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March 28, 2016                 This Media Notice is archived HERE
"Our Republic and its press will rise or fall together. An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery. A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a people as base as itself. The power to mould the future of the Republic will be in the hands of the journalists of future generations."  Joseph Pulitzer
Daily Mirror (UK) - 3/28/16
UK Coverage of the Disclosure Process in U.S. Election
Largely in response to Secretary Clinton's comments to reporter Daymond Steer of the Conway Daily Sun in New Hampshire and John Podesta's comments to Steve Sebelius of KLAS-TV Las Vegas, the UK press have been engaging the ET/Clinton connection since January 3 of this year.
01/03/16 - Hillary to open the X-Files - Kelly McLaughlin, Daily Mirror (UK)
01/03/16 - Hillary Clinton: "I will reveal truth about area 51 and UFOs if I become president" - Jonathan Dillon, Daily Mirror (UK)
Efforts to draw the Times of London into this developing story have been futile as the Times editorial board does not consider the presence of extraterrestrial beings engaging the human race and the entrance of that issue into a U.S. presidential campaign worthy of their attention.
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