X-Conference speakers and the venue have been paid.  All that remains is a modest loan from a European supporter that should be covered by the end of January at which time PRG's balance sheet will be cleared.

Also, in 2010 two loans were made upon PRG's recommendations to colleagues who were subsequently unable to repay those loans.  PRG has paid off one of those loans and should have the other, larger loan paid by May of 2013.

PRG greatly appreciates the patience and understanding of its colleagues and supporters during the past eighteen months.

It is quite unlikely PRG will experience any future financial issues going forward.


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


November 14, 2012


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PRG Update - November 14, 2012

The Citizen Hearing

"If the Congress won't do its job, the people will."

Paradigm Research Group has raised one million dollars toward producing and documenting thirty hours of testimony over five days from forty Disclosure witnesses before former members of the United States Congress. 

A Citizen Hearing on Disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race will be held in Washington, DC April 29 to May 3, 2013 at the National Press Club.  The event hotel for the witnesses, hearing members, special guests and attendees will be the Washington Plaza.

A documentary based around the Citizen Hearing will be produced by PRG and Just Cause Entertainment and marketed for full theatrical distribution.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


September 13, 2012


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PRG Update - September 13, 2012
Archived at:

Disclosure Petition V - Roswell

The fifth Disclosure petition is now up on the White House "We the People" website.  It will remain on the White House website through October 10.  This petition reads as follows:

WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO:  reinvestigate an alleged extraterrestrial vehicle crash near Roswell, NM in 1947 and an Air Force cover-up of the facts.
Disclosure Petition V - Roswell
by Paradigm Research Group

Lt Col. Philip Corso (USA) "I came into possession of the Roswell File. This file contained field reports, medical autopsy reports and technological debris from the crash of an extraterrestrial vehicle."
Capt. Edgar Mitchell (USAF/NASA) "Roswell was a real incident, and that indeed an alien craft did crash, and that material was recovered from that crash site."
Gov. Bill Richardson "The mystery surrounding this crash has never been adequately explained - not by independent investigators, and not by the U.S. government."
Chase Brandon (CIA) "It was a craft that clearly did not come from this planet."
Lt. Col. Richard French (USAF) "There were actually two crashes at Roswell."
More quotes:

Richard Dolan in Marina Del Rey, CA

Program:  PRG will co-sponsor a presentation by author, lecturer and television personality Richard Dolan in Marina Del Rey, CA on Tuesday, September 18 at 8 p.m.

RSVPs:  Seating is limited and RSVPs are required.  Please RSVP the number in your party to:   Subject Line:  Richard Dolan - PRG
              Look for a confirmation with location and directions.   We hope to avoid having to turn anyone away.

Admission:  Free   Donations of $10 are welcome to help with Richard's expenses.

Journal of Scientific Exploration Article by Jeff Levin

PRG would call your attention to an article recently published in the journal of the Society for Scientific Exploration.   Titled "Revisiting the Alexander UFO Religious Crisis Survey
(AUFORCS): Is There Really a Crisis?" the article addresses a very important exopolitical question - what are the implications of Disclosure for religion.

PRG has long maintained the repeated claims of dire consequences for organized religion from Disclosure were more government propaganda designed to discourage efforts to seek resolution of the truth embargo. 

Ongoing Disclosure Petition at

This petition will continue to accumulate signatures for the next seven months.

Disclosure Dialogues

Upcoming Conferences

Santa Clara, CA - Sept 15-16
Philadelphia, PA - Sept 28-30 (Stephen Bassett presents)
Las Vegas, NV - Oct 5-7 (Canceled)
Louisville, KY - Oct 10-14
Pittsburgh, PA - Oct 13-14
Minneapolis, MN - Oct 18-21
Fort McDowell, AZ - Oct 29-Nov 4

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344



August 13, 2012


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PRG Update - August 13, 2012
Archived at:

PRG Annual Fund Raiser 

This is the third and final issuance of the once-a-year fund raiser notice for PRG's advocacy work to end the ET truth embargo.  Typically only about one-third of emails to even a directed email list get opened, so this notice was sent thee times. Please pardon the repetition.

Contributions to PRG's basic advocacy work support the following projects: Exopolitics World Network including the EWN Cities Initiative and the Exopolitics United States Network, World Disclosure Day, White House (We the People) Disclosure Petition Process, Media Watch, networking into the entertainment community, and PRG's six websites and six Facebook pages.  A major contribution would allow for a seventh X-Conference and other more ambitious projects.

Right now the grotesquely long and expensive presidential election campaigns are sucking up enormous amounts of media coverage. This has somewhat masked (in the U.S.) a broad spectrum of developments which are favorable to Disclosure. These include actions taking place in a number of South American countries, emerging witnesses, more document releases by the United Kingdom and Australia, many global sightings, celebrity contactees coming out, new documentaries and television series, and more. Of note, a new witness has emerged named Charles "Chase" Brandon, a long served senior CIA officer. Another witness, retired Lt. Col. David French, USAF has just come forward. 

Is Disclosure inevitable?  Yes. Will it come soon enough?  Not certain, and the principal task of the advocacy movement. Timing matters.

An extraordinary new world may lie on the other side of the Disclosure event. Your support in getting there will be greatly appreciated.

Contribution info at: 


Thanks, Steve Bassett



An Extraordinary 40 Days


In a span of six weeks the following happened:   In late June the story broke a retired senior CIA officer, Chase Brandon, had publicly stated Rowell 1947 was the crash of an extraterrestrial vehicle with bodies.  In early July the United Kingdom released yet another batch of UFO/ET files from its archives.  In late July Australia, a very, very close intelligence ally of the United States, proactively released for the first time UFO/ET related documents from government files.   In early August the story broke a retired Air Force Lt. Col., Richard French, who flew combat mission in Korea and Vietnam and worked in military intelligence, stated Roswell 1947 was the crash of an extraterrestrial vehicle. 



October Surprise?


PRG has noted with interest an article in which came out today.  There is some speculation on the Web an announcement about Mars life could come out conveniently prior to the November election.  PRG considers this a distinct possibility.  There are two likely options:  1) confirmation of life on Mars long dead, and 2) confirmation of life (likely microbial) now.   The second option would have the greatest impact on the election prospects of the President.   Degree of confidence in this outcome: 60%.





In a recent exchange with colleagues, I wrote the follow in response to a comment there is a "self-coverup" and the larger public don't want Disclosure and won't listen to the awareness efforts underway.  I thought to share this response with the PRG list.


     I would suggest that given the extraordinary complexity of what is a global phenomena, it is not possible to easily assess the disposition of seven billion people and two hundred nations toward the truth of a reality that has been deliberately suppressed. Denial is the critical separation between the Disclosure movement and all the great social/political activist movements of the 20th Century. No person and no government denied there was segregation in America. None denied the British were a colonial occupier of India, that South Africa practiced apartheid, that woman did not have a universal right to vote in the United States, that a war was underway in South East Asia.

     The governments of all nations, by intention or by acquiescence, have denied there is an extraterrestrial presence at all and therefore nothing to disclose. This is unprecedented at such a scale. That is why one of the key tasks of the Disclosure movement is to raise public awareness of the truth of the matter. The governments have billions of dollars to maintain denial. We have thousands of dollars to increased awareness.

     There is one account that makes this distinction quite well. When Laurance Rockefeller initially approached the Office of Science and Technology Policy in 1993 the OSTP wanted nothing to do with it. Had Laurance not been a friend of the Clintons, it could well have stopped right there. Laurance happened to "let it be known" he was considering placing full page ads in major newspapers across the country calling for the release of all files, amnesty for witnesses and other considerations. It would have cost millions. He was quickly told that would not be necessary and the OSTP would work with him on his initiative towards the President.

     A close call for the truth embargo. How I wish Laurance had placed those ads. With that in mind, how many entertainment and sports celebrities or progressive entrepreneurs or established activist organizations could place those ads tomorrow and barely miss the money? Quoting Captain Jones, "we have only just begun to fight."

     Disclosure, like suffrage, like civil rights, like Indian independence, like Apartheid's end, is inevitable. It is only a matter of how soon. And how soon is only a matter of will and determination.




Disclosure Petition IV - Chase Brandon


The petition placing the recent statements of retired CIA senior officer Chase Brandon on the White House website completed its 30-day run as of August 10.  A fifth Disclosure petition will go up later this month.  PRG does not expect the White House "We the People" project to last beyond the November election.  It was basically a campaign ploy to engage voters, and the public has lost interest.  However, it has made it possible for the extraterrestrial presence issue to reside on the White House website for the first time in history.  It also generated a formal response from the White House to the basic Disclosure demand - also a first.



Disclosure Petition -


PRG has placed a basic Disclosure petition at, that can be signed.   When you have a moment, mosey on over and toss another shrimp on the barbie and leave a comment.



World Disclosure Day


WDD now has 5350 endorsements including 250 organizations.    New efforts are needed to raise awareness of WDD and get the endorsements over 10,000.   If you have not yet endorsed WDD, swing by the website and add your support.



PRG Media Archive/ Direct Media Archive


There are now 6310 mainstream (no ET/UFO/Paranormal media), English language articles on the UFO/ET phenomena from newspapers, magazines, television/radio websites worldwide archived on the PRG website.  Over the past 24 months PRG has noted a 20% decline per year in the number of such articles being generated by mainstream media.   Two possible explanations for this decline are:  1) an acceptance by the media that sightings in particular are no longer news.  They happen all the time and the accounts are very similar.   This is perfectly understandable.  2) the growing number of articles being generated by "direct media."  To some extent the mainstream media are electing to leave such coverage to "direct media."


PRG defines "direct media" as structured news and commentary venues where journalists and non-journalists can publish directly to the public without an editor or fact checker. Over the past 24 months the number of such articles has exploded to the point it has been difficult to maintain the PRG Direct Media Archive.   Some of these venues compensate the writers; some do not.  In some cases compensation is based upon page views or ad clickovers.  PRG is not aware of any mainstream media venues which pay writers in that fashion, but it is possible.  Obviously, such compensation raises journalistic issues.  But to be fair, mainstream journalist's compensation is indirectly dependent on readership levels or television/radio ratings.  


At this time the direct media venues that are publishing the most ET/UFO/Exopolitical articles in order by number are the following:


     Examiner -

     Gather -

     The Canadian -

     American Chronicle -

     OpEd News -


Direct media articles must be approached with a different set of criteria.  Caveat lector strongly applies and quality varies more widely.  That said, this new genre helps fill the gap created by the government imposed truth embargo which has prevented standard media from appropriately covering the UFO/ET issue since the 1950's.  PRG will continue to archive direct media articles, but encourages readers to recognize these distinctions.



Exopolitics World Network / United States Network


Anyone living in one of the countries or U.S. states without a portal exopolitics website, who would like to volunteer to create and maintain a site, please contact PRG.



Upcoming Conferences


     Nottingham, UK - Aug 31-Sept 2
     Copenhagen, Denmark - Sept 7
     Santa Clara, CA - Sept 15-16
     Philadelphia, PA - Sept 28-30 (Stephen Basset presents)

     Las Vegas, NV - Oct 5-7 (Canceled)
     Louisville, KY - Oct 10-14

     Pittsburgh, PA - Oct 13-14
     Minneapolis, MN - Oct 18-21
     Fort McDowell, AZ - Oct 29-Nov 4


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


July 24, 2012


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PRG Update - July 24, 2012

PRG Annual Fund Raiser 

This is second issuance of the once-a-year fund raiser notice for PRG's advocacy work to end the ET Truth Embargo. Typically only about one-third of even a directed email gets opened, so this notice will be repeated one more time over the next few weeks. Please pardon the repetition.

Contributions to PRG's basic advocacy work support the following projects: Exopolitics World Network including the EWN Cities Initiative and the Exopolitics United States Network, World Disclosure Day, White House (We the People) Disclosure Petition Process, Media Watch, networking into the entertainment community, and PRG's six websites and five Facebook pages. A major contribution would allow for a seventh X-Conference.

Right now the grotesquely long and expensive presidential election campaigns are sucking up enormous amounts of media coverage. This has somewhat masked (in the U.S.) a broad spectrum of developments which are favorable to Disclosure. These include actions taking place in a number of South American countries, emerging witnesses, more document releases, many global sightings, celebrity contactees coming out, new documentaries and television series, and more. Of note, a new witness has emerged named Charles "Chase" Brandon, a long serving senior CIA officer. Another witness named David French, an former Air Force officer working at AFOSI is now being researched.

Is Disclosure inevitable? Yes. Will it come soon enough? Not certain, and the principal task of the advocacy movement. Timing matters.

An extraordinary new world may lie on the other side of the Disclosure event. Your support in getting there will be greatly appreciated.

Contribution info at: 

IMPORTANT: There is a new development regarding PRG support. Please see below.

PayPal Blocks Donations to PRG and Freezes PRG's Account

It would appear that PRG has become another victim in PayPal's war on political advocacy related donations campaign. See links above. While it is very difficult to understand PayPal's policy and several conversations with their compliance department were stunningly Orvwellian in character, here is the story as best can be determined:

1)  PayPal has a history of arbitrarily blocking accounts accepting donations. This practice, however, accelerated after they and a host of banks shut down money transfer options for Wikileaks. When an account is blocked the funds in the account are sequestered for six months, but all fees collected by PayPal are kept by PayPal.

2)  PayPal's compliance people "seemed" to indicate that private persons and for-profit entities cannot accept donations for political purposes, but they can accept (maybe) donations for non-political purposes. To accept donations for political purposes they have to be a registered non-profit 501(c)3 or a registered political action committee (527).   

3)  There is no federal or state law which requires this, and this policy is in clear violation of the U. S. Constitution. There are laws as to what 501(c)3 and 527 organizations must do if they collect funds, but these laws do not apply to PRG.

4)  There are some indications those selected to be blocked are discomfiting government in some form or fashion, but this has not been fully established and likely will not be without a massive legal action.

5)  Some organizations have had their accounts reopened after strong Internet backlash toward PayPal, but few organizations are able to generate such backlash.

While PayPal has in some cases tied up hundreds of thousands of dollars, the amount of PRG money frozen by PayPal is small. The principal effect is the inconvenience of PRG not being able to raise funds via the largest Internet money transference company in the world.

PRG's political action committee also has a PayPal account and has provided PayPal with proof of it's status as a 527 organization. However, X-PPAC is presently inactive and PRG is reluctant to direct donations toward X-PPAC for fear PayPal may freeze that account as well for whatever reasons they might conjure up.

It would be easy to go into a long winded diatribe about this matter, however, most reading this already understand the implications of this action as well as a plethora of other actions happening across the United States at this time.

So, for now, all PayPal donation buttons have been removed from PRG sites. If you have a recurring payment donation with PRG via PayPal, it will be canceled by PayPal in about 30 days, but feel free to cancel immediately. Thank you for your assistance.
Fortunately other online payment sites are filling the void created by PayPal and PRG will be using 
WEPAY going forward.


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


July 10, 2012


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PRG Update - July 10, 2012

CIA Agent Chase Brandon 

Breaking News: A new witness has emerged in the person of former CIA agent Chase Brandon. As reported by Lee Speigel in the Huffington Post, Mr. Brandon has stated regarding the events in Roswell, NM in July of 1947:

"It was not a damn weather balloon -- it was what it was billed when people first reported it," said Chase Brandon, a 35-year CIA veteran. "It was a craft that clearly did not come from this planet, it crashed and I don't doubt for a second that the use of the word 'remains' and 'cadavers' was exactly what people were talking about."

PRG will be archiving media coverage of this important new witness at the above PRG webpage.

Sirius Documentary
(Documentary Site)

A significant milestone was just reached when a documentary based upon the life and work of Dr. Steven Greer successfully raised over $250,000 on the Internet over a period of only 60 days. About to go into pre-production, this documentary will be directed by Emmy award winning film maker Amardeep Kaleka.

This remarkable achievement is a first for the genre and demonstrates the willingness of the public to significantly support a worthy and clearly defined Disclosure related project of substance. It is a game changer.

PRG plans to announce later this year a project it hopes will also be worthy of such support. Until then the basic advocacy work needs to continue, which is why it is time for the........

PRG Annual Fund Raiser 

This is the once-a-year fund raiser notice for PRG's advocacy work to end the ET Truth Embargo. Typically only about one-third of even a directed email gets opened, so this notice will be repeated two more times over the next few weeks. Please pardon the repetition.

Contributions to PRG's basic advocacy work support the following projects: Exopolitics World Network including the EWN Cities Initiative and the Exopolitics United States Network, World Disclosure Day, White House (We the People) Disclosure Petition Process, Media Watch, networking into the entertainment community, and PRG's six websites and five Facebook pages. A major contribution would allow for a seventh X-Conference.

Right now the grotesquely long and expensive presidential election campaigns are sucking up enormous amounts of media coverage. This has somewhat masked (in the U.S.) a broad spectrum of developments which are favorable to Disclosure. These include actions taking place in a number of South American countries, emerging witnesses, more document releases, many global sightings, celebrity contactees coming out, new documentaries and television series, and more.

Is Disclosure inevitable? Yes. Will it come soon enough? Not certain and the principal task of the advocacy movement. Timing matters.

An extraordinary new world may lie on the other side of the Disclosure event. Your support in getting there will be greatly appreciated.

Contribution info at:

Disclosure Petition IV - Chase Brandon
Sign here: 

PRG has submitted a fourth Disclosure petition to the White House "We the People" project. Only 150 signatures are needed for this petition to be posted on the White House website for the next 30 days. You can create and account and/or sign the petition at:

The purpose of this petition is to draw international attention to the recent statements by former CIA agent Chase Brandon that the events at Roswell, NM in 1947 were extraterrestrial in nature. His testimony, of course, confirms that of Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell.

The petition reads as follows:

WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: investigate assertions by CIA agent Chase Brandon of an extraterrestrial explanation for the 1947 Roswell events.

Disclosure Petition IV - Chase Brandon

Recent statements by former senior CIA agent Chase Brandon confirm the testimony of dozens of first and secondhand witnesses to the extraterrestrial nature of the events during early July of 1947 at and near Roswell, New Mexico.

These testimonies directly contradict the President's Office of Science and Technology Policy statement, "The U.S. government has no evidence.......that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye."

The extraterrestrial truth embargo is now inappropriate policy which undermines the credibility of the United States.

Disclosure Petition - 

A quick reminder the basic Disclosure petition can be signed at the above URL and will remain up for another ten months.

World Disclosure Day - July 8

Hundreds of new endorsement for WDD have poured in over the past few days. Thank you.

Upcoming Conferences 

Cincinnati, OH - Aug 3-6
Albuquerque, NM - Aug 10-12
Santa Clara, CA - Sept 15-16
Philadelphia, PA - Sept 28-30
Louisville, KY - Oct 10-14
Pittsburgh, PA - Oct 13-14 (Bassett presents)
Fort McDowell (Phoenix area), AZ - Oct 29-Nov 4


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


April 23, 2012


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PRG Update - April 23, 2012 

Disclosure Petition III - Nuclear Weapons Tampering 
The third Disclosure Petition will expire on April 24 and be deleted from the We the People section of the White House website. Intererst in the We the People project continues to wain with only 14 petitions posted during the past 30 days, few of which will obtain the needed 25,000 signatures for a White House response.
Nevertheless, the nuclear weapons tampering issue was prominently placed on the White House website for 30 days and a fourth Disclosure Petition will go up shortly.
Regrettably, it has become necessary to publicly post a few limited comments regarding accusations currently being leveled at PRG's executive director.
1)  Relentless obsession regarding the promotion and selling of a film can be a positive asset. The same trait in service to a public attempt at intimidation and coercion is not an asset but rather irresponsible behavior not taken without risk.
2)  While some might view the Internet an appropriate place to hang dirty laundry - a cyber Jerry Springer Show to seek approval and validation for their behavior - PRG does not.
3)  A law suit has been filed with the primary goal of obtaining a cease and desist order and the removal of offending materials from their Internet locations of origin. Any damages beyond these aims relating to defamatory behavior are in the hands of a court and secondary to the law suit.
4)  Lastly, every computer screen should be manufactured with these words engraved into the frame - caveat lector.
The San Agustin Incident
PRG has had the opportunity to review materials relating to a book in late draft regarding an alleged crash of an extraterrestrial vehicle on the Plains of San Agustin in New Mexico in July of 1947. New physical evidence along with materials analysis and other documents may bring new attention to this controversial case. The book is being written by long time researcher Art Campbell. Anyone who may have other evidence regarding this case should contact Art at:
PRG Conference Schedule 
PRG executive director Stephen Bassett will be speaking at these conferences in 2012.
April 27-29 - 11th Annual San Francisco New Living Expo
June 15-17 - 1st Congresso Internacional de Ufologia em Cubatao (Brazil)
Sept 28-30 - MUFON PA East Coast Conference I
Other Upcoming Conferences 
April 28 - 1st Latin American Symposium of EXOPOLITICS (Chile)
April 28-29 - 51st UFO/ET Congress (Bordentown, NJ)
May 11-13 - International Conference on Exopolitics (Czech Republic)
May 19-20 - 1st Annual Women's UFO Symposium (Texas)
May 27-29 - Alamo Conference: In the Shadow of Area 51 (Nevada)


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


April 2, 2012


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PRG Update - April 2, 2012

PRG Updates are archived at:

Facebook Pages


Exopolitics World Network 

World Disclosure Day 

PRG Northern California/Oregon Speaking Schedule

PRG ex. director Stephen Bassett will be presenting at these venues in April.

April 11 - (14th)15 - Sonoma, CA
Sonoma International Film Festival - Speaker/Panelist 

April 17 - Craneway Center, Richmond, CA
United Earth Networks Offices - Lecture
Living Directory Network Event 

April 20 - Meese Auditorium,.Ashland, OR
Southern Oregon University - Lecture 

April 22 - Novato, CA
RAHM Event - Lecture

April 27 (28) (29) - San Francisco, CA
New Living Expo - Speaker/Panelist 

Disclosure Petition III - Nuclear Weapons Tampering 

The third Disclosure petition will remain up on the White House website until April 24 drawing attention to significant evidence the White House has stated doesn't exist.

International Exopolitics Conferences Upcoming 2012 

Erica, Chile - April 28
Prague, Czech Republic - May 11-13

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


March 26, 2012


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PRG Update - March 26, 2012

Updates are archived at:

Disclosure Petition II - The Rockefeller Initiative

Final count: 6937    Signatures needed: 25,000

The second Disclosure Petition was posted on the White House website for sixty days (including the first submission on December 1, 2011) and drew some media attention to the Rockefeller initiative.  However, it did not achieve the necessary signatures to require a response from the White House and was removed from "We the People" on March 25, 2012. 

The reasons for the DP II not getting a White House response include:

  1. the 25,000 signature threshold, increased from 5,000.

  2. decrease in the public engagement of "We the People" after the threshold increase to 25,000.  During the first sixty days after "We the People" was launched on September 22, 2011, between 15,000 and 20,000 petitions were submitted.  During the past sixty days petition submissions were a small fraction of that number.   The result has been far less traffic to the site and fewer crossover signatures.  At this time only sixty petitions are active and many of those are early submissions waiting on a response.

  3. serious problems signing the petition.  From early December forward PRG received many complaints from people having great difficulty signing the DP II.  See some of those complaints here.

  4. petition fatigue.  The "We the People" project is now five months old and many are a bit weary of being prompted to sign petitions.

  5. media coverage of the "We the People" project and submitted petitions has decreased substantially.

PRG thanks all those who supported this petition with their signatures, YouTube videos, emails and web linkage. 

Disclosure Petition Project - What's Next?
(Disclosure Petition III)

PRG recognizes it is unlikely any future Disclosure petitions submitted to "We the People" will achieve a White House response.   Nevertheless, for as long as the "We the People" project is open PRG will make sure there is at least one or two Disclosure petitions resident at the site.  Why?   The White House website is a powerful showcase for any issue.  There is heavy traffic.  The media can choose to jump into the Disclosure issue at any time.

Only 150 signatures are needed to have a petition posted to "We the People" and only 60 petitions are currently active ensuring prominent exposure.

A new petition has been submitted and can be signed at:
It reads as follows:

"WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO ask Defense Secretary Panetta to respond to mounting evidence for nuclear weapons tampering by extraterrestrial craft."

Disclosure Petition III - Nuclear Weapons Tampering

Since 1991 government witnesses of high rank and station have been coming forward with evidence regarding incidents in which extraordinary craft of unknown origin have tampered with nuclear weapons facilities around the world.  Despite extensive media coverage of these emerging testimonies since the Fall of 2010, the Obama administration has made no comment whatsoever regarding this evidence and its national security implications.  Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, who was chief of staff to President Clinton during the Rockefeller Initiative, should respond to these testimonies.

Research resource:
Nuke tampering media coverage:
Rockefeller Initiative:

Standing Disclosure Petition at   

PRG has posted a version of Disclosure Petition I at the activist website   It is intended to provide a collecting point for those supporting Disclosure.   If the number of signers over time becomes sufficiently large, it may be useful with the media.

World Disclosure Day - July 8

Should anyone create an event or project connected to World Disclosure Day, please email the details to PRG and it will be listed in a section of the WDD website with:  date, time, description, contact email.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


March 14, 2012


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Paradigm Research Group

PRG Update - March 15, 2011

Disclosure Petition II - The Rockefeller Initiative

Presently the petition has 6431 signatures with 9 days and 12 hours remaining to acquire 25,000.   At this point it will require a significant main stream media exposure to reach that number. 

The decision by the White House to increase the threshold to 25,000 has significantly reduced prospects for any petitions to generate an administration response.  At this time only 62 petitions are active with few likely to reach 25K.   It is assumed public interest in the We the People project has also been reduced.  But the number is what it is, and there are more than enough interested public to reach that threshold.

However, PRG is troubled that reports of problems creating an account, logging in, and/or signing Disclosure Petition II continue to pour in.  Why?  PRG has communicated with the We the People site moderator and has forwarded many of these complaints.  Little else can be done.  Notably one petition calling for constraints on trade with Vietnam does have 150,000 signatures.   Is that petition also having the same issues?

Just as there is no crying in baseball, there are no excuses in activism.   It is assumed, nay certain, a political advocacy process will be resisted.  Don't like that, find another vocation.   Therefore, consider the following point in the genre of analyzing moves in a chess game.

The first Disclosure Petition was posted on day one of the project and had the required 5,000 signatures in a few days.  Ten days after that the signature requirement was increased to 25,000.  As a defensive move, is the White House We the People project tampering with those petitions it wishes not to respond to knowing that signing and login difficulty coupled with the 25K requirement assures failure?    If true, well played.

Nevertheless, it is still possible to punch through this resistance.  If enough people share the petition link and fight through the signing issues, the 25K can be achieved.

Whatever the final count, the Rockefeller Initiative will be highlighted on the White House website for at least 30 days.  That may be enough to trigger media engagement of a major story - four people who ran for the presidency of the United States did not think it necessary to tell voters about efforts to end the UFO/ET truth embargo during the Clinton administration.  The public are just potted plants with no need to know, no right to know and no ability to handle profound truths.

It Could Happen Tomorrow

This documentary which accompanies The Disclosure Dialogues by Jennifer Stein and Ron James won two EBE Awards at the International UFO Congress
in February.   The Disclosure Dialogues and It Could Happen Tomorrow are an excellent resource for those wanting to understand the exopolitical realities of the ongoing Disclosure process. 

The Pet

Disney, the studio that gave us Mars Need Moms, an animated frolic involving alien abduction which lost around $160 million, has decided to double down with a television series involving alien abduction.  The Pet is about ?a man who?s abducted by aliens, taken to their planet and turned into a family pet.?

Too bad the film industry doesn't have enough respect for the people who have spent decades studying the real extraterrestrial phenomena to consider them a source of advice on ET related films. Cowboys and Aliens lost about $110 million.   Even the rich and powerful can be victims of the truth embargo.  

15th Annual Sonoma International Film Festival

For the second year ETs are once again part of the Sonoma International Film Festival - April 11-15, 2012.   The "UFO Sidebar" is about disclosure (and discussion with the experts) - featuring the documentary film Day Before Disclosure by Terje Toftenes followed by Q&A.  See the trailer here.   

Then a film presentation Life After Contact by Bryce Zabel. See the promo here.   Bryce is a producer, screenwriter and co-author with Richard Dolan of A.D. After Disclosure: The People's Guide to Life after Contact

There will also be a panel discussion, Studio 5, with astronomer Dr. Gordon Spear, author/film maker Bryce Zabel, and political activist Stephen Bassett followed by a Q&A moderated by Jim Ledwith. 

The Scale of Universe

Here is a wonderfully creative website.  Cary and Michael Huang have posted a follow-up to their Scale Of The Universe animation, The Scale Of The Universe 2. Its a ten-to-the-power-of type with the viewer able to go back and forth in size and distance using their scroll wheel or Left and Right keys. Each icon is clickable for an explanation.  A remarkable perspective that reminds us how vast is the world we strive so hard to limit.

PRG Speaking Schedule

Ashland, OR - April 20
San Francisco, CA - April 27-29
Cubat?, Brazil - June 15-17
Quito, Ecuador - June (pending)
Philadelphia, PA - Sept 28-20

PRG 2012 Radio/Podcast Interview Schedule

Jan    2 - Jerry Pippin Show w/ Jerry Pippin
Jan    4 - Godlike Productions After Dark w/ Edward Mueller
Jan    7 - Beyond the Matrix w/ Patricia Cori
Jan    9 - Late Night in the Midlands w/ Michael Vara
Jan  13 - Stranger Advice w/ John Zaskoda (podcast)
Jan   13 - A Global Focus w/ Patrice Sheridan
Jan   27 - Kate Valentine Show w/ Kate Valentine
Feb    3 - The Truth Denied w/ Roxy Lopez
Feb    3 - The Jackal's Head w/ Angel Espino
Feb  15 - XZone Radio w/ Rob McConnell
Feb  15 - Phenomenal ETs w/ Tim Dulger
Feb  17 - Inception Radio w/ Jamie Havican
Feb  17 - Mike Siegel Show w/ Mike Siegel
Feb  22 - Truth Serum Radio w/ Jason Valenti
Feb  23 - Phenominal ETs w/ Tim Cote
Feb  23 - Coast to Coast AM w/ George Noory
Feb  24 - Red Ice Radio w/ Lana Lokteff
Feb  24 - Thresholds Radio w/ John Stephenson
Feb  24 - The Whole Agenda w/ Marco Pepino
Feb  26 - Conspiracy Show w/ Richard Syrett
Feb  27 - Podcast UFO w/ Martin Willis (podcast)
Feb  27 - Kevin Smith Show w/ Kevin Smith
Feb  28 - First Contact Radio w/ Josh Poet
Feb  28 - Protect Freedom w/ Bob Keegan
Feb  29 - UFOs Undercover w/ Joe Montaldo
Mar    1 - Topic UFO w/ Rick Scouler
Mar    2 - A Global Focus w/ Patrice Sheridan
Mar    3 - Ohio Exopolitics w/ Mark Snider
Mar    3 - Spooky Southcoast w/ Tim Weisberg
Mar    4 - An Hour with an Angel w/ Graham Dewyea
Mar    7 - Truth Theorem Radio w/ Jason Valenti
Mar    8 - Project Next w/ Eben Rey
Mar    8 - Matinee Madness w/ Mike Montgomery
Mar    8 - Conundrums w/ Jay Michael (tape)
Mar    9 - The Truth Denied w/ Roxy Lopez
Mar    9 - Brilliant Essence Radio w/ Astrid Stromberg
Mar  12 - Healing Conversations w/ Lauren Galey

Mar  16 - Starseed Energy Radio w/ Jonah Bolt - 8:30 pm PST
Mar  21 - Stranger Advice w/ John Zaskoda (podcast)
Mar  21 - Universal Spiritual Connection w/ Leilani Graham - 6 pm PST
Apr    2 - Programa Alternativa Extraterrestre - 5 pm PST
May 25 - Liberty Broadcasting Network w/ Brian Jones - 3 pm PST

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


March 1, 2012


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PRG Update - March 1, 2012

Disclosure Petition II - The Rockefeller Initiative

Signatures: 4384
Signatures needed: 25,000
Time left: 23 days, 6 hours
Any citizen of any nation can sign this petition.

How to sign the petition.

  • Use the link above ( to go directly to the petition.  (Or go to  "We the People" and find the petition.)

  • Click on "Create an Account"

  • Enter your email address, first name and last name. (City and State or City and Country are optional)

  • Receive an email back from the White House

  • Click on the Verification link in that email.

  • Use the provided Password to log in to "We the People" and sign petitions.

"We the People" is a large project involving millions of accounts and signatures and the site does have problems from time to time.  Occasionally the site is down for maintenance and modifications.  However, thousands have signed so please keep trying.   Also:

  • Some browsers work better with "We the People" than others.  There are numerous reports of problems using Chrome and some reports of problems with Firefox.  Internet Explorer seems to be the most dependable.

  • If you are still having problems logging in or signing, it sometimes helps to clear cookies and start over.

  • You must log in each time you return to the site.

  • You can change the password to your account by clicking on "Edit Profile" at the bottom of the page.

This second Disclosure petition was specifically formulated to challenge the White House formal statement of November 4, 2011 that, "The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye."

Disclosure Petition I and the White House response generated more media coverage worldwide than all other posted petitions combined.  The political media have taken notice.  Should Disclosure Petition II quickly acquire the needed 25,000 signatures, it will generate a global news coverage and the impact on the Disclosure process could be dramatic.   But this depends upon you.   Sign the petition.   Share the direct link to the petition via social media, websites, blogs and email lists.   Use the "We the People"  feedback page to respectfully explain why you feel the issue is of great importance and to request a serious and comprehensive response from the White House.

Many YouTube vidoes are being created in support of the petition.   See:

Press Releases are archived at:

PRG Interview/Pod Cast Schedule

Many of these interviews are archived.

Jan    2 - Jerry Pippin Show w/ Jerry Pippin
Jan    4 - Godlike Productions After Dark w/ Edward Mueller
Jan    7 - Beyond the Matrix w/ Patricia Cori
Jan    9 - Late Night in the Midlands w/ Michael Vara
Jan  13 - Stranger Advice w/ John Zaskoda (podcast)
Jan  13 - A Global Focus w/ Patrice Sheridan
Jan  27 - Kate Valentine Show w/ Kate Valentine
Feb   3 - The Truth Denied w/ Roxy Lopez
Feb   3 - The Jackal's Head w/ Angel Espino
Feb 15 - XZone Radio w/ Rob McConnell
Feb 15 - Phenomenal ETs w/ Tim Dulger
Feb 17 - Inception Radio w/ Jamie Havican
Feb 17 - Mike Siegel Show w/ Mike Siegel
Feb 22 - Truth Serum Radio w/ Jason Valenti
Feb 23 - Phenomenal ETs w/ Tim Cote
Feb 23 - Coast to Coast AM w/ George Noory
Feb 24 - Red Ice Radio w/ Lana Lokteff
Feb 24 - Thresholds Radio w/ John Stephenson
Feb 24 - The Whole Agenda w/ Marco Pepino
Feb 26 - Conspiracy Show w/ Richard Syrett
Feb 27 - Podcast UFO w/ Martin Willis (podcast)
Feb 27 - Kevin Smith Show w/ Kevin Smith
Feb 28 - First Contact Radio w/ Josh Poet
Feb 28 - Protect Freedom w/ Bob Keegan
Feb 29 - UFOs Undercover w/ Joe Montaldo

Mar   1 - Topic UFO w/ Rick Scouler - 7 pm PST
Mar   2 - A Global Focus w/ Patrice Sheridan - 6 pm PST
Mar   3 - Ohio Exopolitics w/ Mark Snider - 6 pm PST
Mar   4 - An Hour with an Angel w/ Steve Beckow - 5 pm PST
Mar   5 - Universal Spiritual Connection w/ Leilani Graham - 6 pm PST
Mar   7 - Truth Serum Radio w/ Jason Valenti - 4 pm - PST
Mar   8 - Matinee Madness w/ Mike Montgomery - 1 pm PST
Mar   8 - Eyewitness Radio w/ Race Hobbs - 3 pm PST
Mar   9 - The Truth Denied w/ Roxy Lopez - 11 am PST
Mar   9 - Brilliant Essence Radio w/ Astrid Stromberg - 6 pm PST
Mar 12 - Night Search w/ Eddie Middleton - 4 pm PST
Mar 21 - Stranger Advice w/ John Zaskoda (podcast)
Mar 21 - Universal Spiritual Connection w/ Leilani Graham - 6 pm PST

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


February 17, 2012


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PRG Media Notice - Disclosure Petition II

Coast to Coast AM with George Noory

"Disclosure Petition II - the Rockefeller Initiative" will be submitted to the White House on the morning of February 23.  That evening PRG executive director Stephen Bassett will appear on Coast to Coast AM,  February 23, 10-11 pm PST, to discuss with George Noory why the Disclosure petition process underway at "We the People" could represent a breakthrough in the truth movement.  The petition will have 30 days (until March 23) to acquire 25,000 signatures and force a second response from the Obama administration..   Anyone from any nation will be able to sign this petition.

There will be a great deal of media promotion behind this petition between February 23 and March 22.    See the above links for more information.

PRG 2012 Radio/Podcast Interview Schedule (Stephen Bassett)

Jan    2 - Jerry Pippin Show w/ Jerry Pippin
Jan    4 - Godlike Productions After Dark w/ Edward Mueller
Jan    7 - Beyond the Matrix w/ Patricia Cori
Jan    9 - Late Night in the Midlands w/ Michael Vara
Jan  13 - Stranger Advice w/ John Zaskoda (podcast)
Jan  13 - A Global Focus w/ Patrice Sheridan
Jan  27 - Kate Valentine Show w/ Kate Valentine
Feb   3 - The Truth Denied w/ Roxy Lopez
Feb   3 - The Jackal's Head w/ Angel Espino
Feb 15 - XZone Radio w/ Rob McConnell
Feb 15 - Phenominal ETs w/ Tim Dulger

Feb 17 - Inception Radio w/ Jamie Havican - 6:20 pm PST
Feb 17 - Mike Siegel Show w/ Mike Siegel - 9 pm PST
Feb 23 - Phenominal ETs w/ Tim Cote - 5 pm PST
Feb 23 - Coast to Coast AM w/ George Noory - 10 pm PST
Feb 24 - Red Ice Radio w/ Lana Lokteff - 10 am PST
Feb 24 - Brilliant Essence Radio w/ Astrid Stromberg - 6 pm PST
Feb 24 - The Whole Agenda w/ Marco Pepino - 9 pm PST
Feb 26 - Conspiracy Show w/ Richard Syrett - 9:30 pm
Feb 27 - Podcast UFO w/ Martin Willis (podcast)
Feb 28 - Protect Freedom w/ Bob Keegan - 2 pm PST
Feb 29 - UFOs Undercover w/ Joe Montaldo - TBA
Mar   1 - Topic UFO w/ Rick Scouler - 7 pm PST
Mar   2 - A Global Focus w/ Patrice Sheridan - 6 pm PST
Mar   3 - Ohio Exopolitics w/ Mark Snider - 6 pm PST
Mar   5 - Universal Spiritual Connection w/ Leilani Graham - 6 pm PST
Mar   8 - Eyewitness Radio w/ Race Hobbs - 3 pm PST
Mar   9 - The Truth Denied w/ Roxy Lopez - 11 am PST
Mar 21 - Stranger Advice w/ John Zaskoda (podcast)
Mar 21 - Universal Spiritual Connection w/ Leilani Graham - 6 pm PST

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


February 1, 2012


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PRG Update - February 1, 2012

PRG Updates are archived at:

Facebook Pages

Most of PRG's projects have accompanying Facebook pages in order to encourage networking and sharing information.


World Disclosure Day 

Exopolitics World Network   (Group)  (Community)


Million Fax on Washington

Twitter:  SteveBassett

Disclosure Petitions (We the People)

Disclosure Petition II - the Rockefeller Initiative has not yet been resubmitted.  The plan was to resubmit in January.  However, due to the requirement of 25,000 signatures within 30 days of submission, the initial posting of this petition needs to be coordinated with a national radio interview.   Thus the delay while that interview is scheduled.   It is also notable the problems with the We the People petition webpage seem to have subsided.

The power of the Internet to impact political policy through collective action is nascent.  It has not even begun to exert its power.  But a recent event provides a look into the future.   On January 18 the Google website placed a black banner over its logo and encouraged people to, among other things, sign a petition against the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House of Representatives and the Protect IP Act (PIPA) in the Senate.  Over 7 millions signatures were gathered in one day.  Other sites went black in protest including Wikipedia.  Within 48 hours key sponsors of these bills withdrew their support.  The bills were tabled.

Only 25,000 signatures will be required to secure a formal response from the White House to the Rockefeller Initiative and initiate a global news story.  A notice will go out as soon as the petition is posted.

Celebrity Contactees

Another entertainment celebrity has come forward and acknowledged ET contact/abduction.  Nine months after a similar announcement from rock musician, Sammy Hagar, actress Fran Drescher has spoken of her own experience to the Huffington Post.

There are many people in the entertainment industry who have had contact and sighting experiences.  More are expected to come forward.   Both Ms. Drescher and Mr. Hagar have taken some ribbing in the press and deserve credit for having the courage to speak out.

It is only a matter of time before an entertainment or sports celebrity with international stature goes public about their personal encounters.  

Edgar Mitchell Article

A superb article has just been penned by Larry Lowe beautifully summarizing the intellectual matrix around Dr. Edgar Mitchell.  Any reporter or editor who reads this article and still dismisses Mitchell's assertions regarding the extraterrestrial presence is unprofessionally submitting blindly to the delusion of the truth embargo.

PRG Speaking Schedule

PRG executive director Stephen Bassett will be presenting at the following conference:

Conscious Life Expo - February 10-12 - LAX Hilton, Los Angeles

New Living Expo - April 27-29 - Exhibition Center, San Francisco

PA MUFON East Coast Conference - Sept 28-30 - Philadelphia


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


January 14, 2012


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PRG Update - January 14, 2012
Disclosure Advocacy Support

PRG has set up recurring support options via PayPal at the above link.  Anyone who believes they have a right and a need to know the truth about an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and can handle that truth, can support the advocacy process for as little as $1 week.   If but 1,000 of PRG's many thousands of supporters would utilize such an option, PRG's work will be greatly advanced in pace and substance.

Disclosure Petition II - the Rockefeller Initiative
("We the People")!/petitions 

The second Disclosure petition will be resubmitted to the White House "We the People" project very soon accompanied by much mainstream and social media promotion.    Notices with the direct link to the petition will go out the same hour the petition is submitted to "We the People."   [Note: this is a "resubmission" because the "We the People" site broke down in December preventing any petitions from achieving 25,000 signatures.

If 25,000 signatures are secured within 30 days from the date of submission, a formal response from the White House will likely come in late February.  This petition will pose a serious challenge to the White House.  More importantly, if the 25K signature threshold is reached, it is going to generate significant global news coverage.  The first Disclosure petition drew more media coverage than all the other posted petitions combined. 

If you do not already have an account with "We the People, go to the link above:  1) select any petition, 2) click on "create an account", 3)  provide your first name, last name and email address (zip/mail code is optional), 4) check for a return email from the White House, 5) click on the verification link in the email, 6) use the password provided in the email to log in at "We the People" and sign any petitions you choose.  [Note: you can change your account information and password at:]    [Note: the browsers which work best with this site are IE, Firefox and Safari.] 

When Disclosure Petitions II is active, you will then be able to sign in seconds.

The wording of the second Disclosure petition has been somewhat modified from the earlier December submission for clarity and effectiveness.  It will read as follows:

"WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO immediately investigate UFO/ET Disclosure efforts during the Clinton administration - the Rockefeller Initiative."

Disclosure Petition II

The Obama administration has formally stated, "The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race."

If true, what was Clinton's Office of Science and Technology Policy investigating from March 1993 to October 1996 in concert with billionaire, Clinton friend, Laurance Rockefeller?

Those who knew and have not spoken publicly of this initiative include: President Bill Clinton, Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, Obama transition chairman John Podesta, Sec. of Defense Leon Panetta, Vice President Al Gore and Gov. Bill Richardson.

Confirming Documents: 

Alone?  Not.
(February 2011)

Back in February of 2011 scientists working with the Kepler space telescope announced the results of a sky survey indicating there are 50 billion planets in the Milky Way Galaxy with 500 million of these planets in a life supporting orbit.  At the time PRG indicated this number would almost certainly go up.

It has.   Three studies released Wednesday in the journal Nature and at the American Astronomical Society's conference in Austin, Texas, project about 1.6 planets per star systems on average.  That would be 160 billion planets.  That would represent approximately 1.6 billion planets in life zone orbits.

As of now any argument there is no other life in the Galaxy (let alone the universe) save for Earth is as substantive as arguing the Earth is flat.  If there is other life, there is other intelligent life, and that would lead directly to the fundamental question:  Has intelligent life from elsewhere visited Earth?    To determine that, you would look for any evidence on or about the Earth for such visitations.   When you do, you find the evidence is everywhere, both in the present and the past.

Case closed.  Time to grow up as a species and demand government leaders take their head out of their.......out of the sand and reveal what they already know about these visitations and the agendas involved.  If they will not do this, they must be replaced by leaders who will. 

Conferences Upcoming

Conscious Life Expo - LAX Hilton - February 10-12
     This could be the biggest CLE ever.  It's 2012.  Stephen Bassett will present.
International UFO Congress - Fountain Hills, AZ - February 22-26
      The second year at the new, outstanding location near Phoenix.
International Conference on Future Energy - College Park, MD - February 29-March 3
       Serious looks at what is the key transformative technology heading our way.
MUFON Texas Conference - San Antonio, TX - March 3


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


December 26, 2011


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PRG Update - December 26, 2011

Disclosure Petition II - the Rockefeller Initiative

Notice:  Throughout December the White House "We the People" website experienced significant technical difficulties.  Many thousands of people had problems creating an account and/or logging in and/or signing a petition.  PRG received scores of emails from angry and frustrated potential petition signers.  Furthermore, the "We the People" section was frequently down for maintenance.    Consequently, all petitions submitted in December had little chance of reaching the 25,000 signature threshold for a formal response - Disclosure Petition II included.    PRG has confirmed these problems with a White House staffer and has been told they are being fixed. 

Therefore, "Disclosure Petition II - the Rockefeller Initiative" will be resubmitted to "We the People" sometime in January accompanied by a considerable amount of media and web promotion.   [Note: the resubmitted petition will have a new direct link.]   This petition is specifically formulated to challenge the White House formal statement of November 4, 2011 that, "The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye."

Disclosure Petition I and the White House response generated more media coverage worldwide than all other posted petitions combined.  The political media have taken notice.  Should Disclosure Petition II quickly acquire the needed 25,000 signatures, the impact on the Disclosure process could be dramatic.   But this depends upon you.

If you already have an account open at "We the People," get ready to sign Disclosure Petition II and the Need to Know petition in January.  If you do not yet have an account, go to and create one now.   Anyone from any nation can open an account and sign petitions.

The current submission of Disclosure Petition II will remain active through December 31.  Feel free to sign it for practice.

World Disclosure Day - July 8

WDD is a little more than six months away and all are invited to consider how to use that day to draw attention to the Disclosure advocacy process - YouTube videos, small conferences, documentary premieres, private showings of past documentaries, email campaigns, article submissions to op-ed pages, iReports, Twitter blitzes, concerts, Occupy NASA (just kidding), whatever.   July is the one, two, three month.  UFO Day - July 2; Roswell Festival - July  1-3; World Disclosure Day - July 8.    2012 seems to be about the end of one paradigm and the beginning of another.  Celebrate the new paradigm in July.   Say goodbye to the old paradigm in December.  

Dr. Roger Leir
Vince White

Two very good men who have pursued the truth regarding the ET reality are struggling right now.  Roger Leir has been in and out of the hospital dealing with several conditions.   Vince White has been challenged by severe Parkinsons for many years and, of course, it is a progressive illness.   Roger's friends and supporters may post messages of encouragement on his Facebook page linked above where you will also find his email address.   Vince's friends and supporters are asked to email good wishes to the address above.

PRG is always mindful of the tireless devotion so many have given to the truth process with little or no compensation save for the appreciation of their friends and colleagues.

SETI Saved by Space Command

If anyone has any doubts as to how important the SETI program is to the government's need for a pressure release valve to keep people from thinking they don't care about extraterrestrials, they can now set them aside.

Apparently Jodi Foster's quote is not as high as it used to be and she didn't have enough money to keep the radio telescopes beaming after Paul Allen lost faith.   So who turned up to save the day but the U. S. Air Force Space Command.  That would be the military organization charged with ensuring space is utilized to defend the country against all foes foreign or domestic.   It would seem they want SETI's Allen Array to focus on those recently found planets just to be sure there isn't any life on them that could turn up at our doorstep and start taking away jobs from American citizens, or worse, might show up in battle cruisers carrying weapons of mass destruction.  You can never be too careful. 

Good Science Always Has Political Ramifications

Scientific American recently published a salient piece on the nexus of politics and science - a connection often misunderstood and misrepresented..  Now if only this pointy headed publication was aware the greatest politics/science drama in history is playing now on a stage in its parking lot.  Of course, it was the SA Editor who wrote Robert Goddard in1940 that Goddard's idea of a rocket-accelerated airplane bomb was, "too far-fetched to be considered."   Three years later German V2 missiles rained down on London.

Upcoming Conferences

Los Angeles, CA - February 10-12 (Bassett speaking)
Fountain Hills, AZ - February 22-26
College Park, MD - February 29 - March 2
Eureka Springs, AR - April 13-15
Glen Rose, TX - May 19-20
Louisville, KY - October 10-14

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


December 4, 2011


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PRG Update - December 4, 2011

Disclosure Petition II - Rockefeller Initiative
Direct Petition Link:
Info Page:
Media Coverage/Videos:
Twitter Page:!/stevebassett
Facebook Page:

Status:  1334 signatures.

Many people have had problems creating a new account and/or signing the Disclosure II petition on the We the People White House website.  Here is some helpful info:

1)  If you created an account to sign the first petition, you do not need to create another.
2)  When you create an account, you will receive an email back with your password and a verification link you have to click to activate your account.
3)  Some of the less common browsers seem to be having a problem, so consider using another browser.
4)  Fill out all the fields.  If you reside in another country, put your postal code in the Zip Code field.  But if that doesn't work, leave the Zip Code field blank.
5)  Once the account is created, if you are still not able to sign a petition, log out and sign in again.
6)  The White House website has been having problems.  If your account is set up properly and you are unable to sign, wait a bit and try again later.
7)  The last PRG Update had a typo in the petition info link.  The correct link is:     Sorry.

As a result of the signing difficulties, Disclosure II petition is currently on a pace to achieve only 12,500 signatures by December 31.  This is half of the required amount.  This is temporary setback. The goal of this petition process is nothing less than world changing.  Please don't give up on signing and sharing the petition link.   The Disclosure advocacy process has never been easy, but never have we been so close to ending the truth embargo.  Keep the faith and keep on truckin'.

World Disclosure Day - July 8

In early January PRG will increase promotion of World Disclosure Day in order to help motivate people and organizations to create events and projects centered on that day.    Possibilities are almost limitless and those interested are encouraged to research Earth Day and review the kinds of events and projects that are centered around that day.   And remember, once Disclosure takes place, that day will be the new Disclosure Day and it will be more important and quite historic.

WDD currently has 4851 endorsements.

Exopolitics World Network Cities Initiative

This project of Paradigm Research Group works right into World Disclosure Day  Anyone who wishes to start up an exopolitics group in their town or city that meets with some regularity, can notify PRG and their group will be listed on the above website with a contact email address.  Groups are listed for each country by city.  The suggested name for the group is Exopolitics (City), e.g., Exopolitics San Diego, Exopolitics Miami, etc.

It's that simple.  No bylaws, no board of directors - just a network of groups meeting around the world to discuss and engage UFO/ET/Exopolitical issues.  Obviously such groups could work off of WDD in a number of ways.   Contact:   if you are starting up a group.

Exopolitics World Network (EWN)
Exopolitics United States Network (EUSN)

There are currently 26 countries and 3 affiliated websites in the EWN.  That leaves a lot of countries without an exopolitics web portal.   Anyone with the knowledge of the issues and the necessary web skills who would like to create and maintain an EWN site for a new country, please contact PRG.

There are currently 11 states in the EUSN.  Anyone with the knowledge of the issues and the necessary web skills who would like to create and maintain an EUSN site for one of the other 39 states, please contact PRG.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


December 1, 2011


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PRG Update - December 1, 2011
Disclosure Petition II - Rockefeller Initiative

Disclosure Petition II - Rockefeller Initiative 

The second PRG Disclosure petition is up on the White House website and quickly gathering signatures. It cleared the 150 posting threshold in 15 minutes. It will take 25,000 signatures by December 31 to trigger a formal response from the White House. Of equal importance, if it can quickly gather 10,000 signatures, it will attract media attention.

All nations can sign. Share the direct link to the petition via Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, email lists, websites, etc. Banners for linkage are available at the Petition Info site. If you signed the first PRG Disclosure Petition, you do not need to create a new account. Use your password and log in. First time signers will need to create an account with We the People, get a password back via email and log in. Takes a couple of minutes.

This petition is a direct challenge to the White House (OSTP) response to Disclosure Petition I. If it clears the 25K threshold, it will pose a difficult challenge to whomever is called upon to write a response.

White House response to Disclosure Petition I!/response/searching-et-no-evidence-yet 

PRG's response to the White House response.

Zabel/Dolan Petition 

Richard Dolan and Bryce Zabel have simultaneously submitted a petition to the White House which approaches the issue from a different angle. PRG strongly encourages all supporters to sign. These two petitions are sufficiently different to likely receive separate responses from the White House if they reach the 25K threshold. The more responses the better. The first URL above is a direct link to this petition. Below is the text:

WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Investigate Unidentified Aerial Phenomena as Reported by Citizens, Police, Astronauts, Pilots and the Military.

Searching for microbes on Mars and radio signals from space is not enough. We must explain Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, or UAP, right here on Earth.

For six decades worldwide, credible witnesses (including Presidents Carter and Reagan) have consistently described objects with flight capabilities beyond our technology. UAP are often verified by radar and even seen at nuclear sites by military officers.

Given the national security implications, the United States should conduct an independent investigation. This inquiry must transparently review the key unsolved UAP reports with access to classified documents. It must have the power to call witnesses and grant immunity.

The findings should be publicly presented.

2012 Woman's UFO Symposium
May 19-20 Glen Rose, TX

The Women's UFO Symposium brings together leading women in UFO research, documentation and related information.

The first annual Symposium will be held at the Somervell County Expo Center and Texas Amphitheater in Glen Rose, Texas on May 19-20, 2012. The event will be hosted by Tracie Austin Peters, producer and host of "Let's Talk...Paranormal" radio and TV talk show.

PRG strongly supporters this conference and all women research/activist/journalists. More are needed.


UFO/ET/Exopolitics relevant documentaries continue to pour out. Here a few PRG strongly encourages its supporters to watch:

Secret Access: UFOs on the Record

Disclosure Dialogues


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


November 20, 2011


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PRG Update - November 20, 2011
Disclosure Petition II

Disclosure Petition II

On December 1, 2011 the second Disclosure Petition will be submitted to the White House's We the People initiative.  Under the new rules this petition must secure 25,000 signatures within 30 days of its submission (by December 31) in order to receive a formal response from the Obama administration.  The first Disclosure Petition received 12,078 signatures.  Over the next two weeks PRG will pre-promote Disclosure Petition II to ensure it has the best possible chance to succeed.   Also, if on submission it quickly secures thousands of signatures, it will attract immediate media attention.

The response to the first Disclosure Petition was unacceptable and indefensible.  Disclosure Petition II is a direct challenge to that response and could generate a substantial media engagement.   But it is up to the people to make that happen.   Spread the word this petition will go active on the White House website on December 1, 2011.

Response to Disclosure Petition I!/response/searching-et-no-evidence-yet

The Disclosure Petition II language and info to be submitted are as follows:

"We petition the Obama Administration to demand a full congressional investigation of UFO/ET Disclosure efforts by the Clinton OSTP - the Rockefeller Initiative."

In response to the first Disclosure Petition, the OSTP stated, "The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race."

If true, what was the OSTP investigating from March 1993 to October 1996 in concert with billionaire and Clinton friend, Laurance Rockefeller?

Those who knew of and have not spoken publicly of this initiative include: Bill Clinton, Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, Obama transition co-chair John Podesta, Sec. of Defense Leon Panetta, Dr. John Gibbons, Albert Gore and Governor Bill Richardson.

See:  and

PRG Updates are archived at:

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


November 5, 2011


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PRG Update - November 5, 2011
The Disclosure Petition

Disclosure Petition Response!/response/searching-et-no-evidence-yet

The White House has responded to the Disclosure Petition.  The final signature count was 12,078.   As expected it was written by a low level staffer from the Office of Science and Technology Policy - research assistant Phil Larson.   The response was unacceptable.   The response page (link above) includes a Feedback option.   Much feedback is likely.

PRG will address the White House response on Monday, November 7 via an international press release and op-ed submissions to various newspapers.

In a short while PRG will begin to pre-promote a new petition relevant to the Disclosure process.   This petition will then be submitted to We the People and an effort will be made to garnish the 25,000 signatures in 30 days (the new threshold) required for another formal response.    Those who have signed previously will not have to register again to sign the next petition.

PRG will continue to keep the Disclosure issue front and center within this attempt at participatory democracy by the Obama administration.


Updates are archived at:


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


October 27, 2011


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PRG Update - October 27, 2011

Disclosure Petition Update

As of this Update the Disclosure Petition has 11,574 signatures.  That is 20th out of 158 posted petitions still posted on the White House website trending 10th out of 95 petitions with new signatures.    It will be formally responded to by the Obama administration later this year.   Everyone who has signed the petition will get an email letting them know the White House has reviewed and responded to the petition.  The first petition response is now up at:!/responses

All nations can sign petitions (the Zip Code field is optional).   15,000 signatures by the end of October is reachable.  Share the link via Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube, email lists and websites.

The Next Petition

At some point, perhaps after the administration response, the Disclosure Petition will be pulled off the site.   When that happens, PRG will put a new petition up addressing another aspect of the issue.  Of course, anyone who has already signed the DP will be able to sign the next petition without registering again.   Under the current rules the next petition will require 25,000 to initiate a formal response.  Is that doable?  Yes.

PRG is committed to keeping UFO/ET/Disclosure issues front and center in the White House's We the People project.


PRG will co-sponsor with Just Cause Productions a special screening of a new, breakthrough documentary, Thrive, in Marina Del Rey, CA on 11/11/11.   There will be an audience discussion afterward.  Admission is free.  If you are in the LA area and would like to attend, please RSVP your party to PRG at the above email address.  You will be emailed back time and contact info.  

Upcoming Conferences

Taos, NM - October 25-30
Arnold, MD - October 29
Bordentown, NY - November 11-13
Los Angeles, CA - November 11-13
Los Angeles, CA - February 10-12, 2012
Phoenix, AZ - February 22-26, 2012

X-Conference Update

The six X-Conferences cost approximately $400,000 and $36,000 still remains outstanding.  This includes two loans, some speaker's fees and a balance to the National Press Club.   These balances will be paid at the first opportunity.   No X-Conference was held this year and another will not be produced until the outstanding balances are cleared and any future event is fully funded in advance.

PRG Media Archive
This archive of mainstream, English language coverage of the UFO/ET issue since 1947 is now approaching 6000 articles.   At 720, 2011 is on a pace for 970 articles, which is down slightly from last year.   PRG estimates the total number of such articles since 1947 exceeds 20,000.   In recent years only about 1 article out of 100 is a ridicule piece.   

Disclosure Dialogues DVD Set

While there will not be an X-Conference this year, many speakers from the past two years are featured in this 5-DVD set/documentary.  The dialogues between researchers and activists is a very good format as fellow colleagues often know the right questions to ask.

Silver Screen Saucers

This blog by PhD candidate Robbie Graham in the UK continues to publish the best information available about the relationship between the entertainment industry and the UFO/ET issue.  PRG considers this a very important site because of the huge influence Hollywood and other film centers have on the public perception of and acclimation to the ongoing Disclosure process.


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


October 12, 2011


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PRG Update - October 12, 2011

Disclosure Petition Update

As of this Update the Disclosure Petition has 9577 signatures.  That is 21st out of 188 petitions filed on the White House website trending 11th out of 100 petitions with new signatures.  It is worth noting that six of the petitions with more signatures address the same issue - reforming the marijuana laws.  Therefore, by issue the Disclosure petition is 16th out of 183.  There has been further media coverage which is archived at the DP info site.

On October 5th the White House announced the threshold for petitions to be formally considered by the administration had been raised from 5000 signatures in 30 days to 25,000.  This caused some concern.  However, as stated on the White House site, this increase is not retroactive to petitions filed before October 5.

Regarding the response process the White House website states:  "Once the petition reaches the required threshold, it will be put in a queue to be reviewed by the White House. Others can still sign the petition while it is awaiting a response from the White House. When the White House responds, everyone who has signed the petition will get email from the White House to let you know that we've reviewed and responded to the petition."

This means there will be more time to build the signature count while the Disclosure Petition is being reviewed.  The 5,000 threshold was critical to the review process, the overall count is critical to the amount of media coverage.

All nations can sign this petition (the Zip Code field is optional).   A reachable goal is 20,000 signatures by the end of October.  Share the link via Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube, email lists and websites.

World Disclosure Day Update

WDD now has 4689 endorsements from around the world.  The next likely developments will be a celebrity endorsement and additional media coverage.   WDD along with the DP offer two referenda where anyone from any nation can sign their desire to know the truth about the extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.

UFOs and the Evolution of Consciousness - Oct. 21-23

Richard Dolan, Whitley Strieber and Linda Moulton Howe will be speaking at an event in New York City the weekend of October 21-23.  

UFOs and the Evolution of Consciousness is sponsored by the New York chapter of the Friends of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (FIONS).  IONS is an organization founded by Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell to study the bridge between science and consciousness "noetics".  FIONS was co-founded by PRG's great friend and supporter, the late Sandra Shepard (Sandy) Wright.

2011 Project Mexo - Hong Kong
News and Updates;

Exopolitics Hong Kong and Meoow Guide will produce an online conference later this year.  Project Mexo wil be a live audience link up with  researchers, exopolitical activists and contactees from around the world.   Featured speakers will include: Dr Michael Salla, Paola Harris, Stephen Basset, Mary Rodwell, Jim Sparks, Neil Freer, Dr. C. B. Scott Jones and Al J. Gevaerd with more to be added to this first of its kind, international online link up conference with a live Chinese audience in Hong Kong.

NASA and Dr. Edgar Mitchell (Commentary)

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is one of the more obvious victims of the truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.  Over the years it has earned its aka "Never A Straight Answer," but it had no choice in the matter.  From the day it was born with the 1958 Space Act it was caught between a Moon rock and a hard place because of the following language in the Act:   

Section 102 b) The Congress declares that the general welfare and security of the United States require that adequate provision be made for aeronautical and space activities. The Congress further declares that such activities shall be the responsibility of, and shall be directed by, a civilian agency exercising control over aeronautical and space activities sponsored by the United States, except that activities peculiar to or primarily associated with the development of weapons systems, military operations, or the defense of the United States (including the research and development necessary to make effective provision for the defense of the United States) shall be the responsibility of, and shall be directed by, the Department of Defense........

NASA could have found a dozen extraterrestrial bases on the Moon and it would have been unable to say anything, show anything, take any actions without approval from the DOD - and it wasn't going to get it.  As the years went by and the evidence for an ET presence grew NASA, when questioned, could only refuse to comment, lie or deflect direct inquiries.   

It is for this reason PRG has been generally sympathetic with NASA's plight and has not focused its advocacy efforts on this quasi civilian agency.   The most irritating action by NASA since 1958 was its support of SETI, a science front organization developed to help maintain the truth embargo and deflect pressure from NASA and the government on the ET question - in other words a science propaganda tool of the state.  But again, it likely had no choice.

I have said many times the truth embargo will make fools of us all one way or another and this is the case with some NASA knucklehead who, with or without the approval of the Director, decided it would be a good idea to sue Dr. Edgar Mitchell over a camera from the Apollo 14 Lunar Module returned to Earth by Dr. Mitchell rather than be crashed into the Lunar surface.

Many such artifacts were retrieved by Apollo astronauts and no other Apollo astronaut has ever been impugned in this way.

PRG is absolutely convinced this is an effort by NASA to embarrass an American hero who has been speaking truth to power since 1997 regarding the ET reality.  In that he was following in the footsteps of another American hero, Mercury astronaut Gordon Cooper.

The American space program conducted between 1959 and 1972 was perhaps the greatest achievement in human history.  Every Mercury, Gemini and Apollo astronaut well knew the extraordinary opportunity NASA provided for them to be part of that history.  They have all been loyal to the agency.  Gordon Cooper, Dr. Story Musgrave, Dr. Brian O'Leary and Dr. Edgar Mitchell steadfastly avoided criticizing NASA as they spoke of the ET issue and the truth embargo over the past 25 years.   

The 64-year truth embargo is in its final days and has been slowly collapsing since 2000.   Anyone in government who mistakenly thinks this embargo continues to shield them when taking outrageous actions against researchers, activists, witnesses or contactees will be made the fool.   That time has passed.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell, a great American in his 81st year, should not be treated in this manner.  It is an absolute disgrace.

If you agree with this assessment, PRG would appreciate your informing NASA of your views.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


September 16, 2011


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PRG Update - September 16, 2011
Archived at:

Brief Financial History of PRG

For the record:

-   PRG was founded in July of 1996 to pursue a political resolution to the UFO/ET issue.

-   It was not set up as a non-profit in order to insulate it from potential governmental interference.  But by any measure it has operated as a non-profit and has never made a profit.

-   From July of 1996 to January of 2003 PRG's work was funded by its executive director Stephen Bassett.   This amount was approximately $250,000.

-   As of January 2003 all of Mr. Bassett's assets and funds were used up.  From that point forward PRG has only been able to function via donations from supporters of its advocacy work.

-    From 1999 to the present PRG has had a political action committee.  That PAC has raised a modest $18,000 during that time.  While currently not active, it is still reporting and could become active again at any time funding permitting.

-    From 2004 through 2010 PRG held six X-Conferences in the Washington, DC metro area.  Those conferences, while successful as advocacy projects, lost a total of approximately $90,000.   All of those losses have been paid save for the losses from X-Conference 2010 - approximately $36,000.  PRG fully intends to clear those balances when funding is available.

-    Starting in the summer of 2010 PRG went to some lengths to help publish a colleague's book which it felt had important Disclosure implications. PRG has no financial interest in the book whatsoever.  The book was published and is currently available.  Money was raised on behalf of the author who is obligated to repay the funds.  While PRG is not financially obligated, it does have an ethical responsibility to see the funds are repaid and will do all it can to assist in clearing any outstanding balances.

In summary:  for sixteen years PRG has worked to end a government imposed truth embargo with global implications.  During that time it has assisted a very large number of organizations and individuals to promote and advance their efforts without asking anything in return.  It has operated in a completely open fashion and made no attempt to conceal its activities or agenda from the government or the public. 

Since its founding PRG (Stephen Bassett) has acquired no assets and currently has a negative net worth of approximately $40,000.   It (he) owns no stocks, bonds, real estate or any other investments and has a cash balance of approximately $400.  

Of course, PRG's financial status could change at any time should major funding come foward. 

The truth advocacy process under way is very difficult, is generally opposed by the government and operates in a highly charged emotional environment.  Many people are angry, frustrated and under considerable stress.  Inevitably there are going to be disputes, misunderstandings and personal attacks.  PRG has been spared much of that over the years, but it is not immune.   Its policy toward such matters is: 1) not let contentions interfere with the advocacy work, and 2) settle matters privately or, when necessary, in a court of law - not on the Internet.

PRG thanks all of its many supporters who have made it possible to advocate for truth in government for the past sixteen years.  The only way it can properly acknowledge this support is to succeed and continue to help others succeed in ending the truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.  
Furthermore, Stephen Bassett wishes to personally express his gratitude to the many hundreds of colleagues, living and dead, who have made great personal sacrifice while speaking truth to power in this matter.  In the end a new and perhaps better world will be their reward well earned.

Los Angeles (September, 2011)

Websites:  (Main Portal Site)


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344



September 3, 2011

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PRG Update - September 3, 2011
Archived at:

World Disclosure Day - July 8

WDD currently has 4440 endorsements.  PRG estimates it will take around 100,000 endorsements to attract the desired attention from the political media.   The most represented nation is the United States and the second most represented nation is the People's Republic of China.  A new international promotional effort will begin soon to build public awareness, increase the number of endorsements and obtain endorsements of note.   This effort will be bundled with The Disclosure Petition.   

The Disclosure Petition

The Obama administration will soon launch a people's petition initiative on the White House website.   Petitions on any subject may be submitted.  At this time it would appear international signatures will be permitted.  Petitions with at least 5000 signatures will be reviewed by White House staff for possible dissemination and consideration within the administration.

As soon as the White House We the People Petitions initiative is open, PRG will immediately submit The Disclosure Petition.  It will be written as follows:

"We, the undersigned, strongly urge the President of the United States to formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and immediately release into the public domain all files from all agencies and military services relevant to this phenomenon."

Between now and when the We the People Petitions goes live, PRG will pre-promote The Disclosure Petition in order to ensure it receives a large number of signatures as quickly as possible.


Not too long ago some teenagers in Siberia, Russia created a video of a dead alien in the snow.   It was a hoax.  The alien was made out of bread.   At present a one minute and 25 second video about this "find" has had 10.5 million views on YouTube.

That is called "going viral."   Another video about the "pending release" of a film about a "living alien" has achieved 36.5 million views.  That is called "going mega-viral."

The three keys to successful political advocacy are focus, focus and focus.  Soon thousands of petitions are going to be submitted to the White House website.  There will likely be dozens of petitions dealing with UFO/ET/Disclosure issues.  Many will be redundant.  Some will be ridiculous.   Many petitions with a small number of signatures equals small impact.   A few petitions with a large number of signatures equals large impact.

The World Disclosure Day endorsements and the The Disclosure Petition signatures offer a timely opportunity to make a strong statement.  Hundreds of millions of people around the world know their governments are not telling the truth in this matter.   If millions can view YouTube videos of hoaxes, surely millions can take about the same amount of time and sign a petition calling for Disclosure of the real thing.

World Disclosure Day and The Disclosure Petition represent basic, concise concepts that are unambiguous.   There is little room for debate.  If one does not think there is an extraterrestrial presence, one would certainly not sign either.   If one does believe there is an extraterrestrial presence, it would seem appropriate to sign both.

"Going viral" is a modern phenomenon with the potential to effect political and social change.  It is completely in the hands of the people.  No government involvement or permission is needed.   If you would like to see The Disclosure Petition go viral or even mega-viral, you have the power to make it so.

Contact 3D: The Disclosure Concert - September 25 - LA

Plans are in the works to add a concert focusing on Disclosure to the annual Los Angeles 3D Film Festival produced by the Dream Factory.  Ten to twenty thousand people are expected to attend this year's event.

PRG Upcoming Speaking Schedule

Conscious Life Expo - Los Angeles, CA - Sept 30 - Oct 2
Pythagoras Conference - Louisville, KY - Dec 16-18

Other Upcoming Conferences

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


August 12, 2011

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PRG Update - August 12, 2011

Archived at:

World Disclosure Day - July 8 - Update

WDD, after being launched six weeks ago, is making progress.  There are now 4100 personal and 200 organization endorsements from around the world.  A section for endorsements of note has been initiated.   Of particular interest is the number of endorsements that have come from the People's Republic of China.  Media coverage has been modest but that was expected.   Coverage will increase substantially when the endorsements approach the 100,000 threshold.

It costs nothing to endorse WDD and takes a few minutes.   A hundred thousand endorsements is quite achievable if enough people learn about WDD and find the website.   Please continue to spread awareness of World Disclosure Day.

The Disclosure Dialogues DVD Set logues2sb.html

PRG highly recommends an important new 5-DVD set - The Disclosure Dialogues - featuring one-on-one discussions between the top researchers and activists. A documentary, It Could Happen Tomorrow, is also included.   This powerful contribution to the Disclosure process is the work of Ron James, Jenn Stein and Chris O'Brien and includes contributions from George Noory, George Knapp, Linda Moulton Howe, Richard Dolan, Danny Sheehan, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Stephen Bassett and many others..  

PRG hopes you will support this important effort to bring the truth forward.

New Documentary - Secret Access: UFOs On the Record  (Press Release)

Another new and important documentary will air on August 25 on the History Channel.  It is narrated by and based largely on the work of Leslie Kean, research director for the Coalition for Freedom of Information.

Secret Access: UFOs On the Record is produced for the History Channel by Break Thru Films - Ricki Stern, Annie Sundberg and Julian P. Hobbs, executive producers.

[Note: the documentaries continue to pour out with History Channel leading at present.  The Ancient Aliens series is being seen all over the world.  It is remarkable the truth embargo still has the residual strength  to withstand this onslaught.]

Silver Screen Saucers

An outstanding and important new blog has arrived on the scene.   It is the work of the UK's Robbie Graham, who is doing his PhD work on the ET phenomena and the media.  Books will be forthcoming.   PRG believes Robbie's work is extremely valuable and will have significant exopolitical impact.

Contact 3D: The Disclosure Concert - September 22-25 - LA

Plans are in the works to add a concert focusing on Disclosure to the annual Los Angeles 3D Film Festival produced by the Dream Factory.  Ten to twenty thousand people are expected to attend this year's event.

ET Media Group

Five months ago PRG founded a private, invitation group to meet once a month in Los Angeles to discuss ET/media related issues.  At present it is the only group of its kind.  There are two connecting threads for those invited:  1) they are producing, directing, writing, editing and/or acting in media projects related to ET related phenomena or are planning to do so, or 2) they are working in the entertainment industry and have personal interest in UFO/ET/Exopolitical issues.   Each meeting includes a special guest researcher or activist.  If you live in the LA area and these criteria apply, please contact PRG if you would like an invite.  If you are a ET/UFO/Exopolitical researcher or activist living in LA or planning to be in LA and would like to be a guest at future meetings, contact PRG.

UK UFO Files Release - #8

The UK National Archives has just released the 8th set of UFO/ET related files from the Ministry of Defence.  As before this files release is generating stories in newspapers throughout the United Kingdom.   This collection contains 34 files containing 8,600 pages of sighting reports, press cuttings, parliamentary correspondence and UFO policy documents.  Several documents are declassified from 'Secret.'

Whatever the UK government's intentions, this steady drumbeat of releases is putting great pressure on the US led truth embargo.

Exopolitics United States Network

The EUSN welcomes California and site administrator Brandon Piddington to the network.  Washington State will be on line soon.

[Note: the Exopolitics World Network (EWN) is eagerly awaiting the addition of China and Japan very soon.]

NASA Launches New Open Government Blog

[PRG will just bite its tongue, print the release in full and let it speak for itself.]

WASHINGTON -- NASA has launched the new  blog to highlight the agency's Open Government success stories. The site is part of the White House's Open Government Initiative, which requires federal agencies to create a new level of openness and accountability and provide public access to unclassified data.

The site is a collaborative blog for the open government community to highlight the ways that transparency, participation, and collaboration are being embraced throughout the agency.

"NASA is committed to experimenting with and embracing new participatory ways of collaboration," said Linda Cureton, the agency's chief information officer. "The launch of open.NASA is a new chapter in NASA's culture of openness and an exciting new way to engage citizens in our activities."

NASA released its Open Government Plan in April 2010 in response to a White House directive. The new open.NASA blog is complimentary to the official NASA Open Government website, which includes the Open Government Plan, a status report and associated projects. To learn more about NASA's Open Government Initiative, visit:

PRG Upcoming Speaking Schedule

Conscious Life Expo - Los Angeles, CA - Sept 30 - Oct 2
Pythagoras Conference - Louisville, KY - Dec 16-18

Other Upcoming Conferences

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


July 18, 2011

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PRG Update - July 18, 2011

World Disclosure Day - July 8

WDD was launched on July 1 and is making good progress.   Several thousand endorsements came in immediately and presently there are 3700 personal and 200 organization endorsements.    Thousands of comments were also received and hundreds of these comments will be archived on the website soon.

The development plan for WDD going forward to July 8, 2012 is as follows: 1) build public awareness of WDD, 2) increase the number of endorsements with a goal of 100,000 in twelve months, 3)  obtain endorsements from persons and organizations of note, 4) encourage ideas about events and projects that might be tied into July 8, 2012 , 5) launch a broad media effort in early April 2012 leading into July.

Should Disclosure take place prior to July 8, 2012, WDD will immediately be changed to that date.

New Documentary - The Truth is Out There

Friend of PRG, Dean Haglund of X-Files and The Lone Gunmen fame, stars in a new documentary The Truth is Out There.  PRG's Los Angeles friends can see the LA opening at The Independent on July 20 and 21.

Contact 3D: The Disclosure Concert - September 25

Each year The Dream Factory puts on a 3D Film Festival in Los Angeles.  This year the event will include a Disclosure Concert including groups who have created music connected to the ET issue.  This may be the first of its kind outside of the Roswell.   Between ten and twenty thousand people will attend the festival.   Some major acts have been approached.  Keep your eye on this one.

Upcoming PRG Media Interviews

Mental Radio with Reggie Park - July 22
A Global Focus with Patrice Sheridan - July 23
Late Nite in the Midlands - July 26

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


June 30, 2011

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PRG Update - June 30, 2011


World Disclosure Day - July 8 (Register support here)  (Join Facebook page here)

In August of last year activist blogger Steve Beckow put forward the idea for a World Disclosure Day.   This was certainly an idea whose time had come but PRG was not in a position to embrace the concept.   Recently PRG conducted an hour long phone interview with a reporter from the London Financial Times discussing World UFO Day (July 2) which was put into play in 2001 and has drawn some modest attention over the years.  It is home based at:

During the conversation with the Financial Times reporter it became clear it is time to aggressively promote a day emphasizing Disclosure.   The era of the UFO is over.  It ended no later that 1991.  "UFO" is now an anachronistic contradiction in terms.  [Imagine the India independence movement had focused on UFOs -  Unidentified Foreign Occupiers.]   The truth embargo is not about preventing citizens from learning about frisbees, balloons and bird flocks.  It's about withholding acknowledgment of non-humans flying about in Earth's skies and much more.   The scientific study of the phenomena should of course go forward, but should be called extraterrestrial phenomena research - not ufology.  

"UFO" is of the past.  Disclosure is the future, and this is where the emphasis must shift.   A national security policy has to be changed, and that is politics - exopolitics.

Tomorrow PRG will put out an international press release promoting July 8 as World Disclosure Day.

On July 8, 1947 General Roger Ramey held a press event in which he changed the just released story of a captured flying saucer near Roswell, New Mexico to that of a retrieved Rawin weather balloon. This was the informal beginning of the now 64-year truth embargo regarding the extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.  For this reason the date July 8 was chosen to emphasize the need to reverse that now inappropriate policy.

Disclosure - the formal acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence by world governments - is the primary goal of a growing worldwide truth movement. The purpose of World Disclosure Day is to provide a focal point for people and organizations to come together to assert their right to know and demand the cosmic truths being withheld. World Disclosure Day will also help broaden public awareness of the Disclosure process and those organizations advocating for the truth on behalf of the world's citizens.

People and organizations from every nation can register their support for World Disclosure Day at the WDD website.  Endorsements from around the world are already coming in (the majority of which are international).   In time various relevant events will come to be scheduled on this date.   The 64th anniversary of the Roswell begins this weekend.  This is a good time to spread the word and contact the media about World Disclosure Day.

Note: on the day the first nation comes forward to finally and formally acknowledge the extraterrestrial presence, that day will then become World Disclosure Day (or Disclosure Day) historically recognizing the most profound event in human history.

PRG Speaking Schedule

3rd Annual Leeds Exopolitics Expo - Leeds, UK - August 5-7
Pythagoras Conference - Louisville, KY - December 16-18

[Note: PRG executive director Stephen Bassett will be in the United Kingdom for nine weeks following the Leeds Exopolitics Conference - August 8 to October 13.  Those interested in hosting an informal speaking venue in Europe during that time can contact PRG.]

Annie in Wonderland

Annie Jacobson, a contributing writer to the Los Angeles Times, recently published a perfectly reasonable book about Area 51 titled Area 51: An Uncensored History of America?s Top Secret Military Base.  However, Ms. Jacobson elected to add a brief final chapter which touted a theory that the events at Roswell were the result of a conspiracy between Josef Mengele and Joseph Stalin - all based upon a single source.

PRG tracked most of the media coverage of this book and noted the vast majority of the articles targeted their headline at the Stalin/Mengle/Deformed Children explanation for Roswell.  In other words, that final chapter sold a lot more books than the Area 51 material.  That's good business but maybe not good legacy.  Ms. Jacobson seems like a nice person so it is a bit discomforting to consider just how big a fool she has made of herself with this toss off chapter.  

The point PRG would make here is this:  that chapter would never have been written in the absence of the truth embargo still staggering forward in its 64th year.  Annie would have known better.  Just one more reminder that one way or another we are all victims of this truth embargo - some more than others.

The Outer Space Security and Development Treaty of 2011

A new space treaty has been put into play by the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, ISCOS.   Check it out at the above website.

Linda Moulton Howe in Australia
PRG wants its many supporters in Oz to know that PRG Courage in Journalism Award winner Linda Moulton Howe will be touring Australia in the coming weeks.  For information please contact:  Denise Blazek, Tel: + 61 8  9228 9940, Cell: +61 0407 980 249, Fax: +61 8 9388 7866,  Email:

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


April 30, 2011

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PRG Update - April 30, 2011 - Part 2

This Update goes out to approximately 6000 on the PRG Update list.  All past Updates are archived at:


The Demise of SETI?

The recent announcement that SETI is suspending operations of the Allan Array, their chief alien signal detection tool, has considerable exopolitical implications.  The defunding of SETI is on PRG's short list of expected events to occur just prior to Disclosure.  This list includes the repositioning of scientific and religious institutions, the coming forward of high level witnesses and celebrity contactees, and the release of previously classified UFO files by one or more nations.  Very high on this list would be any proactive release of files by the United States, however subtle.  

The Exopolitics of "Coming Out"

PRG believes the next major exopolitical development will be the coming forward by entertainment, sports and political celebrities regarding their contact experiences.  Rock musician Sammy Hagar is a recent example.  There will be others and some of them will be of considerable rank and stature.  This is going to put tremendous pressure on the ET truth embargo and one more reason why its days are numbered.

Movies, television and books on contact/abduction experiences will be an important factor in this development.   For this reason PRG has provided considerable support to a book by contactee Kim Carlsberg - The Art of Close Encounters.   Every contactee who struggles with how to communicate to friends and family what they are experiencing can benefit from this compilation of encounters accompanied by artistic representation.  This book can play an important role in making this subject matter more accessible to the general public.

The Disclosure Dialogues

Ron James, Jennifer Stein and the Sedona Media Company have put out a five-disk set of dialogues between researchers and activists.  Participants include:
Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Danny Sheehan, Nick Pope, Richard Dolan, Stephen Bassett, Paul Davids, Paola Harris, George Noory, George Knapp, Linda Mouton Howe, Paul Stonehill, Dr. Roger Leir, Peter Robbins, Ron James, Christopher O?Brien, and many more.    Great way to spread the word.  PRG recommends.

Paul Hellyer at the IUFOC Conference in Phoenix

Former Canadian defense minister, Paul Hellyer, gave a quite notable policy speech at this year's conference.   It is in the context of his recently published book, Light at the End of the Tunnel: A Survival Plan for the Human Species

Dome of the Rock Sighting (commentary)

PRG finds this Jerusalem event compelling because enough is known to reduce the possible explanations to two possibilities:  an elaborate hoax or the real thing.  If the real thing, the exopolitical implications are huge given the location.  If an elaborate hoax, then hats off to the hoaxer.  Except that early on there was a report the event was a guerilla marking campaign for an upcoming movie.  If this proves the case, it raises this question:  how much of this kind of manipulation of the public's interests and concerns regarding important issues should we put up with.  Recall the marketing for the  Fourth Kind.  Would we quietly accept, say, a staged kidnapping in broad daylight in a major city to promote an upcoming kidnap movie? 

Musical Exopolitics
Disclosure Song:

Bryce and Jackie Zabel have written a song about Disclosure performed by Cherish Alexander.  Music is by Cherish and Damian Alexander.  Damian produced and Bryce executive produced.   The Disclosure Song joins Exo-Politics by the rock group MUSE and a growing catalogue of music drawing from the politics of Disclosure.

Global Competitiveness Forum - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

On January 22 a milestone of sorts was reached when a panel titled Contact: Learning from Outer Space was held at the 5th Annual GCF.  At that time Stanton Friedman sat before an audience of 1,000 who had paid $4,000 each to attend and stated emphatically there is an extraterrestrial presence and a government cover-up.  The panel also included Michio Kaku, Nick Pope, Dr. Jacques Vallee and Dr. Zaghloul El Naggar.

Jeff Peckman's Denver Mayoral Campaign

Exopolitical activist Jeff Peckman has conducted an excellent advocacy campaign getting considerable media coverage.   He has represented the ET issue well and shown he can hold his own against any of the candidates.  The Denver mayoral election takes place on May 3.   Put in a good word for Jeff to your Denver friends.  Whatever the outcome, Jeff has once again shown the way for others to step forward and engage the UFO/ET issue in the political arena.

Exopolitics World Network (EWN)

The EWN welcomes:
       Exopolitics Argentina
       Exopolitics Chile (Nicolas Berasain administrator)
       Exopolitics Malta (Sean Adami administrator) - pending

Exopolitics United States Network (EUSN)

The EUSN welcomes:
       Exopolitics New Jersey (Ray Nuvolone administrator)

ET Media Update - Coming premieres of note

Television:   Falling Skies (Steven Spielberg) - June 19
                     Alien invasion/abduction

Film:  Super 8 (Steven Spielberg) - June 10
           Area 51 + scary stuff

           Cowboys and Aliens - July 29
           Don't ask

           The Thing - October 14
           Frozen alien

           District 10 - TBA soon
           They're back

           Prometheus (Ridley Scott) - TBA soon
           They're back, too

Upcoming Conferences

Kingman, AZ - May 6-9
Huddleston, VA - May 7

Fife, UK - May 14
Alamo, NV - May 27-29

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


April 30, 2011

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PRG Update - April 30, 2011 - Part 1

This Update goes out to approximately 6000 on the PRG Update list.  All past Updates are archived at:

PRG Status and Commentary

Paradigm Research Group has now been advocating for sixteen years to bring forward the truth regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.  It is a non-governmental organization (NGO) wholly dependent on outside support. 

PRG's material circumstance has not changed appreciably during the past twelve months.   For advocacy reasons the decision was made to go forward with X-Conference 2010 last April.   The subsequent loss of $36,000 remains and includes balances to the National Press Club, conference speakers and two loans from supporters.   The economic reality in the U.S. has become extremely volatile and PRG is hardly the only advocacy or research group that has been impacted.    Last October a well established conference in its 12th year suffered devastating losses as well.    That said, the past sixteen months has seen a huge amount of activity worldwide and the window of opportunity for Disclosure remains open.  

The advocacy work underway has two primary goals:  1) inform the public about the truth embargo and why Disclosure is essential to the advancement of the human condition, and 2) work to end the truth embargo as soon as possible.   The first goal is quite straightforward.   It is the second goal - the need to end a policy now that inevitably will end - that is more difficult to explain.   I have been asked countless times, "When will Disclosure happen?"   The best answer I can give is, "Disclosure is inevitable and soon.  The question is, will it be soon enough?"   It is the matter of "soon enough" that is critical to understand.

We surely live "in interesting times" when the reality of 7 billion people living on a finite planet, a host of major unresolved issues and outmoded thinking has generated many tipping points.  It is a world at risk and the most serious risk, the one Washington insiders privately dread the most but rarely address publicly, is a nuclear event.  Not what is happening in Japan, while terrible in its effect.     It is the failure to eliminate nuclear weapons and fully secure all such weapons and weapons making materials, thus making the use of one or more such weapons all but inevitable. 

It is the position of PRG that Disclosure must take place before such a nuclear event happens.   Furthermore, Disclosure might help ensure such an event never happens.   Why?   As terrible as even a single nuclear event in any city would be, it is the reaction to that event that will determine the ultimate consequences.  If that reaction is based upon old paradigm thinking, it is not difficult to predict the outcome.   Disclosure does not bring with it a guarantee that bad things will not happen or solve all problems.  What it brings is a profound new world view that may temper the decisions of people and nations.  And, if we are lucky, such new thinking may lead to the elimination of all weapons of mass destruction and the urges to use them.    Of course, the impact of a major world view change will not be limited to the nuclear question.

PRG is eager to be more effective and expand its contribution to the advocacy process.  It is going to take at least $50,000 to get back into gear and start moving forward again.   Given the nature of the issue and current economic reality, that amount is not going to come form small donations.  It will require one or perhaps two individuals of substantive means who understand what is meant by "soon enough."

Much Thanks,
Stephen Bassett
Executive Director

LA (Marina Del Rey) Presentation) - May 15

PRG's executive director will be speak on Disclosure and other related issues at the special effects studio of Just Cause Productions, 4130 Del Rey Avenue (behind 4132 Del Rey Ave.), Marina Del Rey, CA from 3-6 pm, Sunday, May 15.  Admission is free.  Free parking.    More info at above link.

PRG Update - April 30 - Part 2 will follow immediately.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


February 25, 2011

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PRG Update - February 25, 2011

Reporting from the International UFO Congress - February 23-27 

PRG Executive Director Stephen Bassett will debate Col. John Alexander at 1 pm MDT during the IUFOC cCongress near Phoenix, AZ. Five camera teams will be filming the debate. So far it is quite clear the newly relocated IUFOC is an exceptional conference, well managed, and which will have an attendance approaching one thousand.

Open Letter to Senator Scott Brown

In order to raise public awareness PRG has published across the Internet an open letter to Senator Scott Brown. The basis for this letter is self-explanatory.

Dave Masko of HULIQ 

There is a new writer in the mainstream Internet media mix that is covering the UFO/ET issues. He joins Billy Cox of the Sarasota Herald Tribune, Lee Spiegel of AOL News, Cherlyn Gardner Strong of the Tucson Citizen and others writing regularly in this genre. Check out Dave Masko at HULIQ.

Are You Feeling Less Lonely These Days? 

A cosmic census underway estimates the number of planets in the Milky Way at 50 billion with 500 million of those planets in life conducive orbits. Let's see, what was the name of that scientist who wrote the book Rare Earth a while back, the one the debunkers liked so much?

PRG's Facebook Page!/pages/Paradigm-Research-Group-PRG/171965026174033

All on the PRG Update list are encouraged to sign on to (like) the PRG Facebook page at:

MUSE Wins the Grammy 

The UK group Muse has won the 2011 Grammy for Best Rock Album - The Resistance. This is notable because Muse created the song Exo-Politics. Also notable are the album's songs: 1. "Uprising", 2. "Resistance", 3. "Undisclosed Desires", 4. "United States of Eurasia (+Collateral Damage)", 5. "Guiding Light", 6. "Unnatural Selection", 7. "MK Ultra", 8. "I Belong to You (+Mon cœur s'ouvre à ta voix)", 9. "Exogenesis: Symphony Part 1 (Overture)"
10. "Exogenesis: Symphony Part 2 (Cross-Pollination)", 11. "Exogenesis: Symphony Part 3 (Redemption)"

PRG is seeing a developing engagement of a range of relevant issues by the "millennials" (those born during the closing years of the 20th Century and now coming of age) who are fans of groups such as Muse. Their ability with computers, the Internet and the Social Networks will be a powerful force for truth.

Exopolitics United States Network 

The EUSN welcomes Oklahoma and site webmaster Zach Jacobsen to the Network.


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


February 17, 2011

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PRG Update - February 17, 2011

Commentary - Michael Horn's Demands Upon PRG

Over the past few weeks activist Michael Horn has been sending out press releases and posting on the Internet regarding Paradigm Research Group and his desire that PRG extensively engage the Billy Meier story for which he is the authorized American media representative.  Mr. Horn has been pressuring PRG on this matter for the past five years.   I am electing to respond at length at this time because it may be helpful in clarifying PRG's mission statement for those who might be confused or not informed.

To begin it is worth noting the Paradigm Research Group is ironically named.  PRG is not a research organization.  Rather it is a political (exopolitical) advocacy organization with a fundamental mission to end the government imposed truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.  This advocacy will be conducted by all means which are legal, non-violent and which PRG considers effective and appropriate.

Right after PRG was founded I registered as a lobbyist with the office of the clerks for the U.S. House and Senate on behalf of several UFO/ET research organizations.  Thus the name Paradigm Research Group.   This name choice was in part to show respect for the important work done by many research entities for decades to confirm the extraterrestrial presence, without which an advocacy campaign would not be possible.

In 1999 PRG founded its political action committee, X-PPAC.   In 2002 I participated in the Maryland 8th District congressional race as an independent candidate on the November ballot.  The X-Conference was launched in 2004 and there have been six events held in the Washington, DC area through 2010.  The Exopolitics World Network and United States Network were initiated in early 2008.  The Million Fax on Washington was launched on November 5, 2008.  Behind all of this are the PRG websites ported at  Of course, PRG has been involved in other projects and has assisted the project of colleagues.

Every choice made by PRG has one primary driving rationale - will it advance the advocacy process?   If I do not think a particular course of action will serve the Disclosure process, PRG's very limited resources in time and money will be directed elsewhere. 

With that in mind permit me to make what I believe is a very important point.  The collective evidentiary basis for the extraterrestrial presence does not rest on any single case.  If nothing was known about Roswell, the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) would still be valid.   If Colonel Corso had never come forward, the ETH would still be valid.  Same for Bentwaters, Kenneth Arnold, Malmstrom Air Force Base, etc.   The ETH was confirmed by the collective effort of thousands of people who compiled a massive amount of evidence over many decades.    Photographs, video, radar records, documents, first and second hand testimony from hundreds of witnesses - this is the foundation for the ETH.  There is much more to know and much of that knowing awaits the Disclosure event.

PRG's mission is not to prove or focus on a particular case.   Rather it's mission is to stand on the platform of the collective evidence and demand accountability from the government and the political media.   That said, when appropriate PRG will utilize elements within the collective evidence to advocate for Disclosure.  Others may disagree with some of these choices, but they cannot dictate to PRG how it will proceed.

In line with the above, PRG must respectfully decline Mr. Horn's invitation to extensively engage the history of Billy Meier as part of PRG's advocacy work.  This decision should not be taken as commentary on the validity of the story of Billy Meier.    Such determinations are left to others.

Stephen Bassett
Executive Director
Paradigm Research Group 

IUFOC Conference - Scottsdale, AZ - Feb. 23-27

This newly located from Laughlin, NV conference has an exceptional lineup of speakers and should be a very strong event.  The location at the Ft. McDowell Resort in Scottsdale is beautiful.  PRG encourages all to support the new IUFOC Conference.

ReyKawvik Summit - Lawrence, KS - March 18-20

PRG will be presenting at this important new conference set in the heartland of America.

Kia Optima Ad

Check out this very cool ad for the Kia Optima which includes an alien, flying saucer, worm hole and ancient Mayans.  Apparently Grahm Hancock is now writing ads for car companies :-)

CNN - Scientists, telescope hunt massive hidden object in space

A lot of researchers, alive and passed, will be (would have been) most interested in this article.


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


January 30, 2011

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PRG Update - January 30, 2011

Santa Monica, CA Presentation

Due to the large turnout on January 28, PRG executive director Stephen Bassett will return to the Flying Saucers Cafe (306 Pico Blvd.) to speak for a full two hours plus Q&A on Friday, February 4, 7-9 pm.    Come early to chat with the speaker.    The theme of this friendly meeting place is not just marketing.  Owner/artist Ryan Morris is very serious about the UFO/ET issues and is trying to help raise public awareness.   The presentation will focus on the events and the political processes leading toward Disclosure and the Q&A will focus on what to expect in the post-Disclosure world.

New Book - UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies, and Realities
By John B. Alexander

PRG is extremely interested to find out what Dr. Alexander has to write about the UFO/ET issues circa 2011. 

WikiLeaks UFO Cable

PRG is following with interest a developing story around an alleged cable leaked out of the WikiLeaks cache regarding a communique date
Nov. 9, 2005, sent to a diplomat at the U. S. embassy in Kiev, Ukraine, stating:

"It is critical all embassy staff understand that they are not to discuss under any circumstance concerns DOD [U. S. Department of Defense] has with UFOs entering orbit, once again the seriousness of this matter cannot be overstated."

Activist Larry Bryant has already filed an FOIA request regarding this cable.   

This cable has not been confirmed and could be a hoax.   Either way it is drawing further attention to UFO content in future releases from WikiLeaks as stated by Julian Assange in his Guardian newspaper interview.

New Disclosure Video - The UFO Cover-Up In Ten Minutes

Richard Dolan and Bryce Zabel have produced a direct, tight video regarding Disclosure which is getting attention.  Check it out and pass the link on. 

Israel Sighting Video

PRG does not comment on sightings often but this video of a January 28, 2011 Jerusalem, Israel sighting is impressive.  Any translation of the voices in the video would be appreciated. 

And Now There is Open Leaks

As expected a new website modeled after WikiLeaks has been launched.   It is called Open Leaks and was founded by a former spokesperson for WikiLeaks, Daniel Domscheit-Berg.   According to the Washington Post:

"The difference between his group and WikiLeaks, he said, would be that his group leaves reviewing the material up to the publication or advocacy group chosen by the source to receive the information."

PRG believes we are seeing the beginning of a global movement to counter the emergence of "rule by secrecy" since the end of WWII.  This movement will bring down corrupt governments, reform churches, blunt the rise of corporate fascism, and yes, end the truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


January 26, 2011

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PRG Update - January 26, 2011

Facts, Hype and Video Tape (Commentary)

Over the past year there has been an unprecedented amount of rumor, speculation and prediction regarding a possible Disclosure event ending the 64-year truth embargo regarding an ET presence.  Some find this disconcerting as every prediction has proven off the mark, some articles are clearly overspeculative and every video is seized upon with fervor.    PRG is neither disconcerted nor surprised by this.

What is happening is a spreading matrix of rumors flourishing on the Internet, which some might claim was invented for the express purpose of spreading rumors.  These rumors are beginning to double back on themselves and generate seeming "news" stories.

All of which is to say we are seeing the early stages of a media frenzy, which are messy and hardly precise.  But they serve a purpose.  The truth embargo is riddled with holes and misinformation.   There is no pristine path to its resolution.  If the break is to come from the media flank, it will be the result of a group of simultaneous stories which for a time confound the usual political flacks causing one of them to make a fatal mistake, one careless remark on camera causing the eyes of a thousand reporters to instantly fixed upon them, questions at the ready.  You will see a flash of fear and confusion as the flack gropes for an answer, some thread of rational response, and then the entire edifice will come crashing down.

So, while you might find it a little uncomfortable to watch Disclosure predictions popping up all around the planet - given that every last one of them is, well, very likely wrong - it is exactly what sixty-four years of a truth vacuum was going to produce in its last, pitiful days on Earth.

So rumors will fly.  They reflect decades of frustration and a growing expectation the truth will come out.  There are several billion people waiting to hear from their own governments about the extraterrestrial presence engaging them.  If they are vulnerable to some overspeculation right now, PRG is inclined to lay the blame for that at the feet of their duly elected representatives who collectively decided that "don't ask, don't tell" was somehow the cornerstone of the social contract.

PRG Facebook Organization Page

Facebook is likely phasing out "Group Pages" for "Organization/Fan Pages" in order to reduce confusion.  These Organization/Fan pages have unlimited membership, video/photo archives, plus a discussion board.    All PRG Update recipients are encouraged to sign on to the PRG page on Facebook and invite their FBF's to join as well.      [Note:  PRG executive director Stephen Bassett's personal Facebook page has reached the 5000 limit.  New FBF requests will be redirected to the PRG page.

New Conference Listings

The following conferences have just been listed at the above PRG webpage:

February 25 - Intelligent Life Beyond the 4th Dimension - Vancouver, Canada
April 29-May 1 - Wake Up Now Conference, Santa Ana Pueblo, NM
October 15-16 - UFO Matrix Magazine Conference, Ponterfract, UK

South and Central America

There is a considerable amount of exopolitical activity coming out of South and Central America.  Also, note there are now five EWN sites in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Honduras and Mexico.  Ecuador goes up next week.   It is possible that developments in South/Central America may be a deciding factor in bringing about formal disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.


PRG Speaking Schedule Update

Note:  PRG is in the process of setting up a 2011 university/college speaking tour in the United Kingdom.  More on that soon.

March 18-20 - Lawrence, KS - Reykawvik Summit
Leeds, UK - June 11
Leeds, UK - August 5-7
Louisville, KY - November 11-13 -  Pythagoras


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


January 1, 2011

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PRG Update - January 1, 2011

Welcome to 1-1-11.   Reads like the beginning of something, doesn't it?

PRG Media Archive

Last month the PRG Media Archive reached the milestone of 5000 mainstream media, English language articles addressing the UFO/ET phenomena since 1947.   The total number of such articles since 1947 can only be guessed at, but likely exceeds 20,000.   For the third year in a row over 1,000 articles were linked.  Of particular note are news cycles around the New Zealand files release, WikiLeaks, Denver ET ballot initiative and the UFOs and nukes press conference.

A review of this archive will show that UFO/ET/exopolitical issues continue to get extensive coverage and very little of this coverage is demeaning.   Nevertheless, the coverage is still neither adequate nor appropriate.  Pressure on the political media must and will continue unabated.

A number of older article links are down, and most of these will be corrected soon.

Multi-tiered Media Structure

We are in the middle of a media revolution which began with cable television news, continued with the massive growth of the Internet and the introduction of electronic book viewers and will end who knows where.  In but a few more years most newspapers will abandon print on paper.   Magazines will follow, then books.     But there is another aspect of this revolution that now demands attention.  It is the emergence of "direct journalism" - articles and commentary written directly to the Internet in structured environments without an editor and without a fact checker.  It is tempting to call this "citizen journalism" but traditional journalists are also citizens. 

Presently the most important direct journalism consists of tens of thousands of high end bloggers and thousands of writers contributing to such Internet publications as the Examiner and the American Chronicle.  Most of these writers are not paid or are paid based upon page viewings.   Many of the blogs are direct-traditional journalism hybrids.  These consist of blogs being written by traditional journalists working for mainstream newspapers.   Some of these blogs are passed through editors and some are not edited.   

At a time when mainstream media is beginning to fail in its role as the Fourth Estate, thousands of writers around the world are covering every subject imaginable.  Not surprisingly the UFO/ET/exopolitical subject matter has been embraced by direct journalism and thousands of news and commentary articles have been published.

There are three key points that must be made about this body of work:

  • without an editor or fact checker the material presented is going to vary widely in quality and accuracy, but it is notable how much is as good as or better than that found in traditional media.

  • any payment system based upon page viewings will exert pressure toward a more sensational approach to the content and the headline - it is tabloidizing.   Such articles must be considered with extra caution.

  • this new genre will continue to evolve and improve, is here to stay and in short order will reshape journalism and modern culture.  

PRG Direct Media Archive

Without question the new direct journalism genre helps fill the gap created by the government imposed truth embargo which has prevented standard media from appropriately covering the UFO/ET issue since the 1950's.  All aspects of ufology and exopolitics are being addressed - sometimes very well, sometime very badly.   But they are being addressed and PRG has begun archiving direct journalism articles at the above web page. 

MSM Writers of Note

PRG has noted the emergence of a group of MSM writers who have joined Billy Cox in regularly covering ufology and exopolitics with skill and courage.  Please support these writers via your websites, Facebook pages and email lists.   Their work is being archived by PRG.

Billy Cox - Sarasota Herald Tribune

Lee Spiegel - AOL News

Cherlyn Gardner Strong, Tucson Citizen

Tim Brosnan - Technorati


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


December 28, 2010

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PRG Update - December 28, 2010

Disclosure Predictions

2010 could well have been the year of Disclosure.  The pressure on the truth embargo and public awareness continue to grow as has the public's expectation and frustration.  For these reasons it is not surprising we are seeing a plethora of "predictions" of Disclosure or near-Disclosure from varied sources on the Internet.  PRG's position in this regard has been consistent.  Disclosure is inevitable and soon.  That said, it is unlikely anyone will be leaked in advance the actual timing for the Disclosure event.  If there were such a leak, it would be disinformation if not a hoax.    Leaking in advance the Disclosure event poses considerable logistical and strategic problems for government. 

So what of these predictions?   On one level they are encouraging as they reflect the growing expectation the public has that this matter be resolved.  On the other hand such failed predictions do create disappointment and increase skepticism within the media.   Patience and tolerance are called for as Disclosure will be the most profound event in human history and emotions are running high as it nears.   The human race now crouches at the starting line waiting for the moment that launches a new era in the human story.  False starts by some cannot be avoided and there will be more of these before Disclosure takes place.

The rise of WikiLeaks in just four years is easily the most significant and controversial development at the beginning of the new century.  It is the first real challenge to Rule by Secrecy - the basic operating system for the emerging national security state and growing multi-national corporate oligarchies.  The reaction it has generated by  the ruling elite has not been seen before in the modern era.  This reaction runs the gamut from panic to desperation to lunacy.

WikiLeaks, along with certain Internet websites and programs such as The Conspiracy Theory, may represent a developing "counter insurgency" aiming to bring about the open, transparent modality so far given only lip service by political and corporate leaders.   Be assured this is going to be a very messy and difficult process.  Not strong enough.  It will get ugly.   

Right now WikiLeaks is closely tied to its charismatic founder, Julian Assange.  Consequently the initial tactic is to destroy Assange in order to destroy WikiLeaks.  Perhaps Assange has provided his detractors the basis to do this - or not.  What is more important is that WikiLeaks has provided a template for others to use.  It has shown the power of Internet to challenge Rule by Secrecy and abuses of power.    Whatever the fate of WikiLeaks and Assange, others will follow.

PRG's position in this regard has been consistent.  It does not encourage anyone to break the law or violate non-disclosure agreements regarding UFO/ET related documents and information.  At the same time PRG recognizes that some will choose to do so and the information that comes out will impact the Disclosure process.

It is quite likely UFO/ET related documents will eventually turn up via WikiLeaks.   This will be significant as such documents will receive far more global attention.

PRG will watch this developing process closely and relevant WikiLeaks articles will be archived at the above webpage.

As promised earlier this year New Zealand has joined a dozen other countries by releasing thousands of documents from their UFO files.  What is notable is how much global coverage this has generated.   You can review that coverage at the above webpage.   More countries are expected to release files in 2011.   Speaking of which..........

Agentina Creates UFO Study Committee  

On December 23 the Argentine Air Force announced the formation of a committee to study the UFO phenomenon.  This action was confirmed by Sylvia Perez Simondini of the CEFORA (Argentinean Republic Committee for UFO Phenomena Studies), an organization formed by various UFOlogy groups in Argentina. 

Exopolitics World Network - Cities Initiative

If you intend to hold a regular talking group around UFO/ET/Exopolitical issues, you can register your group with the EWN Cities Initiatives.   Email PRG and your group and host email will be listed with the EWN.    

Conferences Upcoming

Rendlesham Forest Incident December 1980 30th Anniversary Conference

Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK - December 28, 2010  
An important event which will help keep one of the most important cases in history in the public's mind.

20th International UFO Congress - Fountain Hills, AZ - February 23-27, 2011
Under new management and part of the Open Minds Production group, a very strong speaker lineup, professional promotion and a beautiful location near Phoenix promises an outstanding event in February.

UFO Reykawvik Summit 2011 - Lawrence, KS - March 18-20, 2011
This new conference's close connection to the very important area of UFOs and nukes could generate a very newsworthy event.

Pythagoras Conference - Louisville, KY - November 11-13, 2011
High production values and extensive promotion could make this a very well attended event in a part of the country new to these issues. 


Several books have come out in recent months which will impact the Disclosure process.  Please support these authors via your websites, email lists and Facebook pages.

A.D. After Disclosure - Richard Dolan and Bryce Zabel

Advances the concept of Disclosure to a larger audience.

UFOs and Nukes - Robert Hastings

Challenges the political media to ask tough questions of the Department of Defense and U.S. Air Force.

UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record - Leslie Kean

Brings the emerging witness process forward once more. 

The Art of Close Encounters - Kim Carlsberg  
Introduces the contactee phenomenon to the general public in a very accessible manner.  A beautiful book.



Several recent documentaries are also contributing to the Disclosure process.  Please support these film makers as well.

The Ancient Aliens series on History Channel
This series has likely done more than any other genre to introduce to the general public the connections between the entire human story and the UFO/ET phenomenon.  Exopolitical implications abound.

The Day Before Disclosure - Terje Toftenes  

Much of the footage for this excellent documentary was filmed at X-Conference 2009.

What on Earth? Inside the Crop Circle Mystery - Suzanne Taylor

Makes the crop circle phenomenon accessible to a larger audience and addresses some of the exopolitical implications.

I Know What I Say - James Fox

Complements Leslie Kean's book and advances the witness process.


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


November 9, 2010

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PRG Update - November 9, 2010

Albert Hall and Oxford University

Nick Pope recently presented in one of the side lecture rooms at the Royal Albert Hall.  He was the first person to speak on the UFO subject at this legendary venue.  It was standing room only with about 300 attendees.  According to the ticket office, the event could have been sold several times over.   Robert Hastings, the author of the very important book UFOs and Nukes will be speaking at Oxford University on November 24.

Like the extraterrestrial life conferences at the Royal Society of London and the Vatican, these are notable markers the UFO/ET issues are breaking through the glass ceiling of the truth embargo.

Denver Ballot Initiative

The proposed Denver Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission received 20,162 (15.8%) votes in favor and 106,776 (84.1%) votes against.  Some thoughts.  Was this a national  referendum on the UFO/ET issue?  No.  Had it been passed, would the advocacy movement have touted it as a referendum?  Yes.  Will debunkers treat the loss as a national referendum?  Yes.  What really happened?   Jeff Peckman executed a two year activist project which generated a considerable amount of media coverage for the issue.  Over 80 examples of that coverage are archived at the PRG website.   He conducted himself in a very professional manner and raised public awareness.

Passage of the Initiative would have been very difficult.   Polling results show about 50% of the American people believe the UFO phenomenon has an extraterrestrial origin.  That means the other 50% of those voting were highly unlikely to vote for the initiative.   Not surprisingly a majority of those who might have voted yes felt the matter of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race was best addressed at the federal level, which it is, only in secret fashion without public involvement.

Jeff deserves great credit for two years of hard work.   Other similar initiatives are expected elsewhere in the nation for the 2012 election.

Exopolitics World Network (EWN)

The EWN welcomes Exopolitics Brazil and its administrator Wlad Taveira (Vostok).

EWN Cities Initiative

Anyone who wishes to host a regular (such as monthly) meeting to discuss UFO/ET/Exopolitical issues can register their group with the EWN.  The city (and if needed the neighborhood) and host email address will be listed to help people connect with the group.   Example:  Exopolitics Los Angeles (Hollywood) -  host email.

PRG Speaking Engagements

PRG executive director Stephen Bassett will present in:
    Bradenton, Florida - November 13
    Petaluma, CA - November 19
    Lawrence, KS - March 18-20

PRG 2010 Fundraiser

[This is the third and final posting for the once-a-year fund raiser for PRG's advocacy work to end the UFO/ET truth embargo.   Since typically only about one-third of even a directed group emailing gets opened, it was posted thrice.  Please pardon the repetition.]

The United States economy is in serious trouble largely due to decades of bad policies.  That means most of you aren't in such good shape either.   And you are also well aware that bad governmental policy is not confined to just the economic sector.   The levels of distrust, paranoia and lack of confidence in government and media institutions are at unprecedented low levels. 

PRG believes Disclosure of the ET presence leading to the emergence into the public domain of ET derived technology is the key to turning things around.  It could lead to a technological/economic renaissance and an age of reform and restructuring.  The question is constantly asked, "When will Disclosure happen?"   The best answer is, "Disclosure is inevitable and soon.  But will it be soon enough?"

PRG is presently $40,000 in debt primarily due to X-Conference 2010.  An effort is ongoing to find a major funder - PRG's S. R. Hadden - to make new projects like Contact 2011 and the Citizen Hearing possible and allow for the expansion of ongoing projects such as the Exopolitics World Network Cities Initiative and the Fax on Washington.  Right now this effort is focused overseas as almost all funding sources in the U. S. remain frozen behind the truth embargo.
Eventually major funding will turn up, but until then, your contributions are critical to keep things moving forward.   Information about contributing to PRG is at the above webpage.

Much Thanks,
Stephen Bassett
Executive Director

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


September 27, 2010

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PRG Update - September 27, 2010

PRG Media Archive

[Please note:  an important new module will be added to the PRG Media Archive next week.  Stay tuned.]

It took about 150 hours, but the PRG Media Archive is once again current and sitting at 663 mainstream media, English language articles for 2010.  Due to the huge growth of coverage of the UFO/ET issue, this archive is now representational of the ongoing coverage.   The total number of articles for 2010 is likely double those listed.  This is because many stories are now being written up in 20, 30, 40 venues  with similar or identical content.  Archiving all such articles would be counterproductive diluting the ability to survey the media content.  The total number of articles written up in mainstream media since 1947 is probably in the 25,000 range.    The number of articles not in English since 1947 is unknown, but certainly many thousands.

PRG created the PRG Media Archive to make mainstream reporters and editors aware the UFO/ET issue is in fact being covered extensively by standard media worldwide.   More importantly it is to show the vast majority of this coverage - 95% plus in the modern era - is straight with little or no ridicule.  The intent is to lower the fear barrier to proper engagement of the issue as the world slowly comes out from under the weakening truth embargo.

For some time we have been just one media feeding frenzy away from Disclosure.   Which brings us to........................

UFOs and Nukes Press Conference
National Press Club - September 27

[Please note: this PC is not open to the general public, only to credentialed media and political staffers.]

The third major witness press conference addressing UFO/ET related issues will be held at the National Press Club on Monday, September 27.    The first was in May of 2001 (Disclosure Project) and the second in November of 2007 (Kean/Fox).    PRG believes this press conference may prove the most important ever and has the potential to end the truth embargo by triggering a major shift in media coverage.   Why?  It is the direct connection to nuclear facilities and national security.  Such a connection gives an already spring loaded media a clear hook upon which to hang their hat and purse and get to work. 

The advanced coverage of this press event has been considerable and would portend significant print and television media attendance.   Examples of the advance coverage are shown below:

Daily Mail (UK)
AOL News:
OneIndia (India):
Digital Journal:
Perth Now (Australia): (Australia):
Fox News:
New Kerala (India):
Tucson Citizen:

You can't attend, but here is how you can help.  This event is going to generate mainstream press articles and television interviews.  When you encounter these, forward them via email to your friends, colleagues, local media and political representatives.    Place article and video links on your Facebook and MySpace pages and tag them to your friends.  If you have a blog, write about the event and embed videos.   Write a letter to you local paper early to point out what has transpired and why you want the paper to follow up.  

Media feeding frenzies are exactly like nuclear reactions (fittingly).  If the amount of overall traffic on and off web reaches a critical mass, it explodes.  Nothing can withstand such a frenzy.  Don't think so?  Ask Bill Clinton.

Upcoming Conferences

PRG 2010 Fundraiser

[This is the second posting for the once-a-year fund raiser for PRG's advocacy work to end the UFO/ET Truth Embargo.   Since typically only about one-third of even a directed group emailing gets opened, it will be repeated one more time.  Please pardon the repetition.]

The United States economy is in serious trouble largely due to decades of bad policies.  That means most of you aren't in such good shape either.   And you are also well aware that bad governmental policy is not confined to just the economic sector.   The levels of distrust, paranoia and lack of confidence in government and media institutions are at unprecedented low levels. 

PRG believes Disclosure of the ET presence leading to the emergence into the public domain of ET derived technology is the key to turning things around.  It could lead to a technological/economic renaissance and an age of reform and restructuring.  The question is constantly asked, "When will Disclosure happen?"   The best answer is, "Disclosure is inevitable and soon.  But will it be soon enough?"

PRG is presently $40,000 in debt primarily due to X-Conference 2010.  An effort is ongoing to find a major funder - PRG's S. R. Hadden - to make new projects like Contact 2011 and the Citizen Hearing possible and allow for the expansion of ongoing projects such as the Exopolitics World Network Cities Initiative and the Fax on Washington.  Right now this effort is focused overseas as almost all funding sources in the U. S. remain frozen behind the truth embargo.
Eventually major funding will turn up, but until then, your contributions are critical to keep things moving forward.   Information about contributing to PRG is at the above webpage.

Much Thanks,
Stephen Bassett
Executive Director

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


September 9, 2010 - Part II

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PRG Update - September 9, 2010 - Part II
France came on board, then Canada, Brazil, United Kingdom,
Denmark, Uruguay, Sweden, Russia, New Zealand
and the Vatican. 
And next?
The Event

PRG 2010 Fundraiser

This is the once-a-year fund raiser for PRG's advocacy work to end the UFO/ET Truth Embargo.   Since typically only about one-third of even a directed group mailing gets opened, it will be repeated two more times over the next two weeks.  Please pardon the repetition.

The United States economy is in serious trouble largely due to decades of bad policies.  That means most of you are in bad shape as well.   And you are also well aware that bad governmental policy is not confined to just the economic sector.   The levels of distrust, paranoia and lack of confidence in government and media institutions are at unprecedented low levels. 

PRG believes Disclosure of the ET presence leading to the emergence into the public domain of ET derived technology is the key to turning things around.  It could lead to a technological/economic renaissance and an age of reform and restructuring.  The question is constantly asked, "When will Disclosure happen?"   The best answer is, "Disclosure is inevitable and soon.  But will it be soon enough?"

PRG is presently $40,000 in debt primarily due to X-Conference 2010.  An effort is ongoing to find a major funder - PRG's S. R. Hadden - to make new projects like Contact 2011 and the Citizen Hearing possible and allowing for the expansion of ongoing projects such as the Exopolitics World Network Cities Initiative and the Fax on Washington. 
Right now this effort is focused overseas as almost all funding sources in the U. S. remain frozen behind the truth embargo.
Eventually major funding will turn up, but until then, your contributions are critical to keep things moving forward.   Information about contributing to PRG is at the above webpage.

Much Thanks,
Stephen Bassett

Australian Speaking Tour - June 24-July 30

This tour had three basic goals: 1) learn more about what Australians think about the UFO/ET issue, 2)  increase awareness of the Disclosure process underway in the United States and elsewhere,  and 3) find new support for the advocacy work ahead. 

None of this would have been possible without the hosting and support of many wonderful Aussies in Perth Julie "Jewels" Bedford, Denise Blazek, Tony Lambert, Karen Ong  Adelaide Darren Evans, Josephine Moby, Sergio Moby, Bradley Pitt, Kevin Robb Canberra  Tony Coote, Gary Kerans, Stina Kerans, Ania Lian, Grant Robb (Exopolitics Australia)  Sydney Megan Hazelwood, Peter Khoury  Melbourne  Dr. Bruce Alexander, George Simpson  Newcastle Joanne Kanda, Ken Lemon  Byron Bay Andrew Mignot, Noah Yamore  Nexus Conference - Maroochedore  Duncan Roads, Josh and Nina Shaw  Brisbane  Sheryl Gottchall, Glennys Mackay, Sharon Prior  Warwick  Monica Ward

European Speaking Tour II - August 7-29

The same basic goals and again not possible without the hosting and support of: Leeds David Griffin (Exopolitics UK), Anthony Beckett (Exopolitics Great Britain) Dublin Michael and Heather Rice  Chesham Steve Aspin, Janis Cooney  London Belinda McKenzie, Miles Johnston, Sacha Adams Stone + Anna and Flor (Humanitad)  Halle, Germany Susanne Tennert Leipzig Robert Fleischer (Exopolitics Germany),  Ulrike Martink Frank H?er, Natascha Jatzeck  Budapest  Metta Love, Matthias Puhringer

Contact 2011 Conference

PRG's contact phenomenon conference tentatively scheduled for October 2010 is now tentatively scheduled for May of 2011.   It is tentative until PRG deals with a $40,000 debt stemming primarily from X-Conference 2010.   Efforts to find a major funder to keep the advocacy work on track are underway. 

Denver Ballot Initiative #300

After two years, Jeff Peckman's effort to generate a vote for an ET Affairs Commission for the city of Denver comes up for a vote on November 2.   What started out as a local story has through great effort and excellent strategy become a national referendum on the UFO/ET subject.  In an attempt to stymie a positive outcome the vote was moved from the lightly voted primary election to the November election.  Mistake.  This will result in much more coverage of the Initiative.  On election night everyone will be following the outcome of this vote.   If you have any friends or relatives living in Denver, suggest they vote Yes on Initiative 300 which will send a message to the rest of the country but cost the taxpayers no money.

New French Aerospace Report Endorses Reality of UFOs

A new French report released on May 31, 2010 concluded that UFOs are definitely real and possibly of extraterrestrial origin. While not an official government study, the Progress Report of the Sigma/3AF Commission comes from a highly credible source, the Aeronautical & Astronomical Association of France, known as the 3AF, which established a Commission on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena back in May 2008. The Commission's President is Alain Boudier, a former French economics attache, and one of its key members is Jean-Gabriel Gresle a former fighter pilot who studied at the U.S. Air Force Academy and later became an airliner pilot with Air France, where he experienced a couple of UFO sightings. Gresle has published three UFO books in France, including Unidentified Flying Objects: An Airline Pilot Talks (Guy Tredaniel, 1993).

New Book by Kim Carlsberg
The Art of Close Encounters

Fifteen years after publishing Beyond My Wildest Dreams Kim Carlsberg is about to publish a book which will make the contactee issue more accessible.   The universal language of art is used to bring to life 150 contact cases of various types.   This book speaks for those who cannot yet speak for themselves, and, in the words of Dr. Leo Sprinkle, "is visually stunning and intellectually compelling."

If you would like to be notified when the book goes online for sale, you can contact Kim at the above email address.

Wendelle Stevens, Lt. Col. (USAF retired)

As many of you already know, one of the best known and longest serving researchers of extraterrestrial phenomena, Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens passed on last Wednesday at the age of 87.  PRG regrets that Wendelle did not live to see the resolution of the UFO/ET issue.

If you are in the Tucson, AZ area, please be advised that Col. Stevens' ashes will be interred with full military honors on Thursday, September 16 at 1 pm.

The service will be held at:  Southern AZ Veterans Memorial Cemetery
                                             Fort Huacha Military Base
                                             Sierra Vista, AZ

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


September 9, 2010 - Part II

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PRG Update - September 9, 2010 - Part I

Exopolitics World Network Cities Initiative

PRG has launched Phase II of the Exopolitics World Network - the Cities Initiative.   The goal is 1000 exopolitics groups set up worldwide over the next twelve months. It has been said that "all politics is local."  Ultimately that will be true for exopolitics as well.  The EWN is part of a growing grassroots movement advancing the need for Disclosure worldwide.   If you would like to start an EWN exopolitics group in your city or add this designation to an existing group, the protocol is simple:

  • No governing organization, no bylaws, no boards of directors.

  • Host a group of people for regular meetings to discuss exopolitical issues.

  • Debate, consider activist options, watch DVDs (they are legion now), whatever you want.

  • Don't worry about numbers.  Groups can be of any size and will grow over time.  

  • Name the group Exopolitics [Your City].

  • If a city has more than one group, the name will become Exopolitics [Your City] [Your Neighborhood]. 

  • No website is necessary, but if there is an EWN portal website for your country, seek a listing on that site for your group. 

  • Contact PRG with the host contact email for listing on the EWN webpage.  

That's it.  

The Quickening?

During the past twelve months the pace of UFO/ET/Exopolitical developments has, as Art Bell might put it, quickened.   As a result PRG is receiving more email, DVDs, books, manuscripts, requests and queries then it can handle.  That coupled with the recent international travel schedule has created a huge backlog.   PRG apologizes if a response to your correspondence is either very late or slips through the cracks entirely. 

PRG Media Watch/Archive

Due to PRG's heavy travel schedule, the Media Archive is not up to date.  There are approximately 500 articles that need to be added at this time.  These articles will begin going up on the site in the next few days.  It will take about two weeks.  It is worth mentioning again that MSM coverage of the UFO/ET/Exopolitical issues continues to increase.  Furthermore, there are several major media developments in the works.  Be on the lookout.

Exopolitics World Network

PRG welcomes Exopolitics Argentina and site administrator Bibiana Bryson to the EWN.  Several more countries sites are expected to be online so

Exopolitics United States Website

Since the EWN's inception PRG has been maintaining the United States website in the EWN.  As the above item indicated, right now PRG is overwhelmed with projects and is not in a position to properly maintain this important site.   Therefore, PRG is looking for a skilled webmaster with considerable knowledge and interest in the UFO/ET/Exopolitical issues to be the administrator of the US portal site:

PRG would retain the URL, but it would be their site to do with as they please to create a great portal site for the US.  Anyone interested in being the volunteer administrator for the EWN US website, contact PRG.   Thanks.

PRG Speaking Schedule

PRG executive director, Stephen Bassett, will be presenting at the following upcoming conferences:

Oct 8-10, 2010 - 2012: A Positive Outcome - Valetta, Malta
Nov 13, 2010 -  Sarasota/Bradenton UFO Group - Bradenton, Fl
March 17-19, 2011 - Reykawvik Summit 2011 - Lawrence, KS
April 15-17, 2011 -  In development - Kentucky

PRG Media Schedule

Sept 11 - WZBC (Boston) - Victor Venckus - 10 am EDT
Sept 18 - Beyond the Matrix - Patricia Cori - 1 pm EDT
Sept 18 - Exopolitics Radio - 11 pm EDT
Sept 21 - Universal Spiritual Connection - Leilani Schmidt - 9 pm EDT
Sept 24 - WVNJ (New Jersey) - Kate Valentine - 1 pm EDT
 Oct   3 -  Truth Collective - Aaron McCullom - 9 pm EDT
                        (Many more pending.)

PRG Travel Schedule

PRG executive director, Stephen Bassett, will return to Europe to speak at the 2012: A Positive Outcome conference to be held on the island of Malta, October 8-10.  He will then be in the Berlin/Leipzig, Germany area for one week (October 11-18) followed by two weeks in London (October 18-30).   He will return to the United States via Miami where he will do a two week tour of South Florida (October 31-November 14).    While this is mostly a networking trip, there is some time available for a few informal talks.   If you are interested in hosting a talk in the London, Berlin/Leipzig or South Florida areas, contact PRG.

Upcoming Conferences

Angel Fire, NM - Sept 9-12
Virginia Beach, VA - Sept 11
San Leandro, CA - Sept 18-19
Rio Rico, AZ - Oct 2-4
Valetta, Malta  Oct 8-10  (Bassett Speaking)
Langhorne, PA - Oct 9
Youngblood, PA - Oct 16
Santa Clara, CA - Oct 30-31
Las Vegas, NV - Nov TBA
Bordentown, NJ - Nov 13-14
Lawrence, KS, March -17-19, 2011 (Bassett Speaking)
TBA, Kentucky - April 15-17, 2011 (Bassett Speaking)

Fax on Washington

The current administration is in crisis.   Private and public polling indicates the opposition party may retake a majority of the House of Representatives and the Senate.  The Democrats have had a very bad year.  With the election just two months away now is the time to press the UFO/ET issue hard in Washington, DC.  Even if you have sent correspondence in the past, please consider going to the Fax on Washington website and sending a letter, fax AND email to the White House Correspondence Association demanding the White House press corps start asking tough questions of the President's press secretary regarrding the UFO/ET issues, particularly the Rockefeller Initiative.  All needed info is at the above website.

New Police Sighting Database Site

A new site has been set up in Australia which follows in the footsteps of Gary Heseltine's PRUFOS (  This concept could begin spreading to other countries.

Royal Society of London - October 4-5

It is notable the Royal Society is convening yet another conference on the extraterrestrial issue following the one in January 2010.  Equally notable are the topics of discussion:   Calling ET, or not even answering the phone?  *  Societal questions raised by the detection of extra-terrestrial life.  *   What could studies of extra-terrestrial life tell us about the future of humanity?  *  Extra-terrestrial life and arising political issues for the UN agenda. 

New Book by Leslie Kean
UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Officials Go on the Record

Leslie Kean's new book is based around the press conference she cosponsored with James Fox at the National Press Club on November 12, 2007.  The book is presently climbing its way up the New York Times bestseller list, and of particular note, it has a foreword by John Podesta, who continues to connect himself in the public arena to the UFO/ET issue.

New Book by Richard Dolan
A.D. After Disclosure:  The People's Guide to Life After Contact

Dolan's new book will be out shortly.  The title is self-explanatory.  It has a foreword by Jim Marrs.  It also has a preface by Stephen Bassett which hopefully won't cost too many book sales.Exopolitics World Network Cities Initiative

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


June 11, 2010

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PRG Update - June 11, 2010

Australian Talking Tour - June 26 to July 29

PRG executive director Stephen Bassett will leave on June 22 for a thirty-five day speaking tour of Australia to include twelve stops in eleven cities.   The principal sponsor of the tour is the Nexus Conference produced by Nexus Magazine, July 24-26.    Stephen hopes to gain a greater understanding of how Australians view the UFO/ET issue and the disclosure process.   He will brief informal and formal groups on the status of the Disclosure process and seek new support for the ongoing advocacy initiatives.

The tour schedule is as follows:  Perth (June 24-27), Adelaide (June 27-30), Canberra (June 30-July 5), Wollongong (July 5-9), Sydney (July 9-12), Melbourne (July 12-14), Auckland, NZ (July 14-17) (developing), Long Jetty/Newcastle (July 17-19), Byron Bay (July 19-21), Brisbane (July 21-23), Twin Waters (July 23-26), Brisbane (July 26-29).

At this time it does not look as if a New Zealand stopover will be possible.  Any assistance in setting up a second talk in Sydney for the dates July 14-17 would be greatly appreciated.

European Talking Tour - August

Shortly after returning from Australia Stephen will leave for the second annual Leeds Exopolitics Expo in Leeds, UK, August 7-8.  While disruptions from the Iceland volcano and economic turmoil in the European Union have delayed plans, PRG is now seeking hosts for stops in the United Kingdom and Ireland during August and exploring the possibility of stops elsewhere in Europe.

If you would like to host a formal or informal talk in Europe during August or early September or know of an appropriate event where Stephen might present, please contact PRG.  Thanks.

X-Conference DVDs / Audio Tapes
(Creative Seminars)

The presentations from X-Conference 2010 have now been remastered to correct sound issues and are available from Sedona Media Company  (including 2009).  Also, audio tapes from all past X-Conferences can be ordered from Creative Seminars.    X-Conference 2004-2008 DVDs can be ordered through Paranormal Matrix.   All proceeds from these sales go toward the audio/visual coverage of the X-Conference which has generated considerable footage raising public awareness in documentaries and on the Internet.

Contact 2010 Conference Status

The dates and location for the Contact 2010 Conference are now on hold while PRG seeks the necessary funding to produce the event.  This would be the first major conference exclusively addressing the contactee phenomenon since the Alien Abduction Study Conference co-organized by Dr. John Mack and Dr. David Pritchard on the campus of MIT in 1992.    While funding is being sought development of the conference will continue.    

The Art of Close Encounters - Kim Carlsberg

As many of you know, PRG is a big supporter of art as a language to represent the amazing transition underway as we approach Disclosure.  Past X-Conferences have included art galleries, and PRG one day hopes to produce a major showing of art from around the world addressing the UFO/ET issues and experiences.     While developing the Contact 2010 Conference PRG became acquainted with the work of contactee Kim Carlsberg.

Kim is an accomplished photographer and artist and her 1995 book Beyond My Wildest Dreams was a ground breaking account of her complex encounters.  She received many hundreds of letters and emails from other women who have had similar experiences but were not and often still not able to speak about them. 

A new book will soon go to the printer - The Art of Close Encounters.    Stories and art from scores of contactees have been collected into a visually stunning book that will help make this difficult subject more approachable.

Kim is hoping to add another half-dozen accounts with art to this book.    If you would like to submit an account of your experiences to Kim, contact her at:

I Know What I Saw DVD Release

The documentary I Know What I Saw by James Fox has been released on DVD.  A thousand autographed copies are now available with 30 minutes of bonus material.

50% of the proceeds will go towards a screening in Washington, DC where congressional members and media could interact with witnesses after viewing the documentary.  Such an event would promote more responsible policy in Washington, as well as, educate the media on the serious and real nature of the phenomenon.

Regime Change in the United Kingdom

There has been an exopolitically significant development in the United Kingdom.   Conservative David Cameron has become the new prime minister and has formed a coalition government with the Liberal Democrat Party led by Nick Clegg.

What is significant is David Cameron made it clear during his campaign he would support openness on the UFO/ET issue and the further release of files.  Both he and Clegg support not extraditing Gary Mckinnon.   Perhaps of greatest importance, Cameron and Clegg both campaigned on a reassessment of the overly "lavish" relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States.

For these and other reasons PRG now includes the United Kingdom on its list of countries most likely to end the truth embargo before the United States.

Extra Campaign for the Denver ET Ballot Initiative

The August 10 election in Denver, which will include a ballot initiative calling for the creation of an extraterrestrial affairs commission for Denver, is fast approaching.   This brilliantly conceived activist project is the work of Jeff Peckman.  It has received considerable national attention and has become a symbolic referendum on the UFO/ET issue.  What's more important, there is a good chance it will pass.

There is still time to support this effort.  Please go to the Extra Campaign website and make a contribution to this grass roots activist initiative.

PRG Fundraiser

PRG conducts one fund raiser a year.   The one for 2010 will begin shortly and notices will go out next week.    The economy has a lot of people very worried and rightfully so.    These are uncertain times.    Put quite simply the formal Disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence could bring about an economic resurgence.   At the center of that resurgence would be the impact of extraterrestrial derived technologies for energy and propulsion currently sequestered behind the truth embargo.  End the embargo, get the tech.

Without funding the advocacy effort can only go so far.  There is a great deal at stake and PRG is working hard to find a major contributor who can  be a game changer.   Until then, it is the support of hundreds of small donations that keeps the effort alive.  Information about how to contribute to PRG and the political action committee XPPAC will be sent soon.    Thanks.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


May 19, 2010

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PRG Update - May 19, 2010 - X-Conference 2010

X-Conference 2010 - Status

The sixth X-Conference took place May 7-9 and was well received by those in attendance.  It was the first conference (not a press conference) ever held on the UFO/ET issues at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.  The NPC, a private club, has a long track record of being open minded on all issues of the day including those which are controversial.  The Club was an excellent host and the facilities and food service were wonderful. 

The press conference on Monday morning went as planned.   As it happens the White House scheduled its press conference for the new Supreme Court nominee at the same time.  No matter.  The PC was, of course, filmed and that video will get plenty of exposure.   Right now you may see it courtesy of Frederik Uldall at:

All presentations were strong, but those by Richard Dolan, Paul Stonehill, A. J. Gevaerd and Linda Moulton Howe/John Burroughs were of particular exopolitical significance, and PRG was pleased to get this information inside the Beltway.   

At the PRG Awards Banquet on Saturday evening the following individuals were honored:  Courage in Journalism - Linda Moulton Howe; Political Courage - John Fife Symington, III;  Intellectual Courage - Richard Dolan; Disclosure Award - Gary Heseltine (UK); Lifetime Achievement/Hall of Fame (posthumous) - Richard Hall; Lifetime Achievement/Hall of Fame (living) - A. J. Gevaerd (Brazil).    George Knapp was presented the award for Courage in Journalism he received last year.  A special PRG award was given to Dennis Briefer.  More information on this will go up shortly at:

The banquet was privileged to be joined via Skype video by Dr. Edgar Mitchell who provided an update on what has happened since he called for the Obama administration to end the truth embargo on April 20, 2009.

On Friday evening New Paradigm Films showed a pre-release version of its new documentary, The Day Before Disclosure.   Trailer:

PRG/X-Conference Financial Status

The economic turmoil and decline has taken its toll on everyone (except those primarily responsible for the turmoil and decline, as usual).   PRG is no exception.   It is not a business and the advocacy work has to go forward regardless of the ups, downs and insanity of U. S. financial institutions and policies.

This year PRG comes out of the X-Conference $36,000 in debt and will immediately begin efforts to raise the funds to cover all outstanding balances.  About $1200 is carried over from 2009.  This is a gross amount and not net of any sizable money to PRG.   PRG and its volunteer staff have received  but negligible amounts for the thousands of hours of work that have gone into the six X-Conferences (less than $5000 total over six years).

In due course every outstanding balance will be paid relating to the X-Conference's total expenditures of over $350,000 since 2004.   On an up note, PRG believes the prospects for a major funder to come forward who understands the critical need to end the truth embargo are much improved.  Every day more people come to realize the monumental discrepancy between the government's position on the UFO/ET issue and the true reality of the situation.   PRG's feels someone will move soon to provide the kind of funding that will take this advocacy movement to a much higher level of effectiveness and impact.

X-Conference 2010 Webcast/Archive - Status

There were serious problems with the first efforts by PRG to webcast the X-Conference.  The worst issue involved the delivery of emails to registrants with instructions, username and password.  Online attendees were also impacted by the sound issues.  PRG apologizes to any of the 350 online attendees who were affected by these issues and promises to make sure they are not repeated in future events.

In response to the problems we are remastering the sound where possible and uploading improved files to the archive.  Furthermore, the archive access has been extended through June 30.  Those wishing to watch X-Conference 2010 may continue to register at the above email  address.

It was very gratifying to PRG that the vast majority of our online guests were very understanding of these technical problems.  Their patience and support was and is much appreciated.

X-Conference DVD / Audio Tape Status
(Creative Seminars)

This year there were serious problems with the sound systems (not the fault of the NPC).  PRG has been working to remaster the presentations where possible and is pleased to announce that most of the sound issues are being taken care of.   DVDs can now be ordered from Sedona Media Company (including 2009).  Audio tapes can be ordered from Creative Seminars (including 2004-2009).    X-Conference 2004-2008 DVDs can be ordered from Paranormal Matrix at:

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


April 23 2010

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PRG Update - April 23, 2010


X-Conference 2010 Live/Archived Stream -  May 7-10 / May 12-26

[Personal note from Steve Bassett] Here is what I was trying to convey the other night on Coast to Coast AM, but time restraints prevented.  There is a new, powerful tool about to grow exponentially on the web - pay-per-view live stream video.  Band width costs have dropped dramatically and media players have improved.  It is now possible for audiences worldwide of almost any size to participate in important events anywhere in the world and support advocacy efforts of great importance.  Of course, free video download and free live stream will continue to expand as well.

This year anyone in the world with broadband access can watch all 23 hours of X-Conference 2010 which are being live streamed to the web including the Monday press conference.  The entire stream will then be available to watch in archive from May 12 to May 26.....The cost is $24.95.

This is the first UFO/ET related, full conference ever held at the National Press Club.   It is historic.  The heads of state of nearly every nation along with countless news makers have spoken in the NPC Ballroom.

If, and this is a big if, we can develop a large worldwide audience for the conference online, the impact is dramatic. The conference becomes financially viable, onsite conference prices could then be lowered to increase attendance.  A larger onsite attendance makes it possible to negotiate lower hotel prices.  And a robust online participation will eventually result in lowering the live stream prices.   Soon conferences addressing the great issues of our time will be broadcast worldwide to large online audiences for as little as $10 - the full event.   This is the future of advocacy and collective empowerment.  

If you believe the time has come to end the embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence.  If you believe it is time to know the truth, that you can handle the truth, that you have a right to know, PLEASE spread the word about the X-Conference Live Stream to your email lists, Facebook and MySpace groups and to your friends and PLEASE join us online May 7-10.  Live Stream Registration is at: 

If you have any trouble signing up, email me ASAP at: and live stream online tech support will contact you via email.

Those planning come to the NPC can still register on line or same day at the conference.

Sedona Media Company / Ron James

Ron James will be working with KWD Services ( ) to provide the live stream for X-Conference 2010 as well as the onsite video production as he did last year.  Ron is also working on a number of documentary and television projects.  Recently he filmed a dialogue between PRG executive director Stephen Bassett and "Roswell" film maker Paul Davids.  You can watch that video at the above URL. 

DVDs of X-Conference 2009 are and 2010 will be available at Sedona Media Company.

Contact 2010 Conferencre

Contact 2010 will be the first major conference since 1992 exclusively addressing the most complex and implicative exopolitical issue of all - direct interaction between humans and aliens.  It will be the first event of its kind ever held at the National Press Club or in Washington, DC.

The 1992 event was the Alien Abduction Study Conference co-organized by Dr. John Mack and Dr. David Pritchard on the campus of M.I.T.  Contact 2010 will be dedicated to the memory of Dr. Mack. Some individuals involved in the 1992 conference will also be involved in Contact 2010.

Immediately after the X-Conference PRG will begin working with leading researchers to invite 12 contactees notable for their comprehensive recollections and understanding of their personal experience and for their ability to present that information to a public audience under their own name.

PRG will also invite many of the top researchers in the world addressing human-alien interaction to present their work and conclusions.

There will be several press conferences including the final press event on Monday, October 25 at 10 am.   Some events will be held at the J. W. Marriott Hotel next to the National Press Building.


Remarkable New Rueters Poll

One in Five (20%) Global Citizens Believe That Alien Beings Have Come
India (45%) And China (42%) Most Likely To Believe Aliens Are In Our Midst

What is remarkable about this poll is that it attempts to sample the entire world's population and the severity of the question.  The typical question is, "do you think some UFOs are extraterrestrial in origin?" or something to that effect.

The key question in this poll was, "alien beings have come to earth and walk amongst us in our communities disguised as us" - agree or disagree.   This is a much more severe question.  Twenty percent of the world's people agree.  In the U. S. the number was 25%.  The typical response in the U. S. to the less severe questions is around 50%.   What would the global response have been to that question?   40%, 50%, 60%?

These are extraordinary numbers.  It is quite possible 3 billion people now believe that some UFOs are extraterrestrial in origin. 

And the truth embargo is going to last how much longer? 

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


April 12, 2010

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PRG Update - April 12, 2010 - X-Conference +

Coast to Coast AM w/ George Knapp -  Sunday, April 18

PRG executive director Stephen Bassett will be the first hour guest on Coast to Coast AM with George Knapp this coming Sunday, 10 pm PST.   At that time he will make an important announcement regarding a major new PRG project.

X-Conference 2010 - Live Stream

The entire X-Conference 2010 - from the premiering documentary on Friday evening through the press conference on Monday morning will be live streamed on the Internet and available for viewing for the following two weeks.  The cost will be $24.95 and the Live Stream registration portal should be up at the conference website top page by April 18.

The era of pay-per-view, Internet live stream is about to explode and have a great impact on issue advocacy.   Of course, free video download content will continue to expand along with the emergence of free live stream.

But with regard to issues of great importance, it is now possible to marshal the interest and resources of people worldwide around the presentation of cutting edge events.   This can makes conferences financially viable, allow for the reduction in conference pricing thus increasing on site attendance, make it possible to pay speakers more appropriate honoraria and help fund the post-conference advocacy.  In other words, it makes it all come together.

Please spread the word about the X-Conference 2010 Live stream to your email lists and Facebook/MySpace friends.   For linking purposes X-Conference banners can be found at:

PRG would also greatly appreciate the cooperation of the Exopolitics World Network to create awareness in the EWN's 23 countries.     Live stream broadcasts could be very helpful in building the international Disclosure movement.

X-Conference 2010 - Update

The Registration page has been redesigned to avoid some confusion and the conference pricing has been reduced $40.   Rebates to prior registrants will either be made via PayPal or placed in their Registration Packets.

The speaker lineup is now fully complete:  Host - Cheryll Jones.  Banquet Special Guest - Dr. Edgar Mitchell (live video).   Special Luncheon Presentations:  George Noory (Sunday), George Haas/William Saunders (Saturday).     Speakers:  Stephen Bassett, Richard Dolan, A. J. Gevaerd (Brazil), Gary Heseltin (UK), Linda Moulton Howe/John Burroughs, George Knapp, Jim Nichols, and Paul Stonehill.

Press Passes:  Media passes are available for working journalists.

Wednesday Night Documentary:  The U. S. premiere of the documentary The Day Before Disclosure will be aired on Friday evening, May 7, from 9 to 11 pm.     It is open to the public.  No Ticket or Day Pass is required.

Graham Hancock - New Book

PRG good friend and X-Conference speaker, Graham Hancock, has written a new book, Entangled, just out in the United Kingdom.  The U. S. debut will be later this year.   Not surprisingly, this brilliant writer of non-fiction is equally adept at fiction.     Any Graham fans with websites who might like to help promote the book, can check out the second link above.

Columnist Recommendation - Gary Bekkum

Right now Gary Bekkum is writing some of the most informative and inside material.  PRG recommends you check out his writings.

U. S. Crop Circles

PRG has recently become more aware of an interesting development which may become significant.  It regards the growing information about U. S. crop circles.   Even though there is much less attention paid here and farmers are much less enamored with the attention they draw than their UK counterparts (which isn't all that much), there have been hundreds and many are exhibiting well known high strangeness.   The above web site will bring you up to speed on this development.

Question.  Is a message being delivered in the UK, now being delivered here?
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


March 24, 2010

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PRG Update - March 24, 2010

Second in a series of PRG Updates which are being archived at:

X-Conference 2010 - May 7-9
National Press Club - Washington, DC

The international press release is out and can be viewed at the above link.    Coast to Coast AM's George Noory, who will be presenting, has narrated a sixty second promotional spot which can be heard at:

Conference registrations are open and being taken via the website.  Hotel registrations should be made ASAP.   There are two dozen hotels near the National Press Club.  PRG has special pricing arrangements with the Harrington and J. W. Marriott Hotels.

New PRG Project

PRG hopes to announce by the end of the month an important new project which could have significant exopolitical impact.

Upcoming PRG Speaking Venues

Ozark UFO Conference - April 9-11
X-Conference - May 7-9
Nexus Conference - July 24-26
Leeds Exopolitics Conference - August 7-8

PRG Australian/New Zealand Talking Tour

An informal talking tour of Australia and New Zealand by PRG executive director Stephen Basset has now been set for June 26 to July 28.   It is being structured around the Nexus conference in Queensland and will start in Perth, Western Australia and work it's way west to east ending in Brisbane.    Anyone who might be interested in hosting a stopover in Australia or New Zealand should contact PRG.  

PRG Southern European Talking Tour

PRG's executive director will return to Europe for the Leeds Exopolitics Conference in August, and an informal talking tour focusing this time on Ireland, Spain, southern France, Italy, Greece and Turkey is being put together.  The tour is expected to run from August 7 through September 10.  As with last year's tour PRG will work to promote and expand the Exopolitics World Network.   Anyone who might be interested in hosting a stopover in the above countries during that time period, please contact PRG.  

PRG on Facebook!/group.php?gid=55377642401&ref=ts (EWN)!/group.php?gid=42084287080&ref=ts (MFW)!/group.php?gid=260156013243&ref=ts (X-Con)

PRG has a growing Facebook presence including the Exopolitics World Network, Million Fax on Washington and the X-Conference.   Facebook group pages are important components of the advocacy process and all are invited to join these groups.  [Note: The best page for posting or tagging UFO/ET related photos and videos is the Exopolitics World Network. Thanks.]

Open Minds Production

Based in Phoenix this organization is building a multi-media complex addressing UFO/ET related issues.  The first Issue of Open Minds Magazine just hit news stands nationwide including Barns and Noble and Borders bookstores.   From their website you can also access Open Minds Television, Open Minds Radio and the on-line version of the magazine.   In addition OMP is live streaming conferences onto the internet.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell

PRG would like its UK supporters to know Apollo 14 Astronaut and Disclosure advocate Dr. Edgar Mitchell will be appearing in the UK at the St. Wilfrid's Catholic High School, Cutsyke Road, Featherstone, UK on Friday, April 16.   Tickets are ?30.    There will also be a dinner with Dr Mitchell at Wentbridge House Hotel on Thursday April 15 at 7:30pm.  Tickets are ?60.  For more information contact the above email address and include your e-mail and telephone number.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


March 20, 2010

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PRG Update - March 20, 2010
X-Conference 2010

[Note:  PRG is about to enter a very intense period and there will be a series of updates sent out in the coming days and weeks.]

X-Conference 2010 - May 7-9
National Press Club
529 14th Street, NW, Washington, DC

PRG's sixth X-Conference will be held at the National Press Club two blocks from the White House, twelve blocks from the Capitol and near every major national and international media organization covering the U. S. government.  It was scheduled to coincide with the 9th anniversary of the May 9, 2001 witness press conference conducted by the Disclosure Project in the same ballroom.    

While there have been numerous press events at the NPC addressing UFO/ET related issues, this will be the first time a full conference on this subject matter has been held there.  The NPC will be the permanent home for the X-Conferences which will be held on the weekend nearest the May 9, 2001 anniversary.

The close proximity to the White House, Congress and media (there are scores of news organizations based in the National Press Building) increases the prospect of political staffers and press attending the conference itself over the weekend.  As always, invites will go out to White House and Congressional staff.   A strong turnout will send a message the issue is not going away and the present administration must engage it.  If you have been thinking of attending in the past, this is the year to come.

The National Press Club is two blocks from the Metro Center Station.  There are two dozen hotels close by.  PRG has a discount arrangement with the Harrington and J. W. Marriott hotels.  

This year there will be 8 lectures, 2 special luncheon presentations, a Speaker's Cocktail Party and the PRG Awards Banquet.  A press conference will be held on Monday, May 10 at 10 am in the NPC's First Amendment Room.

Former CNN news anchor Cheryll Jones will host.  Speakers will include: George Noory of Coast to Coast AM (Special Luncheon Presentation); George Haas and William Saunders (Special Luncheon Presentation); Stephen Bassett; Richard Dolan; A. J. Gevaerd (Brazil); Gary Heseltine (UK);  Linda Moulton Howe; George Knapp; Paul Stonehill and Jim Nichols.

Topics will include: the government imposed truth embargo; the Rockefeller Initiative and the UFO/ET connections to the Obama administration; the Cydonia/Martian Codex; Disclosure; the RAF Bentwaters case; the Eisenhower briefing memo; UFOs and the National Security State; police sightings database and developments in the UK; extraordinary developments in Brazil; UFO/ET connections to Russia and the Soviet Union; more.

Full information and online registration at:

2010 PRG Awards

PRG generally does not announce awards in advance but does make an exception with regards to posthumous recipients.  The 2010 posthumous PRG Award for Lifetime Achievement (Hall of Fame) will go to Richard Hall.


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


January 25, 2010

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PRG Update - January 24, 2010

X-Conference 2010 - May 7-9 - National Press Club

X-Conference 2010 has been scheduled for May 7-9 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.   The NPC is 2 blocks from the White House, 8 blocks from the Capitol and 15 blocks from nearly all national media covering Washington, DC. This improves the prospects of members of the White House or Congressional staffs or national political press attending the weekend lectures.   PRG will also hold a press conference at the NPC on Monday morning.

Should any political staffers or press attend that weekend, it will send a strong message if they see the Main Ballroom of the NPC filled from balcony to balcony.   So please consider attending this year during a very nice time for touring the nation's capital. 

For those on Facebook please consider joining the X-Conference group page and invite your FB friends to join as well.

New Zealand Climbs on Board the Disclosure Train

Another nation has announced the release of UFO files from its archives.   New Zealand now joins France, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Sweden, Uruguay, Brazil, Mexico, and Russia.

And Let's Not Forget Chile

[Translated]  The State Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC) has reactivated the Committee for the Study of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena, which analyzes unidentified flying objects (UFOs) from a scientific perspective. The Committee for the Study of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena was created in 1997 but in recent years has kept a low profile due to a shortage of funds. The committee now has an annual budget of $100,000.
The secretary general of the DGAC, Pablo Ortega, told reporters today that "there is more information, technology and international collaboration to study these anomalous phenomena" that affect flight operation and flight safety.  He acknowledged that "there are photographs and reports from pilots who talk of situations that are worthy of being studied" by the committee, where they will work two experts in air traffic. The committee will be headed by retired officer of the Air Force of Chile, Ricardo Bermudez. Ricardo Bermudez became interested in the phenomenon several years ago and has addressed it from a scientific standpoint.

And Then There's Brazil

The former Brazil?s Air Force minister S?rates Monteiro was interviewed by the Brazilian UFO Magazine and made astonishing statements about the action of extraterrestrial intelligences in the country. 

Monteiro is retired from the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) for a number of years, but keeps his bounds with active militaries from various sectors of the Brazilian military.  He has an extremely lucid memory of the major facts of his activities in the Air Force and ? of special interest to the Ufology ? about how the country handled with the matter during the time when he was on active duty.  Like other ministers, before and after him, Monteiro also had access to sensitive information on the interaction of other cosmic species in Brazil, reporting a few cases................

What are These?

This video and others like it are turning up.   Anyone who thinks they know what is being seen here, please let PRG know?

Dr. Edgar Mitchell Speaks in the UK

Apollo 14 astronaut and Disclosure advocate, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, will speak at St. Wilfrid's Catholic High School, Cutsyke Road, Featherstone, UK on Friday April 16, 2010 at 7:30pm local time.  For more information email the above address.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


January 17, 2010

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PRG Update - January 17, 2010

PRG In the News

PRG's advocacy work was featured in an extensive article by Timothy Lavin about Gorge Noory and Coast to Coast AM in the Jan/Feb issue of The Atlantic.    PRG was also the focus of another article by Daniel Fromson in the Jan/Feb issue of Washington Monthly.  If you like these articles, let the magazines know.  They love feedback.

PRG Media Schedule

Jan 23, 2010, Saturday, 10 am EST,
Universal Talk w/ Joe Marra
Jan 23, 2010, Saturday, 11 pm EST,
Exopolitics Radio w/ Alfred Webre 
Jan 21, 2010, Thursday, 7 pm EST, Veritas Show w/ Mel Fabregas
Jan 20, 2010, Wednesday, 5 pm EST,
Matinee Madness w/ Mike Montgomery

Open Minds Magazine

The future of media will be integrated, cross promotional platforms.   The ultimate example of such a multi-platform is: radio, television, website, print publication, online publication, all working together.

That is exactly what Open Minds Production out of Phoenix is about to accomplish when the print and online versions of Open Minds Magazine and Open Minds Television soon join the OM website and radio show already launched.   The magazine is due to hit the news stands in a few weeks.  Editor Maurizio Baiata has proven he can produce high production value publications and Open Minds Magazine will be of a kind with the late and much missed Omni Magazine - now collector's items.

PRG encourages all who care about UFO/ET and related issues to support this magazine.  Look for it on the stands and tell your friends.  It is going to represent our issues in stunning fashion.

First Contact TV

The Internet is itself a multi-platform of media.   A new HD television series is in development starring: Richard Dolan, Jaime Windon, Michael Lukowiak and Rob Simone.  It's directed by John D'Auria.    A Facebook page and YouTube channel are already up and running.   Sign up and support this program as it utilizes the Internet to reach a worldwide audience.

The Sophia Project - University of Arizona Study

The University of Arizona has announced it will be conducting a scientific study of individual claims of experiencing contact with non(physical)-human entities under the direction of Dr. Gary E. Schwartz. ET contactees will be included in the study.

PRG considers this a very significant development.  The near absence of engagement of the UFO/ET issue by U.S. colleges and universities since the 1950's is perhaps the greatest intellectual failure in history.  PRG's believes this will be the first time a university will formally study the contact/abduction phenomena .  Dr. John Mack's work was done outside of Harvard with an affiliation back to Harvard.through the Cambridge Hospital only because Mack was officed there.  Temple University has never engaged the issue.  It has just permitted Dr. David Jacobs to keep his job while doing his outside work plus a limited credit course.  Dr. Leo  Sprinkle was forced to retire from the U. of Wyoming over his outside contactee work. 

Furthermore, a systematic effort to parse these accounts could be very revealing.  All cultural history is filled with events interpreted by people within the context of what the person knows about the physical world.   If someone sees an entity walk through a wall in their bedroom, why would they not consider that a "ghost experience?"  But, alas, it is well reported that ET's can come through a wall.

Dr. Gary Schwartz has the stature of Mack and is fully aware of the ET presence.  He attended the MIT abduction symposium in 1992 and is going to make sure the ET accounts are properly considered.  

It also is worth noting the University of Arizona is where Dr. James E. McDonald worked right up until his suicide.  Perhaps the circle is about to be closed at last.

National Declassification Center

[From the White House Blog]

President Obama has issued a new executive order on �Classified National Security Information� that addresses the problem of over-classification in numerous ways and will allow researchers to gain timelier access to formerly classified records.   Among the major changes are the following:

*  It establishes a National Declassification Center at the National Archives to enable agency reviewers to perform collaborative declassification in accordance with priorities developed by the Archivist with input from the general public.

*  For the first time, it establishes the principle that no records may remain classified indefinitely and provides enforceable deadlines for declassifying information exempted from automatic declassification at 25 years.

*  For the first time, it requires agencies to conduct fundamental classification guidance reviews to ensure that classification guides are up-to-date and that they do not require unnecessary classification.

*  It eliminates an Intelligence Community veto of certain decisions by the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel that was introduced in the Bush order.

Without question the first year of the Obama administration has been highly problematic.  Much has gone wrong.  However, in the background and with little attention from the media, efforts to serve the open, transparent  promise of the campaign have been ongoing.  This is just one example.  PRG considers this new Executive Order to be very significant.   The administration is building a platform upon which to serve a post-Disclosure reality.  It is PRG's view Disclosure is still on the delayed agenda of the Democratic administration of Barack Obama.

Royal Society ET Life Conference

Vatican ET Astrobiology Conference

It seems the study of ET life is on everyone's agenda these days.

On January 25-26, 2010 the prestigious, 350 year old Royal Society of London will conduct a conference on "The detection of extra-terrestrial life and the consequences for science and society."   Confirmed speakers include: Simon Conway Morris FRS, Dr Malcolm Fridlund, Paul Davies, Albert A Harrison, Ivan Almar, Michel Mayor, Dr Chris McKay, Charles Cockell, Dr. Kathryn Denning, Colin Pillinger CBE FRS, Ted Peters, Christian de Duve FRS, Dr Frank Drake, and Pascale Ehrenfreund.      PRG considers this a timely move on the part of the Royal Society.   Very stodgy academics with high opinions of themselves hate to be caught with their pants down and there are lot of pants out there at risk.

Of greater importance is the astrobiology symposium held at the Vatican during the first week of November 2009.  Scientists from around the world convened to discuss essentially the same subject matter about to be taken up by the Royal Society.    Father Jose Gabriel Funes, the director of the Vatican observatory, is leading the effort positioning the Catholic Church on the right side of the UFO/ET issue as disclosure draws near.   Monsignor Corrado Balducci would be very pleased.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


December 16, 2009

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PRG Update - December 16 - Sandy Wright

Sandra Shepard Wright

PRG is very sad to relate that Sandy Wright passed quietly at her home on December 14.    This bright and ever curious woman played a significant role in the UFO/ET truth process.   She was a long serving member of the board of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), a co-founder of the Friends of IONS (FIONS) and a great friend of Dr. Edgar Mitchell.  She was directly involved in the Rockefeller Initiative and provided support to a number of researchers and activists.   Most of her contributions to the field are not publicly known as she was a very private person.

Sandy Wright was the largest and most important supporter to the advocacy work of Paradigm Research Group.  Much of PRG's efforts would not have been possible without her.  For that reason she was presented the PRG Angel Award at X-Conference 2009.

Another seeker of truth has passed without witnessing the Disclosure event which will and must take place.   Each new loss, whether it be a John Mack, a Gordon Cooper, or a Dick Hall is a reminder of how long this misrepresentation of reality by our government has lasted.  

Sandy Wright's kindness, class, thoughtful advice and generosity will be sorely missed.


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814  202-215-8344

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


December 13, 2009

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PRG Updates - December 13, 2009

X-Conference 2010 Status

PRG, while not a non-profit organization, is not a business and has never generated a profit.  The X-Conference was launched primarily to bring the UFO/ET/Exopolitical issues to Washington, DC and park them under the collective nose of the politicians and the political media.  If the X-Conference generated any revenues, that would have been useful.  It hasn't

After the 2009 event PRG owed $26,000.   That amount has been reduced to approximately $16,000, most of which is owed to the Hilton Hotel.  The Hilton has now turned the matter over to attorneys and began making threats of further actions.   PRG is of two minds on this.  On the one hand the X-Conference has generated over $200,000 in revenue to the Hilton Hotel since 2004.   On the other hand the hotel has been patient about the matter as it has been over seven months.

The issue is not about assets.  PRG has none.   What is important is the advocacy work, and that is now being impacted.   X-Conference 2010 cannot go forward and other projects are slowed down by this distraction.

PRG needs someone who has the commitment to the truth process and the means to back it up to intervene and provide the funds to break this impasse - either as a contribution or a loan.   There is no other option.   

If this assistance comes before January 1, X-Conference 2010 can be promoted and PRG can get back to doing what it was created to do - ending the truth embargo as soon as possible.

Million Fax on Washington

There has been some confusion about the MFW.    Is it over?   Not at all.  The MFW will continue until Disclosure takes place.  New publicity for this effort is being planned and will get underway strongly at the first of the new year.   Thousands more letters, faxes and emails will be on their way to the White House press corps care of the White House Correspondents Association (WHCA).

Why the emphasis on the White House Correspondents Association?   Two reasons:  1)  a decision to ask the tough and appropriate questions by as few as two or three White House reporters could end the truth embargo in a matter of weeks, and 2) the White House itself gets a huge amount of correspondence.   The WHCA gets a tiny fraction by comparison.   Therefore, a WHCA focused campaign will stand out and be much more difficult to hide.

Why hasn't the White House or the WHCA acknowledged this correspondence?   Simple.  If they did, it would open the door for the press to ask to see the letters.   The content of this correspondence would then set off a new round of questions - the very questions that need to be asked.

So they have to act as if nothing is happening and hope the MFW goes away.  That is not going to happen.

Recent Events of Note

Over a span of just a few days several matters manifested of some exopolitical significance.   They are as follows:

Gary McKinnon - The indicted UK computer intruder has reached the very last days of his appeal process and now looks to be extradited to the United States to stand trial.  PRG will be somewhat shocked if this happens, but, alas, these are interesting times and not much that governments do makes a great deal of sense anymore.

Whether or not it is in the best interest of McKinnon, if he is extradited it is going to create a huge media storm with considerable reference to the UFO/ET issues as well as the truth embargo.  This will include numerous media spots for UFO/ET researchers and activists, lots of new YouTube videos and considerable print coverage, all of which PRG will assiduously archive.

In short, the extradition of Gary McKinnon will be one huge headache for the anti-Disclosure elements within the U.S. government. 

Barack Obama -  On December 1 at the United States Military Academy President Obama announced an escalation (surge) to the war in Afghanistan including the addition of 30,000 troops.   As of this announcement the President took ownership of this war.   Quite soon, if not already, the President will also have his name on the 62-year old UFO/ET truth embargo.  Certainly this will be the case as of January 20 and the end of his first year in office.   Consequently, PRG now sees a slightly greater likelihood that Disclosure will come initially from another first-world nation.    With that in mind..........

British Ministry of Defence Closes Down the UK UFO Desk -  the UK MOD made an almost casual but rather striking announcement it has closed down its UFO desk as of December 1, 2009.  Significantly, the MOD indicated it would continue to release more government UFO files.   The full statement can be read at:

This stance may seem paradoxical, but PRG sees a straightforward logic to this maneuver.   First and foremost it reflects the fact that the United Kingdom, above all other nations, is most tied to U.S. policies on all levels.  This is reinforced under the leadership of Gordon Brown, but may attenuate should David Cameron become prime minister.  Only time will tell how well the people of the UK are served by this tethering.

That said, closing down the MOD UFO Desk sends the message the UK will not act ahead of the United States as regards Disclosure.

However, the continued release of UK UFO files will keep pressure on the U.S. to act on Disclosure. 

Therefore, we must look elsewhere for a break in the dam that might occur outside of the United States.  As stated previously, PRG believes Russia is quite taken with the enormous political legacy to be achieved with the initial announcement of an extraterrestrial presence.  The same goes for China.  Both nations have called for a global currency to replace the supremacy of the dollar and have hinted at other measures which could dilute the U.S. dollar's value.  France is another candidate for initial Disclosure.

A greatly devalued U.S. dollar coupled with a failure to end the truth embargo it began in the late 1940's might well signal the end of the United States as the defining superpower in geopolitics.   A once great and proud nation will have "jumped the shark" and be staring a legacy of lies, repeated wars and financial decline in the face under a president whose approval ratings might sink lower than those of George W. Bush.   A domestic political tragedy may be taking place before our eyes.

But let it be clear Disclosure is much bigger and much more important than the fate of any single nation.  It will happen, and there is no power on Earth that can stop it.   The Disclosure advocacy movement will continue to grow.  Anyone advising the President of the United States otherwise is miscalculating on a grand scale. 

Whatever the pressures upon the new President to extend and expand the wars in the Middle East, the matter of Disclosure should not be connected to these policies.  More importantly a case can be made that without Disclosure the world will continue to experience war after war after war - for profit, for status, for land, for "national interest", for religion, for food, for water, for the hell of it - war without end.

For the same reason Truth is the first casualty of war, it is also its remedy.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


September 5, 2009

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PRG Update - September 5, 2009

Interesting Development in Japan

The recent release of more UFO files by the UK government generated a huge amount of media coverage.   Now another news cycle has begun which may top that.  Miyuki Hatoyama, the wife of Japan's next prime minister, claims she has had contact with extraterrestrials and been taken on a trip.   This is unprecedented and is being covered worldwide.

Not surprisingly, she is receiving a great deal of ridicule in much of this coverage.  That said, there is great interest in the UFO/ET subject in Japan.  On the other hand, the Japanese government has taken no official actions on the issue and is in apparent compliance with the U.S. led truth embargo.  

PRG is intrigued by the possible outcomes.   For example, Ms. Hatoyama may receive so much ridicule from within and outside her country, experiencers in Japan, closeted in a rather conservative county, may come forward in her defense.   That could get interesting.

PRG Europe Speaking Tour - Schedule

PRG executive director Stephen Bassett's speaking schedule in Europe is mostly set and shown below.   Known speaking dates are shown in bold yellow.  Some events have public venues, i.e. conferences, and have websites.  Others are in private homes.  Contacts for each event are provided.   Further updates will follow shortly.

Europe is playing an increasingly active role in the Disclosure process and interest in the UFO/ET issue and exopolitics in general is growing rapidly.  The speaking tour has four basic goals: 1) learn more about what Europeans think about the UFO/ET issue, 2)  increase awareness of the Disclosure process underway in the United States, 3) bring new country websites into the Exopolitics World Network (EWN), and 4) find new support for the advocacy work ahead.

Stephen will be reporting back via Twitter (SteveBassett) as well as posts on the EWN and Fax on Washington Facebook group pages.

MFW (Facebook)
EWN (Facebook)

Liverpool, UK - Sept. 11, 12, 13, 14
Beyond Knowledge Conference

Bath, UK - Sept. 14-16
Devon, UK - Sept. 16, 17, 18
Boniface Center, Church of the Holy Cross, Crediton, UK
6-9 pm
London, UK - Sept. 18, 19, 20, 21
Birmingham, UK - Sept. 21, 22
Birmingham UFO Group
London, UK - Sept. 22, 23, 24

Helsinki, Finland - Sept. 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
FUFORA Event - Orivesi;
Stockholm, Sweden - Sept. 28, 29, 30
Oslo, Norway - Sept. 30,  Oct. 1, 2

Berlin, Germany - Oct. 2, 3, 4
Copenhagen, Denmark - Oct. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Lykkesholm Allé 15, Frederiksberg
7-11 pm

Brussels, Belgium - Oct. 8, 9, 10
Informal Talk (9th) 
Ground Crew Conference (10th)
Hulst, Netherlands -  Oct. 10, 11, 12
FourthSence Conference;
Zurich, Switzerland - Oct. 12, 13, 14
Rennes, France - 14, 15, 16
Saint-Pierre-en-Port, France - Oct. 16, 17, 18
Paris, France - Oct. 18, 19, 20
2-6 pm

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


August 18, 2009

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PRG - August 18, 2009

ABC Primetime Special on the Abduction/Contact Phenomenon

However they treat the subject matter, this special is notable because of ABC's "Peter Jennings Reporting: UFOs -- Seeing Is Believing"
special from February 25, 2005.  It indicates ABC, like CNN, is continuing to engage the issue.   Contact is the cutting edge of the UFO/ET phenomenon.  Anytime a network touches this subject, it is significant.


PRG's advocacy work is mentioned in the Washington Times

PRG has just been featured in Jennifer Harper's "Inside the Beltway" in the Washington Times.

Walnut Creek, CA Presentation - August 18

PRG ex. director Stephen Bassett will speak tonight at a Living Directory/Friendly Favors event at 7 pm PST. (Pot luck dinner at 6 pm)   Most of the group will likely stay on and watch the ABC Primetime special together.

Those who are not members of the network are also welcome.  If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area and would like to attend, contact the host Sergio Lub at: 

You can also obtain information at:  [Events]

New York City Private Briefing

A noted artist and photographer in New York City will be hosting a private briefing for potential supporters of PRG's advocacy work in early September.   If you are in the NY area and are someone or know someone who is considering support to PRG and would like to engage Mr. Bassett on the Disclosure process underway in a private setting, please contact PRG at:

United Kingdom Document Release

The UK has once again released more UFO files, and once again this has generated huge media coverage.  See above link.  
This follows the release of UFO files by the Russian Navy.  See:
And this follows a new UFO files release in Brazil.  See:

It would appear Russia, a nation hungry to regain its status as a world leader, has now jumped on board the Disclosure train.

PRG European Talking Tour

The dates for Stephen Bassett's informal talking tour of Europe are now set.   The primary purpose of this tour is to help develop interest in the Disclosure process across Europe.  More information will be forthcoming soon.  The schedule is:

Liverpool, UK                September 11-14  (conference)
Bath                                September 14-16 
Devon                             September 16-18
London                           September 18-25 
Helsinki                          September 24-28  (conference)
Stockholm                      September 28-30
Oslo                                Sept 30-Oct 2
Berlin                              October 2-5  (conference)
Copenhagen                  October 5-7
Amsterdam                    October 7-9
Brussels                         October 9-11
Zurich                              October 11-14
Rennes                           October 14-16
Saint-Pierre-en-Port      October 16-18
Paris                                October 18-20


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814  202-215-8344
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


August 11, 2009

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Disclosure Update - PRG - August 11, 2009

Million Fax on Washington - Phase III (letter to the WHCA)  (letter to the President)

Letters, faxes and emails continue to be sent to the White House press corps c/o the White House Correspondents Association and to the White House.  If you haven't yet sent a letter to the WHCA and to the President, please do so ASAP.  It is making a difference.

On July 24 PRG supporter Ryan S. camped out on his phone in Seattle, WA at 4 am in the morning in order to get a question regarding Disclosure into the Obama administration Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs appearing on the C-SPAN morning show.  He succeeded.   That question can be viewed at:

It is worth noting this is the only question asked of Robert Gibbs so far.  Since June 1 no member of the White House press corps has seen the wisdom of asking Mr. Gibbs any of the suggested questions listed at    Billy Cox, reporter for the Sarasota Herald-Tribune has contacted the WHCA several times asking about the correspondence coming in.  The WHCA has refused to respond.  This is to be expected and notable.  The WHCA knows full well that to say anything about his correspondence would invite more questions they don't what to answer.  Same for the White House.   

More publicity of the MFW is coming and more correspondence is on the way.  They have no where to run.  At some point they will have to turn and answer the questions long overdue.   "Don't ask, don't tell" is coming to an end as a means to govern.

Brazil Document Release

As reported by researcher/publisher A. J. Gevaerd 1300 more pages of previously classified UFO related files have just been released by the Brazilian government to the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers.

It is PRG's understanding that more countries are planning UFO document releases.   This will only put more pressure on the United States to take action regarding Disclosure.

Exopolitics Debate

The debate is intensifying over the nature and value of exopolitics.   PRG has published a limited commentary on this at the Examiner.  

European Talking Tour
Liverpool Conference:

The informal talking tour by PRG executive director Stephen Bassett following the Beyond Knowledge conference in Liverpool, England on September 13-13 is almost set.   It will include fourteen stops in ten countries between September 14 and October 20 ending in Paris, France.   Confirmed stops now include Liverpool, Bath, Devon and London in the United Kingdom; Helsinki, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen, and Rennes, Saint-Pierre-en-Port and Paris in France.   More dates and the rest of the stops will be forthcoming soon. 

Starting with Liverpool, Steve will be reporting back from the tour via twitter, a blog set up at and the Exopolitics World Network Facebook group page.   See: 

Right now the only city without a prospective host is Paris.  Anyone interested in hosting a stopover in Paris please contact PRG.

PRG Speaking Engagements

PRG executive director, Stephen Basset, will be speaking at an event in Walnut Creek, CA on August 18 at 6 pm.   Details can be found at:  [Events]   Space is limited.

Stephen will also be speaking at these upcoming conferences:

[See above link for details]
Beyond Knowledge Conference - Sept 12-13 - Liverpool, UK
UFO Crash Retrieval Conference - Nov 6-8 - Las Vegas, NV
Conscious Life Expo - Feb 12-15, 2010 - Los Angeles, CA
MUFON - Phoenix - February 25, 2010

Exopolitics World Network (EWN)

Several new important sites will be added to the EWN soon.  The Disclosure movement in Europe is growing rapidly.


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814  202-215-8344
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


July 25, 2009

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PRG Update - July 25, 2009

Exopolitics European Summit

Sitges, Spain - The Exopolitics European Summit is now underway following a well attended press conference on Friday, July 24. Speakers from Europe and the United States are presenting on a range of subjects relating to the UFO/ET issue.

The conference is being livestreamed at:

Dark Matters Series

A new paranormal series available via DVDs and hosted by George Noory has been launched.

Robert Gibbs on C-SPAN

A PRG supporter Ryan S. from Seattle made a concerted effort to get a question into President Obama's Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs, regarding UFOs and Disclosure. Gibbs stepped around but did not demean the question. There will be more opportunities like this. When they present, please consider asking Gibbs specifically about the correspondence that has been coming into the White House and the White House Correspondents' Association. As it happens, Gibbs is in a position to be fully aware of both.


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 202-215-8344


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


July 20, 2009

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PRG Update -  July 20

PRG European Speaking Tour

Offers to host stops on a speaking tour of Europe by PRG executive director Stephen Bassett between September 14 and October 15 are coming in and a schedule is being worked out.    One stop is confirmed for Helsinki-Orivesi, Finland, Sept. 26-27 at the annual meeting of the Finnish UFO organization FUFORA. 

This tour is being set up in the aftermath of Steve's presentation at the Beyond Knowledge Conference in Liverpool, England, Sept. 12-13.  

Starting with Liverpool, Steve will be reporting back from the tour via twitter, a blog set up at and the Exopolitics World Network Facebook page (See: )

If you would like to host a stop on the tour and set up an informal speaking group (private home, local library, etc.), please contact PRG ASAP.  The goal is at least one stop in each of the following countries:  UK, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Greece time permitting.

Exopolitics European Summit - Barcelona, Spain

Stephen Bassett will be speaking at this conference which has developed into a major event.   Attendance at the 4-star Hotel Meli?Sitges may reach 1,000.  Forty plus members of the mainstream European media are signed up for the Friday evening press conference.   Simultaneous translation via wireless headsets will be available for all attendees.  

Million Fax on Washington

"Open Letter to the White House Press Corps"

PRG has published its open letter to the WHCA to the Internet in a July 13 press release.    The base locations for the article are:
American Chronicle:

If you haven't yet sent a letter, fax and email to the White House press corps, please do so ASAP.

New Speaking Venues

PRG executive director, Stephen Basset, will also be speaking at the following venues:

July 29 - Washington, DC - National Press Club - McClendon Group
               6:30 pm, 13th Floor, 14th & F St., NW, Washington, DC
July 30 - New York - Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.)
August 2 - Walnut Creek, CA - Living Directory Network Presentation

OSTP Declassification Policy Forum

PRG notes with great interest the activities of the new Public Interest Declassification Board (PIDB) and the declassification forum sponsored by the Office of Science and Technology Policy.   The OSTP was the door Laurance Rockefeller came through when he began his effort in March of 1993 to convince Bill Clinton to essentially be the Disclosure President.    Worth reposting here is an excerpt from President Obama's Presidential Memorandum signed January 21, 2009:

"The way to make government responsible is to hold it accountable. And the way to make government accountable is to make it transparent so that the American people can know exactly what decisions are being made, how they're being made, and whether their interests are being well served."

Richard Hall (1930-2009)

UFO researcher Richard Hall devoted over 50 years of his life to the understanding of the phenomenon.  He, along with the likes of Donald Keyhoe, James McDonald, Alan Hynek, Stanton Friedman and others, was a legend in the field.   They are part of the most extraordinary instance in history where citizen scientists and investigators worked to oppose the deliberate misrepresentation of reality by the State.    Decade after decade they labored to get at the truth during a time (the Cold War) when the government of the United States was absolutely committed to the embargo of that truth from the public.  PRG very much regrets that Mr. Hall did not live to see the lifting of that embargo and the vindication of his and his colleague's work in the eyes of the world.   Nevertheless, the ongoing effort to the resolve the UFO/ET issue stands on the shoulders of these legends and could not succeed without their contributions.

X-Conference DVDS

2009 DVDs are available at:
2004-2008 DVDs are available at:


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814  202-215-8344
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


July 12, 2009

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PRG Update -  July 12

Fax on Washington   (letter to the WHCA)   (letter to the President)

Letters, faxes and emails have been steadily accumulating at the White House Correspondents Association and at the White House.  Promotion of the MFW restarts on Monday after being temporarily suspended while a series of news cycles passed through - the Iranian election/uprising, Gov. Mark Sanford sex scandal and Michael Jackson.  You don't compete with that.   The category five media storm around the death of Jackson was instructive in this regard:  it was a glimpse of what to expect if even a few appropriate UFO/ET questions are put into play and appropriately answered at the highest level.   The truth embargo cannot withstand this degree of media frenzy.   So, if you haven't yet sent a letter to the WHCA and to the President, please do so ASAP.


A new project similar to the Fax on Washington is under careful development in France.  This is notable as France is a leading candidate to break the truth embargo before the United States.  A slide show with the basic concept for this project is at the above URL.  PRG hopes all its supporters in France will help this project along. 

PRG Speaking Engagements / European Talking Tour

PRG executive director, Stephen Basset, will be speaking at these upcoming conferences:

Enota Glace - July 18 - White Sulphur Springs, WA
European Exopolitics Summit - July 25-26 - Barcelona, Spain
Beyond Knowledge Conference - Sept 11-12 - Liverpool, UK
UFO Crash Retrieval Conference - Nov 6-8 - Las Vegas, NV

[Note: PRG executive director, Stephen Bassett, is considering doing an informal talking tour of Europe after the Liverpool, UK event.  The plan would be to visit about 12 cities between September 14 and October 20 and is based upon PRG supporters in Europe providing a place to stay for 2-3 days and bringing together a small group of people to discuss the exopolitical future of Europe pre- and post-Disclosure.   Any PRG friends and colleagues in Europe who might be open to hosting this speaking tour, please contact PRG ASAP.  Much thanks.]

Vyktoria Pratt Keating

The music of PRG's long time friend and supporter was recently featured on the July 5 Coast to Coast AM show as part of C2C's featured artist series.  She is creating a special portfolio of music which addresses paranormal subject matter - even exopolitics.  She's also very, very good.   Her new paranormal compilation "Paradigm Ship" is available now. 

I Know What I Saw - New Documentary   (trailer)

It was inevitable someone would eventually emerge as the leading documentarian of the UFO/ET history.  James Fox is that person.  His independent work along with his collaboration with Tim Coleman on the first Out of the Blue film has moved him to the forefront of the issue.  James may be the first producer/director to place a UFO/ET documentary into full theatrical distribution.   Perhaps it will be his next film, I Know What I Saw.  Check it out.

Exopolitics World Network (EWN)

Belgium - PRG mourns the loss of Belgium.  If you are a citizen of this fine country and would like to create and administer the EWN site for Belgium, please contact PRG.
Poland - On the other hand PRG welcomes Poland to the EWN.  The site is administered by B. J. Witelus:
Many countries are awaiting an advocate/webmaster to step forward and create the EWN site for that country.

Exopolitics United States Network (EUSN)

California - PRG mourns the loss of California.  This is an important exopolitical state because of the influence of Hollywood films and television.   Who wants to take on CA?    Other important exopolitical states without a EUSN site include Nevada, New Mexico, West Virginia and New York.


Despite the economic crisis new UFO/ET related conferences are coming on line.  PRG has now logged in 41 conferences for 2009 - many are first-time events.  This reflects a growing public awareness and sense of impending developments.

New Conferences

A Galactic Gathering - Sept 25-27 - Denver, CO
Awake and Aware in LA Conference - Sept 19-20 - Burbank, CA

European Exopolitics Summit - July 25-26 - Barcelona, Spain
A New World Conference - Switzerland - July 10-11  (completed)
Leeds Exopolitics Expo - June 27 - Leeds, England  (completed)
A comprehensive review of this event:
Out of the World - May 28-31 - Galena, IL (completed)
UFO Conference & Webcast - May 2 - San Diego, CA (completed)

2012  A New Beginning - March 28-29 - Bethesda, MD (completed) 

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


June 19, 2009

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PRG Update - June 18, 2009


Million Fax on Washington
[New MFW Video] -

This initiative is on schedule and was featured in a New York Times on-line article on May14.   Presently a Google search of the phrase "Million Fax on Washington" is returning 32,000 pages.    Mail is pouring into the White House Correspondent's Association headquarters, multiple related articles have been published, multiple press releases have been issued including PRG, over 50 hours of media interviews have been completed, and the MFW website is getting substantial traffic.

So far neither the White House nor the WHCA has acknowledged receiving any correspondence on this issue.  However, two mainstream reporters have calls into the WHCA concerning the initiative.    PRG is now awaiting a mainstream media breakout with accompanying interviews.

If you have not yet sent a letter, fax and/or email to the WHCA, please do so ASAP.    Talking points are found at the MFW website.

X-Conference 2009 DVDs

2009 Conference DVDs are available from Sedona Media Company (Ron James) including a special offer for full set purchases.  DVDs from past X-Conferences are available from Paranormal Matrix.  All proceeds go to cover the A/V production of the next X-Conference.

Exopolitics World Network and United States Network

PRG welcomes a new country to the EWN - Switzerland - administered by Anissa and a new state to the EUSN - Nebraska - administered by Joe Snyder, II.

Other Initiatives Elsewhere

Denver Ballot Initiative - Jeff Peckman has renewed the effort to put an extraterrestrial affairs commission the ballot in the upcoming Denver election.   The signature process is proceeding well.

We Can,.....You Do - a new France based initiative to persuade the French government to move forward with Disclosure.

PRG Speaking Schedule

Enota Glace - July 18 - White Sulphur Springs, WV
European Exopolitics Summit 2009 - July 25-26 - Barcelona, Spain
Beyond Knowledge Conference - Sept. 11-12 - Liverpool, UK
Crash Retrieval Conference - Nov 6-8 - Las Vegas, NV

PRG Websites

With the passage of time PRG has increasingly received criticism of its websites.   They are dated in style, not sufficiently sophisticated, messy in browsers other that MS Internet Explorer, too "X-Files" (too dark), hard to navigate, etc.    PRG's response to this criticism is this - it's all true.

The PRG web presence needs to be redesigned and upgraded.  It hasn't happened because of the time and effort involved.   The site is large (over 800 meg) with thousands of pages, and time and resources are limited.   All the PRG sites were done in MS Front Page which has not been cutting edge for years.   Since Front Page is a MS product, the pages are often junked up when not viewed in MS Internet Explorer.   There have been offers by webmasters to improve the site, but outsourcing this work is no easy matter.  There is a lot of great talent in PRG's network, but reorganizing the sites without interrupting the advocacy work is a challenge.

The PRG sites will eventually be upgraded and redesigned with more sophisticated editors.  Until then your patience is greatly appreciated.

PRG 2009 Fund Raiser

Nearly 100 supporters contributed a total of $4000.  Many thanks to all.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344



May 10, 2009

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PRG Update - May 10, 2009

Fax on Washington - Phase II and III

The January 21 to May 31, 2009 Phase II of the Million Fax on Washington is proceeding on schedule. Thousands of letters, faxes and emails (plus messages on the Comments Line) have been sent to the White House calling for a full briefing of the new president, congressional hearings, access to technology derived from extraterrestrial sources and Disclosure. These follow similar correspondence sent to the presidential transition headquarters from November 5, 2008 to January 20, 2009. PRG is informed the White House is well aware of these requests.

Phase III begins on June 1, 2009. This final part of PRG's most important project will be comprehensive, collaborative and intense. It's goal is nothing less than triggering the Disclosure event - either by the United States or another nation. It will call upon the full resources of the worldwide Disclosure movement network built since 1991. PRG has every reason to believe that network is ready to act in concert as are the millions of people prepared to exercise their right to know.

PRG is now booking media interviews for June and expects to do approximately 75 during that month. The formal press release will go out on the evening of June 1. The MFW website will be updated that evening and the formal announcement will be made on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory.

This project was conceived in early 2008 at the beginning of what was certain to be one of the most important elections in American history. By fate or just good luck, virtually every factor anticipated has worked out as expected.

The Joiner Report

On May 15, 2009 the courageous reporter "encouraged" to leave her job with the Stephenville Empire-Tribune for being overzealous in covering a major UFO event near the "Texas White House" will launch her new radio talk show on the Paranormal Radio Network - The Joiner Report.

Rather than be discourage by her sudden career change she only intensified her engagement of the UFO/ET issue with directed websites, freelance articles and now a radio show. Angelia Joiner is what journalism is supposed to be about and her commitment has been rewarded. Her first guest will be the former chief technology and environment correspondent for CNN, Miles O'Brien. O'Brien, along with the rest of CNN's science, technology, and environment news staff, was release nine days after he hosted a provocative week-long series "In Search of Aliens."

PRG finds it quite intriguing that O'Brien, with a substantial career behind him and plenty of options ahead of him, has elected to take this interview. This is a must listen.

Freedom Watch Files UFO FOIA Requests

In what PRG considers a highly significant development, Larry Klayman's Freedom Watch has filed a swarm of FOIA requests demanding UFO/ET related documents from the Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, the National Security Agency and the U.S. Air Force.

Klayman received considerable national exposure in the 90's when he founded Judicial Watch and pursued a number of scandals targeting both the political left and the right. He left Judicial Watch in 2003 to run for the U. S. Senate and later founded Freedom Watch.

While PRG thinks it knows, it is making an immediate effort to contact Mr. Klayman and find out why Freedom Watch is taking this action at this particular time.

PRG 2009 Fund Raiser

[Note: Since typically only about one-third of even a directed group mailing gets opened, this is the second mailing of the fund raiser. There will be just one more. Please pardon the repetition.]

This is the once a year fund raiser for PRG's advocacy work to end the UFO/ET Truth Embargo. The next one will come in May of 2010. Right now there are about 5,000 people on PRG's email list condensed down from about 20,000 over the past thirteen years via attrition. It is fair to say that those still on this list are serious about resolving the UFO/ET issue and well aware of PRG's efforts since 1996.

The math is simple. If each person on the list contributed $10, PRG would have $50,000 to clear the X-Conference balances and move forward with new projects without delay. But it rarely works that way; a one percent or less response is typical. And it's not the money really, it's mostly the time - the few minutes it takes to write and send a check or go to PayPal. Fortunately a PRG supporter has made it possible to accept contributions over the phone via credit card. That should help.

Time is precious and everyone is busy, but this is such a critical moment in human history and the UFO/ET issue is hugely impacting. It needs to be resolved, and PRG is running on empty after the very successful X-Conference 2009. A few minutes could make big difference.

PayPal is one of the greatest web tools ever. It's worth every second it takes to get signed up. It's free. It's safe. PRG has used it for years without any problem. This might be just the time to get set up on PayPal. Just a thought.

Anyway, here is the info: [Important Note: Contributions to PRG are NOT tax deductible. Sorry.]

Credit Card: 202-215-8344
Mail: Paradigm Research Group, 4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814
PRG PayPal email identifier:
PRG Contribution Page:

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


May 8, 2009

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PRG Update - May 8, 2009
Fund Raiser


This is the once a year fund raiser for PRG's advocacy work to end the UFO/ET Truth Embargo. The next one will come in May of 2010. Since typically only about one-third of a group mailing gets opened, it will be repeated two more times over the next few days. Please pardon the repetition.

Right now there are about 5,000 people on PRG's email list condensed down from about 20,000 over the past thirteen years via attrition. It is fair to say that those still on this list are serious about resolving the UFO/ET issue and well aware of PRG's efforts since 1996.

The math is simple. If each person on the list contributed $10, PRG would have $50,000 to clear the X-Conference balances and move forward with new projects without delay. But it rarely works that way, a one percent or less response is typical. And it's not the money really, it is mostly the time - the few minutes it takes to write and send a check or go to PayPal. Fortunately a PRG supporter has made it possible to accept contributions over the phone via credit card. That should help.

Time is precious and everyone is busy, but this is such a critical time in human history and the UFO/ET issue is hugely impacting. It needs to be resolved and PRG is running on empty after the very successful X-Conference. A few minutes could make big difference.

PayPal is one of the greatest web tools ever. It's worth every second it takes to get signed up. It's free. It's safe. PRG has used it for years without any problem. This might be just the time to get set up on PayPal. Just a thought.

Anyway, here is the info: [Important Note: Contributions to PRG are NOT tax deductible. Sorry.]

Credit Card: 202-215-8344
Mail: Paradigm Research Group, 4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814
PRG PayPal email identifier:
PRG Contribution Page:

Oh yes, almost forgot. A shout out to PRG supporter John Budin. John is auctioning a very valuable guitar on E-Bay on June 12 and donating the proceeds to PRG.

Very cool idea, John, and much thanks.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


May 1, 2009

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PRG Update - May 1, 2009

X-Conference 2009 DVDs

DVDs of all X-Conference 2009 presentations including the National Press Club Press Conference on April 20 are now available from Ron James' Sedona Media Company. Visit: 

X-Conference 2009 Followup
from Stephen Bassett

First, I wish to express my great appreciation to all who attended and helped produce X-Conference 2009. Along with some excellent suggestions as to how to improve next year's event, PRG has received nothing but strong praise for the conference and the National Press Club press conference that followed.

Media coverage of the NPC event on April 20 is being tracked at  Not surprisingly the focus has been on Dr. Edgar Mitchell. However, the press conference was filmed by Robert Fleischer of Exopolitics Germany and Frederik Uldall of Exopolitics Denmark and those videos are up on the page mentioned and receiving wider distribution. Further, Ron James filmed the press conference for PRG and a DVD is available (see above). These videos will help draw attention to the announcements of Milton Torres, Nick Pope, Richard Dolan, Alfred Webre and Dr. Roger Leir. A new international press release from PRG regarding Dr. Leir's work will go out soon.

PRG has also received and responded to a significant number of media requests and expects more. Some of these center upon certain remarks by me during the NPC event. To clarify: the Million Fax on Washington - Phase II, an organized effort to petition the Obama administration to act on Disclosure, will end on May 31. Phase III will begin on June 1. If this third phase proceeds as planned, it will be unprecedented and could create the required circumstance in Washington, DC that would trip the Disclosure switch. For this to happen the cooperation of many research/activist organizations will be needed, and the foundation for such cooperation has been laid.

Some have interpreted my remarks as being an "ultimatum" or "threat" directed at the government. It was not. Rather it was a heads up regarding PRG's advocacy timetable. You don't threaten or give ultimatums to governments. It doesn't work. Not for citizens, and not very well even for governments.

Finances: The X-Conference 2009/NPC Press Conference had a gross loss of $27,000 which includes PRG operating costs in the 5 months leading up to the event. PRG is moving as quickly as possible to raise the funds to clear all outstanding balances.

There are two primary reasons for this loss: 1) the extraordinary economic turn down and concomitant market losses that began in late October 2008 cut prepaid attendance and walk-ins by about 100 from last year, and 2) the costs for 2009 were greater than 2008 due to a more ambitious advocacy agenda.

After the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the purchase of Merrill Lynch, I considered canceling the conference. I well knew the implications of these and other unfolding events. It was a very tough call. I chose to go ahead for these reasons: 1) canceling would have also created a loss with no benefit, 2) an attendance drop was not certain, 3) George Noory and Coast to Coast AM were providing considerable support which could mitigate or prevent an attendance drop, 4) new support sources might be found, and 5) the impact the event would have on the advocacy process. The last reason is the most important. The Disclosure process must advance.

If you know anyone who has a passion for and an understanding of what is at stake regarding Disclosure and has created for themselves the financial resources that would permit then to step in at this time to keep PRG on track, please forward this request to them as soon as possible.

PRG's core support group has already provided much while taking losses in the declining markets. It is imperative to identify new individuals who can support this work.

X-Confernce 2010

The next X-Conference will be at the Hilton Hotel in Gaithersburg, MD on April 16-18, 2010. Conference and registration information will go up soon at: .

Clarification Regarding John Podesta

It has come to PRG's attention that CNN misstated John Podesta's "release" on Monday, April 20. Mr. Podesta did not "issue a release" to CNN. Rather he responded to a call from CNN. Further, Mr. Podesta simply confirmed to CNN his call to release UFO documents from government files made in 2002 and again in 2003 at the National Press Club press conferences held by the Coalition for Freedom of Information. He did not comment on or support Edgar Mitchell's statement that morning. PRG was confused by the CNN statement and regrets any misunderstanding PRG's comments may have caused.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


March 22, 2009

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PRG Update - March 22, 2009

Exopolitics World Network Facebook Page

The EWN Facebook page is at 624 members and climbing. If it is to be a significant source list for the Disclosure movement, it must grow many times this size. Please continue to direct people to this page, particularly if you are a page administrator.

UK Document Release

The UK government has released another batch of UFO files to the Internet causing another spate of news stories related to certain cases. In general, mainstream news media cover continues to expand. Right now the news cycle in the UK is very strong.

X-Conference 2009 - Update 

There are still exhibitor tables available in the Exhibitor Room and gallery space available for artists to display and sell relevant art. Contact PRG if you are interested.

George Noory, who is presenting and meeting with attendees for two hours this year, will be broadcasting from the WMAL AM 630 studio in Northwest Washington, DC on Friday night PST (Saturday morning EST). Guests will include some of the conference speakers. The complete presentation schedule is up on the conference website now.

Full speaker lineup for 2009: Cheryll Jones (Host); Stephen Bassett (Moderator/Speaker); George Noory (Special Presentation & Keynote - short); Edgar Mitchell, PhD (Special Presentation); Dr. Roger Leir (Special Presentation); Col. John Alexander, PhD (Special Presentation - Debate with Stephen Bassett); Colin Andrews; Art Campbell; Richard Dolan; Graham Hancock; Paola Harris; Jeff Peckman; Nick Pope; Michael Salla; PhD; Victor Viggiani; Alfred Webre, JD. Guest Activists: Dr. Joseph Buchman, Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle, Terri Mansfield, Robert Fleishcer (Germany), Frederik Uldall (Denmark).

Press Conference - National Press Club
13th Floor, 14th and F Streets, NW, Washington, DC

The press conference on Monday morning (at either 9:30 am or 10 am), April 20, following the X-Conference will feature: Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Nick Pope, Major Milton Torres and Dr. Roger Leir. It will be open to the public.


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


March 6, 2009

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PRG Update - March 6, 2009

Exopolitics World Network (EWN) 
Facebook Group Page  [Search: Exopolitics World Network]

PRG launched the planned Facebook group page for the EWN on February 25. However, based upon input from a number of activist leaders meeting in Laughlin, NV at the IUFOC conference, the concept for this project was broadened. And this concept is significant.

Facebook, with 175 million members worldwide and growing fast, is one of the most powerful advocacy tools ever created. The group pages make it possibe for the group administrator(s) to send relevant messges to the entire group, no matter how large, at no cost via the Facebook servers. And, of course, all members can post relevant links, photos, videos, and messages to the page as well as request an administrator send a message to the page members.

With that in mind the exopolitical activists and media agreed to have this Facebook group page serve the entire UFO/ET advocacy community. They would use their websites, email lists, and speaking engagements to promote this page to the widest possible audience worldwide in order to build page membership to a level that would impact the disclosure process. There is no theoretical upper limit, but the initial goal is 100,000.

The leaders in the disclosure movement will be designated group page administrators and thus able to post at their discretion messages about ongoing developments, projects, conferences, books, breaking news and much more. Those who join this page can expect a great deal of information on a real time basis about the extraordinary historical process underway.

Importantly, a group page member can leave the group at any time if they do not want to receive this information and rejoin at their convenience when they do.

It is hoped that the EWN Facebook group page will become the core email/contact list of great size UFO/ET/Exopolitics advocacy has never had to pursue the resolution of this matter on behalf of the people.

Please spread the word about this project and become a member of Facebook and the Exopolitics World Network group page.

Exopolitics World Network - Status

The EWN is coming along but needs more countries. Those who have contacted PRG and are working on sites for your country, please complete the basic site and notify PRG. If you want to build or help build a site for another country, please contact PRG ASAP. The time is ideal to get these sites into play. The sites up now are well done and some are outstanding.

Countries with published sites and site administrators

Belgium - Danny Heytens
Canada - Victor Viggiani
Denmark - Frederik Uldall
Hong Kong - Neil Gould
France - Jean-Charels Duboc
Germany - Robert Fleischer
Italy - Paola Harris
Mexico - Enrique Valencia Saldaña (under construction)
South Africa - Manuel Lamiroy
Spain - Jose Jover Del Pozo
Sweden - Torbjörn Sassersson
United Kingdom - David Griffin
United States - Stephen Bassett

Exopolitics United States Network - Status

The EUSN is newer and running behing the EWN. Those who have contacted PRG and are working on sites for your state, please complete the basic site and notify PRG. If you want to build or help build a site for another state, please contact PRG ASAP. The time is ideal to get these sites into play. Again, the sites up now are well done and some are outstanding.

States with published sites and site administrators

Arizona - Lynne Kitei, Rebecca Hardcastle, Terri Mansfield
California - Brandon Piddington (under construction)
District of Columbia - Ryan Dickover
Florida - Paul Robinson, Frank Fields
Georgia - Jeff Adams, David Camp
Ohio - Mark Snider
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


February 10, 2009

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PRG Update - February 10, 2009

PRG Thank You

Over the past few months PRG has received a large number of emails, letters and phone calls - much more than usual - thanking PRG for the work it is doing and spurring it to proceed apace with the disclosure process. This kind of moral support is greatly appreciated and mitigates the difficulties of the advocacy work. For any who might not have gotten a thank you directly, please know your unqualified endorsement of PRG's efforts is most helpful.

PRG's Dilemma

For some time now PRG has been receiving an amount of email, letters, DVDs, books, requests for assistance, requests for involvement, etc. well beyond its capability to respond in a timely fashion - or at all. While frustrating and awkward, it is a good thing. It reflects the accelerating pace of disclosure and the growing excitement many are feeling about unfolding events. If you have not gotten a response to your query, it is not that your email got deleted or your letter lost in the ether. It is simply that PRG is overwhelmed. At this critical time it is essential to keep the focus on the goal - Disclosure - and keep all projects active. The pressure on the government to change the Truth Embargo policy must not let up. Eventually all correspondence and submissions will receive a response from PRG. Apologies in advance if that response is late or moot.

A PRG Special Comment

On a personal note: in the past I have noted that the end of the pre-Disclosure world would be intense and difficult for the "UFO community." There is an enormous amount of emotional energy which has accumulated over the six decades of the truth embargo. Thousands of UFO/ET researchers, activists and media have invested a great portion of their lives at considerable sacrifice (in many cases) to pursue the hidden truths and speak truth to power. With the finish line in sight this emotion is going to manifest in a myriad of ways - some good, some bad.

Old guard researchers are very concerned their work will not be properly recognized. They are suspicious their considerable efforts will be eclipsed by newer entrants into the field - particularly the activists and proponents of the exopolitical perspective. Personal and professional differences are going to intensify and break out in the open (if not already there). Anger, paranoia, envy, regret, contempt and every other human emotion will manifest. While in theory it doesn't have to be this way, the reality is the Disclosure shot heard round the world will set off a sort of "Oklahoma Land Rush" with thousands of "Conestoga Wagons" racing into the post-Disclosure world. Wheels will be flying off, wagons will overturn, some will be run over in the chaos, and perhaps much worse will transpire.

The simple truth? There is little that can be done about this. The magnitude of the issue, the unprecedented power of the event, the potential impact on everyone's life well transcend any desire for a particular outcome or hope for an orderly and convivial process.

However, there is no obstacle to at least anticipating the likelihood of this difficult transition and reflecting on how one might respond. There is potential for some degree of mitigation in that. With that in mind, allow me to state clearly PRG's intentions, which are the same today as they were 13 years ago.

1) actively support the past work of researchers and activists and make every effort to ensure that work is recognized by the mainstream media and mainstream science in the post-Disclosure period.

2) aggressively address efforts by previous skeptic/debunkers to recast themselves as the "true leading experts" on the phenomena they once derided and diminished.

3) aggressively address efforts by previously dismissive academics to shove into the background the work of those they would not dare touch and attempt to coopt the field by virtue of their "credentials" as member of an academic community which committed the most spectacular intellectual failure in history.

4) pressure the government to not only acknowledge the citizen/science effort but reward those specific individuals who pursued the truth the government denied by whatever manner of compensation and award possible and appropriate, including direct involvement in the post-Disclosure research, public education and policy making. And by pressure, what is meant here is the same public awareness efforts which helped bring the truth embargo itself to an end.

Without such appropriate rewards of acknowledgement and participation a message would be sent into the future that challenging the state is not worth the effort. And the next time the state misrepresents the very nature of the world to its citizens, no one will step up to demand otherwise.

However we behave, one thing is irrefutable. Everyone will cross the paradigm line together. It is not optional At that instance all will be in alignment, all will be at the starting line of a new world. Perhaps many will take the best of their nature forward and leave the worst behind. It would be as good a time as any for some of that.

PRG News Media Archive

Worldwide media coverage of UFO/ET stories continues to expand. Here are the numbers for recent articles archived at:

2005 - 167
2006 - 186
2007 - 477
2008 - 1104
2009 - 203 (on a pace to reach 1850 articles)

X-Conference 2009 

A Special Presentation by Dr. Roger Leir has been added to the schedule. A major development has occurred with Dr. Leir's work which will be revealed at that time and featured in the PRG press conference at the National Press Club
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


February 5, 2009

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PRG Update - February 5, 2009

PRG Update - February 5, 2009

Million Fax on Washington - Phase II

Phase II of the Million Fax on Washington has been informally underway since January 20 and formally launched on February 1.

It is a well understood fact the first 100 days of a new administration are the most important. So between January 20 and April 30 - one hundred days - PRG once again promotes the sending of letters, faxes and/or emails to the new President - this time to the White House - calling for an end to the Truth Embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence and the release of as much relevant information to the American people as possible within reasonable constraints of national security. A national press release will be sent out February 6. Examples of past MFW letters to the President are posted at: . Many more will be posted soon.

Contact information: The Honorable Barack Obama, President of the United States, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20500
[Standard business size envelopes only please.]

Fax: 202-456-2461
Email via:  [Note: emails are limited to 500 characters, but that is more than enough to make the key points.]

Is calling the White House a good idea? Yes, you can also call the White House and leave a brief comment at 202-456-1111, but do this in addition to writing a letter, fax and/or email because these leave a record, and the collective correspondence can be more easily reviewed

X-Conference 2009 - April 17-19, Hilton Hotel, Gaithersburg, MD

The fifth X-Conference also formally launches tomorrow with a national press release. Conference registrations are being taken now at the X-Conference website. Hotel reservations can be made via: 301-977-8900 (booking code: x-conference).

Because events relevant to Disclosure are breaking on a weekly basis, PRG's confidence that Disclosure is close at hand remains high. For this reason X-Conference 2009 will be to some extent an Exopolitical Summit. PRG will expand the press conference at the National Press Club on Monday morning, January 20 and has booked the First Amendment Room. A substantial press contingent is expect. Leading figures in the Exopolitics Disclosure Movement are being invited to speak and a number of guest activists from around the world will also be part of the conference. In fact, in will be the largest gathering of such activists ever.

But X-Conference 2009 will not be monochromatic. With two speaker invites pending confirmation, the lineup is as follows:

Special Presentation - George Noory, host of the #1 late night talk show in America, will revisit some of the great segments from past C2C shows, give his thoughts on the extraordinary events taking place, take questions and sign autographs.

Special Presentation - Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 Astronaut and founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, returns again this time to give an in depth lecture on the full spectrum of his experience with the UFO/ET issue, his interactions with the media, his thoughts on the disclosure process and hopes for the post-disclosure world.

Special Presentation - A debate/dialogue/Q&A will take place between Dr. John Alexander (Col. USArmy ret.) and PRG executive director, Stephen Bassett. All subjects will be on the table. All issues will be engaged.

Special Presentation - one of the most prolific authors and researchers of the ancient world, Graham Hancock, will look at the exopolitics of the distant past.

[Note: all special presentations will only require a Day Pass. There will be no extra charge.]

Other outstanding speakers include:

Colin Andrews - he's back and he has a lot to say.
Art Campbell - his important research on events in the Eisenhower administration and on the Plains of San Augustin.
Richard Dolan - the second volume in his extremely important trilogy, UFOs and the National Security State
Paola Harris - the exopolitics of Hollywood
Joseph Montaldo - contactee, founder of ICAR and builder of an expanding Internet radio presence
Jeff Peckman - from the Denver Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission Ballot Initiative to David Letterman and beyond
Nick Pope - the man in the center of the United Kingdom UFO/ET/Disclosure firestorm is back
Dr. Michael Salla - one of the most aggressive thinkers and writers in exopolitics today.
Victor Viggiani - the leader of exopolitics in Canada
Alfred Webre, JD - the founder of exopolitics, futurist, and leading activist for a space based weapons ban. [Note: President Obama has indicated he will call for a Space Weapons Ban. Alfred Webre (along with Carol Rosin and Danny Sheehan) are a major reason why.]

Guest activists include:

Dr. Joseph Buchman - former Libertarian Party congressional candidate calling for Disclosure
Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle and Terri Mansfield - along with Dr. Lynne Kitei are building a political movement combining exopolitics, exoconsciousness and peace activism.

More speaker info at:
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


January 13, 2009


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PRG Update - January 13, 2009

President's Citizen Briefing Book

Now the Presidential Transition website has created a page for rating ideas submitted to the President Elect. The top rated ideas will go into a Citizen Briefing Book. GO TO THE CITIZEN BRIEFING BOOK LINKS ABOVE, SEARCH UNDER "UFO" AND "EXTRATERRESTRIAL" AND VOTE FOR THESE IDEAS. They are getting good support and could make it into the Citizen Briefing Book.

Please spread the word about this opportunity via your websites and email lists.

Bill Cox Status 

Sarasota Herald Tribune reporter Billy Cox has now published 64 UFO/ET/Exopolitics related articles on his paper's website. His reportage on these issues dates back to the mid 1990's. He also published numerous articles in Florida Today. Billy, who received the 2005 PRG Courage in Journalism Award, is THE most prolific mainstream news journalist on these issues in the world. No one else is even close.

His most recent article (January 10, 2009), Abandoning the streets for the Net, was written shortly after completing his radiation treatment for throat cancer. [Note: this cancer is not connected to his reportage.] I think we can safely assume PRG's award was not misplaced.

UFO/ET/Exopolitics articles which would appear in the print daily need to have a local angle. But his web pieces cover the issues globally. If you have information which might be useful to Billy in writing new articles, you can contact him at:

Keep in mind he is in the news business and is looking for recent developments and breaking stories.

Media Watch: News Coverage Archive

The dramatic increase in mainstream news coverage of UFO/ET/Exopolitics issues continues. PRG logged in 1104 articles for 2008 - 2.5 times the number for 2007 and 6 times the number for 2006. A the present rate the number of articles for 2009 will exceed 2200.

X-Conference 2009

This year's conference could have significant impact on the Disclosure process. PRG is working hard to bring in new and important presenters able to address the most recent developments. For this reason the final speaker lineup will be posted later than usual. But conference and hotel registrations are being taken now. Sign up early for what could be the most important X-Conference to date.
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


January 3, 2009

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PRG Update - January 3, 2009

LA Film Premier - Moon Rising - January 22 

Jose Escamilla's new film, Moon Rising, will premier on January 22 at the Leonard H. Goldenson Theatre, 5220 Lankershim Blvd., North Hollywood, CA. Tickets are available on line at the film website and at the door. A number of researchers and activists will be attending including PRG. It should be quite an evening.

The President Elect is Open for Questions

In addition to the Million Fax on Washington letters and emails being sent to the Transition Headquarters, another mode of contact has opened up. The Transition website is requesting questions be submitted to the President Elect regarding the new administration's future agenda. These questions are then archived at the site so citizens can view and even vote their preferences. Very advanced.

Already, nearly 100 questions regarding UFO/ET/Disclosure issues have been logged in. The search terms "UFO" and "extraterrestrial" will retrieve most of these questions. Check them out, vote your preferences and add new ones.

December 10 Obama Radio Address

You may find the video address by President Elect Obama regarding his appointment of John Holdren as Science Advisor and head of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (the office run by Dr. John Gibbons during the Clinton administration) instructive. Also included are additional remarks from December 17.

2008 Year in Review

The absolutely prolific Eileen Nesbitt at Alien Casebook has put together a wonderful review of 2008. A must see.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


December 28, 2008

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PRG Update - December 28, 2008

Coast to Coast AM w/ George Knapp - Sunday, December 28 - 10 pm PST 

PRG Executive Director, Stephen Bassett, will appear tonight on C2CAM as part of a year-in-review show.

Million Fax on Washington

Letters and emails continue to arrive at the President Elect's transition headquarters. If you haven't sent one, there is still plenty of time. PRG will soon post another 30 examples of sent letters and emails (the Transition Headquarters will not release a fax number) on the MFW website. Also, the MFW Facebook group is up to 837 members.

President Elect Obama's Disclosure Team?

The following appointments are the most relevant to Disclosure nd to post-Disclosure issues. PRG finds them all appropriate. This is exactly the kind of leader group he would have been expected to pick if Disclosure was imminent.

Transition Lead Chairman - John Podesta
Secretary of State - Hillary Clinton
Secretary of Commerce - Bill Richardson
Secretary of Energy - Steve Chu (Nobel Physicist)
Science Advisor - John Holdren (Physics PhD.)
Secretary of Defense - Robert M. Gates
Security Advisor - General James Jones

With all due respect to 2012. It is looking like 2009 will be the year the world changes in most extraordinary ways.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


December 2, 2008

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PRG Update - December 2, 2008

To: All PRG Supporters
Re: PRG current status

I'll be brief. The Million Fax on Washington is right on schedule. Letters, faxes and emails are pouring into the new President Elect. The mainstream media is beginning to take notice (see article links below) with new interviews being booked including Alan Colmes' national show at midnight tonight. Examples of MFW correspondence to Barack Obama are now up on the MFW website. All good.

Not so good. The unfolding financial fiasco has hit the core PRG support group hard (as well as all of you, and things will get worse before they get better). This core support group has kept PRG going through thick and thin, but has had to take a step back. PRG and X-PPAC have financially zeroed out right when the momentum is building to impact the disclosure process.

If, despite the financial uncertainties we face, you can provide any funding to PRG or X-PPAC at this time, it would be most helpful and greatly appreciated. Contributions can be handled at these webpages:

Paradigm Research Group
X-PPAC (American citizens only)

Steve Bassett

The Million Fax on Washington is a project of Paradigm Research Group
X-PPAC is PRG's political action committee

Million Fax on Washington MSM Coverage

Washington Times
UK Daily Mail
UK Telegraph
Wired Magazine blog:
Sarasota Herald-Tribune blog:

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


November 21, 2008

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PRG Update - November 21, 2008


[Note:  the movers, shakers and rainmakers in Washington, DC do not sleep in.  They get up early, and the first thing they do is turn on the news - not the local news, cable news - CNN, MSNBC, Fox or all three.   Next week this is what they will see while they are brushing their teeth.]
Monday through Friday, November 24-28, CNN's American Morning with John Roberts and Kiran Chetry will air a five-part series on UFO/ET/Exopolitical issues. 
-  MONDAY: NOT JUST CRAZIES - What do Moonwalker Edgar Mitchell, Actor Dan Aykroyd, Former White House Chief of Staff John Podesta and CNN Correspondent Miles O'Brien have in common?  They have all seen UFO's, believe in them or both.
-  TUESDAY: ROSWELL REVISTED - 61 years since the famous UFO incident and the place is still peddling the alien trade.  We'll take you to the site where the UFO landed and let you decide.
-  WEDNESDAY: CLOSE ENCOUNTERS - Abductions: are they a reality or a product of vivid imaginations.  We'll talk with someone who says they've been for a ride with ET.  Could this really be true?
-  THURSDAY: CALL 1-800-ALIEN... PLEASE! - Listening to the heavens for a radio signal to prove there is intelligent life beyond Earth.  What can be heard and could we make contact?
-  FRIDAY: THE MARS WORM - Did the NASA Opportunity Rover snap a picture of a fossilized worm?  If so, what does life on Mars mean for the theory that we're not alone?
Twenty days after the election the cable channel home of Larry King Live, which has been giving prominent exposure to UFO/ET/Exopolitical issues for the past 18 months,  airs a series which mentions the President Elect's transition head, John Podesta, in connection with UFOs.  The owners and producers of CNN have climbed on the Disclosure train and the message is clear - questions are coming.  Prepare.
For those who can do so, please watch, record and YouTube these segments.   Thanks.

Open Letter to Barack Obama
Million Fax on Washington

PRG has just published an Open Letter to President Elect Barack Obama in connection with the Million Fax on Washington.  In addition to the web page above the letter will soon appear at the American Chronicle, OpEd News and elsewhere.
Chicago politics is famous for the phrase, "vote early, vote often."   In that vein please take a moment to click over to the Open Letter and revisit often.   This will generate sufficient page visits to elevate the Open Letter to the top of the Google/Yahoo search returns in order to draw attention.  As it happens, there are many open letters to Barack out there and competition is intense. 

The Million Fax on Washington is proceeding on schedule.    Notices of sent correspondence are pouring into PRG.   The Million Fax on Washington Facebook group page has over 700 members with one degree of separation from over 100,000 Facebook friends.   Please send your letter ASAP. 
The Senate office is closing down and the new target for future correspondence is: 
The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States
Washington Transition Headquarters
451 6th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Fax:  (not yet available)

John Podesta
The appointment of John Podesta to head Barack Obama's transition team was not unexpected and indicates to PRG the window for Disclosure early next year remains wide open.   To understand why, Google or Yahoo - John Podesta UFO - and visit the following web pages:

X-Conference 2009 - April 17-19 [Registration]
The plain fact is we are witnessing extraordinary economic developments.  The impact of this financial news on outlying conferences is non-trivial.  It is perfectly understandable why potential attendees might hesitate to register early.    But alas, this does make it difficult to properly develop and plan a large event.
If you are someone who will be attending X-Conference 2009 "come hell or high water,"  please consider reserving your Hilton Hotel room now (costs nothing) and registering now for the conference (provides funds for advertising and development). 
Given the pace of unfolding events PRG will be holding off until the first of the year before developing the speaker platform for the 2009.  PRG is also considering how to structure X-Conference 2009 should Disclosure take place prior to April 17.


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


October 27, 2008

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PRG Update - October 27, 2008

Upcoming Conferences

The 2008 conference season is coming to a close.  Please support
these upcoming events.

UFO Data International UFO - Oct 25-26 - Pontefract, UK
Mysteries Of Space & Sky - Nov 1 - Near Annapolis, MD
6th Annual UFO Crash Retrieval - Nov 7-9 - Las Vegas, NV
Secrets! 2008 - Nov 21-24 - Phoenix, AZ

International UFO Congress - Feb 22-28 - Laughlin, NV
X-Conference - April 16-18 - Gaithersburg, MD

Sedona Arizona Appearance
Creative Life Center - 333 Schnebly Hill Road

PRG executive director, Stephen Bassett, was scheduled to appear at the Sedona Dream Theater on November 11 along with recording artist Victoria Pratt Keating.  This event has been changed to the Sedona Creative Life Center on Wednesday, November 12, 7-10 pm.  
Tickets $15 at the door which opens at 6 pm.

Million Fax on Washington

PRG's initiative to direct a public demand for Disclosure toward the next President Elect is moving forward on schedule.  Since October 1 PRG has done 30 talk show interviews with 10 more booked. The Google and Yahoo search returns for "Million Fax on Washington" have gone from zero on September 31 to 2440 and  21,700 respectively as of October 24.   Mainstream print coverage has appeared in Wired and the Sarasota Herald-Tribune with more pending.    Recent PRG media interviews are archived at:
This progress has taken place amidst media coverage of the greatest economic crisis since the 1929 market crash.

Open Letter to Barack Obama and John McCain

This letter to the candidates was published as a press release to the Internet and is prelude to the formal beginning of the Million Fax on Washington on November 5.   It is part of the initiative aimed at generating media questions to the President Elect during the slow news cycle after the election.

UK Government Document Release

The United Kingdom continues to release UFO documents and sighting reports in a time release fashion.  Each release generates a new round of media coverage.  This round resulted in high coverage due to a report involving a still living U.S. pilot ordered to shoot at an "aircraft carrier" sized UFO.   This is not an accident. The UK is fully aware of the media impact of these repeated releases.  This is a clear message to the United States, "we are coming clean on this issue, when are you?"

Media Coverage
Billy Cox

The recent new cycles surrounding Dr. Edgar Mitchell and the UK documents release generated a substantial number of mainstream print articles which have been archived.  The result is 949 articles posted through Oct. 26 on a pace toward 1150 articles for 2008 - six times the number of articles archived in 2006.   Meanwhile, Billy Cox of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune continues his relentless coverage of the UFO/ET/Exopolitical issues on his Blog de Void. 

Exopolitics World Network

Exopolitics Canada -  The Director of Media Relations for Exopolitics Toronto, Victor Viggiani, will present three lectures at the University of Toronto?s Fall Lecture Series during the months of October, November and December 2008.  The topic - EXOPOLITICS: The Emergence of an Extraterrestrial World View.   This marks the first time in Canada that Exopolitics - the new political science about the history, presence and global implications of contact with ethical, highly advanced off-world civilizations - will receive comprehensive public analysis at this internationally recognized university.


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


September 26, 2008

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PRG Update - September 26, 2008

ABC Primetime News Special - Seeing is Believing

PRG has received numerous requests to provide contact information for ABC News to make it easy to send a note regarding the recent UFO special.  Here it is:

ABC News
ABC Network

Two conferences have just recently turned up on PRG's radar.

VA/NC MUFON Smith Mountain Lake Conference!
Huddleston, VA
Saturday, September 27
Those in southern/central Virginia and northern North Carolina
please consider attending.

Mysteries Of Space & Sky
Near Annapolis, Maryland
Saturday, November 1, 2008

All-day UFO conference beginning at 9:30 am.  Cost is $30 or higher (depending on residence)   For details or to request a flier, contact Dr. Peter Resta ( or call: 410-544-4927 X 8


PRG Media Schedule

October 1
Sirius Radio - Indy_Talk Channel 110 - Me and Vinnie
WOCM 98.1 FM - Bulldog Show - Ocean City
Kerrang Radio - The Night Before - UK
Jerry Pippin Show

October 2
KOMP 92.3 - Morning Show - Las Vegas, NV
Blog Talk Radio - Sedona Talk Radio

October 3
Glastonbury Radio - Now That's Weird -  UK
UFO Paranormal Radio - Through the Keyhole
X-Zone Radio - Rob McConnell

October 4
WHFR 89.3 - We are Not Alone - Detroit, MI
Vortex News Network - Progressive Technology Hour
KPHX 1480 - Exopolitics Radio
UFO Paranormal Radio - Eye to the Sky
WBSM 1420 - Spooky South Coast

October 5
Blog Talk Radio - Night Search

October 6
UFO Paranormal Radio - Global Focus

October 7
BBS Radio - Universal Spiritual Connection

October 11
Live From Roswell - Guy Malone

October 14
WBGZ 1570 - Matinee Madness

October 28
After Twilight - Chad Austin & Dianna Avena

November 6
Block Talk Radio - Sedona Talk Radio

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


September 15, 2008

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PRG Update - September 15, 2008

PRG Speaking/Presentation Schedule

Sedona Talk Radio - September 18, 5 pm MT
Culture of Contact Conference - October 16-18
Crash Retrieval Conference, Las Vegas - November 7-9
Sedona, AZ Presentation (Sedona Dream Theater) - November 11

PRG executive director, Stephen Bassett, will present at the Sedona Dream Theater on November 11 after his lecture at the Crash Retrieval Conference in Las Vegas, November 7-9.    Appearing with him will be recording artist, Vyktoria Pratt Keating.  He will also be a guest of Louise Aveni on Sedona Talk Radio Thursday, September 18, 5 pm MT, 7 pm EST.   Stephen will also be part of the Culture of Contact event at the Lowe's Theater in Jersey City, NJ.

Sedona Talk Radio w/ Lousie Aveni:
Culture of Contact Conference:
Lowe's Theater:
Crash Retrieval Conference:
Sedona Dream Theater:
Vyktoria Pratt Keating:

Important Notice

PRG will launch a major new initiative on October 1 with media appearances, a website and national press releases.  This is the most important and potentially most impacting project by PRG since it was founded in 1996.  PRG expects to book approximately 100 media interviews between October 1 and November 31 in support of this effort and will call on its entire research, activist and media network to help with the project.

X-Conference 2009

The following speakers are slated to participate in X-Conference 2009:   Jeff Peckman, Art Campbell, Richard Dolan, Cheryll Jones (Host), Stephen Bassett (Moderator).  Many more will be announced in the coming months.    Conference and hotel registrations are being taken now.   Info at the website.

Exopolitics World Network (EWN) and United States Network (EUSN)  News

A new site is pending for Mexico - webmaster Enrique Valencia Salda�a.
A new site is in development for Washington, DC - webmaster Ryan Dickover.
Exopolitics Sweden has been relaunched.
Webmasters of several European EWN sites are planning a summit, possibly in Italy, to discuss the state of exopolitics in Europe.
Plenty of countries and states need sites.  Interested webmasters can contact  

ABC News UFO Special - Tuesday, September 16, 9:30 - 11 pm EST

Three years after ABC News aired Peter Jennings Reporting UFOs: Seeing is Believing the other shoe has dropped.  ABC will air the follow-up to this news special this Tuesday.   PRG is intrigued by: 1) the timing - airing the program in the heat of the presidential campaign, 2) the headline for the promo on the ABC News website - Could  so many UFO witnesses be right?, 3) the choice of witnesses and cases selected, and 4) the inclusion in the promo article of video links to Dr. Edgar Mitchell and the Stan Romanek alleged alien video.

This special is not being aired in a vacuum.  PRG is tracking the media coverage of the UFO/ET/Exopolitics issues more closely than any other organization in the country.  The recent increase in media coverage over the past 48 months has been extraordinary.   PRG has now archived over 2500 relevant mainstream news articles going back to the 1940s, nearly 800 for 2008.   The overwhelming majority of these are neutral or supportive toward the issues.  

There have been several recent news cycles which centered on the activities of Jeff Peckman and on statements by Dr. Edgar Mitchell.  These cycles generated scores of mainstream news articles and numerous television segments - all of which are being carefully archived at:

The Rocky Mountain News has done 16 articles relating to the work of Peckman who made it onto Late Night with David Letterman where he and his work were treated with respect within the comedic context of the program.   This is quite significant.   A policy change is taking place within editorial offices across the nation.

Stepheville, TX Case Continues
A Stephenville, Texas official, Mark Murphy, has filed complaints with the FAA and the DOT (pursuant to 14 CFR 13 on air safety) on behalf of himself, his family, and his constituents as an elected representative regarding the events which took place over Stephenville, Texas on the evening of January 8, 2008.  Mr. Murphy requested a reprimand of the USAF for large scale military operations in a populated area without notification of local authorities.  City officials are supposed to be notified when such events are going to take place.  No such notification was given prior to the F-16s flying over the city.

McKinnon Case Continues

Computer hacker, Gary McKinnon, has reached the end of the line in his appeal effort.  Extradition to the United States is pending.

UFO Sighting Compilation Video

Proprietary rights and access issues aside, this is an outstanding effort to make a powerful statement.  It is simply not possible to understate the potential political and social impact of the YouTube era where hundreds of millions of people can create video footage of power and quality easily and record and post events immediately after their occurrence.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


August 2, 2008

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PRG Update - August 2, 2008

The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Phenomenon

An extraordinary media cycle is presently underway centered upon affirmations by Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell of an extraterrestrial, non-human intelligence engaging the human race.   His comments were made in an interview on July 23 on Kerrang! Radio out of London.   On "The Night Before with Nick Margerrison" Dr. Mitchell only repeated what he has said many times before, but the reality is the vast majority of the audience and the media in Europe were hearing it for the first time.   This media storm was triggered by the program and a press release by either Kerrang! Radio or its parent company, the German media giant Bauer Consumer.  It was supported by an international press release by PRG the next morning at 9 am.

PRG is archiving all Mitchell coverage and interviews at the above URL and will work to expand the story and work it up the media ladder.   So far the major U. S. papers (New York Times, Washington, Post, Los Angeles Times, etc.) are either staying away from the story or relegating it to bloggers.

The most recent Mitchell interview was this evening, August 1, on Fox News' Hannity's America.   It will be replayed at midnight EST.

AOL News Poll

As part of an article on Dr. Edgar Mitchell AOL News ran an online poll which was IP address limited (multiple voting required deleting all cookies).  The results were quite astounding.   Here they are:

Do you believe that life exists elsewhere in the universe?   Yes (128,631) 93%    No (9,564) 7%
Do you think Earth has been visited by aliens?  Yes (110,119)  81%    No (26,039)  19%

Gary McKinnon Loses Extradition Appeal in the UK House of Lords

Computer hacker Gary McKinnon is one step closer to extradition to the United States to face trial for hacking government computers looking for, among other things, information about UFOs and government cover-up.    It is assumed Mr. McKinnon will appeal his case to the European Court and take all stalling measures possible to delay extradition until after a new administration has taken office in the United States - his hope being the new administration will drop extradition and leave the matter to UK courts.

PRG some time ago informed McKinnon's attorney that should a trial take place in the United States, PRG executive director Stephen Bassett will be happy to assist the defense including testifying on behalf of the defendant.    It is assumed the U. S. government will move heaven and earth to avoid the UFO/ET issue being introduced into such a trial.   Much effort has been made in the past to get the UFO/ET issue into a court of law as part of a high profile case.  It has never happened.

PRG is archiving the extensive coverage of the McKinnon case at:

Debunker Archive

PRG will soon begin a new project - creating an online archive of printed, video and audio comments by the most notable UFO/ET debunkers during the past 60 years.  There are three reasons for this project: 1) begin assembling a history of UFO/ET debunking,   2)  provide media producers an easy way to see what they are getting when they book any of the living debunkers as counterpoint to researchers/activists, and 3)  have such an archive at the ready when post-Disclosure these same people attempt to recast themselves as the world's leading experts on all things extraterrestrial (and you can be sure they will since they have no boundaries).

As archiving projects go, this will be a bit more difficult than most.   Any assistance would be welcome.  If you have or know where PRG can find printed, audio and/or video
examples of the "debunker's greatest hits," please pass them on to PRG.  Contact information below.

Exopolitics World Network
A new country has come on line - South Africa

Exopolitics United States Network
Several states are about to come on line.

Upcoming Conferences

2008 Shag Harbour UFO Festival, Nova Scotia, Aug 8
UFO Symposium 3, Tinley Park, IL, Aug 17
Ancient Earth Mysteries Conference, Dallas, TX, Sept 6
Alamo Conference: A Desert UFO Experience!, Alamo, NV, Aug 29-31
2008 Flatwoods Monster 56th Anniversary and Flying Saucer Extravaganza, St. Albans, WV,
Sept 12-13
10th Annual Bay Area UFO Expo, Santa Clara, CA, Sept 27-28
2008 Culture of Contact, Jersey City, NJ, Oct 16-18  (Bassett speaking)
6th Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference, Last Vegas, Nov 7-9  (Bassett speaking)

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


July 23, 2008

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Media Notice - July 11, 2008

Larry King Live on CNN - July 11 and July 18 Programs

It is becoming increasingly apparent CNN has made a commitment to extensively engage the extraterrestrial presence issue via its most popular news talk program.

Larry King has interviewed thousands of guests including presidents, senators, members of congress, movie stars, foreign dignitaries, military leaders active and retired - people representing virtually every aspect of our political and social culture.

Mixed in with the fun and entertainment have been shows addressing many of the most important issues of our time. His programs dealing with aspects of the extraterrestrial presence issue get top ratings and are almost always selected for the Sunday evening reruns.

PRG cannot overstate the significance of this emerging coverage.

Two more programs are now pending.

Friday, July 11, 2008 - Revisiting the Stephenville sightings
Friday, July 18, 2008 - The Malmstrom Air Force Base event

Larry King Live is broadcast at 9 pm EST and rebroadcast at 12 am EST. A program is selected each week for rebroadcast on Sunday evening.

Information on these upcoming programs is provided below.  Please tape these programs and put them up on YouTube.

And PLEASE let CNN know how much you support their efforts to cover these issues.


Exopolitics Toronto

Office of the Director of Media Relations
Toronto - Vancouver – Washington D.C.

M e d i a R e l e a s e


Toronto Ontario – July 11, 2008 Larry King Live tonight presents yet again more news about the Stephenville Lights (February 2008)

After investigations and reports by MUFON (The Mutual UFO Network), Larry King once again takes on UFOs in his seemingly relentless series of investigative programs on this issue.

It is worthy of note that CNN’s top rated program Larry King Live has not only been consistent in its coverage of the UFO issue but Mr. King has been asking pointed questions about the government intelligence secrecy surrounding classified information on UFOs.

In his on-going coverage, Mr. King has featured prominent guests that include: Shirley MacLaine, film-maker James Fox, Roswell researchers Tom Carey and Don Schmitt, Nick Pope, physicist Stanton Friedman, former Governor of Arizona Fife Symington and journalist Angelia Joiner.

A spokesperson for Exopolitics Toronto, a Canadian organization dedicated to UFO Disclosure, has stated, “The in depth and on-going coverage on American national television by Larry King Live on CNN is a milestone in the disclosure process. He has managed to have on his program the most highly credentialed people involved in the search for the truth about UFOs and an ET presence. Each evening that Larry King decides to engage the UFO matter with his obvious conviction and open inquiry, is an evening closer to a CBS, NBC or ABC investigative news program like 60 Minutes taking on this issue with the seriousness and integrity it demands and deserves. A free press in America is the key to Disclosure – like the Watergate investigation in the era of Richard M. Nixon – once the evidence is brought forward, the truth embargo imposed by the government on the UFO matter will go into cascade failure. UFO Disclosure is currently bookmarked between the threat of an American attack on Iran and the existing energy crisis. The Disclosure of an UFO/ET presence will absorb each event.”

Larry King seems to want to be part of this unrelenting process of Disclosure.

Tune in to Larry King Live today Friday July 11 at 9:00 ET/6:00 PT on CNN.

Larry King Live -


July 18 Larry King Guest List (tentative)

Segments 1 & 2
LA Robert Hastings
LA Bob Salas (USAF ret)
LA Bob Jamison (USAF ret)
TBA, IL Dr. Bob Jacobs (USAF ret)

Segment 3
Adds skeptic Bill Nye "The Science Guy"

Segment 4-7
LA - Stanton Friedman
LA - James Fox
LA - Bill Nye


From: Robert Hastings

This is to let you know that I will be appearing on Larry King Live next Friday, July 18th, to discuss my UFO research. Appearing with me will be three former U.S. Air Force officers who were involved in nuclear weapons-related UFO incidents:

Bob Salas, a Minuteman missile launch officer at Malmstrom AFB, was on duty in his underground launch "capsule" one night in March 1967 when a UFO hovered over the site and somehow shut down most (possibly all) of his 10 missiles. An identical incident occurred at another launch facility outside of Malmstrom two weeks earlier.

Bob Jamison, a Minuteman missile targeting officer at Malmstrom, was involved in bringing some of those missiles back online. Jamison and his team were explicitly told during a briefing that UFOs had caused the shutdowns and were ordered, for their safety, to stay on base until all reports of UFO activity had ceased. Only then was the team allowed into the missile field.

Dr. Bob Jacobs, a photographic officer, was filming an Atlas missile test at Vandenberg AFB, in September 1964, when a UFO suddenly appeared near the separated dummy nuclear warhead while it was in flight downrange. Jacobs and another officer, Major Florenze Mansmann, state that the film showed the UFO circling the warhead and shooting beams of light at it. Seconds later, the warhead tumbled out of sub-orbit, well short of its target. The film was reportedly confiscated by two CIA agents who visited Mansmann at VAFB.

Furthermore, my 581-page book, UFOs and Nukes, is finally finished and will be available ONLY at my website,, beginning July 18th.
I hope you can watch the Larry King show.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


June 23, 2008

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PRG Update - June 30, 2008

Wikipression Redux

Wikipedia is the 7th most popular website in the world (Alexa) and an information source for tens of millions of netizens.    It is international - only 26% of its users are from the U.S.   The English language component is overseen by approximately 2000 "Administrators" who operate within an esoteric protocol labyrinth.   It is also a work in progress with many problems.   Whatever those problems it has become a power on the Internet and what it does matters.  

Soooo, when it repeatedly trashes and undermines an important article "exopolitics" then deletes it without the slightest interest in what experts in the field have to say, that's a problem.  When a lengthy article on Mr. Ed the talking horse is readily available, but an article on Exopolitics is not, it sends the wrong message to the larger community.

For the earlier PRG Update on this matter see:

The principal problem with Wikipedia right now is the abuse of power and endemic arrogance of the Administrators.   Administrator "Sandstein" has received numerous posts to his user page regarding the exopolitics article.  Here verbatim are some of his responses (bold added by PRG):

The article Exopolitics was removed based on community consensus as established in the following discussion: Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Exopolitics (2nd nomination). According to our deletion policy, no further basis for deletion, such as knowledge about the subject, is required or expected.  Sandstein  15:14, 16 June 2008 (UTC)

Listen, Jeffinantlanta, I have neither the time nor the inclination to respond to this. It really sounds like a good parody of the rantings of a "deluded conspiracy theorist" TV stock character. So, a final time: It is not I who decided to delete Exopolitics, but our community of editors. If you want to contest the deletion of the article, you must appeal to the community. You can do this at the page WP:DRV. Please stop badgering me about this. I can't tell you any more.  Sandstein  07:33, 29 June 2008 (UTC)

That is not a reason to undelete Exopolitics. See WP:DP and WP:DRV. Incidentally, such requests are usually prefaced with "please", at least in polite society.  Sandstein  21:27, 23 June 2008 (UTC)

I've had it with you people now. Wikipedia is not the place for you to push your WP:TRUTH. Go write about UFO conspiracies on your personal websites or blogs, please, but do not bother editing Wikipedia if you have no intention of cooperating civilly. This is a privately operated website, editing it is a privilege and not a right, and I have just removed that right from StephenBassett (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · logs · block user · block log).  Sandstein  21:53, 29 June 2008 (UTC)

Editing from StephenBassett (your account, IP address, or IP address range) has been disabled by Sandstein for the following reason(s):  Single-purpose WP:TRUTH account, no useful contributions, trolling at my talk and at

[Administrator Sandstein also deleted PRG executive director Stephen Bassett's User page.   The basis for this?  He felt Bassett's User page was too much about, well, the User.  They delete articles, they delete Users.   One is reminded of Joseph Stalin's apparatchiks working in the Kremlin's back rooms erasing "undesirables" from thousands of photos - making them disappear from history.]

Since Bassett is blocked from editing and creating articles and has no User page, it will necessary to others to put up a new Exopolitics article.  However, all indications are that such an article would be deleted quickly. It may be more appropriate to exercise your First Amendments rights for a while and let Wikipedia know that an oligarchy is not what the founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales, had in mind.

A new article can be put up when Wikipedia shows as much respect for the most important issue of our time as it does for its article on Soupy Sales.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


June 23, 2008

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PRG Update - June 23, 2008

Censorship Rides Again - Wikipression

Media have the right to print what they want.   When they choose to not write about an issue you hold dear, that is not censorship, that's First Amendment free speech.  If they write about it poorly, it's not censorship, it's incompetence.  Now if a third party, say the government, tells media what and how to cover an issue, THAT's censorship.   As it happens the Internet has created global constructs which billions of people are sourcing.  This creates new realms for censorship to manifest.     Two examples involving PRG:

First Google deletes/blocks pages from the top of search results, now after two years an Administrator at Wikipedia has removed the "Exopolitics" article from the online "people's" encyclopedia.   This from a publication with huge articles on Britney Spears, the Incredible Hulk and Mr. Ed (the talking horse).   Efforts to get the article reinstated were rebuffed, and essentially impossible, given the absurd complexity of the process.

Wikipedia is a powerful concept.   Six percent of all netizens use it.  It draws upon the collective intellectual resource to create something with huge potential.  Sadly, in order to deal with attendant issues such as inaccuracy, vandalism and malicious intent, operationally it has become an impenetrable, incomprehensible labyrinth populated by crypto-fascist geeks who rule over imaginary fiefdoms while hiding behind screen names.

The Administrator/CFG in this instance who deleted the "Exopolitics" article goes by the screen name "Sandstein."  His home in Wikiworld is located at: 

He has no knowledge of exopolitics, its history or the attendant issues and his "decision" was derived from a mock consensus of a few other CFG's who know even less - a rationale based upon the premise that collective ignorance is somehow smarter than individual ignorance - a case of the arrogant leading the blind.

Google deletes the Open Letter to Senator Hillary Clinton web pages at or near the top of the search results going into the key Indiana and North Carolina primary elections, which miraculously reappear a few days after the elections are over.   Now Wikipedia has deleted the "Exopolitics" article which had been in place for over three years.  

Every time this kind censorship by non-governmental entities takes place PRG is going to point it out and name names.   The Truth Embargo remains in place because people and organizations not only believe the government's propaganda, they step up to help enforce it.

Neither government suppression nor censorship by the likes of Google or Wikipedia will prevent the inculcation of exopolitics into the mainstream or the end to the Truth Embargo.  If you believe that exopolitics should have an appropriate article in the mighty Wikipedia, feel free to convey your views to Sandstein via the above link. 


Robert Bletchman
Obituary at:

PRG regrets the passing of Robert Bletchman.  Bob was the public relations director for MUFON and an advisor to CUFOS. He organized symposia at the United Nations to advance the subject of UFO's and taught an adult education class on UFO phenomena.  Bob was an activist and helped to develop the idea of UFO state ballot initiatives ten years ago along with Larry Bryant and Bruce Widaman. 

He did not live long enough to witness the end of the Truth Embargo, but he helped bring it about.  Our thoughts go out to his family.


PRG Launches the Exopolitics United States Network (EUSN)

Like the Exopolitics World Network (EWN), the EUSN will be a network of websites (which may or may not have organizations attached), one per state, which track exopolitical developments within each state, link to other exopolitical sites and whatever else the webmaster wishes to engage.  

Like the EWN it is all volunteer.  The only criteria required for listing on the EUSN central hub is an URL and naming protocol, i.e.,   Exopolitics - Montana,  Exopolitics - California,   Exopolitics - Missouri.

The websites for Arizona, Florida and Georgia are in development.

PRG is looking for webmasters to create sites in the other 47 states and the District of Columbia.    Preferably you are a resident of the state in question, can create a website, have some knowledge of UFO/ET issues and history.  It would be your URL, your site and your project.    Others who are interested but can't create a website may want to help out and will be referred to the webmaster for that state.

Only a few nations are large enough for such an intranet. They include Canada, China, India, Australia and Russia. PRG will not attempt to create intranets for those countries, but hopes others will and will use similar URL and naming protocols.

The goal is simple: to create as quickly and inexpensively as a possible a powerful presence on the Internet search returns for "Exopolitics" and build a worldwide movement to end the Truth Embargo.

If you would like to create the EUSN site for a particular state, please contact PRG ASAP.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


June 1, 2008

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PRG Update - June 1, 2008

Denver  Ballot Initiative and Press Conference
All Politics is Local - even Exopolitics  (May)

A Denver resident, Jeff Peckman, is attempting place a ballot initiative into the November election calling for an ordinance to create an 18-member Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission.  According to the proposal, the 18-member ET commission would "create a responsible, common-sense strategy for dealing with issues related to the presence of extraterrestrial beings on Earth," among other tasks.   Four thousand signatures are required.    A support petition is located at:

"The evidence is irrefutable that there are extraterrestrials that have visited earth frequently," said Peckman, who believes the government is covering up encounters.

Peckman's effort is reminiscent of state ballot initiatives in 1999 and 2000 in Arizona and Missouri by Robert Bletchman and Bruce Widaman.   This time around there has been greater coverage with relatively straight articles in all major Colorado papers and numerous television segments.  

On May 30 Peckman held a press conference in Denver to discuss the Ballot Iniative and other matters.  Those other matters included showing one of the Stan Romanek contact videos of an alleged alien looking through a window of Romanek's house.   This was announced in advance and the media attention was nothing short of extraordinary.   Peckman received calls from virtually every news talk show on network television.  Whatever the media assessment of the Romanek video, the Ballot Initiative has now received broad attention which may insure the needed 4000 signatures are obtained.   Also, the Romanek case can expect much more attention.

As it happens all of this and the Denver ballot signature process will overlap with the Democratic Party Convention in August in Denver.   A coincidence perhaps, but PRG applauds the strategy.

Gary McKinnon Case

The extradition hearing in the House of Lords for UK computer hacker, Gary McKinnon, has been set for June 16.  McKinnon is accused of hacking into US government computers.  He claims he was searching for information on government actions as regards UFO phenomena.  McKinnon faces substantially greater punishment should he be extradited.  If he loses his appeal in the House of Lords, another appeal could follow in the UK or possibly the European Court of Human Rights.

In either case there is a possibility that McKinnon could be brought to the United States for trial sometime between the party conventions and the November election, which could have exopolitical implications.

Exopolitics United Kingdom has created a support site for McKinnon at: 

New Info on Upcoming Conferences

1st Annual Mysteries of the Universe Conference
June 7, 2008
Kansas City, MO
Intrigue Park Place Hotel

Conspiracy Con 2008
June 7-8
Santa Clara, CA
Marriott Hotel

2008 Shag Harbour UFO Festival
August 8-9
Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada
Barrington Passage Curling Club

2008 Culture of Contact
September 18-21
New York, NY (Chelsea)
Alex Grey Gallery

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


May 17, 2008

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PRG Update - May 17, 2008

Citizen Hearing

This is not a funding request (to you).  Rather it is a referral request regarding the Citizen Hearing.  The time is now ideal for this project of PRG and X-PPAC to proceed with a target date of April 2009.  Depending upon the degree of audio/visual production the Citizen Hearing will cost between $200,000 and $300,000.  See proposed Budget (

If you are acquainted with someone who has worked to achieve the kind of financial success in their life which would permit them to back a project of this scope, please commend to them the website for the Citizen Hearing.    And, of course, I would be happy to meet with any interested party at a time and place of their convenience.

PRG Fox News Appearance - May 14  (scroll down to "Are they out there?" video

Based upon several past appearances on Fox News which were handled quite well, PRG was a bit surprised at the treatment given by Fox to this segment.  That said, points that needed to be made were made, and PRG looks forward to being back on Fox News again.

X-Conference DVDs

DVDs of all four X-Conferences are now available from Paranormal Matrix.

PRG News Coverage Archive

Mainstream media articles targeting UFO/ET phenomena and related issues continue to be generated around the world at an unprecedented pace.  They are turning up faster than PRG can log them into the Archive.   Which is why the PRG News Coverage Archive has achieved a milestone having now listed over 2000 MSM articles.

PRG Speaking Schedule  (Stephen Bassett)

July 3-6       Roswalien Experience 2008   Roswell, NM
July 3-6       Roswell UFO Festival   Roswell, NM
July 14-15   33rd International Institute of Integral Human Sciences Conference   Montreal, Canada
Nov 7-9       6th Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference   Las Vegas, NV

Google Censorship Issue - Update

After the primary election was over Google was contacted by a national reporter about the blocking issue and within 24 hours some related pages reappeared but not the PRG source page.  After Google was contacted a second time by this reporter the PRG source page with the Open Letter turned up on the Google listings for a few hours before disappearing once again.  This happened several times.  The PRG source page would be accessible by very strict search criteria, it would disappear for a day or two before reemerging again under strict search criteria.   On the other hand the PRG source page and other pages remained at or near the top of the Yahoo and MSN search returns for - Open Letter to Senator Hillary Clinton - which has been the case since May 1.  

Search algorithms are extremely complicated, but it is well known that page listings can be blocked using various methods.  Google's censorship policy statement indicates that a notice would appear in the case of a blocked page.  No such notice has appeared.

Fortunately, as of the evening of May 10 any restrictions of the PRG source page for the Open Letter were lifted.  The PRG source page has worked its way back to the top of the listings where it was on May 1, five days before the election, and the Open Letter is now appropriately represented on Google as it has been on Yahoo and MSN.   Nevertheless, PRG wants to speak with an attorney representative from the Google legal department so that it can be determined why this source page (and for a while other pages) was blocked, who authorized the block and how to resolve the matter in a fair and reasonable manner for both parties.

Until Google is forthcoming with a satisfactory explanation the specter is raised that a multi-billion dollar, multi-national corporation used the #1 search engine in the world to manipulate search returns regarding a major issue impacting a leading presidential candidate leading into a do-or-die primary election.    If true, this would call into question the integrity of all Google search returns.



4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


May 9, 2008

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PRG Update - May 9, 2008 - Google Blocking

To All Surpporters of the Disclosure Process:

The home page for PRG's Open Letter to Senator Hillary Clinton located at:

remains fully blocked by Google from appearing on the Google search listings after it initially rose to the top of the search listings circa May 1.

A mainstream media journalist contact of PRG is pressing Google for an explanation and so far is getting nothing but noise back from Google.

There has been no problem whatsoever at Yahoo where this page is fully listed under the appropriate search criteria.  PRG applauds Yahoo.

Please post The Open Letter to Senator Hillary Clinton letter on your websites and forums.   If you cannot post the letter, then link to the page.

PRG will do its best to find out why this page was blocked, who blocked it and whether there is any connection to someone within the Clinton campaign staff.

PRG will not be censored by Google or any other billion dollar multi-national corporation without a fight.

Stephen Bassett
Executive Director
Paradigm Research Group



4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


February 6, 2008

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PRG Update - X-Conference/George Noory - 2/6/08

X-Conference 2008 - April 18-20 - Hilton Gaithersburg (Washington, DC metro area)

Breaking News: Colin Andrews, the renowned crop circle researcher, will make his first appearance at the X-Conference.   More speaker additions are expected as PRG works hard to bring together as many of the legendary Aviary as possible to lecture or appear in panel.

PRG is also pleased to announced a special two hour event with Coast to Coast AM's George Noory, host of the number one late night talk show in America, making a rare appearance on the East Coast.   George, who has always been a great supporter of the disclosure effort, will talk with and take questions from his fans.  This separately ticketed event will be a designated fund raiser to benefit Paradigm Research Group and exopolitics.   Much thanks, George.

George will also give a short Keynote at the Saturday evening Banquet.  It is anticipated he will broadcast the Friday, April 18 Coast to Coast AM program from the local WMAL AM 630 affiliate likely featuring guests speakers from X-Conference 2008.


As of today X-Conference 2008 will include: seven PhDs, one MD, two Astronauts (Mitchell & O'Leary), one of 12 humans who have set foot off the planet earth (Mitchell), a former Defence Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of Canada (Hellyer), the host of the number one late night talk show in America (Noory), the world's leading crop circle researcher (Andrews), one of the most inside people from within government regarding UFOs, remote viewing and psychic phenomena (Alexander), one of the key figures in the Rockefeller Initiate (Jones), the leading expert on alternative and alleged ET derived technology (Valone), the most important living Roswell witness (Marcel), three members of the legendary Aviary (Maccabee, Jones and Alexander), the leading researcher on the presidential connection to the UFO/ET issue (Cameron), two leading media researchers (Simone and Hansen), the resident field historian and recent television star (Dolan), the heart and soul of exopolitics in Canada (Bird and Viggiani), a former CNN News anchor (Jones), and more TBA.

This is simply one of the strongest and most focused group of speakers ever assembled to address the most important issue of our time.

Register now at: [Registration] 

Book rooms now (the hotel will sell out) at the Hilton Gaithersburg at:  301-977-8900 [Special rate booking code: X-Conference 2008]

PRG Media Archive

The amount of mainstream news coverage of the UFO/ET issue is now clearly at unprecedented levels.   The PRG Media Archive is logging in articles at pace to exceed 1200 for 2008.   This is a 250% increase over 2007 and a 650% increase over 2006.

PRG is also seeing a significant change in attitude on the part of media outlets, talk shows, reporters and editors (with some notable exceptions).   The power of the modern, multi-tiered media structure is on the verge of being unleashed on the UFO/ET issue.   Anyone who paid attention to Watergate, Irangate or Lewinskygate knows what that means.

Can a 60-year truth embargo on acknowledging a reality a major portion of the world's people have already suspected is true, survive such an onslaught?

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


January 15, 2008

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PRG Update - Part II - January 15, 2008

Sighting Media Coverage

A significant sighting has occurred in San Diego which has comparisons to Phoenix in 1997 and some Mexico sightings.   It is developing and has received some national coverage.  Another in Texas has been linked on the Drudge Report which receives in excess of 20 million page views a day.   The Drudge Report also previously linked to the Chicago O'Hare Airport sighting articles.  If the San Diego sighting, which occurred on New Years Day, is indicative of Mexico-type events moving north of the Rio Grande, the implications are non-trivial. 

San Diego:

X-Conference 2008

At this time the conference looks to include the following: 15 Lectures/Keynotes of either 30, 45, 60 or 90 minutes, 2 Panels (The Aviary, Plenary), 4 Documentaries, Tribute to Dr. John Mack, Friday Speakers Party, Saturday Banquet, PRG Awards, Monday PRG press conference (National Press Club).

The Aviary Panel:  PRG is seeking to bring as many of the legendary Aviary as possible to X-Conference 2008 to participate in a panel and in some cases to lecture.  This Panel would be unprecedented.   If you are not familiar with the Aviary, just Google:   Aviary UFO.   However, be aware that what you will find is a mixture of fact, fiction, myth and, perhaps, disinformation.   Come to X-Conference 2008 to sort it all out.

Tribute to Dr. John Mack:  Dr. Mack and PEER (Program for Extraordinary Experience Research) were instrumental in PRG Ex. Dir. Stephen Bassett's entrance into the field of extraterrestrial-related phenomena research/activism.    John Mack is one of the most important people of the 20th Century.   His recognition as such by mainstream society is only a matter of time.  Until then PRG is pleased to honor him at X-Conference 2008.

PRG Media Archive

If the number of mainstream news stories being logged in through the first 10 days of 2008 continues at the same pace, it will result in 927 articles in 2008 vs. 472 in 2007 and 186 in 2006. 

PRG Video/Audio Archive

The number of UFO/ET/Exopolitical videos being archived on YouTube/Google and other sites is increasing exponentially.  It impossible to keep up.   The new reality of Internet video is quite simply going to put unbearable pressure on the UFO/ET truth embargo.  It is too vast to dilute sufficiently with disinformation and too fast to anticipate.  Nothing short of a shut down or governmental takeover of the Internet will stop this process.  PRG has now archived about 300 selected videos for easy access.   The goal is to reach 1000 and stop.  More is not necessary as these sites usually show related videos with every viewing, which allows for easy linked browsing.

UFO Magazine Article

Stephen Bassett has written a "media year in review" for the next issue of the UFO Magazine.

PRG (Stephen Bassett) Appearance and Media Schedule

February 9 - Exopoltics Radio - Interview with Alfred L. Webre -
March 1 - WHFR 89.3 FM Detroit  - We Are Not Alone w/ David Twitchell -
April 18-20 - X-Conference 2008 (Gaithersburg, MD) -
July 3-6 - Roswalien Experience 2008 (Roswell, NM) -
July 10-20 - International Institute of Integral Human Sciences (IIIHS) Conference (Montreal) -

Fund Raising

PRG recently sent out a fund raising letter and one follow-up letter to the 6000+ PRG Updates list.  Much thanks to those who have responded with support.  The goal was 1 in 5 and right now its at 1 in 200.    One more follow-up letter will go out shortly and that will be it for 2008.    PRG will not become an NGO always in fund raising mode peppering all with email requests.  

The dramatic expansion in media coverage, new sightings, actions by foreign governments and the ongoing presidential campaign create an unprecedented opportunity to break the truth embargo.   All that is needed is the funding to act at all appropriate levels.

PRG Contributions:

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


January 4, 2008

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PRG Update - January 4, 2008
Part I

ABC News Presidential Debates - Saturday Evening, January 5, 7-11 pm EST

There will be an unprecedented double header debate tomorrow night with both party's candidates.   Every effort is being made to get more UFO/ET related questions into play.   It is notable the Wall Street Journal published a serious, front page article on the Kucinich sighting event on January 2.   [See: ]     Keep your fingers crossed and be sure to watch.

X-Conference 2008 - the Insiders II   []

The April 18-20 conference is on schedule.  Registration is open at the website.   The Hilton Gaithersburg is booking rooms ($89/night single or double).

An extraordinary group of speakers, panelists and keynoters is being assembled.    The speaker lineup to date is:  Stephen Bassett (Co-Host, Panel Moderator); Cheryll Jones (Co-Host); Paul Hellyer; Astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell* (Keynote); Dr. Jesse Marcel; Astronaut, Dr. Brian O�Leary; Dr. Tom Valone;  Dr. John Alexander (Aviary); Dr. Bruce Maccabee (Aviary); Dr. C. B. "Scott' Jones (Aviary); Grant Cameron; Richard Dolan; Victor Viggiani, Mike Bird, Rob Simone, Terry Hansen, more TBA.    * pending final commitment

As a special feature for April PRG is trying to bring together as many members as possible from the legendary "Aviary" to participate in an Aviary Panel and to lecture.  This would be an unprecedented presentation.   PRG is committed to exploring and understanding the entire history of the UFO/ET era from inside and out.  There are so many stories yet to be to told, particularly from those within government who engaged the issue.   Ultimately the resolution of this extraordinary circumstance should be a joint effort between the people and the government.  The more we know, the better the outcome.

Regardless when you plan to register, if you plan to stay at the Hilton, you need to book your rooms now.  The Booking Code is "X-Conference 2008."   The Hilton Gaithersburg:  301-977-8900  ($89/night single or double)

PRG Media Archive  []

The PRG Media Archive has now passed 1700 articles (mainstream, no alternative media, no tabloids).  It is easily the largest compilation of accessible articles relating to the UFO/ET issue on the Internet.   It is notable the number of articles listed for 2007 (467) is two and one half times the number for 2006 (186) from the same sources.  While this is not a scientific indicator, it is difficult not to be stunned by the implied increase in mainstream news coverage of this issue in 2007.   If this level of coverage continues or increases in 2008 during the presidential campaigns, the truth embargo is going to come under considerable pressure.

Rockefeller Initiative Page  []

PRG has created a very important page on the PRG website based upon the work of researcher Grant Cameron.   It is the most comprehensive compilation on the internet addressing the effort by Laurance Rockefeller between 1993-1996 to convince President Bill Clinton to effectively be the "Disclosure President."   163 pages from the 900+ pages obtained via FOIA from the Clinton Office of Science and Technology Policy by Grant Cameron have been archived on the PRG site for easy access.  More will be going up.

Considerable effort is being made to bring this page to the attention of the political media following the presidential campaigns.  The goal is to see the RI introduced as questions in the campaign debates.  Senator Hillary Clinton is the primary focus, but all candidates will be pressed to answer these questions relating to the UFO/ET issue.

Also, more documents are now emerging from the Clinton Presidential Library thanks to more FOIA submissions by Grant Cameron.  Barring substantial redactions or outright misconduct by the Library it is expected that documents further confirming the RI will turn up and will be posted immediately.

X-Conference 2007 Photo Gallery []

The photo gallery from X-Conference 2007 is now up.  Many thanks to those contributing photos.  In addition to the website gallery, many more photos can be viewed at PRG's Flickr account:  []

If you have photos from X-Conference 2007 (or 2005 and 2004) you would like to see in the PRG Gallery, please email them to PRG.  In fact, email any photos from any event you think would be appropriate for the Gallery.


The film footage of the X-Conference 2008 September 17 NPC press conference was lost due to technical problems.  If anyone else filmed that press conference, please contact PRG ASAP.  Much thanks.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


November 29, 2007

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November 29, 2007
1st Follow-up to the October 28 Funding Letter to the PRG Updates List

Washington, DC -  As indicated in the October 28 funding letter, due to the vagaries of email in the era of the "war on spam," as much as 70% of any single mailing, even to targeted lists, is either diverted by filters or never opened.   Consequently, this is the 1st of two follow-up letters to the PRG Updates List regarding a rare open contribution request.  There will be just one more.  If you did receive the first one, there is some new information here.

We are on the verge of significant breakthroughs within the context of the very long, but very important presidential campaign which still has 11 months to go.   PRG is poised to have an impact if it can operate in a vigorous and persistent fashion over this period.  

There are approximately 5000 individuals on the PRG Updates list who, like few others, are very aware of its work over the past eleven years. If but one in five of these individuals were to contribute $100 at this critical time, the funds raised ($100,000) would dramatically empower PRG to move aggressively to bring the ET/Disclosure issue to the forefront of the political process.  It is a unique opportunity.  [Note: contributions from 1 in 312 have come in to date.  Much thanks.  Making progress.]

Here is a snapshot of what is happening:

  • The exopolitical perspective got some top tier news coverage:,,

  • Bill Richardson spoke to the ET issue on the campaign trail -

  • Dennis Kucinich was asked about his UFO sighting by Tim Russert at the Democratic debate:

  • Governor Bill Richardson was asked about his written statements regarding the 1947 Roswell events by Chris Matthews:

  • The Coalition for Freedom of Information secured a landmark court ruling which requires NASA to release documents on Kecksburg case -

  • An important Larry King Live program was aired on November 9 with James Fox, Fife Symington, Colonel Charles Halt, Sgt. Jim Penniston, and John Calahan.  James Mcgaha, the obligatory debunker, fell flat.

  • Shirley MacLaine aggressively reentered the fray with an appearance on the November 9 Larry King Live program and numerous other television interviews.  She is putting considerable pressure on Dennis Kucinich and may pressure other political figures on the UFO/ET issue.   Her comment in her new book, Saging While Aging, about Kucinich's sighting of a large triangle craft triggered the debate question from Tim Russert.    Kucinich sighting event:

  • A significant and highly structured witness press conference was held at the National Press Club by James Fox and the Coalition for Freedom of Information.

  • CNN Senior Vice President David Bohrman revealed his bias toward the UFO/ET issue leading into the November 28 GOP YouTube debate.

  • The X-PPAC question is not asked at the Nov. 28 CNN debate but continues to be viewed -

  • X-Conference 2008 is well timed for April 18-20.  Marketing is just beginning and new funding will be very helpful.

Once again, two quick caveats:  some of you have already provided PRG substantial support.   If so, please put this request aside for now.  You have already helped greatly and it is appreciated.   And some of you, while maintaining your presence on the PRG Updates List, do not agree, in some cases vociferously, with the approach PRG and X-PPAC have taken.  If so, please put this request aside.  You should, of course, not consider it appropriate to financially support efforts you feel ineffective.   But your willingness in spite of your disagreement to remain on the list and follow PRG's work is appreciated.

I will not go into further detail about PRG's work over the past decade for the simple reason that, with few exceptions, everyone on the list already knows.

PRG is ready to move forward with new projects in addition to X-Conference 2008.  If one in 5 on the PRG Updates list would provide $100, the $100,000 raised will make that all happen in a timely fashion.  

     Pay Pal Contributions:
     Or mailed to:  Paradigm Research Group, 4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814

To all those who value the power of truth in the hands of the people and not just the government,  thank you.

Stephen Bassett
Executive Director

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


November 7, 2007

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Media Notice - 11/7/07

Washington, DC - The full hour of Larry King Live on Friday, November 9 will be devoted to UFO/ET phenomena.   There will be a number of government witnesses of rank and station.  The program airs at 9 pm EST and is usually repeated later in the evening.


James Fox, the producer along with Tim Coleman, of "Out of the Blue" - the best documentary on the subject of UFOs and government posture created to date - brought the program together.


This program is very significant due to its content and the timing concordant with the controversy developing around what current presidential candidates are saying about the subject matter.

PRG very strongly suggests that reporters, editors and publishers watch this program in order to better understand the most profound news story in history now close to reaching critical mass.  They must decide once and for all whether to engage this issue.

For those who are not in the media:  watch the show, tape it, and get portions up on video archive sites ASAP.  Contact your local papers and representatives in Congress and suggest they watch the program.  Spread the word to your contact lists, blog sites, Face Book, My space, etc.  There is a storm coming, and in the eye of this storm is Disclosure.

Also, the Larry King Live program is prelude to an equally important press conference - also assembled by James Fox - scheduled for 11 am, Monday, November 12 at the National Press Club.  More government witnesses of rank and station will be presented at that time.


Contact: Stephen Bassett
                Executive Director

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


October 28, 2007

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Funding Letter to the PRG Updates List  - October 28, 2007

First some recent developments:

Landmark Court Case Requires NASA to Release Documents on UFO Cases -
Efforts to insert the Disclosure issue into the presidential campaign continue
      Bill Richardson speaks to the ET issue on the campaign trail -        
      Dennis Kucinich had significant sighting event - Shirley MacLaine -
      X-PPAC question still in play for the Nov. 28 CNN debate -
The exopolitical perspective is getting some top tier news coverage                    

Washington, DC - This is a rare, open contribution request from PRG.   We are on the verge of significant breakthroughs within the context of the very long, but very important presidential campaign which still has 12 months to go.   PRG is poised to have an impact if it can operate in a vigorous and persistent fashion over this period.

There are approximately 5000 individuals on the PRG Updates list who, like few others, are very aware of its work over the past eleven years.

If but one in five of these individuals were to contribute $100 at this crucial time, the funds raised would dramatically empower PRG to move aggressively to bring the ET/Disclosure issue to the forefront of the political process.  It is a unique opportunity.

Before continuing, two quick caveats:  some of you have already provided PRG substantial support.   If so, please put this request aside for now.  You have already helped greatly and it is appreciated.   And some of you, while maintaining your presence on the PRG Updates List, do not agree, in some cases vociferously, with the approach PRG and X-PPAC have taken.  If so, please put this request aside.  You should, of course, not consider it appropriate to financially support efforts you feel ineffective.   But your willingness in spite of your disagreement to remain on the list and follow PRG's work is also appreciated.

Support provided to PRG in the run-up to X-Conference 2007 made it possible to clear all outstanding balances due from the previous conferences to past speakers and lenders.    While the 2007 event was very successful, the funds to properly develop X-Conference 2008 and fully engage the political opportunities emerging are still not available.  

I will not go into further detail about PRG's work over the past decade for the simple reason that, with few exceptions, everyone on the list already knows.

PRG is ready to move forward with new projects including X-Conference 2008.  If one in 5 on the PRG Updates list would provide $100, the $100,000 raised will make that all happen in a timely fashion.  

     Pay Pal Contributions:
     Or mailed to:  Paradigm Research Group, 4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814
     Or by phone (CC):  202-215-8344

One Final Note:  given the vagaries of email in the era of the "war on spam," as much as 70% of any single mailing, even to targeted lists, is either diverted by filters or never opened.    For that reason, and that reason only, I will follow up with two more contributor mailings, after which there will not be such a request for some time to come.

To all those who value the power of truth in the hands of the people and not just the government,  thank you.

Stephen Bassett
Executive Director

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


October 10, 2007

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PRG Update - October 10, 2007 - X-Conference 2007

X-Conference 2007

The third X-Conference was completed on September 16.    Presenting speakers included: Stephen Bassett; Cheryll Jones (Co-Host); Gildas Bourdais (France); Thomas Carey; Paul Davids; Richard Dolan; Richard Farley; Steven M. Greer, MD; Paola Harris (Italy); Antonio Huneeus (Chile); Paul Kimball (Canada);Bruce Maccabee, PhD; Jaime Maussan (Mexico); Nick Pope (United Kingdom); Capt. Robert Salas (USAF ret.); Michael Salla, PhD (Australia); Donald Schmitt; Daniel Sheehan, JD; Rob Simone; Alfred L. Webre, JD (Canada).

The program was well received with strong reviews from speakers and attendees.  
Feedback is being posted as it comes in up at:

X-Conference 2008:  the next conference is scheduled for April 18-20, 2008 at the Hilton Gaithersburg.   Registration will open soon, but rooms can be booked now at:  301-977-8900 (conference rate $89).   More info at:

X-Conference 2007 Press Conference (National Press Club):   
The post-event press conference on Monday at the National Press Club also went well.   About a half-dozen reporters were present along with 30 attendees.   A number of announcements were made including: the PRG Awards; the congressional distribution of the documentary, Fastwalkers (; a call for a witness amnesty program (Alfred L. Webre); and a new television program in Mexico (Jaime Maussan);

Washington Post Coverage:  Dana Milbank, the top political columnist for the Post, attended and did a full "Washington Sketch" piece along with a video.  This page two, half-page article was the second time in ten weeks the Post had prominently featured the work of PRG and X-PPAC.  Milbank's column is the most read in the paper and is usually featured alone on page 2 along with a half-page of advertisements.    The previous article was by William Booth and ran on page 1.   Both pieces included relevant rhetoric such as "exopolitics," "truth embargo," "black budget," "disclosure," "secret world," "politics of UFO/ET phenomena," "the ET ticket," "truth amnesty," "men in black," "crash retrievals," "deep-black, special limited access programs," "reverse engineering," etc.   Along the way they refer to Paradigm Research Group; X-PPAC; Roswell; the Malmstrom Air Force Base incident; the O'Hare Airport sighting; the French, British and Brazilian documents releases; Stephen Bassett, Richard Dolan, Roger Leir, Alfred L. Webre, George Noory, and UFOs and the National Security State.    Into this mix Milbank and Booth dropped the names of Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Hillary Clinton, Representative Dennis Kucinich, Senator John McCain, Al Gore, Senator Barack Obama, Representative Ron Paul, George Stephanopoulos, and Jimmy Carter.

This is unprecedented and may signal a fundamental change in the Post's editorial policy toward the underlying issues behind 60-years of the phenomenology and government policy.   After years of showing disrespect toward the UFO/ET issue the Post cannot simply do an about face and begin serious coverage by their top reporters.  There would have to be a transition wherein the ridicule, tongue-in-cheek modality was maintained but all the relevant information was included.    PRG will be watching closely for further indicators to such a change.

July 8, Booth article:
September 18 Milbank column:
September 18 Milbank  video:

PRG Awards: Lifetime Achievement (posthumous) - Major Donald E. Keyhoe, USMC; Lifetime Achievement (living) - Alfred L. Webre, JD; Courage in Politics - Frances Emma Barwood; Courage in Journalism - Antonio Huneeus; Disclosure - Capt. Robert Salas, USAF ret.     

More on PRG Awards at:

Congressional Delivery - Fastwalkers

A copy of the high definition documentary, Fastwalkers, has been distributed to all Senate offices along with a cover letter from PRG.    A simillar delivery will be made to the House of Representatives in about three weeks.  This is a seeding process which has been going on for a number of years to place materials on the Hill in all offices.    DVD's are particularly useful since any staffer with a laptop can view them at their leisure.   Books have also been distributed.    This project complements the documentaries being stockpiled and repeatedly televised on numerous cable channels.   It is to be assumed the homes of House and Senate members have cable, but they are either not watching or not reacting to these films.   However, it is more likely that congressional staffers are watching the cable TV documentaries.    The goal is elevated awareness on the Hill, which like a rising tide, can raise all boats.

CNN YouTube GOP Debate - November 28, 2007

The X-PPAC video question submitted for the July 23 CNN Democratic Candidate's debate has been resubmitted for the rescheduled CNN GOP debate on November 28, 2007.   New viewings and good ratings may help to elevate the question's prospects for selection.

Video question #419:

Paradigm Research Group is a non-commercial political advocacy organization.
PRG Updates are mailed on average once a month to individuals who have shown interest in UFO/ET/exopolitical issues.
To be removed from the PRG Updates List reply to:  with "remove" as the Subject.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


July 7, 2006

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PRG Update - July 7, 2006

PRG Network

All listees on the PRG Updates mail list are invited to join the PRG Network within the Living Directory Network.  Many of you are already members.  If you are not sure, go to and click on "I Forgot My Password."   Submit the email address under which you think you may be registered and wait for an immediate response.  No response means you are not a participant (under that email address) in the PRG Network.

To become a new member, click on "I Wish to Register" and follow instructions.  You will receive a confirmation from PRG in a day or two.

The Living Directory Network consists of over 200 subnetworks representing organizations such as the: 5th Women's World Conference, Bioneers, California Institute for Integral Studies, Club of Rome, Esalen, Institute of Noetic Sciences, John E. Mack Institute, National Association of Media Arts Centers, San Francisco Community Network, Votenet and the PRG Network.    A complete list of participating organizations can be accessed at:

Think of the Living Directory as a for intellectual, professional, collegial interaction.   Participation is free, voluntary and by invitation.   All Living Directory Networks are private, secure and without advertising.  One may register for invitation in any of these networks - not just the PRG Network.

Once signed up you can create a personal and professional profile, including photo. There are no anonymous activities and each person determines how accessible they are to others by how they edit their profile. To remain active you merely need to keep your email address current. (Your email address remains invisible to anyone but your group coordinator.)   Only one profile is required regardless of how many organization networks you join. 

Upcoming PRG Network Events

Organizations within the Living Directory are sponsoring events all year long, including the PRG Network.   Perhaps the most active event sponsor is Friendly Favors at

PRG is cosponsoring three upcoming events on July 12 (Russell Targ), August 15 (Paola Harris) and September 12 (Dr. Dean Radin).  All are in the San Francisco Bay Area.   Full information at:   "Events"

If you are located in or will be visiting this area, please join us.

[Note: of all the organizations within the Living Directory only two, PRG and John E. Mack Institute, deal with UFO/ET/Exopolitcal issues.   Over the years PRG has learned it is difficult to impossible to create collegial connections with mainstream organizations, even those dealing with tangential, overlapping issues.   The Living Directory creates an opportunity to have linking participation across paradigmatic barriers.  It is an important step toward the proper collaboration which will come in due time.]

Paradigm Research Group
Cell: 202-215-8344
4938 Hampden Lane, #161
Bethesda, MD 20814

3rd Exopolitics Expo - The X-Conference
TBA 2007
Tapes/DVDs available at:

Paradigm Research Group is a non-commercial political advocacy organization.
PRG Updates are mailed on average once a month to individuals who have shown interest in UFO/ET/exopolitical issues.
To be removed from the PRG Updates List reply to:  with "remove" as the Subject.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


June 26, 2006

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Paradigm Research Group
Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee

Update - June 26, 2006

Exopolitics World Hub

PRG has formally set up a new website, Exopolitics World Hub.   The ambitious goal of this project is to link together one website from each of 32 key countries - all with the same URL formats, i.e.,,,,    etc .    Each site would provide links and information regarding exopolitical developments within that country.   Ideally all sites would be published in the principal language of the country and in English.    Sites for the United States (by PRG) and Italy have been published.   Canada and Turkey are pending.   Each country may design their site as they wish, but all are welcome to draw upon the design format for    The consistency in URL and design formats will enhance the perception of an organized network.

It is expected that once these sites are operational and receiving traffic, they will quickly rise to the top listings on Google and other search engines creating a powerful sense of a global exopolitical movement.

Anyone who believes they are positioned to create and maintain a participating site for one of these countries, please contact PRG at your earliest convenience.  Individuals living in the respective country are much preferred.

X-Conference #3

The new target date for the 3rd X-Conference is now April 2007 in the Washington, DC area.   Let's face it, 2006 is proving to be an awful year, another annus horribilis, best forgotten.  After December 31 let's not speak of it again.  PRG will have to raise $50,000 to rectify the event franchise and commit to the third conference.  The effort continues.

X-PPAC Congressional Alert

Few things are more disconcerting in these troubling times than for a politically minded and observant person to watch the Congress of the United States of America stumbling around in the hallowed halls and chambers of the Capitol Building looking for a spine.  While the hunt proceeds X-PPAC will continue to point out the obvious to the esteemed Members: 1) there is an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race, 2) many people in the government and the military are well aware of this, 3) many of same have begun to speak out publicly, 4) nevertheless, the United States Government continues to maintain a truth embargo and deny the issue, 5) this truth embargo is no longer acceptable and must be resolved in favor of the public's right to know, and most importantly 6) extraordinary technology which could save countless lives and solve major problems faced by all nations remains hostage to this truth embargo and to those leaders who do not trust their own citizens and place the development of weaponry above all else.

This most recent Congressional Alert brings to the attention of Congress the availability of a new book, Majic Eyes Only: Earth's Encounters with Extraterrestrial Technology by Ryan S. Wood and a new project by PRG (see below).

PRG Quotes Page

PRG has assembled from multiple sources a powerful compilation of selected written and spoken quotes from persons of rank and accomplishment.  The near term goal is to expand this section to 100 listings.  Quotes were selected on the basis of an unambiguous relationship to the validity of an extraterrestrial presence and the history of government posture toward this presence.  Such a compilation can be very useful to advocacy, but its usefulness is directly dependent upon full sourcing: date, event, location, book, interview, etc.

Please email PRG if you can provide information pertaining to:  1) the validity of a quote,  2) the accuracy of a quote, 3) the provenance of a quote, or 4)  have a suggested quote for inclusion in the PRG Quotes Page.    Thanks.

Paradigm Research Group
Cell: 202-215-8344
4938 Hampden Lane, #161
Bethesda, MD 20814

3rd Exopolitics Expo - The X-Conference

TBA 2007

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


May 19, 2006

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PRG Update - May 19, 2006

UK Gary McKinnon Hacker Case

PRG has been following the case of computer hacker, Gary McKinnon, who is facing extradition to the United States for violating national security by hacking into government computers seeking information regarding UFOs and government cover-up.  Recently he gave a fairly impressive accounting of himself in an interview to the BBC.   See:

After some consideration PRG executive director, Stephen Bassett, has contacted Mr. McKinnon's solicitor, Karen Todner, and offered his services pro bono as an expert witness and consultant to counsel as regards the political, economic, scientific and technological implications of the extraterrestrial presence and the US Government imposed truth embargo.  Further, he has offered to make available PRG's massive database of media, research and activist contacts to assist in the preparation of Mr. McKinnon's defense.

Mr. McKinnon has broken the law and should be punished.  However, there is a real possibility the enormous pressure currently being exerted on the truth embargo may prompt the United States Government to overreact by seeking to punish Mr. McKinnon to an excessive degree.   If asked, PRG will assist to help prevent this from happening.


A study by the Ministry of Defense in the United Kingdom has just emerged and concludes there is no substance whatsoever to the UFO reports of the past 60 years - all natural phenomena.

Based upon early returns from researchers in the UK who are reviewing the 1996-2000 UFO "study" by the UK Ministry of Defense, it has every appearance of being an attempt by the UK to create a Condon Report* type propaganda effort to counter the gathering momentum for disclosure developing at that time.  When they were finished, they realized what an embarrassing piece of crap they had created and buried it.  It came to light because outside researchers, some no fans of the extraterrestrial hypothesis, requested its release under the UK's equivalent to the US Freedom of Information Act.

If you like irony and think the comparison to the Condon Report is accurate, you will appreciate the name of the UK MOD report - "Project Condign."   To add to that irony, the definition of "condign" is "adequate, deserved."   In fact, the name is so ridiculous, it is tempting to think the whole thing is a UK Government joke.   There is also the possibility the public report is a cover for a more comprehensive, classified report.  This has been done before.

As regards media coverage, the contrast between the recently disgorged UK MOD UFO report and the 2000 French COMETA report is notable.  The COMETA Report raised important points as to the validity of UFO phenomena and challenged the US to act.

The US press wanted nothing to do with the COMETA Report, made no effort to translate it, when it was translated and presented, wouldn't cover it.   The exception was freelance journalist Leslie Kean - to her everlasting credit.

The UK MOD report has been all over the US media - Reuters, NY Times, Drudge, MSNBC, CNN, FNN, many smaller papers.

That the American press went from being a formidable force for understanding the world and challenging questionable government policy circa 1970-75 to a pathetic collection of overpaid useful idiots is one of the saddest and most dangerous political realities of the 20th Century.

* The Condon Report was headed by Prof. Edward U. Condon and based at the University of Colorado (a black mark the U of C will eventually have to account for) and released in 1968.  It was an awful study but passable propaganda.   For an excellent summary of the history of the Condon Report see the following article by W. Todd Zechel:

New Publication - UFO Data Magazine

A new full color, 48 page magazine has debuted in the UK working to fill the vacuum left by the demise of UFO Magazine UK and the death of Graham Birdsall.   It is UFO Data Magazine and is edited by Russel Callaghan.

New Documentary - UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied

This new documentary is produced by Jose Escamilla Media Works, LLC.  If it is as good as its superb website, it is very good indeed.

Stanton Friedman and Michio Kaku - Together!

PRG Hall of Fame recipient, Stanton Friedman, will be the guest of theoretical physicist, Michio Kaku, on Kaku's new radio show Science Fantastic on Saturday, May 20, at 6-7 PM, EST.   The show is syndicated on 90 stations and webcast.

Kaku appeared in one of the better segments on the "Peter Jennings Reports UFOs" special on Feb. 24, 2005.  Seth Shostak of SETI will guest during the hour prior to Stanton.  It would appear Kaku, who seemed to position himself in the Jennings special on the side of the ETH, is going to engage the issue.  It is well known that a significant percentage of top scientists are in the closet regarding the UFO/ET issue.   They know, but they fear to speak candidly.    Is Kaku one of them?

Paradigm Research Group
Cell: 202-215-8344
4938 Hampden Lane, #161
Bethesda, MD 20814

3rd Annual Exopolitics Expo - The X-Conference

Hilton Gaithersburg - TBA 2006
Tapes/DVDs available at:

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


May 3, 2006

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Update - May 4, 2006

Paradigm Clock

The Paradigm Clock was reset to 11:59:45 on April 24. Partial explanations for the new time can be found at:

PRG Websites

The PRG websites portaled at have undergone a long overdue remodeling and integration. The PRG hub page at: best reflects these changes. The effect is to better highlight the total range of projects being pursued by PRG and by other diclosure focused organizatioins toward ending the truth embargo. More changes and additions are pending.

Campaign 2006: Get Out the Questions

It's another election year. For the next 6 months, people seeking a seat in the Congress of the United States will be speaking and debating across the country. They want your vote. You have the right and the obligation to ask them about any issue you see fit. If that issue is controversial, all the better. The American electorate has always had the power at its disposal to bring the implications of UFO/ET issue directly to our political leadership. The power resides in the microphones present at every debate, speech, and town hall meeting.

Confront candidates and incumbents with key questions on the issue. They want to serve you, they want your vote - therefore they had better be prepared to answer your questions. At the above URL you will find examples of questions you might copy into your word processor and take with you to the next political forum. They are direct, grounded and supportable and all have one thing in common - even if the candidate refuses to respond, the question itself will inform the public and media present who hear it.

Feel free to pass these questions on to anyone who might be in a postion to ask them.

PRG Direct™ Support Network

PRG Direct™ is a free service of Paradigm Research Group in support of the researchers, activists, media and philanthropists behind extraterrestrial-related phenomena research and exopolitics. The idea is simple.  These individuals sell books, videos and products to support their work.   While most items are available from distributors like, when you buy direct the author keeps more of the purchase - 5 to 10 times more. 

PRG Direct will link you directly to the author's websites and the selling pages for these products.  It will also provide links to business web pages of PRG supporters and the side businesses of researchers and activists. 

If you are a researcher, activist or PRG supporter and doing direct sales of books, videos and/or other products, please email PRG for possible inclusion in PRG Direct™.

Upcoming Conferences

Conspiracy Con May 27-28

ET Civilizations and World Peace June 9-11

World Peace Forum 2006 June 23-28

Paradigm Research Group
Cell: 202-215-8344
4938 Hampden Lane, #161
Bethesda, MD 20814

3rd Annual Exopolitics Expo - The X-Conference

Hilton Gaithersburg - TBA 2006
Tapes/DVDs available at:

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


April 23, 2006

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PRG Update - April 23, 2006

Paul Davids Documentary - The Sci-Fi Boys

Researcher, filmographer, artist and longtime PRG supporter, Paul Daivds, had the DVD of  his latest documentary, The Sci-Fi Boys, go on sale in Best Buy stores nationwide on March 28.   Look for them next to the record selling King Kong DVD.

Paul, who was the executive producer of the movie, Roswell, has created a nostalgic look back at the legendary pioneers of science fiction films - perhaps the most influential artistic genre in history.

Paul recently conducted an interview with some of these legends at a screening at the Egyptian Theater. has several articles about The Sci-Fi Boys and posted the streaming video of the March 21 interview.  Another edited version of the interview along with photos is located at

David Sereda/Dan Aykroyd Documentary - Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs

On May 31 David Sereda's much improved and enhanced documentary, Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs, will also hit all the Best Buy stores nationwide.  PRG predicts this will quickly become the largest selling UFO documentary in history with total sales in the millions.   Dan Aykroyd is a principal and will be promoting the video personally.   Expect David and Dan to turn up on Larry King Live on CNN and elsewhere.

If sales are as predicted, this documentary will elevate Dan Aykroyd to the status of the leading spokesperson in the world on the matters of extraterrestrial-related phenomena and a government truth embargo (cover-up).

So please spread the word about Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs.  It's success will help everyone in the field.

More details at:

Activism, the Rich and the Super Rich

Attached to this email you will find an .htm file you can open in any browser. [Go to: Billionaires ]  It contains a version of the recent Forbes Magazine's list of the world's wealthiest people.   About a dozen listees with some connection to matters ET have been bolded.  It is worth mentioning that while many on this list have made substantial sums of money from ET related movies, books and products, no one on this list has "publicly" (not aware of any private instances, but such are certainly possible) ever provided any money for either the research into extraterrestrial-related phenomena or the activism to end the truth embargo.  Should they?    That is up to each of them to decide. 

Until they do, let's not miss any opportunity to provide them the information needed to make an informed decision.  If you have a personal or business relationship with anyone on this list or have a good contact with someone who does, please try and get information to that person regarding the incipient disclosure movement.   Give them a chance to make a difference.    In most cases they are simply too busy with multiple projects to be aware of what is happening regarding this issue and its implications.  Help them out.

To further put this matter in perspective, PRG has calculated that if just $2 million were applied to a selected list of activist projects targeting specific weaknesses in the truth embargo, that embargo could be ended in mere months.   Let's use Ms. Alice Walton, net worth $15.7 billion, as an example.   Assuming a modest 5% annual growth rate on assets (be assured that is low for billionaires), $2 million is the equivalent of one days worth in appreciation on her assets.

Also consider this: as of 2004 there were 7.5 million Americans with assets in excess of $1 million for a total in excess of $10 trillion.    The entire human race is being denied the full facts regarding the most profound circumstance in history at a time when the human race and the planet are facing unprecedented challenges, and 7.5 million people with over $10 trillion in assets can't come up with $2 million to acquire those facts?

Time is running out for constructive solutions to global problems.  Anyone who cares about their children, grandchildren - all children - needs to step forward.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


November 2, 2005

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PRG Update - November 1, 2005

X-Conference 2005

The 2005 Conference Photo Gallery is now posted.  If anyone has photos from the 2005 event they would like included, please email or mail them to PRG.


PRG Awards for 2005

The PRG Hall of Fame page has been updated with the 2005 inductees.   The PRG Awards page has also been updated for 2005.   Of note is the page for Lt. Col. Philip Corso which includes documents obtained via the Freedom of Information Act which confirm his military career, education, citations and commendations.  Critics and debunkers have questioned his background.   They were wrong.


Exopolitics Column

"Exopolitics: Words and Metaphors - The Men in Gray" was just published in UFO Magazine.   PRG welcomes suggestions for additional "Men in Gray" to be added to a list in development.


X-Conference 2006

A date for a 2006 conference has not yet been set as funding is still being sought to underwrite outstanding accounts and the financial requirements for a successful third event.    The X-Conference was not created as a "business venture."  It was intended to be an extension of the truth advocacy process.  A third conference will be held if it can be conducted at a level impacting the disclosure process.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


October 19, 2005

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PRG Update - October 19, 2005

Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) Presentation - Tonight   [Events]

PRG Director Stephen Bassett will present tonight (Wednesday, Oct. 19, 6 pm) at the Institute of Noetics Sciences in Petaluma, CA.   

Dr. Edgar Mitchell was the scheduled speaker but had to cancel as his home is directly in the projected path of category 5 hurricane Wilma.  Dr. Mitchell has to prepare his family and home in advance of the storm.

Stephen will present on Consciousness, Word View and the Politics of Disclosure which will be excerpted from the Exopolitics presentations recently given at the University of Toronto, Canada and the University of Calabria, Italy.

PRG Updates recipients in the Bay Area are welcome to attend.

For complete information see "Events" at:

University of Toronto, Canada Presentation

The September 25 Exopolitics Toronto Symposium produced by Mike Bird, Victor Viggiani and MUFON Central Canada was a great success.  The highlight of the Sunday event the 30 minute presentation by former Canadian Minister of Defense, Paul Hellyer.  He served during the administration of Lester Pearson and was a contemporary of Secretary of Defense, Robert MacNamara.

Mr. Hellyer stated clearly he was convinced there is an extraterrestrial presence.  He stated he had recently reread Lt. Col. Philip Corso's book, The Day After Roswell, and contacted an Air Force general in the United States who confirmed the books major assertions.

This is a nontrivial development which will have repercussions.

Stephen Bassett followed Mr. Hellyer with the Keynote presentation.

University of Calabria, Rende, Italy Presentation

On October 5-6, 40 speaker from around the world came to Rende, Italy by invitation from Centro Ufologico Nazionale to address aspects of exobiology, ufology and exopolitics.

Stephen Bassett presented on exopolitics and ended his lecture with a call for truth.  All future exopolitics presentations by PRG will end in the same way - a mantra for change:

"I call upon the government of the United States to end the embargo withholding the truth regarding an extraterrestrial presence from the American people.  They are the sovereign citizens of a republic, they are not children, they should not be put on a need to know basis, they do have a right to know, they can handle the truth, they have a social contract with the government they pay for with their own money, and withholding seminal information from them regarding the reality of the world in which they live is not in that contract."

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


September 22, 2005

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PRG Update - September 22, 2005

Toronto Exopolitics Symposium
Sunday, September 25, 9:30 am - 3:45 pm
University of Toronto Convocation Hall

The symposium developed by Mike Bird and Victor Viggiani will break new ground.  It will mark the first time in history that any defense minister or secretary of defense of any first world nation (and possibly any nation) will state publicly that he or she is convinced the UFO phenomenon is extraterrestrial in origin.

Historian Richard Dolan will lead off with a solid summary of the national security measures taken in the US to address and suppress the UFO question.  Stanton Friedman will expand on this based upon his 40 years of research.  Former Canadian Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister, Paul Hellyer, will speak.   PRG's executive director, Stephen Bassett, will close with the keynote.  (Paola Harris has taken ill and will not be able to present.)

While the top echelon media organizations in the United States (ABC, NBC, CBS News, Washington Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, etc.) have supported the US Government imposed truth embargo, either freely or under threat, the Canadian press is not so influenced.  Consequently, there has been considerable coverage of this event and Hellyer's pending remarks by the major newspapers in Canada.    There will be many press in attendance.

If Canada were to break ranks with the United States on the matter of the extraterrestrial presence, the truth embargo would collapse.

Please attend, if you can.

Exopolitics International Lecture Tour

A press release will go out today announcing the Toronto Symposium marks the beginning of a national and international lecture tour by Stephen Bassett under the umbrella theme:  The Exopolitics of Disclosure: Why the Truth Embargo Regarding an Extraterrestrial Presence Engaging the Human Race Must End Now.   The next stop will be the Avalon Theatre in Easton, MD.   Stephen will then go to Rende, Italy to speak at the University of Calabria.   Then on to Santa Clara, CA.

The lectures will either be produced by PRG or by invitation.   The goal is to stand on the soil of every nation and call for the United States Government to end the embargo preventing the people of the planet earth from knowing the truth about their world.  This tour will continue until Disclosure has been achieved.

Anyone interested in sponsoring a lecture in their country should contact PRG at:

All upcoming lectures will be announced at:

Earth Station Roswell

PRG formally endorses the developing project led by Gene Frazier and Tom Armstrong to build a unique resort in Roswell, New Mexico which celebrates all aspects of the unfolding paradigm change heading this way.

It is a grassroots effort not springing from the big corporate arena.  It seeks to involve and honor the researchers and activists who have been working for nearly six decades to uncover the evidence and resolve the political policies preventing formal awareness of the extraterrestrial presence.

Gene and Tom have done an excellent job in building the architectural, conceptual and marketing foundation for this project.    PRG hopes they are successful in securing the funding and the land needed to make this very cool idea a reality.

PRG also hopes that all of the folks in Roswell who are aware of their city's special place in the history now unfolding will not underestimate just how big the coming opportunities will be and work together to create a plethora of projects that will make Roswell a vibrant oasis in the post disclosure world.   

Peter Jennings' Passing

Much has already been written and said about the death of ABC News' longtime anchor.  Here are two items of addendum:

Peter Jennings knew he had serious cancer before his UFO special aired.  Nevertheless, he made the rounds of all the networks, personally promoted this project and allowed it to be his last significant journalistic contribution.  While "Peter Jennings Reporting: UFOs - Seeing is Believing" was flawed, it made many strong points to a large audience.   PRG believes those with professional and financial stature in the United States usually know more about the extraterrestrial question then they publicly acknowledge.   The more your accomplishments, the more you have to lose.   In the end with much less to lose, Peter Jennings took on the greatest issue of his time.  If only he had spoken his mind with complete candidness before departing.

Jennings' death from lung cancer once again brought to the surface the appalling statistics which surround this disease.  The most profound secular event in human history is soon to take place.  The aftermath will be compelling without historical precedent   PRG invites all of its supporters and colleagues who smoke to consider this and choose not to trade in their front row seat to the greatest show of all time for what the cigarette companies are selling.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


August 3,  2005

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PRG Update - August 3, 2005
[Note: if embedded links don't work, copy and paste]

X-Conference 2006
The 3rd Exopolitics Expo has tentative dates of June 2-4, 2006 at Hilton Gaithersburg, but remains on hold pending substantial new funding currently being sought.

Upcoming Speaking Schedule for Stephen Bassett

August 12, 2005
7:30 pm (Box office opens at 5 pm)
Marjorie Luke Theater
721 East Cota Street, Santa Barbara, CA
Topic: The Extraterrestrial Presence and the Politics of Disclosure

September 25, 2005
9:30 am to 3:45 pm (4 speakers)
University of Toronto Convocation Hall
31 Kings College Circle, Toronto, Canada
Topic: Symposium on Disclosure and Planetary Directions

September 28, 2005
7:30 pm (Box office opens at 5:30 pm)
Avalon Theatre
40 East Dover Street, Easton MD
Topic: The Extraterrestrial Presence and the Politics of Disclosure

October 15-16, 2005
Sunday 8:45 am (Lecture), 9:45 am (Workshop)
The Bay Area UFO Expo
Westin Santa Clara
5101 Great American Parkway, Santa Clara, CA
Lecture: The Disclosure Show: Looking back at 10 years of exopolitical activism
Workshop: Disclosure: Why it will and must happen, how it will happen and what you need to do about it
November 4-6, 2005
Friday 8:15 pm
3rd Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference
Embassy Suites Hotel and Convention Center
3600 Paradise Road, Las Vegas, NV    
Moderator:  Speaker panel and press conference    

The Chaffinch House - Easton MD
PRG supporter and music entrepreneur, Theresa Aldao, owns a gorgeous Bed and Breakfast in the postcard perfect town of Easton, MD on the Eastern Shore.  She is arranging for UFO/ET researcher/activists to spend time at her B&B where they can round table and meet with other B&B guests who have booked for that purpose.   Lloyd Pye has been hosted, and William Henry is scheduled.

In conjunction with his appearance at Easton's famous Avalon Theatre Stephen Bassett will be at the Chaffinch House from September 26-29.   Those looking for a wonderful vacation in an idyllic setting along with private discussions with Stephen, see details at:

The National UFO Conference
September 2-4, 2005
The Renaissance Hotel, Hollywood, CA
PRG strongly supports the renewed NUFOC now homed based in Hollywood, CA at the 4-star Renaissance Hotel.   This event has the potential to develop awareness and contacts within the entertainment community regarding the work of researcher/activists.    Please support this conference with your presence and enjoy a great time and lots of fun at the Hollywood and Highland Entertainment Center.    Registration at:

PRG Network
In 2002 PRG created an Internet presence within the Living Directory Network (formerly Friendly Favors) founded by Sergio Lub.   Other pressing demands have limited development of the PRG network, but PRG will soon renew expansion of this resource.  Think of the Living Directory Network as a for ideas, activism and human potential.  Some of the nearly 200 subnets include: the State of the World Forum, Women's Environmental Network, Votenet, Institute of Noetic Sciences and the John E. Mack Institute.

You can apply to any of the subnets which interest you, but you will have a single information page connected to your subnets.  There you can place information of your choosing to help you network with others of similar interests.  Of particular value is the events module which allows you to track and schedule meetings and lectures within a single subnet or across all groups you have joined.

Internet resources like the Living Directory Network are the future of political activism and social change.  PRG looks forward to an expanded participation.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


December 27, 2004

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PRG Update - December 27, 2004

X-Conference 2005 - April 22-24, 2005
[Please feel free to repost]

Conference Status/Structure

The speaker lineup is now being posted and should be complete by January 20, 2005 (subject to change) and the presentation topics (also subject to change) should be posted by January 30.  [Speakers] [Program]   In 2005 there will be only two tracks with more break time for weary attendees.  This time the conference is over three days (Fri-Sun) - a good time to take a vacation day? 

Conference Suggestions

April, with its sublime weather and cherry blossoms, is generally acknowledged as the best time to visit the nation's capital.  The X-Conference group (code AEE) rate will be available at the Hilton Hotel four days just prior to and after the conference weekend (April 22-24).  Free shuttle access is provided to the Shady Grove metro station a few miles away.

The Hilton has unlimited free parking.  Those within driving distance of the Washington, DC area can save substantial cost by van pooling to the event with friends and family.

The three area airports (BWI, IAD, DCA), while equidistant from the hotel, are all about a $60 cab ride.  Shuttle costs are around $30 at twice the time.   Best deal: coordinate a shared cab with others flying in and get shuttle cost with cab drive time.   Reagan National Airport (DCA) does offer the option of taking the DC Metro from the airport to the Shady Grove station where the free Hilton shuttle can be called for pickup (301-948-8900) - transit time around 1 hr 15 minute.

All speakers and panelists will be provided prominent table space across from the Grand Ballroom.  There will be much opportunity to talk with the presenters.  You may want to bring previously purchased books to have autographed. 

PRG Awards

PRG welcomes recommendations of candidates for the PRG Awards to be presented at the banquet Saturday evening.  They are as follows:

  • Political Courage (living or deceased) - an elected or appointed government official, active or retired, who has demonstrated exceptional courage by engaging issues connected to extraterrestrial-related phenomena, the truth embargo or secrecy reform.  2004 - Congressman Steven Schiff.

  • Courage in Journalism (living or deceased)  - an American or foreign journalist who has demonstrated exceptional courage in the investigation and/or reporting on extraterrestrial-related phenomena, the truth embargo or secrecy reform.  2004 - Sarah McClendon.

  • Disclosure Award (living or deceased) - an American or foreign military or agency employee, active or retired, who has made an exceptional contribution to the public's right to know as regards extraterrestrial-related phenomena, the truth embargo or secrecy reform.  2004 - Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso.

  • Hall of Fame - (deceased) - exceptional contribution over many years to the truth process as regards extraterrestrial related phenomena.  2004 - Dr. J. Allen Hynek.

  • Hall of Fame (living) - essentially a life time achievement award for exceptional contribution over many years to the truth process as regards extraterrestrial-related phenomena.   2004 Stanton T. Friedman 

If you would like to nominate a candidate for any of these awards, please email PRG.


In 2005 there will be twice the Exhibitor Space, 3 days as opposed to two, 2 tracks rather than three, more break time for attendees - but the same table rates.   Vendors and Exhibitors with information based products and programs are welcome to apply for reserved space.  


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


November 29, 2004

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Media Update - November 29, 2004

Fox News Radio with Alan Colmes
December 1, Wednesday, 11 pm EST

PRG executive director, Stephen Bassett, will be interviewed by Alan Colmes during the 11 pm EST segment of Fox News Live with Alan Colmes (Hannity and Colmes) on Wednesday, December 1.  The subject will be the Politics of Disclosure (Exopolitics).

The Fox News Channel and Fox Entertainment have been consistently more responsive to extraterrestrial-related phenomena issues than the other networks.   Mr. Bassett has appeared three times with Shepard Smith as well as in Fox News/Entertainment documentaries.

Fox News Radio is syndicated nationally.  See the station locator at:,2933,130069,00.html

In the Washington, DC metro area see WMET AM 1160.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


October 1, 2004

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Update - October 13, 2004

[Please note the new (and only) phone number for PRG: 202-215-8344]

2nd Annual Exopolitics Expo - the X-Conference

PRG is pleased to announce the second X-Conference is now set for April 22-24, 2005 at the Hilton Washington, DC North/Gaithersburg. Over the next two months the website will be updated as the speaker lineup is assembled around selected themes. Every effort will be made to surpass last year's great success. To achieve this the conference has been substantially restructured drawing upon many excellent suggestions from attendees, speakers and vendors.

Changes for 2005 include: Three full days, Friday-Sunday + two tracks instead of three with 16 extended lectures, 3 panel/Q&As, 10 lecture/Q&As + each track has its own day pass (no tickets) + no primary presentations will overlap + more break time + two exhibitor rooms + full ballroom, triple screen layout + full service banquet (more time and no buffet lines) + up to 260 hotel rooms blocked + all 15,000 sq. ft. of conference space reserved for all three days + millions of dollars in new hotel renovations.

These changes will complement well received features from last year including:

Easily accessible speaker's tables + unlimited free parking + free documentary film showings + onsite duplication and sales of all lectures + and of course, an exceptional lineup of speakers focused on the issues impacting the process of disclosure.

Conference Status Report


Website registration is up and working. Speaker and program information will be posted over the next 60 days and should be complete by January 1. If you are a supporter of PRG and the X-Conference and certain you will be joining us in April, please consider signing up early. Early signups are very helpful in keeping conference development on schedule, and early room registrations are particularly helpful in working with the hotel. Thanks.


PRG have received nearly 100 speaker queries since the X-Conference was launched in September of 2003 and welcomes new queries over the next two months. It is, of course, impossible to accommodate all of these requests, but PRG is grateful for the growing interest in the event. The X-Conference themes center on government, exopolitics, historical record, social adaptation, disclosure, witness emergence, cover-up, etc. Strict phenomenology is not the focus of the X-Conference. Fortunately, there are now more than two dozen conferences (see: ) in which the pure phenomenology research is represented. For example: a presentation on the science of cattle mutilations would not be a fit. However, a presentation on government interference in cattle mutilation research, presence of black helicopters, possible government directed mutilations, etc., would be a fit. This dichotomy extends to crop circles, experiencer (abductee) stories, sighting studies, etc. (Note: the very problematic, but interesting, area of "channeled" material and other directed information is also not a fit at this time. Such material is vast and perhaps deserves its own conference.)

This in no way diminishes the importance of phenomenology research. The emergence of exopolitics (the politics of disclosure) follows five decades of a citizen/science movement and focus. The X-Conference is targeting the political resolution to this issue and the target "audience" is the Washington political and media establishment. If you have a presentation which fits this criteria, please email PRG with a brief synopsis. Thank you.


There will be more exhibitor space and time this year. PRG welcomes inquiries from high-end vendors focusing on information based products including authors with new books and artists examining paradigmatic themes.


Either a new president or a second term president will have been in office 91 days when the X-Conference convenes next year. If the nightly news is any indication, the need for disclosure and political truth processes only grows with time. The X-Conference will once again attempt to engage the political leaders and media and invite them to publicly (private doesn't cut it anymore) open their eyes. More on this later.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


October 1, 2004

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Update - October 1, 2004

Dr. John Mack (1929 - 2004)

In paraphrase of New York Mayor Giuliani, every loss of a pioneering researcher, witness or activist is too much to bear.

John Mack was one of the great men and women of the 20th Century. The national institutions do not yet know this. The American people do not yet know this. But they will in good time.

John's contributions to this world, which extend well beyond experiencer research, will be recounted over the coming weeks. His work and legacy can be most readily reviewed at

Stephen Bassett first entered the arena of extraterrestrial-related phenomena research/activism when the Center for Extraordinary Phenomena Research (PEER) founded by Dr. Mack generously offered the opportunity to come to Cambridge in 1996 and assist the Center. "Meeting John Mack was an important moment in my life. His courage and brilliance led me into this work. He was in good health with years of vital contribution ahead. He was the most accomplished and recognized academic in the world willing to speak to and examine the most controversial issue of our time. He is irreplaceable, yet must be replaced. Someone of stature within the academic community must come forward to take up his legacy."

Keyhoe, McDonald, Hynek, Schiff, Turner, Corso, Clear, Mallove, Mack and so many others have not lived to see their related work and wisdom vindicated as the truth embargo enters its 58th year. The embargo will end, and Dr. John Mack, along with Budd Hopkins, Dr. David Jacobs and others, will properly be recognized as courageous pioneers seeking to understand the human condition. On the other side of disclosure the awards and accolades will come from "mainstream" society.

Until then, a sad farewell to a great man who put compassion and understanding before comfort and convenience, truth before tenure, and made the last chapter of his life the most profound.

Ralph Nader on Coast to Coast AM

The July 25, 2004 PRG "Letter to the Candidates" [ ] included this paragraph:

"On their behalf [millions of Americans] the following open memos to three of these four candidates are posted - Bush and Kerry because either could win and Kucinich because his worldview already embraces the possibility of an extraterrestrial presence.  Nader is left out because he can’t win, has no interest in extraterrestrial-related phenomena and has rebuffed every approach to inform him on the subject"

The sentence referring to Ralph Nader was an intentioned substitute for an "open letter." Behind this "message" was admiration for a great American coupled with great frustration that a man with such an intellect and open mind would not address or take high level briefings on the extraterrestrial-related phenomena issue and concomitant truth embargo. Nader is a true independent, is not afraid to mention the "unmentionables" (with one notable exception), will not bow to the "republicrat" uniparty or the spin doctors and mercenary consultants, and is willing to take intense heat for his positions and decisions. If such a person cannot speak to the extraterrestrial-related phenomena/cover-up issue, who would dare to do so?

In this context it was gratifying to listen to candidate Nader's September 24 appearance on Coast to Coast with George Noory. Nader well knew the ET issue is a, if not the, major theme of this program. His very presence on the program was tangential to the most controversial issue in the world today. He stated the core positions of his campaign and took questions. One of those questions was as follows:

[Kevin from Connorsville, IN] I was just wondering, if you were elected president, sir, what would be your position on divulging information concerning UFOs to the American public?

[Nader] I agree the Air Force has not disclosed everything. I have no idea (laughing), I mean there's all kinds of theories, I have no idea why they don't level with the public. You know, there are suspicious this and thats, and the Air Force gets to these places. It could be something that they're doing. It could be something that some corporation is doing. As far as UFOs are concerned my answer is, "well, if they are landing on earth, how come none of them ever stay?"

[Nader] But there's the other thing. This brings to mind something really strange. This is really weird. Of all the universities in the country, of all of the colleges in the country. John Kerry and George W. Bush both hail from Yale. And of the fraternities at Yale, they both hail form Skull and Bones. And the question I want to ask is, "this oath of secrecy they take when they're undergraduates, how long does it last, what does it cover and at what point might it conflict with their presidential duties or with their relations with other bonesmen, as they're called, who may be corporations that have business with the federal government or are exposed to law enforcement potential by the federal government? I don't think it's a trivial issue. I think they ought to basically discuss it candidly, because these oaths of secrecy are supposed to go for the duration, not just when they're undergraduates. It's really weird, though. I mean, think of the probability of this happening - the same university, roughly the same time, I think Kerry was two years ahead of Bush, and the same secret society.

Ralph Nader has fielded a lifetime's worth of tough questions, but he was clearly not comfortable with this one. Since only knowledge can improve on that, PRG will again contact the Nader campaign and reiterate to the candidate that meetings with top researchers, witnesses and activists can be arranged immediately, if he truly wants to have an informed position on the most important and controversial issue of his time. They would spend their own money to come and brief him so he can speak to the American people with confidence.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


September 22, 2004

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Update - September 22, 2004

Upcoming Conferences

National UFO Conference - Hollywood, CA - October 29-31, 2004

The 41st Annual NUFOC, like the Bay Area UFO Expo, is being held at a 4-star hotel, the Renaissance, right in the middle of Hollywood's famous landmarks. It should be a fabulous weekend and clearly demonstrates how UFO/ET conference venues continue to improve. If you have been wanting to visit Hollywood, Halloween weekend is one of the best times to drop in. Stephen Bassett will be leading a panel discussion/Q&A of the exceptional conference speakers on Sunday. There is a huge entertainment complex with quality restaurants attached to the hotel. It doesn't get any better than this.

2nd Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference - Las Vegas - November 12-14, 2004

Nothing could be more important to the exopolitics of extraterrestrial-related phenomena than the issue of crashed ET vehicle retrievals. If they have taken place, the prospect of sequestered technology is put into play with global implications. Created by Ryan Wood and his father Dr. Robert Wood, a legendary researcher and contemporary of Dr. James McDonald, this conference has quickly moved to the center of this critical area of study. The Sunset Station Hotel is 3-star quality, and Vegas is still the best air/hotel/conference value in the U.S. Stephen Bassett will lead a panel discussion of conference speakers and is honored to present the Key Note address at the conference banquet.

Other Conferences

Alternate Realities Conference - Johnson City, TN - September 24-25, 2004
Crop Circle Conference in Vermont - Plainfield, VT - November 5-7, 2004
World UFO and Paranormal Expo - Denver, CO - November 6-7, 2004
Signs of Destiny 2004 Conference - Tempe, AZ - November 19-22, 2004

The X-Conference

Production of the 2nd Annual X-Conference remains on hold pending underwriting support. For samples of the very positive response to the first event see:

PRG Website

The listing for print media coverage of PRG/X-PPAC/X-Conference has been updated at:
If anyone has a link to an article about PRG etc. not in this list, please forward to Thanks.

The PRG Photo Gallery has also been updated at:
If anyone has photos for possible inclusion in the PRG Gallery, please mail or email to PRG. Thanks.

Radio/Television/Conference speaking engagements are updated regularly at:

Dr. Michael Salla

Michael Salla essentially lost his status and position at American University due to the exposure he received leading up to his speaking at the X-Conference. The AU deans did not like the "direction of his thinking." If that were the proper criteria for handing academics their hat, half the professors in the U.S. would be bagging groceries. This is an "intellectual ghetto" incident, and American University will eventually regret this maneuver. PRG will see to it. Michael is one of the nicest people in this field and demonstrated considerable courage in the months before the X-Conference. He placed both his job and his U.S. visiting status at risk in order to express his views. Whether one agrees with all of Michael's views is not relevant. What is relevant is the 1st Amendment, academic freedom and the end to the now destructive and often disgraceful 57-year truth embargo.

That said, Dr. Salla has bounced back with a new and exciting opportunity in Hawaii. That is called "making lemonade," folks.

Governor Bill Richardson

Recently Stephen Bassett had the honor of meeting with Marcia Schiff, widow of New Mexico Congressman Steven Schiff, and presenting her with the PRG Award for Political Courage given to her late husband at the April 2004 X-Conference. Who will stand with Steven Schiff's legacy?

Perhaps the Governor of New Mexico, Bill Richardson, has decided to stand with Schiff. In the foreword to the just published "Roswell Dig Diaries" (Pocket Books), which Richardson most certainly knew would come out during the presidential campaign, he states, "the mystery surrounding this crash has never been adequately explained -- not by independent investigators, and not by the U.S. government. ...There are as many theories as there are official explanations. Clearly, it would help everyone if the U.S. government disclosed everything it knows. …The American people can handle the truth -- no matter how bizarre or mundane. ... With full disclosure and our best scientific investigation, we should be able to find out what happened on that fateful day in July 1947."

Now we have a second powerful member of the Democratic Party (Richardson was the Chairman of the Democratic National Convention and on the short list for the VP slot) who has publicly placed himself on the record regarding the UFO/ET truth process. The other, of course, is John Podesta, former key aide and chief of staff to President Clinton.

How is it possible the major news networks (too busy chasing down phony political documents?) have missed this point: during one of the ugliest and most partisan political years in American history two major figures in the Democratic Party have stepped forward on disclosure and have gone untouched by the Republican Party operatives? Is it possible both the Democratic leaders AND the Republican leaders know something about the timing and direction of the disclosure process? If there is no extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race, Rill Richardson and John Podesta should have been roasted, toasted, drawn, quartered and hung by their heels in the town square by their neocon Republican adversaries - some of the toughest inside fighters American politics has ever seen. It hasn't happened. Why is that the case, Mr. Koppel (Jennings, Rather, Brocaw, Wallace)?

The CBS "60 Minutes II" Documents Fiasco

How can one not be amused at how intensely producer Mary Mapes went after the four National Guard documents which proved forgeries? How quickly they went with the story. Both "60 Minutes" programs have been repeatedly approached to address a major issue which has hundreds, if not thousands, of documents supporting the facts regarding extraterrestrial-related phenomena and a government imposed truth embargo. They do nothing. The television networks are collapsing in a gush of reality programming - a last gasp before burial - and the network news divisions keep finding new ways to make fools of themselves while the biggest news story in history sits under their noses. Thank heaven for Sheppard Smith.

NASA Genesis Mission

At times the synchronicity, metaphors and timing that occur in this world can overwhelm. Consider the fate of the returned Genesis capsule. From the moment of its inception in 1958 NASA has been a primary victim of the extraterrestrial-related phenomena truth embargo. The agency designated to explore space on behalf of the American people would not, could not publicly acknowledged any evidence it might encounter pointing toward sentient extraterrestrial beings, living or dead. The stress this has caused within the agency can only be imagined.

After so many years and many spectacular failures how odd to watch the centerpiece of the latest malfunction - a shiny saucer-like craft - wobble to the earth at 200 mph and embed itself in the sand. Turn the photo on its side and you have Roswell. Free NASA.

Paradigm Research Group
Cell: 202-215-8344
4938 Hampden Lane, #161
Bethesda, MD 20814

1st Annual Exopolitics Expo - The X-Conference

Hilton Washington DC North/Gaithersburg
Tapes/DVDs available at:

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


May 17, 2004

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Update - May 17, 2004

Dr. Eugene Mallove

PRG has noted the murder of Dr. Eugene Mallove, alternative energy researcher and theorist.   He held degrees from MIT and Harvard.  The initial indication from the police reports points to a bludgeoning during a home invasion/robbery.  His vehicle was also stolen and later recovered.   Dr. Mallove intersects and overlaps the politics of disclosure in three ways:  1) he has been a guest on Coast to Coast AM,  2) he was looking into alternative energy research, including zero-point, which may have a connection to retrieved and/or reversed engineered extraterrestrial technology, and 3) he was dealing in areas which challenge and/or endanger positions and agendas of very powerful governmental and corporate entities.

Any new murder, suicide or indeterminate death of a researcher or activist directly or indirectly connected to the politics of disclosure will be noted with even greater interest and reported.  If necessary, the "Health Watch" section of the PRG website will be reactivated with ongoing updates.   Should anyone on this list learn of such a death, please contact PRG immediately.,0,6929832.story?


The X-Conference was successfully completed and has received support and praise from attendees and speakers.   Conference write-ups and reviews will be archived in the [Press] section of the website. 

Tapes and DVD's of all Lectures and Workshops are available at Lost Arts Media.  Audio tape sets will be available shortly

A conference photo gallery section is being put together from donated photographs.  If you have any photos you would like included, please email or mail them to PRG (info in footer). Please identify, when possible, the people in the photos.   If, when the gallery section goes online, you find yourself in a photo and would prefer to either not be identified by name or removed, please let PRG know.

The first X-Conference was developed with a strong activist model, but not a strong business model.   As a result, the conference lost approximately $15,000.  While this will cause some short term stress for PRG, development of next year's conference is underway simultaneous with efforts to secure underwriting which will permit the closing of all accounts, including cancellation refunds.

PRG Awards

Five awards were given out at the X-Conference banquet.  In due course a new section will be created at the PRG website to house these awards:

PRG Award for Political Courage (posthumous) - Rep. Steven Schiff
PRG Award for Courage in Journalism (posthumous) - Sarah McClendon
PRG Disclosure Award (posthumous) - Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso
PRG Hall of Fame Inductee (living) - Stanton T. Friedman
PRG Hall of Fame Inductee (posthumous) - Dr. J. Allen Hynek

Each year PRG will present these awards in an effort to acknowledge the work that has been done around the world since 1947 in the science of extraterrestrial-related phenomena and the politics of disclosure.

American Candidate

The timing of the selection of the AC finalists is being closely held by Showtime.  It is not clear what is happening as of this Update.  The program has borrowed from new concepts such as the "Meetup."   They are holding similar get-togethers once a month around the country.  AC Stephen Bassett will be attending a "Meetup" at the Cosi Restaurant, 1919 M Street, Washington, DC, at 7 pm on Monday, May 17.  While it's not a real campaign, it's a real "Meetup."  Other ACs will likely be there - a chance to talk about the politics of disclosure - and other things.

Mexico Defense Ministry Imaging Release

The details of this event are all over the internet and will not be rehashed here.    PRG is interested in the political implications.  Consider this hypothetical: Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, releases gun camera footage of very unusual objects encountered on a military mission.  He gives this footage to an extraterrestrial phenomena researcher to show on 20/20.   Question:  Do you think Secretary Rumsfeld does this without approval from the White House?   The Mexico footage was released with the approval of President Vicente Fox and was a message to the United States that Mexico, among other nations, is growing impatient with the U. S. dominated disclosure time table. 

It is easily one of the most media covered events of its type in recent history.  It has resulted in at least two television commentary segments involving researcher/activists - one with Stanton T. Friedman (MSNBC) and one with Stephen Bassett (Fox News Channel). 

Upcoming Conferences

Ancient of Days UFOs/Abduction Conference, July 2-5 - Roswell, NM

MUFON International Symposium - July 16-18 - Denver

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


April 9, 2004

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Update - April 9, 2004

American Candidate

The reality program "American Candidate," initiated by the FX Channel and picked up by Showtime, is moving toward a summer schedule.  It is a serious project in which 12 citizens will "run for president" within the confines of the program and millions of viewers will vote their choices forward from episode to episode.  Issues which the "real" 2004 candidates would not dare touch, will be debated.  Top producers have been brought in to create the series.  It is a first of a kind program which could become a summer hit.

Stephen Bassett, executive director of PRG, is one of several hundred prospective candidates being considered for the final 12.   His platform and campaign will be based upon the 2002 Congressional election in Maryland.  Disclosure, congressional hearings, secrecy reform, truth in government, and the emerging national security state will be featured issues.  If Steve can make it onto the program, the matter of an extraterrestrial presence and the government imposed truth embargo will be part of the Showtime alternative presidential campaign.   It is an unusual and perhaps exceptional opportunity to project exopolitics to a larger audience.

But your help is needed.  Many of the prospective candidates, including Steve, have a webpage on the American Candidate website.   Visit Steve's webpage at:  for a snapshot of his campaign platform.   To the right of the photo you can click on [Supported] to add your nominating vote for Steve to be on the final American Candidate series this summer.

This is rare chance to put these issues on television during the middle of a presidential election year.  It could impact the party candidates.

Please pass the above link and this email forward to you own list.   You can have someone on American Candidate speaking to your issues.


National recording artists with 3 albums, Vyktoria Pratt Keating, will be attending and performing at the X-Conference Friday and Saturday evening.  You can learn about this accomplished performer at

The projected total attendance for the X-Conference is now 600.   The Hilton Gaithersburg is booked, but a cancellation or two may come in.  The Holiday Inn Gaithersburg is taking bookings at: 301-977-8900 - booking code PAR.   If the Holiday Inn books up, the Motel 6 across the highway can be reached at: 301-977-3311.

Attendees can register at the conference.

The interview on "Independent Expression" at has been rescheduled to air April 18.


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


March 4, 2004

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PRG Update - March 4, 2004

FYI Re: Bloomberg News Article  [extended version]

Jan. 21, 2004
Extraterrestrial edge helps the balance sheet
By A. Craig Copetas

Craig Copetas interviewed Stephen Bassett for about 15 minutes for this story.  Craig was provided many quotes with political grounding regarding the significance and context for the World Economic Forum ET seminar.   Some of these quotes only appeared in a few extended versions of the article.  Craig asked good questions with a serious tone and seemed interested in the issue.  The article does not fully reflect this.   It must be remembered, however, that reporters don't write to please themselves - they write to please their editors. [Clarification: The "30 percent confident" quote was not in reference to "contractual relationships with major corporations."  Rather, it was in reference to ET involvement with government "on the ground" as opposed to their presence about the planet (100 percent confident).]

Popular Mechanics Article

If you talk with any magazine publisher, one thing you might learn is that magazine covers are taken very seriously by publishers.   Articles can sometimes go poorly.  Internal artwork may be so-so.  But covers are another matter.    Most importantly they are critical to rack sales.  A bad cover can significantly reduce sales for a single issue.   Secondly, the cover, unlike the inside material, is the public image of the magazine.  A bad cover hangs around for a long time. 

So it is worth noting that once again the very mainstream, established Popular Mechanic Magazine has used a UFO theme for its cover artwork and lead story.   The Feb, 2004 issue, Vol. 181, No. 2, shows a large disc in support of the article, "When UFOs Arrive: What Will You Do?"   PM has done this before.   The article itself is a bit of a tease and somewhat enigmatic.  No matter.    The target audience is not the rural, uneducated bumpkins that the skeptics and disinformationists claim to be the progenitors of silly and bogus ET mythology.  It is the college educated, high tech male middle class.    The process of indoctrination continues.


After five months of development, the X-Conference website is nearly complete.  The Lecture/Workshop schedule has been plotted, but is subject to change.  All programs, save for three, have been posted.  Over 100 websites have generously added conference banner links.   Interview requests are coming in for speakers.    For those living on the East Coast within driving distance, a quick reminder, there is unlimited free parking and a full day of lectures is just $38 advance purchase.

More info at:

Other Conferences

In addition to the X-Conference there are now 20 others listed in the conference section for 2004 at the PRG website at:   More will be added each month.   Recently added: UFO/ET Congress of 2004 in Bordentown, March 27-28. See:   Immediately upcoming are the Aztec UFO Conference, March 19-21, Aztec, NM  and the 15th Annual Ozark UFO Conference, AR April 9-11, Eureka Springs, AR .    These conferences need the support of every citizen who believes the truth regarding an extraterrestrial presence must no longer be kept form the American people.   They are more than just lectures and PowerPoint presentations - they are celebrations of the 1st Amendment in the shadow of the "Secret Empire."   These conferences are the leading edge of a paradigmatic tsunami.  Grab a surfboard because "surf's up!"

Paradigm Clock

The Paradigm Clock is about to be reset.  Check the Paradigm Research Group website after March 7 to find out which way the minute hand is going to be moved and why.

UFO Magazine (US)

Beginning with the next issue, Stephen Bassett will begin a new regular column titled, "Exopolitics."  An effort is underway to syndicate this column to a limited group of mainstream publications.  Should that happen, it will be the first syndicated opinion column focused on issues surrounding extraterrestrial-related phenomena (it is possible Gabriel Green had the first such syndicated column in the 1970's, but this has not been confirmed).

There are a number of magazines devoted to alternative science and news, but it is safe to say the leading U.S. mass market publication centered on extraterrestrial-related phenomena is UFO Magazine.   All of these publications need the support of Americans who know they can no longer rely on the nightly TV news and their daily newspaper to learn about the world.    Mainstream advertisers are generally still caught in the government's propaganda trap.  Consequently, the ability of the alternative press to publish is solely dependent upon subscribers.   And, of course, this is true for UFO Magazine.    When you subscribe you keep the faith and spread the word.   Without your support the propagandists win.   This FYI does not have an economic motive.    (Bassett is not paid for his column.)   Sure, Time Magazine or U.S. News and World Report are a bit less expensive, but the ideas in UFO Magazine and others in the genre are going to change your world - soon.  Every subscriber to an alternative press is an activist in the truth process.  


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


  December 1, 2003

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Update - December 1, 2003

The X-Conference

PRG is pleased to announce the addition of Dr. Robert Wood, Ryan Wood and Peter Robbins to the speaker platform.   There is now a full contingent of 22 presenters with the Key Note speaker and additional panel discussion participants to be selected early in 2004. 

There are many fine researchers and activists with the appropriate focus who would have been invited, if there were more hours in the day.  And, of course, had the X-Conference been focused on phenomenology, many other researchers would have been candidates.   Fortunately, these researchers are presenting at other established conferences such as the Bay Area UFO Expo, IUFO Winter Conference, MUFON National Symposium and many more.   For a complete list of upcoming conferences go to:  

A score of researchers offered to speak or were referred by supporters.  These offers and referrals are greatly appreciated and will be remembered for the 2nd Annual Exopolitics Expo.   

John Lear's Appearance on Art Bell

After a long hiatus, aviator and researcher, John Lear, appeared on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell on November 12, 2003.  He presented Art a hypothetical scenario which has been circulated extensively on the Internet.   Lear asked Art to pretend the U.S. Government had selected Art Bell to make the disclosure decision after being fully briefed on the facts surrounding the extraterrestrial presence.   If these are the facts, do you authorize disclosure to the people – yay or nay?   After hearing the proposed facts, Art answered "no" and John agreed.

As it happens, John Lear had presented the same scenario to Stephen Bassett the night before he appeared with Art.   Bassett's response was "yes," and he was written an article explaining why.

See article (top of the list) at:
See Lear Briefing Scenario at:

Sci Fi Channel's "Kecksburg UFO: New Evidence"

This new documentary aired on November 21, 2003 and was excellent.  The Kecksburg case is particularly powerful because it is 18 years younger than Roswell and many more witnesses are still alive.  The Sci Fi Channel is putting significant resources into a new investigation building upon the fine work of Stan Gordon.   This Sci Fi special put considerable emphasis on the legal efforts of the Coalition for Freedom of Information and clearly placed Leslie Kean in the forefront of the Sci Fi/CFI initiative as an emerging and important figure in the truth process.   Since Leslie is an investigative journalist with mainstream experience, she will help make it easier for other journalists to step through the ridicule curtain and perhaps earn some Pulitzers.

The most important aspect of this documentary was the continued prominence of John Podesta, who was shown both within and outside the context of the October 21, 2003 Sci Fi/CFI NPC press conference.   This continues to send a message to Washington insiders, who are in the know but on the fence regarding the extraterrestrial issue, that something is going down and they should consider taking a position.  Podesta's ability to withstand criticism for his involvement was considerably enhanced when he recently received millions of dollars from George Soros to create a new liberal think tank, the Center for American Progress.  One of Soros' key issues is open government.   

As expected, major political and financial players are beginning to position themselves as the disclosure event nears. 

See:   and 

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


  November 12, 2003

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Update - November 12, 2003

John Lear's "Scenario" on Art Bell

John Lear, the legendary researcher and aviator, appeared on  the November 2, 2003 Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell.  At that time he laid out what he believed to be the truth regarding the extraterrestrial presence and asked Art if the public should be told these facts.   Both Art and John agreed the answer was "no."

John presented the same scenario to Stephen Bassett during a 2-hour phone conversation the night before. His answer was "yes."

This scenario can be reviewed at:

Art Bell and his producer were contacted with a request that Stephen Bassett be invited to come on Coast to Coast AM and provide the alternative argument to John Lear's posed question.  As yet there has been no response.

The X-Conference

Nineteen of the 25 allotted speaker and panelist slots have been filled and a half-dozen researchers are still under consideration.  Registrations and hotel bookings are being received.  Ads in a dozen publications in the Washington metro area have been placed and will run for 26 consecutive weeks.  76 websites have generously agreed to place X-Conference banner links on their sites and/or promote the X-Conference to their mail lists.  X-PPAC has sent a Congressional Alert to all House and Senate Chiefs of Staff inviting their bosses and staffers to attend.  See:    [X-PPAC Updates]    Conference information available at:

Time Magazine Internet Column by Leon Jaroff

Leon Jaroff writes The Skeptical Eye column for Time Magazine.  His Friday, November 7 piece is based on a Doubt and About column by Chris Mooney in the Skeptical Inquirer taking Larry King to task for addressing paranormal topics.  These columns can be reviewed at:,9565,538305,00.html

The Skeptical Inquirer magazine is not particularly worthy of attention or a response.  Time Magazine is another matter.  In the Jaroff column, he wrote, "What apparently set Mooney off was a show this summer that King claimed would explore “the incredible events of fifty-six years ago at Roswell, New Mexico.”  His guests included the same group of eccentrics, publicity seekers and losers who for decades have been living off the legend that a spacecraft crashed near Roswell, that bodies of little aliens were found and spirited away by sinister Federal agents and that the that Feds ever since have been guilty of a monumental cover-up. [Jaroff's words] 

Any researchers who resent being referred to as, "eccentrics, publicity seekers and losers" in Time are invited to respond to Mr. Jaroff at:   Put "To: Leon Jaroff" in the subject line.

Sci Fi Channel-Coalition for Freedom of Information Press
Conference at the National Press Club

The Sci Fi-CFI press conference was held on October 21, 2003.  It was notable for several reasons.  Once again John Podesta, former top aide and chief of staff to President Clinton opened with remarks targeting the need to get the truth to the American people about the UFO/ET issue and other issues of importance.  He left before Q&A which continues the approach of maintaining a careful balance between Podesta's involvement in this area and his mainstream work which now includes the creation of a new liberal think tank - the Center for American Progress.

CFI discussed their efforts in pursuing documents regarding the Kecksburg case.  They indicated they had been getting the run-around and intended to file lawsuits.  Notably, within two days NASA announced it would release documents which CFI had repeatedly requested.

While Paradigm Research Group has some concerns about focusing on specific cases such as Kecksburg, as opposed to supporting the witness development across the board, CFI is to be applauded for getting tough in their approach and staying the course. 

There were reporters in attendance and the press conference was picked up by Reuters.

Bonnie Hammer, president of the Sci Fi channel, indicated there would be a forthcoming documentary on Kecksburg entitled The New Roswell: Kecksberg Exposed, which will be hosted by Bryant Gumbel.  It aired on Sci Fi Channel on Friday, October 24 and most certainly will be reaired.

The Sci Fi-CFI effort is beginning to get media attention.  This coverage is listed at:

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 s s 202-215-8344


  September 13, 2003