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February 22, 2014

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February 22, 2014

Media Contact: 202-215-8344,

Truth Advocate Receives Award from Open Minds 

Washington, DC - Paradigm Research Group executive director Stephen Bassett has received an award from Open Minds Productions at its annual conference in Arizona.  The "Researcher of the Year" award was given for his work producing the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, April 29-May 3 of last year.  See video.

The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure was an unprecedented event.  The main ballroom of the National Press Club was configured to resemble a congressional hearing room where 40 researchers and military/agency/political witnesses of high rank and station testified for 30 hours over five days before six former members of the United States Congress regarding events and evidence confirming an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. 

The Hearing was extensively covered by national and international media.



November 20, 2013

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November 20, 2013


CONTACT:  202-215-8344

Foz do Iguaçu, Brasil - PRG executive director Stephen Bassett will speak here at the Fifth World UFO Forum (II IUFOZ 2013) on November 22.  The principal focus of his address will be the launch of a multi-nation joint resoluiton initiative to the United Nations General Assembly.  This initiative seeks a UN backed world conference addressing the full spectrum of evidence pointing to an extraterrestrial presence (non-human intelligence) engaging the human race.

In his presentation Mr. Bassett will propose Brazil as the appropriate nation to lead a coalition of South American countries to participate in writing and submitting such a resolution to the General Assembly.  While in country he will meet with officials to discuss how to move forward on this proposal. 

The United Nations initiative will be supported through the Citizen Hearing Foundation (CHD).  The CHD was formed in the aftermath of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure conducted at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, April 29 - May 3.  On May 3 a communiqué signed by four former members of the U. S. Congress was issued calling on PRG to set up a 501c(3) non-profit for the purposes of pursuing a world conference via the United Nations.



May 9, 2013

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May 9, 2013

Media Contact: Janet Donovan
(for interviews with Stephen Bassett vand all CHD principals)

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Committee Seeks UN World Conference on Possible Extraterrestrial Presence

Washington, DC – On May 3, 2013 members of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Committee and Hearing witnesses representing ten UN member nations met at the National Press Club to draft a statement seeking United Nations review of evidence of a possible extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. The result is the following communiqué:

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Washington Communiqué May 3, 2013 

From April 29, 2013 to May 3, 2013 researchers, activists, political leaders, and former members of military services and government agencies representing ten countries gave testimony in Washington, DC to six former members of the United States Congress. After hearing this testimony these members issue the following statement:

Whereas: given the unfolding scientific understanding of the number of potentially life supporting planets within Earth's home galaxy, it would be the height of arrogance to assert that humans are the only sentient beings within that galaxy;

Whereas: given that credible witnesses have brought forth overwhelming scientific evidence documenting the current presence of unidentified and unexplained aerial craft that many believe to reflect an extraterrestrial intelligence; 

And Whereas: given the enormous global implications if these craft are, indeed, of extraterrestrial origin, such an issue is a matter for the General Assembly of the United Nations;

Therefore, we the undersigned request the Citizen Hearing Foundation use its offices to organize interested parties and raise the funds necessary to pursue a global campaign to convince one or more nations to propose a resolution within the General Assembly calling for United Nations sponsorship of a world conference addressing the possible evidence for an extraterrestrial presence engaging this planet.

We the undersigned pledge our support for this effort.

Congresswoman Carolyn Kilpatrick Senator Mike Gravel
Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey Congressman Merrill Cook
Congresswoman Darlene Hooley [Unable to sign due to postemployment restrictions on Congressional Members and officers.]
Congressman Roscoe Bartlett [Unable to sign due to post-employment restrictions on Congressional Members and officers.]

The Citizen Hearing Foundation is a pending 501(c)3 non-profit, which will launch its website later this month and immediately begin raising funds to pursue nation sponsors for a resolution to the UN General Assembly



May 3, 2013

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May 3, 2013

Media Contact: Janet Donovan
(for interviews with Stephen Bassett vand all CHD principals)

Pilot and FAA Investigator testimonies presented to Congressional Committee at the National Press Club

Current testimony is being given to six former members of Congress at the National Press Club on the material and remains found in area 51 at Roswell by multiple military sources. President Eisenhower and Vice President Nixon are said to have sent top clearance CIA operatives to investigate and report back on the findings. One such operative gave video testimony and another, who is no longer alive, was represented by his son. Investigative researchers on the topic who had interviewed and validated the reports of these sources testified as well.

CHD Contact: Stephen Bassett (202-215-8344),



May 2, 2013

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May 2, 2013

Media Contact: Janet Donovan
(for interviews with Stephen Bassett vand all CHD principals)

Nuclear Weapons Facilities and Unexplained Incursions presented to Congressional Committee at the National Press Club

Washington, DC - The fourth day of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure has come to a close with extraordinary testimony taken by six former members of Congress regarding events and evidence pointing to the presence of highly intelligent life systems.

Top researchers, scientists, military officials, aviation professionals and other members of foreign and domestic government testified to Senator Mike Gravel, Congressmen Roscoe Bartlett, Merrill Cook and Congresswomen Lynn Woolsey, Carolyn Kilpartick, and Darlene Hooley. Testimony included the history of documented incidents which point to highly intelligent systems that may exist. Witnesses also testified on relevant topics including the Rockefeller Initiative, the RAF Bentwaters case, nuclear missile shut downs, governmental documents, and incidents which occurred in South America, England, Canada, China and Italy. Friday's testimony will include statements from pilots and the former FAA Director of Investigations, a discussion of technologies and closing remarks by former Canadian Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer, political activist Stephen Bassett and first-hand Roswell witness Jesse Marcel, Jr.

Earlier in the week former Air Force personnel testified regarding what some call "England's Roswell." Sgts. John Burroughs and Jim Penniston were directly involved in the 1980 events near RAF Bentwaters in the UK when an incursion occurred over several nights at this nuclear installation by a craft of unknown origin. This case is considered one of the most important in the modern era. 

Perhaps the most powerful testimonies of the day came from retired United State Air Force personnel, Capts. Robert Salas, Bruce Fenstermacher, David Schindele and Sgt. David Scott who gave compelling first hand accounts of the shutting down of ballistic missiles by unknown craft hovering over nuclear launch sites in the United States. Several members of the Citizen Hearing Committee called for formal Congressional hearings into these incidents.

When asked what are the top two messages she wanted to get out to the people after hearing these testimonies, Congresswoman Kilpatrick commented, "this is an international phenomena and the US and other countries need to acknowledge that there is other life. The US can lead this world issue; we must find out if this phenomena will enhance the universe or cause the demise of the universe." She added, "The military witnesses spoke of incidences from 30, 40, 50 years ago and have remained silent during this time. They have come out of retirement with compelling information that would have us look further into this phenomena.

Senator Gravel commented that he began to understand the vast implications of this after hearing the testimonials of numerous military witnesses who provided evidence of incidents where hovering craft compromised nuclear missiles. If the missiles can be prevented from launching, imagine the implications to our defense funding.



April 30, 2013

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April 30, 2013

Contact: Patrick Frascogna, Esq.


Allege conspiracy to deny benefits for injuries sustained in the line of duty. By Patrick Frascogna

WASHINGTON, D.C., April 30, 2013 – Two career United States Air Force veterans announced their intention to file a federal lawsuit against the Veterans Administration in an effort to obtain medical benefits to remedy injuries sustained in the line of duty at a press conference at the National Press Club on Tuesday.

Retired Tech Sergeants John Burroughs and James Penniston claim the government is denying them proper treatment for injuries sustained in the line of duty as base security at the U.S. airbase at RAF Bentwaters in December of 1980. Penniston and Burroughs were the first on-scene responders to a potential base incursion by an object of unknown origin into one of the most sensitive United States Air Force installations at the height of the cold war. As such, the pair were momentarily on the front lines of the USAF defense establishment in Europe.

In the course of first response, Penniston and Burroughs were exposed to the effects of an as yet unexplained phenomenon in the Rendlesham Forest adjacent to the twin base facility of Bentwaters and Woodbridge. At the time of their encounter the twin bases were a key component of U.S. Air Force deterrent strength at the height of the Cold War and the area surrounding the base home to a variety of high-power radar and electromagnetic weaponry. Incidentally, the stress was so extreme on the personnel there that the base had one of the highest suicide rates of any in the Air Force.

To this day, there has been no public explanation of the events surrounding their exposure to the phenomenon. The incident in question has been denied by USAF representatives despite the release in 1983 of a memorandum by the then-Deputy Base Commander to the British M.O.D. confirming the incident.

The pair claim that formerly classified documents confirm that the Air Force was aware of dangers presented to the airmen, but failed to properly brief them for their mission.

Both Burroughs and Penniston have experienced medical issues in the years since their encounter at Rendlesham Forest. The VA has utterly denied benefits to the pair and further obfuscated any release of medical records on the incident without reason.

"We've been stonewalled", Burroughs said. "We've tried A, We've Tried B, we've tried C and none of the avenues have lead to proper support of our post-incident medical issues, nor to any viable explanation of why information useful to treatment of our condition is being withheld."

By filing a federal lawsuit the pair intends to force disclosure of the details known to their chain of command pertaining to the incident that would prove useful in treatment of their respective conditions.

"After almost two years of utterly futile attempts to obtain John Burroughs' and Jim Penniston's service medical records from the government, in addition to a failed attempt by former Arizona Senator Jon Kyl, it is becoming ever more apparent that someone, somewhere, does not want them released," said Pat Frascogna, counsel for Burroughs and Penniston. "Key records from the timeframe in question seem to be considered classified by the VA. Consequently, if we cannot obtain them, all of them, without redaction, then we will have no recourse but to file suit against the federal government, perhaps as soon as by year's end."

If the action moves forward, the chain of command and key witnesses to the potential incursion the pair responded to will be subpoenaed to testify as to the nature of the phenomenon Penniston and Burroughs were exposed to and knowledge of it withheld from them during training.

"We don't intend to be the last two casualties of the Cold War", Burroughs said, "left hung out to dry by our chain of command and obsolete notions of national security. There is no reason at this late date to deny us the information that may extend our lives, the bulk of which we spent in service to our country."


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


April 2, 2013

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April 2, 2013

Media Contact: Janet Donovan
(for interviews with Stephen Bassett vand all CHD principals)

Former Members of Congress to Convene a Citizen Hearing On Disclosure

Washington, DC - Former Congresswoman Carolyn Kilpatrick (Dem, MI), Congressman Merrill Cook (Rep, UT) and Senator Mike Gravel (Dem/Lib, AK) have agreed to sit in Committee for a Citizen Hearing at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, April 29 to May 3. Additional Committee members will be announced later this month.

An unprecedented event with historical implications, the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race (CHD), will include forty researchers and military/agency witnesses who will testify for thirty hours over five days before former members of the United States Congress. The CHD will attempt to accomplish what the Congress has failed to do for forty-five years - seek out the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time.

The International spokesperson for the CHD is Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell (Capt. USN/NASA ret.).

Reflecting the global implications of the issue, the CHD will be live streamed worldwide in English, Spanish, Arabic, Hindi, Japanese and Mandarin (archive only). This represents approximately one half of the world's population. The webcasts will also include side press conferences and witness interviews conducted by former CNN News Anchor Cheryll Jones. Access to these webcasts is available via subscription at:

The main ballroom of the NPC will be configured to resemble a Senate hearing room. There will be press sections, an audience area, and witness and committee tables. The Hearing committee will include former members of Congress and two experts of counsel. To the extent possible all appropriate protocols will be followed as with Congressional hearings. The entire Hearing will be filmed as the basis for a forthcoming documentary - Truth Embargo - to be produced by Just Cause Entertainment.

On November 4, 2011 the White House issued this statement: "The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye." From April 29 to May 3 the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure will bring forward en masse the evidence the White House says doesn't exist.

The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure at is a project of the Paradigm Research Group:

CHD Contact: Stephen Bassett (202-215-8344),


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


January 15, 2013




For Immediate Release

January 15, 2013

Los Angeles, CA - CHD2 Productions will hold a media event at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah to launch a major event/documentary project. At the press conference Apollo14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth person to walk on the Moon, will be introduced as the international spokesperson for the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure and Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell will be announced as Director of a documentary film, Truth Embargo, based upon this Citizen Hearing.  See film Trailer.

The media event will be held in the Aspen Room at the Park City Peaks, 2121 Park Avenue, Park City, UT on Friday, January 18 from 2-3 pm MST.

The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure will be produced by Paradigm Research Group and will take place between April 29 and May 3 in Washington, DC at the National Press Club where the main ballroom will be turned into a "Congressional Hearing Room."  This unprecedented project will bring top researchers from around the world along with government/agency witnesses to testify for 30 hours over five days before former members of the United States Congress.  The subject of this hearing is an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.  The motto of this hearing is, "If Congress will not do its job, the people will."   The last time the Congress of the United States held a hearing on what is arguably the most important issue in the world today was in 1968 before the House Committee on Science and Astronautics.

Producing the accompanying documentary film Truth Embargo will be Just Cause Entertainment, a film/television/special effects company located in Marina Del Rey, California.

Just Cause Entertainment President Reuben Langdon and Paradigm Research Group Executive Director Stephen Bassett will moderate the press conference. Langdon and Bassett will be meeting throughout the week with activist writers, directors and producers regarding endorsements for the Citizen Hearing project.

Truth Embargo mini-trailer:

CHD2 Productions Contacts:   Stephen Bassett     Reuben Langdon

Media Interview Contact:  Janet Donovan, Creative Enterprises International, 202-904-1035 (cell), 202-822-9318


CHD2 Productions, LLC
4130 Del Rey Avenue, Marina Del Rey, CA  90292


January 10, 2013

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News Release
January 10, 2013

"We the People" Petition Challenges the White House to Attend Citizen Hearing on Disclosure

Washington, DC -- A petition calling for the White House to require representatives from the Office of Science and Technology Policy to attend a "Citizen Hearing on Disclosure" at the National Press Club in April of 2013 has been posted by Paradigm Research Group (PRG) on the White House website.   This is the sixth Disclosure petition submitted by PRG to the White House's "We the People" project and it resides at:   Information on previous Disclosure petitions can be found at:

If the petition garnishes 25,000 signatures by February 8, 2013, a formal response from the White House will be forthcoming.   The petition reads as follows:

The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure is a project of Paradigm Research Group. 

Contact:  Stephen Bassett


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD  20814  202-215-8344


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


September 14, 2012

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News Release
September 14, 2012

White House Petition Calls for the Reinvestigation of 1947 Events Near Roswell, NM

Washington, DC -- A petition calling for the reinvestigation of an alleged extraterrestrial vehicle crash near Roswell, New Mexico in July of 1947 has been posted on the White House website.  It is part of the White House's "We the People" project and resides at:

Disclosure Petition V - Roswell will remain on the White House website through October 10. This petition reads as follows:

WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO:  reinvestigate an alleged extraterrestrial vehicle crash near Roswell, NM in 1947 and an Air Force cover-up of the facts.

Disclosure Petition V - Roswell
by Paradigm Research Group

Lt Col. Philip Corso (USA) "I came into possession of the Roswell File. This file contained field reports, medical autopsy reports and technological debris from the crash of an extraterrestrial vehicle."
Capt. Edgar Mitchell (USAF/NASA)
"Roswell was a real incident, and that indeed an alien craft did crash, and that material was recovered from that crash site."
Gov. Bill Richardson
"The mystery surrounding this crash has never been adequately explained - not by independent investigators, and not by the U.S. government."
Chase Brandon (CIA)
"It was a craft that clearly did not come from this planet."
Lt. Col. Richard French (USAF)
"There were actually two crashes at Roswell."

More quotes:

The statements of these distinguished men directly contradict the White House's written statement of October 22, 2011:   See:
"The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye."
The Roswell case is and has always been the weakest link in the government imposed truth embargo on the facts surrounding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.  There were hundreds of witnesses, a statement of a retrieved saucer was mistakenly released on July 8, 1947 to the national news media and quickly recanted by the Army, enormous research has been done on the history of the case including interviews with 200 plus first and second hand witnesses and public awareness of the incident is almost universal.  See:  Witness to Roswell

It is for these reasons the Air Force has taken extraordinary measures over the years to blunt the impact of Roswell on the Disclosure process.   Multiple explanations were given which were easily debunked by researchers.  A book was commissioned - Roswell Report: Case Closed.  A press conference was held at the Pentagon just prior to the 50th Anniversary of Roswell in 1997.  No other case has generated as much overt effort by government to counter the facts.   Nevertheless, fewer than 20% of the American people believe the government's version of the Roswell,1947 events.

It is time for a full reinvestigation.

Contact:  Stephen Bassett


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD  20814  202-215-8344


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


 July 20, 2012

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July 20, 2012
News Release

Open Memo to President Obama

Mr. President, there is a matter before you which calls out for your attention regarding events at or near Roswell, New Mexico in July of 1947.  Please consider the following:

Philip J. Corso (1915-1998) - Lt. Col. US Army; WWII and Korean War Intelligence officer; Chief of the DoD's Foreign Technology Desk;  President Eisenhower's National Security Council staff (1953–1957); Warren Commission staff (1964).

........on or about July 6, 1947, while stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas, I personally observed a four-foot non-human creature with bizarre-looking four-fingered hands, thin legs and feet, and an oversized incandescent light bulb-shaped head. The eye sockets were oversized and almond shaped and pointed down to its tiny nose..........I have personally read the medical autopsy reports which refer to the autopsy of the previously described creature that I saw in 1947 at Fort Riley, 1961, I came into possession of what I refer to as the 'Roswell File.' This file contained field reports, medical autopsy reports and technological debris from the crash an extraterrestrial vehicle in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.

I had the evidence that a crash did happen here
[Roswell, NM]
....Give this information to the young people of the world and this country....They want it. Give it to them. Don't hide it and tell lies and make stories. They're not stupid....It's their information. It doesn't belong to the Army or the Department of Defense. If it's classified, take the classification off and give it to them!

Dr. Edgar Dean Mitchell - Capt. USN, NASA Lunar Module Pilot on Apollo 14 (walked on the Moon); PhD, MIT in Aeronautics/Astronautics, recipient, Presidential Medal of Freedom (1970) and USN Distinguished Medal, honorary doctorates from New Mexico State University, University of Akron, Carnegie Mellon University and Embry-Riddle University.

I've talked with people of stature - of military and government credentials and position - and heard their stories, and their desire to tell their stories openly to the public. And that got my attention very, very rapidly.... The first hand experiences of these credible witnesses that, now in advanced years are anxious to tell their story, we can't deny that, and the evidence points to the fact that Roswell was a real incident, and that indeed an alien craft did crash, and that material was recovered from that crash site.

Charles "Chase" Brandon - CIA; Department of Defense; federal/state law enforcement; specialist in espionage operations and covert paramilitary activities; 25 years in CIA's Clandestine Service in covert operations; CIA foreign political affairs analyst; Presidential briefer; senior officer on the CIA Director’s staff.

It was a vaulted area [at CIA Headquarters] and not everybody could get in it.........One day, I was looking around in there and reading some of the titles.......And there was one box that really caught my eye. It had one word on it: Roswell........I took the box down, lifted the lid up, rummaged around inside it, put the box back on the shelf and said, "My god, it really happened!"

[The box contained] Some written material and some photographs, and that's all I will ever say to anybody about the contents of that box........But it absolutely, for me, was the single validating moment that everything I had believed, and knew, that so many other people believed had happened, truly was what occurred.

It [Roswell] was not a damn weather balloon -- it was what it was billed when people first reported it.....It was a craft that clearly did not come from this crashed and I don't doubt for a second that the use of the word 'remains' and 'cadavers' was exactly what people were talking about."

Mr. President, how many long serving members of the military services and civilian agencies you command have to come forward before your administration tells the truth to the American people about an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.

The embargo on acknowledgement of these truths was forged in the furnace of the Cold War between 1947 and 1952.  The nation faced the real prospect of a nuclear third world war.  The government needed time to understand the extraordinary developments unfolding.  Few would question this decision.  The Cold War lasted forty-four years and nearly ended civilization.   Acknowledging an extraterrestrial presence with tens of thousands of nuclear weapons on a launch-on-warning  basis was too great a risk.

But the Cold War has been over for two decades, and the policy of truth embargo is no longer appropriate.  It is helping to undermine the credibility of the United State and contributing to the decline of trust in government and media - currently at near record lows.  This can't go on.

It is time for you to designate a representative within or near to the White House to meet with representatives from the classified committees within the military/intelligence complex that manage extraterrestrial related issues.   They would meet to seek agreement on the act of Disclosure.   What assurances do the military services and intelligence agencies need to take this momentous step?   What assurances does the White House need as to access to the information and evidence that support and confirm the act of Disclosure?  

There is no time for further delay.  If one of your advisors implores you to wait because, "this issue is just too big to engage during an election year," reject that advice.  The American people have made it quite clear an election year is precisely the time to engage the big, most difficult issues.   They want to know the thinking and intentions of the politicians who aspire to lead them.  They want to participate in the reality of government in their lives.   They are tired of the lies and misinformation only to be told the truth of the matter after the consequences of policy are already manifest.

Lt. Col. Philip Corso could not have said it better.  "Give this information to the young people of the world and this country....They want it.  Give it to them.  Don't hide it and tell lies and make stories. They're not stupid....It's their information. It doesn't belong to the Army or the Department of Defense. If it's classified, take the classification off and give it to them!"

Stephen Bassett
Executive Director


Lt. Philip Corso -
Dr. Edgar Mitchell -
Chase Brandon -


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


July 16, 2012

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July 16, 2012
Press Release

Obama petitioned to investigate the claims of CIA Agent and Senior Officer to the Director,
Chase Brandon, regarding the events at and near Roswell, New Mexico in July of 1947

Washington, DC - Paradigm Research Group (PRG) has submitted another Disclosure petition to the White House:  Disclosure Petition IV - Chase Brandon (  It reads in part as follows:

WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: investigate assertions by CIA agent Chase Brandon of an extraterrestrial explanation for the 1947 Roswell events.

Recent statements by former senior CIA agent Chase Brandon confirm the testimony of dozens of first and secondhand witnesses to the extraterrestrial nature of the events during early July of 1947 at and near Roswell, New Mexico.

These testimonies directly contradict the President's Office of Science and Technology Policy statement, "The U.S. government has no evidence.......that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye."

The extraterrestrial truth embargo is now inappropriate policy which undermines the credibility of the United States.

On September 22, 2011 PRG submitted the first Disclosure Petition to the White House sponsored project "We the People."    This petition read in part as follows:

WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race - Disclosure

"We, the undersigned, strongly urge the President of the United States to formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and immediately release into the public domain all files from all agencies and military services relevant to this phenomenon."

Of the thousands of petitions submitted to "We the People" 81 have received a formal response from the White House.  One of those responses was to the Disclosure Petition.  It came on November 4, 2011 and generated hundreds of print and television news pieces around the world in many languages.  The first Disclosure Petition and the White House response can be found at:!/response/searching-et-no-evidence-yet

The White House response stated:

"The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye."

This statement from the Office of Science and Technology Policy was notable for three reasons:  1) it was false, 2) it was indefensible, and 3) it marked the first time the executive branch of the United States government had put in writing its position regarding a phenomenon which has achieved global awareness since 1947.   .

PRG then set about to use the petition process to demonstrate the false nature of the White House position statement.  On December 1, 2011 and again on February 23, 2012 PRG submitted Disclosure Petition II - the Rockefeller Initiative to "We the People."  It read in part as follows:

"WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO immediately investigate UFO/ET Disclosure efforts during the Clinton administration - the Rockefeller Initiative."

...........what was Clinton's Office of Science and Technology Policy investigating from March 1993 to October 1996 in concert with billionaire, Clinton friend, Laurance Rockefeller?

Those who knew and have not spoken publicly of this initiative include: President Bill Clinton, Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, Obama transition chairman John Podesta, Sec. of Defense Leon Panetta, Vice President Al Gore and Gov. Bill Richardson.

On March 28, 2012 PRG submitted Disclosure Petition III - Nuclear Weapons Tampering to "We the People".  It read in part as follows:

"WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO ask Defense Secretary Panetta to respond to mounting evidence for nuclear weapons tampering by extraterrestrial craft."

Since 1992 government witnesses of high rank have been coming forward with evidence regarding incidents in which extraordinary craft of unknown origin have tampered with nuclear weapons facilities around the world.  Despite extensive media coverage of these emerging testimonies since the Fall of 2010, the Obama administration has made no comment whatsoever regarding this evidence and its national security implications.  Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, who was chief of staff to President Clinton during the Rockefeller Initiative, should respond to these testimonies.

Disclosure Petitions II, III and IV strive to make three points:  1)  evidence and testimonies confirming an extraterrestrial presence and a government imposed truth embargo are massive, 2)  failure to end this embargo is undermining the credibility of the United States, and 3) it is time for representatives from the Executive Branch to meet with representatives from the appropriate management committees within the military/intelligence community and negotiate the protocols for immediate Disclosure - the formal acknowledgement by the United States of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.

Note: the Disclosure petition process is no longer about signatures.  A White House response was obtained for the first petition.  After that the rules were changed.  Now it is about placing these issues on the heavily trafficked and closely followed White House website, which was not possible prior to the "We the People" initiative.

Disclosure Petition I: 
Disclosure Petition II - the Rockefeller Initiative: 
Disclosure Petition III - Nuclear Weapons Tampering: 
Disclosure Petition IV - Chase Brandon: 

Contact: Stephen Bassett


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


July 8, 2012

July 8, 2012
Press Release

World Disclosure Day - July 8

Washington, DC – Today is World Disclosure Day.

Disclosure, the formal acknowledgement by world governments of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race, is the primary goal of a growing international truth movement. The purpose of World Disclosure Day is to provide a focal point for people and organizations to come together to assert their right to know extraordinary information being withheld from them by their governments - the truth embargo. World Disclosure Day will also help broaden public awareness of the Disclosure process and those organizations involved in this advocacy work.

On July 8, 1947 General Roger Ramey held a press event at the 8th Army Air Force Headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas in which he changed the just released story of a recovered crashed disk near Roswell, New Mexico to that of a retrieved Rawin weather balloon. This was the informal beginning of the now 65-year truth embargo of formal acknowledgement the human race is not alone in the cosmos. For this reason the date July 8 was chosen to emphasize the need to reverse that now inappropriate policy.

People and organizations from every nation can register their endorsement of World Disclosure Day at the WDD website. There are now over 5000 endorsements.

The broad based study of the history and implications of the extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race is called “exopolitics.” World Disclosure Day is part of an exopolitical advocacy process.

There is considerable material on the Internet regarding the Disclosure truth movement. Search on "disclosure" and "exopolitics" together. Also, considerable resources can be found at PRG's website: 

Note: on the day the first nation comes forward to finally and formally acknowledge the extraterrestrial presence, that day will then become World Disclosure Day (or Disclosure Day) historically recognizing the most profound event in human history.

World Disclosure Day is a project of Paradigm Research Group.

Contact:  Stephen Bassett, Ex. Director


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


March 28, 2012

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News Release
March 28, 2012

White House Petition Raises Questions Regarding Nuclear Weapons Tampering

Washington, DC -- A petition calling attention to extraordinary testimony from former members of the United States Air Force has been posted on the White House website.  It is part of the White House's "We the People" project and resides at:

The petition reads as follows:

"WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO ask Defense Secretary Panetta to respond to mounting evidence for nuclear weapons tampering by extraterrestrial craft."

Disclosure Petition III - Nuclear Weapons Tampering

Since 1992 government witnesses of high rank have been coming forward with evidence regarding incidents in which extraordinary craft of unknown origin have tampered with nuclear weapons facilities around the world.  Despite extensive media coverage of these emerging testimonies since the Fall of 2010, the Obama administration has made no comment whatsoever regarding this evidence and its national security implications.  Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, who was chief of staff to President Clinton during the Rockefeller Initiative, should respond to these testimonies.

Research resource:  
Nuke tampering media coverage:
Rockefeller Initiative:

On September 27, 2010 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC a press conference was held in which testimony regarding incidents of weapons tampering by unidentified craft was presented to the media.  The witnesses in attendance were all former U. S. Air Force personnel and included  Lt. Col. Dwynne Arneson, Capt. Bruce Fenstermacher, Col. Charles Halt, Capt. Robert Jamison, Patrick McDonough, 1st Lt. Jerome Nelson, and Capt. Robert Salas.  Most of these witnesses have held high security clearance.

Leading the press conference was the principal researcher developing these testimonies, Robert Hastings, author of the important book, UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites.  In addition to the press conference attendees, scores of other witnesses, mostly military, have provided further testimony to Hastings during his research.

One of the incidents addressed took place at a Malmstrom Air Force Base nuclear missile launch complex in March of 1967.  Former ICBM launch officer Salas testified to missiles being shut down in silo after a craft of unknown origin hovered directly over the complex. Other testimony dealt with the 1980 RAF Bentwaters base incident in the United Kingdom.   .

Notably, the media covered this press conference - before, during and after - with hundreds of articles published around the world. Over one hundred of these articles can be reviewed at: 

But, despite the extraordinary national security implications and the extensive media coverage of these testimonies, NEITHER THE PRESIDENT NOR THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE HAS MADE ANY COMMENT OR RESPONDED IN ANY APPROPRIATE FASHION.  

This lack of a response is an embarrassment for the White House which issued a statement on November 4, 2011 that, "The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race.  In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye."   White House statement at:

Former officers in the United States Air Force have come forward with evidence for nuclear weapons tampering by unidentified craft, thousands of reports have been taken from military and civilian pilots reporting unidentified craft of extraordinary flight characteristics, and the White House and the Defense Department have said and done nothing.

Contact: Stephen Bassett


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD  20814  202-215-8344


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


March 1, 2012

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Press Release
March 13, 2012

White House Petition Reintroduces the Rockefeller Initiative to the Media

Washington, DC -- A petition regarding an important historical event is currently gathering signatures on the White House website's We the People project.  If the petition acquires 25,000 signatures by March 24 it will receive a formal response from the Obama administration.

Disclosure Petition II was submitted by Paradigm Research Group in order to draw attention to the Rockefeller Initiative (1993-1996), and is backed up by a thousand pages of documents obtained from the Clinton Office of Science and Technology Policy and Presidential Library by Canadian researcher Grant Cameron.  It follows an earlier petition submitted on September 22, 2011 that received a formal White House response on November 11, 2011.

On March 29, 1993 Clinton's science advisor and the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy received a memorandum from Henry Diamond, attorney for Laurance S. Rockefeller.  It contained the following request:

Laurance S. Rockefeller, who is a leading U.S. conservationist, businessman, and philanthropist, is anxious to have a brief meeting with Dr. Gibbons to discuss the potential availability of government information about unidentified flying objects and extraterrestrial life.........Mr. Rockefeller, with other leading citizens, is planning to make an approach to President Clinton on this subject.

.......The basic message to the President is that there is a belief in many quarters that the government has long held classified information regarding UFOs which has not been released and that the failure to do so has brought about unnecessary suspicion and distrust.  Many believe that the release of such information, if it exists, on a basis with national security considerations, would be a significant gesture which would increase confidence in government.

Thus began an historical initiative which American media reporters, editors and producers have ignored for nineteen years.   The scores of public servants who knew about this initiative and have never spoken publicly about it include a president and three persons who ran to be president, two nearly succeeding.   They include a secretary of defense, secretary of energy, secretary of state, two White House chiefs of staff, a vice president and a CIA director.

The Rockefeller initiative was comprehensive and lasted two and a half years.  A dozen researchers met at Rockefeller's ranch in Wyoming to plan strategy.  In August of 1995 the Clintons met privately with Rockefeller at his ranch in Wyoming to discuss the issues behind the Initiative.

Two months after that meeting, in a letter dated November 1, 1995, Laurance Rockefeller's attorney Henry Diamond wrote to Dr. John Gibbons regarding Rockfeller's proposed letter to President Clinton:

Attached are: (1) A draft letter to the President which Laurance has been discussing with Mrs. Clinton and her staff; and, (2) A draft report on the "best evidence" about UFOs.

Laurance thinks that it is perhaps timely to send a letter to the President.  We think the "best evidence" a good piece of work.

Three months later Laurance Rockefeller personally wrote to Dr. Gibbons in a letter dated February 5, 1996.  This letter included this remarkable paragraph:

Your willingness to approach the Air Force, the Central Intelligence Agency and NASA on this project is extremely important.  We will await the results of this effort in order to add any significant findings to our proposed letter to the President.  We will, of course, take into account the comments you made on the draft.  It well may be that it will be timely to put this before the President late this year in order that it might receive attention in a second term.  You indicated that you will keep the First Lady's Office informed, and we shall as well.

These excerpts are notable for several reasons.  (1) they confirm that Hillary Clinton and her staff were directly involved with the Rockefeller Initiative, (2) Dr. John Gibbons was taking actions on behalf of the Initiative, and (3) Rockefeller intended to continue the Initiative into the President's second term.
Hillary Clinton went on to run for president and now serves as Secretary of State.  She has never spoken publicly about the Rockefeller Initiative, and there is no known instance in which any media have questioned her about her involvement in the Initiative during the nineteen years since it was launched.

No copy of a final version of the draft letter to the President has been uncovered, but it is very likely he saw the draft at some time prior to October of 1996.   The draft letter contains these significant excerpts:

Your initiative in bringing greater openness to government through the current review of the classification of government documents to eliminate unnecessary secrecy [a project assigned to John Podesta], offers a very significant opportunity to advance our knowledge of this question.  This letter is to request that, as part of this reassessment, you personally and specifically direct a review of current government information policy concerning Extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI), including Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO's).

The current classification review is a good step.  However, Mr. President, from past experience there is reason to believe that if there is information being held by federal agencies about ETI and UFOs, it will not be released in a meaningful way without your personal initiative.  This to urge you to expand and accelerate the important movement towards openness you have initiated.

Twenty-one months after Clinton left office, John Podesta, the former key aide and Chief of Staff to President Clinton walked into the National Press Club on October 22, 2002 and stated the following:

I think it's time to open the books on questions that have remained in the dark on the question of government investigations of UFOs. It's time to find out what the truth really is that's out there. We ought to do it because it's right, we ought to do it because the American people, quite frankly, can handle the truth and we ought to do it because it's the law.

One year later he returned to the National Press Club and restated these requests:

It is time for the government to declassify records that are more than 25 years old and to provide scientists with data that will assist in determining the real nature of this phenomenon. 

Thirteen days after making these remarks in 2003 John Podesta launched the most influential progressive/liberal think tank in the nation, the Center for American Progress.  Later he would become co-chairman of President Elect Obama's transition team and help pick the new administration.

John Podesta has never spoken publicly about the Rockefeller Initiative, and there is no known instance in which any media have questioned him about his involvement in the Initiative.

Seven months after Podesta's 2003 statement a book was published titled The Roswell Dig Diaries.  Former Congressman and Secretary of Energy under Clinton, Bill Richardson, wrote in the foreword to this book:

......the mystery surrounding this crash [at Roswell] has never been adequately explained - not by independent investigators, and not by the U.S. government.

It would help everyone if the U.S. government disclosed everything it knows.  With full disclosure and our best scientific investigation, we should be able to find out what happened on that fateful day in July of 1947.  The American people can handle the truth no matter how bizarre or mundane, and contrary to what you see in the movies.

This statement is remarkable since the Air Force supposedly has stated exactly what happened at Roswell in July of 1947 - a Mogul Balloon and crash test dummies dropped five years later.

Richardson, the Governor of New Mexico at the time, went on to run for president and was tapped to be Obama's Secretary of Commerce.  He was well aware of the Rockefeller Initiative and has never spoken publicly about the Initiative or been questioned on it by the media.

Leon Panetta was the Chief of Staff to President Clinton while the Rockefeller Initiative was underway from March of 1993 to the Fall of 1996   He was fully aware of the Initiative and has also never spoken publicly about it or been questioned by the media.    Mr. Panetta is now the Secretary of Defense having just served as the Director of the CIA.

During the Rockefeller Initiative, from late 1994 to March of 1996, First Lady Hillary Clinton engaged in role playing with her friend Jean Houston conducting "conversations" with Eleanor Roosevelt and Ghandi.  When the press learned of this from a 1996 book by Bob Woodward, The Choice, it became a global news story.

Had the Rockefeller Initiative succeeded, Mrs. Clinton's husband would have likely been the first head of state to acknowledge the extraterrestrial presence and end the truth embargo - the most profound event in human history.

Apparently a billionaire member of one of the most famous families in the world trying to convince her husband to end the truth embargo surrounding the ET/UFO phenomena was not a news story.  Or perhaps the media didn't know about it. 

Now the Rockefeller Initiative, and the links to the documents which confirm it, sit on the White House's website for all to see.    Paraphrasing the frustrated child in the back seat of a car on a long trip........Is it news yet?

Relevant Web Pages:

Disclosure Petition II 

Disclosure Petition I and White House Response:!/response/searching-et-no-evidence-yet 

RockefelIer Initiative:

Hillary Clinton Relevant Letters 

Podesta Statement   

Richardson Foreword: 


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD  20814  202-215-8344


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


March 1, 2012

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Press Release
March 1, 2012

Obama Petitioned to Investigate the Clinton Administration
Regarding the Rockefeller Initiative

Washington, DC - "Disclosure Petition II - The Rockefeller Initiative," submitted by Paradigm Research Group to the White House via the "We the People" project, is collecting thousands of signatures.

Background. On September 22, 2011 Paradigm Research Group (PRG) submitted “Disclosure Petition I” to the White House sponsored project "We the People." Over ten thousand petitions have been submitted to “We the People” and approximately 400 of those accumulated the minimum 150 signatures required to be published to the White House website. A few dozen of the published petitions accumulated the 5000 (eventually raised to 25,000) signatures necessary for a formal response from the Obama Administration.

One of those receiving a formal response was “Disclosure Petition I” submitted by PRG. The White House response came on November 4, 2011 and generated hundreds of print and television news pieces around the world in many languages. The White House response includes the statement below. See full response at:!/response/searching-et-no-evidence-yet 

"The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye."

This statement from the Office of Science and Technology Policy is notable for three reasons: 1) it marks the first time the executive branch of the United States government has put in writing its position regarding a phenomenon which has achieved global awareness since 1947, 2) it is false, and 3) it is indefensible.

In response to this White House position statement, PRG submitted "Disclosure Petition II - the Rockefeller Initiative" to “We the People” on February 23, 2012. It reads as follows:

"WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO immediately investigate UFO/ET Disclosure efforts during the Clinton administration - the Rockefeller Initiative."

The Obama administration has formally stated, "The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race."

If true, what was Clinton's Office of Science and Technology Policy investigating from March 1993 to October 1996 in concert with billionaire, Clinton friend, Laurance Rockefeller?

Those who knew and have not spoken publicly of this initiative include: President Bill Clinton, Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, Obama transition chairman John Podesta, Sec. of Defense Leon Panetta, Vice President Al Gore and Gov. Bill Richardson.


Should this petition acquire 25,000 signatures by March 23, 2012, a response from the Administration is expected by mid-April 2012. When Disclosure Petition II has run its course, there will be a third and a fourth and so on. Given that the evidence the White House now asserts does not exist is massive and readily available, considerable pressure will be brought to bear on the Administration's formal policy statement. It’s time for those who wish to lead to stop shirking their responsibility to be truthful with the American people about matters of global significance.

Direct Link to the Petition:

More info at:

Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD  20814  202-215-8344


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


February 23, 2012

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Press Release
February 23, 2012

Obama Petitioned to Investigate the Clinton Administration
Regarding the Rockefeller Initiative

Washington, DC - On September 22, 2011 Paradigm Research Group (PRG) submitted "The Disclosure Petition"  to the White House sponsored project "We the People." Thousands of petitions have been submitted to "We the People" and approximately 400 of those accumulated the minimum 150 signatures required to be published to the White House website.  A few dozen of the published petitions accumulated the 5000 (eventually raised to 25,000) signatures necessary for a formal response from the Obama Administration.

One of those receiving a formal response was "The Disclosure Petition" submitted by PRG.  This petition acquired 12,078 signatures, and the White House response on November 4, 2011 generated hundreds of print and television news pieces around the world in many languages.  The White House response includes the statement below. See full response at:!/response/searching-et-no-evidence-yet

"The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye."

This statement from the Office of Science and Technology Policy is notable for three reasons:  1) it is false, 2) it is indefensible, and 3) it marks the first time the executive branch of the United States government has put in writing its position regarding a phenomenon which has achieved global awareness since 1947.   .

In response to the White House position, PRG today submitted "Disclosure Petition II - the Rockefeller Initiative" to "We the People."  It reads as follows:
"WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO immediately investigate UFO/ET Disclosure efforts during the Clinton administration - the Rockefeller Initiative."
The Obama administration has formally stated, "The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race."
If true, what was Clinton's Office of Science and Technology Policy investigating from March 1993 to October 1996 in concert with billionaire, Clinton friend, Laurance Rockefeller?
Those who knew and have not spoken publicly of this initiative include: President Bill Clinton, Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, Obama transition chairman John Podesta, Sec. of Defense Leon Panetta, Vice President Al Gore and Gov. Bill Richardson.
See:  and

Should this petition acquire 25,000 signatures by March 23, 2012, a response from the Administration is expected by mid-April 2012.   When Disclosure Petition II has run its course, there will be a third and a fourth and so on.  Given that the evidence the White House now asserts does not exist is massive and readily available, considerable pressure will be brought to bear on the Administration's formal policy statement.  It's time for those who wish to lead to stop shirking their responsibility to be truthful with the American people about matters of global significance.
Direct Link to the Petition:  
More info at:       
Contact: Stephen Bassett, Executive Director
PRG PRs archived at:


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD  20814  202-215-8344


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


December 1, 2011

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Press Release.
December 1, 2011

Disclosure Petition II - Rockefeller Initiative is now active on the White House website

Washington, DC - On September 22, 2011 Paradigm Research Group (PRG) submitted a petition to the White House sponsored initiative "We the People." Thousands of petitions have been submitted to We the People and approximately 300 of those accumulated the minimum 150 signatures required to be published to the White House website.  A few dozen of the published petitions accumulated the 5000 (eventually raised to 25,000) signatures necessary for a formal response from the Obama Administration.

One of those receiving a formal response was the Disclosure Petition submitted by PRG.  This petition acquired 12,078 signatures, and the White House response on November 4, 2011 generated hundreds of print and television news pieces around the world in many languages.  The White House response can be viewed at!/response/searching-et-no-evidence-yet  and includes the following statements:

"The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye."

"The fact is we have no credible evidence of extraterrestrial presence here on Earth."

These statements from the Office of Science and Technology Policy are false and indefensible.   To reinforce this assertion PRG today submitted "Disclosure Petition II - the Rockefeller Initiative" to We the People    It reads as follows:

"We petition the Obama Administration to demand a full congressional investigation of UFO/ET Disclosure efforts by the Clinton OSTP - the Rockefeller Initiative."

In response to the Disclosure Petition, the OSTP stated, "The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race."

If true, what was the OSTP investigating from March 1993 to October 1996 in concert with billionaire and Clinton friend, Laurance Rockefeller?

Those who knew of and have not spoken publicly of this initiative include: Bill Clinton, Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, Obama transition co-chair John Podesta, Sec. of Defense Leon Panetta, Dr. John Gibbons, Albert Gore and Governor Bill Richardson.

See:  and

The direct link to this petition is:

More information is available at:

Should this petition acquire 25,000 signatures by December 31, 2011, a response from the Administration is expected by mid-January 2012.   When Disclosure Petition II has run its course, there will be a third and a fourth and so on.  Given that the evidence that the White House now asserts does not exist is both massive and readily available, considerable pressure will be brought to bear on the Administration's formal policy statement.

Contact:  Stephen Bassett
                Executive Director

PRG press releases archived at:
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


November 8, 2011

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Press Release
November 8, 2011

White House Response to the Disclosure Petition

Washington, DC - Sixty-four years after flying disks became a worldwide phenomenon, a formal position on this phenomenon has been issued in print by the executive branch of the United States government for the first time.   On Friday, November 4 the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) responded to two petitions submitted to the We the People section of the White House website.  One of these, the Disclosure Petition, was submitted by Paradigm Research Group.   The White House response gave the administration's assessment of the assertion by a growing number of researchers and activists that flying disks and other related phenomena confirm an extraterrestrial, non-human intelligence engaging the human race.  See:!/response/searching-et-no-evidence-yet    and

OSTP researcher Phil Larson wrote, "The fact is we have no credible evidence of extraterrestrial presence here on Earth."  Unfortunately for the OSTP and the Obama administration, that assertion is false.  Furthermore, given that approximately 50% of the American people are now convinced of an extraterrestrial presence and more than 80% believe the government is not telling the truth about the phenomenon, it is an embarrassment.

There are only four possible explanations for this statement from the OSTP:

1)  It is a political lie.  Whatever the executive branch personnel may know about extraterrestrial evidence, the administration cannot acknowledge any such awareness in order to protect the President's political prospects in the next election.

2)  It is a national security lie.   The administration cannot acknowledge any such awareness of the evidence as a matter of national security.  Which is to say the people cannot handle such truths.

3)  It demonstrates the present executive branch of the United States government, including a substantial collection of military, science and intelligence advisors, is completely unaware of the massive evidence for an extraterrestrial presence that has been accumulated over six decades by an extraordinary citizen science/truth movement.   Which is to say the administration is both ignorant and incompetent.

4)  The statement is correct and the aforementioned accumulation of evidence is just a sixty year, worldwide misunderstanding.

There are no other possible explanations, and in due course administration officials will have to defend their formal statement on one of these bases.

Paradigm Research Group invites the political media to give the evidentiary matrix behind the extraterrestrial reality a modest examination and consider challenging the Obama administration's position on what is easily the most important issue in the world today.   Such an examination might include:

1)  Reviewing quotes by persons of high rank and station over many decades.  See:
2)  Reviewing a database of thousands of sightings by pilots in flight.   This database is managed by NARCAP.  See:

3)  Reviewing the following books:  UFOs and the National Security State - Vols. 1 and 2 (Dolan), UFOs and Nukes (Hastings), Witness to Roswell (Carey/Schmitt),
UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record (Kean), Missing Times: News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-up (Hansen), Above Top Secret (Good), Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens (Mack), Top Secret/Majic (Friedman).

4)  Reviewing the following documentaries:  Out of the Blue (Fox/Coleman)     UFOs: 50 Years of Denial (Fox)    The Day Before Disclosure (Toftenes)

5)  Reviewing the public statements of two astronaut legends:  Col. Gordon Cooper and Dr. Edgar Mitchell.   See:   and

6)  Reviewing the government witness testimonies amassed by the Disclosure Project.   See:

The above represent but a small fraction of the evidence the White House now formally claims is either not credible or does not exist, and there is one more area of enquiry the political media might engage - one with an ironic aspect.

From early 1993 to late 1996 billionaire Laurance Rockefeller engaged the Clinton administration through the Office of Science and Technology Policy to convince President Clinton to release all files regarding the UFO/ET issue and end the truth embargo.  Why is this relevant to the current administration?   Those persons who at the time were either directly involved with or knew about what has come to be called the "Rockefeller Initiative" include:  Bill Clinton (advisor to the President), Hillary Clinton (Secretary of State), John Podesta (Obama transition co-chair), Webster Hubbell, Leon Panetta (CIA Director/Secretary of Defense), Dr. John Gibbons - involved; Albert Gore, Bill Richardson (Governor of New Mexico) - knew.

None of these high level officials have ever spoken publicly about the Rockefeller Initiative or been asked a single question about the Initiative in public by the political media.  Perhaps it is time for that to change.   See:   and   and

PRG executive director Stephen Bassett will soon submit more extensive op-ed commentary on the OSTP position statement to the appropriate newspapers for consideration.

PRG press releases archived at:

Contact:   Stephen Bassett

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


October 19, 2011

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Press Release
October 19, 2011
The Disclosure Petition

Washington, DC - Paradigm Research Group's Disclosure Petition on the White House "We the People" initiative website has passed the10,000 signature mark and is now 20th out of 202 petitions submitted.  Signatures from around the world have been registered.  A formal response from the Obama Administration is expected later this year. 

The Disclosure Petition has been featured in articles in the Huffington Post, Daily Mail (UK) and Wall Street Journal.    The wording is as follows:

"We, the undersigned, strongly urge the President of the United States to formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and immediately release into the public domain all files from all agencies and military services relevant to this phenomenon."

The Disclosure Petition is located at:

Since 1992 hundreds of military and government agency witnesses have come forward with testimony confirming this extraterrestrial presence. Opinion polls now indicate more than 50% of the American people believe there is an extraterrestrial presence and more than 80% believe the government is not telling the truth about this phenomenon.

According to PRG executive director Stephen Bassett, "With trust in government at all time lows, the Obama administration ran on a platform of openness and transparency.  So far the administration has not been able to deliver on that promise. Disclosure would be a huge step toward regaining the public's trust."

Another referendum on this issue with over 4500 endorsements is ongoing at:

Relevant Websites:
WSJ Article:

Contact:  Stephen Bassett

Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 202-215-8344
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


September 27, 2011

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Press Release
September 27, 2011
The Disclosure Petition

Washington, DC - Paradigm Research Group's Disclosure Petition on the White House website has achieved the necessary 5000 signatures for consideration by and response from the Obama administration.  Signatures from around the world have been registered.  The wording of this petition is as follows:

"We, the undersigned, strongly urge the President of the United States to formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and immediately release into the public domain all files from all agencies and military services relevant to this phenomenon."

The Disclosure Petition is located at: 

Since 1992 hundreds of military and government agency witnesses have come forward with testimony confirming this extraterrestrial presence. Opinion polls now indicate more than 50% of the American people believe there is an extraterrestrial presence and more than 80% believe the government is not telling the truth about this phenomenon.

According to PRG executive director Stephen Bassett, "There is an international effort underway to generate as many signatures as possible behind the petition.  This is a golden opportunity for the citizens of nations to affirm they DO have a right to know and CAN handle the truth."

Another referendum on this issue with over 4000 endorsements is ongoing at:

Relevant Websites:

Contact:  Stephen Bassett


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 202-215-8344

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


September 22, 2011

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Press Release
September 22, 2011
The Disclosure Petition

Washington, DC - Paradigm Research Group has submitted a Disclosure Petition to the We the People Petition Project on the White House website which went active today.   The wording of this petition is as follows:

"We, the undersigned, strongly urge the President of the United States to formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and immediately release into the public domain all files from all agencies and military services relevant to this phenomenon."

The Disclosure Petition is located at: 

Hundreds of military and government agency witnesses have come forward with testimony confirming this extraterrestrial presence. Opinion polls now indicate more than 50% of the American people believe there is an extraterrestrial presence and more than 80% believe the government is not telling the truth about this phenomenon.

According to PRG executive director Stephen Bassett, "The government imposed truth embargo on formal acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race, while understandable during the Cold War and nuclear threat, is no longer an acceptable policy and is doing great damage to the American social contract."

Relevant Websites:

Contact:  Stephen Bassett


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 202-215-8344

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


August 22, 2011

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PRG UK Press Release - August 22, 2011
Archived at:

London, UK - Stephen Bassett, executive director of Paradigm Research Group and a leading advocate for formal acknowledgment by the U.S. government of the truth behind unidentified aerial phenomena, is on an extended visit to the United Kingdom.

Bassett's visit, which began with a presentation at the Leeds Exopolitics Conference on August 7, is for the purposes of doing research on a book due out in early 2012 and to meet with extraterrestrial phenomena researchers and exopolitical activists to discuss the status of the Disclosure movement.

Right now the United Kingdom is the center of a great deal of activity pertaining to the disclosure process.  On August 11 the 8th batch of UFO files since 2006 was released from the MoD to the public domain, and as in the past, generated scores of news articles throughout the British Isles.   Recently, the former Ministry of Defense UFO Project chief, Nick Pope, to his great credit apologized for past disingenuous and demeaning actions by the MoD toward the public's interest in and reports of unidentified aerial phenomena.  Would that David Cameron did the same.   Two UK rock music stars, Robbie Williams and Peter Andre have publicly expressed an interest in the phenomena.  Mr. Bassett is seeking to meet with Mr. Williams and Mr. Andre during his stay.

The United States and the United Kingdom have worked closely together since the 1950's to maintain a truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial reality in the world, now. This embargo was initiated for legitimate national security reasons, but is now a liability to both nations helping to engender distrust in government.  It has created a Lewis Carrollian wonderland of absurdity which has helped to make fools of many.   Recent examples include investigative reporter Annie Jacobsen's ludicrous writings on Roswell in her book Area 51; actress Jodie Foster throwing hundreds of thousands of dollars down the same drain Paul Allen tossed tens of millions to fund SETI, a propaganda science buffer created by NASA to mitigate public demand for answers from government; economist Paul Krugman's ridiculous comments that the threat of a "war with aliens" could rejuvenate the western economies; and a juvenile report out of Pennsylvania State University that aliens might destroy the human race for polluting the Earth.

Were it not for the massive and hard won evidence for an extraterrestrial presence being denied by governments and skirted by the media of record, such incidents would be amusing.    The truth embargo is now an insult to the collective human intelligence and must end.   A new project from Paradigm Research Group, World Disclosure Day, was launched on July 1 to help bring that about.   Over four thousand endorsements of WDD have been submitted with the two leading countries being the United States and the People's Republic of China.  PRG hopes to see more endorsements of World Disclosure Day from the United Kingdom.


Paradigm Research Group:
World Disclosure Day: 
Jacobsen's Roswell Writings:
Krugman's Comments:
Foster's SETI Contribution:
PSU Alien Study:


Stephen Bassett


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 202-215-8344

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


July 8, 2011

July 8, 2011


World Disclosure Day - July 8
Washington, DC - On July 8, 1947 General Roger Ramey held a press event at the 8th Army Air Force Headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas in which he changed an earlier press release announcing a recovered crashed disk near Roswell, New Mexico to that of a retrieved Rawin weather balloon. This was the informal beginning of the now 64-year truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.  

Five years after Roswell in July of 1952 a plethora of sightings took place over Washington, DC creating great concern amongst those responsible for the nation's security.  Subsequently the Central Intelligence Agency commissioned a classified panel to study and assess the phenomenon and the growing public awareness of extraterrestrial craft in the skies over the United States.   The panel first met formally on January 14, 1953 under the direction of Howard Percy Robertson, a physicist, CIA employee and director of the Defense Department Weapons Evaluation Group.

The Robertson Panel's report concluded the extraterrestrial craft were not a direct threat to national security, but the public's growing interest and engagement of the phenomenon was a threat.  Consequently, President Truman's decision to reverse the Roswell crashed disk explanation in 1947 became a highly classified formal government policy in 1953.  Official acknowledgement would be withheld and public awareness of the phenomenon would be suppressed by any and all means.   This policy was very much connected to grave concerns over the developing cold war and nuclear arms race and was certainly legal under the National Security Act of 1947.  For this reason Paradigm Research Group has worked to replace the term "UFO Cover-up" with "Truth Embargo."

Twenty years after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War it is time for this policy of embargo to end.

Disclosure with a capital "D" is the formal acknowledgement by world governments of the extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and is the primary goal of a growing international truth movement. The purpose of World Disclosure Day is to provide a focal point for people and organizations to come together to assert their right to know extraordinary information being withheld from them by their governments.  World Disclosure Day will also help broaden public awareness of the Disclosure process and those organizations involved in the advocacy work.  The date July 8 was chosen to close the circle back to the Ramey press event in July of 1947.

People and organizations from every nation can register their endorsement of World Disclosure Day at the website. Endorsements from around the world are already pouring in and being archived.    Here is how supporters can help make this international effort a success.

1)  spread the word via email lists, Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts.

2)  create a graphic banner or poster promoting WDD and send it to PRG to be distributed and archived with attribution.

3)  create a video promoting WDD and put in on the Internet.   Provide PRG the link so it can promote the video.

4)  let local TV and radio talk shows know about WDD.

5)  join the WDD Facebook Page and the PRG Facebook Page

6)  grab banners from the WDD website for placement on other websites.

7)  looking ahead to 2012, plan events for July 8 to draw attention to the public's right to know the truth.

8)  help educate your friends, family and colleagues about the mission of the Disclosure advocacy movement.

Note: on the day the first nation comes forward to finally and formally acknowledge the extraterrestrial presence, that day will then become World Disclosure Day historically recognizing the most profound event in human history.

Relevant websites:   World Disclosure Day -    WDD Facebook:
                                       Paradigm Research Group:      PRG Facebook:
Contact:  Stephen Bassett, Ex. Director

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


July 1, 2011

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Press Release - July 1, 2011

World Disclosure Day - July 8
Washington, DC - Paradigm Research Group has today initiated an international effort to designate July 8 as World Disclosure Day.

Disclosure - the formal acknowledgement by world governments of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race - is the primary goal of a growing international truth movement. The purpose of World Disclosure Day is to provide a focal point for people and organizations to come together to assert their right to know extraordinary information being withheld from them by their governments - the truth embargo.  World Disclosure Day will also help broaden public awareness of the Disclosure process and those organizations involved in this advocacy work.

On July 8, 1947 General Roger Ramey held a press event at the
8th Army Air Force Headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas in which he changed the just released story of a recovered crashed disk near Roswell, New Mexico to that of a retrieved Rawin weather balloon. This was the informal beginning of the now 64-year truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence.  For this reason the date July 8 was chosen to emphasize the need to reverse that now inappropriate policy.

People and organizations from every nation can register their endorsement of World Disclosure Day at the WDD website. Endorsements from around the world are already coming in (the majority of which are international).   In time various relevant events will come to be scheduled on this date.  

Tomorrow (July 2) is World UFO Day, which was initiated in 2001 and has drawn some modest attention over the years.  It is home based at:

But the advocacy movement is now representative of a new era - exopolitics.  The era of the UFO is over.  It ended no later than 1991.  "UFO" is now an anachronistic contradiction in terms.  [Imagine the India independence movement had focused on UFOs - Unidentified Foreign Occupiers.]   The truth embargo is not about preventing citizens from learning about frisbees, balloons and bird flocks.  It's about withholding acknowledgment of non-human, intelligent beings flying about in Earth's skies and much more.   The scientific study of the phenomena should of course go forward, but should be called extraterrestrial phenomena research - not ufology.  

"UFO" is of the past.  Disclosure is the future, and this is where the emphasis must shift.   A national security policy has to be changed, and that is politics - exopolitics.

Note: on the day the first nation comes forward to finally and formally acknowledge the extraterrestrial presence, that day will then become World Disclosure Day (or Disclosure Day) historically recognizing the most profound event in human history.

Contact:  Stephen Bassett, Ex. Director


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 202-215-8344

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


January 18, 2011

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PRG Press Release - January 18, 2011

Washington, DC - On January 23-25, 2011 over 100 international speakers will present at the 5th Annual Global Competitiveness Conference in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

According to the conference website at "The Global Competitiveness Forum (GCF), the only event of its kind, is an annual meeting of global business leaders, international political leaders, and selected intellectuals and journalists brought together to create a dialogue with respect to the positive impact organizational and national competitiveness can have on local, regional and global economic and social development. It was founded in 2006 by the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA), and is held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia under the patronage of HM King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques."

Paradigm Research Group notes with considerable interest the inclusion of the following panel: Contact: Learning from Outer Space - Psychological and socio-cultural assumptions and preconceptions constrain us to a large extent, and shape our views of the universe so that we are inclined to find what we are looking for, and fail to see what we are not. Using knowledge gained from research in the fields of Ufology and the search for extraterrestrial life, what might we possibly learn about hindrances to innovation in other areas of inquiry?   See:

The panelists have not yet been formally announced but will likely include Nick Pope, former head of the UFO desk at the UK Ministry of Defence; Stanton T. Friedman, nuclear physicist and extraterrestrial phenomena researcher; Dr. Jacques Vallee, researcher and venture capitalist; and theoretical physicist, Dr. Michio Kaku.

According to PRG executive director Stephen Bassett, "Political leaders and political journalists in the United States might want to ask themselves how it is a subject the United States Government claims has no validity is being addressed under royal patronage at a conference in the capital of the planet's greatest oil exporter. He added, "They might also note Saudi Arabia is a nation which will be hugely impacted by the inevitable end of the now 64-year old UFO/ET truth embargo and likely subsequent introduction of extraterrestrial derived technologies."

"Last September retired Air Force officers testified at the National Press Club to the direct interference with U. S. nuclear facilities by extraterrestrial craft. These men all held high security clearances. The political media, in particular the Washington Post, did not even bother to ask the Department of Defense for comment. One nation after another is proactively releasing thousands of UFO/ET related files. The Vatican and the Royal Society of London are holding conferences addressing the implications of extraterrestrial life. It's time for the U. S. Congress and the political media to grow up and wake up. It's time for the Obama administration to speak to this issue or be left behind."


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 202-215-8344

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


September 30, 2010

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PRG Press Release - September 30, 2010

Washington, DC -- PRG executive director Stephen Bassett will speak at the Malta International Conference - 2012: A Positive Outcome October 8-10. He will present the latest information regarding the ongoing collapse of the truth embargo on formal acknowledgment of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. This will include the news breaking worldwide of retired Air Force officers testifying to the interaction between extraterrestrial craft and nuclear facilities in the United States and Europe, the growing list of countries breaking ranks with the US led truth embargo by releasing tens of thousands of UFO/ET related documents, the positioning on the UFO/ET issue by the Vatican, the potentially explosive connection between a Clinton era disclosure initiative and leading members of the Democratic Party, and much more.

After the Malta conference, Mr. Bassett will be in London until October 30 and available for interviews.


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 202-215-8344

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


September 29, 2010

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September 29, 2010  -   Media Notice


Washington, DC - Message for the
political media.  Still don't have
that Pulitzer Prize yet?  There's
still time?   The biggest news
story in history continues to unfold
right before your eyes.

Don't think so?

Read these books.



4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


September 28, 2010

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Press Release - September 28, 2010

Washington, DC -  Today at the National Press Club testimony from one researcher and seven former members of the United States Air Force was presented to more than two dozen print and television reporters.   The subject was: the UFO-Nukes Connection.  It was sponsored and organized by researcher Robert Hastings, author of UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites, and Capt. Robert Salas (USAF retired).

This was the third major witness press conference addressing UFO/ET related issues.   The first was in May of 2001 (Disclosure Project) and the second in November of 2007 (Kean/Fox).    PRG believes this press conference may prove the most important and has the potential to end the truth embargo by triggering a major shift in media coverage.   Why?  It is the direct connection to nuclear facilities and national security.  Such a connection gives an already spring loaded media a clear hook upon which to hang their hat and purse and get to work.

Notably the event was live streamed in full by CNN to the Internet and is available at:

Considerable video material providing content background can be accessed at the following web pages:

"What should happen now," stated PRG executive director Stephen Bassett, who attended the event, "is for members of the political press to direct specific questions regarding this testimony at the press spokespersons for the Department and Defense, U.S. Air Force and the Central Intelligence Agency and expect answers from Secretaries Robert Gates, Michael Donley and Leon Panetta."

"At least that is what is supposed to happen if the political media in Washington, DC are not under government- or self-imposed restraints."

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


September 13, 2010

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Press Release - September 13, 2010

Washington, DC - PRG today released some more timely questions for consideration by the nation's citizens, congressional members and political media.

Are you upset by this?

Check out this article on the CA gas explosion

If "yes", then you should ask yourself the following questions?

Do you think these?

Run on this?

If your answer is "no", then the following questions need to be posed to President Obama, the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Energy.

1) does the United States Government have in its possession vehicles of extraterrestrial origin?

2) if "yes", has the United States Government for decades been studying the energy and propulsion physics of such vehicles?

3) if "yes", when will this technology be available to address the growing challenges facing the planet and the human race?

Stephen Bassett


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


September 10, 2010

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September 10, 2010  -   Media Notice


Washington, DC - Message for the
political media.  Do you happen to
have a Pulitzer Prize yet?  Would
you like one?   The biggest news
story in history is unfolding now
right before your eyes.

Don't think so?

Read these books.



4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


August 27, 2010

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August 27, 2010  -   Press Release
Exopolitics World Network Cities Initiative

Budapest - Paradigm Researched Group (PRG) today announced the launching of a new project - the Exopolitics World Network Cities Initiative - the goal of which is to help form 1000 exopolitics groups in cities around the world over the next twelve months.  The website is:

The Exopolitics World Network (EWN) is made up of portal web sites, one per country, which provide information about exopolitical developments to that country and build connections between nations as part of a growing international truth movement.

Exopolitics (exopolitical science) is a developing field of study addressing the totality of the historical, social and political implications of extraterrestrial related phenomena. The most important exopolitical issue at present is the Disclosure Movement, an international effort to bring about formal acknowledgment by world governments of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.

PRG executive director Stephen Bassett stated, "The reason for launching the Initiative in the international city of Budapest is its location at the center of Western Europe, Eastern Europe and the Near East. Draw a line between Madrid and Kiev, Paris and Tehran, London and Ankara, Berlin and Athens, Stockholm and Sarajevo, and Moscow and Rome. Where these lines intersect is a small triangle and there you find Budapest."

The structure for the Cities Initiative is pure grassroots activism. Anyone hosting a regular meeting to discuss and engage exopolitical matters can register their group with the EWN. Simple instructions are found at the EWN web site.

Added Bassett, "the government imposed truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial engagement of the planet is falling apart. It is important for people to start talking to each other about this unfolding reality and begin preparing for the post-Disclosure world.

Contact info: 202-215-8344


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


June 4, 2010

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Press Release - June 4, 2010

Washington, DC - PRG today releases some timely questions for the consideration of the nation's citizens, congressional members and political media.

Are you offended by this?

If "yes", then you should ask yourself the following questions?

Do you think these?

Run on this?

If your answer is "no", then the following questions need to be posed to the Department of Defense, the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency:

1) does the United States Government have in its possession vehicles of extraterrestrial origin?

2) if "yes", has the United States Government for decades been studying the energy and propulsion physics of such vehicles?

3) if "yes", when will this technology be available to address the growing challenges facing the planet and the human race?

Stephen Bassett


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814  202-215-8344


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


June 1, 2010

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Press Release - June 1, 2010
PRG Australian Speaking Tour

Washington, DC - PRG executive director Stephen Bassett will leave on June 22 for a thirty-five day speaking tour of Australia to include twelve stops in eleven cities.   The principal sponsor of the tour is the Nexus Conference produced by Nexus Magazine, July 24-26.

Advocacy for a political resolution to the UFO/ET issue, which began to coalesce in the United States in the mid 1990's, has now become an international "Disclosure Movement" seeking to end an official embargo of the truth regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.  Australia is a major intelligence ally and good friend of the United States.  Since 2006 it has been releasing government held UFO files into the public domain.

Mr. Bassett is a leading advocate for ending this truth embargo.   Paradigm Research Group was founded in 1996 exclusively for this purpose and was the first organization to register with the United States Congress to lobby the question .  PRG's political action committee X-PPAC is the first PAC to address the UFO/ET issue.  In 2002 Bassett became the second person (after Jimmy Carter) to bring the UFO/ET subject into a federal election campaign as a balloted candidate. 

In 2004 PRG produced the first conference centered on the politics surrounding the UFO/ET phenomenon - exopolitics.   The sixth X-Conference was held May 7-9, 2010 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.    In 2008 PRG founded the Exopolitics World Network (EWN) and Exopolitics United States Network (EUSN) to help facilitate the expansion of the disclosure movement.  Exopolitics Australia is a site in the EWN.

PRG's advocacy work has been covered extensively by US and foreign media.

On the tour Mr. Bassett hopes to gain a greater understanding of how Australians view the UFO/ET issue and the disclosure process.   He will brief informal and formal groups on the pending collapse of the truth embargo, possibly in 2010, and seek new support for the ongoing advocacy initiatives.

The tour schedule is as follows:  Perth (June 24-27), Adelaide (June 27-30), Canberra (June 30-July 5), Wollongong (July 5-9), Sydney (July 9-12), Melbourne (July 12-14), Auckland, NZ (July 14-17) (developing), Long Jetty/Newcastle (July 17-19), Byron Bay (July 19-21), Brisbane (July 21-23), Twin Waters (July 23-26), Brisbane (July 26-29).

More information about the tour schedule including contacts can be found at:

Relevant websites

Speaking Tour: 
Exopolitics Australia: 
Nexus Conference:
Nexus Magazine:
Exopolitics World Network: 
Exopolitics United States Network:
Paradigm Research Group:
Media Coverage:


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


April 28, 2010

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“It’s not just about lights in the sky; it’s about lies on the ground.”

Press Release                        April 28, 2010

X-Conference 2010 - May 7-9, 2010 
PRG Press Conference - May 10, 2010

Washington, DC – The X-Conference is set for Friday evening, May 7, at the National Press Club, Main Ballroom, 13th Floor, 529 14th Street, NW, Washington, DC.  It will continue through Sunday evening and include lectures, special presentations, documentary premiere, awards banquet and cocktail party.  

This is the sixth X-Conference produced by PRG, an advocacy organization dedicated to ending the now 62-year truth embargo imposed by the United States government on the formal acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.   While there have been numerous press events at the NPC addressing UFO/ET related issues, this will be the first full conference on these subjects to be held there, or for that matter, in Washington, DC proper.  Media passes are available.  The public is welcome. 

Also, the entire conference and press conference will be broadcast worldwide live on the Internet.  Full information and registration for onsite and online attendance is at:

Paradigm Research Group will hold a press conference on Monday morning, May 10 in the NPC’s First Amendment Room from 10 to 11 am.  Important announcements emerging from the X-Conference and other breaking news will be made at that time.  

All members of Congress as well as Congressional and White House staffers have been invited to attend the conference and press conference at the NPC. 

On April 20 at last year’s NPC press conference Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell and Air Force Major Milton Torres (ret.) called for the Obama administration to end the government imposed truth embargo regarding the extraterrestrial issue.  Dr. Mitchell was following in the footsteps of Mercury Astronaut Gordon Cooper who once called upon the UN to do same.

Topics will include: government imposed truth embargo; Rockefeller Initiative; UFO/ET connections to the Obama administration; the Cydonia/Martian Codex; Disclosure; RAF Bentwaters case; Eisenhower briefing memo; UFOs and the National Security State; police sightings database; developments in the UK; extraordinary developments in Brazil; UFO/ET connections to Russia and the Soviet Union; and more.    

Television journalist and former CNN news anchor Cheryll Jones will host.  Speakers will include: George Noory of Coast to Coast AM (Special Luncheon Presentation); George Haas and William Saunders (Luncheon Presentation); Stephen Bassett; Richard Dolan; A. J. Gevaerd (Brazil); Gary Heseltine (UK); Linda Moulton Howe with UK Bentwaters witness John Burroughs; George Knapp; Paul Stonehill and Jim Nichols.

Contact:   Stephen Bassett
               Executive Director


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814  202-215-8344


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


April 20, 2010

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Press Release - April 20, 2010 - Contact 2010 Conference 

Washington, DC - On Monday EST, April 19 on Coast to Coast AM with George Knapp, PRG executive director, Stephen Bassett, announced PRG will launch a second annual conference on October 22-24 at the National Press Club

The event is Contact 2010 and the website is  or

Going forward PRG will produce the X-Conference ( in early May and the Contact conference in late October each year - both at the National Press Club.  Both events will be live streamed worldwide on the Internet and the Live Stream registration portals for both events are up now at the websites.

Contact 2010 will be the first major conference since 1992 exclusively addressing the most complex and implicative exopolitical issue of all - direct interaction between humans and aliens.  It will be the first event of its kind ever held at the National Press Club or in Washington, DC.

The 1992 event was the Alien Abduction Study Conference co-organized by Dr. John Mack and Dr. David Pritchard on the campus of M.I.T.  Contact 2010 will be dedicated to the memory of Dr. Mack. Some individuals involved in the 1992 conference will also be involved in Contact 2010.

Working with leading researchers PRG will invite 12 contactees notable for their comprehensive recollections and understanding of their personal experience and for their ability to present that information to a public audience under their own name.

PRG will also invite many of the top researchers in the world addressing human-alien interaction to present their work and conclusions.

There will be several press conferences including the final press event on Monday, October 25 at 10 am.   Some of the events will be held at the J. W. Marriott Hotel next to the National Press Building.

Contact:  Stephen Bassett
          Executive Director


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814  202-215-8344


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


March 30, 2010

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Press Release - March 30, 2010 - The Day Before Disclosure

Washington, DC – Paradigm Research Group (PRG) announced today the world premiere of a new documentary film, The Day Before Disclosure, will take place at X-Conference 2010 on May 7, at 9 pm at the National Press Club (NPC) in Washington, DC.    The conference webiste is:

The documentary is produced by New Paradigm Films and Terje Toftenes based in Norway.  It will touch on a range of issues including:  the growing UFO-activity in the US and around the world during the late 1940’s and 50’s; why secrecy and suppression became an official policy; the abduction phenomenon; and the new physics that may explain space travel over vast distances, anti-gravitic propulsion and so called "zero-point energy.”

It will also address the larger perspective and explain the present status of the UFO/ET issue and why we are at a point in human history approaching a major paradigm shift that could be triggered by a Disclosure event regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.  This and much more will be featured in one of the first documentaries to address the UFO/ET issues primarily from an exopolitical perspective.   A film website will go up shortly.

This is the sixth X-Conference produced by PRG, an advocacy organization dedicated to ending the now 62-year truth embargo imposed by the United States government on the formal acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.

Topics will include: government imposed truth embargo; Rockefeller Initiative; UFO/ET connections to the Obama administration; the Cydonia/Martian Codex; Disclosure; RAF Bentwaters case; Eisenhower briefing memo; UFOs and the National Security State; police sightings database; developments in the UK; extraordinary developments in Brazil; UFO/ET connections to Russia and the Soviet Union; and more.    

There will be 8 lectures, 2 special luncheon presentations, a Speaker's Cocktail Party and the PRG Awards Banquet.  A press conference will be held on Monday, May 10 at 10 am in the NPC's First Amendment Room for announcements relating to the growing international Disclosure movement.

The National Press Club is two blocks from the Metro Center Station.  There are two dozen hotels close by, and PRG has special booking arrangements with the Harrington and J. W. Marriott hotels.   Information on X-Conference 2010 and past X-Conferences is found at:

Contact:  Stephen Bassett
               Executive Director


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


March 22, 2010

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Press Release         March 22, 2010
X-Conference 2010  -   National Press Club
  -  May 7-9

“It’s not just about lights in the sky; it’s about lies on the ground.”

Washington, DC – Paradigm Research Group (PRG) announced today X-Conference 2010 will be held on May 7-9 at the National Press Club (NPC) in Washington, DC, two blocks from the White House, twelve blocks from the Capitol Building and near every major national and international media organization covering the nation’s capital.   Online registration is up at:


This is the sixth X-Conference produced by PRG, an advocacy organization dedicated to ending the now 62-year truth embargo imposed by the United States government on the formal acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.


While there have been numerous press events at the NPC addressing UFO/ET related issues, this will be the first time a full conference on this subject matter has been held there.  PRG hopes to make the NPC the permanent home for this event which is open to the public.


Topics will include: the government imposed truth embargo; the Rockefeller Initiative and the UFO/ET connections to the Obama administration; the Cydonia/Martian Codex; Disclosure; the RAF Bentwaters case; the Eisenhower briefing memo; UFOs and the National Security State; police sightings database and developments in the UK; extraordinary developments in Brazil; UFO/ET connections to Russia and the Soviet Union; and more.    


This year there will be eight lectures, two special luncheon presentations, a Speaker's Cocktail Party and the PRG Awards Banquet.  A press conference will be held on Monday, May 10 at 10 am in the NPC's First Amendment Room for announcements relating to the growing international Disclosure movement.

Former CNN news anchor Cheryll Jones will host.  Speakers will include: George Noory of Coast to Coast AM (Special Luncheon Presentation); George Haas and William Saunders (Special Luncheon Presentation); Stephen Bassett; Richard Dolan; A. J. Gevaerd (Brazil); Gary Heseltine (UK);  Linda Moulton Howe; George Knapp; Paul Stonehill and Jim Nichols.


The close proximity to the White House, Congress and media (there are scores of news organizations based in the National Press Building) increases the prospect of political staffers and press attending the conference itself over the weekend.  As always, invites will go out to White House and Congressional staff.   Those who attend will be sending a strong message that the U. S. government must and will address openly the extraterrestrial presence issue.

The National Press Club is two blocks from the Metro Center Station.  There are two dozen hotels close by, and PRG has special booking arrangements with the Harrington and J. W. Marriott hotels.

Information on X-Conference 2010 and past X-Conferences is found at:


Contact:  Stephen Bassett, Executive Director


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


January 8, 2010

Press Release                                                                       January 8, 2010
Fax on Washington                        A Project of Paradigm Research Group

Washington, DC/Bethesda, MD Paradigm Research Group (PRG) announced today a renewed international effort to convince Barack Obama to end a 62-year truth embargo preventing formal government acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.  Also renewed is pressure on the White House press corps to start asking appropriate questions and demand appropriate answers about connections between key members of the Democratic Party – Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, John Podesta, Leon Panetta and Bill Richardson – and the UFO/ET issue.  See: Rockefeller Initiative

Since June 1, 2009 letters, faxes and emails from around the world have been sent to the White House Correspondents’ Association (WHCA) insisting the reporters in the White House press corps begin asking politically related UFO/ET questions and receive appropriate answers.   Samples of this correspondence can be viewed at:   and 

On the July 24, 2009 C-Span Morning Show White Press Secretary Robert Gibbs was asked about this correspondence which he declined to acknowledge.  Subsequent queries to the WHCA from reporters such as Billy Cox of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune have also been ignored – no response.

In similar fashion thousands of letters, faxes and emails to the President Elect and the President since November 4, 2008 demanding Barack Obama end the  truth embargo and call for congressional hearings on the UFO/ET issue have not been acknowledged by the White House – no response.   Furthermore, the Citizen’s Briefing Book generated during the transition by the website was stripped of all UFO/ET related input to the Book prior to submission to the President.   This is not acceptable. PRG executive director Stephen Bassett stated, “France, Denmark, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Brazil, Russia, the United Kingdom and other countries have recently released tens of thousands of UFO/ET related files into the public domain.  The message to the U.S. is clear, ‘If you do not end this truth embargo, one of us will.’”   “Either Russia or China would benefit enormously by acting first on this issue,” added Bassett.

Million Fax on Washington
Rockefeller Initiative

Contact  PRG:  202-215-8344 and

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


September 8, 2009

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Press Release - September 8, 2009
PRG Europe
Speaking Tour

Washington, DC - PRG executive director Stephen Bassett will leave on Thursday, September 10 for a forty day speaking tour of Europe to include seventeen stops in ten countries.   The tour begins at the Beyond Knowledge Conference in Liverpool, UK.

Advocacy for a political resolution to the UFO/ET issue, which began to coalesce in the United States in the early 1990's, has now become an international "Disclosure Movement" seeking to end an official embargo of the truth regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.  Nowhere is this movement growing faster than in Europe.    

Mr. Bassett is a leading advocate for ending this truth embargo.   Paradigm Research Group was founded in 1996 exclusively for this purpose and was the first organization to register with the United States Congress to lobby the question.  PRG's political action committee X-PPAC is the first PAC to address the UFO/ET issue.  In 2002 Bassett became the second person (after Jimmy Carter) to bring the UFO/ET subject into a federal election campaign as a balloted candidate. 

In 2004 PRG produced the first conference centered on the politics surrounding the UFO/ET phenomenon - exopolitics.   The sixth X-Conference is scheduled for April 16-18, 2010 near Washington, DC.    In 2008 PRG founded the Exopolitics World Network (EWN) and Exopolitics United States Network (EUSN) to help facilitate the expansion of the disclosure movement.  EWN member Exopolitics United Kingdom is a cosponsor of the Liverpool Beyond Knowledge Conference.

Since November 5, 2008 PRG has been conducting perhaps its most important initiative – the Million Fax on Washington.   Thousands of letters, faxes and emails from within and outside the United States have been and are being directed at the White House calling for Disclosure and at the White House press corps calling for the reporters to step up and start asking the appropriate questions while insisting on appropriate answers.    PRG's advocacy work has been covered extensively by US and foreign media.

On the tour Mr. Bassett hopes to gain a greater understanding of how Europeans view the UFO/ET issue and the disclosure process.   He will brief informal and formal groups on the pending collapse of the truth embargo - possibly in 2009, work to bring new countries into the EWN and seek new support for the ongoing advocacy initiatives.

The tour schedule is as follows:  UK: Liverpool (Sept. 11-14), Bath (Sept. 14-16), Devon (Sept. 16-18), London (Sept. 18-21), Birmingham (Sept. 21), London (Sept. 22-24); Helsinki (Sept. 24-28); Stockholm (Sept. 28-30); Oslo (Sept. 30-Oct. 2); Berlin (Oct. 2-4); Copenhagen (Oct. 4-8); Brussels (Oct. 8-10); Hulst, Amsterdam (Oct. 10-12); Zurich (Oct. 12-14); France: Rennes (Oct. 14-16); Saint-Pierre-en-Port (Oct. 16-18); Paris (Oct. 18-20).

More information about events, websites and contacts can be found at:

Relevant websites:     Speaking Tour:
                                         Paradigm Research Group:

                                         Million Fax on Washington:
                                         Media Coverage:
                                         Exopolitics World Network:
                                         Exopolitics United States Network:
                                         Beyond Knowledge Conference:


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


July 13, 2009

Press Release         Paradigm Research Group       July 13, 2009

Open Letter to the White House Press Corps

The above quote is taken from a plaque donated to the National Press Club in 1962 by the Columbia School of Journalism on the occasion of the school’s 50th anniversary.  It says a great deal in a few words and has never been truer than it is today. 

The reporters who sit in the West Wing press briefing room week in and week out have more access to the ruling administration of the United States than all the world’s other reporters combined.  They and their counterparts covering the Departments of State and Defense have an enormous responsibility to protect the public’s vested interests in good governance and right policy.  Failure to stand for the public’s right to know brings down the nation, the people and the press – together. 

Indeed it is all too clear the United States is in decline on multiple fronts, and the media have not done their job.  Nothing demonstrates this more conclusively than the failure of the political press to appropriately engage the explosion into the world in the 1940’s of an unidentified aerial phenomenon.   As years passed and evidence amassed confirming a non-terrestrial, non-human basis for this phenomenon, the White House press corps was mute.   As government witness after witness came forward – military officers, air traffic controllers, policemen, astronauts, pilots, intelligence personnel – the White House press corps was mute.

When other nations issued confirmatory reports such the French COMETA study in 2000, released thousands of classified files into the public domain, cooperated with indigenous UFO research organizations, the U. S. administrations did nothing and the White House press corps was silent.

Then high level political figures such as former Clinton adviser and chief of staff John Podesta called for the release of all UFO documents in government files – twice at the National Press Club – the White House press corps asked nothing.   When former congressman, ambassador to the United Nations, Secretary of Energy, presidential candidate and Governor of New Mexico, Bill Richardson, wrote that the Air Force explanation for the July 1947 Roswell, NM events was unsatisfactory and all relevant government files relating to those events should be released, the White House press corps asked nothing.

Most unsettling of all, a billionaire friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton, Laurance Rockefeller, made a three-year effort (1993-1996) to convince President Clinton to release all UFO documents in government files, grant amnesty to government personnel who came forward with information and end the truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.   Thirteen years after the end of that failed initiative no member of the White House press corps has ever posed a single question about that initiative to any of the powerful political figures who knew about it and/or were involved – Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Leon Panetta, Albert Gore, Jr., Bill Richardson, Dr. John Gibbons, and others. 

Right now letters, faxes and emails are pouring into the White House Correspondents’ Association calling on the press corps to rediscover the Fourth Estate’s proper role and challenge the now 62-year misrepresentation of reality by the State.   It is not necessary, though welcomed, for the entire corps to rise up together – only that a few find the courage to place the public’s right to know ahead of their job and their privileged position in that room.   


Stephen Bassett
Executive Director

Supporting Material Links

Fax on Washington:
Rockefeller Initiative:
Bill Richardson:
John Podesta:
Apollo 14 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell:
Mercury Astronaut Gordon Cooper:
Hillary Clinton Documents:

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


June 16, 2009

Press Release                                                                                                                   June 6, 2009

Million Fax on Washington - Phase III                       A Project of Paradigm Research Group

Washington, DC/Bethesda, MD - Beginning June 1, letters, faxes and emails from around the world are being sent to the White House Press Corps c/o the White House Correspondents? Association insisting these journalists begin asking appropriate UFO/ET related questions and receive appropriate answers. Below are some of the questions referred to in this correspondence along with supporting links. A full list of suggested questions, along with links to supporting documentation, can be found at: 

1.  In light of the Administration's commitment to open, transparent government, what is the President's response to these thousands of requests for formal acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race?     Letters            Obama & Transparency      Presidential FOIA Memorandum

2.  Will the Administration respond to the repeated call from former Clinton chief of staff and co-chair of Obama's transition team, John Podesta, for the release of all UFO files in government hands into the public domain?  John Podesta/NPC Video   Article    Article    Article    Article      Article   

3.  Has the President been briefed about Laurance Rockefeller's three-year effort to get President Clinton to release all UFO files in government hands into the public domain? 
Rockefeller Initiative       FOIA Confirming Documents   

4.  Has the President discussed the Rockefeller Initiative with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton?    
Rockefeller Initiative     Clinton/Rockefeller Photos    Hillary Doc-1     Hillary Doc-2     More FOIA Documents   

5.  Is the Administration aware that President Bill Clinton and then First Lady Hillary Clinton met with Laurance Rockefeller in 1995 at his ranch in Wyoming and discussed the UFO/ET issue and Rockefeller's desire that Clinton be the "Disclosure President?"     Clinton/Rockefeller Photos

6.  Tens of thousands of UFO related flies have recently been released into the public domain by France, Canada, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Sweden, Brazil and other countries.   Why hasn't the United States done the same?   France    UK     Denmark     Canada     Brazil    Sweden

7.  What is the Administration's response to Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell's call for the release of all UFO documents in government files and acknowledgement of the extraterrestrial presence?   Follow-up:  Is the Administration aware Mercury Astronaut Gordon Cooper made the same demands in the 1980's and early 1990's?   Edgar Mitchell/NPC Video       Edgar Mitchell/UK Radio      Gordon Cooper Video

8.  Has President Obama asked for or been given a complete briefing from his military and intelligence chiefs on what the United States government knows about the UFO/ET issue and what evidence is in the government's hands relating to this issue?

9.  Does the United States government have in its possession crashed vehicles of extraterrestrial origin?  If so, has progress been made in understanding the nature of this technology?  And why hasn't this technology been made available for peaceful use at a time of multiple global crises?

10.  Will President Obama support full and open Congressional hearings to take testimony from scores of current and former military and agency employees coming forward with direct testimony to events and evidence pointing toward an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race?       Witnesses (partial list)

Contact:  Stephen Bassett
                Executive Director


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


June 2, 2009

Press Release                                                      June 2, 2009

Million Fax on Washington - Phase III                       A Project of Paradigm Research Group

Washington, DC/Bethesda, MD - PRG announced today a national petitioning process to bring about a political resolution to the UFO/extraterrestrial issue has entered a critical third phase.   Between November 4, 2008 and May 31, 2009 thousands of American citizens sent letters, faxes and emails to the presidential transition headquarters and the White House calling for President Barack Obama to disclose to the American people what the government knows about an extraterrestrial explanation for the UFO phenomenon.

Now the focus of this initiative shifts to the White House Correspondents' Association which represents the White House press corps in its dealings with the administration on coverage-related issues.   In the coming weeks copies of this earlier correspondence to the President, which the White House has yet to comment on, will be forwarded to the WHCA.   Further, the WHCA will be receiving thousands of letters, faxes and emails calling upon the press corps to ask the administration a range of questions regarding the connection between the UFO/extraterrestrial issue and key members of the administration and the Democratic Party as well as other related matters.

For six decades American journalists - reporters, editors, publishers, producers, network and station owners - went along with the most extensive and complex government deception in history.  This deception and disruption effort was born at the dawn of the Cold War, justified by the demands of national security, perpetuated by the deepening East-West division and supported by the very institutions that should have examined and resolved it - academia, the press and the United States Congress.  However, over the past two years the media have started to come around and appropriately cover the "greatest news story of all time." 

PRG executive director, Stephen Bassett, stated, "The American people should know about the Rockefeller Initiative (1993-1996) and hear from key members of the Clinton Administration who were fully aware of this effort by Laurance Rockefeller to persuade President Clinton to reveal the truth.  They include Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, CIA Director Leon Panetta, Obama transition co-chair John Podesta, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, Vice President Al Gore, Dr. John Gibbons and President Clinton, himself.    Further, the administration should respond to previous requests by Astronauts Gordon Cooper and Dr. Edgar Mitchell to end the "truth embargo" and acknowledge the extraterrestrial presence.

Contact:  Stephen Bassett
                Executive Director


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


May 14, 2009

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PRG Press Release - May 14, 2009
New York Times Article
Washington, DC/Bethesda, MD - The advocacy work of PRG has been featured in a May 14, 2009 New York Times article by Anne C. Mulkern of Greenwire, a leading environment and energy on-line publication.  Greenwire is part of Environment &  Energy Publishing (E&E).

"A climate solution that's out of this world" was triggered by the recent lobbying registration with the U. S. House and Senate by PRG executive director, Stephen Bassett, on behalf of the Exopolitics Institute.   Mr. Bassett has been lobbying since 1996 on behalf of a number of organizations regarding issues surrounding extraterrestrial-related phenomena including a government imposed "truth embargo."   The "energy" issue was added to these registrations during the past year.

"What is at issue here is "Disclosure" - the formal acknowledgement by world governments of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race," says Bassett. "Extraterrestrial derived technology, most likely from crashed or shot down vehicles, is the prize in the Disclosure Crackerjack Box.   It could be transformative in dealing with the growing number of crises facing the world's nations and peoples.  This technology is not going to be brought forward for peaceful development until the UFO/ET truth embargo is over.  End the embargo, get the tech."

Ms. Mulkern's piece correctly states the focus of the Disclosure movement is now on the new President of the United States.   This focus is spearheaded by the "Million Fax on Washington" which has directed thousands of letter, faxes and emails to President Elect Obama from November 5, 2008 to January 20, 2009 and to President Obama from January 21 to May 31, 2009.   "The third phase of this petitioning process will be announced worldwide on June 1.   Added Bassett, "The goal of the Million Fax on Washington is nothing less than 'tripping the switch' which makes Disclosure inevitable during 2009 - either by the United States or another first- or second-world nation."

Contact:  202-215-8344

Relevant Websites:

New York Times Article:
Million Fax on Washington:
Exopolitics Institute:

Contact:  Stephen Bassett
                Executive Director


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


April 29, 2009

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Press Release          European Exopolitics Summit 2009           April 29, 2009

Washington, DC / Bethesda, MD - PRG executive director Stephen Bassett will speak at an international conference scheduled for July 25-26 in Barcelona, Spain.  For full information see:

The European Exopolitics Summit 2009 will be a milestone in a growing international movement to command formal Disclosure by world governments of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.  On this occasion the Disclosure movement's top leaders in Europe and North America will present at the four- star Hotel Fira Palace Barcelona. 

Simultaneous translations by top professional translators will be provided via wireless headsets - a first for events in this genre.

The conference is being produced by Exopolitics Spain ( together with the General Manager of Todohotel and Aircar Factories, Miguel Celades.  Señor Celades is investing in and developing alternative technologies.

"Right now we're in a moment of deep transformation in planetary awareness in which big changes are taken place, and many more are yet to come. Any transformation that's important entails (hard to avoid) a profound crisis; and this crisis is, without a doubt, undermining the foundations of our civilization. Nevertheless, we are faced with an opportunity without precedent to approach a new developmental paradigm. We, an only we, the citizens of this planet, have the responsibility and the opportunity to change the course of history."  Pepon Jover

Contact:  Stephen Bassett


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


April 27, 2009

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Press Release                               2009 PRG Awards                                April 27, 2009

Bethesda, MD/Washington, DC - Six individuals received PRG Awards at the fifth X-Conference (Exopolitics Expo) held last weekend at the Hilton Gaithersburg, MD.  These awards are given to those who have made significant contributions toward the scientific and political resolution of the UFO/ET question.    Full PRG Award information can be found at:

The X-Conference focuses on the political, governmental and social implications of extraterrestrial-related phenomena.  It is produced by PRG in the Washington, DC metro area as part of an ongoing activist effort seeking to end a government imposed truth embargo on the formal acknowledgement by the U. S. government of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race - Disclosure.

The PRG Awards are for Political Courage, Journalistic Courage, Intellectual Courage, Lifetime Achievement (posthumous), Lifetime Achievement (living), and Disclosure.   The 2009 Awards are as follows:

Political Courage: Center for American Progress founder and CEO John D. Podesta for his support of the Disclosure process during an era of extreme partisan politics.  He assisted President Clinton's limited efforts during the first term to respond to the Rockefeller Initiative.  In 2002 and 2003 he called for the release of all UFO related documents in government hands and supported the fledgling Coalition for Freedom of Information.  He has counseled the new administration in favor of open, transparent government and just released a statement in support of Dr. Edgar Mitchell's call for the new president to end the UFO/ET truth embargo.  [Past recipients include:  former Canadian Minister of Defence Paul Hellyer, Phoenix councilwoman Frances Emma Barwood, President Jimmy Carter, and the late New Mexico Congressman Steven Schiff.]

Journalistic Courage:  Television journalist George Knapp for two decades of coverage of the UFO/ET issue while anchoring the news desk at KLAS-TV in Las Vegas.   [Past recipients include: Coast to Coast AM host George Noory, Antonio Huneeus (Chile), Sarasota Herald Tribune reporter Billy Cox, Jaime Maussan (Mexico), and White House correspondent Sarah McClendon.]

Intellectual Courage: Exopolitics Institute founder Dr. Michael Salla for his refusal to abandon his work in developing the field of exopolitics in the face of losing his academic career standing (he did), his job (he did), and his work status in the United States (he did). [The past recipient is the author of Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens and founder of the Program for Extraordinary Experience Research, the late Dr. John E. Mack.]

Lifetime Achievement (posthumous): Mercury Astronaut Col. Gordon Cooper for his career as a space pioneer and two decade effort to raise the issue of an extraterrestrial presence with the American people, the media and the United Nations.  [Past recipients include: Laurance S. Rockefeller, Major Donald Keyhoe, Dr. James E. McDonald and Dr. J. Allen Hynek.]

Lifetime Achievement (living): Researcher Colin Andrews for 25 years of research into and writing about perhaps the most provocative phenomenon in the world today - crop circles.  [Past recipients include:  Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Alfred L. Webre, Walter Andrus, Jr., and Stanton J. Friedman.]

Disclosure:  Former Ministry of Defence Senior Executive Officer Nick Pope for his open engagement of the UFO/ET issue while working for the British government.  [Past recipients include: Dr. Jesse A. Marcel, Jr., Capt. Robert Salas (USAF ret.), the late Monsignor Corrado Balducci, and the late Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso.]

Contact:  Stephen Bassett
               Executive Director


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


April 20, 2009

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Press Release                                                                                                          April 20, 2009

Washington, DC - Today Dr. Edgar Mitchell called upon the new Democratic administration under President Barack Obama to end a six-decade long truth embargo imposed by elements within the United States government and confirm to the American people the reality of an extraterrestrial, non-human intelligence engaging the human race.

Scientist, test pilot, naval officer, astronaut, entrepreneur, author and lecturer, Dr. Mitchell's extraordinary career has been a constant quest to explore and understand the world in which we live. His academic background includes a Bachelor of Science from Carnegie Mellon University, a Bachelor of Science from the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School and a Doctor of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT. He has received honorary doctorates in engineering from New Mexico State University, the University of Akron, Carnegie Mellon University and a ScD from Embry-Riddle University. Dr. Mitchell has received many awards and honors including the Presidential Medal of Freedom and nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize and was inducted into the Space Hall of Fame in 1979 and the Astronaut Hall of Fame in 1998.

Following Dr. Mitchell, Dr. Milton Torres, Major USAF (ret.), related an incident in 1957 while serving in the United Kingdom wherein he was ordered to shoot down a “UFO” which registered on his radar as possibly the size of an “aircraft carrier” and demonstrated extraordinary maneuverability. He was subsequently warned by an intelligence staffer to never speak of the incident to anyone or else lose his flying status. He only spoke out when the report of the incident turned up in a series of UFO file released last year into the public domain by the British government. Dr. Torres called upon the new Democratic administration under President Barack Obama to declassify and release all “UFO” related documents in government files to the American people. In this he mirrored very similar demands previously made by former Clinton advisor and chief of staff, John Podesta, and New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson.

Following Dr. Torres, Nick Pope, a former Senior Executive Officer with the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence, who directly investigated the UFO issue while working for the MoD, related how media coverage in the UK of the extraterrestrial/UFO issue has exploded over the past twelve months due to the timed release of thousands of documents and sighting reports by the British government into the public domain. He gave a review of the current status of the issue in his country

Contact: Stephen Bassett
Executive Director


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


April 13, 2009


Press Release                                                                        April 13, 2009

Washington, DC – Following the April 17-19 X-Conference 2009 ( ) Paradigm Research Group will hold a press conference in the First Amendment Room at the National Press Club, 14th and F Streets, NW, Washington, DC on Monday, April 20, at 10 am.  

At that time Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell will take questions at the NPC for the first time regarding his assertions there is an extraterrestrial basis for the UFO phenomenon and the United States government committed itself to a cover-up or “truth embargo” in the late 1940’s after recovering a crashed extraterrestrial vehicle near Roswell, New Mexico.

Also at that time, Nick Pope, a former Senior Executive Officer with the UK Ministry of Defence, who directly investigated the UFO issue while working for the MoD, will take questions at the NPC for the first time regarding an explosion of sightings, actions by the British government and other events.  Media coverage in the United Kingdom of the extraterrestrial/UFO issue has exploded over the past twelve months due to the timed release of thousands of documents and sighting reports by the British government into the public domain.   These releases have generated hundreds of articles both in the UK and the United Kingdom.  Nick Pope has been at the center of this storm.  

One of those released reports tells of an incident in 1957 in which an American pilot stationed in the United Kingdom was ordered to shoot down a UFO that was registering on radar the size of an aircraft carrier.  That pilot, Major Milton Torres, PhD, USAF (ret.) will describe and take questions about this incident.

Questions will also be taken by Dr. Roger Leir who will have revealed at X-Conference 2009 for the first time startling new evidence supporting the growing number (tens of thousands) of extraterrestrial contact accounts.


X-Conference 2009 is hosted by television journalist and former CNN news anchor, Cheryll Jones. 

Featured speakers will include:  Radio host George Noory (Special Presentation); Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Nick Pope, Dr. Roger Leir (Special Presentation); Col. John Alexander, PhD (Special Presentation - Debate with Stephen Bassett); Colin Andrews; Art Campbell with Manuel “Bill” Kirklin; Richard Dolan; Graham Hancock; Paola Harris; Jeff Peckman; Michael Salla; PhD; Victor Viggiani; Alfred Webre, JD; and guest activists:  Dr. Joseph Buchman, Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle, Terri Mansfield, Robert Fleishcer (Germany), Angelika Whitecliff, Frederik Uldall (Denmark)

Contact:  Stephen Bassett
                 Executive Director


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


April 6, 2009


Press Release                                                                                   April 6, 2009

Washington, DC -  X-Conference 2009 will be held at the Hilton Hotel in Gaithersburg, Maryland on April 17-19. It is the annual conference produced by Paradigm Research Group to address the politics and implications of the UFO/ET issue - exopolitics.   There is a "disclosure movement" underway which is now international and gaining momentum.  See: .    This movement seeks nothing less than the formal acknowledgement by world governments of the extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.

Conference and registration information is found at: .   It is open to the public and there is on-site registration.  Press passes are available.  

X-Conference 2009 is hosted by former CNN news anchor, Cheryll Jones.  Featured speakers this year include:

Dr. Roger Leir - There is no issue more difficult with greater exopolitical implications than the emerging evidence for direct contact between humans and extraterrestrials.   Reports by the tens of thousands of self-described "contactees" (experiencers, abductees) have been piling up in the filing cabinets of researchers around the world.  Many hundreds of these reports have been thoroughly investigated and reported by researchers and therapists.

One component of the emerging evidence relates to reported "implants."   Many of these "implants" have been removed and examined.  No researcher has done more of this work than Dr. Roger Leir, a practicing podiatric surgeon in Southern California.     There has been a major breakthrough in Leir's work that will be revealed for the first time at X-Conference 2009.

Joseph Montaldo has built a grassroots organization, ICAR, the International Community for Alien Research, dealing with the contact phenomenon.  See: .  This organization is now well established with thousands of members in 11 countries.   ICAR investigators have examined over 5000 cases of reported extraterrestrial contact including abductions.   He is also an Internet radio pioneer with a very substantial presence on the web including a number of programs and hosts.   Montaldo will speak to the larger range of evidence and the profound implications of these reported interactions.

Other speakers include:   Stephen Bassett (Moderator); George Noory (Special Presentation); Edgar Mitchell, PhD; Col. John Alexander, PhD; Nick Pope with Major Milton Torres; Colin Andrews; Art Campbell with Manuel Kirklin; Richard Dolan; Graham Hancock; Paola Harris; Jeff Peckman; Michael Salla; PhD; Victor Viggiani; Alfred Webre, JD.  Guest Activists:  Dr. Joseph Buchman, Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle, Terri Mansfield, Robert Fleishcer (Germany), Angelika Whitecliff, Frederik Uldall (Denmark). 

A documentary by Suzanne Taylor, What on Earth, will have its East Coast premier.   She will present the film along with award winning documentarist, Suzanne Bauman.  See:  

All members of the U. S. Congress have received invitations to send representatives to X-Conference 2009. 
A post-conference press event will be held at the National Press Club, 14th and F Streets, NW, Washington, DC on Monday, April 20, at 10 am.   Dr. Roger Leir will announce his findings to the media and take questions at that time.   Other speakers will have announcements and take questions on the most important issue of our time.

Contact:  Stephen Bassett
                Executive Director

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


April 3, 2009


Press Release                                                                                                          April 3, 2009

Washington, DC - Paradigm Research Group will hold its fifth X-Conference (Exopolitics Expo) April 17-19 at the Hilton Hotel in Gaithersburg, MD.  This event is an integral part of PRG’s advocacy work aiming to change government policy toward extraterrestrial-related phenomena.   Since 1947 the United States has imposed a "truth embargo" on formal acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.   This engagement has been confirmed by a mountain of evidence compiled by hundreds of researchers over six decades.

Conference and registration information is found at: .   It is open to the public and there is on-site registration.  Press passes are available.    

X-Conference 2009 is hosted by former CNN news anchor, Cheryll Jones.  Featured speakers this year include:

Dr. Edgar Mitchell - this author, explorer, founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and one of only 12 humans to set foot off the planet Earth (Apollo 14) triggered an international media storm in July of 2008 when many in a UK radio audience heard for the first time his assertions about what he has learned about an extraterrestrial presence in our skies  (See: )   Dr. Mitchell will give his most comprehensive lecture on the intersection of his life with these issues, the response he has received and his thoughts on the disclosure process and the possible new paradigm in a post-disclosure world.

Nick Pope - media coverage in the United Kingdom of the extraterrestrial/UFO issue has exploded over the past twelve months due to the timed release of thousands of documents and sighting reports by the British government into the public domain.   These releases have generated hundreds of articles both in the UK and the United Kingdom.  At the center of this storm is Nick Pope, a former Senior Executive Officer with the UK Ministry of Defence, who directly investigated the UFO issue while working for the MoD and is now a leading researcher and spokesperson.  Nick will address the powerful events unfolding in his country.  

Major Milton Torres:  Nick Pope will be joined by USAF Major (ret.) Dr. Milton Torres who was featured in one of the MoD documents released last year.  Major Torres was ordered to shoot down a UFO while on duty in the UK and is now publicly speaking to that extraordinary event.

Other speakers include:   Stephen Bassett (Moderator); George Noory (Special Presentation); Dr. Roger Leir (Special Presentation); Col. John Alexander, PhD (Special Presentation - Debate with Stephen Bassett); Colin Andrews; Art Campbell with Manuel Kirklin; Richard Dolan; Graham Hancock; Paola Harris; Jeff Peckman; Michael Salla; PhD; Victor Viggiani; Alfred Webre, JD. Guest Activists:  Dr. Joseph Buchman, Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle, Terri Mansfield, Robert Fleishcer (Germany), Angelika Whitecliff, Frederik Uldall (Denmark).

All members of the U. S. Congress have received invitations to send representatives to X-Conference 2009.

A post-conference press event will be held at the National Press Club, 14th and F Streets, NW, Washington, DC on Monday, April 20, at 10 am.   Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Nick Pope, Major Milton Torrres and other speakers will have announcements and take questions on the most important issue of our time.

Contact:  Stephen Bassett
                Executive Director

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


Feb 9, 2009


Press Release                           February 9, 2009

X-Conference 2009
April 17-19, Hilton Hotel, Gaithersburg, MD

Washington, DC - The fifth X-Conference (Exopolitics Expo) will he held on April 17-19 at the Hilton Hotel in Gaithersburg, MD.

The X-Conference focuses on the political, governmental and social implications of extraterrestrial-related phenomena.  It is produced by PRG in the Washington, DC metro area as part of an ongoing activist effort seeking to end a government imposed truth embargo on the formal acknowledgement by the U. S. government of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race - Disclosure.

Full conference information and registration is on line at: .

Hotel reservations can be made via: 301-977-8900 (booking code: x-conference).

PRG will also hold a press conference at the National Press Club, First Amendment Room, 13th Floor, 14th and F Streets, NW, Washington, DC on Monday morning, April 20 at 10 am.   There will be a number of announcements relating to events breaking around the Disclosure process by X-Conference speakers.  These may include:  Nick Pope (developments in the United Kingdom), Stephen Bassett (actions by the Obama administration), Alfred Webre, JD (space weapons ban), Colin Andrews (developments in the United Kingdom), Victor Viggiani (developments in Canada), others TBA.

With formal disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence by the United States or other first world nation drawing near, X-Conference 2009 will be to some extent an exopolitical summit.  Leading figures in the exopolitics Disclosure movement are being invited to speak and a number of guest activists from around the world will also be participating.  It will be the largest ever gathering of such activists.   But X-Conference 2009 will not be monochromatic and will include these special presentations:

George Noory, host of the #1 late night talk show in America, will revisit some of the great segments from past C2C shows, give his thoughts on the extraordinary events taking place, take questions and sign autographs.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 Astronaut and founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, returns again this time to give an in depth lecture on the full  spectrum of his experience with the UFO/ET issue, his interactions with the media, his thoughts on the disclosure process and hopes for the post-disclosure world.

Dr. John Alexander (Col. USArmy ret.) and PRG executive director, Stephen Bassett will debate UFO/ET/Disclosure issues.

Graham Hancock, one of the most prolific authors and researchers of the ancient world, examines the exopolitics of the distant past.

Other outstanding speakers include:

  • Colin Andrews - new developments in the United Kingdom
  • Art Campbell - his important research on events in the Eisenhower administration and on the Plains of San Augustin
  • Richard Dolan - the second volume in his extremely important trilogy, UFOs and the National Security State
  • Paola Harris - the exopolitics of Hollywood
  • Joseph Montaldo - contactee, founder of ICAR and builder of an expanding Internet radio presence
  • Jeff Peckman - from the Denver Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission Ballot Initiative to David Letterman and beyond
  • Nick Pope - the man in the center of the United Kingdom UFO/ET/Disclosure firestorm
  • Dr. Michael Salla - one of the most aggressive thinkers and writers in exopolitics today
  • Victor Viggiani - the leader of exopolitical movement in Canada
  • Alfred Webre, JD - the founder of exopolitics, futurist, and leading activist for a space based weapons ban.  [Note: President Obama has indicated he will call for a Space Weapons Ban.]

Guest activists (so far) include:  Dr. Joseph Buchman - former Libertarian Party congressional candidate calling for Disclosure

Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle and Terri Mansfield - along with Dr. Lynne Kitei are building a political movement combining exopolitics, exoconsciousness and peace activism.

More speaker info at: 

Contact: Stephen Bassett, 202-215-8344


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


January 22, 2009

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PRG Press Release - January 22, 2009
Disclosure and the Citizen's Briefing Book

Washington, DC -  The Citizen's Briefing Book set up at the Presidential Transition website,, closed at 6 pm on January 20, 2009 after being open for nine days.  According to Michael Strautmanis, director of public liaison and intergovernmental affairs for the Obama/Biden transition team, "Over 125,000 users submitted over 44,000 ideas and cast over 1.4 million votes. The best rated ideas will be gathered into a Citizen's Briefing Book to be delivered to President Obama after he is sworn in."

Of the 44,000 submissions, 23 submissions were related to ending the government imposed UFO/ET Truth Embargo.  They received a combined total of 177,210 votes with over 3200 comments.   Based upon voting support six of the UFO/ET Disclosure related ideas were in the top 101 out of 44,000+ submitted.

PRG will check closely to determine whether the Disclosure issue is included in the Citizen's Briefing Book given to the new president.

You can view most of the 3200+ comments to the UFO/ET Disclosure submissions at these locations:

Citizen Briefing Book Archive

Paradigm Research Group Archive

Also ending on January 20 was Phase I of the Million Fax on Washington -    Thousands of letters, faxes and emails calling for Disclosure were sent to the senatorial office and transition headquarters of the President Elect.   Examples of this correspondence can be viewed at:

The Million Fax on Washington is a project of Paradigm Research Group.  Phase II of this initiative will begin next week.

Contact:  Stephen Bassett
                Executive Director


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


October 17, 2008

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Million Fax on Washington

Open Letter to Barack Obama and John McCain

October 17, 2008


Dear Senators:

In less than three weeks one of you will be President Elect of the United States.  When you take office on January 20, 2009 you will inherit a nation in crisis.  One notable indicator of this crisis is the unprecedented approval/trust ratings of the executive and legislative branches of government and the political press.   The faith of the American people in the presidency, the congress and the media is so low the social contract itself is at the breaking point.

The public grants candidates and office holders the odd fib, occasional white lie, and exaggerated resume, but will not abide government lying about matters of life and death, war and peace, and the very nature of reality.  Since 1947 there have been numerous breaches of public trust, but none more dangerous or impacting than the decision to withhold from the American people the facts behind an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.  

Formal acknowledgement of this extraordinary circumstance was initially withheld for national security reasons.  This is understandable.  

However, the pervasive and uninterrupted occurrences of extraterrestrial-related phenomena worldwide prompted a direct intervention into the citizen efforts to understand what was happening.   Thus was created the most extensive propaganda/disinformation campaign in history often referred to as a cover-up but best described as a truth embargo.   Citizens were threatened and harmed, research/activist organizations infiltrated and dismantled, newspapers and television networks recruited, false stories planted, documents destroyed, presidents denied information and Congress denied oversight.   This is less understandable.

After the Cold War ended in 1991 military and agency employees witness to events and evidence confirming the extraterrestrial presence began coming forward.  Public awareness of the extraterrestrial issue grew and seventeen years later is essentially universal.   Nations such as France, China, the United Kingdom, Mexico and Brazil are releasing relevant classified documents and cooperating with citizen research organizations.   But the United States government’s policy of embargo remains unchanged.   This is unacceptable.

The truth embargo’s end and formal acknowledgment of the extraterrestrial presence are inevitable.  What remains to be determined are when it happens, how much further damage is done to the public’s trust, and which nation will act first. 

After the election you are going to receive many thousands of letters, faxes and emails from citizens of many nations calling for you to 1) demand a full briefing from your military services and intelligence agencies, 2) press for open and comprehensive congressional hearings, 3) formally acknowledge the extraterrestrial presence, and 4) release into the public domain extraterrestrial derived technologies, secretly studied and reverse engineered for six decades, and now essential to overcome the environmental, economic and social challenges of our time.

As President Elect reach out to your party’s allies within the military and intelligence communities.  When you take office conduct the necessary meetings with the cross agency committees managing the extraterrestrial presence issue.  In the spring of 2009, before the truth embargo becomes your embargo, initiate disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence and begin rebuilding the trust of the American people in their government and the standing of your country in the world.


Stephen Bassett
Executive Director


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


October 7, 2008

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October 7, 2008
Media Notice
Re: Million Fax on Washington

Washington, DC - News about the Million Fax on Washington is spreading on the Internet and across Facebook.  PRG executive director Stephen Bassett is available to talk about this initiative.  Contact:    202-215-8344

The Million Fax on Washington is a project of Paradigm Research Group

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


October 1, 2008

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October 1, 2008
Press Release
Re: Million Fax on Washington

Washington, DC - Stephen Bassett, executive director of the Paradigm Research Group, announced today "the most important initiative PRG has launched in its twelve-year history."

The "Million Fax on Washington" will motivate the American people to send, between November 5, 2008 and January 20, 2009, one million letters, faxes and emails to the President Elect calling for the new president to: 1) demand and receive a full briefing by his military services and intelligence agencies regarding the extraterrestrial presence and related phenomena, 2) support convening congressional hearings to take testimony from scores of former military and agency employees regarding extraterrestrial phenomena, and 3) formally acknowledge to the American people the extraterrestrial presence - Disclosure.

Straightforward instructions and additional information are available at the initiative website:

This effort will be international in scope and citizens of other countries are also being encouraged to contact the new American president.   The decision by the United States government, formalized in 1952, to embargo the truth regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race has impacted all peoples and nations.

PRG has also created a Facebook Group Page - Million Fax on Washington.  Facebook is the most powerful networking community on the Internet, and PRG expects this community to contribute a significant portion of the letters, faxes and emails to the President Elect.

PRG executive director Stephen Bassett is already scheduled for two dozen media interviews and expects to do 100+ media segments over the next 90 days.

"Formal acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race - Disclosure - is close at hand and possibly already under consideration by elements within the United States Government.   But it is not a fait accompli.   It could be withheld due to events or loss of political will.   It is critical the American people act now to help close the deal.   There has never been a more profound opportunity for the people in concert to make a difference and change the course of history."


Contact:    Stephen Bassett
                     Executive Director 
                     Paradigm Research Group/X-PPAC 


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


July 24, 2008

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July 24, 2008
Press Release
Re: Dr. Edgar Mitchell

Apollo Astronaut Again Confirms an Extraterrestrial Presence Engaging the Human Race

Washington, DC - Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell (PhD MIT) has once again stated clearly that high ranking civilian and military officials have over the years confirmed to him the UFO phenomenon in part is the consequence of a non-human intelligence engaging the planet earth and the human race.  Further, he confirmed an extraterrestrial vehicle crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 placing in the hands of the U. S. government potentially transformative technology.

These reassertions were made on a July 4, 2008 CNN Larry King Live program.   As usual the American media did not find this newsworthy and there was little follow-up coverage.

However, when he repeated and expanded his remarks on a London radio station on July 23 the result was an explosion of international coverage which will almost certainly spill back into the United States.

PRG executive director, Stephen Bassett, stated, "Dr. Mitchell is only the tip of the iceberg.  There are scores of military and civilian agency witnesses ready to testify under oath before a congressional hearing and reveal the most important information in human history to a public that no longer believes anything the U. S. Government has to say on this matter."  

"But to be quite blunt, the very fact that a man of Dr. Mitchell's stature and accomplishments, has repeatedly asserted the reality of an extraterrestrial presence is in and of itself sufficient basis for full hearings, and furthermore, every political and science reporter from every paper of record in this nation should be on the phone to this man today."

"When will American journalism make up its mind whose side it's on - the American people or the agencies of government propaganda."

    Mitchell Articles, Video & Audio:


           Mitchell Biography/Website:


Contact:    Stephen Bassett
                     Executive Director 
                     Paradigm Research Group/X-PPAC 


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


June 24, 2008

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June 24, 2008
Press Release
Re: Wikipression

Washington, DC – A second instance of censorship has taken place related to matters exopolitical.

First Google deletes or blocks listings from the top of search returns; now after three years an Administrator at Wikipedia has removed the "Exopolitics" article from the online "people's" encyclopedia.   This from a publication with huge articles on Britney Spears, the Incredible Hulk and Mr. Ed (the talking horse).   Efforts to get the article reinstated were rebuffed, and essentially impossible, given the absurd complexity of Wikiprocedures.

Wikipedia is a powerful concept.   Six percent of all web users access it.  It draws upon the collective intellectual resource to create something with huge potential.  Sadly, in order to deal with attendant issues such as inaccuracy, vandalism and malicious intent, operationally it has become an impenetrable, incomprehensible labyrinth populated by obsessive-compulsive geeks who rule over imaginary fiefdoms while hiding behind screen names.

The Administrator/OCG in this instance who deleted the "Exopolitics" article goes by the screen name "Sandstein."  He has no knowledge of exopolitics, its history or the attendant issues and his "decision" was derived from a mock consensus of a few other OCG's who know even less - a rationale based upon the premise that collective ignorance is somehow smarter than individual ignorance - a case of the arrogant leading the blind.

First Google deletes the Open Letter to Senator Hillary Clinton listings at or near the top of the search returns going into the key Indiana and North Carolina primary elections, which miraculously reappear a few days after the elections are over.   Now Wikipedia has deleted the "Exopolitics" article which had been in place for over three years.  

PRG executive director Stephen Bassett commented, “It is important to understand that given the manner in which Wikipedia operates, it is very vulnerable to direct government interference.  A “consensus” of a few “users” is all that is needed to remove an article which is not to the liking of some element within government.   ‘Administrators’ can be planted and affect content, block users and who knows what else.”  

“In any event, every time censorship of exopolitical issues by non-governmental entities takes place PRG is going to point it out and name names.  Truth embargos remain in place because people and organizations not only believe government propaganda, they step up to help enforce it.” 

“Neither government suppression nor censorship by the likes of Google or Wikipedia will prevent the inculcation of exopolitics into the mainstream or the end to the truth embargo regarding a non-human intelligence engaging the human race."

The press may contact WikiAdministrator “Sandstein” via his Wiki page (and in no other fashion) at:


Contact:    Stephen Bassett
                     Executive Director 
                     Paradigm Research Group/X-PPAC 


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


May 19, 2008

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May 19, 2008
Press Release
Re: Billy Cox Reportage


Washington, DC – PRG has published a new webpage on its site dedicated to the reporting of journalist Billy Cox.   No reporter at any newspaper in any nation has written more competently or comprehensively on the many issues surrounding extraterrestrial-related phenomena.   He received the PRG Courage in Journalism Award in 2005.  See:

A partial linked listing of his relevant articles and blogs is now archived at:

As the most significant news story in history begins to unfold at an ever increasing pace, Pulitzer Prize possibilities abound.   But any reporter or editor who wants a piece of that action will have to pedal very hard if they want to get out in front of Billy Cox.


Contact:    Stephen Bassett
                     Executive Director 
                     Paradigm Research Group/X-PPAC 


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


May 14, 2008


May 14, 2008
Press Release


To: Dan Abrams, Wolf Blitzer, Lou Dobbs, Keith Olbermann, Chris  Matthews, Bill O'Reilly, Brit Hume, Tim Russert, Joe Scarborough,  George Stephanopoulos, Chris Wallace and the rest of the political  press corps


From: Paradigm Research Group

When are you going to ask Senator Hillary Clinton about the  Rockefeller Initiative?

Rockefeller Initiative

Open Letter to Senator Hillary Clinton


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


May 9, 2008

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May 9, 2008
Media Notice
Re: Google Blocking Update

Shortly after a well known journalist contact of PRG's contacted the Google press office for the second time the Open Letter to Hillary Clinton located at:  reemerged on the Google search listings.

It was at the top of the search listing on May 1 for [Open Letter to Senator Hillary Clinton] when it along with other sites were stripped from the listings.

As of today it can only be reached by using very restrictive search criteria.   What that means is that the hit counter for the page was zeroed out when the block was taken off.  

There are several ways Google can block a page.  One is to simply block the specific address for a page.  That's 100% effective.   Another is to zero out the hit count for that page so it plunges downward in the listings essentially out of sight.   Google can also block the page from appearing under some search terms and not others.

PRG requests that you please visit the source page often over the next few days to drive the hit count for the page up and thereby drive the page higher and higher up the search returns under all search criteria.  This will help to keep Google honest.

That said, this breach of censorship has been fully documented and PRG has no intention of dropping the matter with Google.

PRG very much suspects that this entire episode was to limit any  damage to the Clinton campagin going into last Tuesday's  election.  Which is to say that another reason all the pages in  question have reemerged onto the Goolge listings is the North  Carolina and Indiana primaries are over.  If true, this act of censorship by Google would be even more egregious.

Please visit:  early and often.

Stephen Bassett
Executive Director



4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


May 6, 2008

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May 6, 2008
Press Release
Re: Google Censorship

Washington, DC - On April 30 PRG published an Open Letter to Senator Hillary Clinton regarding Laurance Rockefeller's effort from March of 1993 through 1996 to convince her husband to release all government held files pertaining to UFOs and extraterrestrial life.   This letter was published to the websites for PRG, American Chronicle, OpEd News and the National Ledger.  It was also sent out to approximately 5000 television, radio, internet and print media.

The PRG web page is located at:

PRG watched carefully as the pages holding this Open Letter moved quickly up the search engine results at Google and Yahoo based on these search criteria:

open letter to Senator Hillary Clinton
open letter to Senator Clinton
open letter to Hillary Clinton      

Within 36 hours the PRG and American Chronicle Open Letter to Senator Hillary Clinton pages were at or near the top of both the Google and Yahoo search results.

At that time the Google search listings for the Open Letter to Senator Hillary Clinton published by PRG were stripped (or blocked) from the Google search returns.   Fortunately, this did not take place with the Yahoo search returns.

Efforts by PRG to reach Google to determine why this had happened have been fruitless.

Blocking the Google search engine from listing the web pages which contain the PRG Open Letter to Senator Hillary Clinton is a pure act of political censorship.

Given Google's behavior as regards its presence in the People's Republic of China - compliance with severe content restrictions - this act of censorship raises deeply serious questions. 

First and foremost it raises the question of what other pages containing political speech not acceptable to Google are being blocked from Google search listings within the United States?

PRG is seeking pro bono legal assistance from 1st Amendment specialist attorneys in order to open a dialogue with Google to resolve this matter.


Contact:    Stephen Bassett
                     Executive Director 
                     Paradigm Research Group/X-PPAC 


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


May 5, 2008

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May 5, 2008
Media Notice
Re: Hillary Clinton and the Rockefeller Initiative

Washington, DC - Fifteen months into the presidential election campaign a question remains for the questioners: when will the political press corps ask Senator Hillary Clinton about the Rockefeller Initiative?

RI Documents referencing Senator Clinton:,

Key RI Documents: 


Contact:    Stephen Bassett
                     Executive Director 
                     Paradigm Research Group/X-PPAC 

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


April 29, 2008

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Washington, DC - The following announcements regarding matters arising from and related to X-Conference 2008 were made at the PRG National Press Club press conference on April 21, 2008.   Full video at:

Joseph Buchman – Candidate, Utah 1st Congressional District

Joseph Geddes Buchman, PhD announced his candidacy to represent Utah’s First Congressional District.  This is notable as he will be the third candidate on the November ballot in a federal election directly speaking to the issues regarding extraterrestrial-related phenomena and a government imposed embargo on full disclosure to the American people.  The first was Jimmy Carter in the 1976 presidential election.  The second was Stephen Bassett in the 2002 congressional election.  Dr. Buchman is running on the Libertarian ticket.        Full press release at

Implementation of UNGA Decision 33/426 (1978) Initiative

Four non-governmental organizations have launched a joint initiative to urge the implementation of a historic UN General Assembly Decision concerning extraterrestrial life and UFOs, adopted on December 18, 1978. This year marks the 30th anniversary of UN General Assembly Decision 33/426 that invited: “Member States to take appropriate steps to coordinate on a national level scientific research and investigation into extraterrestrial life, including unidentified flying objects.” The Decision further invited Member States to “inform the Secretary-General of the observations, research and evaluation of such activities.”  Text of the UN Decision 33/426 at:             Full press release at:

Peace and Emergency Action Coalition for Earth (P.E.A.C.E. Inc) – Plan C

P.E.A.C.E. Inc. presented a new global research and action program, Plan C, at the X-Conference.   Plan C is designed to prepare the global public for disclosure of and ultimately contact with extraterrestrial civilizations that may have been interacting with Earth from the beginning of humankind.  Additionally, it will influence the strategies of disclosure by countries that have, up to now, denied and disinformed the world about these historic relationships.                                            Full press release at

Vanguard Cinema – The Phoenix Lights Documentary

Vanguard Cinema announced the release of an enhanced version of Dr. Lynne Kitei’s documentary, The Phoenix Lights.   Dr. Kitei will be doing media appearances in support of the film including Fox News, NBC’s Dateline and other programs.                                     Full press release at

Rob Simone - UFOs IN THE HEADLINES: Real Reporting On a Real Phenomenon

Author Rob Simone announced the release of his new book UFOs in the Headlines: Real Reporting on a Real Phenomenon in which he examines the UFO/ET subject from a journalistic perspective.  With over 200 photographs of actual newspaper clippings, the book gives an overview of the hard-hitting and diverse range of UFO news stories from over 10 countries.                          Full press release at:

Contact:  Stephen Bassett, Executive Director, 202-215-8344


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


April 28, 2008

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April 28, 2008
Press Release

Washington, DC - Paradigm Research Group makes the following announcements regarding matters from and related to X-Conference 2008 at the Gaithersburg Hilton Hotel, April 18-20.

Senator Hillary Clinton

As presented by Canadian researcher Grant Cameron at the X-Conference, presidential candidate Clinton has been aware of the extraterrestrial presence issue at least since 1993 when her husband’s administration was approached by Laurance S. Rockefeller regarding the release of all UFO documents and other related information in government files and making a commitment to tell the public the full facts regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.  This effort has come to be called the Rockefeller Initiative, and it lasted for three years.   Confirmation of this effort was obtained by Cameron via the Freedom of Information Act from the files of the Office of Science and Technology Policy.  One of these documents is attached. 

You can review 163 of the key documents at:     A history of the RI can be found at:  Please note specific references to Senator Clinton in documents archived at: and

An “Open Letter to Senator Clinton” from PRG regarding the Rockefeller Initiative and the extraterrestrial-related phenomena issue will be published widely across the Internet on April 30.   

Exopolitics World Network (EWN)

PRG has launched an international network of websites which will chronicle exopolitical developments within their respective countries and network with other similar sites worldwide.  Ten countries are on board with two pending.  Webmasters in 20 other countries are being sought to create new sites.   See:

PRG Awards

The following individuals received awards at the X-Conference Awards Banquet: Intellectual Courage – Dr. John Mack; Political Courage – the Honorable Paul Hellyer; Courage in Journalism – George Noory; Lifetime Achievement (Posthumous) – Laurance S. Rockefeller; Lifetime Achievement (Living) – Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell; Disclosure – Dr. Jesse Marcel, Jr.   See:


The X-Conference focuses on the political, governmental and social aspects relating to extraterrestrial-related phenomena – exopolitics.   It is produced by PRG as part of an ongoing advocacy effort seeking to end the government imposed truth embargo on formal acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.   The ending of this truth embargo would be the Disclosure event.

Contact:  Stephen Bassett
                 Executive Director


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


April 8, 2008


April 8, 2008
Press Release

Washington, DC - Paradigm Research Group announced today the program is set for the fourth X-Conference at the Hilton Hotel in Gaithersburg, MD, April 18-20.   Full conference information and registration at:


Special Appearance
by George Noory
host of Coast to Coast AM
#1 Late Night Talk
Show in America


Hosted by
Cheryll Jones

television journalist and former
CNN News Anchor


  • Special PresentationGeorge Noory
  • Keynotes:  Dr. Edgar Mitchell (main), Paul Hellyer (short), George Noory (short)
  • Speakers: Dr. Jesse Marcel, Jr. (Roswell); Dr. Tom Valone (UFO derived technology); Dr. John Alexander (Aviary); Dr. Bruce Maccabee (Aviary); Dr. C. B. "Scott' Jones (Aviary); Angelia Joiner (Stephenville, TX sightings); Robert Emenegger (The Nixon years); Stephen Bassett (Exopolitics); Grant Cameron (U.S. Presidents and UFOS); Richard Dolan (UFOs and the National Security State); Victor Viggiani/Mike Bird (Canadian exopolitics); Rob Simone (Media coverage); and Terry Hansen (Media cover-up).    Host: Cheryll Jones
  • Special Guests: Joseph Buchman (Utah 1st Congressional District candidate), Connie Fogal (Leader of the Canadian Action Party), more TBA
  • Artists: Mark Brabant, D. J. Bachman, Sonny Hale, Mark Medford, Betty Plummer and Melissa Reed
  • Documentaries Touched (Laurel Chiten), Odyssey (Joyce Libutti), The Phoenix Lights (Dr. Lynne Kitei), Staya Erusa (Uri Geller, et al.)
  • Press Conference:  National Press Club, Lisagor Room, Monday, 10 am, April 21.

The X-Conference focuses on the political, governmental and social aspects relating to extraterrestrial-related phenomena – exopolitics.   It is produced by PRG as part of an ongoing advocacy effort seeking to end the government imposed truth embargo on formal acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.   The ending of this truth embargo would be the Disclosure event.     Press passes available.

Contact:  Stephen Bassett
                 Executive Director


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


April 3, 2008

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April 3, 2008
Press Release
Re: X-Conference 2008 Documentaries

Washington, DC - PRG's upcoming X-Conference scheduled for April 18-20 at the Hilton Hotel in Gaithersburg, MD will feature four exceptional documentaries which have been nominated for or won numerous awards.   Full conference information is available at:

The X-Conference focuses on the political, governmental and social aspects relating to extraterrestrial-related phenomena – exopolitics.   It is produced by PRG as part of an ongoing advocacy effort seeking to end the government imposed truth embargo on formal acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race - Disclosure.

Three of these documentaries deal with the two most significant and challenging exopolitical issues which government must address sooner or later: 1) the continuing intrusion into the nation's airspace by craft of unknown origin for which the government offers no appropriate explanation, and 2) tens of thousands of detailed reports from citizens who claim direct interaction with non-human entities, assumed to be extraterrestrial, both welcome and unwelcome.  The number of citizens in this circumstance is not known, but has been estimated to be large.

Relating to the first issue is the documentary The Phoenix Lights which recounts the historic and still unexplained Arizona mass sighting of 1997 with riveting new data and personal interviews in an updated version of the internationally acclaimed and award winning film.   The documentary is a collaborative effort between Lynne D. Kitei, M.D. (executive producer/director, author & a key witness) and Steve Lantz (producer, director of photography, editor & composer).   It is based on the bestselling book, The Phoenix Lights...A Skeptic's Discovery That We Are Not Alone, in which 30 credible eyewitnesses, children, scientists, military, pilots and experts give compelling testimony to the reality of these mysterious global visitations.

Two documentaries address the second issue.   Springing from the work of Dr. John Mack Touched is the personal exploration by Laurel Chiten into the lives and minds of alleged abductees, or experiencers, around the world, and of her path through skepticism, fear, insomnia, fascination, confusion that led to many questions.  What happens when the unexplained intrudes into our lives, and how do lives and relationships respond when credulity is strained to a breaking point?  This is the leading question she set out to explore. This is a film about the human experience — about longing for connection and fear of separation.

Odyssey chronicles the intense personal journey of Santa Fean Joyce Libutti, an "ordinary" wife and mother whose profound and startling encounters with benevolent alien beings have transformed her life and motivated her to risk telling her story -- and theirs -- to the world.

The fourth documentary, Staya Erusa, is a challenging tour around the outer perimeter of human understanding.  It is a road map to the territory outside the box of consensus thinking where the leaders of nations will have to go if they wish to understand the basis for the new realities that lie on the other side of Disclosure.

The list of speakers and keynoters includes:  Dr. Edgar Mitchell (Apollo Astronaut and founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences); Paul Hellyer (former Defence and Deputy Prime Minister of Canada); George Noory (host of Coast to Coast AM); Drs. John Alexander, Bruce Maccabee and C. B. Scott Jones (members of the legendary Aviary), Dr. Thomas Valone (founder of Integrity Research Institute); Dr. Jesse Marcel, Jr. (the most important living Roswell witness); Angelia Joiner (lead reporter of the Stephenville, Texas sightings); researcher Grant Cameron; political activists Stephen Bassett, Victor Viggiani and Mike Bird; historian Richard Dolan; and authors Robert Emenegger, Rob Simone and Terry Hansen.   Stephen Bassett and former CNN News anchor Cheryll Jones will co-host the event.

Media passes are available for reporters and documentarists.  Two media rooms have been reserved.

There will be a post-event press conference on Monday, April 21 at 10 am in the Lisagor Room at the National Press Club, 13th Floor, 14th and F Streets, NW, Washington, DC.  Stephen Bassett along with other conference speakers will make a number of announcements.  It is open to the public.  

The Phoenix Lights -
Touched -
Odyssey -
Staya Erusa -


Contact:    Stephen Bassett
                     Executive Director 
                     Paradigm Research Group/X-PPAC 

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


March 31, 2008

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March 31, 2008
Press Release
Re: X-Conference 2008

Washington, DCParadigm Research Group announced today the program and speaker lineup has been set for the fourth X-Conference at the Hilton Hotel in Gaithersburg, MD outside of Washington, DC on April 18-20.    Complete information and registration forms can be found at

The X-Conference focuses on the political, governmental and social aspects relating to extraterrestrial-related phenomena – exopolitics.   It is produced by PRG as part of an ongoing advocacy effort seeking to end the government imposed truth embargo on formal acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.   The ending of this truth embargo would be the Disclosure event.

The list of speakers and keynoters includes:  Dr. Edgar Mitchell (Apollo Astronaut and founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences); Paul Hellyer (former Defence and Deputy Prime Minister of Canada); George Noory (host of Coast to Coast AM); Drs. John Alexander, Bruce Maccabee and C. B. Scott Jones (members of the legendary Aviary), Dr. Thomas Valone (founder of Integrity Research Institute); Dr. Jesse Marcel, Jr. (the most important living Roswell witness); Angelia Joiner (lead reporter of the Stephenville, Texas sightings); researcher Grant Cameron; political activists Stephen Bassett, Victor Viggiani and Mike Bird; historian Richard Dolan; and authors Robert Emenegger, Rob Simone and Terry Hansen.   Stephen Bassett and former CNN News anchor Cheryll Jones will co-host the event.

George Noory, host of the #1 late night talk show in America, Coast to Coast AM, will make a rare appearance in the Washington, DC area and spend two hours talking and signing autographs with his many fans.  This is a special fund raising event for Paradigm Research Group.

Featured documentaries include: Touched (Laurel Chiten), Odyssey (Joyce Libutti), The Phoenix Lights (Lynne Kitei, MD) and Staya Erusa (Harry Beckers, Ronald Jan Heijn and Uri Geller.).  Chiten, Libutti and Kitei will present their films.

The Saturday banquet will include keynotes by Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Paul Hellyer and George Noory followed by the PRG Awards for: Disclosure, Political Courage, Courage in Journalism, Intellectual Courage (new) and Lifetime Achievement.

All of this year’s principal presidential candidates and members of Congress have been sent invitations to attend or send a representative to speak to the issues.  

Media passes are available for reporters and documentarists.  Two media rooms have been reserved.

There will be a post-event press conference on Monday, April 21 at 10 am in the Lisagor Room at the National Press Club, 13th Floor, 14th and F Streets, NW, Washington, DC.  Stephen Bassett along with other conference speakers will make a number of announcements.  It is open to the public.  


Contact:    Stephen Bassett
                     Executive Director 
                     Paradigm Research Group/X-PPAC 


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


January 14, 2007

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January 14, 2008
Press Release
Re: Need for follow-up coverage of the UFO/ET issue in the presidential campaigns

Washington, DC - Recent events have made it clear it is time for the political reporters, editors, moderators and talk show hosts to penetrate the ridicule curtain and ask serious questions of and demand appropriate answers from the presidential candidates regarding the UFO issue and the government's 60-year non-denial, denial (truth embargo) of an extraterrestrial explanation.

Another major document release by the Ministry of Defence is pending in the United Kingdom,  a mass sighting similar to the 1997 Phoenix lights events has taken place in San Diego, Dennis Kucinich has acknowledged a significant sighting which has been confirmed and written up on the front page of the Wall Street Journal.   Other candidates have been queried, including VP hopeful, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson,  Follow-up and investigative journalism is called for. 

If you are a political journalist, spend thirty minutes at each of these two websites and you will learn why.

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PRG Main Website

The Presidents UFO Website

Think the press has done its job?  Read The Missing Times: News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-up by Terry Hansen.   See:


Contact:    Stephen Bassett
                     Executive Director 
                     Paradigm Research Group/X-PPAC 


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


January 4, 2007

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January 4, 2008
Media Notice
 ABC News Debate Double Header Saturday and the Extraterrestrial Presence Issue  

Washington, DC - Tomorrow night, January 5 at 7–11 pm EST, ABC News will hold back-to-back debates ahead of the New Hampshire primaries.   News anchor Charles Gibson will moderate what may be an unprecedented double header debate at the same venue.   Which political party debates first will be determined by a coin toss.

Once again more than a dozen candidates will stand before the American people seeking to be the leader of the most influential nation in the world.   And once more there will be an opportunity to ask them not silly, but serious questions about their views on the most profound issue confronting all people and all nations – the presence of intelligent, non-humans engaging the human race and the 60-year truth embargo imposed on formal acknowledgement of this fact by elements within the government they wish to head.

The door was opened by the dean of Washington television journalists, Tim Russert, at the October 30 Democrat debate in Philadelphia with the now famous question to Dennis Kucinich.  This led to questions to Barack Obama, Bill Richardson, Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani and scores of news articles.  [See: ]

Kucinich, who is quite knowledgeable on the subject and has been briefed extensively on the UFO/ET evidence by colleagues of PRG, essentially dodged the subject.   It is up to the working journalists to keep the issue in play and insist on comprehensive answers from these candidates.

PRG executive director, Stephen Bassett, stated, “It is understandable but not acceptable that these candidates are scared silent after 60 years of institutional propaganda and disinformation regarding the extraterrestrial presence.  However, it is neither understandable nor acceptable that top-tier news organizations refuse to challenge these aspiring presidents to state clearly their views on a matter 50% of the American people have stated in poll after poll they consider valid.

Does ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, FOX and the top-tier print media think the presence of extraterrestrial beings engaging the human race is not a matter of national security?    Is it their conclusion that the tens of thousands of detailed reports accumulating in the files of researchers around the world of contact, often coercive, between humans and these beings is not a serious societal concern?

ABC News has received reams of material on the UFO/ET issues from PRG and other organizations for the past 20 years.   Meetings with producers have been held.   ABC News attended the May 9, 2001 and November 12, 2007 press conferences at the National Press Club in which dozens of government witnesses of high rank and station presented extraordinary and compelling testimony.  [See: ]

On January 2 the Wall Street Journal, to its great credit, gave the Kucinich question serious, front page exposure.   [See: ]   Can Charles Gibson in a debate just three days later simply ignore such a confirmation that the issue is finally in play and candidates need to be challenged?   

Can there be anything but consensus that if there is an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race (and be assured there is), any candidate who refused to speak to that issue is not fit to lead?

And finally, when will the esteemed moderators of these debates ask Senator Hillary Clinton about the Rockefeller Initiative?  [See: ]

Contact:    Stephen Bassett
                     Executive Director 
                     Paradigm Research Group/X-PPAC 


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


November 29, 2007

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November 29, 2007
Media Notice
CNN's David Bohrman and the YouTube Debates
       Has Mr. Bohrman insulted the intelligence of 120 million Americans?

Washington, DC - The YouTube Presidential Debate question referred to by CNN Senior Vice President and Washington Bureau Chief David Bohrman in the Wired Magazine article below is the X-PPAC question submitted for the July 23 Democratic and November 12 Republican YouTube debates.   This question, which Mr. Bohrman mischaracterized, can be viewed at:

Mr. Bohrman's comment is disturbing on many levels and X-PPAC Executive Director, Stephen Bassett, is seeking a personal meeting with Mr. Bohrman to discuss the matter.   Mr. Bassett has appeared on CNN regarding the UFO/ET issue and the concomitant government imposed truth embargo as have many of his colleagues.  CNN has begun to provide more appropriate coverage of this extremely important issue, and it is possible Mr. Bohrman is simply not informed on the matter.

He may not be aware that 50% of the American people polled by CNN, his own network, respond they believe there is an extraterrestrial explanation behind the UFO phenomenon and over 80% believe their government is not telling them the truth about this issue.  He may not be aware of the scores of high level government and agency witnesses coming forward in many forums with testimony to events and evidence that collectively confirm the extraterrestrial explanation.  He may not be aware of the recent actions by France, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Brazil and other countries to open their files and reengage the issue.

Given CNN's prominence as a news organization and its role in the ongoing presidential election, it is important that Mr. Bohrman be aware of these developments.  Mr. Bassett, who like Mr. Bohrman, is based in Washington, DC, hopes to meet with the CNN Senior Vice President as soon as possible and talk about why the matter of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race is more important to the American people and the nation than whether or not Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is a cyborg.

Contact:  Stephen Bassett, Executive Director
                Paradigm Research Group

Contact:  David Bohrman 
                Senior Vice President / Washington Bureau Chief
                820 First Street, NE 
                Washington, DC 20002 
       (may not be current)

November, 27, 2007
CNN-YouTube Debate Producer Doubts the Wisdom of the Crowd
By Sarah Lai Stirland
Wired Magazine

As Republican presidential contenders brace for Wednesday's CNN-YouTube debate, the executive in charge of the event is unapologetic about his decision to put mainstream journalists in charge of deciding which user-contributed YouTube videos the candidates will actually face on the air.

For all the talk about online voter empowerment, the web is still too immature a medium to set an agenda for a national debate, says CNN senior vice president David Bohrman.

"If you would have taken the most-viewed questions last time, the top question would have been whether Arnold Schwarzenegger was a cyborg sent to save the planet Earth," says Bohrman, the debate's executive producer. "The second-most-viewed video question was: Will you convene a national meeting on UFOs?"



4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


November 26, 2007

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Press Release
November 26, 2007

Re: 1993-1996 Rockefeller Initiative to end the government imposed UFO/ET truth embargo

PRG publishes to the Internet documents from the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) during the Clinton administration confirming the Rockefeller Initiative

Washington, DC – Today Paradigm Research Group placed on the Internet documents from the executive Office of Science and Technology Policy obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by Canadian researcher, Grant Cameron.   These documents confirm the effort by billionaire Laurance Rockefeller to persuade President Bill Clinton to begin releasing to the public government held information pertaining to the UFO phenomenon and extraterrestrial life and to provide amnesty to government employees wishing to come forward and testify regarding relevant events and evidence.   These documents are located at:

Rockefeller’s move to effect “disclosure” lasted from March 1993 through 1996.   Researchers aware of this effort commonly refer to it as the “Rockefeller Initiative.”   While the Initiative itself was not successful, it did lead to engagement of the UFO/ET issue by Associate Attorney General Webster Hubbell, Congressman Steven Schiff, John Podesta, Governor Bill Richardson and others right up until the present time.

The nearly four-year initiative included 1) strategy meetings of researchers held at Rockefeller’s JY Ranch in Colorado; 2) meetings between Rockefeller and President Clinton and Hillary Clinton at the JY Ranch; 3) the commissioning of numerous reports and white papers, including an extensive study titled “Unidentified Flying Objects Briefing Document: The Best Available Evidence” by Don Berliner and Antonio Huneeus; 4) document requests and searches within the Clinton administration; 5) an important symposium, “When Cosmic Cultures Meet”; 6) considerable correspondence between public and private entities, and much more.

Many more Initiative documents are in the hands of other agencies, private citizens and the Clinton Presidential Library.   Researcher Grant Cameron early on filed extensive FOIA requests to obtain relevant documents from the Clinton Library, targeting Bill and Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and others.  It is these requests which have recently been referred to on CNN and in several newspaper articles.

While the recent questions posed to presidential candidates during debates and campaign stops is encouraging, it is and must be just the beginning of extensive queries to all candidates regarding their knowledge of and intentions toward what is easily the most important issue of this or any other time in history.   Furthermore, PRG can state with high confidence the answers so far being given to these questions are evasive and mendacious.  

It is imperative that all journalists covering the 2008 election campaign review the Rockefeller Initiative documents.   Then PRG suggests reviewing the Media, Quotes and Video archives portaled at:   The most important news story in history awaits.

Contact:  Stephen Bassett
                Executive Director



4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


November 15, 2007

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 PRG Press Release - 11/15/07


 Hillary Clinton and the Rockefeller Initiative

Washington, DC -  Today's Washington Post has an article by Libby Copeland which mentions the work of Canadian researcher Grant Cameron in the context of requests to obtain documents from the Clinton presidential library relating to the UFO phenomenon.  

The context for these Freedom of Information Act requests is the initiative by Laurance Rockefeller from March of 1993 through 1995 to persuade the new president to release all government documents pertaining to UFO phenomena to the public and effectively end a long standing truth embargo. 

A comprehensive review of this initiative and other related developments during the Clinton administration can be found at:

Rockefeller initially approached the executive Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) headed by Dr. John Gibbons.  As the initiative unfolded Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and key Clinton adviser, John Podesta, watched from the Oval Office but did not get directly involved.

Furthermore, President and Mrs. Clinton had private visits with Laurance Rockefeller at his ranch near Jackson Hole, Wyoming in 1994 and 1995.  It is reasonably assumed they discussed the Initiative at this time.

We know this because of 900 pages of documents obtained by Grant Cameron from the OSTP via the Freedom of Information Act and from news articles relating to the Clintons' private meetings with Rockefeller.

PRG will soon publish to the internet the relevant news articles and OSTP documents confirming the Rockefeller Initiative.

In light of recent questions posed to candidates Kucinich and Richardson regarding UFO phenomena, it is appropriate that candidate Clinton be asked about her views regarding the Rockefeller Initiative.

Contact:  Stephen Bassett
                 Executive Director
                 Paradigm Research Group


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


October 19, 2007

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October 19, 2007
Press Release
Re: Fastwalkers Documentary Delivered to Congress

Washington, DCFor nearly ten years Paradigm Research Group and its political action committee X-PPAC have been alerting all members of Congress to a growing body of evidence confirming 1) a non-human, extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and 2) a truth embargo imposed as a matter of government policy on acknowledgement of this evidence.

This evidence has been collected by thousands of researchers throughout the world for six decades and now fills nearly 10,000 published books, papers, reports and documentaries.  More importantly, since 1991 scores of government employees (military, intelligence, contractors, civilian agencies) have come forward with firsthand testimony which collectively confirms this extraterrestrial presence.

Despite the mounting evidence and witness emergence the Congress has refused to publicly readdress this issue.  The last relevant public hearings, both limited and without follow-up, were held in 1966 and 1968.  Scores of documentaries now reside in the viewing libraries of the History, Discovery, Learning, A&E, Travel and other cable networks.  They contain substantive information and are repeatedly televised.   The appropriate agencies and congressional committees have ignored them.  Consequently, various NGO’s including PRG have distributed materials directly to Congress.

This week PRG and X-PPAC provided to all members of the House and Senate a well produced, high definition documentary titled Fastwalkers: They are Here.  It introduces the basic issues and many of the researchers and activists along with some of the more important sighting events.   All members were invited to review this film and follow up with additional resources.

This documentary was produced by Robert D. Miles and Bruce Jessop and directed by Anthony Miles.   The distribution to Congress was made possible by support from Elliott and Sharon Maynard and the Arcos Cielos Research Center.

Fastwalker is a code word created by NORAD (North American Air Defense Command) to classify unidentified flying objects which approach the Earth from space and enter the atmosphere.  It has been reported that NORAD tracks an average of 500 Fastwalkers each year.

If Congress (current approval rating in the teens) is to regain the respect and trust of the American people, it must reject the government generated propaganda and disinformation on this subject matter and take on the most important issue of our time by convening open and comprehensive hearings to take testimony from firsthand government and agency witnesses.  

Relevant Websites:

Arcos Cielos Research Center:
PRG:   (PRG)

Contact: Stephen Bassett, Executive Director   202-215-8344


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


October 2, 2007

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October 2, 2007
Press Release
Re: John Podesta, Governor Bill Richardson and Exopolitics

Washington, DC – There is an extraordinary anomaly embedded in the ongoing political campaign cycle well on its way to being the longest and most expensive in American history.  It centers on two key figures in the Democratic Party – John Podesta and New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson.

John Podesta was a key adviser and chief of staff to President Bill Clinton, husband of the leading Democratic presidential candidate, Senator Hillary Clinton.  Podesta then became the founder and CEO of the Center for American Progress, a left of center think tank funded by George Soros and others to counter the influence of the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute.  He operates at the center of the intellectual matrix forming policy for the anticipated Democratic administration and expanded Democratic House and Senate in 2009.      

In October of 2002 and 2003 at the National Press Club Podesta gave opening statements at two press conferences scheduled by the Coalition for Freedom of Information which contained these remarks:

"I think it's time to open the books on questions that have remained in the dark on the question of government investigations of UFOs......We ought to do it because….the American people quite frankly can handle the truth, and we ought to do it because it's the law." 


"It is time for the government to declassify records that are more than 25 years old and to provide scientists with data that will assist in determining the real nature of this (UFO) phenomenon."

Governor Richardson also served in the Clinton administration after spending 14 years in the House of Representatives.  He served one year as Ambassador to the United Nations and two years as Secretary of Energy.   He then became a successful governor and participated in numerous foreign missions.  In a foreword to “The Roswell Dig Diaries” published in 2006 by Pocket Books Governor Richardson wrote: 

“……….the mystery surrounding this crash (at Roswell) has never been adequately explained - not by independent investigators, and not by the U.S. government."


“It would help everyone if the U.S. government disclosed everything it knows. With full disclosure and our best scientific investigation, we should be able to find out what happened on that fateful day in July of 1947. The American people can handle the truth no matter how bizarre or mundane, and contrary to what you see in the movies."

The aforementioned anomaly has two parts:  1) why haven’t the top-tier political media and presidential debate moderators challenged these men on their statements which directly contradict government policy regarding what is easily the most implicative issue of our time, and 2) given that partisan politics is as vicious as the pundits can recall and every opportunity to bring down an opponent, within or without one’s party, is taken with relish, John Podesta and Bill Richardson are completely untouched regarding their provocative statements relating to Roswell and ET/UFO phenomena.

Senator George Allen’s political career was ended by a single careless word.  Senators John McCain and Max Cleland were viciously attacked without basis in fact on the most personal level.  But a high level Democratic political operative and presidential candidate have directly challenged the government’s formal policy that UFO’s are a non-issue and extraterrestrials do not exist, and remain untouched by their political enemies and the press.  What is going on here?

Contact: Stephen Bassett, Executive Director   202-215-8344


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


September 19, 2007

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September 19, 2007
Press Release                                                                                    
X-Conference 2007, Hilton Hotel, Gaithersburg, MD, September 14-16

Washington, DC - X-Conference 2007, the third produced by Paradigm Research Group, completed its program on Sunday, September 16 at the Hilton Hotel in Gaithersburg, MD outside of Washington, DC.    The conference was written up in the Washington Post at:

The X-Conference focuses on the political, governmental and social aspects relating to extraterrestrial phenomena.  It is part of an ongoing activist effort seeking to end a government imposed truth embargo on formal acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. 

Topics included the government imposed truth embargo, the French COMETA report and the French CNES records release, UK documents release, new Roswell witnesses, the Jimmy Carter ET studies, the coming second volume of UFOs and the National Security State by Richard Dolan, the Rockefeller Initiative toward the Clinton administration to end the ET truth embargo, the recently announced Walter Haut Affidavit, the Black Budget, the 1967 Malmstrom Air Force Base incident, the past and future of exopolitics and more.

PRG Awards were presented to:  Major Donald Keyhoe (lifetime achievement – posthumous), Alfred L. Webre (lifetime achievement), Frances Emma Barwood (political courage), Antonio Huneeus (courage in journalism), Captain Robert Salas (USAF ret.) (Disclosure Award).

The full international list of speakers and panelists included:  Stephen Bassett (Panel Moderator, Keynote Speaker); Gildas Bourdais (France); Thomas Carey; Paul Davids; Richard Dolan; Richard Farley; Steven M. Greer, MD; Paola Harris (Italy); Antonio Huneeus (Chile); Paul Kimball (Canada); Bruce Maccabee, PhD; Jaime Maussan (Mexico); Robert Miles; Nick Pope (United Kingdom); Capt. Robert Salas (USAF ret.);  Michael Salla, PhD (Australia); Donald Schmitt; Daniel Sheehan, JD; Rob Simone; Alfred L. Webre, JD. (Canada).

Full information can be found at the conference website:

PRG Website: 

Contact:  Stephen Bassett, Executive Director


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


September 10, 2007

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September 10, 2007
Press Release                                                                                    
X-Conference 2007, Hilton Hotel, Gaithersburg, MD, September 14-16

Washington, DC - X-Conference 2007, the third produced by Paradigm Research Group, will begin at 9:45 am on Friday, September 14 at the Hilton Hotel in Gaithersburg, MD outside of Washington, DC.  The press are welcome and media passes are available.

The X-Conference focuses on the political, governmental and social aspects relating to extraterrestrial-related phenomena.  It is part of an ongoing activist effort seeking to end a government imposed truth embargo on formal acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. 

Topics will include the government imposed truth embargo,  Mexico video and new events, French COMETA report and CNES records release, Roswell witnesses, Jimmy Carter ET studies, UFOs and the National Security State, Rockefeller Initiative, Walter Haut Affidavit, Black Budget, 1967 Malmstrom SAC Base Incident, United Nations involvement and the politics of disclosure and much more.

The international list of speakers and panelists includes:  Stephen Bassett (Co-Host, Panel Moderator, Keynote Speaker); former CNN News anchor Cheryll Jones (Co-Host); Gildas Bourdais (France); Thomas Carey; Paul Davids; Richard Dolan; Richard Farley; Steven M. Greer, MD; Paola Harris (Italy); Antonio Huneeus (Chile); Paul Kimball (Canada); Bruce Maccabee, PhD; Jaime Maussan (Mexico); Robert Miles; Nick Pope (United Kingdom); Capt. Robert Salas (USAF ret.);  Michael Salla, PhD (Australia); Donald Schmitt; Daniel Sheehan, JD; Rob Simone; Alfred L. Webre, JD. (Canada).

Full information can be found at the conference website:

PRG also indicated today a post-event press conference has been scheduled for Monday, September 17 at 10 am in the Lisagor Room at the National Press Club, 13th Floor, 14th and F Streets, NW, Washington, DC.  Conference speakers will make a number of announcements about ongoing and pending developments.   It is open to the public.  

Websites:  X-Conference 2007:
                    Paradigm Research Group:

Contact:  Stephen Bassett
                Executive Director


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


August 13, 2007

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August 13, 2007
Press Release                                                                                    
X-Conference 2007, Hilton Hotel, Gaithersburg, MD, September 14-16

Washington, DC - Paradigm Research Group announced today the final speaker lineup for X-Conference 2007 to be held at the Hilton Hotel in Gaithersburg, MD outside of Washington, DC on September 14-16.    

The X-Conference focuses on the political, governmental and social aspects relating to extraterrestrial-related phenomena.  It is produced by PRG as part of an ongoing activist effort seeking to end a government imposed truth embargo on formal acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. 

The international list of speakers and panelists includes:  Stephen Bassett (Co-Host, Panel Moderator, Keynote Speaker); former CNN News anchor Cheryll Jones (Co-Host); Gildas Bourdais (France); Thomas Carey; Paul Davids; Richard Dolan; Richard Farley; Steven M. Greer, MD; Paola Harris (Italy); Antonio Huneeus (Chile); Paul Kimball (Canada); Bruce Maccabee, PhD; Jaime Maussan (Mexico); Nick Pope (United Kingdom); Capt. Robert Salas (USAF ret.);  Michael Salla, PhD (Australia); Donald Schmitt; Daniel Sheehan, JD; Rob Simone; Alfred L. Webre, JD.(Canada).     Speaker bios and registration information can be found at the conference website: .

PRG Executive Director, Stephen Bassett, who will deliver the Keynote at the Saturday evening banquet, stated, "X-Conferences 2007 and 2008 were scheduled during the heart of the ongoing political campaigns for a reason.   All of the principal presidential candidates will soon receive invitations to attend or send a representative to speak to this issue.   The failure of the political leadership in this country to respond to the growing public awareness of an extraterrestrial presence is a national disgrace."

Bassett further stated, "There is a basic message these candidates need to hear.    It doesn't matter whether you want to be the first woman president, the first black president, the first Hispanic president, the first Mormon president or the first Jewish president.   If you do not have the foresight and courage to step before a microphone and address this extraordinarily implicative issue, you are not fit to lead this nation.   America right now desperately needs selfless, transparent, truthful governance - not more mendacity, secrecy and self-serving issue avoidance."

All members of the U.S. Congress, the approval rating of which recently fell to a historic low of 14%, will also be invited to take advantage of this convenient opportunity to learn about an issue for which they are being denied access and oversight by the military and civilian intelligence agencies.

PRG also indicated today a post-event press conference has been scheduled for Monday, September 17 at 10 am in the Lisagor Room at the National Press Club, 13th Floor, 14th and F Streets, NW, Washington, DC.   Stephen Bassett along with other conference speakers will make a number of announcements.  It will be open to the public.  

X-Conference 2007:
Paradigm Research Group:

Contact:  Stephen Bassett
                  Executive Director


]4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


July 20, 2007

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July 20, 2007
Press Release                                                                                    
Re:  Exopolitics: The ET Ticket

Paradigm Research Group
Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee

Washington, DC - An article written by PRG and X-PPAC Executive Director, Stephen Bassett, has received national attention. "Exopolitics: The ET Ticket" proposed the most advantageous pairing from either party as regards the prospects for Disclosure - the formal acknowledgement by the United States Government of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.

His choice, New York Senator Hillary Clinton and New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, were discussed on the July 6 Fox News morning show and mentioned in a front page article by William Booth in the Sunday, July 8 Washington Post.

Hillary Clinton and top Democratic political operative, John Podesta, were on duty in the White House during a three year effort by Laurance Rockefeller to convince then President Bill Clinton to end the UFO/ET truth embargo. Podesta would later call for the release of government documents relating to ET events and evidence, because "the American people quite frankly can handle the truth, and ...... because it's the law."

Richardson recently wrote regarding the 1947 Roswell event, "the mystery surrounding this crash has never been adequately explained - not by independent investigators, and not by the U.S. government." "It would help everyone if the U.S. government disclosed everything it knows. With full disclosure and our best scientific investigation, we should be able to find out what happened on that fateful day in July of 1947. The American people can handle the truth no matter how bizarre or mundane, and contrary to what you see in the movies."

PRG has been contacted by several reporters who are considering asking ET/Disclosure questions of the candidates in upcoming political campaign debates. Suggested questions are being posted at the PRG website.

This issue and much more will be on the program at PRG's upcoming X-Conference 2007 - the Insiders I, September 14-16 at the Hilton Gaithersburg Hotel near Washington, DC.


X-Conference 2007:
The ET Ticket:
Fox News Interview:
Post Article:
Candidate Questions:

Contact: Stephen Bassett
Executive Director


]4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


May 24, 2007

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May 24, 2007
Press Release                                                                                    
X-Conferences 2007 & 2008

Washington, DC - Paradigm Research Group has announced it will again bring to the Washington, DC area a powerful group of speakers and panelists to focus on the social, political and media aspects of 60 years of denial of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race - exopolitics.  

X-Conference 2007 will be held September 14-16, 2007 and X-Conference 2008 will be held April 18-20, 2008 - both at the 3-star Hilton Hotel in Gaithersburg, MD.

The X-Conference speakers and panelists collectively hold enough knowledge of extraterrestrial-related phenomena and governmental involvement with this phenomenon to end the state imposed truth embargo tomorrow.  All it would take is for the political leaders and the political media to pay attention.  

With that in mind PRG has scheduled both upcoming events in the middle of what will likely be the longest and most expensive presidential campaign in American history.  All candidates for the Democratic and Republican nomination, as well as candidates from established third parties, will be invited to attend and offered an opportunity to speak to an issue about which 85% of Americans believe their government is lying - the facts behind extraterrestrial-related phenomena.

Further, all sitting members of Congress will be extended an invitation to attend or send a staff representative so they might become informed about an issue which 50% of the American people believe to be real - extraterrestrial origins for some unidentified objects seen, photographed, filmed and tracked on radar in the skies over every nation on Earth.

The Washington political media will be heavily lobbied to turn out in numbers similar to their attendance at the May 9, 2001 Disclosure Project press conference at the National Press Club - 100 reporters and 17 camera crews from a dozen nations.   [See:]

Paradigm Research Group will also hold a press conference on the Monday following both X-Conferences wherein the speakers will present developments in their research, announce new books and speak, along with PRG Executive Director Stephen Bassett, to breaking developments and government status as regards the Disclosure process.

X-Conference info at:
PRG info at:

Contact:    Stephen Bassett
                     Executive Director


]4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


April 4, 2007

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April 4, 2007
Press Release                                                                                    
Re:  Disclosure Developments

Washington, DC - Almost one year ago on April 24, 2006 the Paradigm Clock, which tracks proximity to a formal acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race, was reset to 11:59:45 - 15 seconds to midnight.   Such an acknowledgement is referred to as Disclosure and would mark the end of a 60 year truth embargo imposed by federal authorities.  The explanation for resetting the time included this statement:

Based upon an analysis of multiple circumstances within and outside the nation, PRG has concluded that America is now facing an unprecedented crisis which has opened a window to disclosure wider than at any previous time.

One of the circumstances referred to was and remains an unprecedented breach between the military and intelligence communities and the Executive Branch.  As a consequence of this breach PRG believed that should a disclosure effort emerge from within the military/intelligence sector and the Executive moved to block, it is more likely that blocking move would be rebuffed.   On the other hand an increasingly isolated Executive facing a cascade of allegations and investigations and lacking support from the military/intelligence sector might see Disclosure as a means to "change the subject" on a global scale.  Thus a window for Disclosure was created, and one year later that window remains open.   Furthermore, over the past 36 months the following have taken place:

March 2007 - Former Arizona governor, Fife Symington, revealed in an interview with journalist and investigative director for the Coalition for Freedom of Information, Leslie Kean, he had seen a massive black triangular craft fly overhead early in the evening of March 13, 1997 - the first Phoenix Lights event.  Symington told CNN, “The lights were really brilliant. And it was just fascinating. I mean, it was enormous. It just felt otherworldly. You know, in your gut, you could just tell it was otherworldly.”

March 2007 - The French national space agency, CNES, placed 1600 previously classified UFO sighting reports into the public domain on the Internet.

November 2006 - A significant sighting took place at O'Hare Airport in Chicago and received worldwide attention and media coverage.

September 2005 - Former Apollo astronaut, Dr. Brian O'Leary, wrote in a foreword to Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge, "These revelations underscore a long, sordid history of governmental and media secrecy and the acquisition of technologies such as microelectronics, anti-gravity propulsion and zero-point, or "free" energy, from our visitors.  This massive cover-up has been going on for almost six decades since the UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947, an event which was certainly not caused by balloons, as alleged by the U.S. Air force.  Such myths are only accepted by the ignorant or the powerful and their subjects."

September 2005 - Paul Hellyer, Canada’s Defence Minister from 1963-67 under Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Prime Minister Lester Pearson and deputy prime minister under Pierre Trudeau, publicly stated, "UFOs, are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head."    

May 2005 - The Brazilian Air Force (FAB), almost certainly with the approval of  Minister of Defense and Vice President, José Alencar, entered into an agreement with civilian researchers to release information and jointly investigate UFO incidents

July 2004 - Governor of New Mexico and current presidential candidate, Bill Richardson, wrote in the foreword to The Roswell Dig Diaries, "It would help everyone if the U.S. government disclosed everything it knows.  With full disclosure and our best scientific investigation, we should be able to find out what happened on that fateful day in July of 1947.  The American people can handle the truth no matter how bizarre or mundane, and contrary to what you see in the movies."

July 2004 - Producer, director, writer and actor Dan Aykroyd became the first A-list celebrity to allow his or her name and image to be used to support extraterrestrial-related phenomena research.  He endorsed and agreed to be a spokesperson for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).

May 2004 - The Department of  Defense of Mexico, with the approval of Mexican Secretary of Defense, General Clemente Vega Garcia (and almost certainly Mexican President Vicente Fox), held an international press conference at the Hotel Sevilla Palace in Mexico City.    The Department of Defense released air surveillance evidence of an unusual sighting to a civilian research team and confirmed a joint investigative effort. 

2004-2007 - The United Kingdom conducted a series of releases of documents pertaining to classified UFO sighting reports and UK government studies.

The U.S. Congress, news media and the American people must prepare for the possibility that an event of sufficient magnitude to trigger formal Disclosure could take place at any time.   Such an event could come from any number of directions and take place in any of a dozen countries.   The 60-year truth embargo is collapsing.

Related Websites

Paradigm Clock Time Change Chronicle:
Fife Symington:
French Sightings Report Release:
O'Hare Sighting:
Paul Hellyer:

Contact:  Stephen Bassett, Executive Director
               Paradigm Research Group  (202) 215-8344


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


February 24, 2007

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February 24, 2007
Press Release                                                                                    
Exopolitics Media Director Victor Viggiani provides Al Gore a disclosure package


Toronto, Ontario Canada - The new "Fastwalkers" documentary, PRG's "Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr." and Exopolitics Toronto came together on Wednesday, February 21, when former Vice President Al Gore arrived in Toronto to present "An Inconvenient Truth" at the University of Toronto's Convocation Hall before a capacity audience of 1500.
Prior to the presentation Victor Viggiani, Director of Media Relations for Exopolitics Toronto, attempted to relay a special package of disclosure information to Mr. Gore, but was unsuccessful due to tight security restrictions as Gore arrived at U of T's Convocation Hall.
However, following the sold-out presentation's Q&A period, as Gore left the stage for a reception, Viggiani made his way with the Gore entourage backstage where he was greeted by the evening's host, Mr. David Peterson, Chancellor of the University of Toronto and former Premier of the province of Ontario.
At this time Viggiani requested that Mr. Peterson provide Mr. Gore the disclosure package, which Chancellor Peterson accepted with the assurance that Gore would receive it.
The package contained a DVD of the new documentary, "Fastwalkers", Canadian government documents, an Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr. from Paradigm Research Group Executive Director Stephen  Bassett, the Disclosure Project's two hour witness testimony DVD and comprehensive briefing documents, and a document containing statements by renowned political and security agency figures such as former CIA Director Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, J. Edger Hoover former FBI Director, Presidents Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford and Harry S. Truman indicating their need for the UFO issue to be fully examined by Congress and the media.
Exopolitics Toronto, the Canadian Exopolitics Initiative, Paradigm Research Group and the Disclosure Project call on Albert Gore, Jr. and his staff to review, analyze and act upon this important information which, among many things, supports the sequestered existence of technology derived from extraterrestrial vehicles which could dramatically impact a global warming response.
Read an account of the event by Anthony Reinhart in the Toronto Globe and Mail - Feb 22, 2007
"Fastwalkers" Canadian Premier - March 7, 2007, 7:00 pm. at De La Salle College Theatre, 131 Farnham Road Toronto - Canada.  All members of the Press are cordially invited to the screening. RSVP for preferred seating and audio/video location.
Open Letter to Albert Gore, Jr.
Contact - Victor Viggiani, Director of Media Relations
Exopolitics Toronto - (905) 278 5628
Contact - Stephen Bassett, Executive Director
Paradigm Research Group  (202) 215-8344


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


December 29, 2006

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December 29, 2006
Press Release                                                                                    
Re:  New PRG Website Features

Washington, DC – Paradigm Research Group, a national advocate for ending a government imposed truth embargo of the facts surrounding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race, has added substantial new features to its website, .    First published to the Web in 1997, the PRG website is particularly aimed toward reporters, editors, government officials and political leaders who want to quickly assess the scope and depth of the issues behind extraterrestrial-related phenomena and the politics of embargo and disclosure.

Video Links Archive

PRG reviewed thousands of video clips and has archived links to the most relevant.  Clips are filed under:  Phenomenology, Researchers/Activists, Witness Testimony and Exopolitics. 

Media Coverage Archive

A partial archive of print media coverage dealing with extraterrestrial-related phenomena and exopolitics.  This archive is limited to reportage in the mainstream media only - newspapers and websites, no tabloids or paranormal press.   The archive is representative of English language coverage since 1947.    In most instances links are to the full article at the source.  Some links are to previews of archived articles and require purchase for the full text.  The balance is linked to text copies.  It is a sampling.  The total mainstream coverage, all countries, since 1947 can only be guessed, but likely extends to many tens of thousands of articles.   This is far and away the largest archive of its kind on the internet.

Quotes Archive 

Assembled from multiple sources, this is a powerful compilation of selected written and spoken quotes from persons of rank and accomplishment.  The near term goal is to expand this section to 100 listings.  Quotes were selected on the basis of an unambiguous relationship to the issue of an extraterrestrial presence and the history of the government posture and actions regarding this presence.

Contact:      Paradigm Research Group

                     Stephen Bassett, Executive Director                          



4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


December 8, 2006

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Press Release
December 8, 2006
Re: Premier of New Documentary - Fastwalkers

Washington, DCFastwalkers, a feature length documentary addressing the government truth embargo of the facts surrounding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race will have its American premier in the home town of producer/writer, Robert D. Miles, Show Low, Arizona, on December 13. (The Canadian premier is scheduled for March 7, 2007 in Toronto.)   Fastwalkers was filmed, edited and mastered in High-Definition.

Much of the documentary was filmed at X-Conference 2005 produced by Paradigm Research Group.  PRG Executive Director Stephen Bassett, one of two dozen researchers and activists interviewed for the film, will attend the premier and take audience questions along with Robert Miles.

“Fastwalker” is a code word created by the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) to classify unidentified flying objects (UFOs) which enter the Earth’s atmosphere, are not meteors and are tracked by the NORAD facility at Cheyenne Mountain.

Through interviews and historical footage Fastwalkers provides an inside perspective on the extraordinary testimony emerging from scores of military, intelligence and agency witnesses which supports the basic findings of researchers investigating the UFO phenomenon since the 1950’s – it is extraterrestrial in origin.

For additional information, media kit, digital photos, Media Player and QuickTime trailers and interview clips please contact Robert Miles.

Web Links

Paradigm Research Group:

Contact:    Paradigm Research Group

                    Stephen Bassett, Executive Director

                    Robert D. Miles, Producer

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


April 24, 2006

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April 24, 2006 
Press Release                                                                 

Contact:  Stephen Bassett

Washington, DC -  The Paradigm Clock, created and published by PRG in 1998 to track the proximity to a formal announcement by the United States Government confirming an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race, has been reset to 11:59:45 - 15 seconds to midnight.   Such an announcement is formally referred to as Disclosure and would mark the end of a 59 year truth embargo imposed by federal authorities.  Midnight on the Paradigm Clock is Disclosure.  

According to PRG Executive Director, Stephen Bassett, "Due to extraordinary circumstances primarily pertaining but not limited to the United States, a window of opportunity has opened for a Disclosure event to take place.  This window should last through the November election and may remain open or possibly close depending upon the outcome of the election."   He further added, "I believe this to be the best opportunity to get past this very difficult transition in human history since the truth embargo was initially imposed in 1947."

The previous setting for the Paradigm Clock was 11;58:45 on March 8, 2004.   A partial listing of factors contributing to the new time change (in both directions) is provided below.  A more detailed explanation of these factors can be found at:

2006   Crisis in America.  

   After several false starts Air America Radio begins to make headway as a counter balance to conservative radio, approaching 100 markets.  This is facilitated by  access to some stations owned by syndicate giant Clear Channel Communications, chastened in the aftermath of the Michael Powell fiasco at the Federal Communications Commission - the failed attempt to expand conglomeration of media via new regulations.  The effort brought an intense scrutiny of Clear Channel Communications and its business practices.  The dominant theme on Air America programs becomes the consequences of government lying.  Abuse of power and excess secrecy are also featured.

10/20/05   The Institute for Cooperation in Space requests Canadian Senator Colin Kenny, Senator, Chair of The Senate Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence, “schedule public hearings on the Canadian Exopolitics Initiative, so that witnesses such as the Honorable Paul Hellyer, and Canadian-connected high level military-intelligence, NORAD-connected, scientific, and governmental witnesses facilitated by the  Disclosure Project and by the Toronto Exopolitics Symposium can present compelling evidence, testimony, and Public Policy recommendations.”  

9/25/05    In a speech at University of Toronto's Convocation Hall, Paul Hellyer, Canada’s Defence Minister from 1963-67 under Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Prime Minister Lester Pearson and Deputy Prime Minister under Pierre Trudeau, publicly states, "UFOs are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head."   Hellyer further states, "The secrecy involved in all matters pertaining to the Roswell incident was unprecedented.  The classification was, from the outset, above top secret, so the vast majority of U.S. officials and politicians, let alone a mere allied minister of defence, were never in-the-loop."  

5/20/05   Brazil Releases Classified Data - Recognizes UFO Research - The Brazilian Air Force (FAB), almost certainly with the approval of  Minister of Defense and Vice President,  José Alencar, enters into an agreement with civilian researchers to release information and jointly investigate UFO incidents     

4/22/05 &  4/17/04 X-Conference.  The first two conferences devoted specifically to the political implications of extraterrestrial-related phenomena and disclosure are held just outside of Washington, DC.  X-Conferences 2004 and 2005 attract considerable media attention, new government witnesses and launch numerous projects and documentaries.  At the 2005 conference former Vatican official, Monsignor Corrado Balducci, speaks in the United States for the first time regarding the truth of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.  

11/2/04   President George W. Bush is reelected.

  Dr. John E. Mack is killed in London in an automobile accident.

July 2004 Producer, director, writer and actor Dan Aykroyd becomes the first A-list celebrity to allow his or her name and image to be used to support extraterrestrial-related phenomena research.  He publicly endorses the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).  

5/11/04    Mexico's DoD Releases Video to UFO Research Team - The Department of Defense of Mexico, with the approval of Mexican Secretary of Defense, General Clemente Vega Garcia (and almost certainly Mexican President Vicente Fox), holds an international press conference at the Hotel Sevilla Palace in Mexico City.  The Department of Defense releases air surveillance evidence of an unusual sighting to a civilian research team headed by researcher and journalist, Jaime Maussan and confirms a joint investigative effort.   
Relevant Web Pages

Paradigm Research Group:
Dr. John Mack
Paul Hellyer:
Institute for Cooperation in Space
Air America


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


September 22, 2005

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Press Release - September 22, 2005
International Exopolitics Lecture Tour

Washington, DC - On Sunday, September 25 at a symposium to be held at the University of Toronto Convocation Hall, PRG Executive Director Stephen Bassett will begin a national and international lecture tour under the umbrella theme:  The Exopolitics of Disclosure: Why the Truth Embargo Regarding an Extraterrestrial Presence Engaging the Human Race Must End Now.   The next stop will be the Avalon Theatre in Easton, MD.   Bassett will then go to Rende, Italy to speak at the University of Calabria and return to the US to speak in Santa Clara, CA.

The lectures will either be produced by PRG or by sponsored invitation.   The goal is to stand on the soil of every nation and call for the United States Government to end the embargo preventing people of all nations from knowing the truth about their world.  This tour will continue until Disclosure has been achieved.  [Disclosure is the formal acknowledgment by governments of an extraterrestrial presence.]

Mr. Bassett's presentation will derive from ten years as a Washington based political activist and leading advocate for Disclosure and open Congressional hearings.  It will also draw from two important books: UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1947-1973 by Richard Dolan and Missing Times: News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-up by Terry Hansen.   These books are essential reading for any member of the government or political press who have been mislead by 58 years of government disinformation on this issue.

The Toronto Symposium will break new ground.  It will mark the first time in history that any defense minister or secretary of defense of any first world nation (and possibly any nation) will state publicly that he or she is convinced the UFO phenomenon is extraterrestrial in origin.

Also speaking will be the aforementioned historian, Richard Dolan, who will lead off with a summary of the national security measures taken in the US to address and suppress understanding of extraterrestrial-related phenomena.  Canadian researcher, Stanton Friedman, will expand on this based upon his 40 years of research.  Former Canadian Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister, Paul Hellyer, will speak.   Stephen Bassett, will close with the keynote presentation.

While the top echelon media organizations in the United States (ABC, NBC, CBS News, Washington Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, etc.) have supported the US Government imposed truth embargo, either freely or under threat, the Canadian press is not so influenced.  Consequently, there has been considerable coverage of this event and Hellyer's pending remarks by the major newspapers in Canada.

If Canada were to break ranks with the United States on the matter of the extraterrestrial presence, the truth embargo would collapse.

All upcoming lectures will be announced at:

Contact PRG: 202-215-8344 or


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


September 13, 2005

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Press Release - September 13, 2005 - Toronto Exopolitics Symposium

Contact Paradigm Research Group:  202-215-8344
Contact Exopolitics Toronto:  

Washington, DC -- PRG Executive Director, Stephen Bassett, will give the closing Keynote Presentation at Exopolitics Toronto: A Symposium on UFO Disclosure and Planetary Directions at the University of Toronto's Convocation Hall on September 25.   The Symposium is open to the public. 

Other speakers include historian, Richard Dolan (US); researcher/journalist Paola Harris (Italy); researcher Stanton Friedman (Canada) and, notably, Canadian political figure, Paul Hellyer.   All speakers will address the symposium's theme: why is information concerning extraterrestrial-related phenomena and government involvement with these issues still being withheld from the public by specific western nations and what are the implications?

Hellyer, 82, has had a long and varied career with particular emphasis on national defense.   He held a number of positions culminating in his appointment as Minister of Defense under Lester Pearson.  By participating in the Toronto Exopolitics Symposium Mr. Hellyer joins a growing list of well known political and military figures around the world, active or retired, who have openly questioned the appropriateness of the response by the United States Government to this most profound and controversial issue.   This list includes President Clinton's Chief of Staff, John Podesta; President Jimmy Carter; New Mexico Governor, Bill Richardson; the late British Admiral Lord Hill-Norton; Astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell; the late astronaut, Gordon Cooper; French Air Force General Denis Letty; then Michigan Congressman Gerald Ford; and the late New Mexico Congressman Steven Schiff as well as many lesser known career military and agency personnel - U.S. and foreign.

As quoted on the Maclean's Magazine website,, Hellyer stated, "I believe that UFOs are real. I'll talk about that a little bit and a bit about the fantastic cover-up of the United States government and also a little bit of the fallout from the wreckage, by that I mean the material discoveries we have made and how they've been applied to our technology."

Richard Dolan is the author of UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1947-1973 and Paola Harris is the author of Connecting the Dots: Making Sense of the UFO Phenomenon.  Stanton Friedman has authored several books, including Crash at Corona and Top Secret/MAJIC.

Keynote presenter Bassett is arguably the leading advocate in the world for ending the 58-year government imposed truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and the planet earth.  He is a political activist, founder of the Paradigm Research Group, Executive Director of the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC), author of the Paradigm Clock website, and a political columnist and commentator.

Presently he is the only registered lobbyist in the United States representing extraterrestrial-related phenomena research/activist organizations, and X-PPAC is the first political action committee to target the political implications of extraterrestrial-related phenomena.  In 2002 he conducted an independent Congressional campaign for the 8th District of Maryland.  It was first instance in which a congressional candidate on the November ballot in a federal election addressed the matter of an extraterrestrial presence and the 5-decade government imposed truth embargo. 

Since 1996 Bassett has assisted other organizations and initiatives which have been making the case for 1) an end to the government embargo on the truth surrounding an extraterrestrial presence, and 2) open congressional hearings to take the testimony of former military and agency employees witness to extraterrestrial-related events and evidence.   He has appeared on hundreds of radio and television talk shows, in numerous documentaries and brought the message to millions of people of the likelihood and implications of "Disclosure" - the formal acknowledge by the United States government of an extraterrestrial presence about the earth - not maybe, not someday, but NOW.

Tickets are available on-line by visiting the Symposium’s web site:

or by going directly to University of Toronto TIX web site at:
Other Relevant Websites:

Paradigm Research Group:
Richard Dolan:
Paola Harris: 
Stanton Friedman: 
Macleans Article on Hellyer:


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


May 9, 2005

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PRG/X-Conference Press Release - May 9, 2005
[Note: coincides with 4th anniversary of 2001 Disclosure Project press conference – see

Washington, DC - The 2nd Annual Exopolitical Expo – X-Conference 2005 - was concluded on Sunday, April 25.  The event was produced by Paradigm Research Group.  Twenty-six speakers and panelists presented to 450 attendees over three days.  It is a unique event which focuses on the political, governmental and social implications of extraterrestrial-related phenomena.  It is produced by PRG as part of the emerging activist movement seeking to end a government imposed truth embargo regarding extraterrestrial-related phenomena.

The Keynote Address was given on April 23 by retired Monsignor Corrado Balducci, who spoke in the United States for the first time regarding the religious implications of extraterrestrial beings. Balducci is the highest ranking Catholic official to publicly speak to the question an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.  His views arose from his personal research and do not represent an official position of the Holy See.   Nevertheless, they have drawn much interest and debate worldwide.

During the same evening the 2005 PRG Awards were issued as listed:

Political Courage:  James Earl Carter, Jr.  (2004: Steven Schiff)
Courage in Journalism:  Jaime Maussan & Billy Cox  (2004: Sarah McClendon)
Hall of Fame (living):  Walter H. “Walt” Andrus, Jr.  (2004: Stanton T. Friedman)
Hall of Fame (deceased):  Dr. James E. McDonald  (2004: Dr. J. Allen Hynek)
Disclosure:  Monsignor Corrado Balducci  (2004: Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso)

These awards are given to honor individuals who have demonstrated courage, perseverance and commitment to the pursuit of truth, particularly as applied to the facts known and withheld regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.

Paradigm Research Group calls upon all those who have held or who aspire to leadership of this nation to match these qualities.  In particular it calls upon Presidents Carter and Clinton and Senator Hillary Clinton to fully discuss their experience with this issue.  And it calls upon former White House chief of staff and presidential aide, John Podesta, to put the issue of extraterrestrial-related phenomena and the truth embargo front and center on the agenda of the Center for American Progress, which is heavily backed by George Soros, a powerful advocate for open government. 

Contact: Stephen Bassett
               Executive Director

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


April 4, 2005

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X-Conference 2005 Press Release - April 4, 2005

Washington, DC - PRG announced today the final speaker lineup for the 2nd Annual Exopolitics Expo - X-Conference 2005 - to be held at the Hilton Gaithersburg Hotel outside of Washington, DC on April 22-24. In a rare appearance on the East Coast, Jaime Maussan, the most popular journalist in the nation of Mexico, will present the most comprehensive review ever of events ongoing in Mexico since 1991 - perhaps the greatest geographic concentration of extraterrestrial-related phenomena in history - by the man at the center of it all. Extensive and extraordinary new footage will be shown including the surveillance video record associated with the 2004 release by the Mexican Department of Defense. The exopolitical implications of mass sightings in a nation bordering the United States are profound.

Also, another important lecture has been added for Saturday, April 23. Grant Cameron and Stephen Bassett are co-authors of a manuscript with the working title, U.S. Presidents and the Politics of Disclosure. That manuscript is 450 pages in length with 550 footnotes. A book proposal was presented to three dozen publishers by a top New York literary agent. The typical response: "Great proposal, but we couldn't do this book." Translation: "It's too controversial". Grant Cameron is going to go into the most controversial aspects of this book in waiting. This material is at the center of exopolitics.

Full speaker information is posted in the Speaker section at the conference website via the web portal at  

PRG also indicated today a press conference is being scheduled at the National Press Club, 13th Floor, 14th and F Streets, NW, Washington, DC to make a number of news announcements associated with X-Conference 2005. It will be open to the public. Exact time and room location will be posted shortly in the Press section at the X-Conference website. Stephen Bassett will lead a panel which will include Grant Cameron, Richard Dolan, Michael Salla, PhD; and Alfred L. Webre, JD.

The X-Conference is a unique event which focuses on the political, governmental and social aspects relating to extraterrestrial-related phenomena.  It is produced by PRG as part of the ongoing activist movement seeking to end the truth embargo.  Thirty lecturers and panelists will present.  Registration information can be found at the conference website via the web portal at: or by phone at 202-215-8344.

The full speaker and panelist lineup now includes:  Walter H. Andrus, Jr.; Monsignor Corrado Balducci (Italy); Stephen Bassett; Commander Graham Bethune; Grant Cameron; David Coote; James Courant; Don Daniels; Paul Davids; James Deardorff, PhD; Richard Dolan; Ann Druffel; Robert Durant; Stanton Friedman (Canada); Charles James Hall; Paola Harris (Italy); John Greenewald, Jr.; Michael Heiser, PhD; Lynne D. Kitei, MD; Melinda Leslie; Bruce Maccabee, PhD; Jaime Maussan (Mexico); Michael Salla, PhD (Australia); Richard Sauder, PhD; David Sereda; Alfred Webre, JD (Canada); Robert Wood, PhD; Ryan Wood.
Stephen Bassett
Executive Director

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


March 3, 2005

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X-Conference 2005 Press Release - March 3, 2005

Washington, DC - PRG is pleased and honored that Catholic theologian, Monsignor Corrado Balducci, will come to the United States for the first time since 1968 and give the Keynote Address at X-Conference 2005, April 22-24, 2005, Hilton Washington, DC North/Gaithersburg. 

Monsignor Balducci, now retired, is the highest ranking Catholic official to publicly speak to the question of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.  His views arise from his personal research and do not represent an official position of the Holy See.  Nevertheless, they have drawn much interest and debate worldwide.  This will mark the first time Monsignor Balducci has spoken of these matters in the United States.

Corrado Balducci, still robust and active at 82, has had an extraordinary career.   He is a Curia member and served the Holy See as a diplomat and member of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.  He is an expert on demonology and parapsychology and was for several years the exorcist of the diocese of Rome, the Pope’s diocese.  He has written several books, including the bestseller "Il Diavolo" (the Devil).  In 2001 he published a paper,  UFOlogy and Theological Clarifications, which consolidated his views.  He is a frequent guest on the Italian State TV, where he began making personal public statements on extraterrestrial-related phenomena in 1995.  He has presented to numerous conferences in Europe, but never in the U.S. - until now.       

The intersection of the world's great religions with extraterrestrial-related phenomena and the disclosure process is of enormous exopolitical consequence.  PRG has invited several religious scholars to explore this nexus.    Approximately 28 lecturers and panelists will present over the weekend on a range of topics.
The X-Conference is a unique event which focuses on the political, governmental and social implications of extraterrestrial-related phenomena.  It is produced by PRG as part of the ongoing activist movement seeking to end a government imposed truth embargo regarding extraterrestrial-related phenomena.

Contact:  Stephen Bassett
              Executive Director


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


February 9, 2005

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X-Conference 2005 Press Release - February 9, 2005

Washington, DC - ABC News has announced it will air on Thursday, February 24 at 9 pm EST a two hour documentary titled: Peter Jennings Reporting UFOs: Seeing is Believing is the product of 150 interviews by PJ Productions and Springs Media.  Quoting from the ABC News website, "Each year there are thousands of reports of unidentified flying objects, but the U.S. government doesn't investigate any of them.  This special program will seriously examine the unexplained phenomena around the world that so many people believe is proof of the existence of UFOs."   Several X-Conference speakers from 2004 and 2005 will appear in this documentary.   With the retirement and pending retirement of Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather respectively, Peter Jennings is arguably the most respected and powerful news anchor in the world.  Paradigm Research Group and other organizations have invested more time over the past nine years in raising the awareness of ABC News to the issues attending extraterrestrial-related phenomena than all the other networks combined.  Is this a breakthrough in the truth process - tune in and find out.   See:

The X-Conference is a unique event which focuses on the political, governmental and social aspects relating to extraterrestrial-related phenomena.  It is produced by PRG as part of the ongoing activist movement seeking to end the truth embargo.  Approximately 28 lecturers and panelists will present.   New for this year:

Walter H. Andrus, Jr. -  At the Saturday evening banquet, Walter H. Andrus, Jr. will receive the PRG Hall of Fame Award.  This is the only PRG Award being announced in advance out of courtesy to the many MUFON members who may wish to make plans to join him in April at the X-Conference.

After 57 years of dedicated interest in extraterrestrial-related phenomena, Walt Andrus is a legend.   As with so many others, that interest was precipitated in August 15, 1948, when he and his wife and son had a daylight sighting of four objects flying in formation over downtown Phoenix, Arizona (49 years later lights in formation would once again be seen over Phoenix, Arizona).  The rest is history.   He went on to be a founding member of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) in 1969 and the International Director of the MUFON from 1970 to July 16, 2000 when he was succeeded by John F. Schuessler.   He also served on the staff of Skylook, as Editor in Chief of the MUFON UFO Journal and Editor or Co-editor of the annual MUFON International UFO Symposium Proceedings.  MUFON became the largest and best known organization in the world addressing the science of extraterrestrial-related phenomena and took up the mantle of NICAP as it was slowly dissembled by intelligence agency plants during the 1970's.  MUFON International Director John F. Schuessler will join Walt in giving a presentation on 30 years of engagement.

Pilots Panel
One of the most trusted segments of our society are the civilian pilots who transport millions of Americans safely every year and the military pilots who defend the country.  In the early years they reported many sightings, and such reports were eventually suppressed and discouraged.   Some pilots began researching the issues, many have learned much over the years and all have risked some personal discomfort by seeking the truth of these matters.  After civilian and military pilots were strongly discouraged from publicly reporting unusual sightings, thousands of pilot reports were collected over many years by researchers.  This database of pilot sightings now forms one of the most important evidence compilations for the ETH in the world.   Stephen Bassett will moderate a panel of six senior pilots who have engaged the most important issue of our time.    

This panel will include: Cmdr. Graham Bethune, Navy pilot; Robert Brown, senior cooperate pilot; David Coote, airline captain: Don Daniels, airline captain; Robert Durant, airline captain; and Jim Courant, airline captain.    
Returning from last year:

Cheryll Jones - This former CNN News anchor will again co-host the X-Conference along with Stephen Bassett.  She is a polished professional journalist with extensive experience covering a broad range of national and international issues.  Her accomplished TV broadcasting career includes extensive experience on both sides of the camera.  Starting as a weather reporter, Cheryll quickly extended her skills and credentials to include talk show host / producer / field reporter / writer and network news anchor.   She is uniquely distinguished as the only TV broadcaster to be both a news anchor and degreed meteorologist at the network level.  Her career has taken her from her hometown of Knoxville, Tennessee to major markets including Miami, Atlanta, New York, Denver, Kansas City and West Palm Beach. Through Cheryll's prime time broadcasts on CNN and The Weather Channel, her face and voice became familiar to viewers in millions of homes around the world.  Cheryll’s numerous professional awards include being named "Woman of the Year" by Women in Communications and "Distinguished Alumnus of the Year” by Metropolitan State College in Denver, Colorado.
Stanton T. Friedman (PRG 2004 Hall of Fame inductee), may well be the most recognized researcher in the field of extraterrestrial-related phenomena in the world.  He has been making the case for the ETH for over three decades.  And he makes it very well.  His work intersects many of the core themes of exopolitics.  Stanton Friedman spent two years at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey before switching to the University of Chicago in 1953.  He received BS and MS degrees in Physics from UC in 1955 and 1956, where Carl Sagan was a classmate. He worked for fourteen years as a nuclear physicist for such companies as General Electric, General Motors, Westinghouse, TRW, Aerojet General Nucleonics, and McDonnell Douglas on such advanced, highly classified, eventually canceled projects as nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets, and nuclear power plants for space.
Since 1967 he has lectured on the topic Flying Saucers ARE Real at more than 600 colleges and over 100 professional groups in fifty states, nine Canadian provinces, most of Europe, Brazil, Australia, Korea, Mexico, Turkey, Argentina, and Israel. He has published more than 70 papers on extraterrestrial-related phenomena besides his dozens of conventional articles and appeared on hundreds of radio and TV shows. These include the TNT Larry King UFO Special on Oct.1, 1994; Nightline; Sally Jessie Raphael; Unsolved Mysteries; Entertainment Tonight; Leeza; Sightings; Canada AM; Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell and many more.  Stan is the original civilian investigator of the Roswell incident, who co-authored Crash at Corona and instigated the Unsolved Mysteries Roswell program.  He was heavily involved in both the 1979 documentary UFOs are Real and the 1993 & 1996 videos Flying Saucers Are Real.  His new interactive CD ROM, UFOs: The Real Story, was published in 1996. TOP SECRET/MAJIC (Marlowe and Co., NY, 1996), his explosive book about the Majestic 12 group established in 1947 by President Truman to deal with crashed saucers, includes classified documents never before published. It is already in its 6th printing.
Other speakers already announced include:  Stephen Bassett, Paul Davids, Richard Dolan, Ann Druffel, John Greenewald, Jr., Dr. Lynne Kitei, MD,  Charles James Hall, Michael S. Heiser, PhD, Bruce Maccabee, PhD, Jaime Maussan, Michael Salla, PhD, Richard Sauder, PhD, David Sereda and Alfred L. Webre, JD.
Full speaker information is posted in the Speaker section at: .  

Stephen Bassett

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


February 3, 2005

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X-Conference 2005 Press Release - February 3, 2005

Washington, DC -  The January/February 2005 issue of the peer-reviewed Journal of the British Interplanetary Society (JBIS) published an article titled Inflation-Theory Implications for Extraterrestrial Visitation.  Dr. James Deardorff was the lead author along with Dr. Bernard Haisch, Dr. Bruce Maccabee and Dr. Harold Puthoff.  The paper reassesses the extraterrestrial hypothesis in light of the new physics and includes references to the posture and actions of the U.S. Air Force.  It is an important development, and PRG is pleased two of the paper's authors (Drs. Deardorff and Maccabee) will present on the implications of their findings.  It is also notable a article, ET Visitors: Scientists See High Likelihood, Jan 14, 2005 by Leonard David, received millions of hits after the article was a top-story link at the Drudge Report website for several days.  The paper can be downloaded at:    

Including Drs. Deardorff and Maccabee, PRG is announcing four more speakers for the 2nd Annual Exopolitics Expo (X-Conference), scheduled for April 22-24, 2005 at the Hilton Washington, DC North/Gaithersburg.  The other two are researcher/activist David Sereda and exopolitical pioneer Michael Salla, PhD.  The conference website is:

The X-Conference is a unique event which focuses on the political, governmental and social aspects relating to extraterrestrial-related phenomena.  It is produced by PRG as part of the ongoing activist movement seeking to end the truth embargo.  Approximately 28 lecturers and panelists will present.   New for this year:

James Deardorff, PhD is a prolific researcher of extraordinary range who embodies the legacy of James E. McDonald.  He began his studies at Reed College in Portland, Oregon in 1946-47 and then switched to Stanford University, where he majored in physics earning his bachelor of science in 1950.  He attended UCLA receiving a second bachelor of science in meteorology in 1951.  After a 4-year stint in the Navy Dr. Deardorff went on to achieve an MS (1956) and PhD (1959) in Meteorology.   After postgraduate work he took a position at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, CO, in 1962.  There he migrated into the study of laboratory and numerical modeling of turbulent thermal convection, and boundary-layer turbulence and diffusion.  After a few years at NCAR he became a senior scientist, enjoying a successful, 16-year research career.   A list of the published research papers during this career is provided in an expanded curriculum vitae.  After NCAR Jim took a position at Oregon State University in 1978 as a research professor in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences.  
It was in Oregon that Dr. Deardorff became interested in extraterrestrial-related phenomenon and by the late 1970s had decided the evidence pointed conclusively towards the ETH.  By 1985 his research interests had irrevocably turned to the ETH and its implications for society, and around this time he had the first of five sightings.  So in 1986 he took early retirement from OSU.   Writing papers and research grant proposals and attending to associated administrative duties no longer seemed as important as exploring extraterrestrial-related phenomenon and trying to raise public awareness.  By 1987 he had written three peer-reviewed papers dealing with this new area of interest:     
David Sereda is a social and environmental activist with a broad range of interests.   As with many others, his interest in extraterrestrial-related phenomena was sparked in 1968 by a strong sighting of a large, classic disc-shaped object hovering in a clear sky with hundreds of witnesses shouting with excitement and pointing upwards in amazement.  After 20 minutes of watching this object, David saw it disappear.  This event created a life-long interest in extraterrestrial-related phenomena which combined with interests in space, religion, philosophy, astronomy and science and led to a multifaceted career in high technology, environmental and humanitarian issues and professional photography.   Between 1995 and 2001, at the request of Martyn Stubbs, who taped and cataloged over 400 hours of live NASA mission broadcasts, and professional photographer Michael Boyle, David conducted an investigation of NASA and the Stubbs 1990s space shuttle mission video footage.  The results of that investigation led to the development of the book and documentary film, Evidence, The Case for NASA UFOs.   His most recent project is a documentary about actor/producer Dan Aykroyd's interest and advocacy regarding extraterrestrial-related phenomena.     
Returning from last year:

Bruce Maccabee, PhD  studied physics at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, Mass (B.S.) and then at The American University, Washington, DC (MS, PhD, physics).  In 1972 he commenced his long career at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, presently headquartered at Dahlgren, Virginia. He has worked on optical data processing, generation of underwater sound with lasers, various aspects of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) and Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) using high power lasers and is presently involved in a program related to Homeland Security.  Bruce has been active in extraterrestrial-related phenomena research since late 1960s when he joined the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) and was active in research and investigation for NICAP until its demise in 1980.  He became a member of MUFON in 1975 and was subsequently appointed to the position of State Director for Maryland, a position he still holds. In 1979 he was instrumental in establishing the Fund for UFO Research and was the chairman for 13 years. He presently serves on the National Board of the Fund.  Dr. Maccabee is the author or coauthor of about three dozen technical articles and more than a hundred UFO articles over the last 30 years, including many which appeared in the MUFON Journal and MUFON Symposium proceedings. He wrote the last chapter of The Gulf Breeze Sightings by Edward and Frances Walters (Morrow, 1990). He wrote the UFO history chapter of the book UFOs: Zeugen und Zeichen, published in Germany in 1995.  He is co-author with Edward Walters of UFOs Are Real, Here's The Proof, (Avon Books, 1997), he is the author of The UFO/FBI Connection (Llewellyn Books, May, 2000) and the author of the novel, Abduction in My Life (Granite Publishing, 2001).  He is listed in Who's Who in Technology Today and American Men and Women of Science.           

Michael Salla, PhD (Australia) lost his status at American University and his projects were denied renewal as a direct result of his participation in X-Conference 2004.  This is just one more disgrace in a long history of head-in-the-sand denial by the entire American academic community regarding extraterrestrial-related phenomena.  Michael has the courage and integrity to follow the information wherever it leads.   American University is perfectly situated to be a leader in the development of exopolitics.  The opportunity was and is there to break new ground, to make a difference.  American University took a pass.   Michael is a pioneer in the development of exopolitics, the scholarly study of the main actors, institutions and processes associated with an extraterrestrial presence that is not acknowledged to the general public or the mass media by government authority.  His interest in exopolitics evolved out of his investigation of the sources of international conflict and its relationship with the undisclosed extraterrestrial presence. He cites evidence of multiple extraterrestrial races currently engaging humanity and the planet in a variety of ways.  His book Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence (Dandelion Books, 2004) presents a comprehensive study of the political implications of the extraterrestrial presence. His forthcoming book, The Challenge of Exopolitics (Dandelion Books 2005) analyzes challenges in educating the general public about exopolitical issues.  He has a PhD in Government from the University of Queensland, Australia, and an MA in Philosophy from the University of Melbourne, Australia. He has conducted research and fieldwork in the ethnic conflicts in East Timor, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Sri Lanka, and organized peacemaking initiatives involving mid to high level participants from these conflicts.

Other speakers already announced include: 
Richard Dolan, Ann Druffel, John Greenewald, Jr., Dr. Lynne Kitei, MD, Paul Davids, Charles James Hall, Michael S. Heiser, PhD, Jaime Maussan, Richard Sauder, PhD and Alfred L. Webre, JD.
Full speaker information is posted in the Speaker section at: .  

Stephen Bassett

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


January 30, 2005

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X-Conference 2005 Press Release - January 30, 2005

Washington, DC - PRG is announcing four more speakers for the 2nd Annual Exopolitics Expo (X-Conference), scheduled for April 22-24, 2005 at the Hilton Washington, DC North/Gaithersburg.  These are researcher/activist John Greenewald, Jr., government witness Charles James Hall, researcher Ann Druffel and researcher, Richard Sauder, PhD.  The conference website is:

The X-Conference is a unique event which focuses on the political, governmental and social aspects relating to extraterrestrial-related phenomena.  It is produced by PRG as part of the ongoing activist movement seeking to end the truth embargo.  Topics in 2005 will include:  impact of the film industry, the destruction of NICAP, MKULTRA, underground bases, the role of science in the exopolitics of disclosure, ET studies during the Carter administration, and much more.  Attendees are signing up from the US, Canada, Europe and Mexico.

Approximately 28 lecturers and panelists will present.  Four speakers are being announced.   New for this year:

John Greenewald, Jr.  - is a research/activist prodigy.  He began researching government conspiracies at the age of 15,  wrote his first book Beyond UFO Secrecy at 20, developed his own radio show at 22 and now is developing a television series at 23. 
Along the way he built one of the largest online communities of it's kind in the world with almost 25,000 volunteer members, over 300,000 posts on its forums, over 149,000 government documents, over 10,000 archived news articles, and over 14,000 photographs of military aircraft, UFOs, and much more.  The Black Vault has been referenced as one of the largest technological achievements on the internet.  His website has won over 60 awards. The full potential of the Black Vault is yet to be reached.  It's eventual impact on a number of the most controversial issues of our time can only be estimated.   To accomplish this feat John became an expert on the use of the Freedom of Information Act, and, if such statistics were known, may have filed more FOIA requests than any other individual.  But his most powerful influence may yet be as an example to the rest of the Echo Boomers.  As thousands of his generation follow his lead and begin challenging the structures of the emerging national security state with the aid of sophisticated technologies they have mastered as no other generation has, the extraterrestrial truth embargo, and many other embargoes, must surely collapse.      

Charles James Hall - One of the most difficult challenges facing researchers and activists during the exopolitical transition underway is how to deal with emerging witnesses.  By witness what is meant is individuals who intersected issues and evidence pertaining to extraterrestrial-related phenomena while in the employ of the government - military or civilian - and wish to come forward publicly and tell what they know.   From 1947 forward thousands of government employees have become involved with these issues either directly through their work or indirectly via chance of time and place.   The further back in time and the deeper within classified facilities and programs the more difficult it become to verify stories and personal history when and if they come forward.  Also of note, the deeper witnesses were in the classified realms the more extraordinary their stories.    The funding required to properly prepare an objective, outside structure for witnesses to engage,  be vetted, and relate their information is not available to the research/activist community at this time, and that is an understatement.   Of course, a single wealthy American could change all that with a stroke of a pen, but as yet no one has put that pen to a large enough check.   Not surprisingly, those who do come forward face difficult challenges and are often treated very poorly.   While this process is difficult but necessary, PRG believes it is essential that all emerging witnesses be given respect and considerations.  If not, others will simply refuse to come forward at all.

Charles Hall was a weather observer in the United States Air Force during the mid-sixties. He was stationed at Nellis Air Force Base and the Indian Springs gunnery ranges outside Las Vegas, followed by a year in Viet Nam.   After the service, Charles married and earned a Masters degree in Nuclear Physics at San Diego State University.  He also did post graduate work at the University of Maine at Bangor.   The necessities of life and family pushed memories of the terror and unprecedented experiences on the Indian Springs gunnery ranges into the background, but they couldn’t be forgotten.   Charles James Hall has come forward with an extraordinary story.  He has written three fact-as-fiction books, the Millennial Hospitality series and recently began speaking publicly.   He is being engaged by researcher and journalist, Paola Harris, researcher David Coote and others.   The process is underway.      

Returning from last year:

Ann Druffel - In her recently published book Firestorm, a biography of  scientist and extraterrestrial phenomena researcher Dr. James E. McDonald, she details a very important episode in the history of the citizen/science movement - the orchestrated dismantlement of NICAP.  She returns to talk about this important series of events, the turn around of Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter and the destruction of James McDonald.  Ann Druffel began investigating sighting reports in the Southern California area in April 1957 with the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), which was directed by research pioneer Major Donald E. Keyhoe, USMC (Ret.). She became acquainted with Dr. James E. McDonald through his contacts with the Los Angeles NICAP Subcommittee from 1966 to 1971.  After NICAP's demise in 1970, she joined the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and the then newly-formed Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS.)
She has researched over 2,000 Los Angeles Basin reports, including alleged landings, photo cases, close encounters with physical effects on witnesses and terrain, alleged "abduction" reports and other extraterrestrial related phenomena.  A prolific writer, Druffel has contributed over 180 articles to numerous journals and magazines. She wrote the book How to Defend Yourself Against Alien Abductions and co-authored Tujunga Canyon Contacts with parapsychologist, D. Scott Rogo. 

Richard Sauder, PhD - In order to fully appreciate the power of the United States government to make and keep secrets, conduct sequestered research on extraordinary technologies and control material and personnel throughout a five decade cover-up, it is extremely helpful to understand the extend of underground facilities which have been constructed within and without the U.S.   Dr. Sauder is perhaps the leading researcher in this important area.  He is the author of three books: the "underground" (pun intended) bestseller, Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide?, which represents his first substantial work on the underground bases issue, the esoteric Kundalini Tales, which deals with paranormal and mind control themes, and his latest book, Underwater and Underground Bases, which expands the scope of his earlier work to include military plans for manned bases and tunnels beneath the sea floor.  He was the first person to systematically popularize the mysterious topic of underground bases and tunnels by delving into the open literature, government and industry paper trail.
Richard has discussed his work on numerous radio and television programs including Art Bell's Dreamland, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, Lou Gentile Show, Laura Lee Show, Strange Daze with Don Ecker,  Jeff Rense's Sightings on the Radio, Zoh Hieronimus Show,  Uri Geller Show, BBC, FOX News (Phoenix) and Ted Loman's UFOAZ Talks. He has presented at the Whole Life Expos in Las Vegas and Los Angeles, the International UFO Congress in Laughlin, Nevada, the Leeds (U.K.) International UFO Conference, the National UFO Conference in Bordentown, New Jersey, HUFON  (Houston MUFON)  and Orange County MUFON.

His writings and interviews have appeared in such diverse hard copy and electronic publications as NEXUS Magazine, UFO Magazine (U.S. and U.K.), Atlantis Rising, UFO Universe and on the website.  His underground bases research commenced in 1992 and continues to the present day.  He has a B.A. in sociology, an M.A. in Latin American studies, an M.S. in forestry and a Ph.D. in political science.  He currently resides in San Antonio, Texas.

Other speakers already announced include: 
Dr. Lynne Kitei, MD, Alfred L. Webre, JD, Paul Davids, Michael S. Heiser, PhD, Jaime Maussan and Richard Dolan.
Speaker information will be posted in the Speaker section at:

Stephen Bassett

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


January 5, 2005

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Press Release - January 5, 2005
X-Conference 2005

Washington, DC - PRG is announcing three more speakers for the 2nd Annual Exopolitics Expo (X-Conference), scheduled for April 22-24, 2005 at the Hilton Washington, DC North/Gaithersburg.  Religious scholar, Michael S. Heiser, PhD; Mexican researcher and journalist, Jaime Maussan; and historian Richard Dolan will present.   The conference website is: .

The X-Conference is a unique event which focuses on the political, governmental and social aspects relating to extraterrestrial-related phenomena.  It is produced by PRG as part of the ongoing activist movement seeking to end the truth embargo.  Topics in 2005 will include:  impact of the film industry, MJ-12 Documents, the Rockefeller Initiative, Area 51, underground bases,  ET studies during the Carter administration, and much more.  Approximately 25 lecturers and panelists will present.  Three speakers are being announced.   New for this year:

Michael S. Heiser, PhD -  A devout Christian, Dr. Heiser is part of an extremely important exopolitical development wherein the Christian faith, including fundamentalist denominations, is examining the implications of extraterrestrial-related phenomena - past and present. PRG considers this developing body of work of utmost importance and will be making concerted effort to bring this scholarship to the public's attention.   Michael Heiser did his Ph.D. dissertation in the field of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Semitic Languages at the University of  Wisconsin-Madison.  He holds an M.A. in Ancient History from the University of Pennsylvania (major fields, Ancient Israel and Egyptology), and a second M.A. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (Hebrew Bible and Ancient Semitic Languages).  He also attended Dallas Theological Seminary.  Michael is the recipient of several academic awards and scholarships, and has written articles accepted in several scholarly journals.  He has also taught full time at the undergraduate level since 1992.
   Dr. Heiser is one of an emerging group of young, brilliant scholars who are reexamining all ancient religious texts, often in their original languages, with an open mind willing to consider and factor in the extraordinary discoveries of the past 50 years.    An extended Curriculum Vitae is located at:

Jaime Maussan (Mexico) - since 1991 events taking place in Mexico have had extraordinary implications for exopolitics.  Perhaps the greatest sightings flap in       history has occurred just outside the borders of the United States.  An entire nation was given an intense indoctrination into extraterrestrial-related phenomena. The Mexican military and civilian government became involved.  No one is more qualified to present this history than Jaime Maussan.
  The July 1991 solar eclipse, which passed over Mexico, was the beginning of a wave of mass sightings.   Thousands of people across Mexico witnessed and video recorded night lights and daylight disks.  Over the past dozen years Maussan has compiled over 5,000 videos and photos from such eyewitnesses and has presented this information around the world.    He was born in Mexico City, and earned a B.A. degree in radio and television from the Miami University in Ohio.  He has had a 25 year career in the media, during which he has received numerous awards, and is now General Director and Anchorman of "60 Minutes" Mexico.  He       produced 20 commercial videos for "Programas de Investigacion", achieving leadership for an independent production company in Mexico.  He also produces a radio program "Jaime Maussan, UFOs and other Mysteries," one of  the most popular shows in Mexico.  He also works as an Investigative Journalist/Anchorman and General Producer of the TV show ¨Tercer Milenio" that is broadcast via the Televisa Network to all Latin American countries, Europe, the United States and also through the Sky Satellite System. In 1996, he was producer of the feature radio program "Jaime Maussan, UFOs and Other Mysteries" transmitted through XEW Radio and the RASA Network, which became one of the most popular radio programs in Mexico.
Returning from last year:

Richard Dolan: studied history, English, and philosophy as an undergraduate at Alfred University.   His deep passion for the discipline of history resulted in a scholarship to study at Oxford University and a near miss for a Rhodes Scholarship.   He chose instead to do graduate work at the University of Rochester, where he focused on German and Soviet studies before moving on to American Cold War diplomacy.   Not wanting to teach, he left academia to write.
  In 1994 he became interested in the UFO problem, approaching it from the angle of history and politics.  He was intrigued by the cultural schizophrenia - the fact that mainstream and academic culture (official culture) continued to treat UFOs as amusement, but that so many intelligent people privately had taken it seriously.  Throughout 1995, 1996, and 1997 he conducted a systematic bibliographic search, hunting down the many out-of-print books and UFO documents released over the years through the Freedom of Information Act.  He found the amount of information nearly overwhelming.  A detailed chronology of relevant events was prepared in advance of writing his critically acclaimed book, UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Coverup, 1947-1973.   This book provides a clear, comprehensive, but concise historical narrative of the problem.  He is now at work on the study's second volume, which will take the story through the remainder of the 20th century.                  

Speaker information will be posted in the Speaker section at:

Stephen Bassett

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


December 23, 2004

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Press Release - December 23, 2004
X-Conference 2005

Washington, DC - PRG is pleased to announce the 2nd Annual Exopolitics Expo (X-Conference), scheduled for April 22-24, 2005 at the Hilton Washington, DC North/Gaithersburg, has begun assembling the speaker lineup for 2005.

The X-Conference is a unique event which focuses on the political, governmental and social aspects relating to extraterrestrial-related phenomena.  It is more than a public conference - it is part of the disclosure process itself.   As was the case last year, all Congressional offices will be notified and Members or staff encouraged to take advantage of this convenient opportunity to become informed on an issue about which they have been misinformed for over five decades.

Last year's subjects included:  U.S. government posture and actions with respect to extraterrestrial related phenomena  *  the government imposed truth embargo - the  cover-up  *  the role (complicity?) of the media in the truth embargo  *  the role of the film industry  *  NASA  *  foreign government's posture and actions  *  MJ-12 Documents  *  Philip Corso's legacy  *  the FBI connection  *   Dr. James McDonald's Legacy  *  Secretary of Defense James Forrestal   *   the Disclosure Project  *   the Rockefeller Initiative  *  Area 51  *  reverse engineering  *  crash retrievals  *  underground bases  *  remote viewing  * Jimmy Carter studies  *  politics of disclosure  *  the post-disclosure world.

Approximately 25 lecturers and panelists will present.  Three speakers are being announced.   New for next year:

Lynne Kitei, MD - is an internationally acclaimed physician and health educator, a leader in early disease detection and prevention and Chief Clinical Consultant at the world-renowned Arizona Heart Institute's Imaging/Prevention/Wellness Center in Phoenix, Arizona.  This highly accomplished professional is presenting at the X-Conference because she is a key witness to the still-unexplained mass sighting that took place throughout Arizona on March 13, 1997 - the "Phoenix Lights."    After years of private research Lynne has "come out" to talk about the challenges facing high level professionals who wish to address any aspect of extraterrestrial-related phenomena as well as the inadequate media and government response to this extraordinary event. 

Dr. Kitei has been recognized in the Who's Who of American Women, was chosen as the Woman of the Year in Pennsylvania, and has been featured for her innovative and groundbreaking work in publications such as the Philadelphia Inquirer, TV Guide magazine, Runner magazine, Phoenix magazine, and Physician's Management magazine.  She is an award winning producer, writer and director of health-related documentary films and was called the "woman pioneer of medical communications" in TV Guide after creating and producing innovative TV news health reports for NBC in Philadelphia in 1976.  She has dedicated over 25 years to global public awareness, wellness, and health education.  Her AIDS, Substance Abuse and Teen Pregnancy programs have won the Telly Bronze Award in 1995, the National Education Film & Video Festival Silver Apple Award in 1994, the New York International Film Festival Finalist Award in 1992 and 1993, the Chicago International Film Festival Silver Hugo and Finalist Awards in 1993, the Columbus International Film & Video Festival Honorable Mention Award in 1991, and the Arizona Hemmy Award in 1993 and 1994.

Dr. Kitei receive her BS in Secondary Science Education from Temple University and an M.D. from the Temple University School of Medicine.

Alfred L. Webre, JD -  a futurist, peace advocate and environmental activist, is the father of Exopolitics.  When "exopolitics" is formally (academically) recognized as the term describing the political and social intersection of the human race with extraterrestrial-related phenomena and ultimately extraterrestrial beings, the primary origin of this enormously important nomenclature will be attributed to Alfred Lambremont Webre.  Michael Salla subsequently worked to expand and develop content within the intellectual framework, and Stephen Bassett worked to bring this framework and terminology to a  larger audience.
   Dr. Webre is International Director of the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS); a founder of the No Weapons in Space Campaign (NOWIS), a Canadian coalition to prevent the weaponization of space; and coordinates the Campaign for Cooperation in  Space.  He is a co-architect of the Space Preservation Act and the Space Preservation Treaty to ban space-based weapons.   He is also an on-air host on Vancouver Coop Radio CFRO 102.7 FM.

Webre is a former Fulbright Scholar and graduate of Yale University, Yale Law School (Yale Law School National Scholar), and the University of Texas Counseling Program.  He was General Counsel to the NYC Environmental Protection Administration and environmental consultant to the Ford Foundation, futurist at Stanford Research Institute, and author.  He taught economics at Yale University (Economics Department) and Civil Liberties at the University of Texas (Government Department).  Alfred has been a delegate to the UNISPACE Outer Space Conference and NGO representative at the United Nations (Communications Coordination Committee for the UN; UN Second Special Session on Disarmament); elected Clinton-Gore Delegate to the 1996 Texas Democratic Convention; and a Member, Governor's Emergency Taskforce on Earthquake Preparedness, State of California (1980-82), appointed by Gov. Jerry Brown.  Mr. Webre produced and hosted the Instant of Cooperation, the first live radio broadcast between USA and the then Soviet Union, carried live by Gosteleradio and NPR satellite in 1987. He is a member of the District of Columbia Bar.

Returning from this year:

Paul Davids is a leading expert on the history of the Hollywood connection to science fiction and extraterrestrial-related phenomena.  He was executive producer and co-writer of the Showtime film “Roswell,” starring Martin Sheen and Kyle MacLachlan, nominated for a Golden Globe as Best Television Motion Picture of 1994.  Though always interested in science-fiction, the UFO issue is a matter of science fact for him, ever since a widely reported 1987 daylight sighting.  In 1996 he was guest speaker at the banquet for the 50th anniversary of the White Sands Missile Range Pioneers, where he spoke about The Roswell Incident, and he has produced numerous informational programs about UFO’s.   Paul earned a B.A. from Princeton University, where he won the university's three top creative writing awards all in one year (including the F. Scott Fitzgerald Prize), and afterwards he studied under full scholarship at the American Film Institute Center for Advanced Film Studies in Los Angeles. 

Speaker information will be posted in the Speaker section at: .  

Contact: Stephen Bassett
             202-215-8344 (new number)

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344


October 13, 2004

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Press Release - October 13, 2004

Washington, DC - Paradigm Research Group announced today the 2nd Annual Exopolitics Expo - the X-Conference - is scheduled for April 22-24, 2005 at the Hilton Washington, DC North/Gaithersburg. See:

The 1st X-Conference, held April 16-18, 2004, brought together in the Washington area the most powerful group of speakers ever assembled to focus on the governmental, political and media aspects of 50+ years of extraterrestrial related phenomena and state sponsored deception, disinformation and denial.   The 2004 event was very well received by 650 attendees. X-Conference 2005 will expand on this success with an equally powerful assemblage of speakers, who collectively hold enough knowledge of government involvement with extraterrestrial-related phenomena and the imposed truth embargo to end the cover-up tomorrow.   All it would take is for political leaders and journalists to pay attention.

Conference producer, Stephen Bassett, stated, "Once again the political media as well as congressional members and staff will have the opportunity to obtain in an extended weekend a basic understanding of how and why the United States government sequestered from the American people the full truth of an extraterrestrial presence about the planet since at least the mid-1940's."    He added, "The X-Conference is not just an event, it is an affirmation of truth to power. It is a mechanism of disclosure -the process, underway in earnest since the end of the Cold War, leading to formal acknowledgment by the United States government of extraterrestrial beings engaging the planet." 

Over the next two months speakers will be selected around a number of conference themes and the schedule will be posted to the conference website. The 2004 X-Conference included 25 speakers from 5 countries with 9 PhD/MDs.

The schedule, which is subject to change, now includes:

Friday/Saturday/Sunday:  16 extended lectures, 3 panel/Q&As, 10 lecture/Q&As
Friday/Saturday: documentary film showings
Friday Evening: Speakers' Cocktail Party
Saturday: Special Presentation - Stephen Bassett
Saturday Evening:  Banquet, Keynote Address, PRG Awards 
Sunday Evening:  X-PPAC Fund Raiser Cocktail Party

During the Saturday evening banquet, PRG Awards for "Journalistic Courage," "Political Courage," and "Lifetime Achievement," among others will be presented.

The Hilton Washington DC North/Gaithersburg is a 3 Star, 3 Diamond hotel with unlimited free parking, metro access, conference facilities for 1500, banquet facilities for 400+ and is equidistant from all three major airports (Reagan, Dulles, BWI). 

Paradigm Research Group was founded in 1996 to support the work of research/activist organizations addressing the science and politics of extraterrestrial-related phenomena.

[Note: PRG Executive Director, Stephen Bassett, will be speaking at the National UFO Conference ( October 29-31, 2004 and the UFO Crash Retrieval Conference ( November 12-14, 2004.]

Contact: Stephen Bassett
             202-215-8344 (new number)


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


August 7, 2004

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Press Release                     August 7, 2004

Washington, DC - The National UFO Conference (NUFOC) has been scheduled for October 29-31, 2004 at the Renaissance Hotel in Hollywood, CA.   The conference website is:

Stephen Bassett, Executive Director of PRG and a conference speaker, commented, "I hope this becomes the permanent home for the NUFOC.  It could be the "conference to the stars" offering an exceptional opportunity for entertainment professionals from behind and in front of the camera to meet and learn from the top researchers and activists dealing with extraterrestrial-related phenomena and exopolitics.  It is my understanding that dozens of Hollywood celebs known to have great interest in these issues will soon receive VIP invitations to attend."

Speakers include:  Stephen Bassett, Peter Davenport, Paul Davids, Richard Dolan, Ann Druffel, John Greenewald, Leslie Kean, Dr. Lynn Kitei, Robert Salas, Terry Hansen, Dr. Robert Wood,

The ultra-stylish Renaissance Hollywood Hotel is destined for fame as the premier luxury property in the movie-making capital of the world.  Boasting a sophisticated mid-century modern design and breathtaking views of LA, this dazzling landmark hotel captures the legendary glamour and excitement of Hollywood's illustrious past.  As cornerstone of the spectacular Hollywood & Highland retail and entertainment destination, the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel is located among trend-setting shops, world-class restaurants, legendary landmarks and state-of-the-art entertainment venues, including Kodak Theatre - new home of the Academy Awards ceremonies!  The hotel's design and collection of contemporary
artwork provide a truly creative atmosphere.

Chairman: Dr. John Miller
Chairwoman:  Lisa Davis

Contact NUFOC:  (310) 514-1595    

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


July 26, 2004

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July 26, 2004 - Press Release
Memos to the Candidates

On the eve of the Democratic Convention PRG issues the following challenge to three of the presidential candidates

Washington, DC
- The next President of the United States will take office during the 57th year of the public's awareness of a government imposed truth embargo on the fact of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the planet earth and the human race.  This awareness began with the withdrawal of the "retrieved saucer" explanation by General Roger Ramey and the substitution of a "weather balloon" to account for the events in early July 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico.   Later that year the superstructure for this embargo was created with the passage of the National Security Act and the assembling of a management team titled Majestic-12 Group.

This truth embargo has left a massive hole in the worldview of every living human being.  It has created two parallel realities - one with an accepted extraterrestrial hypothesis and one without.   It has broken the social contract, compromised the mission of NASA, eroded trust in government, withheld life and environmental enhancing technology and warped the relationship between two branches of government (executive and legislative) and the military/intelligence community.

The extraordinary requirement to service this embargo while simultaneously prosecuting the Cold War, a 45-year ideological conflict unlike anything the world had ever seen, resulted in the creation of a "Secret Empire" - the intelligence components of the military/industrial complex.  It is an empire because it is vast in size and power and no part of it is elected.   It is composed of fiefdoms run by career managers who are replaced internally when they retire or die.   While agency directors are publicly appointed by presidents, the directors of corporate intelligence operations are not public and operate in a hybrid world of government classification and corporate proprietary self-interest.

The public interest oversight of this complex - larger (on the basis of its "known" budget) than the total military spending of every nation on earth except the United States ($420 billion in 2002) - lies with the House and Senate Select Committees on Intelligence.   But as the Secret Empire has grown, both the effectiveness and public trust in members of Congress and Congress as a functioning institution have diminished.   Committee members are quick to say they "have things under control," but each year fewer Americans believe them or for that matter care or pay attention.

Organized citizen efforts toward "secrecy reform," while well meaning, have been minimal with little or no funding.  Attempts by the Executive Branch to reform, restructure or limit the Secret Empire have been, inadequate, misdirected or disdainfully rebuffed.    Ironically, the sheer size of this complex has contributed to numerous failures to "take care of business."  While the Secret Empire has successfully tended its own agendas, kept its own secrets, managed public opinion and conducted domestic campaigns of surveillance, subversion, misinformation and propaganda, it has often failed in matters of its primary function to protect and defend the United States.   When you have millions of people with multi-levels of clearance to assign and track, hundreds of millions of documents to classify, thousands of overt and covert projects to manage, vast underground facilities to build and maintain, equally vast above ground facilities to secure, it would seem that foreign enemies of the state "slip through the cracks."  These instances have been well documented and don't need to be addressed here.  The response to each intelligence blunder is the same - demands for more money, more secrecy and more power - size begetting failures begetting greater size.

There are four men still campaigning for the presidency who are high profile, "mainstream" candidates.  Two have a chance to win, and two are trying to either make a statement or influence the election.  None are likely to say anything, nothing, about the Secret Empire or take any position on real secrecy reform beyond, "mistakes were made pre- and post-9/11.  This issue, like many others, is off limits, and the willingness of the American people to accept limited debate and exposition is now a threat to the nation.

But there is hope, because millions of Americans have become aware and informed of the actions and implications of the Secret Empire through their interest in extraterrestrial-related phenomena. They are increasingly networked and now form a substantial voting block.   They are educated, well read, cyber savvy and many have military backgrounds.  They are starting to put pressure on candidates to take a position on the most controversial and implicative issue in the world today.   

On their behalf the following open memos to three of these four candidates are posted - Bush and Kerry because either could win and Kucinich because his worldview already embraces the possibility of an extraterrestrial presence.  Nader is left out because he can't win, has no interest in extraterrestrial-related phenomena and has rebuffed every approach to inform him on the subject.


Memos to the Candidates

Dear President Bush:

The day you stepped into the White House as the 43rd President of the United States you stood on the threshold of perhaps the greatest legacy offered any head of state in history.  Ten years after the end of the Cold War you could be the leader who ended the truth embargo and informed the nation and the world of the extraterrestrial presence engaging this planet.   You could be the "disclosure president."

Millions of people around the world then watched closely to see if you would deliver on your promise to Charles Huffer during an exchange at a 2000 campaign stop in Arkansas.  CNN recorded the moment.

Huffer: Half the public believes that they are real. Would you finally tell us what the hell is going on?
Bush:  Sure, I will.
Huffer: (Gesturing toward Cheney) This man knows. He was Secretary of Defense.
Bush: And was a great one.
Later Huffer encountered you off-camera in the hall. You recognized Huffer and unsolicited said:
Bush: It will be the first thing he (pointing to Cheney) will do. He'll get right on it.
Huffer: Will, will you really?
Bush: Yes Sir.

Truly, it has been a difficult three and a half years - a tough time for the nation and your administration.   History has called upon you in other ways with other challenges.

But the disclosure legacy was and still is yours to claim in part because your father was held in the highest regard by the military and intelligence communities - the exact opposite circumstance from the intervening Clinton administration.   The election this November is now problematic.   If you do not take up the disclosure mantle, it may be lost to you and your party forever.  The truth embargo cannot last four more years.  More ranking military and agency employee will come forward.    The media complicity will end.   History calls, Mr. President.  Answer the call.


Dear Senator Kerry:

The television talking heads that analyze your campaign repeatedly refer to the need for you to "define" yourself to the electorate and "separate" yourself from George W. Bush during an era when a significant segment of the public sees little difference between the two principal political parties while referring to "republicrats."

Should you choose to take this good advice, you might begin by repudiating your membership in the absurd and dangerous secret society, Skull and Bones, rather than laugh off or refuse to answer questions from the press regarding this cabalistic organization, which exists for no other reason than to network power among selected elite. The American people no longer find this funny or irrelevant.

More importantly, while it is inconceivable, given the restricted and scripted nature of the modern election campaign, you would speak to or seriously answer questions about extraterrestrial-related phenomena, there is something you should know.

The truth embargo (or cover-up) preventing a formal acknowledgment of the extraterrestrial presence (disclosure) is unraveling due to the emergence of military and agency witnesses since the end of the Cold War.   Should you take office on January 21, 2005, this truth embargo becomes your concern, and the legacy of the "disclosure presidency" yours to claim - or reject.  Do not accept a "need to know" explanation from the DoD, NSA or CIA for their refusal to give you the information you need to make a disclosure decision. Each day of your term that passes without you stepping forward and ending this 5-decade charade, that legacy will slowly fade away and you and your political party will begin to "own" the cover-up.  A new year, a new president, a new world.


Dear Congressman Kucinich:

Six high profile Democratic Party candidates in the 2004 presidential campaign have fallen away, but you continue because you believe you have something to say to the American people and to your party convention.   Your supporters and staff have worked very hard to give you this opportunity - to have an impact.

You are clearly a man apart.  There is no one else in the United States Congress like you - no one who thinks further outside the box.   Consequently, you have brought many innovative ideas and positions on issues into the campaign.  Of particular note are your views regarding war, peace, nonproliferation and weapons in space.   These are issues of great importance, which, if not resolved soon, may yet lead to worldwide calamity.  

And this raises a troubling question.  How is it remotely possible for the governments of the world to reach decisions about war, peace, nonproliferation, the weaponization of space and a host of other related matters, when the truth of an extraterrestrial presence is being kept completely out of the public discourse?

Congressman Kucinich, you can make history.  Step forward and speak to this matter. Lift the curtain of ridicule.  Finish what candidate Jimmy Carter could not finish in 1976.  Be the first presidential candidate with a spot at the party convention to place the most important issue in the world before the nation.  Millions of people around the planet will stand and applaud true political courage.

Stephen Bassett
Executive Director
Paradigm Research Group


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


May 11, 2004

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Press Release                        May 11, 2004

 Washington, DC - On May 7, 2004 in Riverside, California, one of the most powerful persons in journalism, Tom Curley, CEO and President of the Associated Press, made an extraordinary proposal.  As reported by Linda Duetsch, Mr. Curley, speaking at the Hays Press-Enterprise Lecture Series, called for the founding of a major media advocacy center to lobby in Washington, DC for open government.   Curley stated the following:

"The powerful have to be watched, and we are the watchers," Curley said, "and you don't need to have your notebook snatched by a policeman to know that keeping an eye on government activities has lately gotten a lot harder."

"An advocacy center for open government would identify and oppose legislation that puts unreasonable restrictions on public information. It would also propose and seek legislative support for measures that would strengthen First Amendment values."

"The government is pushing hard for secrecy," he said. "We must push back equally hard for openness. I think it's time to consider establishment of a focused lobbying effort in Washington."

Paradigm Research Group has been lobbying and advocating open government since 1996 and applauds Mr. Curley's proposal.  However, the primary focus of PRG's work has been ending the government imposed embargo on the truth surrounding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the planet earth and the human race.  Asked about Curley's proposal, PRG Executive Director Stephen Bassett said the following:

"Before he took over the Associated Press, Tom Curley was the Publisher and President of USA Today and ran that paper along with Editor in Chief, Dave Mazzarella. USA Today is THE national newspaper.  Year after year after year, Curley, Mazzarella and other editors of USA Today were approached by PRG and other researchers and activists trying to end the UFO cover-up.  All approaches were rebuffed.  Offers to meet with key military and agency employees witness to events and evidence confirming an extraterrestrial presence - rebuffed.   Offers to meet with authors of new, seminal works such as Richard Dolan (UFOs and the National Security State) and Terry Hansen (Missing Times: News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-up) - rebuffed.   Dozens of press releases issued about the developing disclosure process - ignored."

"If Mr. Curley wants to curb the developing national security state and begin the reform of the "Secret Empire (the intelligence wing of the military/industrial complex)," he needs to start with the single most important managed issue in the world today - the presence of extraterrestrial beings engaging the human race.  This is the crown jewel of the Secret Empire.  The failure to cover this story by the top-tier media is the greatest journalistic failure in history."

Added Bassett, "I would be happy to meet with Tom Curley and bring him up to speed on the political processes underway leading to a disclosure event and further inform him regarding the greatest news story of all time.  Until the wall of ridicule around this issue is finally breached by top-tier media, any open government initiative will not reach room temperature."

Contact:  PRG and Stephen Bassett  202-215-8344

Relevant Links:

Paradigm Research Group:
AP Article about Curley:
Full Text of Speech:

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


May 10., 2004

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Press Release                      May 10, 2004

Washington, DCStephen Bassett, Executive Director of Paradigm Research Group, is in contention to be one of 12 contestants on the Showtime Channel's groundbreaking new reality series, American Candidate.  Scheduled for August through October 2004, American Candidate may well be a harbinger of a new kind of populist power - internet voting - the Holy Grail for voter participation.   While internet voting faces formidable technological challenges to reach a level of unbreachable security and integrity, no one doubts it could lead to unprecedented levels of voter participation in state and federal elections.

It is expected a range of issues which the real presidential candidates would not dare touch will be addressed by the "real" candidates.  Perhaps millions of Americans will tune in to hear the kinds of debates they will almost certainly be denied in the real election.

Showtime is not fooling around with this new program.  A substantial and growing website has been created.  Members of the Advisory Board include: Former U.S. Senators, Bob Kerrey and Alan Simpson; President of the League of Woman Voters, Kay Maxwell; Former Press Secretary to President Gerald R. Ford, Ron Nessen; along with other scholars and advocates.  Strategic partners include Meetup and Rock the Vote.

The 12 contestants will conduct "reality" campaigns for President, with a candidate eliminated with each program segment.   The final two contestants will vie to be the American Candidate.   The winner will have the option to run a write-in candidacy during the final weeks of the 2004 presidential election campaign.

Stephen Bassett will attend an American Candidate meetup at the Cosi Restaurant, 1919 M Street, Washington, DC at 7 pm, Monday, May 17.   He will chat with other candidates and attendees and will be available to take questions from the press.

Bassett's Background

He is a political activist, founder of Paradigm Research Group, Executive Director of the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC, pronounced expack), author of the Paradigm Clock website, and a political columnist, commentator and former Independent candidate for Congress. He is the executive producer of the X-Conference.

Presently he is the only registered lobbyist in the United States representing extraterrestrial related phenomena research/activist organizations, and X-PPAC is the first political action committee to target the political implications of extraterrestrial related phenomena.  Between April 19 and November 5 of 2002 he conducted an independent candidacy in the 2002 congressional campaign in the 8th District of Maryland. It was the first instance in which a candidate on the November ballot in a federal election openly addressed the matter of an extraterrestrial presence and the government imposed truth embargo.

On January 13 of 2003 he launched a new project, Citizens' Hearing, which intends to conduct a week-long hearing in Washington, DC before former Members of the House and Senate.   The motto for this project is, "If Congress will not do its job, the people will."

Since 1996 Bassett has assisted a number of organizations and initiatives, which have been making the case for 1) an end to the government embargo on the truth surrounding an extraterrestrial presence and 2) open congressional hearings to take the testimony of former military and agency employees witness to extraterrestrial related events and evidence.  He has spoken to millions of Americans about the likelihood and implications of a formal disclosure event.

Relevant Links:

American Candidate:
AC Bassett:
Rock the Vote:
Paradigm Research Group:

Contact:  Stephen Bassett: 202-215-8344 or

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


March 8, 2004

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Press Release                          March 8, 2004

Washington, DC – PRG announces the Paradigm Clock has been reset to 11:58:45 pm (1 minute and 15 seconds from midnight). Based upon recent developments the clock has been moved forward a net 15 seconds

The Paradigm Clock was last reset on November 13, 2002 and resides at the PRG website:  It is a metaphor representing the proximity to formal acknowledgment by the U.S. government of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the planet.   It is modeled after the "Doomsday Clock" first published in 1947 by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.   Midnight on the Doomsday Clock meant nuclear war had begun.  Midnight on the Paradigm Clock will mean formal disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence has taken place.  [Note: these issues and much more will be presented at the X-Conference, April 16-18, at the Hilton Washington, DC/Gaithersburg].  

Basis for time reset: expanded explanations can be found at:

3/2/04 - John Kerry essentially locks up the Democrat Party nominee, thus creating the prospect of two alumni of the Yale University based secret society, Skull and Bones, facing each other on the November presidential ballot.  This serves to place the issue of government and cabalistic secrecy as a societal detriment more prominently on the nation's radar.  


Nov-Jan 2004 - A political firestorm develops over the quality, source and veracity of U.S. intelligence regarding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.  The matter of government propaganda and possible misrepresentation of facts to the America people regarding major issues is elevated to a degree not seen since Iran Contra in the mid 1980's.


 December 2003 - For the first time an orbiter circled the planet Mars (the Mars Express) which was not under United States control (European Space Agency).   Consequently, barring secret side agreements, the matter of Martian exoarcheology is now not solely in the control of NASA, JPL and the U.S. government.


October 2003 -  Numerous newspaper articles covering the opening of the Center for American Progress mention millions of dollars of financial backing from George Soros, thus placing the billionaire financier just one degree of separation from the issues of extraterrestrial phenomena and disclosure.


10/28/03 - Just seven days after the Sci Fi Channel/CFI second NPC press conference, a new liberal think tank headed by John Podesta, Center for American Progress, opens it doors.


10/21/03 - The Sci Fi Channel and the Coalition for Freedom of Information hold a second press conference at the National Press Club announcing their intentions to file law suits to pressure the Department of Defense and National Aeronautics and Space Administration over documents pertaining to the 1965 Kecksburg, PA events.


9/17/03 - President George W. Bush issues an order under Executive Order 12958 of April 17, 1995, as Amended extending "Top Secret" classification authority to the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy.


9/16/03 - President Bush issues Presidential Determination No. 2003-39, which continues to "exempt the Air Force's operating location near Groom Lake, NV from any Federal, State, interstate or local provision respecting control and abatement of solid waste or hazardous waste disposal that would require the disclosure of classified information concerning the operating location to any unauthorized person."


11/01/01 - President Bush issues Executive Order 13233 altering the Presidential Records Act and placing the disposition of Ronald Reagan's Presidential papers and George H. W. Bush's Vice Presidential papers under his control

PRG is dedicated to ending the government imposed truth embargo and convening comprehensive congressional hearings to take the testimony of government witnesses as regards extraterrestrial-related phenomena.

Contact:  Stephen Bassett: 202-215-8344 or

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


March 2, 2004

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Press Release                                                                             March 2, 2004
1st Annual Exopolitics Expo - X-Conference
Hilton Washington, DC North/Gaithersburg - April 16-18, 2004

Washington, DC – Paradigm Research Group is pleased to announce two additions to the X-Conference.  Television journalist, lecturer and former CNN anchor, Cheryll Jones, will co-moderate the conference with Stephen Bassett.   Astronomer Dr. Thomas Van Flandern will present on Mars exoarcheology and faster-than-light travel.

The X-Conference is open to the public and is receiving interest from around the world with registrations coming in from Eastern and Western Canada, United Kingdom, Belgium, South Africa and Dubai among others.   Further, Congressional offices are sending official or unofficial representatives, and invitations are being sent to a number of presidential candidates to attend or send representation.   Standing offers have been extended to all candidates to speak briefly regarding their position toward extraterrestrial-related phenomena and the government imposed truth embargo.

Conference speakers will include Stephen Bassett, Dr. William Birnes, Grant Cameron (Canada), Philip Corso, Jr., Paul Davids, Richard Dolan, Ann Druffel, Stanton Friedman (Canada), Timothy Good (United Kingdom), Dr. Steven Greer, William Hamilton, Terry Hansen, Paola Harris (Italy), Richard Hoagland, Linda Moulton Howe, Dr. C. B. Scott Jones, Jim Marrs, Dr. Bruce Maccabee, Nick Pope (United Kingdom), Peter Robbins, Dr. Michael Salla (Australia), Dr. Richard Sauder, Dr. Thomas Van Flandern, Dr. Robert Wood and Ryan Wood.   These speakers have between them over 200 years of research and/or activism and have published over 60 books.

All X-Conference speakers are available for radio and television interviews regarding their presentation topics prior to the event.   Contact Paradigm Research Group.

Over 80% of the American people consistently indicate in national polls the government is lying to them regarding extraterrestrial related phenomena, and 50% believe extraterrestrial craft are the reason for worldwide sightings.  Any other major issue with these numbers would incite a firestorm of media attention and institutional investigation.

The Hilton Washington DC North is located at 620 Perry Parkway, Gaithersburg, Maryland.  It is a 3 Star, 3 Diamond hotel with unlimited free parking, metro access, conference facilities for 1500, banquet facilities for 300+ and is equidistant from all three major airports (Reagan, Dulles, BWI). 


Paradigm Research Group was founded in 1996 to support the work of research/activist organizations addressing the science and politics of extraterrestrial related phenomena.

Contact:  Stephen Bassett, Executive Director    
Phone: 202-215-8344

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


January 2, 2004

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Press Release                                                                                      January 2, 2004
1st Annual Exopolitics Expo - X-Conference
Hilton Washington, DC North/Gaithersburg - April 16-18, 2004

Washington, DC – Paradigm Research Group announces the speaker lineup for the X-Conference has been set and includes 23 presenters from the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Italy, and Australia.  This is the strongest group of experts ever assembled to speak to the governmental, political and media aspects of 50+ years of a government imposed truth embargo on information confirming an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.   The official website is:

Speakers will include Stephen Bassett, Dr. William Birnes, Grant Cameron (Canada), Philip Corso, Jr., Paul Davids, Richard Dolan, Ann Druffel, Stanton Friedman (Canada), Timothy Good (United Kingdom), Dr. Steven Greer, William Hamilton, Terry Hansen, Paola Harris (Italy), Richard Hoagland, Linda Moulton Howe, Dr. C. B. Scott Jones, Jim Marrs, Dr. Bruce Maccabee, Nick Pope (United Kingdom), Peter Robbins, Dr. Michael Salla (Australia), Dr. Richard Sauder, Dr. Robert Wood, Ryan Wood.   The keynote speaker for the banquet will be announced later this year.

The X-Conference has been intentionally scheduled during the presidential election season (between the Colorado and Pennsylvania primaries), April 16-18, 2004, at the Hilton Washington, DC North.  In January, invitations will go out to all presidential candidates to attend the X-Conference, either in person or via representation.  Additionally, all candidates will be offered time to speak to the conference issues of extraterrestrial engagement and cover-up, which no presidential candidate, other than Democrat Heather Anne Harder in 1994 and 1998, has had the courage to do.  All members of Congress will receive similar invitations.  Over 80% of the American people consistently indicate in national polls the government is lying to them regarding extraterrestrial related phenomena.

The schedule, which is subject to change, now includes:  Saturday/Sunday:  20 lectures, 16 workshops, 2 discussion panels; Friday/Saturday: documentary film showings; Friday Evening: Speakers' Cocktail Party; Saturday Evening:  Banquet with Keynote Address; Sunday Evening:  Special Presentation.  During the Saturday evening banquet, PRG awards for Journalistic Courage (Sarah McClendon) and Political Courage (Congressman Steven Schiff), along with Lifetime Achievement, Disclosure and Hall of Fame awards will be presented.

The Hilton Washington DC North is located at 620 Perry Parkway, Gaithersburg, Maryland.  It is a 3 Star, 3 Diamond hotel with unlimited free parking, metro access, conference facilities for 1500, banquet facilities for 300+ and is equidistant from all three major airports (Reagan, Dulles, BWI). 

Paradigm Research Group was founded in 1996 to support the work of research/activist organizations addressing the science and politics of extraterrestrial related phenomena.

Contact:  Stephen Bassett, Executive Director
Phone: 202-215-8344

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


September 25, 2003

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Press Release                       -                September 25, 2003

Washington, DC - Paradigm Research Group is pleased to announce executive director, Stephen Bassett, as signed with prestigious New York literary agency, Sanford J. Greenburger Associates.  Well known agent, Matt Bialer, will represent Bassett in a series of books addressing the politics of disclosure.  The first book, which is being written in co-authorship with Canadian researcher, Grant Cameron, will be presented to publishers this week.  It will focus on the relationship between sitting American presidents and extraterrestrial related phenomena, with an emphasis on the Carter and Clinton administrations.

Bassett has also just signed with Washington, DC based Du Plain International Speakers Bureau, which provides outstanding lecturers to venues across the United States.

These new relationships are important to reaching a broader mainstream audience, particularly in the power centers of New York and Washington, DC, with the facts surrounding the extraterrestrial presence and the 46-year effort to embargo these facts from the American people. 

Sanford J. Greenburger Associates:
Duplain International Speakers Bureau:
Paradigm Research Group:

Paradigm Research Group
Phone: 202-215-8344
4938 Hampden Lane, #161
Bethesda, MD 20814

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


September 15, 2003

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Press Release                                                      September 15, 2003
1st Annual Exopolitics Expo - the X-Conference
Hilton Washington, DC North/Gaithersburg          April 16-18, 2004

Washington, DC - Paradigm Research Group is pleased to announce it will bring together in the Washington area the most powerful group of speakers ever assembled to focus on the governmental, political and media aspects of 50+ years of extraterrestrial related phenomena and state sponsored deception, disinformation and denial. And to make things more interesting, it will hold this conference in the middle of the 2004 presidential primary season.   Collectively, these speakers hold enough knowledge of government involvement with extraterrestrial related phenomena and the imposed truth embargo to end the cover-up tomorrow.  All it would take is for political leaders and journalists to pay attention.

The 1st Annual Exopolitics Expo - the X-Conference - will be held at the Hilton Washington DC North the weekend of April 16-18, 2004.   The website is located at:

Conference producer, Stephen Bassett, stated, "Extensive effort will be made to inform the political media as well as congressional members and staff of this conference and the opportunity it represents to obtain in a single weekend a basic understanding of how and why the United States government sequestered from the American people the full truth of an extraterrestrial presence about the planet since at least the mid-1940's."   He added, "This conference has been designed and scheduled to be more than just an event, but to have impact on the disclosure process itself.  That process, underway in earnest since the end of the Cold War, leads to formal acknowledgment by the United States government of extraterrestrial beings engaging the planet." 

Speakers will include Stephen Bassett, Dr. William Birnes, Grant Cameron (Canada), Philip Corso, Jr., Paul Davids, Richard Dolan, Stanton Friedman (Canada), Timothy Good (United Kingdom), Dr. Steven Greer, Terry Hansen, Paola Harris (Italy), Richard Hoagland, Dr. C. B. Scott Jones, Jim Marrs, Dr. Bruce Maccabee, Nick Pope (United Kingdom), Dr. Michael Salla (Australia).........topping out at 20 speakers.

The schedule, which is subject to change, now includes:  Saturday/Sunday:  18-20 lectures, 13-15 workshops, 2-4 discussion panels; Friday/Saturday: documentary film showings; Friday Evening: Speakers' Cocktail Party; Saturday Evening:  Banquet with Keynote Address; Sunday Evening:  Special Presentation.  During the Saturday evening banquet, PRG awards for Journalistic Courage," "Political Courage," and "Lifetime Achievement," among others will be presented.

The Hilton Washington DC North is located at 620 Perry Parkway, Gaithersburg, Maryland.  It is a 3 Star, 3 Diamond hotel with unlimited free parking, metro access, conference facilities for 1500, banquet facilities for 300+ and is equidistant from all three major airports (Reagan, Dulles, BWI). 

Paradigm Research Group was founded in 1996 to support the work of research/activist organizations addressing the science and politics of extraterrestrial related phenomena.

Contact:  Stephen Bassett, Executive Director
Phone: 202-215-8344

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


November 13, 2002

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Press Release 
November 13, 2002

Washington, DC - The Paradigm Clock has been reset to 11:58:30 p.m. (one and one-half minutes to midnight). Based upon recent developments shown below, the clock has been moved forward a net 30 seconds.  Past settings and expanded item explanations can be found at:

November - The main advertising campaign begins for a massive production - "Taken" - from Steven Spielberg.  This 20-hour, 10-part series will be aired on the SCI FI Channel in December and accompanied by several documentaries."Taken" will bring the abductee/contactee/experiencer phenomenon to the attention of tens of millions world wide.  and will draw upon UFO/ET events and evidence of the last 55 years.  See:  ( > 10 seconds)

11/05/02 - The Republican Party gains control of the House and Senate in the mid-term election   ( > 5 seconds)

11/05/02 - A milestone is reached, when a candidate speaking directly to the reality of an extraterrestrial presence, appears on a November ballot in a federal election.  The campaign is titled Disclosure2003 and takes place in the Washington, DC metro area in the 8th Congressional District of Maryland. ( > 5 seconds)  See:

10/22/02 - John Podesta, former key advisor and White House Chief of Staff during the Clinton Administration, presents at the SCI FI press conference as a principal in the retained public relations firm, PodestaMattoon.   See:    ( >5 seconds)

10/22/02 - The SCI FI Channel, owned by multibillion dollar, multinational Vivendi Universal, launches a set of disclosure advocacy initiatives - Coalition for Freedom of Information.   See:     ( > 10 seconds)

October to Present - A national and international effort to motivate Iraq to disarm or undergo a regime change is conducted.  This adds to the domination of the news by national security issues and poses much uncertainty for the first half of 2003.  (< 15 seconds)

10/01/02 - The Data Quality Act takes effect.  This little-known law passed during the last days of the Clinton Administration may provide a new tool to pry information from the government.  It sets standards for the quality of scientific and statistical information put out by federal agencies.  It is expected that UFO/ET research/activist organizations will put it to use immediately, as they did with the FOIA.  ( > 5 seconds)

10/30/01-10/31/02 - A year's worth of images from the Mars 2001 Odyssey orbiter Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) plus new images from the Mars Global Surveyor are intensely scrutinized.  The anomalies controversy remains alive. (> 5 seconds)

The Paradigm Clock was last reset on January 16, 2002. It resides at the Paradigm Research Group website:  and is a metaphor representing the proximity to formal acknowledgment by the U.S. government of an extraterrestrial presence manifest about the planet.   It is modeled after the "Doomsday Clock" first published in 1947 by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.   Midnight on the Doomsday Clock meant nuclear war had begun.  Midnight on the Paradigm Clock will mean formal disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence has taken place.

 Clock History

   April 30, 1998:  Published to internet, 11:57:00 pm
   July 27, 1998:  Time reset back to 11:56:30 pm
   July 28, 1999:  Time reset forward to 11:57:15 pm
   July 14, 2000: Time reset forward to 11:58:10 pm
   May 17, 2001: Time reset forward to 11:59:00 pm
   Jan. 16, 2002:  Time reset back to 11:58:00 pm

The Paradigm Research Group is a lobbying/consulting project serving the interests of UFO/ET research/activist organizations around the country.  It is dedicated to ending the government imposed embargo on the truth of an extraterrestrial presence and the convening of open, comprehensive congressional hearings to take the testimony of government witnesses as regards UFO/ET events and evidence.

 Contact:  Stephen Bassett - 202-215-8344

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


January 21, 2002

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January 21, 2002
Press Release - PRG EXTRA Award                                                                                                  
Attn: Internet Editor/Reviewer/Webmaster

Washington, DCParadigm Research Group has given an EXTRA to a websites addressing the field of UFO/ET research/activism.     Receiving the award in the research category is The Black Vault   (  The award is accompanied by a $1000 grant.

The award is designed around Joe Tucciarone's ( expansive painting Genesis and is called the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Research Award - EXTRA.  This and past awards and reviews are located at

The purpose of the EXTRA is to raise the awareness of the media and public toward the quality and professionalism of websites devoted to extraterrestrial phenomena research and activism.  The public perception is that the UFO presence on the Internet is silly, casual, and poor in quality.   Nothing could be further from the truth.   The effort put into these websites is often extraordinary.    Every kind of web publishing technology is utilized, and all serious and important aspects of the work are richly represented.

January 2002 EXTRA Winner for Research

The Black Vault -
Publisher:  John Greenewald, Jr.
Webmaster: John Greenewald, Jr.
Motto: "Exposing the Truth.  Period."


The Black Vault began in 1996 as a project of John Greenewald, Jr. when he WAS A HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT and quickly became the largest repository of FOIA documents pertaining to UFO/ET phenomena in the world.   Many of these documents were obtained by FOIA  requests submitted by Greenewald.    John is now a private researcher and has not only stayed the course, he has grown the site to literally massive proportions, including FOIA documents for a number of other areas of importance.  It is the view of Paradigm Research Group the Black Vault is one of the most important Webster on the internet and should eventually receive substantial institutional support as a national resource.

The Paradigm Research Group is a lobbying/consulting project serving the interests of UFO/ET research/activist organizations around the country.  It is dedicated to ending the government imposed embargo of the truth of an extraterrestrial presence and the convening of open, comprehensive congressional hearings to take the testimony of government witnesses as regards UFO/ET events and evidence.

Contacts:  The Black Vault:  John Greenewald, Jr. - 818-886-0131-
                   Paradigm Research Group: Stephen Bassett -

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 

January 16, 2002


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January 16, 2002
Press Release

Washington, DC – The Paradigm Clock has been reset to 11:58:00 pm (two minutes to midnight).  Based upon recent developments shown below, the clock has been moved back a net 1 minute.   An expanded explanation can be found at:

9/11/01The United States is attacked by terrorist squads working on behalf of foreign organizations (< 2 minutes)
9/11/01 to 1/16/02 – The United States undergoes a significant transformation which extends to domestic and foreign posture as well as public demeanor. (> 1 minute)

The Clock was last reset on May 17, 2001, eight days after the  Disclosure Project [] held a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC where the testimony of  75 witnesses, mostly former military and government agency employees, to UFO/ET evidence and events was presented to the national and international press. 

The Paradigm Clock resides at the Paradigm Research Group website:  It is a metaphor representing the proximity to formal disclosure by world governments of the ongoing presence of extraterrestrial life forms in our world, now.  It is modeled after the "Doomsday Clock" first published in 1947 by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.   Midnight on the Doomsday Clock meant nuclear war had begun.  Midnight on the Paradigm Clock will mean formal disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence has taken place.

Clock History:  April 30, 1998:  Published to the internet,  time 11:57:00 pm
                             July 27, 1998: Time reset back to 11:56:30 pm
                             July 28, 1999: Time reset forward to 11:57:15 pm
                             July 14, 2000: Time reset forward to 11:58:10 pm
                             May 17, 2001 Time reset forward to 11:59:00 pm

The Paradigm Research Group is a lobbying/consulting project serving the interests of UFO/ET research/activist organizations around the country.  It is dedicated to ending the government imposed embargo of the truth of an extraterrestrial presence and the convening of open, comprehensive congressional hearings to take the testimony of government witnesses as regards UFO/ET events and evidence.

Contact  Stephen Bassett

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t Cell: 202-215-8344


May 17, 2001


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May 17, 2001  
Press Release   

Washington, DC – The Paradigm Clock has been reset to 11:59 pm (one minute to midnight).  Based upon recent developments shown below, the clock has been moved forward 50 seconds.

The Paradigm Clock resides at the Paradigm Research Group website:  It is a metaphor representing the proximity to formal disclosure by world governments of the ongoing presence of extraterrestrial life forms in our world, now.  It is modeled after the "Doomsday Clock" first published in 1947 by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.   Midnight on the Doomsday Clock meant nuclear war had begun.  Midnight on the Paradigm Clock will mean formal disclosure of the ET presence has taken place.

Clock History:  April 30, 1998:  Published to the Web,  time 11:57:00 pm   >> July 27, 1998: Time reset back to 11:56:30 pm  >>  July 28, 1999: Time reset forward to 11:57:15 pm  >>  July 14, 2000: Time reset forward to 11:58:10.

5/10/01 to 5/16/01 – the media coverage of the Disclosure Project press coverage is extensive and international.    Further, the webcast [archived at] of the press conference by Connect Live receives several hundred thousand log-ins.  Other news entities indicate further coverage is pending.   The following websites are monitoring this media coverage:,

5/9/01the Disclosure Project [] holds a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC where the testimony of 75 witnesses, mostly former military and government agency employees, to UFO/ET evidence and events was presented to the national and international press.  A four hour tape condensing 120 hours of witness interviews is presented along with a substantial briefing document.  Twenty-one of the witnesses are present and recount their testimony at the press conference and subsequent meetings on Capitol Hill.

5/5/01 – Yale educated astronomer Thomas Van Flandern  presents a compendium of evidence for artificial structures on Mars at a press conference held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.  It is webcast worldwide and archived at by Connect Live.  The PowerPoint presentation itself can be found at:

2/25/01 – Arthur C. Clarke meets with astronaut Buzz Aldrin in Sri Lanka with Andrew Chaikin, editor of’s Space Illustrated Magazine, listening in.  He states, “I'm fairly convinced that we have discovered life on Mars. There are some incredible photographs from [the Jet Propulsion Laboratory], which to me are pretty convincing proof of the existence of large forms of life on Mars!  Have a look at them.  I don't see any other interpretation."  []  This view is restated numerous times over the ensuing weeks.   In the Aldrin meeting Clarke also broaches the issue of zero point energy and states, “….I'm now convinced that there are new forms of energy, which we are tapping, and they make even nuclear energy look trivial in comparison. And when we control those energy sources, the universe will open up."

Contact  Stephen Bassett

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


April 26, 2001


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[The following press release was received by PRG from the Disclosure Project.]

THE DISCLOSURE PROJECT               PRESS RELEASE - April 26, 2001


Washington, DC - On Wednesday, May 9th, over twenty military, intelligence, government, corporate and scientific witnesses will come forward at the National Press Club in Washington, DC to establish the reality of UFOs as extraterrestrial vehicles, the presence of advanced extraterrestrial life forms, and sequestered advanced energy and propulsion technologies. The weight of this first-hand testimony, along with supporting government documentation and other evidence, will establish without any doubt the reality of these phenomena, according to Dr. Steven M. Greer, director of the Disclosure Project, which is hosting the event.

The Disclosure Project [], a nonprofit research organization, is calling for open Congressional hearings taking testimony on events and evidence relating to an extraterrestrial presence. The only Congressional hearings held previously were conducted in 1968 by the House Science and Astronautics Committee (90th Congress, 2nd Session, Committee Print No. 7. "Symposium Unidentified Flying Objects.";)

The Project has identified several hundred witnesses throughout the world and spanning every branch of the armed services, the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), DIA, CIA, NASA, Russia. UK, and other agencies and countries. Over 100 have been videotaped; 70 have been transcribed into edited testimony. Videotaped summary of the testimony and an in-depth briefing document with witness transcripts will be available at the press conference.

Among the witnesses attending the event are: John Callahan, former Division Chief of the Accidents and Investigations Branch, FAA; Master Sergeant Dan Morris, former US Air Force and NRO operative with cosmic top secret clearance; Dr. Carol Rosin, space missile defense consultant and former spokesperson for Wernher Von Braun; Major George A. Filer III, former Air Force Intelligence; Graham Bethune, retired Navy commander pilot with a top-secret clearance; Michael Smith, former Air Traffic Controller, US Air Force; Sergeant Clifford Stone, United States Army; Lt. Col. Robert Salas, former SAC Launch Controller, US Air Force and FAA.

"These testimonies establish once and for all that we are not alone. Technologies related to extraterrestrial phenomena are capable of providing solutions to the global energy crisis, and other environmental and security challenges,"; says Dr. Greer.

The Disclosure team and selected witnesses will be meeting with members of Congress and conducting briefings to address these issues and call for legislation.

Wednesday, May 9th 8 - 9 AM Continental Breakfast, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM - Overview by Dr. Greer; Witness Presentations; Release of Statement for Congress; Questions Ballroom -The National Press Club, 529 14th Street NW - 13th Floor Washington, D.C

NOTE: The NPC event is limited to press only, but may be viewed live on the Internet, on May 9th from 9 to 11 a.m. EDT, by webcast at the following web site:

Disclosure Project Contact: Dr. Steven Greer 540-456-8302
                  Media Relations:  Janet Donovan 202-822-9318

Paradigm Research Group Contact: Stephen Bassett 202-215-8344

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


July 14, 2000


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July 14, 2000
Press Release

Washington, DC - The Paradigm Clock has been reset to 11:58:10 pm.  Based upon developments from August 1999 to July 2000 (some shown below), the clock has been moved forward 50 seconds.

The Paradigm Clock resides at the Paradigm Research Group website:   It is a metaphor representing the proximity to formal disclosure by the U. S. government of the ongoing presence of extraterrestrial life forms in our world, now. It is modeled after the "Doomsday Clock" first published in 1947 by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.  Midnight on the Doomsday Clock meant nuclear war had begun. Midnight on the Paradigm Clock will mean formal disclosure has taken place.

Clock History: April 30, 1998: Published to the Web, time 11:57:00 pm  > July 27, 1998: Time reset back to 11:56:30 pm  > July 28, 1999: Time reset forward to 11:57:15 pm

  • 7/6/00 - On Coast to Coast AM, noted legal/social activist, Daniel Sheehan, confirms the existence of remarkable evidence presented to him during his work on a 1977 research report on extraterrestrial intelligence initiated by President Jimmy Carter. Former Stanford Research Institute futurist and author of the new eBook Exopolitics, Alfred Webre, who also worked on the Carter report, confirms the project was shut down prematurely. Daniel Sheehan commits the resources of the Christic Institute to the formal disclosure process. Both publicly state strong convictions regarding the ET hypothesis.
  • 6/23/00 - Internet entrepreneur, Joseph Firmage, who has publicly stated his belief in an extraterrestrial presence, launches an integrated media network, Project Voyager, with Ann Druyan, widow of the late Carl Sagan. Firmage declares his venture capital firm, Intend Change, has amassed $225 million.
  • 5/23/00 - The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) releases 27,000 new Mars photos onto the Internet which immediately come under close scrutiny by a host of Mars researchers. The archive covers one Mars year, 687 Earth days, beginning in September 1997 and extending through August 1999.
  • 5/21/00 - Leslie Kean, an accomplished freelance journalist, publishes in the Boston Globe an extended piece on the UFO/ET issue, focusing on the COMETA report published in France in July of 1999. The Globe is one of the top ten dailies in America. The Minneapolis Star-Tribune (May 29), Memphis Commercial Appeal, Irish Independent (June 27), and VSD Magazine (July) follow up with versions of the story.
  • 4/26/00 - Mike Siegel seamlessly replaces Art Bell on Coast to Coast AM. Premiere Radio Networks makes it clear the program will remain devoted to the show's previous subject matter, including the UFO/ET/Disclosure issues. Siegel, who has a Ph.D. and a law degree, demonstrates keen interest in the politics of disclosure.
  • 4/5/00 - The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) release new photographs of the Cydonia region of Mars which had been held back in violation of an agreement to publish such photos quickly.
  • 3/11/00 - A Canadian cable television technician reveals he has taped direct NASA Shuttle videos. Martyn Stubbs comes forward with anomalous imagery and thousands of hours of tape to examine.
  • 3/10/00 - Touchstone Pictures releases Brian DePalma's provocative movie, Mission to Mars, and introduces the Cydonia/Face controversy to millions of Americans.
  • 11/99 - Dr. John Mack of Harvard University publishes Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformation and Alien Encounters, his long awaited follow-up to Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens.

Contact: Stephen Bassett

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


July 4, 2000

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July 4, 2000
Press Release                                                          

Washington, DC - A controversial and impacting Coast to Coast AM with Mike Siegel will air at 10 PM PST, Thursday, July 6. This program could be a milestone in addressing the government cover-up of facts concerning an extraterrestrial presence in our world, now.

Two jurist doctors and an activist/lobbyist will join host Mike Siegel, another jurist doctor, to discuss, among other things, significant events which occurred during the administration of President Jimmy Carter. With Mike will be world famous legal activists, Daniel Sheehan; author Alfred Webre; and lobbyist, Stephen Bassett.

Daniel Sheehan has spent his life working on progressive social initiatives. He was legal counsel on such nationally recognized cases as Karen Silkwood, Iran/Contra, Pentagon Papers, Watergate, and Three Mile Island. He brings to the issue of extraterrestrial related phenomenon a unique background in investigating the world of covert operations, "black budget" programs, government disinformation, and covert warfare. He founded the Christic Institute, for nearly two decades one of the country's preeminent public-interest law firms.

Alfred Webre is the author of Exopolitics, a remarkable assessment of the pre- and post-disclosure political implications of an extraterrestrial presence. In the same fashion as the recent Stephen King offering, Exopolitics is being sold as an eBook at

Webre is a Fulbright Scholar and graduate of Yale University, Yale Law School and the University of Texas Counseling Program. He has been an environmental lawyer, futurist with Stanford Research Institute, community health and social activist, and has taught at Yale University and the University of Texas. Webre has also been a Non-Governmental Delegate to the United Nations, as well as a delegate to the Texas Democratic Convention.

Stephen Bassett is a lobbyist, activist, and columnist. He is the founder of the Paradigm Research Group, founder and executive director of the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC), creator of the Paradigm Clock, author of two websites, and frequent guest on radio programs nationwide discussing the "politics of disclosure." His column, "The Politics of UFOs," appears weekly at:

Coast to Coast AM, with 476 radio stations in syndication nationwide, is the largest late night radio talk program in the America. It also broadcasts worldwide on the Internet at:, where past programs are archived for 30 days. This broadcast will air in the Washington, DC metro area on WWRC AM 570.

Contact: Stephen Bassett

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


May 26, 2000

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May 26, 2000
Press Release                                                   

Washington, DC - The Boston Globe has published an important article bearing on the UFO/Extraterrestrial question in the Focus Section of its Sunday, May 21st issue entitled: "Science and Society: UFO theorists gain support abroad, but repression at home."

Written by freelance journalist, Leslie Kean, the article places particular emphasis on the COMETA Report published in France on July 17th, 1999 in a special issue of VSD Magazine.

COMETA (in English, Committee for In-Depth Studies) is notable because it is composed of former high ranking members of the French government such as: General Bernard Norlain, commander of the French Tactical Air Force and military counselor to the prime minister; Air Force General Denis Letty; Andre Lebeau, head of the National Center for Space Studies (the French NASA) and the French Institute of Higher Studies for National Defense, a government financed strategic planning agency; as well an admiral, national chief police, scientists and weapons engineers.

The report titled ''UFOs and Defense: What Should We Prepare For?" makes it quite clear that UFO/ET sightings should be extensively reexamined and the most likely explanation for the evidence to date is the "extraterrestrial hypothesis." Significantly, it admonishes the United States government for its repressive policies regarding public interest in the phenomena.

The Paradigm Research Group believes the COMETA report marks a significant break in ranks by a U.S. ally over the sequestration of the truth regarding extraterrestrial related phenomena. The United States government faces the embarrassing prospect of another nation bringing an end to the formal cover-up in place since 1947.

While it is not inappropriate for the disclosure process to proceed in such fashion - the UFO/ET question is not an "American" issue - the United States will certainly lose considerable political influence, if its management of the UFO/ET issue is forced into the open by actions of an allied nation.

Leslie Kean will appear on Coast to Coast AM with Mike Siegel, at 10 PM PST, Friday, May 26. It is the largest late night radio talk program in the U.S. She will also be a guest on Dreamland with Whitely Strieber, a national program aired on most of the same radio stations, on Sunday, May 28 at 9 PM PST. These programs broadcast on WWRC AM 570 in the DC metro area.

Contact: Stephen Bassett

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


April 30, 2000

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April 30, 2000
Press Release                                                

Washington, DC - Presidential candidate, Dr. Heather Anne Harder, will address the Sarah McClendon study group at the National Press Club on Wednesday evening, May 3 at 7:30 pm. Dinner with the speaker is at 6:30 pm

Educator, author, speaker, and businesswoman, Ms. Harder is conducting her second campaign which relies heavily on the Internet and radio/tv appearances. She garnished 30,000 votes in the 1996 Texas primary.

Her positions on the key issues are presented on her website at She is running as a Democrat, but her views do not fall easily into traditional categories. She is direct, to the point and unafraid to address any topic, no matter how controversial.

She received considerable national attention when she elected to speak publicly regarding the UFO controversy, unambiguously stating her conviction that the phenomena is in fact visitation by extraterrestrial beings. She is one of a growing number of highly educated, articulate and grounded professionals willing to approach this taboo subject.

The McClendon study group has met every other Wednesday at the National Press Club at 529 14th Street, NW (14th and F) for more than 20 years. It is open to the public at no charge.

For additional information regarding Ms. Harder's appearance call: 202-215-8344

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


March 10, 2000

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March 10, 2000
Press Release                                           

Washington, DC – Public awareness of the politics of UFOs/disclosure continues to grow.  Over a span of  six days, a confluence of media events, based in part or in full on UFO/ET phenomena, has taken place. 

  • Friday marks the sixth day of The Learning Channel’s annual Alien Invasion Week, which ends tomorrow.  Sponsored in part by major corporations such as MCIWorldcom, Charles Schwab and Ford Motor Company, it consists of nine documentaries, many of which hold political content addressing the government posture on UFO/ET phenomena.  A website accompanies the series.
  • On Monday, March 6 Turner Network Television (TNT) aired the television premier of Contact based upon Carl Sagan’s novel about first contact with intelligent extraterrestrial life.  The film was modified to include much political content addressing how government deals with “special” information.
  • Today, Disney’s Touchstone Pictures opens Mission to Mars, the Brian DePalma picture that incorporates UFO/ET research community work on the Cydonia region of Mars.  Notably, just two weeks before the opening, Touchstone Pictures began running trailer ads, which refer to a 25-year cover-up by NASA of evidence for artificiality.  This trailer shows the well-known Viking “Face” photograph.

In Washington, Stephen Bassett, the founder of Paradigm Research Group and Executive Director of X-PPAC, the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee, had this comment: “One of the most important issues addressed by the politics of UFOs/disclosure is NASA being caught in the middle between its scientific role as the civilian space agency and the requirement under the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 that NASA must defer to the Department of Defense in all matters relating to national security.  Subsequent research has shown that all evidence for extraterrestrial intelligent life, past or present, is considered by the government to be in this category.”

As to what specifically might happen in the weeks following the movie and television airings this week, he added, “Two things come to mind. First, the person who has done more than anyone else to confront NASA on Cydonia and raise the specter of sequestered evidence is Richard C. Hoagland of the Enterprise Mission.  Every talk show in the county should have him on in the coming weeks, along with a NASA spokesperson, to debate the implications of that ad trailer.  Second, every person who sees this movie should go home and fax NASA, their congressional representatives, and the major networks demanding that NASA produce new and higher quality photographs of every square inch of the Cydonia region of Mars until such time as all interested public and scientists are satisfied they have the best their space agency can provide.”

Contacts: Alien Invasion Week:
                  Mission to Mars:
                  Enterprise Mission: Fax: 505-771-0820

                   X-PPAC:  URL:

                   Paradigm Research Group

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


February 17, 2000

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February 17, 2000      Press Release   

Washington, DC – In a decision with the potential to redefine “reasonable search” under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), a U. S. District Court Judge in Phoenix agreed yesterday with a UFO activist group and ordered the Department of Defense to provide by March 17 additional affidavits detailing search specifics used to service an FOIA lawsuit.

Previously, on February 7, in a packed courtroom, Chief Judge Stephen M. McNamee heard oral arguments on the government's Motion for Summary Judgment in the FOIA lawsuit, Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) v. Department of Defense (DoD).

CAUS attorney, Peter A. Gersten had submitted numerous affidavits from witnesses who had observed massive, black, triangular shape craft with extraordinary flight characteristics.  But the DoD continued to maintain in court it could find no information confirming the existence of such objects.  Gersten was seeking an additional 90 days of discovery and an opportunity to depose DoD personnel.

During the 30 minute hearing Gersten argued the government's search for relevant information lacked the necessary element of "good faith."  He claimed the DoD’s mishandling of the initial request raised an "inference of indifference" on the agency's part and tainted any subsequent search.

Apparently the Judge agreed.  He declined to dismiss the case and elected to consider CAUS’s claim that the government failed to conduct an adequate search.  A written opinion would be issued within 30 days.

Now the Judge has asked the DoD to provide additional affidavits expanding on the methods used by the DoD to service the FOIA request.  These will be reviewed in support of the forthcoming ruling for dismissal or further discovery.

CAUS is one of many groups applying pressure for full disclosure by the U. S. government as to the facts regarding UFO/ET phenomena.

 Contacts:  CAUS - 480-609-9120

                    Paradigm Research Group  ê

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


February 4, 2000

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February 4, 2000
Press Release 

Washington, DC – Seventeen years ago in the U. S. Court of Appeals here, attorney Peter A. Gersten presented oral arguments in a landmark case, Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) vs. National Security Agency (NSA).  CAUS remains at the forefront of the legal wing of the disclosure movement to require the U. S. government to be forthright regarding all it knows about UFO/Extraterrestrial related phenomena.

On Monday, February 7, Gersten will again step into the courtroom to make oral arguments in a new case, CAUS vs. Department of Defense (DOD).  This case seeks to learn what the DOD knows about large triangle shaped craft seen repeatedly within the United States and elsewhere.  These craft are reported to be larger than a football field and capable of hovering in complete silence.

In Phoenix, Arizona, U. S. District Court Judge Stephen M. McNamee denied DOD motions to dismiss, thus setting the stage for a rare opportunity to submit oral arguments on behalf of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit.

The hearing is open to the public and tens of thousands of the interested citizens have been contacted via e-mail and invited to attend this potentially historic court session scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. in a 6th floor courtroom at the U.S. District Court located at 230 First Avenue, Phoenix

Gersten has submitted affidavits from witnesses who have observed these unusual, black, triangle shaped objects. The Department of Defense has maintained it could find no information confirming the existence of such craft. 

CAUS also is engaged in another lawsuit, CAUS v. United States of America; Secretary of Defense Cohen; Attorney General Reno; State of Arizona; and Governor Jane Dee Hull. In addition CASU is considering an FOIA lawsuit targeting the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

Contacts:  CAUS -  480-609-9120

                  Paradigm Research Group  ê

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


January 24, 2000

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Press Release     January 24, 2000 

Attn: Internet Editor/Reviewer/Webmaster     

Washington, DC - Paradigm Research Group has given two awards of excellence to websites addressing extraterrestrial related phenomena. Receiving the awards in the research category are the home site for the Citizens Against UFO Secrecy ( and (

The award is designed around Joe Tucciarone's ( expansive painting Genesis and is called the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Research Award - EXTRA. The awards and reviews are located at

The purpose of the EXTRA is to raise the awareness of the media and public toward the quality and professionalism of websites devoted to extraterrestrial phenomena. The public perception is that the UFO presence on the Internet is silly, casual, and poor in quality. Nothing could be further from the truth. The effort put into these websites is often extraordinary. Every aspect of web publishing technology is utilized and the entire field of study is richly represented.

January 2000 EXTRA Winners for Research

Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) -
Publisher: CAUS/Peter Gersten
Webmaster: Keith Rowland
Motto: "Where there is secrecy, there is no truth; where there is no truth, there is no justice;  where there is no justice there is no freedom."

Mission Statement: CAUS is an Arizona based, public interest organization formed upon four principles:

  1. CAUS believes that this planet, and the people on it, are interacting and in contact with a non-human form of intelligence;
  2. CAUS is against any and all secrecy surrounding, involving and relating to this contact;
  3. CAUS believes that the people have an absolute and unconditional right to know about this contact; and 
  4. CAUS believes that it is through the judicial process that the truth will be set free and secrecy ended. -
Publisher: Binary Media Works, Inc.
Editor: Peter Robbins
Mission Statement:

  • To provide a forum for the serious discussion of UFOs and related paranormal research without fear or ridicule or scorn.
  • To allow a multitude of opinions to flourish in the belief that only through the open and public discussion of all aspects of this issue, can the truth be discerned.
  • To support a popular movement to demand that the subject be accorded respect by our elected officials, journalists and members of the scientific community.
  • To provide access to as much quality information as possible.

Contacts: CAUS - Peter Gersten: 480-609-9120
          - Peter Robbins:
                   Paradigm Research Group: Stephen Bassett

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


September 24, 1999

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X-PPAC and Paradigm Research Group
Joint Press Release                             September 24, 1999

Dr. Steven Greer will appear on Art Bell "Coast to Coast" - the largest late night radio talk show in America - on Friday evening, September 24, 10 PM PST (WWRC AM 570 in DC Metro). At that time he will publicly respond to a September 16, 1999 letter from former CIA Director James Woolsey regarding their 3-hour, December, 1993 meeting in Arlington, VA on the subject of the UFO/ET government cover-up.

Dr. Greer, who is the International Director of CSETI (Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence) will appear with Stephen Bassett, founder of Paradigm Research Group and Executive Director of X-PPAC (Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee). They will discuss the CIA Director Woolsey meeting as well as the 1993 Clinton administration briefings, which were brought to the public's attention for the first time on Art Bell "Coast to Coast," January 5, 1998. That program is archived and linked from: []

The Clinton administration briefings; Associate Attorney General Webster Hubbell's UFO inquiries; the memoir of the late Col. Philip Corso, The Day After Roswell; and the public statements of Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell and others represent one of the most extraordinary political stories of the 20th century. A story which the mainstream political press have astoundingly sidestepped.

Mr. Woolsey's letter confirms the 1993 meeting took place, but disputes the characterization of the meeting as published in the introduction to Greer's new book, Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications []. Dr. Greer's written response to this disputation will be posted to the CSETI website [] and the Paradigm Research Group website [].Woolsey’s letter to Greer will be published in the September 30, 1999 CNI News [].

To contact:

Greer response to Woolsey:

Tonight I was asked by the editor of a small UFO newsletter (CNI News) to comment on a recent letter signed by former CIA Director R. James Woolsey et al. regarding my meeting with him on December 13,1993. Apparently, this letter was sent to Michael Lindemann for publication in the September 30 edition of the CNI newsletter.

Mr. Woolsey and the others question the accuracy ( or manners) of my depiction of this meeting in the introduction of my new book Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications ( You can read this introduction on the website for yourself.

Mr. Woolsey et al. have a very selective memory of this nearly 3 hour briefing of a sitting CIA Director. If anything, and my wife who was present can attest to this, my description of the meeting is incredibly understated.

In his letter, Mr. Woolsey (now apparently a lobbyist in Washington) implies that this was not a briefing but only a dinner party, and that the dinner party was not a cover story for the briefing, etc.

It must be understood that it was a friend of the CIA Director, Mr. Petersen - not myself - who characterized the dinner party as a cover story for the meeting with the CIA Director. Indeed, Mr. Petersen made the arrangements for this meeting and hosted it at his home in Arlington, VA . He told me and my wife that even his wife did not know Mr. Woolsey was coming to their home for dinner until the morning of the briefing.

They claim my characterization and specific references describing the meeting were inaccurate. Not at all.

Quoting from a sensitive memo FedEx'ed to my home from Mr. Petersen, who made all of the arrangements with the CIA Director:

"I talked to Woolsey this morning and he (underlined in the original) suggested getting together over dinner. He was not aware of your organization or that anyone was planning such an announcement {regarding UFOs/smg} . This almost certainly means that, 1) there is an active attempt being made at lower levels of government to sabotage Project Starlight {the CSETI UFO disclosure effort/smg}, 2) this group almost certainly has tapped your phones and is aware of most of the details of your plans..."

"If we do have dinner with Jim (Woolsey), we will have moved this whole thing to a much, much higher plane and in doing so raised significant red flags for those who don't want to see this succeed. Operation Starlight will become a serious (underlined) threat to the status quo."

"Meetings with people like Woolsey must be kept very closely guarded. I have not even told Diane {Mr. Petersen's wife/smg} about it."

"You must understand that great principalities and powers will oppose your plans..."

Then, all in bold: " Remember: the most powerful people in the world will have a deep, compelling interest in our activities and will use everything (in italics) at their disposal to effect their objectives."

And so forth.

Mr. Petersen, who heads up a national security think tank called The Arlington Institute, was working very closely with me during those days and had substantial experience in national security and military matters.

From the above quotes it is obvious that this was no mere dinner party! The dinner party was only the cover - and the stakes were and are every bit what Mr. Petersen describes.

As for other information contested in Mr. Woolsey's letter, I stand by the account. Regarding Mr. Woolsey's UFO sighting: This was first conveyed to me by his long-time friend Mr. Petersen and was later confirmed at the briefing.

In my new book, I reproduce the document handed to Mr. Woolsey during the briefing. In this document, which I handed personally to him, we recommend that Mr. Woolsey and the President move decisively towards a near-term disclosure of the UFO/ETI matter. Just a dinner party?

I am certain that Mr. Woolsey knew the UFOs were real and that a very deep cover project was running that area - a project which had kept the CIA Director himself in the dark.

Later in their letter, Mr. Woolsey et al. complain that my conduct "contravenes ....simple manners". Manners? I was on Larry King Live over 9 months after the meeting with the CIA Director . But this meeting was not disclosed, because Mr. Woolsey was still in office, and I felt decorum necessitated silence regarding such meetings. I have behaved with the utmost restraint and have disclosed such matters only after very careful consideration. Indeed, I would not be writing this letter except that Lindemann at CNI plans to publish Mr. Woolsey's 'sanitized ' account of the briefing and has compelled me to write. (Why Mr. Woolsey et al. would make such a letter available to Lindemann is beyond me.) I made no pact of silence regarding such meetings. And since disclosing this meeting, I have always portrayed Mr. Woolsey and his wife as people seeking the truth of such matters and as people who wanted excessive secrecy ended. Perhaps I was wrong...

Manners? Indeed - if anything, perhaps I have been too restrained.

Good 'manners' as it pertains to this subject means speaking the truth - and being willing to stand up for it. Good manners would be public servants such as Mr. Woolsey, Dr. Woolsey and others doing the right thing and working ardently for the truth to be told regarding UFOs and ETI. Good manners should mean being more concerned for the health of our democracy and the constitution than covering-up the import and purpose of such a briefing. And good manners would be joining in the effort to disclose a matter which, once made public, would allow earth-saving technologies to be revealed which would halt the wholesale destruction of our eco-system.

As a very busy emergency doctor in NC, with 4 young daughters, I assure you that we did not make that brief trip to Washington DC on December 13, 1993 to sightsee or just to have dinner. But rather, we made that journey to plead for the end of super - secret projects which are being withheld from the people so that our democracy could be made whole and our children's future made sustainable.

The current attempt to minimize, obfuscate or cover-up the purpose and details of this briefing with the CIA Director is quite disconcerting -and strange. Why Mr. Woolsey and the others would write such a letter is unknown to me. We can only speculate. I stand by my account. But now, perhaps the time has come for ''we the people' to demand that current and former officials such as CIA Director Woolsey and the President be held responsible for the lack of action on resolving this most pressing problem. After all, we pay their salaries, provide their perks - and they represent us. It is not I who needs defense. My actions over these long years have spoken my commitment. But we still await action from our elected and appointed officials. As the earth groans under the weight of the erosive and corrupting influences of big money and special interests, I wonder just how much longer we shall have to wait...

I think it is time that the American people demand that the waiting time be over.

Steven M. Greer M.D.
CSETI Director
23 September 1999
Albemarle County Virginia

This letter may be reproduced but ONLY in its entirety.

Copyright 1999 Steven M. Greer M.D

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


July 28, 1999

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July 28, 1999 -- Washington, DC       FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

The Paradigm Clock has been reset. Based upon developments between November 1998 and July 1999, the clock has been moved forward 45 seconds to a new time of 11:57:15 pm. Criteria are shown below.

Modeled after the "Doomsday Clock" first published in 1947 by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, the Paradigm Clock is a metaphor to represent the proximity to disclosure by the U. S. government of the ongoing presence of extraterrestrial life forms. When such a disclosure occurs, the Paradigm Clock will strike midnight. It is located at the Paradigm Research Group website:

Clock History: 
July 4, 1947 – Retroactively set at 11:53:00 pm (Same as Doomsday Clock)
April 30, 1998 – Published to the World Wide Web set at 11:57:00 pm
July 27, 1998 – Time reset back to 11:56:30 pm
July 28, 1999 – Time reset forward to 11:57:15 pm

  • 11/25/98 – Present - Entrepreneur Joseph Firmage, co-founder of USWeb Corp. publishes The Truth to the Internet and begins a complex engagement with the UFO/ET issue and the media. Soon he: steps down as chairman of his company as it is about to complete a $300 million merger; runs a full page ad in USA Today newspaper; founds the International Space Sciences Organization (ISSO) and its website; announces a marketing website called "Earth's City" with profits directed at global causes, and begins a national speaking tour. On NBC Dateline he explicitly states his certainty of the extraterrestrial presence. His frank views and great wealth draw enormous media attention. >10 sec
  • 4/3/99 - The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Board of Directors votes to formally support the UFO State Ballot Initiative. Founded by two MUFON officers, this effort seeks to place language calling for open congressional hearings on ballots in 16 states in 2000.   This marks the most significant instance in its 30-year history in which MUFON has entered into the politics of disclosure. >10 sec
  • 6/7/99 - The National Institute of Discovery Science (NIDS) releases results of a new Roper Poll on public awareness of the UFO/ET reality. NIDS, a privately funded, Las Vegas research organization headed by Robert Bigelow is giving clear signs of becoming more aggressive in its activities. > 5 sec
  • June - Clark C. McClelland, an aerospace engineer and former NASA employee, goes public with personal testimony regarding NASA/UFO related events during his tenure. He is a significant addition to a growing list of government employees willing to come forward with such testimony. >5 sec
  • 7/16/99 – A study published by COMETA, former high ranking members of the French government, confirms as "quasi certain" the reality of UFOs, and considers the UFO crash near Roswell as likely. The report is titled "UFOs and Defence. What must we get prepared for?"  Members of COMETA include Air Force generals Denis Letty and Bruno Le Moine, Admiral Marc Merlo, Professor André Lebeau, former President of CNES, and the report is prefaced by General Bernard Norlain, former Director of IHEDN (Institute of Higher Defence Studies). > 10 sec
  • 7/21/99 - X-PPAC, the first political action committee in history targeting the politics of  UFO/ET phenomena and the government cover-up is launched nationally as a vehicle to provide the public with a safe, responsible and direct way to show their concerns about the UFO/ET cover-up.  > 5 sec

Contact: Stephen Bassett ê

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


June 25, 1999

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Press Released - June 25, 1999

Event: World Wide Watch
Date: June 26/27, 1999
Concept:   Global all night sky watch for UFOs
Proposal:  Diana Botsford is available to talk about the World Wide Watch
When:   All day on Friday, June 25 and Saturday, June 26
From Where: Network affiliates in Springfield, MO for television

Office Phone: 417-258-2152 for radio

World Wide Watch was created by Diana Botsford, Publisher of the Microsoft Network UFO Community website. UFO research organizations from around the world have joined up for an all night, world round sighting expedition. From Australia to Atlanta, Georgia . . . From Glasgow to Japan, UFO organizations and individuals will join in searching the skies for UFOs.

The MSN UFO Community's UFOwatch chat room will be kept open for a 24-hour period where regional coordinators will receive sightings reports from any and all observers. Upon completion of the event, a database of the reports will be analyzed and assembled to be presented to any and all organizations and interested parties. Thus, there is an opportunity for all those interested in the phenomenon to participate in developing information for researchers around the globe in their pursuit of the truth regarding Ufology.

Participants will number in the hundreds of thousands, and all have been encouraged to bring video and still cameras along with their cell phones to connect up with regional coordinators who will be passing on sightings reports throughout the night to the Internet chat room.

Background on Diana Dru Botsford

Diana has written and produced for television, film and publications. Her work includes honored episodes of STAR TREK: The Next Generation. As Vice President of Family Programming, Botsford developed and produced a variety of material including the award winning animated series Spiral Zone - a sort of Alien meets Star Trek in the 21st Century. Her work in cinema includes designing and directing visual effects for various films including Terminator 2 and From Dusk 'Til Dawn. She has also made repeated appearances on radio and at conferences regarding the outer edges of science as we know it today.

Botsford's current work includes the UFO Community on the Microsoft Network - a highly detailed website that has won over 10 awards for its style, content and plethora of audio guest interviews. The site sees over one million hits a month as is considered to be the premier UFO site on the Internet.

A long time friend and associate of NASA, her father was responsible for recording all the initial Gemni flights for archiving. Diana had the good fortune to grow up at the feet of Isaac Asimov and Frank Herbert as well as rocket scientists Willie Ley and Werhner von Braun. These individuals were not only motes of inspiration for Botsford, but actual household guests in a family where science and fiction met on a daily basis, and the outer edge of the possible was a constant source of dialogue around the dinner table.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


March 24, 1999

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Press Release March 24, 1999        Television Guest Appearance

Program: "Have You Heard?"
Guest:    Stephen Bassett
                Consultant and Lobbyist
                Paradigm Research Group
Host:   Dr. Percy Thomas
             Dean of Continuing Education
             Montgomery College
Topic: The Politics of UFOs: The Road to Disclosure
Channel:  Montgomery Community College Public Access Cable 3/51
Date:     Monday, March 29, 1999
Time:    8:30 p.m.

The topic will be The Politics of UFOs: The Road to Disclosure. Mr. Bassett will address the ongoing collapse of the cover-up by elements of the U.S. government of closely held knowledge of an extraterrestrial presence in our world. Also discussed will be the lack of coverage by Washington based political media of ongoing efforts to secure open Congressional hearings for government witnesses to UFO/ET events and evidence

Stephen Bassett is the founder of the Paradigm Research Group, which was established in early 1996 to provide professional services to researchers and political activists throughout the world in the field of extraterrestrial related phenomena. He has spoken nationally on the politics of UFOs and disclosure and is the author of The Paradigm Clock, the official website of the Paradigm Research Group ( The "Paradigm Clock" is modeled after the "Doomsday Clock" published by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, and tracks the proximity to formal disclosure by the U. S. government of the confirmed presence of extraterrestrial, non-human intelligence.

His work has been referenced in the Washington Post, New York Times, Legal Times, Montgomery Gazette, National Journal and O’Dwyer’s Washington Report among others. He has been a guest on numerous national radio programs and plans to begin a nationwide talk radio tour later this year.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


March 18, 1999

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March 18, 1999
Press Release

On Wednesday, March 24, Dr. Steven Greer, the International Director of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), will address the McClendon Study Group at the National Press Club. The Press Club is located at 529 14th Street (13th Floor) at F Street, NW. The presentation will begin at 7:30 p.m. The press, public and legislative staff are invited. There is no charge.

On Thursday, March 25,. Dr. Greer, lectures on "Extraterrestrial Intelligence - The Evidence and Implications", in Largo, Maryland at the Hallam Theatre in the Queen Anne Fine Arts Building of the Prince George's Community College, from 8 to 10 pm. Admission: $5 at the door. Located off Interstate 95/495 exit 15 east, to south on Rte. 202 about a half mile on the right. Call 888-ET-CSETI or 301-249-3915, or send an email to [] for more information.

Dr. Greer has been meeting with government officials on the UFO/ET reality since 1990 and has been directly or indirectly involved with briefings of President Clinton, members of his staff, the Director of the CIA, Secretary General of the United Nations, staff members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, members of the House and Senate, and many others. He is a leader in the citizen movement calling for Congressional hearings of testimony by more than 100 available government employees, many of high rank and station, who have firsthand experience with events and evidence relating to extraterrestrial phenomena.

The McClendon Study Group has met every other Wednesday since 1989, and was begun by senior White House correspondent Sarah McClendon to provide interested public and press in-depth background on important news stories. Past speakers include FBI Director William Sessions, DC Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, Mayor Marion Barry, consumer advocate Ralph Nader, former CNN staffers April Oliver and Jack Smith, David Levy of the National Security Council and many others in the news.

Recent, relevant background information: On Thursday, March 4, The Learning Channel aired a documentary by James Fox entitled UFOs: 50 Years of Denial. Two distinguished Americans, among others, are interviewed and stated the following:

Dr. Edgar Mitchell, MIT Ph.D., Apollo 14 astronaut, moon alumnus: "I’ve talked with people of stature, of military and government credentials and position, and heard their stories, and their desire to tell their stories openly to the public……….The first hand experience of these credible witnesses that, now in advanced years, are anxious to tell their story, we can’t deny that, and the evidence points to the fact that Roswell was a real incident, and that indeed an alien craft did crash, and that material was recovered from that crash site…"

Col. Philip J. Corso
, career Army intelligence officer with 19 commendations: "The message from my book (The Day After Roswell) I’d like to see is that the younger generation look at this and see what we did, see the help we got from outer space and that these beings exist. Give this information to the world and the young people in this country…….. Don’t hide it and tell lies and make stories. They are not stupid. It’s their information. It doesn’t belong to the Army or the Department of Defense. If it is classified, take the classification off and give it to them." Before his death on July 16, 1998, Col. Corso signed an affidavit legally testifying to the allegations in his book.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


February 17, 1999

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February 17, 1999                                                Press Release

Washington, DC -- Stephen Bassett, the only registered lobbyist in the United States representing extraterrestrial related phenomena research and activists organizations, will address the McClendon Study Group on Wednesday, February 24 at the National Press Club. The Press Club is located at 14th and F Streets, NW. The presentation will begin at 7:30 p.m. The press and public are invited. There is no charge.

The McClendon Study Group has met every other Wednesday since 1989, and was begun by senior White House Correspondent Sarah McClendon to provide interested public and press in-depth background on important news stories. McClendon still leads the group with assistance from Study Group chairman, John Hurley.

Past speakers include FBI Director William Sessions, DC Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, consumer advocate Ralph Nader, CNN staffers April Oliver and Jack Smith, David Levy of the National Security Council and many others in the news.

The topic will be The Politics of UFOs: The Road to Disclosure. Mr. Bassett will address the ongoing collapse of the cover-up by elements of the U.S. government of closely held knowledge of an extraterrestrial presence in our world. Other aspects of the larger story, some of which to be soon aired on NBC’s February 17 special, "Confirmation," will also be discussed

Stephen Bassett is the founder of the Paradigm Research Group, which was established in early 1996 to provide professional services to researchers and political activists throughout the world in the field of extraterrestrial related phenomena. He has spoken nationally on the politics of UFOs and disclosure and is the author of The Paradigm Clock, the official website of the Paradigm Research Group ( The "Paradigm Clock" is modeled after the "Doomsday Clock" published by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, and tracks the proximity to formal disclosure by the U. S. government of the confirmed presence of extraterrestrial, non-human intelligence.

His work has been referenced in the Washington Post, New York Times, Legal Times, Montgomery Gazette, National Journal and O’Dwyer’s Washington Report among others. He has been a guest on numerous national radio programs and plans to begin a nationwide talk radio tour in March of this year.

To contact the Paradigm Research Group: 202-215-8344 or ê

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


January 22, 1999

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                  January 22, 1999


Continuing its legal battle under the Freedom of Information Act against government secrecy, attorney Peter A. Gersten, Executive Director of Citizens Against UFO Secrecy, Inc (CAUS), a non-profit Arizona activist organization dedicated to ending all secrecy surrounding this planet's contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence, announced today the filing of a new FOIA lawsuit.

A 1998 CAUS lawsuit, still pending in the Federal Court in Phoenix, is against the Department of Army for documents involving the allegations of Col. Philip Corso in his book The Day After Roswell. This new lawsuit is against the Department of Defense for information about the alien craft seen in our skies.

Gersten, who will be accompanied by a dozen eyewitnesses on the steps of the US District Court in Phoenix, has stated "its time someone in authority is held accountable and responsible for identifying these strange craft that are continually sighted in our skies and sometimes over populated areas. Its time we knew exactly what these objects are and more importantly, their purpose."

He describes these craft as "either delta, boomerang, triangular or v-shaped; ranging in size from a house to a football field; moving very slowly or apparently floating; little or no sound; and with many lights including, on occasion, a red trailing light." Some of these objects, according to the CAUS director, were seen in the Hudson Valley in 1984 through 1987; in Phoenix, Arizona on March 13, 1997; in Salisbury, North Carolina from April-June 1998 and Sedona, Arizona on July 15, 1998 as well as countless other places throughout the planet since the early 80s.

One eyewitness states that "I swear this craft just appeared over my head. I can say for certain I saw lights at each one of the three corners of the craft and at least one on each of the sides. I did see what appeared to be either a large light or a window directly in the center of the triangle. The eerie part was the silence for a craft hovering so close. It disappeared just as suddenly as it appeared and was gone again without any visible movement. It was pretty creepy."

"At a time when everyone is anxious about terrorist attacks, its alarming that no government or military agency appears concerned about these enigmatic and apparently technologically advanced craft that have unrestricted access to our skies," Gersten stated as he made preparations to file the CAUS papers.

Contact Information for CAUS:

Peter A. Gersten, Esq.
130 Castle Rock Road #85, Sedona, Arizona 86341-0351
Phone: 520-284-5248
E-mail: Ufolawyer@caus.orgUS

Contact Information for Paradigm Research Group and Stephen Bassett: ¯

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


November 27, 1998

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Attn: Internet Editor /Reviewer                    November 27, 1998

Paradigm Research Group through its website, The Paradigm Clock (, has given two awards of excellence to websites addressing extraterrestrial related phenomena. The award is designed around Joe Tucciarone's magnificent painting Genesis and is called the EXTRA:

Extraterrestrial Phenomena Research Award

The EXTRA acknowledges website excellence in two categories:

Research/Reference: Websites devoted to or in direct support of extraterrestrial phenomena research in any or all of the six principal fields of study: sightings, abduction/contact, government posture, cattle mutilation/animal harvesting, crop circles, exo-archeology/astronomy.

Personal Expression: Individual efforts to express personal experience with and/or response to the unfolding events associated with extraterrestrial related phenomena

The public perception is that the UFO presence on the Internet is silly, casual, and poor in quality. Nothing could be further from the truth. The effort put into these websites is often extraordinary. Every aspect of web publishing technology is utilized and the entire field of study is richly represented. Even sites maintained by individuals to express their personal response to the unfolding events are usually well done.

Personal Expression Website: Orbit (

Publisher: Steadman Graphics
Webmaster/Author: Kent Steadman
Total Hits in 1998 (10/31/98): Not available
Average Hits Per Day: Not available Size: 150 meg
Motto: In an infinite Cosmos all dreams are true

Orbit is Kent Steadman's three-ring circus of science, graphics and anomalous phenomena (including extraterrestrial related). It is a massive, wild and crazy conglomeration utilizing just about every web authoring tool known to human kind. By mixing in humor Kent invites visitors to stretch their mind and learn about things they might never otherwise consider. Maneuvering through the Orbit website is much like being lost in a massive Las Vegas casino. You lose track of time, can't find the exits, and weave your way through a torrent of colors and moving graphics. However, unlike the casino you always leave with more than you came in with, not the least of which is a bookmark and a strong desire to return again soon.

Research/Reference Website: The Mothership (
Publisher: Area 51 Research Center
Webmaster/Moderator: Glenn Campbell
Total Hits in 1998 (10/31/98): 17,365,468
Average Hits Per Day: 57,311 Size: 1,467 indexed pages
Motto: World's Largest and Best Organized Paranormal Website

The Mothership lives up to its motto. Glenn Campbell has created an extraordinary interactive website utilizing extensive add-on programming. As regards the field of extraterrestrial related phenomena research, the Mothership holds the largest archive of UFO mailing lists on the web, a massive section with linked material encompassing the majority of people directly and indirectly connected to the field, the largest database pertaining to Area 51, an extensive UFO topics database, and much, much more. New content is constantly being added by Campbell and site visitors utilizing interactive programming. The Mothership is a motherlode of information and has not an equal in the World Wide Web among UFO and paranormal sites.

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


July 27, 1998

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*** FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ***         

July 27, 1998 -- Washington, DC -- "The Paradigm Clock" has been reset to 11:56:30.

Modeled after the "Doomsday Clock" first published in 1947 by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, the Paradigm Clock is a device designed to represent the proximity to disclosure by the U. S. government of the extraterrestrial presence - midnight. It is located at the official website of the Paradigm Research Group:

The Clock website was published to the world wide web April 30, 1998 along with a retroactive history dating back to 1947. The 1947 setting was 11:53:00, the same as the Doomsday Clock. As of April 30, 1998 the setting was 11:57:00.

Based upon events in May - July, the clock has been regressed a net 30 seconds to a new time of 11:56:30. These events and the impact on the clock setting are as follows:

  • 7/16 - Col. Philip Corso, author of The Day After Roswell, dies of a heart attack in Florida and is no longer available to personally defend the allegations in his memoir. < 20 sec
  • 6/29 - The Society for Scientific Exploration publishes its analysis of major UFO incidents and calls for new investigations and attention by the mainstream scientific community. > 20 sec
  • May/June - in spite of pressure from the public and activist organizations, no further Cydonia photos are to be taken until the spring of 1999 by the Mars Global Surveyor. < 20 sec
  • 6/1 - Col. Philip Corso, author of The Day After Roswell, signs an affidavit in support of the Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) FOIA lawsuit against the Army, and legally attests to the veracity of the allegations in his memoir. > 10 sec
  • May - The major media fail to thoroughly cover the three new Mars Global Surveyor photos of the Cydonia region of Mars, dismissing the artificiality hypothesis based upon the first, low resolution image of the "Face." < 20 sec

Also available at the Paradigm Research Group website:

  • The largest reference bibliography for the field of extraterrestrial phenomena research available on the internet. The largest reference bibliography in print is in Jerome Clark’s masterwork, UFO Encyclopedia, 2nd Edition (1998).
  • Commentaries on pre- and post-disclosure issues.
  • "Politics of UFOs" section addressing the activist disclosure movement.

Information on the Paradigm Clock or Paradigm Research Group contact: Stephen Bassett ê

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


May 8, 1998

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May 8, 1998 -- Washington, DC -- "The Paradigm Clock" - official website of the Paradigm Research Group - was published to the world wide web at midnight, April 30, 1998. The URL is:

"The Paradigm Clock" is dedicated to supporting and acknowledging the work of researchers and activists in the field of extraterrestrial related phenomena. The concept is modeled after the "Doomsday Clock" first published in 1947 by the "Bulletin of Atomic Scientists".

Midnight on the "Doomsday Clock" meant nuclear war had begun. Midnight on "The Paradigm Clock" means that formal disclosure by the governments of the world of the alien presence in our midst has taken place.

The clock will move to and from midnight based upon future events. It is currently set at 3 minutes to midnight because it is the opinion of the Paradigm Research Group that formal disclosure is close at hand.

Over the coming months this website will become the repository of commentaries by the finest minds in the country on the subjects of the ongoing process of disclosure and the issues to be faced in the post-paradigm world.

Currently the centerpiece of the site is the largest reference bibliography in the world addressing the field of extraterrestrial related phenomena.

Webmaster: Jim Boka and Pulsar
Host Server: Rick Thompson and Ozark Net
For information about "The Paradigm Clock" or Paradigm Research Group:

Contact:  Stephen Bassett
               Paradigm Research Group

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


April 7, 1998

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April 7, 1998            CSETI Project Starlight            Press Release

Dozens of New Government UFO Witnesses Identified
One Year After the CSETI Washington, DC Briefings

(CSETI Headquarters, Asheville NC) One year after the CSETI (Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence) briefings for members of Congress, White House staff and other government and military leaders, dozens of new government UFO witnesses have come forward.

On April 9, 1997, CSETI convened extensive briefings for government and military leaders concerning the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence. Nearly 30 Congressional offices were represented at the briefings, which were held at the Georgetown Westin Hotel in Washington, DC.

Since that date, dozens of never-before identified military and government witnesses have come forward who are ready to testify before congressional hearings regarding unambiguous UFO-related events and projects which they have directly observed. This is in addition to the first-hand government witnesses who provided similar testimony at the closed-door briefings for government leaders last April.

At that time, CSETI Director Steven M. Greer, M.D. asked that Congress hold open hearings at which definitive evidence and military witness testimony could be presented. The assembled government leaders were told that in the post Cold War era, there was no reason for the continuation of blanket secrecy concerning the UFO/ETI issue and that the time for disclosure had come.

In the past year, Dr. Greer and other members of the CSETI Project Starlight disclosure coalition have met with various members of Congress, senior Pentagon officials and others to encourage an orderly open hearing process through which these historic disclosures can be made. Hundreds of people have called and written key congressional committee chairs to recommend such hearings.

While CSETI continues to provide briefing materials and conduct meetings with various government leaders, as of this date no Congressional committee or member has called for open public hearings.

CSETI leadership has been briefing world government and military leaders on this matter since the fall of 1993. This briefing process has included senior Clinton Administration officials, sitting CIA Director James Woolsey, former United Kingdom Ministry of Defense head and five star Admiral Lord Hill-Norton, then UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros Ghali and his wife, other senior UN officials, and numerous private briefings with members of Congress, among others.

Ironically, most of these government leaders - who universally have been denied access to ultra-secret ‘black' projects dealing with the UFO matter- have recommended that Dr. Greer and the coalition of top-secret military whistle blowers step forward unilaterally and by-pass the government process altogether. Such advise has even been offered by sitting members of Congress and very senior Pentagon officials with the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

To this end, Dr. Greer and his advisors are making preparations so the top-secret government witnesses and other evidence related to UFOs can be disclosed in a privatized process which will by-pass the governmental bureaucracy. The privatization of the UFO disclosure process, while regrettable, also appears inevitable since Congress and other government leaders are apparently reluctant to expose these secret programs to the public.

Dr. Greer stated " While an open congressional hearing on the UFO/ETI subject is still the preferred venue for a definitive disclosure on the subject, it appears that most government leaders cannot gain access to these so-called black projects, and therefore have been kept in the dark. Further, there appears to be an absence of courage and leadership in Washington at this time to convene open Congressional hearings at which agency and military whistle blowers could come forward. Regrettably, pro-active efforts to officially end the excessive secrecy surrounding the UFO subject have been met with inaction in Congress and in the White House. After four and a half years of intensive briefings of world and national leaders by CSETI, it appears that a civilian effort to end this secrecy is our best hope in the near term."

"CSETI is planning a multi-media, coordinated release of evidence and top-secret government witness testimony in the relatively near future."

For more information or to interview Dr. Greer, please contact :

Dr. Steven Greer, CSETI Director : 704-274-5671 or
Mr. Marty Keller, CSETI Director of Communications: 612-729-8585 or
Mr. Stephen Bassett, CSETI Washington Liaison and Lobbyist: 202-215-8344

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


April 6, 1998

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April 6, 1998        

For Immediate Release from the Microsoft Network UFO Forum []

MSN UFO Forum Highlights Mars Global Surveyor Photo Event

On Wednesday, April 1st, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory announced on its Mars Global Surveyor website, that MGS will reimage the Cydonia region of Mars, with three opportunities occurring on April 5, 14 and 24.

On Monday, March 30, representatives from The Society for Planetary SETI Research (SPSR) met at JPL with the MGS Project Manager, Glenn Cunningham, and MGS Chief Scientist Arden Able to discuss the release of images. Because of the controversy surrounding the Cydonia landforms, Cunningham said that NASA does not plan to make any official statements concerning the images when they are released, and will leave interpretation to the scientific community. As soon as the images are released by JPL, SPSR plans to conduct an intensive multi-disciplinary analysis of the data to understand what, if anything, might have once occurred at Cydonia..

The rephotographing of the Cydonia region of Mars by NASA is potentially a major historical event. The MSN UFO Forum will extensively cover the ongoing developments as well as provide historical background.

MSN UFO Forum will provide the following coverage in the coming weeks:

    • Up to the minutes press releases from the SPSR, the scientists who will be doing the analysis
    • Audio Interview (available now) and online chat with Dr. Mark J. Carlotto, SPSR scientist, on Tuesday April 7 at 6 p.m., PT. Advanced questions can be sent to
    • Audio Interview (available now) with Dr. Tom Van Flandern astronomical consultant to SPSR
    • NASA/JPL images available for immediate download as they are released
    • Detailed chronology of the research behind the Mars Anomalies
    • Additional online chats to discuss the issues and implications

For more details regarding SPSR, visit the UFO Forum at


Danger in Our Skies?

On April 6th, UPN will air a UFO video taped in 1997 in Mexico City entitled "Danger in the Skies". Many researchers consider it to be the 'smoking gun' - the proof positive that UFOs are here. Yet there are some unanswered questions and issues surrounding this footage that need examining. Join the UFO Forum and Television Forum on April 6th, at 9 p.m. PT for a hard look at the evidence. Several investigators and technicians are invited to join in a review of what UPN considers to be the Danger in Our Skies.

The Ancient Connection

On Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. PT, the UFO Forum archaeology team discusses the newest images on Mars and what implications arise from the presence of artificial structures.

Featured Articles:

  • Unconventional Flying Objects
  • The Nature of Misidentification: The visual sighting of an object at a distance by the human eye, or video camera, (where no details can be made out), are highly suspect, even for the trained observer.
  • This Week in UFO History: look at the highs/lows in UFO History by resident historian Cliff Capers.
  • The Tenth Annual Ozark UFO Conference: will be held at the Inn of the Ozarks at the Conference Center in Eureka Springs, Arkansas on April 10-12, 1998. The UFO Forum will present live coverage each night of the various presentations in addition to obtaining interviews with many of these speakers.

ONLINE CHAT SCHEDULE (All Times are Pacific Time):

SATURDAYS: Abductions - 1 p.m.
SATURDAYS: General Discussion - 6 p.m.
SUNDAYS: The Politics of UFOS - 5 p.m.
SUNDAYS: The Skywatch Hour - 6 p.m.
TUESDAYS - Guest Chats - 6 p.m.
WEDNESDAYS:The Ancient Connection6:30 p.m.
THURSDAYSLL: UFO Skeptics - 7 p.m.
FRIDAYS: Unconventional Flying Objects - 7 p.m.

The UFO Forum is the only online community in the MSN family residing outside the subscription wall. All online chats are accessible by using either MS Chat or any IRC client. The chat server name is and the channel/room name is #briefing. The publisher and host of MSN UFO Forum is Diana Botsford. Contact: 417-463-2152. or e-mail to


Paradigm Research Group provides consulting to MSN UFO Forum. Contact: ò

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


March 28, 1998

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                      March 25, 1998

Citizens Against UFO Secrecy, Inc (CAUS), a non-profit Arizona activist organization dedicated to ending all secrecy surrounding this planet's contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence, announced today that it has initiated another Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, this time against the Department of Army in the Phoenix US District Court.

In the 1981, CAUS filed suit against both the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for UFO related documents. In 1982, The US Supreme Court refused to hear the CAUS appeal, thereby allowing the US District Court's decision to stand in the NSA lawsuit. The District Court had found that the NSA was justified in withholding 135 UFO documents stating that the NSA's "continued need for secrecy far outweighed the public's right to know."

CAUS is once again back in court and once again asking the federal court to help in its search for the truth. This time CAUS is going after the Army for documents confirming certain observations made by former Army Lt. Col. (ret) Philip Corso as described in his book 'Day After Roswell.' According to Corso, a well respected and decorated military officer, he personally observed in 1947 what appeared to him to be non-human corpses. He further states in his book, and confirms in subsequent interviews, that years later he came into possession of the autopsy reports of these bodies. Corso states that the reports refer to the bodies as extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs.)

The Army has stated that it has no records confirming Corso's statements or acknowledging the existence of the bodies or autopsy reports. CAUS hopes that by seeking a judicial solution in an open and adversarial proceeding, the truth will eventually surface.

For information regarding CAUS contact:

Peter A,. Gersten, Esq.
Director, Citizens Against UFO Secrecy, Inc. (CAUS)

Regarding Paradigm Research Group, members of the media may contact: Stephen Bassett ê

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


January 5, 1998

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*** FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ***         

January 5, 1998 -- Washington, DC -- Dr. Steven Greer, Director of CSETI, the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, will appear on the nationally syndicated Art Bell radio talk show tonight at 10 p.m. PST.

During the program’s 2nd and 3rd hour, Dr. Greer will go public for the first time with information which will confirm the statements in Webster Hubbell’s book Friends in High Places regarding a request from President Clinton to look into the UFO issue at the Department of Justice. He will provide particulars pertaining to the extensive briefing of high ranking members of the White House staff and the Director of the CIA during the early months of the administration on the matter of intelligent extraterrestrial presence in our airspace and the government cover-up of same.

Also to be discussed will be the growing national petition drive for an open congressional hearing for government witness testimony on modern UFO evidence, the soon to be announced candidacy of Frances Emma Barwood for the Secretary of State of Arizona and other political developments.

Providing follow-up and analysis will be:

  • Stephen Bassett of Paradigm Research Group, a political consultant and lobbyist.
  • Peter Gersten, an attorney and founder of Citizens Against UFO Secrecy.
  • Richard Hoagland, former NASA consultant and Director of the Enterprise Mission.
  • Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo Astronaut and author of The Way of the Explorer.
  • Robert Dean, Retired Command Sgt. Major of the Army and Director of Stargate International and Coalition for Honesty in Government

The Art Bell Show is the number one late night radio talk show in the nation with over 400 stations.

Contact:     Stephen Bassett
                  Paradigm Research Group ê

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 


April 15, 1997

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APRIL 15, 1997          



APRIL 15, 1997 -- ASHEVILLE, NO. CAROLINA -- The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), successfully inaugurated its Project Starlight briefing of more than two dozen congressional offices with several VIPs from the Executive branch, The Pentagon, representatives of the Dutch Embassy, The National Academy of Sciences, two state Governor's offices and others on April 9. The following evening April 10 news media were given a similar briefing, which included reporters from The Washington Post Writer's Group, US News & World Report, The Boston Globe, The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), WTNH-TV, an ABC affiliate in New Haven, Ct., United Press International, Strange Universe TV and other invited guests. A producer from CBS' "60 Minutes" and USA Today were briefed prior to the event.

Using a Best Available Evidence (BAE) package that contained numerous government and military documents, a video and photographic summary tape and 15 first-hand witnesses to UFO events and/or projects, Dr. Steven Greer urged attending members of congress and the news media respectively "to move forward on this subject through open hearings leading to a full public disclosure" and "through responsible news and programming coverage given the weight of evidence presented here this week. If news media devoted even a fourth as much time to finding out the facts on this subject as it did in the O.J. Simpson trial, the public would be well served."

Greer, the International Founder and Director of CSETI, was joined by Dr. Ed Mitchell, the former Apollo 14 Astronaut who walked on the moon, and echoed Greer's assessment about the evidence by noting that "initially I was skeptical about this reality but I believe today that the force of evidence commands an honest, scientific look at the facts."

Among the witnesses who provided testimony were Donna Hare, a former subcontractor in the photo labs of the Johnson Space Center in Houston. Hare said she saw one NASA technician air brush a UFO out of a space satellite photo and "that it was done routinely," according to her colleague. Stephen Lovekin, a lawyer from North Carolina who worked with a Top Secret security clearance in the Pentagon during President Eisenhower's White House term during the '50s as a trained cryptologist, says he saw material from a downed ET craft and saw apparent ET writing on the material. Lovekin says the President was regularly briefed about the UFO issue.

Other military witnesses gave dramatic testimony about more recent UFO/ET events in the Atlantic Command under an admiral "that had the place in chaos for several hours," while others described events at numerous Air Force bases, including one report of "an alien being shot at the end of the runway at McGuire AFB and later removed by a C-141 Transport plane flown in from Wright Patterson AFB to retrieve the body."

According to Greer, "there are more than 100 other witnesses -- some who would need protection to testify under oath to Congress and some who are best described as 'hostile' witnesses who need a subpena to appear -- most of whom are ready to tell their stories before they die. Many are service men and women who are heroes of our country and willing to make one last courageous act in order for this important subject to come to light." Project Starlight will move forward with another round of briefings in the nation's capitol if necessary, or until someone from the first briefing decides to sponsor hearings on this matter. Several offices expressed such an interest.

Project Starlight is an international coalition effort that includes current and former government personnel, aerospace executives, military officials, intelligence operatives, American astronauts, Russian cosmonauts, UFO/ET researchers, civilians, and others.

For more information or to interview Dr. Greer, please contact Martin Keller or Greer at the numbers listed below.

Contact: Dr. Steven Greer,
               CSETI (704)-274-5671
           or Martin Keller,
                Media (612) 729-8585

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344 t 

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