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October 19, 2016                  PRG Media Notices archived HERE
"Our Republic and its press will rise or fall together. An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery. A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a people as base as itself. The power to mould the future of the Republic will be in the hands of the journalists of future generations."  Joseph Pulitzer
Washington Times Tosses the Ball to Chris Wallace. Will he catch it?
Three days before the last presidential debate the somewhat right of center Washington Times publishes an extended article on the Clinton/ET connection heavily covered by print media for the past two years and now being confirmed in the Podesta emails. Will Fox News and Chris Wallace notice? Wallace is in the perfect position to make some major history Wednesday evening.  The ball's in his court.
Daily Caller Also Tosses the Ball to Chris Wallace
Grant Cameron's Podesta Emails Narrative
Grant Cameron, easily the world's leading expert on the connection between the extraterrestrial issue and the tenure of U.S. presidents, is producing an ongoing narrative on the Podesta emails at his White House UFO blog page. His primary research is housed at The Presidents UFO Website. Below PRG is generating a chronological listing of the relevant emails with assessment.
Wikileaks Clinton/ET/Connection References Assessment - to date
The Podesta email tranches are located at the Wikileaks home site HERE. Wikileaks has stated it will release 50,000+ Podesta emails prior to the election and these emails hold great implication for the Disclosure process. Why? 

They will clearly show the Clinton campaign team was taking the ET issue seriously and some kind of agenda was being followed. This will become clearer as more emails are released. It is important to remember the Clinton team was refusing to respond to related reporter's questions during this period and the television news journalists were asking no questions at all.
Below you will find a chronological listing of relevant emails that will be updated as more are released.
[Note: emails shown in red font have been added since the last PRG Update.]

FW: has he seen this?
Date: 2008-12-02 17:14
Subject: FW: has he seen this?

[Ms. Latham worked in the White House as Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff, John Podesta and as Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of Presidential Scheduling from 1996 to 2000. She is a close associate of Mr. Podesta. Sarah Feinberg is currently the administrator for the Federal Railroad Administration. From 2009-2010 she served in the Obama Administration as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor to White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. Here Latham is bringing an email sent to her by Feinberg to Podesta's attention. 

This email is significant because Feinberg has forwarded a 12/2/08 (same day) Politico article by Ben Smith about PRG/X-PPAC's efforts to bring the Clinton/ET connection into the 2008 Presidential campaign of Senator Clinton. It also refers to PRG's first open letter to Hillary Clinton on April 30, 2008.]
Date: 2014-07-29 13:53
Subject: Re: Apollo Astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell's, Request for Meeting to discuss Disclosure

[Another email attempting to set up a meeting between John Podesta and Apollo Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell to discuss ET and zero point energy issues.]
Date: 2014-10-01 09:35
Subject: email for John Podesta (c/o Eryn Sepp) from Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell requesting meeting

[This email conveys the initial request to Podesta from Terri Mansfield on behalf of Apollo Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell for a meeting regarding the ET issue. The hook for this request is Podesta's Catholic faith and ongoing statements coming from the Vatican.]
Date: 2015-01-18 19:34
Subject: email for John Podesta (c/o Eryn) from Edgar Mitchel re meeting ASAP

[This email is from Terri Mansfield, who worked with Dr. Edgar Mitchell. It conveys a letter from Dr. Mitchell to John Podesta requesting a meeting regarding his concerns about space weapons and a potential war in space between nations. It is not known if Podesta was given and saw this email. The email is significant as is shows Apollo astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell was reaching out to Podesta in the last months of his life. Dr. Mitchell was well aware of the Rockefeller Initiative.]
Date: 2015-02-13 17:25
Subject: Time to meet?

[Over the years PRG has reached out to Podesta with brief, tactical emails. There was never a response. This email was a reaction to Podesta's Twitter message posted that day. PRG made the decision early on not to barrage Clinton insiders with long emails, screeds, etc. Rather PRG chose to speak to them via the media. This approach included published open letters to: Secretary Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, and President Obama.]


Date: 2015-02-15 23:53
Subject: Fwd: Leslie Kean - NY Times

[This email from Podesta's assistant conveys to Podesta an email from the former research director of the Coalition for the Freedom of Information (now closed), Leslie Kean. It indicates cooperation with the New York Times on an ET related op-ed that was probably not published. This email is sent two days after Podesta's February 13, 2015 tweet. An op-ed in the New York Times like the one mentioned would have been very significant. It would be interesting to know why it was not published.]
Date: 2015-02-16 14:20
Subject: Re: 2.16.15 HRC Clips

[This email conveys to Podesta the text of a February 16, 2015 New York Timesarticle by Peter Baker that mentions Podesta's February 13, 2015 tweet.]

Re: Mid-Day Roundup Weds 2/18
Date: 2015-02-18 16:49
Subject: Re: Mid-Day Roundup Weds 2/18

[This email from Podesta confirms he was getting many reporter queries about the ET issue subsequent to his February 13, 2016 tweet and was not responding.]
Date: 2015-03-23 12:04
Subject: British Feature Film Appearance Request for John Podesta

[This request was also likely triggered by the media coverage following the famous February 13, 2015 Podesta tweet.
Date: 2015
Subject: FW: email for John Podesta (Eryn) from Edgar Mitchell re Skype

[This significant email from Mansfield conveys another letter from Dr. Edgar Mitchell and continues to work towards a meeting (via Skype). This would indicated the meeting had not taken place six months after the initial request.]
Date: 2015-07-19 19:38
Subject: Sekret Machines Qs

[This email presents a set of questions to John Podesta in advance of a meeting with Tom Delonge on Tuesday, July 21, 2015, It appears secrecy and secrecy reform were on the agenda along with a UFO subtext..]
Date: 2015-07-09 11:38
Subject: From french reporter Nicolas Montigiani to Mr John Podesta.

[Another request from a reporter wishing to interview Podesta on the ET issue coming a few months after his February 13, 2015 tweet.]
Date: 2015-08-18 10:30
Subject: email for John Podesta c/o Eryn re Space Treaty (attached)

[This is another email is from Terri Mansfield, who worked with Dr. Edgar Mitchell. It would seem to be a follow up to the Mansfield email of 1/18/15. It is not known if Podesta saw this email or whether the prior requested meeting took place. This email is moderately significant.]
Date: 2015-10-26 23:13
Subject: Important things-

[This email is very significant. It is from musician and researcher Tom Delonge and confirms he interviewed Podesta for a documentary he is making on the ET subject. The email is laying the ground for a later meeting between Podesta and some insiders.]
Date: 2015-11-06 02:05
Subject: Re: How was Jimmy Kimmell?

[This email from a Clinton staffer is very significant. It refers not to her March 24, 2016 Kimmel appearance when she was asked the ET question and brought up the UAP for UFO assertion. Rather it refers to her November, 2015 appearance when she was not asked. It clearly states she wanted to be asked the question in November of 2015 and had prepared for it. PRG has repeatedly asserted the Clinton campaign wants to be asked about her connection to the issue.]
Date: 2015-11-13 00:44
Subject: Re: UFOs

[Here a friend of Podesta acknowledges he say a program referring to Podesta statements about Sec. Clinton getting to the bottom of the UFO issue if elected. It is notable because it is from Podesta and replies, "More to come."]
Date: 2015-11-16 13:14
Subject: Fwd: Important

[This email is further effort by DeLonge to set up a meeting with Podesta. DeLonge drops Steven Spielberg's name and includes a trailer (PW=SM) to his documentary. It is notable that Fisher put "Important" in the subject.]
Date: 2015-12-14 13:04
Subject: UFOs are out there, and so is the booming conspiracy industry
[This email from the South China Morning News has a webpage of an article by Cathy Holcome that among other things references Podesta's involvement with the book, UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record by Leslie Kean.]
Date: 2016-01-18 21:00
Subject: Re: A Few Questions for VICE?

[PRG was aware that a number of reporters from high end publications had contacted Podesta and the Clinton campaign with questions about the Clinton/ET connection and received no response. The one exception was Daniel Oberhaus for his January 26, 2016 article in VICE that did quote from Podesta's response, which may be in a future email release. Why Podesta chose only to respond to Oberhaus is interesting. As PRG as publicly stated, it is this pressure from reporters that lead to the proactive tweets and statements from and arranged interviews with Podesta, Sec. Clinton and Pres. Clinton, which generated a huge amount of print coverage.]
Date: 2016-01-24 23:45
Subject: Re: Invitation: DeLonge/Podesta Meeting @ Mon Jan 25, 2016 10:30am - 11:30am (

[This email is significant as it is further confirmation of a meeting between Clinton staffers and Tom DeLonge  and his people. It would be assumed Secretary Clnton was aware of such a meeting.]
Date: 2016-01-25 16:04
Subject: General McCasland

[Here DeLonge is talking about one of the insiders he wishes to meet with Podesta - General William McCasland. This is significant as it puts a name into play and creates an interview target for the media.]

Date: 2016-02-22 00:06
Subject: Advisors

[Another email relating to DeLonge's interactions with Podesta. This one is notable as it claims interest from a Lockheed Skunk Works employee.]
Date: 2016-03-02 14:38
Subject: Fwd: Podesta/UFO

[More correspondence from Tom DeLonge to Podesta. This email draws Podesta's attention to an important article by George Knapp of KLAS-TV (Las Vegas).]
Date: 2016-03-21 10:11
Subject: Re: Shared from Twitter: Are Space Aliens Running the Clinton Campaign? Sure Why Not? | Wonkette

[Here Podesta confirms he has read an article in the online magazine, Wonkette. The article is responding to the many ET related comments being put out by Podesta and Secretary Clinton and the subsequent media coverage, which PRG has played an important role in developing.] 

Rolling Stone
Date: 2016-02-16 01:59
Subject: Rolling Stone
[In this email Tom DeLonge is seeking help from Podesta in rolling out his book and documentary revealing what DeLonge claims to be learning from secret meetings with Pentagon officials on the ET subject.]

The following emails are not particularly significant. They are unsolicited info from private citizens about various aspects directly or indirectly related to the ET subject. It is no known if Podesta saw these emails. 

Hello Mr. Podesta, I knew your son Gabe when we were young...
Date: 2015-02-17 20:52
Subject: Hello Mr. Podesta, I knew your son Gabe when we were young...
Date: 2015-02-17 22:38
Subject: Re: Hello Mr. Podesta, I knew your son Gabe when we were young...
Date: 2015-02-17 22:38
Subject: Re: Hello Mr. Podesta, I knew your son Gabe when we were young...

[Podesta responded to this email.]
Date: 2015-02-22 15:27
Subject: JackHead First Nations, Manitoba Canada

Date: 2015-10-09 16:58
Subject: ufo's
Date: 2015-10-09 16:58
Subject: ufo's
Date: 2016-02-18 21:52
Subject: The Phoenix Incident

The following is a sampling of articles written about the ET related material in the Podesta emails being released by Wikileaks. Many more are expected to be released.

October 8, 2016 - Wikileaks' Podesta Email Leak Mentions E.T. Disclosure and Zero Point Energy - Lance Shuttler, The Mind Unleashed
October 9, 2016 - Wikileaks: Hillary Had Secret Meetings With Astronaut About Aliens- Jack Murphy, Neon Nettle
October 10, 2016 - WikiLeaks Reveals UFO Messages in Clinton Campaign Emails - Byron Tau, Wall Street Journal
October 10, 2016 - WIKILEAKS: John Podesta Probably Broke Up Blink-182 Over UFOs - Emily Zanotti, Heat Street
October 10, 2016 - Former Blink-182 singer emailed Clinton camp on UFOs - Mark Hensch,  The Hill
October 11, 2016 The Unfolding John Podesta UFO Story - Grant Cameron, White House UFO Blog
October 11, 2016 - WikiLeaks Reveals Podesta's Obsession with Aliens... Space Aliens! - Neil W. McCabe, Breitbart
October 11, 2016 - Are Aliens Real? What Hillary Clinton's WikiLeaks Emails Reveal About Aliens And UFOs - Alex Garofalo, International Business Times
October 11, 2016 - Clinton WikiLeaks include UFO-related messages from blink-182's Tom DeLonge - George Varga, San Diego Union-Tribune
October 11, 2016 - Why Was the Guy From Blink-182 Emailing Hillary's Campaign Manager About UFOs? - Jack Holmes, Esquire Magazine
October 11, 2016 - Tom DeLonge of Blink 182 talked UFOs with Hillary Clinton campaign in leaked emails - Nicole Bitette, New York Daily News
October 12, 2016 - Tom DeLonge Emailed Top Clinton Advisor With UFO Advice -
October 12, 2016 - Blink-182 singer held secret talks with Clinton team about Roswell UFO - Daivd Trayner, Daily Star (UK)
October 17, 2016 - Wikileaks: Apollo Astronaut Contacted Podesta About UFOs And Aliens - Andrew Follett, Daily Caller
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