Million Fax on Washington
Examples of
Letters/Faxes/Emails to the President Elect

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These people can handle the truth.  Can you?

Note: the majority of this correspondence to the President Elect and the new President included name, address and often phone number.   As a matter of privacy and consistency only initials, and when available, city/state/country are provided here.

November 9, 2008

The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC   20510

Dear Mr. Obama,

My name is S. R.. I am 10 years old and believe in aliens.  I want to know the truth about them and I am not afraid of it. 

I believe that if you come out with this information you would be the most courageous president I knew.  The reason I want to know the truth is because I want to know how it would affect my future.   I believe that the government has information about this that they have not told and it could be helpful to everyone if they did.

I've done studying on this subject on my own and I think the people who've had ET experiences should be believed and given respect.  Please do the right by telling everyone the truth.

S. R.
Stockton, CA


Enviar entre 5 de Novembro 2008 e 20 de Janeiro 2009


The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States       
713 Hart Senate Office Building              
Washington, DC   20510                                          

Mr. President Elect of the United States:


The new president should demand and receive a full briefing by his military services and intelligence agencies regarding the extraterrestrial presence and related phenomena, and/or


The new president should support convening congressional hearings to take testimony from scores of former military and agency employees regarding extraterrestrial phenomena, and/or


The new president should formally acknowledge to the American people the extraterrestrial presence - Disclosure. 

Tank you very much,

A. M.

Lisbon, Portugal

November 04, 2008
Dear President-Elect Senator Obama,
Congratulations on your win of the 2008 Presidential election!
You spoke tonight, and often in your campaign, about change.  I am writing to respectfully request that you initiate a process of change which will revolutionize our entire planet!
I urge you, in your capacity as President, to end the truth embargo, maintained for 60 some years by the US Government, regarding UFOs and extra-terrestrial contact.
Millions of people, in the US and around the world, have already personally experienced some type of contact with UFOs and extra-terrestrial entities. THE PEOPLE are aware of the reality of this situation.  It is time for the US Government to execute full disclosure and release UFO and extra-terrestrial technology (back-engineered and otherwise) for the benefit of this country and all of humankind.
I urgently, and respectfully, request that you--at the very least--
1.) Demand and receive a full briefing from military services and intelligence agencies regarding the extra-terrestrial presence and related phenomena.
2.) Support convening Congressional hearings to take testimony from the scores of former military and agency employees regarding extra-terrestrial phenomena. (Many of these employees have already offered to do so, and to offer testimony UNDER OATH--see Dr. Steven Greer, MD's "Disclosure Project".)
3.) Formally acknowledge to the American people the extra-terrestrial presence (popularly known as "full disclosure").
4.) Release into the public domain extra-terrestrial derived technologies, secretly studied and reverse-engineered for six decades, and now essential to overcome the environmental, economic, and social challenges of our time.
You are at a time and place and position in history to free the US Government, military, and intelligence agencies from over a half-century of deceit, disinformation, and suppression of truth and revolutionary technologies.
I urge you to take these historic actions for the benefit of our children, our country, our Earth, and all of humanity!
I await your heroic action!
Thank you very much!
H. H. 
Eureka, CA
The following was sent to the Hart Senate Office building on 11/05/08 by US Express mail.

Dear President-elect Obama:

Our nation faces some serious challenges in the next 4 years. 

I would like to mention one subject which is seldom openly talked about, but a subject which could have enormous impact on our country’s ENERGY FUTURE ( and “national security ) ;that is the subject of the “Unacknowledged Special Access Projects”, or “USAP’s”, which are the highly secret “black budget” programs into which billions of (off the official books ) dollars are poured each year. I refer specifically to those “black” projects which fund, and HAVE funded for many years now , research into the nature, make up, power and propulsion methods of "wait for it" UFO’s.

This is a subject for which there is a veritable MOUNTAIN of highly credible first hand witness testimony, MUCH of it from highly placed corporate, military and law enforcement leaders , many at “command” , “executive” and/or ‘CEO” level. (Example; the 400 witnesses gathered, on videotape, by Dr Steven Greer’s “Disclosure Project”)

It is my informed belief, that buried within these black budget projects, is the closely held secret of very advanced energy production technology; technology which, if brought to light and put to use, could radically change the USA’s, (and the world’s for that matter) “energy problem” which, as you realize, has been a major issue in this years campaign.  I, and millions of others who are knowledgeable on this subject, believe NOW is the time to have these “secrets”, (as long as our national security is not jeopardized), to be brought into the open, studied OPENLY, and used.

Many of these “USAP’s” have operated for years in a highly illegal way, completely free from congressional or executive oversight, They have, in effect, constituted a secret ”shadow government” which has operated through many presidential administrations, since the founding of the CIA after WW II.  If you doubt me on any of this, please ask former President Clinton, who was briefed on this subject, or Mr. Laurence Rockefeller, or former CIA chief James Woolsey, among many others.

(Many names ARE available. There are also many in congress who are very aware of this subject - some support disclosure and some would like to prevent it for various , mostly political, reasons.  I encourage you, as a former Senator yourself , with access to these people , to “ask around”. )
The illegal extra-governmental activities of the people involved in these “USAP’s” should be brought to light, and the individuals directly involved must  be given some sort of immunity from prosecution in exchange for their cooperation.  This would help to speed the pace of disclosure.

We are in the 21st century. I believe the American people are prepared to hear the truth about this subject, especially if there is a huge dividend in highly advanced energy technology to be gained from disclosure.

I would like to ask that you make the “discovery” of this technology, and the disclosure of the long-held secret of so-called “UFO’s” a TOP priority as part of your overall energy plan.

Thank you for your time, and may God bless America (and your new administration !)

B. W.


The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC   20510
Dear Honorable Barack Obama President Elect of the United States,
Thousands of people make reports yearly of strange lights performing impossible maneuvers that traditional earth-bound aircraft, commercial, military, etc; could never accomplish. While most of the world's governments try to deny the reality of their existence, they blame the sightings on natural aerial phenomenon, the planet Venus, swamp gas, weather balloons or mass hysteria.
Following many of the famous UFO events including, the UFO crash in Roswell New Mexico in 1947, the Phoenix Lights Mass UFO Sighting of Arizona in 1997, the Chicago O'Hare International Airport UFO Sighting in 2006 and the Stephenville Texas Sightings in January of this year, our military and government leaders continue to tell the general public that there's nothing to the UFO phenomenon.
President Elect Barack Obama, will you seek to end the truth embargo that our government and military has instated regarding the existence of extraterrestrial life?
Please demand and receive a full briefing by your military services and intelligence agencies regarding the extraterrestrial presence and related phenomena.
Please support convening congressional hearings to take testimony from scores of former military and agency employees regarding extraterrestrial phenomena.
Please formally acknowledge to the American people the extraterrestrial presence – Disclosure.
Please release into the public domain extraterrestrial derived technologies, secretly studied and reverse engineered for six decades and now essential to overcome the environmental, economic and social challenges of our time.
C. A.


The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC   20510

To The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States,

I’m a 57 year old single mother of two beautiful college graduate daughters.  I consider myself a part of the middle class of the United States of America.  I have worked hard  and blind for many years, as so many of us have.  My girls are now grown and on their own.   With the economy in such a state, I have found myself with time on my hands.  In the last eight months I have spent my time in front of my computer educating myself beyond what we are told.  I have studied our American history, the history back to Egypt, Sumerians, and Atlantis, cultures, religions, UFO’s, science and the like.  I have made efforts to let no stone be unturned.

I am asking you with all sincerity to come forth and be honest to the American people in regards to all the hidden information, especially regarding the UFO’s, extraterrestrial presence and related phenomenon.  We not only can handle the truth, we need the truth.  I believe our survival depends on it.  If I can tell my two, 20 + year old children about this material, our nation can come forth and tell the truth to the American people. 

I truly believe we have nothing to fear.  The positive extraterrestrials far outweigh the negative.  Our world on the other hand is subject to questionability in this regards.  Exposure, I believe, will change .our world into a more positive, loving environment.  President Elect Obama, you’ve said there will be change.  This is where I believe the change must start!

C. C.


November 6, 2008


The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC   20510


RE:  Full and Speedy Disclosure will help Economic Issues


Dear President Elect Obama,


First, please allow me to offer my sincere congratulations and gratitude to you and your beautiful family.  For the first time since Dr. King was assassinated, so many Americans have such hope.  It is wonderful to once again feel that hope in the air.  You’ve huge shoes to fill and huge challenges to overcome, but you have already overcome one of the toughest in this country. 


As you well know Sir, the foremost challenge facing all Americans, and most importantly you, is our failing economy and unemployment, which go hand in hand.   It is my belief that every single possible positive action should be taken to restore the now quite elusive American Dream for all…ALL. 


Please consider that a full and speedy extraterrestrial presence phenomena disclosure can be a very important method used to boost the economy and create new jobs and bring Americans together once again.  The time has come for truth.


A full congressional hearing must be convened, along with the presence of news media personnel, to take testimony from scores of former military and agency employees regarding extraterrestrial phenomena.  After all, (according to Roper and Gallup polling) 126 million American adults (56%) believe in UFO’s.  180 million American adults (80%) believe the U.S. government is hiding the truth.   An astounding 31 million American adults have had themselves or know someone who has had encounters with extraterrestrial visitors.  These are HUGE numbers of the people you are both leading and serving and these numbers are growing every day.


All information that the government and military and other agencies have should be fully disclosed to the American people who do indeed pay for the very government that is hiding the truth.  Our economy is in crisis, our people are in crisis, and our planet is in crisis.  The advanced technology, upon full release and disclosure, would immediately create much needed jobs, smarter new businesses, and provide swift solutions for the damages done to our planet, our beautiful home. 


In addition, full and speedy disclosure will serve to bring Americans together as is sorely needed.  You and your administration would immediately have 180 million Americans’ full support…80%!  Another huge number.


As a member of that 31 million with my own direct encounters, I believe that full disclosure is long overdue and will go a long way to solving the environmental, economic and social challenges of our time. 


The people are ready.  The time is now.  Humbly I ask you Sir, are YOU ready?



C. P.
Atlanta, GA

The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC   20510
Honorable Barack Obama:
The time has come when the citizens of the United States and the world are told the absolute truth relating to U.F.O.'s because it is our right to be informed we are indeed being visited by non-human life forms.
Credible sources from all walks of life have been coming forward to tell what they know as fact about U.F.O.'s and the extraterrestrial
life forms.
When a person tells their story of being abducted against their will by un-earthly beings, then these people's rights have been violated and for our government to completely ignore this shows a tremendous lack of respect and concern for their citizens by not seriously addressing this issue publicly.
Astronaut Edgar Mitchell has stated himself that many of these U.F.O.'s are not from our planet and he's not the only astronaut who has no doubt we are being visited by other life forms.
If we are to ever come together as a nation then it is vital that disclosure of U.F.O.'s and extraterrestrials is presented to the people immediately so we can make intelligent decisions on how this needs to be handled. We have a right to protect our families, our homes and our right to exist and if these beings have any ill intentions toward the human race then it is our governments duty to inform it's people regardless of the agenda of these non-human beings.

D. U.
Long Beach, MS


Dear Mr. Obama:


It never ceases to amaze me how well the practice of ridicule has worked for the last fifty years in keeping the UFO phenomenon a secret. Of course, when the powers that be, control the media and therefore guarantee that no UFO story gets reported on without utilizing “the giggle factor” perhaps I shouldn't be surprised.


There are literally thousands of military personnel, law enforcement officers and aircraft pilots who have reported seeing, not merely strange lights in the sky but aircraft that they described as “not of this world.” The odds of all of them being wrong must be astronomical and it only requires one of them to be right.


As our next president it should be your responsibility to demand a briefing from our military and intelligence agencies. Regardless if they admit the truth or not, you should next convene congressional hearings where military personnel that claim to have recovered alien spacecraft or were briefed on alien contact can be questioned.


The next step would be to publicly announce the reality of the extraterrestrial presence and investigate claims by some that reverse engineering has created “free energy” and other technologies that have been withheld from the public.


We are not children that need to be protected from the truth. We are distrustful of our government and need to know it won't continue to deceive us.


D. Y.


To: The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Mr. President Elect;

First, let me congratulate you on your hard earned and well deserved election to the highest office of our great country. If I could some up my feelings in one word, it would be “HOPE”.

I write to you today regarding a matter that has been my passion since I was 14 in 1962: the UFO phenomenon.

I am not a “believer” – I am a witness.

Many countries have released documented evidence in support of the UFO reality while the standard for democracy has continued their “denial and ridicule” policy. I ask, sir, that you personally bring that deceptive practice to an end.

The biggest hurdle you will have to contend with is the NSA and black operations that consider it a matter of Above Top Secret (Cosmic Secret to be exact). Presidents Clinton and Carter were stonewalled in their efforts to garner information on this subject. You may well know that Carter and Regan had their own UFO sightings.

There is a lot of silliness out their – most of which has its origins in the government’s disinformation campaign. But I urge you to separate the wheat from the chaff by going to organizations like The Mutual UFO Network; The Center for UFO Studies; The Disclosure Project with more than 400 high ranking government, military and corporate insiders who are breaking their oath of silence and coming forward with personal testimonies and indisputable evidence to back it up, and  Washington insider Stephen Bassett of PRG (Paradigm Research Group) who will direct you to even more credible witnesses. 

These are just a few of the groups and individuals that will take the subject out of the tabloids and into the light of science.

After at least sixty years of the truth embargo on the extraterrestrial presence that has been and is engaging our planet, it is time for that truth to be introduced to the American people and the world. It is a truth that belongs to the human race and not just a handful of the self-proclaimed initiated.

There are devices that would provide safe, free, non-polluting energies to the world that have been back engineered from crashed disks of unknown origin. They too belong to our world, but the oil companies are not yet through exploiting the masses. Some argue that our economy would be adversely affected by the introduction of such technologies. I invite you to witness these technologies firsthand and make them prove their ability to foster more jobs and profitability to all concerned. They will do just that.

Mr. Obama, we are not alone in this vast sea of space. It is time the world knows that all important truth. I entrust you as my President to bring us out of the scientific dark ages and assume our rightful place in the universe by disclosing the facts about the UFO phenomenon that most Americans already accept as fact.

Some of your advisors will argue that we mere humans are not prepared to handle this sensitive knowledge. To them I can only say . . . YES WE CAN!

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely Yours,
D. T.
Trenton, MI



5 November 2008

The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC   20510

Dear Senator and President Elect Obama,
The following points are my proposals for inclusion in the agenda for your new administration for quick starting the economy and maintaining our place as the leading society of the world.
1. You should demand and receive a full briefing by your military services and intelligence agencies regarding the extraterrestrial presence and all related phenomena. The recent declassification of this subject by the United Kingdom leaves little doubt as to the existence of such information by the world's governments.
2. You should support convening congressional hearings to take testimony from scores of former military and federal agency employees regarding extraterrestrial phenomena. Those testimonies should be exempt from any security clearance issues in order that you and the American people can be fully and equally informed.
3. You should formally acknowledge to the American people the extraterrestrial presence and what is known about its' origins and purposes.
4. You should release into the public domain, extraterrestrial derived technologies, secretly studied and reverse engineered for six decades, and now essential to overcome the environmental, economic and social challenges of our time. This new economic activity should generate new American initiatives in the energy, scientific, and transportation areas and restore America's rightful place as the undisputed head of all nations. The dependency upon foreign energy sources should be permanently eliminated!
5. You should encourage and support American industries in their efforts to integrate these new technologies into new products for the general population and as for the basis of new scientific research and development.
I want to wish you and your family a most successful transition period and may your presidency be one of the best in history!
G. S.
Viera, FL


The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States
Hello President Elect Obama,
It is a pleasure to be writing to you.
My reason for writing will be one of the more esoteric issues you will be dealing with during your administration. It encompasses the topic of UFO's and the disclosure of the presence of off world or possibly dimensional beings and cultures. It also involves the "hand-in-hand" issue of alternative energy.
Now... if I haven't lost you by now, I would highly encourage you to first educate yourself on this complex issue (if you haven't already). I noticed that Mr. John Podesta has been appointed your White House Transition Team Leader. As you may or may not know, Mr. Podesta is an advocate for disclosure and it is here I would recommend you start. I would hope that Mr. Podesta would see fit to direct you to Dr. Steven Greer for a full briefing on the implications of disclosure to the public. Regardless of how you prepare yourself... should you finally raise the veil of secrecy on this issue... you will be the first president in history to disclose the fact that we are not alone.
Finally, it is well known in the UFO/ET community that the advanced technology found in various crash and retrieval sites, could finally be freed and brought out from the back rooms of various "Black Projects" and merged into society.
Of course, the more you educate yourself on this issue... the more you will see it is definitely NOT the topic that has received the ridicule and "back-burner" attitude that it has.
I sincerely hope that you do in fact receive this message... and the others that follow... and give it the attention that it, the American people and people of the world so dearly deserve.
Thank you for your time...
Kind Regards,
H. B.


The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC   20510
Dear President Elect Obama,
Congratulations on winning this historic election and on running such an inspiring and well-run campaign.  The world applauds your victory and you have helped restore our national dignity!
I am writing to ask you to investigate and release into the public domain secretly studied extraterrestrial derived technologies which many Americans believe have been reverse engineered for six decades.  Such technologies are now essential to overcome the environmental, economic and social challenges of our time.  You should demand and receive a full briefing by our military services and intelligence agencies regarding the extraterrestrial presence and related phenomena.
Extraterrestrial sightings abound in the USA chased by our military craft but are denied by our government.  We are capable and deserving as a people to know the truth about ET’s.  These hidden technologies could solve many of our problems, stimulate our economy and free us from dependence on foreign oil.
Please do the right thing and finally disclose the truth about ET’s and the hidden technologies.
Thank you.
E. H.
Portland, OR


I have sent this letter and an email to the President-elect Barak Obama and My senators.
The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC   20510
Dear Mr. President-Elect,

I am a 56 year-old university professor who has for the last 2 years become aware of US government suppression of information concerning the extraterrestrial issue.  It is time that the American people know the truth concerning this issue.  Most importantly the country should be informed if it is indeed true that there has been back-engineered technology gained from our recovery of extraterrestrial craft.   This could be most important in regards to our current energy needs.

I suggest that:
President Barack Obama should demand and receive a full briefing by his military services and intelligence agencies regarding the extraterrestrial presence and related phenomena, and/or
President Barack Obama should support convening congressional hearings to take testimony from scores of former military and agency employees regarding extraterrestrial phenomena, and/or
President Barack Obama should formally acknowledge to the American people the extraterrestrial presence - Disclosure, and/or
President Barack Obama should release into the public domain extraterrestrial derived technologies, secretly studied and reverse engineered for six decades, and now essential to overcome the environmental, economic and social challenges of our time.
As an American I want disclosure.  I, and others I know, can handle disclosure i.e. the truth.  I need to know the truth.
Please have the courage to follow through, as my President, and disclose the extraterrestrial presence.
Thank you,
S. B.
Lafayette, LA


The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC   20510

Dear Mr. President,

One of the most important issues where “change” is necessary is the “Truth Embargo” regarding an extraterrestrial presence and, most importantly, their advanced technology, because mother earth, nature & humanity are in dire straits.‡ Thus, it behooves a soul of exceptional character like yourself, with humanities best interests at heart, to issue an Executive Order enabling individuals within the government (and corporations) to come forward without fear of reprisal and, in so doing, you would be carrying on the legacy of JFK by bringing “Camelot” & political “glastnos” into DC, just as you have now brought MLK’s “dream” into reality for your fellow Americans.

Maintaining the secrecy of advanced ET technology has cost a fortune & many lives while undermining the U.S. Constitution with abuses of secrecy and power. 
As President, you could demand and receive a full briefing by military services and intelligence agencies, which should also include testimony from Dr. Steven Greer, Dr. Michael Salla, Dr. Alfred Webre, Stephen Bassett, and Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle (among others) regarding the extraterrestrial presence and their advanced technology. Mother Earth & humanity need you to take action right now Mr. President.

Best wishes for a very successful presidency from an American living “down under.” 


Q. D. S.

Burnett Heads, Queensland, Australia


World on Brink of Disaster, Say Top Scientists

• Dr. Steven Greer & the Disclosure Project (video)

• Dr. Michael Salla

• Dr. Alfred Webre

Stephen Bassett

• Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle & Exoconsciousness

• The Adams Motor & Free Energy

• Action to declassify secret energy patents (Plutocracy must go).



The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC   20510
November 10, 2008
Dear President Elect Barack Obama,
First, congratulations on your recent victory on becoming the President Elect of the United States. The fact that the populace did elect the first bi-racial President in the history of this country is a sign to me that the overall consciousness of this country and the world in general, has turned an important corner in our evolution.
As you probably know, or will know soon, there is much that has remained hidden from the general populace of what is really going on behind the scenes. One such area is the incredible history of contact we have had for many years with “ET’s.” From many years of research and personal experience I know that we are part of a larger “galactic” community that stretches back thousands of years on this planet alone.
It is time to start revealing our true heritage, and quit hiding the truth from the rest of humanity. I ask that you continue “making history” and begin the process of Full Disclosure of our ET contact within your Administration as soon as possible. Many “problems” in this country and the world regarding energy, poverty, technology, pollution, education, etc. could elegantly be resolved with this disclosure due to the fact that this galactic community has access to resources that would easily help us move ahead on many levels.
As you said in your first press conference, we must use “deliberate haste” in addressing the pressing issues this country, and world, are facing right now. There is a Taoist saying that goes, “Move the world in the direction it most wants to go.” We are in an unprecedented time of Awakening, and this is where we all want to go.
Are you on for the ride? I sincerely hope so. You don’t want to miss out on this I can assure you.
Follow your heart,
J. G.
Trenton, NJ


The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC   20510

Dear Sir:

Certainly, since May 9, 2001's Nat'l Press Conference, the American people have been owed Congressional hearings on the Truth about the Extraterrestrial presence here on earth.  We thought we were about to get that when four months later....9-11 happened!  The entire subject was wiped off the radar screen.  Coincidence?  You decide.
As a 70-year-old citizen who has lost a profound amount of confidence in government, I think it would behoove you to at least publicly acknowledge the "ET" presence.  It would go a very long way in restoring some of that confidence if you were to release the myriad of "new technologies" and "new energies" which have been developed FROM the ET's over these past 60 years!
We need them NOW!  We paid for them.  We deserve them.  And there is no better time to release them than during the beginning of a new Presidency.
I would hate for another "explosion" or "trajedy" to cause this opportunity to disappear.  Please heed this call.

A very concerned citizen....

J. M.


FAX NUMBER 202-228-4260
M. Y.


Wednesday, November 10, 2008
Senator Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC, 20510
Dear President Elect Obama:
Congratulations on becoming the 44th President of the United States of America! You bring great hope for this troubled nation!  I believe the whole world is praying that you restore our prosperity and the credibility and trustworthiness of our democracy!
In this regard I have a request of you, the new leader of the free world. I am 53 years old. I’m married with two college age children. Overall I would say I’m pretty average and normal. I am a 22 year career deputy district attorney. I believe I understand proof and evidence better than the average person. I think it is fair to say that I am not a crack-pot or a kook. I obviously don’t expect to convince you of anything with this letter. However, please know that many credible, intelligent, rational human beings across this world sincerely believe in the reality of UFOs, and in the tremendous implications that their existence has for our life here on this troubled planet.
In the past year the UFO phenomenon caught my interest and I’ve been reading about the history of it and about the evidence which supports the belief that there are extraterrestrial vehicles visiting Earth and, maybe, have been for millennia. I have never had a paranormal experience, nor have I ever seen a UFO, so the fact that I am willing to consider the possibility may seem bizarre to some. But, it turns out there are many people exactly like me. Surprisingly, many of the best and most credible researchers in this area have never personally experienced any unusual event. Perhaps like me, they stumbled into this area, at first as a lark or diversion, and then discover that their interest grew until it became an avocation. Why? Why so committed? Why so much passion? Why would I bother to risk my credibility by even drafting this letter to you?
I’ve been examining the evidence and the arguments for and against and I find that the proponents have a compelling position that legitimately merits your sincere attention.
Across the world, many nations are openly acknowledging the reoccurring unconventional events in the sky and the impact on their defense departments, secure air-space, as well as commercial air traffic: Bolivia, Peru, Mexico, Brazil, just to name a few. France and England are releasing their files to the world. Prominent men and woman, politicians and scientists, military commanders and police officers, professionals, business men and average Joes, are all testifying to their inexplicable observations and, frankly, the cumulative weight of their reports is overwhelmingly compelling! Yes, there are some unbelievable characters who contaminate the legitimate inquiry, but the chaff falls away when you are exposed to the multiple airborne and ground eyewitness sightings confirmed by multiple ground and air radar, with video and other tangible, if not absolutely definitive evidence. The inquiry cannot just be discarded and dismissed; anymore then the Senate itself can be condemned because there are a few corrupt and despicable Senators.
The evidence shouldn’t and really can’t legitimately be ignored. I’m sure as President you could arrange a briefing from those with greater experience and data than I who would gladly present you with all the facts and reasonable inferences. Truly, it is the height of arrogance if not folly to dismiss this possibility without close examination. I don’t know who said it, but if it is true that we are the only life in the cosmos, then there is an awfully lot of wasted space. Is it true that there is only one good man in the Senate, and he just got promoted? It just can’t be true that such cosmic vastness is wasted and that you are the only good Senator trying to make a difference!
Please, overcome the initial ridicule and knee-jerk response, and contemplate the simple, undeniable and inescapable truth that our universe is incomprehensibly immense and that the actuality of advanced civilizations millions of years older than ours with technology dwarfing our imaginations could actually be visiting us. Our sun and planet are but infants in this galaxy. Technologically we are mere fetuses. For example, the Wright Brothers, when placed in the continuum of our industrial history, have truly only mastered flight a relatively few moments ago. Temporally our technological history is miniscule if we but turn our perspective outward to accept the grand expanse of space and time and the possibility of civilizations having thousands of years to evolve ahead of ours. Can we rationally deny that there are creatures more intelligent than us who could actually travel here?

Frankly, at first it seemed silly to me, even preposterous; but after the recent Stephenville Texas analysis of multiple FAA radar reports, the Phoenix Lights, Chicago O’Hare International Airport, the 1952 Washington D.C. flights over the White House, Bentwaters airbase in England, and the 1967 Malmstrom Air Force Base nuclear missile silo incidents, just to name a few, I couldn’t help but begin to seriously consider the implications. I’m simply asking you to keep an open mind and examine the evidence and arguments for and against UFO reality, because if there is even the slightest possibility that this is real, the acknowledgement of its reality by this country would certainly be one of the greatest moments in world history and an incomparable chapter to what is already a momentous legacy in your life, and you’re not even President yet!

You may be surprised by all the ways that achieving disclosure will actually advance your administration and escort this nation into new prospects for prosperity, with new trust, new integrity in government and a renewed hope for the future. Certainly, it would usher in a new age and transform the planet and possibly even unify mankind and the many nations of this world! One can only hope and dream.
Now that England is releasing their files, I fail to see why America continues to persist in its history of dissembling and disinformation. Close scrutiny, even a cursory investigation of the documentary evidence compels one to believe that the US government has not been honest with the American public about what they know about this phenomenon. The pall this UFO secrecy casts upon the American government, especially if this U.S. government has access to energy solutions it has been keeping secret into these troubled times, is profoundly disturbing to those who want to continue to believe that America is “in truth” the greatest government on Earth.
Until there is open disclosure of all files and video footage by this government, satellite tracking data, top secret documents over 50 years old, etcetera, the American government will never be able to secure the public’s trust and confidence, and the leadership of the current administration will never be able to claim integrity. Until disclosure, there will be many, and I believe the ranks are growing, who will voice discontent and distrust with those who represent us here on this continent. How can we believe in you, Mr. President, when we know or believe that the government you administer continues to lie to us about a worldwide recurring phenomenon which has the potential to solve our energy crisis and heal our environmental problems?
Even if only remotely or speculatively possible, the payoffs and potential benefits are too profound to ignore. If the only downside is a guffaw or two and slight embarrassment, doesn’t it seem the trade off is worth it? Green energy and propulsion possibilities gleaned from advanced crafts could potentially transform the world! Transitioning to these technologies would create new jobs and wealth, and your Administration would be the global leader, and American business the innovator of this earthshaking technology. If real, if disclosure is embraced, these technologies could totally free us from middle-eastern oil dependence. Specifically, the implications for energy policy alone from disclosure are enormous, but compounded with the current world economic and environmental problems, the possibilities are staggering! Then throw on top of that the cultural inspiration, enormous political and social advances, clearly you, your Administration would truly lead us to a global revolution of life on this humble Earth.

Please, on behalf of the human race, end the UFO Truth Embargo and open the government files to scrutiny. Give those in service to this government who are bound with security oaths immunity for disclosure of what they know and have experienced about UFOs. Give them the right without prosecution or pension loss to simply affirm the reality of their personal experience with the phenomenon. Did you know that there are good conscientious soldiers who took security oaths and have bit their tongues patiently waiting for the government to confirm for the benefit of all mankind what they already know is true? These soldiers who have kept quiet for dozens of years, now on their death beds are confirming, for example, the reality of the Roswell Incident. They don’t want to leave life behind without telling their wives or children that it was real, because they believe their families should know and have the right to know. Told to keep a secret for reasons that no longer seem valid, growing embittered over the years waiting for their government to do the right thing, now they are breaking their loyal adherence to their life-long oaths on their death beds. It’s not right. Free them to speak, Mr. President. What’s the big secret which is still worth keeping 60 years later?

At the very least, have open, credible and public Congressional hearings that are broadcast across this nation. Please, make these legitimate hearings, and not with pre-determined secret agendas and bogus shams, such as those which characterized previous governmental studies on this topic, for example, Project Blue Book and the Condon Report.
Everyone who has dabbled in this field believes that compartmentalized sections of our government have had an agenda to conceal the truth, quite possibly for legitimate national security reasons in the 1950s and 60s. Perhaps the knowledge or even the evidence may have moved into black areas veiled by corporate privacy funded by public moneys with little oversight, but, nevertheless, the implications, if true, are extraordinary, and the secrecy of the military industrial complex must be penetrated for the greater good of your nation and your people. Now, today our nation needs the truth! The corporations should not decide what is best for America!
If you, as our new President, want credibility including from the many who believe that UFOs are real, and this is not a small, insignificant or quiet community, please, demand a briefing from the CIA, NSA, Department of Homeland Security, and the various military forces, as well as the prominent figures in the covert corporate military industrial complex. Examine the corporate “black ops” financing and demand private corporate disclosure. Put them on the spot. If there is resistance, please, hold a press conference. Broadcast their statements. Turn to the American public who supported you in mass. Turn to the public to assist you in demanding disclosure. Let us know what you are doing to attempt cooperation amongst those in government and private enterprise who purportedly know. If you are told by the few who think they run this nation that it is “need to know,” tell them we need to know. What time in our history will we ever need it any more than right now?
You promised CHANGE to this nation! You promised accountability. And your public, the overwhelming numbers of people who voted for you, can handle the truth. We are good, reliable, honest, dependable people who sacrifice much and will support our government in good times and in bad especially when given legitimate reasons to do so. We want to know even if the truth is bad! Simply, given the tremendous implications, we deserve to know.
I am confident this public in these times is ready for the truth and that it will be a relief and it will restore our faith in leadership. You promised to be honest to your nation. This is something that, until candidly addressed, will taint your administration with the stain of secrecy, which is easily curable by disclosure. Open honest dialogue on this topic will usher in a new faith in our government. If there are in fact alternative energy sources reverse-engineered from recovered alien propulsion systems, you will be the President who transforms the world and opens the door to an unimaginably better future! It is worth a try! Either that, or tell us you definitively investigated the matter and there is no truth to the claims I’m making. Put it to bed once and for all!

Thank you for your courtesy in reading this letter and your sincere consideration to this matter of great importance to so many.

M. D.
Sunland, CA


Mr. President-Elect,

Congratulations on your historic win and now to some serious business. 

You said in your victory speech that you are going to be a president for ALL of us, and I am a member of a large, misunderstood, albeit sometimes media-shy group of folks out here who want to see if you are serious about REAL change. I've never donned a tinfoil hat or been to a UFO convention, but I implore you to have someone on your staff spend two hours and watch the 'Disclosure Project', which can either be seen in the form of the 2001 National Press Club meeting on Youtube or on DVD which contains much more in-depth interviews of ex-military officers and intelligence types.

Other world governments, like our friends the British, are way ahead of us in releasing information gathered by the military to it's citizens about what's really going on in the skies above us everyday. If you are indeed going to keep your word, sir, that you will listen to ALL of us, then I ask that have the vision to see the need for transparency in our government, except of course in the case of national security.

We have grown up as a nation, as is evident from your victory and I feel that we the people are quite capable of handling the TRUTH, whatever that may be, but if what all of the military men have been trying to tell us is indeed true, and why wouldn't it be, then there is a LOT going on over and around many of our nations military bases, and we all deserve to know about it.

There is loads and loads of real, actual evidence like radar tapes and printouts and official government documents that when looked at as a whole, is quite frankly, overwhelming. I wish you the best of luck and with God's help, we can make this a better and more open country. Thank you for listening to me and hopefully, taking this matter seriously.

As you may or may not know, President Clinton tried, without success, to find out the truth of the unidentified flying objects that our military has had so many contacts with over the years. He was told, in no uncertain terms, that he did not have a need-to-know. I hope you fare better.

M. W.


Honorable Barack Obama,

Subject: Full disclosure on Extraterrestrial Presence on the Planet Earth.

First of all, congratulations with your election as the next president of the United States of America. I am very excited for a new chance for this country, and equally important, for Earth!

I would like to bring an extremely important issue to your attention. It is time to disclose the existence of Extraterrestrial presence on this Planet. We, Citizens of Planet Earth deserve to know the truth which has been kept from us for over 60 years. We are ready to accept that we're not alone in this small corner of the Galaxy "Milky Way", We deserve to know the truth. I pledge with you to demand a full briefing from the military and intelligence agencies in regards to the extraterrestrial activities on this planet. Also I request from you a full disclosure of said presence.

The people of this planet should be made aware of the technology obtained and reverse engineered from these activities and phenomena. This would be of great benefit to humankind, and can be used to address the economical, environmental, social and humanitarian issues of our generation.

Last, and very much so the most important is that any treaties made with extraterrestrial representatives should be carefully studied and revised as necessary as to make sure that we do not enslave humankind to an extraterrestrial force by just accepting their technology as the Holy Grail. We MUST keep our freedom as a species in order to further our growth in the universe. This is of UTMOST importance. United as a planet we have a lot of more power than we're giving ourselves credit for. You have shown with your campaign "Audacity of Hope" what a collective of people that can archive. There is a lot at stake here: Our Freedom to decide our fate!

Thank you very much for listening to us.

Kind regards,
M. S.


Dear President-Elect Obama,

I believe that one of the greatest signals of change your administration could give to the world would be to initiate full disclosure of the evidence some people believe suggests an extraterrestrial presence in our skies.

I understand that you have a great many challenges to face, but I cannot underscore enough the fundamental importance of this issue.

The government's ongoing "deny everything" policy quietly undermines trust in government. 56% of people believe in UFOs (in the sense of super advanced, unknown technology). That suggests that a huge part of America believes there is an ongoing cover-up.

The number of Americans who take a personal interest in this cause has been rising since the 50's, like a slow moving tsunami. With recent increases in objective examination on TV...And a massive increase in sightings, this thing will just keep growing. Mistrust in government, paranoia and fear will keep growing right along with it. People fear what they don't understand, and they just don't understand a government that behaves like this.

Have you heard about the increasing numbers of parents afraid to let their children receive vaccinations? That is the sort of thing that is indirectly fostered by government denial and misinformation. 15% of people have seen or know someone who has seen a UFO. How do you think this experience changes their conception of our government, which ignores and mocks them? This crude and misguided system of deception is a cancer buried deep within our government, and it has a real effect on the American people.

Which of our leaders is going to be the first to stop smirking, stop joking their way out of it, and treat the American people with the respect that is due. There are only so many fundamental questions, and the extraterrestrial possibility certainly deals with one of them. The government has absolutely no right to keep this sort of information from the people. Society will not collapse, the sky will not fall - that is a myth founded in utter cynicism and disbelief in humanity.

Ask Bill Clinton what he did, and he might tell you he was too afraid (for his person) to step on the wrong toes. I implore you to break this barrier, like you have so many others. That is precisely the kind of change that would strike me to the very core, and permanently instill in me a profound, authentic love for my country.

I swear, if you instill full UFO disclosure, I will run for office. If I lose, I will join the Peace Corp.

M. H.
26 years old


To:   The Honorable Barack Obama
        President Elect of the United States
        713 Hart Senate Office Building
        Washington, DC 20510

Dear President Elect Obama,

Change really has finally arrived, and what a better way to demonstrate this point, than to shed some light on the most enigmatic and controversial topic of modern times. Stories abound of encounters with apparently advanced technologies in the form of lights and seemingly solid craft. Stories told by NASA Astronauts of seeing hovering craft on Earth that were filmed by official military personnel and much more. We would like to know, where does all of this incredible footage end up, and why must it be kept secret?  We can only imagine what is hidden away in the archives, it is time for somebody to take a look at the classified materials and technologies and report to the American people on what is real and what is not. What can be disclosed and what is known for certain about these matters? It is the nature of secret operations to keep ALL such information secret. But surely the purpose of these projects is to aid the people of the United States then eventually the secrets must be turned into useful manifestations.

All my life I was a skeptic when it came to the UFO topic, but in the spring of 2008 I witnessed an extraordinary aerial phenomenon that maneuvered right in front of my house in broad daylight under clear bright blue skies, while not a classic saucer sighting of legend, the experience was a eye opener, and I cannot help but scan the skies above wherever I travel. So I do have a personal interest in the subject matter being written about in this communication.

It has been said that then President Bill Clinton made inquiries about the possibility of Top Secret information regarding the existence of advanced technology of unknown origins interacting with us. It was reported back to him that nothing was known of this subject, I find such a scenario of denial disturbing and highly unlikely. I understand the concept of "need to know", applying to civilians as necessary and prudent, but not to the President of the United States! If anyone has the "right to know", it is the President, and I therefore urge President Elect Obama to take any and all necessary measures to secure all such knowledge so that a fair and thorough assessment can be made.

We have carefully selected and elected you to be the commander in Chief, and you have our full backing and authority to personally investigate and inquire into the relevant departments, bureaus and agencies. The President should and does have the right and power to decide if our best interests are indeed being represented by these highly classified and compartmentalized programs. We would like what is known of this phenomenon by our Government officials and the related military services and intelligence agencies to be disclosed if possible. It is important to know if we have highly advanced terrestrial technology that can be transferred to civilian use. We trust you President Elect Obama, and we know that you will apply proper due diligence to this most important matter.

Thank You
McHenry, IL



The Honorable Barack Obama

President Elect of the United States

713 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC  20510



Congresswoman Mary Fallin

1432 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515


Senator James Inhofe

453 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington DC, 20510-3603


RE:  The great importance of disclosure and release of advanced technology  (Open Letter to President Elect Barack Obama)


President Elect Barack Obama,


I thank you for you current service and future service to our great nation.  I write to you with great eagerness and optimism about the future of our nation and the impact that we can have on the world.


I saw the jobs report and we have lost 1.2 million jobs since January.  We are fighting two wars in which we will have to exit with the utmost precision and care.  And to put it mildly, many American simply don¢t have much trust in government (hurricane Katrina, Iraq WMDs, ect.).


Nevertheless, I am very confident about our potential as a nation to raise above all that is hurting us.


I am one of many in a movement that believes the following:

  • There is intelligent extra-terrestrial life in the universe.

  • These intelligent extra-terrestrial life forms have made contact here on Earth

  • The United States is in possession of advanced technology either through back engineering or some other unknown method of acquiring the technology.

On the surface, these claims may seem outrageous; however a closer review of the evidence will demonstrate that the opposite is true.  For example, the testimony of one eye witness can be considered in a trial to establish an event or phenomenon.  How about the testimony of 400?  There are over 400 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret.  Please speak with John Podesta for more information.


These are very serious times and with very important decisions to make.  Here is what I propose in your first 100 days:

  • Disclose the fact that there is an ET presence

  • Open the advanced technology to the American Public

  • Give amnesty to the people that have suppressed this technology

The disclosure and release of this technology not only will improve the American economy.  It will improve the world.


I thank you for your time.


Best regards,

O. L.
Oklahoma City, OK



Dear Mr. Obama,

For more than
50 years, the US government has kept secret the fact that we are being visited by extraterrestrial visitors.

This truth embargo does not only affect the United States, but the rest of the world and the whole mankind. I am not an American citizen, but I am – like you - a citizen of this precious planet.

Therefore, I respectfully ask you in the name of mankind to help break up this truth embargo in your future role as President of the United States.

Please demand an exhaustive military and intelligence briefing about the extraterrestrial presence and related phenomena.

Please help creating official hearings before Congress so that countless government and military officials can testify under Oath about their first-hand experiences with UFO and ET-related phenomena.

Please inform the American public, as well as the whole world, about the ET presence on our beautiful planet.

As the future president of the United States of America, you have the power to change human history in a sustainable and positive way. The bright future of mankind is in your hands. Please assume your responsibility and lead mankind on its path towards welcoming the extraterrestrial visitors here on Earth, for we are living in a populated universe, and each civilisation has to recognize its place in it.

I trust that you will use this occasion for disclosure of the fact that we’re not alone.

Be the change that you want to see in this world. Be the Disclosure President.

Yours faithfully,
C. S.




Dear Mr. Obama

For more than 50 years, the US government has kept secret the fact that we are being visited by extraterrestrial visitors.
This truth embargo does not only affect the United States, but the rest of the world and the whole mankind. I am not an American citizen, but I am ­ like you - a citizen of this precious planet. In 1989 I have seen a triangle shaped object flying completely silent with my own eyes near Dresden/Germany. That’s why I’m also convinced of the existence of unknown technology.
Therefore, I respectfully ask you in the name of mankind to help break up this truth embargo in your future role as President of the United States.
Please demand an exhaustive military and intelligence briefing about the extraterrestrial presence and related phenomena.
Please help creating official hearings before Congress so that countless government and military officials can testify under Oath about their first-hand experiences with UFO and ET-related phenomena.
Please inform the American public, as well as the whole world, about the ET presence on our beautiful planet.
As the future president of the United States of America, you have the power to change human history in a sustainable and positive way. The bright future of mankind is in your hands. Please assume your responsibility and lead mankind on its path towards welcoming the extraterrestrial visitors here on Earth, for we are living in a populated universe, and each civilisation has to recognize its place in it.
I trust that you will use this occasion for disclosure of the fact that we’re not alone.
Be the change that you want to see in this world. Be the Disclosure President.
Yours faithfully,
K. L.

Berlin, Germany



Dear Mr. Obama,

For more than 50 years, the US government has kept secret the fact that we are being visited by extraterrestrial visitors.

This truth embargo does not only affect the United States, but the rest of the world and the whole mankind. I am not an American citizen, but I am – like you - a citizen of this precious planet.

Therefore, I respectfully ask you in the name of mankind to help break up this truth embargo in your future role as President of the United States.

Please demand an exhaustive military and intelligence briefing about the extraterrestrial presence and related phenomena.

Please help creating official hearings before Congress so that countless government and military officials can testify under Oath about their first-hand experiences with UFO and ET-related phenomena.

Please inform the American public, as well as the whole world, about the ET presence on our beautiful planet.

As the future president of the United States of America, you have the power to change human history in a sustainable and positive way. The bright future of mankind is in your hands. Please assume your responsibility and lead mankind on its path towards welcoming the extraterrestrial visitors here on Earth, for we are living in a populated universe, and each civilisation has to recognize its place in it.

I trust that you will use this occasion for disclosure of the fact that we’re not alone.

Be the change that you want to see in this world. Be the Disclosure President.

Yours faithfully,
J. B.


November 5, 2008

The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear President Elect Barack Obama,

I would like to take this time to congratulate you on your hard fought victory as the 44th President of the United States of America! Like millions of other Americans, I have great hopes for the future of this country under your guidance and leadership. For this reason, I respectfully ask that you consider the following:

For the last 60 years, the American people have been subjected to a truth embargo regarding evidence which proves the existence of and visitation by various extraterrestrial intelligences and UFOs. As over 400 military, intelligence and corporate contractor witnesses to UFO events and projects will attest under immunity, this is all quite real.

The secrecy surrounding this subject has eroded our constitutional form of government. These black projects, unsupervised by the Congress and the President, have classified and withheld from the public new energy and propulsion technologies that could replace our need for foreign oil, and eliminate much of the pollution in the world. This reverse engineered E.T. technology could literally save our planet.

Mr. President Elect, I am asking that you demand and receive a full briefing by our military services and intelligence agencies regarding the extraterrestrial presence and related phenomena, and/or  support convening congressional hearings to take testimony from scores of former military and agency employees regarding extraterrestrial phenomena, and/or formally acknowledge to the American people the extraterrestrial presence and/or release into the public domain extraterrestrial derived technologies, secretly studied and reverse engineered for six decades, and now essential to overcome the environmental, economic and social challenges of our time. Excessive, illegal secrecy associated with these 'black' budget projects is a threat to our way of life, our democracy and now to our national security. It is time for it to stop. In short, I am calling for “Full Disclosure.”

I voted for you, Sir. And I, like many, voted for change. Real Change. Please, don’t let us down.

Ronald Stevens
League City, TX



Dear President-Elect Obama,


Please continue the efforts for disclosure that were once started by President Carter and again by John Podesta under President Clinton, which were both shut down by the Pentagon. That is- of the technologies developed and suppressed by the military, that are derived from extraterrestrial sources, which could solve both the energy and economic crisis.


Too many billions of dollars go into "Black Budget" projects in this area that can go to more productive uses.


Please do whatever it takes to end the secrecy. Polls show that most of the public is sure that the government keeps the continued presence of off-world intelligences and their interactions with us secret, to our detriment.


Anytime the government hides information from the public, it contributes to a general lack of confidence. Lack of confidence that the government will do the right thing, is one of the major problems the country has today.


That is change we really need.


Thank you for your attention to this very important matter.



F. E.

San Diego, CA



November 6, 2008
The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States of America  
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC  20510

Dear President Elect Obama,

It is with great joy and happiness that I congratulate you on becoming the 44th President of our great country.   

The purpose of my letter is to request that you put an end to the Truth Embargo regarding the presence of extraterrestrial craft in our skies.  The military industrial complex has coveted  this knowledge and abused secrecy and power withholding this information from the general public. We see the craft in our skies and know that they are there.  It is ludicrous to deny their presence.

Please demand and receive a full briefing by the military services and intelligence agencies regarding the extraterrestrial presence and related phenomena.

Please demand from the military industrial complex the release into the public domain extraterrestrial derived technologies, secretly studied and reverse engineered for six decades, and now essential to overcome the environmental, economic and social challenges of our time.

Please support convening congressional hearings to take testimony from scores of former military and agency employees regarding  the extraterrestrial presence and related phenomena.

I ask for nothing less than full disclosure of this information to the American people.  It is our destiny as human beings to have open contact with our extraterrestrial neighbors. It is my understanding that they are mostly benevolent and hopefully interested in sharing  their highly advanced knowledge of the universe to uplift our planet to it’s rightful place in the cosmos.

Most Sincerely,
S. M.
Los Angeles, CA


November 11, 2008

To President Elect Obama:

If you saw the possibility of a quick fix for the world, of course you would be interested.  There might be one. 

If we knew an extraterrestrial presence is here, it would challenge the worldview of scientific materialism, which supports an "us or them" mentality in which we resort to war to resolve conflicts. In relating to other intelligent life we would be one humanity, with the lid off the smallness in which we gun for one another.

Look to Galileo for the last big shift in worldview. When it was established that Earth wasn't the center of the solar system, Earth no longer dominated the known universe. In that humbling new reality the social order couldn’t hold, and, in less than lordly light, kings gave way to democracies. Knowing we're not the only intelligence would give us another new take on how we fit in the cosmos, with no less significant a result. This time competing nations would give way to cooperating ones.

It’s clear there's more to the story than has been officially recognized.  If the government is in the dark and can't tell us things it has hidden from us, it behooves you to do some investigating.  As Stephen Basset, of the Paradigm Research Group, which carries the flag for disclosure, suggests:

  1. President Barack Obama should demand and receive a full briefing by his military services and intelligence agencies regarding the extraterrestrial presence and related phenomena, and/or
  2. President Barack Obama should support convening congressional hearings to take testimony from scores of former military and agency employees regarding extraterrestrial phenomena, and/or|
  3. President Barack Obama should formally acknowledge to the American people the extraterrestrial presence - Disclosure, and/or
  4. President Barack Obama should release into the public domain extraterrestrial derived technologies, secretly studied and reverse engineered for six decades, and now essential to overcome the environmental, economic and social challenges of our time.

S. T.


November 9, 2008

The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC   20510

Dear Mr. Obama:

Congratulations on your election victory.  As our new president, you obviously have many challenges awaiting you with respect to the current state of affairs in our country.  We are all hoping you will truly be a president who will bring about change.  Forgive me, but I have to personally put you to the test on this issue.

For many years, I have known that we have been subject to extraterrestrial activities on this planet.  While I understand that the government wishes to prevent a potential worldwide panic, I also understand that the existence of not one, but untold numbers of species of alien beings frequenting our midst has potential for two things:

a.    unparalleled knowledge that can benefit our advances relating to our environmental concerns, energy needs, and other technologically advanced information that can help humanity; and

b.    a knowledge that could bring us to a higher state of enlightenment and possibly answer some lifelong questions humanity has pondered. 

In addition, for my family’s safety I need to understand just how much potential threat we face from beings who may intend us harm. 

It is important for you to know that Americans have been wise to the ET secrets kept by the government for quite a long time.  The only ones left, in my opinion, that reject the idea of alien existence are the ones who are fearful of the truth. 

Please don’t let us be played for fools any longer, Mr. Obama.  Show us that you have the power and courage to do what other presidents, though not to diminish their show of initiative, have failed to do thus far.  Go down in history for future generations as the United States President who broke the silence and brought a new era of possibilities to the human race by leading us into a world that will be shared with our extraterrestrial neighbors.  Please reveal to the public the knowledge that relates to the extraterrestrial presence/activities on Earth so that we may adjust to this new life-changing circumstance with hopes that it will bring a better future for all of us.

My deepest respect,
V. L. H.


November 6, 2008

The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington , D.C. 20510
Fax: 202-228-4260

Dear President Elect Obama:

I have followed your campaign for the past 21 months and was delighted by your decisive victory in Tuesday's election.  You have always impressed me with your clear and compelling vision for America and your readiness to tackle the country's most pressing challenges.

I feel that it is time that the American people know the truth about the world they inhabit and call for an end to the truth embargo regarding the extraterrestrial presence and its related phenomena. Maintaining the truth embargo has undermined the social contract with the American people and led to an abuse of secrecy and power by the government.  

Therefore, I ask during your presidency that you demand a full briefing by the United States military services and intelligence agencies regarding the extraterrestrial presence and support convening congressional hearings to take testimony from scores of former military and government agency employees regarding extraterrestrial occurrences and events. Also I ask that you acknowledge to the American people the extraterrestrial presence and initiate the process of government disclosure, within reasonable constraints of national security, by releasing relevant information into the public domain concerning extraterrestrial and the derived technologies that has been studied and reverse engineered for the past six decades.

I wish you the very best in this new term of office.

W. S.
New York, NY



President Elect Obama & Transition Team, 
Thank you for inspiring and giving hope to all of us.  Your efforts and dedication to move our country forward are appreciated.  I urge you to consider the following as a possible solution to our economic & energy crises.
1.  Push for open Congressional Hearings to take testimony from scores of government witnesses who have already come forward with extraordinary evidence and are prepared to testify under oath about the ET & U.S. government interactions and shared technologies.
2.  Provide Affordable Alternative Energy sources by making available technologies obtained from ET interactions which have already been secretly studied and reverse engineered for decades with unlimited black budget funding. 

Below is a link a video of UFO Disclosure Press Conference held in 2001 for specific details:

Please take action:
- Free-up black budget funds that have the potential for correcting our economic crisis. 
- Expose & share already existing zero-energy alternatives that can free the American dependence on oil.
Light & Peace to All.
W. C.

November 19, 2008, Wednesday

The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States
Washington Transition Headquarters
451 6th Street, NW
Washington, DC   20001

Dear Honorable President Elect Obama:

Circumstances for humanity, environmentally and economically and socially, have reached crisis condition.  There is no question in my mind that in the next few years many people are going to under go pain and suffering and die miserably, due to shortages of affordable clean energy, air, water, food, and shelter, all over the surface of this planet, including in the United States.  The only question in my mind is how we may minimize the problems that exist and are growing, and minimize the harm to our fellows.  To that end, I think and feel you should do the following.

  • Demand and receive a full briefing by the United States military service and      intelligence agencies regarding the extraterrestrial presence and related phenomena.
  • Support convening congressional hearings to take testimony from scores of former      military and agency employees regarding extraterrestrial phenomena.
  • Formally acknowledge to the American people the extraterrestrial presence.
  • Release in the public domain extraterrestrial derived technologies, secretly studied and reverse engineered for six decades, and now essential to overcome the environmental, economic, and social challenges of our time.
  • And, if Gary McKinnon ( is extradited to the United States, free him.

I don’t know what we can do.  I only know we must do what we can.

God bless you, and God bless us all here on Earth, as we face whatever comes during the next few years.

B. H.
Sacramento, CA


13 November 2008

The Honorable Barak Obama

President Elect of the United States
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC  20510

Dear Mr. Barack Obama,

Congratulations on your historic election win.  I am certain that you will fulfill.  The hopes that your nation has placed in you as well as the hopes the rest of the world has for the USA. No doubt in the coming months and years you will have many difficulties to face such as the declining economy. May God give you strength for all of these.

However I am writing with regard to only one issue.  I am asking as a citizen of the world that you demand and receive a full briefing from your military and intelligence agencies about the extraterrestrial presence and related phenomena which occur within the USA.  Could you please support convening congressional hearings to take the testimony of former military and agency employees regarding the extraterrestrial phenomena and formally acknowledge to the American nation and people of the world the extraterrestrial presence.

Due to the depleting nature of the worlds resources, increasing pollution and the increasing social and economic unrest, I sincerely request that you release into the public domain any extraterrestrial derived technologies, which have been secretly studied and reverse engineered for the last six decades.

If you could do this I am sure your election win would not be the only extra-ordinary world event you created but that you would also go down as the President who ushered in a whole new age.

God’s blessings
G. W.
Sheffield, UK



Dear Mr. President Elect,


Congratulations on winning the election and all my best wishes for the coming eight years.  This is a letter of great hope, because I am one of many who see this as an historic time of pivotal change toward the positive. I truly believe you are the man who will lead the human race to a long overdue awakening.  Now is the time to allow the truth about extraterrestrial civilizations to reach the public.  So many of us are already aware of their presence and the planet is ready for official acknowledgement. In fact, not only is it ready, but our situation makes this step necessary and natural.  I respectfully ask you to take the following steps as the President of the United States:


  1. Demand full military briefing with regard to extraterrestrial encounters and technology.
  2. Conduct congressional hearings.
  3. Disclose the reality of extraterrestrial presence.
  4. Put advanced technology to use in a rescue attempt of the planet’s ecosystems and solar system exploration.

Please, help enable us to make this transition to a planetary society and allow us to interact with extraterrestrial civilizations as an informed and empowered people.

Hopefully at least  999,999 others will mail one too.





6 November 2008

The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Subject: End the UFO / Extraterrestrial Presence Truth Embargo!

Dear Mr. Barack Obama:

The time is NOW to end the UFO / ET Presence Truth Embargo.  I am one amongst many who presently stand and demand Full Disclosure regarding the extraterrestrial presence and its related phenomena.

We exist collectively at the cusp of a new era rich in potential.  A plethora of benefits await us as an unified people through the formal acknowledgment of ET presence and the public release of the accompanying material.  Technological advances will invariably be made in leaps and bounds upon the discharging of relevant information.  This includes, but is not limited to, unprecedented opportunities for innovation in all fields of study and research -chiefly, antigravity or similar type propulsion systems which will serve to usher in the advent of free energy, thereby alleviating dependence on oil and offering the potential to avert the impending crisis.

A full briefing by military and intelligence agencies is a necessary action, followed by the release of this information to the public domain.  Witnesses are coming forward daily with compelling reports and personal testimonies regarding their experiences involving UFO / Extraterrestrial presence.  It remains a ludicrous effort to maintain and perpetuate the coverup which has long been suspected and is now widely and blatantly conspicuous.

Truth Now.  The citizens of the world shall settle for nothing less. Disclosure remains essential to the perpetuation of our species.

S. A.
Victoria, British Columbia



TO: The Honorable Barack Obama

        President Elect of the United States

        713 Hart Senate Office Building

        Washington, DC   20510



              MA in Values, B.S Marine Science, Writer


Dear Sir,


I congratulate you on your victory. You have inspired myself among millions, and once again we believe in the hope that makes all Americans strive to achieve their dreams.


I am writing to you today because I have a dream of tantamount importance, that unifies people across the world with its its gravity in meaning, and its quality in feeling. People across the world have witnessed it, others believe in it, some discredit it, but most want simply for it to come out under the light of truth and science.


I believe that one of your strongest qualities as a candidate is your ability to say things as they are, with no pre-conditions, and in my mind it also makes you a pioneer of truth in the world of political agendas. Because of that, I am asking you today to end the Truth Embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence and release as much relevant information to the American people as possible within reasonable constraints for national security.


I believe America, as the shining beacon of the world, should be the first to make an official statement of everything it might know. It is time for human beings to know the world they possibly might be inhabiting. The amount of hope, not panic as past governments have speculated, that would be produced for the world as a whole, to know that other sentient beings exist and have visited out planet, will be of a religious scale.


Specifically, some of the things you should consider are the following:

  • Demand and receive a full briefing by your military services and intelligence agencies regarding the extraterrestrial presence and related phenomena, and/or

  • You should support convening congressional hearings to take testimony from scores of former military and agency employees regarding extraterrestrial phenomena, and/or

  • You should formally acknowledge to the American people the extraterrestrial presence - Disclosure, and/or

  • You should release into the public domain extraterrestrial derived technologies, secretly studied and reverse engineered for six decades, and now essential to overcome the environmental, economic and social challenges of our time.

  • You should promote a sense of unity and brotherhood in the case the presence of ET's , so that all people embrace it as a source of goodness and hope, not as a threat.

Maintaining the Truth Embargo has cost America a fortune, undermined the social contract our forefathers set, and has led to abuses of secrecy and power. Together with its political and spiritual significance, imagine the possibilities of ET technologies that could help us with our economic and environmental challenges we face.


Sir, in all your speeches you have mentioned the power of truth and the results it brings to the lives of millions of people. For the most part, most people don't believe in words, they believe in actions.  But you have inspired us to believe in your ability to make these words real by you. The time has never been better for disclosure of something that will speak AND act in the lives of billions of people, and you would be the most appropriate person that could unveil its truths to the world.


Thank you once again for what you have done for America. I hope you consider my request as you considered the need for change in the United States of America.


A. P.

Santa Monica, CA



The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States
Washington Transition Headquarters

451 6th Street, NW

Washington, DC 20001


Dear President Elect Obama,


I am writing in support of the recent proposal that your administration provide the American people with far greater access to the government’s previously unpublished information on UFO’s, alien contact and related issues.  I believe that the people both have a right to this information and are capable of handling it, whatever it may prove to be. 


In addition, I would very much like to see the NSF and NIH be directed to sponsor serious scientific inquiry into these subjects.  If we have indeed been “visited” by alien civilizations, as many people (including Apollo astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell) have asserted, then the consequences are of almost unimaginable importance to the whole world.  The study of an issue of this potential magnitude should not be left entirely to amateur ufologists and their associated debunkers, but subjected to thorough, rigorous and unbiased investigation by physical, social and life scientists of the highest possible stature and repute.


I also hope that you will pledge the full support of your administration to any initiative launched in Congress to hold public hearings on this vitally important topic.



D. G.

Vallejo, CA



November 5, 2008


The Honorable Barack Obama

President Elect of the United States

713 Hart Senate Office Building       

Washington, DC 20510 


Dear President Elect Obama:


This letter will be brief as you will be receiving thousands of other letters similar to mine.  The purpose of this letter is to ask you and your administration for full disclosure regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the people of the United States.  Other countries of the world are now acknowledging this presence by releasing classified documents to their citizens and cooperating with research organizations.


Public awareness of the phenomena is universal.  Congressional hearings would provide testimony from a great many former military and agency employees regarding this matter.  Please end this truth embargo.  The citizens of the United States deserve honest information from our government and a government we can trust.  Thank you.



J. R.
Bloomfield Mills, MI



November 10, 2008



Dear President Obama,


 Congratulations on your victory!  I know you are concerned with Earthly matters primarily but I believe your responsibility extends beyond our ionosphere.  Calls for U.F.O and extra-terrestrial disclosure must now be answered for the sake of all beings.  This is a glorious opportunity to begin a new age of knowledge and peace.  Humanity is ready to know the truth.  You have the power to reveal it.  I hope by promptly putting this forward you will find the freedom to deal with the social and economic needs of your and other nations.  Continuing to withhold reality will only lead to sorrow.  If only as a symbolic gesture, nothing could present greater sincerity of a will toward change than this.  If I can be of any assistance, you are welcome to contact me.


R. T.

Clearwater, British Columbia




Dear President Elect Obama,


In support of "THE MILLION FAX ON WASHINGTON" a project of Paradigm Research Group:  Mr. President, I hope you are aware of this movement. Millions of Americans have been ignored for over 50 years.  As you said in your speech last night, you are the Voice and the President of Main Street and Middle America.  We look to YOU for explanation.  For over 50 years Unidentified Flying Objects have been seen in our skies, by millions, over our country and around the world, UFOs.  This is no longer just a problem for Farmer Brown in back wood Dogpatch!   With the widespread use of cell phones and video Planet Venus, Weather balloons and swamp gas are no longer an acceptable explanations.  We deserve answers and we deserve the Truth.  "They" say we are not ready and unable to handle the Truth, we say "YES WE CAN!!"  Let history record that YOU are the President that faced this and gave honest answers to the American People. 


L. M.

Media Director

New Orleans, LA



December 1, 2008

RE: The UFO Conspiracy Question / The Million Fax March Project

Dear Mr. President-Elect;

As a true believer, and an avid researcher into the subject details, I support the Paradigm Research Group's earnest and well-earned goal of total public disclosure of ALL government information into the subject of Extra-Terrestrials, and the Government's compliance in related arenas: including the investigation into sightings and contact events; the knowledge of and inaction into the abduction of citizens; the public humiliation and social destruction of individual integrities; participation in the death of witnesses and whistleblowers; and the historical manipulation of cultural, social, economic, and military participation in such events.

What is necessary from The Million Fax March, is for you, as President-Elect:

  1. To receive a full briefing from the military and intelligence heads regarding the extraterrestrial presence issue; not to accept any statement which implies "you do not have a need to know';

  2. To press the new Congress to immediately call for "public" hearings to see witness testimony to relevant events and evidence; these real events include the kidnapping and potential torture of American citizens --with or without government participation;

  3. To formally acknowledge the extraterrestrial presence to the American people -Disclosure, considering that the United States and the United Nations are the two last agencies to acknowledge and release their participation; and,

  4. To release for peaceful development extraterrestrial derived technologies studied and reverse engineered for six decades in black budgeted research programs --if you really want to change the economic and technological advantages of the United States in face of the current global crisis.

All statistical reviews demonstrate that 83% of the populous DO BELIEVE. If you want the vast majority of the population on your side --to conduct all the programs you outlined in your promises during the election process --then demonstrate your "change" of the status in Washington. Demand that ALL departments and agencies release their "classified" records.

If this subject is an non-entity, why are the documents requested under the FOIA "blacked out" to protect national secrets... what national secrets can exist, if the Subject doesn't exist?  If the subject doesn't exist, why have military and civilian agencies maintained continued review processes for the subject?  Every other country, pro-American and anti-American, have released their records and presented their documentation of the validity of this subject, so the American agencies in fear of their CYA activities, cannot blatantly wave the "nothing exist, the subject is bogus" flag, and get away from the reality.

The facts exist. The eyewitnesses exist. The history of government lies exist. The truth is not the government's platform. Prove your platform --Change the Record, Change the Future!

Websites                                                  Contact                       Stephen Bassett,


With all respect for your recent win, and great expectation that you will keep your promises --and just demonstrate that you are not just another politician.

S. M.

Hollywood, CA







November 2008


The Honourable Barack Obama

President Elect of the United States

713 Hart Senate Office Bldg

Washington, DC




Dear Sir,


I would like to add my voice to the myriad of other people both within your own country and worldwide with regard to the suppression of information on the UFO/Extraterrestrial visitation issue in general.


I have been involved in some small way in research into this issue since my early 20’s ... having met someone in contact with a NASA scientist who had proof of UFO activity and inside information ... and have been absolutely appalled at how governments around the world have gone to such huge lengths to suppress any information on the subject.  Without pointing fingers, I think the US government in the past has been top of the list here ... many of your ex-Presidents have been aware not only of the phenomenon, but have had contacts with peoples from other realms.


I understand that there are powerful forces at work here (to suppress the information for their own gains alone), of which top Presidential staff are not kept appraised, however, I do feel that, if enough pressure were put onto these wealthy and greedy global co-conspirators, the subject would surely have to be forced out into the open.  I therefore urge that you use all the powers at your disposal to force this subject and research into the public arena ... and allow the general public to know exactly what is going on.  I have ALWAYS felt, and still do, that the very fact that there are other civilisations and/or races in our Universe just has to (a) raise our own spirituality and consciousness levels and (b) help humanity to join together rather than fight each other.


I wish you luck in your term of office and fervently hope that you will listen to the masses and bring to the fore the information on this fascinating and uplifting topic for all to enjoy and learn from.


Yours sincerely,

T. H.

Hoedspruit, South Africa



November 6, 2008


The Honorable Barack Obama

President Elect of the United States

Transition office

713 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington DC  20510


Dear President Elect Obama:


Congratulations on your election victory!   I’m writing to let you know about an issue of great importance to me.


I believe extraterrestrial derived technologies have been secretly studied and reverse engineered for decades by the government.


As a nation, we cannot afford to suppress these technologies when we are faced with a collapsing economy, increasing demands for oil, and environmental degradation from present technology.


As President,  I believe it is vitally important for you to:

  • Demand and receive a full briefing from military and intelligence agencies regarding the extraterrestrial presence and related phenomena. 

  • Convene congressional hearings to take testimony from the hundreds of former military and agency employees regarding extraterrestrial phenomena.

  • Formally acknowledge to the American People the extraterrestrial presence.  We can handle full disclosure of what millions have suspected --and known --for decades!

  • Release into public domain the extraterrestrial derived technologies so they can be used to solve some of the most significant economic, environmental, and social challenges that the world has ever faced.

Thank you for your consideration.  You have given me hope, and another reason to be proud to be an American.  



E. P.

New Berlin, WI



Dear President Elect Obama,

I know you have a full agenda and correcting all the ills of the last eight or more years is a difficult challenge.   I am joining many others is asking you to do the following during your first term.

1) Demand a full briefing from the NSA, CIA and military on the existence of alien crafts and beings and any projects we have going on this technology.

2) Once assured that these do exist, come before the American people and tell us.  Include information on any energy related projects that can be of use to civilian energy concerns.

3) De-classify and release to the public any investigations showing the existence of extraterrestrial beings and craft.  What technologies we have developed for propulsion and energy that can be applied to civilian use.

This has become a secret held too long and it is time for the citizens to know the truth and to have access to developments that can help solve our many problems.

I would appreciate your consideration of this important issue.

R. L.
Retired Electronics Engineer



The Honorable Barak Obama

President Elect of the United States

713 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

Dear President Elect Obama:


It is of the utmost importance that you demand/request a briefing (with military and intelligence agencies) regarding the extraterrestrial presence here on planet Earth.

In the same regard, convene congressional hearings to take testimonies from hundreds of agency, military, government and civilians who have had such experiences.

The world and U.S. citizens have been kept in the dark for 'security reasons' for over 60 years, mainly due to U.S. pressure. The lid is blowing off with the French COMETA Report and the British release of their classified records.


Disclosure, the transparency must begin. The welfare of the eco systems of this planet as well as the survival of our human societies is at stake.


Thank you for your support in this most important matter.


D. K.

Ridgeway, CO



Dearest President Obama,


Like many people around the world, the truth is vital to life. I 'm writing this in regards to the truth of who people are & why the government is keeping the biggest secret in the history of this planet.  We all know extraterrestrial life forms are here & have been here for eons. The worst thing is why would people we trust with our everyday lives lie to the very people they are protecting or at least trying to.  It's time we end the truth embargo and let everything known to the public regarding the so called "U.F.O." and extraterrestrial disclosure to all people's around the world.  It's time that we grow up and accept that we've never been alone in the Universe.  It's time we accept that there people not just from this star system but from other's who are here to help us. They come of truth, of pure love and of pure light.  They are here to assist the planet in her ascension and spiritual evolution and also to exchange what knowledge they know regarding fixing what environmental, social and many other issues we face as a planet together. They aren't going to make the first move until people start waking up and realizing this truth. It's time we grow up, wake up and lighten up to this truth.


I have had on going contacts with these beings my whole life.  I can call upon them to show up at anytime deem necessary.  I'm not alone in this.  We have learned much about each other since I've incarnated here on this planet and how they want to desperately help fix many challenges and problems we face as one race.  If you knew what I knew it would be very easy to understand.  I am here to help this happen. This is my purpose.  This has all been happening for a reason.   I have heard about the awful things this country and other countries are doing, very foul and harmful things to these beings who have come here to help.  These people in the so called government & military has already started a smear disinformation campaign that started in the late 40s.  This has got to stop & soon. We can no longer let people get away with this type of behavior.  All the facts & information regarding our visitors is out there & is in me, I've always seen the truth.  They are innocent, beautiful nice people and they do not deserve this type of interaction. This is not about ego, control, who's got the power, the money, or any other horrible things that humanity has faced. This is about truth.  This truth is going to set us free so we can evolve to a more enlightened civilization for the future of this planet; for the children who need to know this instead of having adults play this foolish game anymore. 


Letting go of this secret is going to create more of everything, bring people from all over together in harmony, there is no end of happiness to letting go of this secret.  It's beneficial to humanity in so many regards.  Watch the documentaries "Fastwalkers", "Out of the blue", "Capturing the Light", and "The Phoenix Lights" for the best credible proof of the real people who have had ongoing encounters & the most beautiful experiences with these beings.


Thank you for taking my time to read this letter.


I would also like to congratulate you on all your success thus far...there's many more coming for all.

You are the one who is going to help change the face of this planet in the best positive way possible. My dreams have never steered me in the wrong direction this far..


We all depend on your leadership President Obama.


Blessed be.  

Live and love in the light.


M. F.



November 10, 2008



Honorable Barak Obama

President Elect of the United States

713 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510


Dear President Obama,


First, I would like to congratulate you in your new position.  It is a great honor to have you as our President.  You were right in saying it is time for a change.  I can see many positive things happening around you.  You can see both sides of the paper and this racial war will finally be over.  You can make a difference in our Presidency, its time for new values its time for change.


Speaking of change, I would like to request that you look into this “Truth Embargo treaty”.  It appears that this treaty was created back in the Truman years, and has since not been looked at or lifted.  I believe it is time for our government to step up and be honest with the American people.  Its time to disclose the truth about UFO’s.  Most people that someone knows have seen a UFO, including myself.  I had the FAA tell me directly that what I witnessed was “not of our making”, we do not have aircraft vehicles that can move with such swiftness and can maneuver side to side.  The government cannot tell us we did not see what we saw.  Its time to let the people know.


  1. Please demand and receive a full briefing by the military, including the secret government within the government, as well as the intelligence agencies, regarding the extraterrestrial presence and related phenomena.

  2. We can use the assistance of extraterrestrial beings to save our planet.  We can find alternative ways to power vehicles.  Let’s stop with the blindfold, and open our hearts and heads to the real world around us.

  3. Upon the release, we would like to request that you formally acknowledge to the American people the extraterrestrial presence – Disclosure, and/or release into the public domain extraterrestrial derived technologies, secretly studied for six decades now.


I want to thank you for your time, and once again, congratulate you.


May God bless you and your family.



L. M.

American Citizen of the USA



November 19, 2008, Wednesday


The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States
Washington Transition Headquarters
451 6th Street, NW
Washington, DC   20001

Dear Honorable President Elect Obama:

Circumstances for humanity, environmentally and economically and socially, have reached crisis
condition.  There is no question in my mind that in the next few years many people are going to under
go pain and suffering and die miserably, due to shortages of affordable clean energy, air, water, food,
and shelter, all over the surface of this planet, including in the United States.  The only question in my
mind is how we may minimize the problems that exist and are growing, and minimize the harm to our
fellows.  To that end, I think and feel you should do the following.


     Demand and receive a full briefing by the United States military service and
     intelligence agencies regarding the extraterrestrial presence and related phenomena.

     Support convening congressional hearings to take testimony from scores of former
     military and agency employees regarding extraterrestrial phenomena.

     Formally acknowledge to the American people the extraterrestrial presence.

     Release in the public domain extraterrestrial derived technologies, secretly studied
     and reverse engineered for six decades, and now essential to overcome the
     environmental, economic, and social challenges of our time.


And, if Gary McKinnon ( is extradited to the United States, free him.

I don’t know what we can do.  I only know we must do what we can.


God bless you, and God bless us all here on Earth, as we face whatever comes
during the next few years.



B. H.
Sacramento, CA



November 6, 2008




Honorable Barack Obama

President Elect

713 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510


Re:  Citizen demand for truth regarding UFOs and extraterrestrials


Dear President Elect: 


This is a letter to request that the United States citizens be informed of the presence of extraterrestrials/UFO visits.  It is time that the public be informed of their presence.  Most Americans believe in extraterrestrials and in fact say it would be ignorant to exclude the possibility of other beings.  Not to mention the many citizens who are completely convinced either by witnessing UFOs or even contact with extraterrestrials. 


We request that when you become fully on the truth of the presence of UFOs that American citizens finally become informed of the truth. 


It is time.  We are ready.  Please, no more cover-ups.  It is time.



H. S.

Venice, FL      



The Honorable Barack Obama

713 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

United States of America


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    São Paulo, November 11, 2008.


Mr. President:


            Many governments opened their files about UFOs and some put the information on Internet, like UK, France and Italy.  We hope you will do the same.



M. N. R.

São Paulo, BRAZIL






November 5, 2008


The Honorable Barack Obama

President Elect of the United States of America

713 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510


Dear President Elect Barack Obama,


I hope this letter finds you well and wish to send you my condolences on the loss of your grandmother. She must have been a remarkable woman to have helped raise such a fine young man.  I would also like to congratulate you on your victory. I believe this country is finally headed down the right track with you at the helm. Thank you for having the courage to stand up and say enough is enough.


The reason for my letter is to urge you to demand, and receive, a full briefing by your military services as well as your intelligence agencies regarding the extraterrestrial presence and phenomenon here on earth. It is time that the government acknowledges the fact that we have been, and are currently being, visited by beings from other worlds. I would also ask that you support the convening of congressional hearings to take testimony from military and agency employees regarding extraterrestrial phenomenon. I ask that you, as the president, acknowledge the fact that we have been visited to the American people. In essence, full disclosure.


You may ask yourself, why is this person asking this of me.  It is my belief that our government has in its possession back engineered extraterrestrial technology that, if shared, would reduce our need for fossil fuels. Our reliance on these fossil fuels has done nothing but put a strain on our planet and caused many to die needlessly.


It is also my belief that the Brookings Report of 1961 has been used as a reason not to disclose information about extraterrestrial life to the American people.  A 2002 Roper poll showed that 56% of Americans believe UFOs are real.  A 1997 Gallup poll showed that 80% of Americans believe that the American government is hiding the truth from its own people.  The Brookings Report is 47 years old and does not reflect the modern day perspective of your constituents.  Extraterrestrial life is the elephant in the room that we all know about.  The only problem is the government is holding back technology that could save our planet and possibly ease tension among our nations.  Just think about it for a moment. What if instead of thinking of ourselves as black, white, brown, Jew, Christian or Muslim we thought of ourselves as humans. Humans with neighbors that have visited us for thousands of years and never brought us harm.


In closing I would like to bring your attention to what some of our allies and neighbors are now doing. Great Britain has decided to release documents over a 4-5 year time period about their extraterrestrial contacts.  Many South American countries military personnel are filming UFO sightings and sharing them.  France will more than likely fully disclose in the very near future.  What will that say to the American people if another country comes right out and says that there are extraterrestrials while the U.S. is still denying the fact? We need to believe in our government again.  That is something we lost with the current administration.  Can you give us that back?



H. C.

Columbia, MO


cc:    The Honorable Clair McCaskill

         717 Hart Senate Building

         Washington, DC 20510



Dear Mr. President,


       First, let me congratulate you on your hard fought victory! I voted for you and couldn't be more pleased that you have prevailed. I am confident that you will lead us with the same skill, dignity and grace that you have shown during this contest. You have gained my trust, now it is time to earn it!


       I am also writing to ask your action to drive bringing about governmental disclosure regarding any possible extraterrestrial presence or technology. And most importantly that you push for the government to release to the public domain any extraterrestrial related or derived technologies so that we may find ways to utilize them in order to help both out environment and our economy, and most importantly the people whom you are now chosen to represent.


       Demand to be fully briefed by the Military and any other relevant government agencies regarding any extraterrestrial presence and related phenomena, and formally acknowledge to the American people what the government knows. There is too much evidence now for the government to continue to keep this all covered up. It only breeds distrust in a time when trust in the government is reaching an all time low.


       Again, congratulations, and thank you for your dedication to us, the people.



T. C.

Spring Mills, PA



November 5, 2008

The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC   20510

Dear President Elect Barack Obama,

          My name is J. B. and I’m writing this letter to you on my behalf for the purpose of hopefully convincing you to help me out with a certain issue myself and many others are having with this country. For almost a year now I have been following something called Disclosure and if you are not familiar with this movement let me give you a brief introduction.  For over 60 years now as proven by the excellent work by many researchers and the Disclosure Project there has been a mass cover-up of an intelligent, extra-terrestrial presence engaging the human race in the United States and all around the world.  I understand this cover-up was initially done to protect the public from things the military felt they could not handle but at this point the secrecy has gone too far.  Money has been illegally spent, people have been threatened or worse and the good, hard-working people of this country have been lied to for too long.

Upon entering your office in January you should demand that you are fully briefed on this situation and all of its implications. The American people should at least be told of the reality of this situation. You should also support that the hundreds if not thousands of people that were involved in these projects that dealt with the recovery and research of these crashed ships from the ET people should come forward and have congressional hearings on what they were involved in and how it affects this country. They should not have to live their lives under the fear of secrecy that they were told they have to uphold and should not be punished for coming forward. Some of these technologies that have been discovered from these ET ships should be released into public domain where they could be studied for the benefit of this country and mankind.

The biggest implication of this whole issue is all of these visitors that have been coming here are more technologically advanced than the human race and this has been the main reason for the cover-up; for technology from some race that could be thousands if not millions of years ahead of the human race could be very dangerous if put in the wrong hands. I understand that a certain amount of this secrecy was done in good measure to protect the people of this country but being kept so far away from the public has allowed it to spin out of control. Some information should not be released as it is too sensitive and puts the national security of this country at risk from groups and nations that do not have our best interests in mind. Millions of people in this country have seen objects flying in the skies of this country that cannot be explained by any conventional means. When they start to ask questions for what is actually happening they are branded as mentally unstable or told they saw something else, (e.g. a comet or a flare) when these people clearly know they are being lied to. There are many people of this country that are very intelligent and they can handle the truth.

As someone who’s has family that has fought in wars and served in the military to protect this country we are owed the truth from a country we have worked so hard for. Even the people who did not serve in the military who are just trying to do good and live a happy life; their tax dollars are going into these lies and this secrecy. Hopefully after reading this letter you will consider some of the things mentioned and help this country and this world move forward for the better to accept the reality of the universe we live in. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.


J. B.
Haverstraw, NY



The Honorable Barack Obama

President Elect of the United States


Dear Sir,


I write in reference to a subject that has, over the years, been subject to much ridicule, controversy, polarization, and yet much interest to the public of the United States of America, it's military and intelligence services, and, indeed, the world as a whole.


The subject of which I speak has been referred to UAPs, UFOs, Flying Saucers, Exopolitics, etc.


Despite the negative connotations that the subject conjures up within the memes of today's global society, the fact remains that the government retains classified information on the subject, appears to have stonewalled past Presidents' enquiries, and has generally demonstrated a refusal to discuss and/or explain the matter to a satisfactory degree, or, for that matter, any serious degree whatsoever.


As someone who prefers government transparency, not having the wool pulled over his eyes, and, quite simply, not being taken for a complete and total fool, I believe that it is high time that the secrecy surrounding this subject came to an end.


In the words of former Clinton White House Chief of Staff, John Podesta:


"It is time for the government to declassify records that are more than 25 years old and to provide scientists with data that will assist in determining the real nature of this phenomenon…


"I think it's time to open the books on questions that have remained in the dark; on the question of government investigations of UFOs. It's time to find out what the truth really is that's out there. We ought to do it because it's right; we ought to do it because the American people quite frankly can handle the truth; and we ought to do it because it's the law."


And it is, as James Fox has said on the Larry King Live show, "unconscionable," that such information should be kept from the 6 billion people on our planet.


As President of the United States of America, I very strongly urge you to insist upon being briefed on all maters relating to the subject of UFOs.  And beyond that, as you, Sir, have insisted upon government transparency, I think it is high time, especially considering that some of these cases are well over one hundred years old, that the people are told the truth, whatever that truth may be.


The people deserve the truth.  And they deserve it now!



P. R.





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